

2017-10-11 16页 doc 45KB 5阅读




关于住房公积金提取条件的规定关于住房公积金提取条件的规定 住房公积金的提取是指缴存住房公积金的职工按照规定把自己住房公积金帐户内的存储余 额取出来,从而实现住房公积金的价值,发挥其作用的行为。 对提取住房公积金的条件作以下规定。 (1)购买。是指职工买下住房,拥有所购住房的所有权,住房可以是商品房、安居房、经济适用住房、自住的公有住房、私产房等; 二、办理提取的程序 (一)凡是符合提取条件的职工,首先应当向单位提出提取申请,由单位对职工是否符合提取条件进行初审。 (二)单位核实并出具证明。单位进行核实的内容,包括是否是职工本人、住房公积金的存储...
关于住房公积金提取条件的规定 住房公积金的提取是指缴存住房公积金的职工按照规定把自己住房公积金帐户内的存储余 额取出来,从而实现住房公积金的价值,发挥其作用的行为。 对提取住房公积金的条件作以下规定。 (1)购买。是指职工买下住房,拥有所购住房的所有权,住房可以是商品房、安居房、经济适用住房、自住的公有住房、私产房等; 二、办理提取的程序 (一)凡是符合提取条件的职工,首先应当向单位提出提取申请,由单位对职工是否符合提取条件进行初审。 (二)单位核实并出具证明。单位进行核实的内容,包括是否是职工本人、住房公积金的存储余额是否正确、 是否符合提取条件等方面内容。单位核实正确后应当及时给职工出具提取证明。 (三)职工向住房资金管理中心提出申请。职工提取住房公积金应当向住房资金管理中心提出提取申请,同时提供有关证明文件。 1、购买自住住房的,提供购房,包括商品房买卖合同、公有住房买卖等;建造、翻建自住住房的, 5、偿还购房贷款本息的,提供购房合同或协议、贷款合同、还款证明等; (四)住房资金管理中心审核、决定是否允许提取并通知申请人。如果申请人提供的文件不全,允许申请补齐; 申请条件具备,情况正确,身份属实的,作出准予提取的决定,并通知申请人到银行支付手续;不具备条件, 作出不准提取的决定,并通知申请人。 (五)受托银行办理支付手续。住房公积金管理中心准予提取住房公积金的职工,可以持有准予提取决定 以及存储余额证明文件到银行办理支付手续。 (六)职工购买、建造、翻建、大修自住住房,必须在一年内提出支取申请,逾期不再办理。 龙岩市住房公积金贷款办法(一) 第二条 个人住房公积金贷款是指职工在本区域内购买、建造、翻建、大修自住住房时 向住房公积金管理部门申请的贷款。住房公积金管理中心(以下简称委托人) 发放住房公积贷款时,借款人必须提供担保。贷款担保可分别采取抵押、质押、 保证的方式,也可以同时并用以上三种担保方式。借款人不能按期偿还贷款本 息的,委托人有权依法处理其抵押物或质物,或由保证人承担偿还本息的连带 责任。 第三条 借贷双方应当遵守国家法律法规、房改政策和银行的有关规章,并 在平等协商的基础上签订借款合同。银行房贷部(以下简称贷款人)接受住房 公积金管理部门的委托,办理住房公积金贷款及相关手续,并负责发放和回收 住房公积金贷款。 第四条 本办法适用于在委托人处缴交住房公积金的干部职工申请的住房公积 金贷款。 第二章 贷款对象和条件 第五条 借款人应是具有完全民事行为能力并有正常缴交住房公积金的干部职of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 工。 第六条 借款人必须同时具备下列条件: 一、有合法的身份; 二、有稳定的经济收入,信用良好,有偿还贷款本息的能力; 三、有合法有效的购买、建造、翻建、大修住房的合同、协议及住房公积管理部门要求提供的其他证明文件; 四、有保证用于支付所购(建造、翻建、大修)住房30%以上的首付款; 五、有住房公积金管理部门认可的资产进行抵押或质押、或有足够代偿能力的法人、其他经济组织、正常缴交住房公积金的自然人作保证人; 六、有按规定正常缴交住房公积金一年以上; 七、借款人必须是自住住房的产权人或共有产权人; 八、借款期内、借款人及其共有产权人的住房公积金不得支取,但可以用于一次性还清该笔住房公积金贷款。 第三章 贷款程序 第七条 借款人到市住房公积金管理中心及各县(市、区)管理部或委托银行领取《住房公积金贷款申请表》一式二份,并同时向其提供下列资料: 一、身份证件(居民身份或户口本)、婚姻状况证明; 二、所在单位出具的借款人经济收入或偿债能力证明; 三、合法的购(建造、翻建、大修)住房合同、协议或其他批准文件; 四、保证人出具的同意提供保证的书面承诺及保证人的资信证明; 五、借款人用于购买(建造、翻建、大修)住房的自筹资金的有关证明; 六、住房公积金管理部门规定的其他文件和资料。 第八条 委托人应对借款人提交的全部文件、资料的真实性、合法性和贷款的可行性进行审核。委托人在收到上述全部文件、资料之日起10个工作日内向借款人作出是否贷款的答复。 第九条 委托人同意借款人的借款申请后,由贷款人与借款人签订借款合同和抵押(质押)合同或保证合同及相关手续。 第十条 经委托人同意发放的贷款,办妥有关手续后,根据借款合同约定的用款和用途按下列方式划款: 一、直接划款。按照借款合同约定,将款项直接划入借款人在贷款行开立的存款帐户内。 二、专项划款。按照借款合同约定,将款项直接划入售房人,或其他有关单位在贷款行开立的存款帐户内。 委托人可根据借款的具体种类、金额、用途及借款人的信用程度,采取其中一种划款方式。 第四章 贷款额度、期限和利率 第十一条 贷款额度最高为所购(建造、翻建、大修)住房全部价款或评估价值的70%。市本级,新罗区最高不超过15万元(含15万元),永定县、漳平市最高不超过10万元(含10万元),上杭县最高不超过8万元(含8万元),武平县、长汀县、连城县最高不超过6万元(含6万元)。 第十二条 贷款期限最长一般为从借款日起至法定退休年龄。市本级、新罗区、永定县、漳平市最长年限不超过20年(含20年),上杭县最长年限不超过15(含15年),武平县、长汀县、连城县最长年限不超过10年(含10年)。 第十三条 贷款利率按照中国人民银行有关规定执行。 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 第五章 贷款担保 第十四条 个人住房贷款实行抵押、质押、保证、抵押加保证等担保方式。 委托人可根据借款人的具体情况,采用上述一种或同时采用几种贷款担保方式。 在贷款期间,经委托人同意,借款人可根据实际情况变更贷款担保方式。 第十五条 抵押 抵押贷款指贷款人以借款人或第三人提供的,经委托人认可的符合规定条件的财产作为抵押物而向借款人发放的贷款。 一、贷款的抵押必须是委托人认可的,能够进行抵押登记的借款人所购房屋或其他符合法律规定的财产。 二、抵押物价值按照抵押物的市场成交价或评估确定。需要评估的抵押物其评估费用由借款人负担。 三、借款人以所购住房作为贷款抵押的,必须将住房价值全额用于贷款抵押。 四、贷款人与抵押人签定抵押合同后,双方必须依照法律规定办理抵押登记,抵押登记费用由借款人负责。 五、抵押权设立后,所有能够证明抵押权属的证明文件(原件),均应由贷款人保管并承担保管责任。贷款人收到上述文件后,应向抵押人出具保管证明。 六、抵押人对设立抵押的财产在抵押期间必须妥善保管,负有维修、保养、保证完好无损的责任,并随时接受委托人和贷款人的监督检查。 七、对设立的抵押物,在贷款本息未清偿前,未经委托人同意,抵押人不得将抵押物转让、出租、重复抵押或以其他方式处置。 八、抵押担保的期限自抵押登记完成之日起至担保的债权全部清偿之日止。抵押终止后,当事人应按合同的约定,到原登记部门办理抵押注销手续,解除抵押权。 第十六条 质押 质押贷款指贷款人按法定质押方式以借款人或第三人的动产或权利作为质物发放的贷款。 一、国库券、国家重点建设债券、金融债券、AAA级企业债券、单位定期存单、个人定期存单等有价证券可以作为质物。 二、出质人应将权利凭证交付贷款人。质押合同自权利凭证交付之日起生效。 三、贷款人应妥善保管质物,不得动用。因保管不善致使质物灭失或毁损,贷款人应承担责任并赔偿损失。 四、质押期间,有价证券兑现日期先于还款日期的,可选择以下方式处理; (一)到期兑现用于提前清偿贷款; (二)转换为定期储蓄存单继续用于质押; (三)用委托人或贷款人认可的等额债券,存款单调换到期债券、存款单; 五、质押期内,出质人对于质押的有价证券不得以任何理由挂失。 第十七条 保证 保证贷款指委托人以借款人提供的、委托人认可的具有代为清偿债务能力的法人、其他经济组织、有正常缴交住房公积金的自然人作为保证人而向借款人发放的贷款。 一、保证人是法人、其他经济组织、有正常缴交住房公积金的自然人的,必须具有代为偿还全部贷款本息的能力。 二、保证人应与贷款人签订保证合同,保证人为借款人提供的贷款担保为全额连带责任保证。 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 三、保证期间,保证人如发生变更、撤销或破产等,借款人应提前30天书面通 知委托人及贷款人。保证合同项下的人全部权利、义务由变更后的机构承担或 由对保证人作出撤销决定的机构承担。若委托人认为变更后的机构不具备完全 的保证能力,变更后的机构或作出撤销决定的机构有义务落实委托人所接受的 保证人。 四、以保证方式发放的贷款,具体规定如下: 市本级以保证方式发放的贷款,额度最高3万元(含3万元),期限最长5年。 担保方式:一个正常缴交住房公积金的自然人担保加单位承诺保证。 新罗区、永定县、上杭县、漳平市以保证方式发放的贷款,额度最高5万元(含 5万元),期限最长为8年。担保方式:3万元以下的保证贷款由一个正常缴交 住房公积金的自然人担保加单位承诺保证,3万元以上5万元以下的保证贷款由 两个正常缴交住房公积金的自然人担保加单位承诺保证。 武平县、长汀县、连城县以保证方式发放的贷款,额度最高4万元(含4万元), 期限最长8年。担保方式:2万元以下的保证贷款由一个正常缴交住房公积金的 自然人担保加单位承诺保证,2万元以上4万元以下的保证贷款由两个正常缴交 住房公积金的自然人担保加单位承诺保证。 借款人为机关、行政单位的,单位只作工资代扣承诺。担保人必须是与借款人在 同区域(县级范围)内的正常缴交住房公积金的自然人。凡是超过以保证方式 发放的最高额度的贷款必须进行房产抵押。以保证方式发放贷款的最高额度和 最长年限必须遵循本办法第十一条、第十二条的前款规定。 五、保证人在保证期间,不得支取本人的住房公积金,也不得用住房公积金还 本人及配偶的住房公积金贷款。 六、保证人有责任监督借款人的借款资金用途,确保借款人按合同约定,专款 专用。 :龙岩市住房公积金贷款办法(二) __第十八条 抵押加保证 抵押加保证贷款指委托人以借款人提供的所购现房或期房作抵押,加售房人提供连带责任保证而向借款人发放的贷款。 一、保证人必须是借款人所购住房的开发商或售房单位。 二、本方式涉及的抵押、保证提供按本办法第十五条、第十七条的规定办理。 三、采用本贷款担保方式的,贷款人应与借款人、抵押人、保证人同时签订借款合同。 第六章 公证与保险 第十九条 用财产作抵押的,须办理抵押财产保险。有关保险手续借款人可到委托人认定保险公司或银行办理,在保险单中注明委托人为保险第一受益人,并特别约定一旦发生保险事故,保险人应将保险赔偿金直接划付至委托人指定的帐户。该保险赔偿金有几种处理方法可供选择:提前清偿贷款;转为定期存款、存单继续用于质押;用于修复抵押物,以恢复抵押物价值。 保险期不得短于借款期限,投保金额不得低于贷款本息、保险费用由借款人负担。抵押期间,保险单正本由贷款人保管。 第二十条 借款合同有效期内,投保人不得以任何理由中断或撤销保险。 第二十一条 保险期间,抵押财产如发生保险责任以外的毁损不足以清偿贷款本息的,借款人应重新提供贷款人认可的抵押物,并办理保险手续。 第七章 贷款偿还 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 第二十二条 借款人应按借款合同约定的还款计划,还款方式偿还贷款本息。借款人要求提前偿还贷款本息的,必须在合同约定的还款期限过半后提出申请,经委托人或贷款人同意后提前还贷。凡期限未过半的,借款人不得提前还贷。 第二十三条 贷款人可以采取等额本息还款方式由借款人偿还贷款本息。 第八章 合同的变更和终止 第二十四条 借款合同需要变更的,应当由借贷双方协商同意,并依法签订变更协议;有担保合同的,应事先征得担保人同意。协议未达成之前,原借款合同继续有效。 第二十五条 借款人死亡、宣告失踪或丧失民事行为能力的,应由其财产合法继承人在继承财产范围内或其监护人在借款人财产范围内继续履行借款合同。 第二十六条 保证人丧失担保资格或能力时,借款人应及时通知贷款人,并提供新的保证人,经委托人同意后,重新签订保证合同。未经贷款人同意,原保证合同继续有效。 第二十七条 借款人按合同规定偿还全部贷款本息后,贷款人应在30日内将用于担保的抵押物或质物退还抵押人或出质人,借款合同随即终止。 第九章 债权保护 第二十八条 借款人在使用贷款期间不得有下列行为: (一)未按合同约定的还款计划归还贷款本息; (二)擅自改变贷款用途或挪用贷款; (三)将设定抵押或质权的财产或权益拆迁、出租、出售、转让、馈赠或重复抵押; (四)拒绝或阻挠委托人或贷款人对贷款使用情况进行监督检查; (五)提供虚假文件、资料、造成贷款损失; (六)未按合同约定办理有关保险手续; (七)与其他法人经济组织签订有损委托人权益的合同或协议; (八)抽逃、隐匿、私分、违法出证、不合理抵价变卖财产、危害贷款安全; (九)在保证人违反保证合同或丧失承担连带责任能力,抵押物因意外损毁不足以清偿债权,质物价值明显减少影响债权实现的情况下,未按要求提供新的担保措施; (十)借款人死亡、失踪或丧失民事行为能力,其法定继承人、受遗赠人拒绝履行借款合同; (十一)违反本办法和借款合同规定的其他行为。 第二十九条 借款人有本办法第二十八条所列行为之一时,贷款人应采取下列一种或数种债权保护措施: (一)限期纠正违约行为; (二)中止借款人提取贷款,收回部分或全部贷款; (三)按规定处于罚息; (四)从借款人帐户中扣款,偿还贷款本息; (五)按照合同约定提前处分抵押物或质物,清偿贷款本息; (六)按照合同约定提前追索保证人的连带责任; (七)依法追偿贷款本息。 第三十条 处分抵押物或质物,其价款不足以清偿贷款本息的,委托人应当向借款人或保证人追索应偿还的部分;其价款超过贷款本息的,委托人应将剩余部分退还抵押人或出质人。 第三十一条 拍卖划拨国有土地使用权所得价款,在依法缴纳土地地使用权出让金后,优先清偿担保债权。 第三十二条 借款合同发生纠纷时,借贷双方应协商解决。协商不成的,任何一方均可依法申请仲裁或向人民法院提起诉讼。 第十章 附则 第三十三条 贷款调查人员必须认真做好调查工作,如实反映调查和资料收集情况;贷款审of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 核和审批人员应按照本办法规定做好审核和审批工作。凡是调查失真,没有按本办法规定审 核和审批的,相关人员应承担由此引发的相应责任。 第三十四条 本办法由龙岩市住房公积金管理中心负责解释。 第三十五条 本办法自公布之日起生效。 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1
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