

2017-09-18 11页 doc 33KB 23阅读




蔬菜对人们身体的好处蔬菜对人们身体的好处 好处1 纤维质对人体有益 蔬菜中的纤维质不能被人体的肠胃所吸收,但本身会吸收大量的水分,来增加粪便形成的软度,有益排便。多吃纤维质可以促进身体的代谢功能,达到控制体重的目的。 好处2 维生素最佳来源 蔬菜含有丰富的维生素,其中以维生素C和维生素A最为重要,不过维生素C在烹煮时会大量流失,蔬菜颜色越深绿或深黄,含有的维生素A和维生素C就越多。另外,有一些蔬菜含有丰富的钾、钙、钠、铁质等碱性矿物质,不仅能平稳血液中的酸碱值,也是小朋友生长需要的营养素重要来源。 好处3 增加饱足感 蔬菜中的纤维质能...
蔬菜对人们身体的好处 好处1 纤维质对人体有益 蔬菜中的纤维质不能被人体的肠胃所吸收,但本身会吸收大量的水分,来增加粪便形成的软度,有益排便。多吃纤维质可以促进身体的代谢功能,达到控制体重的目的。 好处2 维生素最佳来源 蔬菜含有丰富的维生素,其中以维生素C和维生素A最为重要,不过维生素C在烹煮时会大量流失,蔬菜颜色越深绿或深黄,含有的维生素A和维生素C就越多。另外,有一些蔬菜含有丰富的钾、钙、钠、铁质等碱性矿物质,不仅能平稳血液中的酸碱值,也是小朋友生长需要的营养素重要来源。 好处3 增加饱足感 蔬菜中的纤维质能增加咀嚼,使饱食感增加,而减少食物的摄取量,并进而减少热量的摄取。 好处4 整肠健胃,调整体质 蔬菜中的纤维质能有效促进肠与胃的蠕动,所以能降低食物在肠道停留的时间,减少营养素被吸收,并及早协助排出对人体无益的废物。现代人的饮食,摄取加工制品太多,因此更应该多吃蔬菜,除了可延缓食物消化吸收的速率,更能健胃整肠,调整血液品质及身体体质。蔬菜中含有大量水分,通常为70,,90,,此外便是数量很少的蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、维生素、无机盐及纤维素。判断蔬菜营养价值的高低,主要是看其所含维生素B、C、胡萝卜素量的多少。根据科学,颜色越深的蔬菜,所含维生素B、C与胡萝卜素越多,绿色蔬菜被营养学家列为甲类蔬菜,主要有菠菜、油菜、卷心菜、香菜、小白菜、空心菜、雪里蕻等。这类蔬菜富含维生素B1、B2、C、胡萝卜素及多种无机盐等,其营养价值较高。 当然,不尽如此,胡萝卜中含胡萝卜素较高,并且还含有可防癌的本质素及能降压的琥珀酸钾盐;紫色茄子中含维生素D较高;辣椒、柿子椒中含维生素C和胡萝卜素也较高。蔬菜中含有丰富的无机盐,如钙、钾、镁、钠等,这些无机元素,在体内最后代谢物为碱性,所以蔬菜对人体内酸碱平衡的维持是非常重要的。 然而有些蔬菜,如菠菜、苋菜、蕹菜、竹笋、洋葱、茭白,虽含钙丰富,但含草酸也较高,易形成草酸钙沉淀,影响钙的吸收。所以对于婴幼儿、孕妇、骨折的病人,尽量减少食用含草酸过多的蔬菜。有实验证明过多偏食菠菜影响锌的吸收。 蔬菜中含有纤维素、半纤维素、本质素和果胶等不为人体消化酶水解的部分,可阻止或减少胆固醇的吸收。所以多吃新鲜蔬菜有利于防治动脉粥样硬化症。 叶苔类: 是无机盐和维生素的重要来源。在这类蔬菜中尤以绿色叶菜为蔬菜类食物的代,如油菜、 小白菜、雪里蕻、荠菜、韭菜等含有较多的胡萝卜素、维生素C,并含有一定量的维生素B2。 绿叶菜含有较多的钙、磷、钾、镁及微量元素铁、铜、锰等,且钙、磷、铁的吸收和利用较好,而成为钙和铁的一个重要来源。但也有一部分蔬菜(菠菜、苋菜、空心菜)因含有较多的草酸,能与钙结合,形成不溶性草酸钙,不能被人体吸收。如果在炒之前将菜用水烫一下,去掉涩味,可除去草酸。 油菜。油菜一名芸苔,种子及菜油均可供药用。《本草拾遗》说:“芸苔破血,产妇煮食之。子压取油,敷头令头发长黑,又煮食,主腰脚痹”。《罗氏会约医境》说:“芸苔„„捣敷乳痈丹毒,其效如神。”“子与同功,治难产。”油菜子或叶可治小儿丹毒。油菜煮汁或捣绞汁可治急性乳痛、无名肿毒。菜油还可治诸虫入耳。 白菜。白菜营养丰富,菜质软嫩,清爽适口,含维生素C、钙、磷、铁、胡萝卜素较丰富。并且还有通利肠胃、除胸中烦,解毒醒酒,消食下气,和中,利大、小便等功用。捣汁可治木薯中毒,还可治感冒,与红糖、生姜一同煎服。白菜与绿豆芽、马齿苋一同捣烂,外敷可治丹毒。 芥菜。芥菜性味辛、温,无毒。久食则积温成热,辛散太盛,耗人真元,肝木受病,昏人眼目,发人痔疮。 芥菜叶为雪里蕻,其营养价值很高,每克含钙、铁、胡萝卜素、维生素C很多,还含有维生素B1、B2、烟酸。 芥菜杆可治牙龈肿烂。鲜芥菜捣汁可治咳血。芥菜籽与萝卜籽、橘皮、甘草煎水可治慢性支气管炎。鲜芥菜煎水代茶饮治小便不通。芥菜根研末,蜜糖水调服可治痢疾。 韭菜。韭菜温中下气,补虚,调和脏腑,益阳,止泄血脓。韭菜温补肝肾。助阳固精作用突出。韭菜叶热根温,生则辛而散血,熟则甘而补中。韭菜对高血脂及冠心病有好处,因为它不仅含有挥发油及硫化物具有降低血脂作用,而且它所含的纤维素也发挥作用。 韭菜中尚有较多的胡萝卜素、维生素B、C以及钙、磷、铁等矿物质。 在临床应用上韭菜汁可治噎膈反胃、胸脘隐痛;根煎水可治痔疮、脱肛、子宫脱垂。根叶捣汁能治愈慢性便秘。韭菜汁、生姜汁加糖调服可治孕期恶心呕吐。韭菜籽研粉,和面做饼蒸食对小儿尿床有一定功效。 菠菜。菠菜富含维生素A原、B、C及铁质。可利五脏,通肠胃热,解酒毒,冷大小肠;通血脉,开胸膈,下气调中,止渴润燥。 菠菜炒熟后,其性偏于平和;煮汤食之,有寒冷润滑的性能,能通小便,利肠胃,清积热。 菠菜籽与白及、百部研末做丸可治肺结核。同野菊花煎水服可治风火赤眼。鲜菠菜捣汁对夜盲症有好处。同时菠菜根、干鸡内金煎水饮可治糖尿病。对高血压、头痛、目眩、便秘也有For example, to check the water and the presence of intestinal pathogenic bacteria of dairy products-eosin methylene blue medium is the identification of a common medium. Medium has a double function selection and identification. Such as macconkey medium commonly used in food testing is one example. It contains bile salts, lactose and neutral Red. Bile salts inhibit the intestinal bacteria other than ... In a small jar, with the media and sterilization to determine the final pH of the medium used. 8, sterile medium 121 c can be used for medium and high pressure steam sterilization method of 15 minutes. In a variety of preparation methods, in the absence of special provisions, you can use this method of sterilization. Some fear hot ingredients, such as sugar, separate into 20% or a more concentrated solution to filter or intermittent sterilization sterilization, again using aseptic technique and quantitative increases in media. Gelatin medium using low temperature sterilization. Blood, body fluids and antibiotics and the aseptic technique extraction and joined in after cooling of about 50 degrees Celsius in the medium. Agar slant medium should be taken out immediately after sterilization, cooling at the time 55 ?-60 ?, placed into proper falls to natural coagulation. 9, medium quality tests each batch of medium preparation done, should be carefully examined again, if cracks are found, water immersion, abnormal color, cotton was picked out by culture medium contamination, should be discarded. And determine the final pH. All media at 36 ? 1 ? constantprovides outside, should take without dry (or not to water, or not to solvent) of for try products for test, and will calculation in the of take dosage by check items Xia measuring have of dry weightlessness (or water, or solvent) deduction. 3. test in the of "blank test", Department refers to in not added for try products or to equivalent solvent alternative for try liquid of situation Xia, by with method operation proceeds of results; content determination in the of "and will titration of results with blank test correction", Department refers to by for try products by consumption titration liquid of volume (ML) and blank test in the by consumption titration liquid volume (ML) of poor for calculation. 4. test temperature, does not indicate the means at room temperature; temperature has significant influence on test results, except where otherwise provided, 25 ? ? 2 ? shall prevail. Four, testing water unless otherwise specified, refers to the purification of water. The pH check the water, means a new boiling water and cool to room temperature. Laboratory safety and protection in the fifth section, laboratory safety in the chemical laboratory, often are quite toxic, corrosive, flammable and explosive chemical direct contact often use of fragile glass and porcelain ware as well as in high temperature heating equipment such as gas, water, electricity ... Pour into glass bottle. 7. use oil-bath operation should be carefully heated, constantly measured with a thermometer, that the temperatures do not exceed oil temperature. 8. the residue of inflammable and easy explosive substance (such as sodium metal, white phosphorus, the match head) must not pour dirt bucket or sink should be collected within the specified container. 9. waste, especially in the strong acid and strong base cannot directly down to the tank should be 一定的作用。 根茎类: 根茎类食物是介于粮食与蔬菜之间的食物。如马铃薯、甜薯、芋头等,含淀粉较多,可供给较多的热量。这类菜每100克可供330,420千焦耳(79,100千卡),(一般蔬菜每100克 ,170千焦耳(10,41千卡)。其蛋白质、无机盐和维生素的含量则相对地较低。供热量为40 但带有红黄颜色的胡萝卜、红薯等是胡萝卜素的良好来源。 土豆。土豆性味甘平,归胃、大肠经。具有补气消炎、健脾功能,主治腮腺炎、胃及十二指肠溃疡、习惯性便秘及烫伤。 土豆的蛋白质含量仅为2,左右,但其富含钾盐和维生素C,且在烹调过程中维生素C损失较少。同时它也是一种易于消化吸收的食物。 甜薯。含有一种粘液蛋白质,是一种多糖蛋白质的混合物,具有保持动脉血管壁的弹性作用,可防止动脉硬化的发生,还有减少皮下脂肪,避免肥胖的作用。另外,含有较多的维生素C和胡萝卜素。因此有“长寿食品”之称。 慈菇。慈菇性味苦甘,微寒。具有润肺止咳,通淋行血之功效。主治产后血闷,胎衣不下,熟食有润肺止咳作用。凡肺热燥、咳嗽咳血,宜加蜜蒸食。 芋头。芋头性味甘辛、平。具有补气益肾,破血散结的功效。芋头熟食有补益润燥的功效。凡脾肾阴虚,阴虚内燥所致食少瘦弱,久痢便血,口渴便秘者宜食。煮汤或入药,有破血散结的功效。凡气血淤结,经络瘀阻所致腹中癖块,瘰疬,肿毒者宜食。 瓜类及茄果类: 这一类蔬菜的营养价值比较低,大部分是夏秋季节上市的,在绿叶菜较少的季节,是提供无机盐与维生素的来源。 辣椒维生素C含量居蔬菜之首,还有较丰富的胡萝卜素及磷。南瓜、倭瓜含有较多的胡萝卜素。 苦瓜。苦瓜气味苦寒无毒,具有除邪热,解劳乏,清心明目,益气壮阳的功效。熟则色赤,味甘性平,养血平肝,润脾补肾。苦瓜维生素C含量比一般绿叶菜还高,并且有降血糖作用。 西红柿。西红柿性味甘、酸、微寒。具有生津止渴,健胃消食,凉血平肝,清热解毒,降血压功效。 含有各种矿物质,维生素A原和B。 茄子。茄子性味甘、寒、无毒,具有散血、止痛、祛瘀、利尿、消肿、宽肠之功。茄子含皂 草甙,具有降胆固醇的效能。 菌类: 食用菌类可分野生菌与人工栽培菌两类。野生的约有200多种,味鲜美,如口蘑、鸡油菌等。栽培的食用蕈类主要有洋蘑菇、香菇、银耳、黑木耳等。食用蕈类的营养素含量并不突出,但风味佳美,是烹调菜肴的佳品,同时有些种类还有一定的保健作用和药用价值。 香菇。别称香菌。甘平,开胃,治溲浊不禁。痧豆后、产后、病后忌之。性能动风。含有许多种氨基酸,还含有降低血脂的物质,还是一种抗佝偻病的食物,可治肠风下血、子宫颈癌。 木耳。性味甘、平,功能为益气不饥,润肺补脑,轻身强志,断谷治痔,和血养荣。 含有蛋白质、脂肪、糖和无机盐。主治崩中漏下、痔疮出血、高血压、血管硬化、便秘等。可减少血液凝结,有防治动脉粥样硬化、冠心病的作用。 野菜: 野菜富含胡萝卜素、核黄素、抗坏血酸及叶酸等维生素,其含量一般都超过通常的蔬菜。许多野菜的胡萝卜素含量均高于4mg/100克,野菜的蛋白质含量一般高于蔬菜,氨基酸组成比较平衡,其色氨酸和赖氨酸可以补充谷类蛋白质的缺陷。 野菜虽富含多种维生素,但有些常含有毒性物质服时应特别注意。 马齿苋。性味酸寒,具有清热解毒,散血消肿之功效。主治热痢脓血,热淋,血淋带下,痛肿,丹毒,瘰疬等,对急性肠炎、肺病有效。含有维生素A原、B、C以及钾盐等,此外还含有草酸、黄酮类、树脂等。 马齿苋对痢疾杆菌、伤寒杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌均有抑制作用。 荠菜。性味甘、平。具有清热解毒,止血,降压等功效。荠菜煎剂具有兴奋神经、促进呼吸、降低血压和缩短动物体内凝血时间等作用。含有胡萝卜素、黄酮甙、胆碱、钙、铁、维生素C等。 对高血压、乳糜尿、吐血、咯血、衄血、齿龈出血、肾炎水肿均有一定疗效。 蔬菜为家庭日常饮食中必不可少的食物,由于蔬菜贮藏不当或烹调方法不当,均可发生食后中毒现象,何况某些蔬菜本身就含有一定的毒素,因此,吃蔬菜应注意以下几点: 蔬菜不宜贮藏过久。有些蔬菜,如菠菜、莴苣、萝卜等含有硝酸盐物质,贮藏过久,会发生腐烂变质。某些细菌,如大肠杆菌,棱形芽孢杆菌等,将硝酸盐还原成亚硝酸盐;使血液携带的低铁血红蛋白氧化成不能携带氧的高铁血红蛋白,从而引起头痛,腹痛,腹泻,呕吐等症状。 For example, to check the water and the presence of intestinal pathogenic bacteria of dairy products-eosin methylene blue medium is the identification of a common medium. Medium has a double function selection and identification. Such as macconkey medium commonly used in food testing is one example. It contains bile salts, lactose and neutral Red. Bile salts inhibit the intestinal bacteria other than ... In a small jar, with the media and sterilization to determine the final pH of the medium used. 8, sterile medium 121 c can be used for medium and high pressure steam sterilization method of 15 minutes. In a variety of preparation methods, in the absence of special provisions, you can use this method of sterilization. Some fear hot ingredients, such as sugar, separate into 20% or a more concentrated solution to filter or intermittent sterilization sterilization, again using aseptic technique and quantitative increases in media. Gelatin medium using low temperature sterilization. Blood, body fluids and antibiotics and the aseptic technique extraction and joined in after cooling of about 50 degrees Celsius in the medium. Agar slant medium should be taken out immediately after sterilization, cooling at the time 55 ?-60 ?, placed into proper falls to natural coagulation. 9, medium quality tests each batch of medium preparation done, should be carefully examined again, if cracks are found, water immersion, abnormal color, cotton was picked out by culture medium contamination, should be discarded. And determine the final pH. All media at 36 ? 1 ? constantprovides outside, should take without dry (or not to water, or not to solvent) of for try products for test, and will calculation in the of take dosage by check items Xia measuring have of dry weightlessness (or water, or solvent) deduction. 3. test in the of "blank test", Department refers to in not added for try products or to equivalent solvent alternative for try liquid of situation Xia, by with method operation proceeds of results; content determination in the of "and will titration of results with blank test correction", Department refers to by for try products by consumption titration liquid of volume (ML) and blank test in the by consumption titration liquid volume (ML) of poor for calculation. 4. test temperature, does not indicate the means at room temperature; temperature has significant influence on test results, except where otherwise provided, 25 ? ? 2 ? shall prevail. Four, testing water unless otherwise specified, refers to the purification of water. The pH check the water, means a new boiling water and cool to room temperature. Laboratory safety and protection in the fifth section, laboratory safety in the chemical laboratory, often are quite toxic, corrosive, flammable and explosive chemical direct contact often use of fragile glass and porcelain ware as well as in high temperature heating equipment such as gas, water, electricity ... Pour into glass bottle. 7. use oil-bath operation should be carefully heated, constantly measured with a thermometer, that the temperatures do not exceed oil temperature. 8. the residue of inflammable and easy explosive substance (such as sodium metal, white phosphorus, the match head) must not pour dirt bucket or sink should be collected within the specified container. 9. waste, especially in the strong acid and strong base cannot directly down to the tank should be 未成熟的西红柿不宜食用。未成熟的西红柿中含一种番茄碱的有毒成分。成熟的西红柿含量甚少,未成熟的含量较高,人食后会发生中毒,表现为头昏、恶心、呕吐等。 野蘑菇不宜食用。野蘑菇如白帽蕈、马鞍蕈、瓢蕈等,外形奇特,颜色鲜艳,内含多种毒素,误食后可发生中枢神经中毒,发生精神错乱;有的则呕吐,腹泻,肝功能衰竭,急性溶血性贫血,重者危及生命。 鲜黄花菜不宜食用。鲜黄花菜中含有一种无毒的秋水仙碱,被人体肠道吸收后,转变为有毒的二氧秋水仙碱,可使人发生恶心、呕吐、腹痛等,重者便血、尿血。干黄花菜是由鲜黄花菜经蒸晒干燥制成,其内含有秋水仙碱已被破坏,故可放心食用。鲜黄花菜食后中毒,可用绿豆、甘草煮水解其毒。 带有苦味瓜籽的苦瓜不宜食用。一般苦瓜中都含有苦瓜甙,通常无明显毒性。而瓜籽有苦味的苦瓜,其含很多的苦瓜甙,人食后可引起头晕,腹痛等中毒症状。 未煮熟的秋扁豆不宜食用。扁豆中含有两种毒素:一为扁豆中的凝集素;另一种为豆类中的溶血素。秋季成熟的扁豆含量极高。如果未充分煮熟,食用后往往会发生头痛,头晕,恶心,呕吐,腹泻等症状。故煮扁豆,应彻底加热煮熟煮烂。 腌制不透的酸菜不宜食用。有的家庭在腌制酸菜时,往往用盐不足,使得一部分细菌没有得到抑制,使菜中的硝酸盐还原成有害的亚硝酸盐,这种化学变化大约在腌制后一星期左右达到最高峰。如果此时食用,非常不安全,可以发生急性亚硝酸盐中毒。
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