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电动摩托车电池保养宝典电动摩托车电池保养宝典 《金海电动车电池保养宝典》主要介绍了如何利用铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器除硫化防硫化,如何做好电动车电池保养维护,延长电动车电池寿命方面的知识,让电动车用户更省钱。 特别提醒:本文为本人电动车电池保养的实战心得,内容详尽,理论与方法尽量写明,如果你真的想让你的电动车电池寿命更长,请您务必认真阅读。 电动车铅酸蓄电池更换支出,是电动车使用过程中最大的费用,现在电动车在咱老百姓的交通工具中,占有了越来越大的比例,而随着国家对铅污染严重的不合格铅酸蓄电池生产企业进行关停整顿,2011年1月份以来,电动车铅酸蓄电...
电动摩托车电池保养宝典 《金海电动车电池保养宝典》主要介绍了如何利用铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器除硫化防硫化,如何做好电动车电池保养维护,延长电动车电池寿命方面的知识,让电动车用户更省钱。 特别提醒:本文为本人电动车电池保养的实战心得,详尽,理论与方法尽量写明,如果你真的想让你的电动车电池寿命更长,请您务必认真阅读。 电动车铅酸蓄电池更换支出,是电动车使用过程中最大的费用,现在电动车在咱老百姓的交通工具中,占有了越来越大的比例,而随着国家对铅污染严重的不合格铅酸蓄电池生产企业进行关停整顿,2011年1月份以来,电动车铅酸蓄电池价格几次上涨,名牌电动车电池48V20AH的已经接近1000元大关。延长一倍的寿命就等于赚了500元呢,所以,好好学习一下电动车电池保养维护知识是非常重要的。 废话不说,咱言归正传~~ 铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器,顾名思义,就是恢复铅酸蓄电池容量的东东,电动车用的铅酸蓄电池容量也会随着骑行使用而下降了,也是需要恢复容量的。今天我就来说说骑电动车的朋友都关心的话题,怎样利用好铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器,怎样最大限度延长电动车电池寿命,怎么能最节省咱口袋里的银子,毕竟换一组新电池不便宜呀。 象我的48V20AH的,在我们这儿电动车一条街以旧换新都要卖到750元左右,如果是新买的话,快接近1000元了。我的电池16个月了,原来能跑60多summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes into 公里,现在15公里左右才。但我只换了四块当中的一块,就又能跑50多公里了,哈哈,省了700多大洋啊。下面咱就给大家谈一谈我的做法,因为我用的是锦州产的金海铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器,所以我将这篇文章命名为《金海电动车电池保养宝典》。 在这里我要感谢两个人,一个是“电瓶专家赵铁良abt-bj先生”(他老人家已故去多年,在病床前还在为全国各地网友指导技术,是各地从事铅酸蓄电池相关行业的朋友非常敬重的专家,abt-bj是他的论坛帐号)。 感谢赵先生是因为在网上看到了他关于怎样延长电动车电池寿命的技术指导贴,现在赵先生虽然已病故几年了,但他留下的技术文章帮助了全国千千万万象我一样的人,想要延长你的电动车电池寿命,想要省钱,那你就搜索一下“电瓶专家赵铁良abt-bj先生”,abt-bj是赵铁良先生在技术论坛里的用户名,你会看到网上到处转载的赵先生的帖子,学完了这些铅酸蓄电池有关的技术文章,相信你就知道怎么样做才会让你的电动车电池寿命达到最长了,怎样骑车,怎样充电,怎样补水,怎样除硫化。 要感谢的另一位是我的朋友,因为他在汽车启动费力、灯光变暗要更换蓄电池时,上淘宝买了块锦州产的金海铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器,去除极板硫化物,恢复蓄电池容量用的,装上后他就跑了趟外地,来回顶多一百八十公里,第二天打火就恢复了正常,他这块电池虽说是原车的,质量要好些,但已经差一个月就四年了,咱就想这东西对汽车电池好用,对咱的电动车电池也应当一样好用,因为都是铅酸蓄电池呀,对不。 film wet -temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinnight, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high rk at o when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for woetarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, sn of re in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled additiosture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperaturnd moio the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration aess cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due tat, l, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration hemust take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intograss bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 12 赵先生文章里提到的除硫化设备都是大型的,不适合个人使用,我正不知哪里有适合个人用的脉冲除硫装置呢,结果这位朋友的汽车就帮了我一个大忙。 既然咱叫《金海电动车电池保养宝典》,既然说到省钱,那就要说到电动车电池寿命,就得说说赵铁良先生技术指导中写的对电动车电池寿命主要有哪几大影响:一是失水、二是极板硫化、三是正极板软化,这三个是最容易出现的问题。 我的做法,就是针对赵老先生所说的三大影响而做的: 失水,咱就学一学怎样补水,咱就补上水,在这里明确一点,往电池里补的水不是一般的什么自来水、矿泉水和所谓的纯净水,这些对电池是毒药,会毁了电池,要加蒸馏水和业界所说的去离子水; 硫化的咱就上淘宝买个金海铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器去硫化,这个金海铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器,已经经过我的电动车和朋友的汽车实践验证过的,除硫化恢复容量的效果相当好,当然用别的类似装置也可以,但效果我没试验过,弄坏了或不好用别怪我呀,呵~ 曾听别的骑电动车的朋友说现在有种见效特别快的、只是在半个月二十天充电时使用一次的那种,我建议最好别用,因为见效快,必然脉冲就要大,除硫化结晶就要快,弄不好,就会把大片的硫酸盐化结晶冲下来,而电池里正负极板的间隙很小,如果这片结晶面积过大,将一对正负极板短路的话,一下子 aration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intofilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-surface drying and covering thin revents. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to pneer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatureg engisome performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervisingrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make 0.5 dea. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature xing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by on mi B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees,arly strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. high eure impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), rick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperatsummer of masonry construction, b3 就会让这块电池报废。还是金海铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器这种焊接在电池组两端,常年并联在电池组两端的去硫化恢复容量更彻底一些,但见效相对较慢,怎么的也得一周左右才能感觉到效果;正极板软化,咱就平时多注意些别过充电、别过放电、别大电流放电就会最大限度防止,做到这几点,咱想不省钱也不成。 我骑到第一次欠压后,推回家拆下电池,量每节电池的电压,三块都是将近11V,靠边的一块只有9V多,于是花三十元换了一块同样容量的,电压也是近11V的,将这个恢复器焊接在电池组两端后,开始给电池加水。 在这里说一下怎样判断有没有坏掉的单节铅酸蓄电池,坏掉的单节电池是物理损坏,是修不好的,如果有坏的不换掉,会见不到修复效果或者效果很低。方法就是在放电进行中检测蓄电池电压:骑电动车把电放光,停下车后,打开车载的所有车灯或打开电门让车空转,使蓄电池处在放电(负载)进行中,此时用万用分别测量每节电池(12V一节)的电压,如果某单块电池的电压下降较快,并且低于10V,那么可以断定这节电池因极板软化或其它损坏,导致电池储电功能丧失,此电池就是坏电池。 加水步骤与方法: 先用小起子慢慢撬开电池的盖板,看到六个橡皮盖,拿下后,每节先加8毫升纯将的蒸馏水(根据电池容量不同加的水量要调节一下,要少量多次的慢慢加,以没有多出来的为最好),找医院的朋友要的,也可以买大超市卖的屈臣氏蒸馏水,绝对不能用自来水、市面卖的纯净水、和矿泉水等等,不然有杂质,那样电池就完了。看到网上有人说超市的什么纯净水可以用,赵铁良先生说不 temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinnight, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high rk at o when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for woetarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, sn of re in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled additiosture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperaturnd moio the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration aess cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due tat, l, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration hemust take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intograss bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1film wet -4 能用,对电池是毒药,有杂质,会毁了电池。 加好后先放一会儿,以便让水往极板深处浸润些,两个小时后,用电筒照着看每个孔里的水不够,又每个孔加了约4毫升,加水用的是药店买的一次性针管和一次性输液器,买针管是因为上面有刻度,知道加了多少;买输液器是为了用上面的塑料管代替注射器前面的金属针头,不然,万一针头碰到了极板就会造成短路,损坏电池。加好水后用报纸盖好,以免有杂质掉进孔里,这样放了24小时。赵铁良先生说加水后静置这一步很重要,不然水没有充分浸润,会导致去除硫化、恢复容量的效果不理想。 静置24小时后,开始充电,充满变灯后又继续充了两个小时,再用棉签伸进每个孔里将多余的电解液吸出来,用小电筒照着看了一下,里面的极板看起来湿呼呼的,前后左右的晃动了一下,没有了多余的液体流动,加水完毕。盖上橡皮盖,把撬下的盖板点上一点502胶,不要点多了,不然下次加水就费劲了,还容易撬坏。 装车使用,当天骑了近20公里还有电,回来后充满,这样充了用,用了充的过了一周,有天没别的事,特意测了一下这组电池能骑多远,于是以家为中心开始绕圈跑,一圈8公里多一点点,以前打出租车时特意记下的这一圈的路程,乖乖,跑了六圈红灯还没有亮,这时已经跑了48公里多,也就是说,咱的这次更换坏掉单节+补水+利用金海铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器来恢复容量实践非常圆满,超过50公里,省了不少钱呀。现在天能的48V20AH电池价格新买价直逼1000元大关了,以旧换新也得800多元。 -surface drying and covering thin revents. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to pneer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatureg engisome performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervisingrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make 0.5 dea. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature xing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by on mi B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees,arly strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. high eure impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), rick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperatsummer of masonry construction, baration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intofilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep5 锦州产的这个金海铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器就是一种脉冲发生装置,用脉冲修复硫化赵先生经过无数次的实验,结论是可以无损修复,赵铁良先生曾找到过超期贮存2年的电池做脉冲除硫化实验,这样的电池样品很不好找。他记录的数据是,经过脉冲修复以后,该电池容量为标称容量的97%以上,寿命与新出厂的电池接近。新出厂的电池的100%DOD循环次数为180次,这块脉冲修复的为165次。 所以,我朋友快四年的汽车电池又象新的一样启动有力,我的实践也证明了这一点,以后,这个铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器长期并联在电池两端,发出的脉冲波会随时防止与去除硫化物的结晶,就再也不用担心硫化导致容量下降了。看到有开汽车的朋友问汽车多长时间见效,我朋友的是开出200公里,再启动就一点问题没有了。 但是你的汽车铅酸蓄电池并不一定能达到和他一样的效果,因为他基本三天就跑一次长途,并且车上没有改装的大功率用电设备,也没有停车听音响、让空调等电器随车启动的坏习惯,要知道,经常短途低速行驶从不跑长途、经常停车听音响、让空调等电器随车启动造成瞬间放电过大等,会导致汽车蓄电池长期亏电及过放电,造成汽车蓄电池的正极板软化,这是不可修复的物理损坏,这种物理损坏是修复不了的。这一点赵铁良先生在六七年前的技术文章里早就说了。 金海铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器,只是去除硫化物而恢复容量的,对正极板软 night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high rk at o when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for woetarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, sn of re in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled additiosture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperaturnd moio the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration aess cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due tat, l, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration hemust take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intograss bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1film wet -temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin6 化是无能为力的,正极板软化,只能改变自己的用车坏习惯才行,没有这些坏习惯的朋友,你的汽车蓄电池容量下降,启动费力可以确定是硫化导致的,装上这个金海铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器后,跑个200公里,再启动就不会有一点问题了。 说完了补水和除硫化,还得说一说平时怎样使用电动车才能保养好电池,你搜索“电瓶专家赵铁良abt-bj先生”看完他的文章,你就具备了延长电池寿命的知识了。 一是勤充电,不过放电,定期深放电。 也就是尽可能的每次使用后,不论放电多少,均充满电,每充放15次左右,进行一次深放电。赵先生说过:“经过我多次进行寿命试验对比,验证了7~15次浅循环以后,进行一次深循环,有利于活化极板,在保证电池寿命的前提下,增加电池容量,而电池容量的恢复,又延长了电池寿命。” 对于我们来说,深放电的方法很简单,就是骑到第一次指示断电。赵先生说,如果第一次断电以后,电池电压还会慢慢回复到可以供电,此时,千万不要再用电池里的电量,否则会使电池过放电的,将严重影响电池的寿命。 我在这点上更保守些,每次尽放我都只骑到红灯亮起就不再骑了,虽然红灯亮了还能骑,但因为我怕我那四块电池中万一有落后电池,如果骑到第一次自动断电的话,那这块落后电池就容易过放电,容易影响整组电池的寿命。 revents. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to pneer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatureg engisome performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervisingrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make 0.5 dea. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature xing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by on mi B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees,arly strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. high eure impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), rick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperatsummer of masonry construction, baration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intofilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-surface drying and covering thin 7 当电摩(指没有脚踏,无法脚蹬助力的那种)在启动、超载重物、上坡时或以最高速行驶时,放电量是最大的,我平时都是以30公里左右匀速前进,这样较省电,还不费电池。启动时我也是先蹬地让车先动起来再慢慢的给电,让车缓慢加速。骑行过程中也尽量减少刹车,不然我的电池也不会骑这么长时间了,我身边朋友电池十个月左右挂掉的比比皆是,半年换电池的都有很多,可见骑行方法是多么重要。可惜的是,我是在电动车骑了十个月左右时学习的赵老师的帖子,不然我这组电池中也不会出现一块坏掉的。 二是不要过充电。 有许多朋友的电池,不是用坏的,而是充坏的,不管用了多少电,充电器都是一插上就是一夜,晚上下班六七点钟,就插上充电器,第二天早晨七点钟上班才拔下来,这一充就是十二个小时。用电少的,可能两个多小时就充满了,充满转灯后,再浮充两个小时顶多了。那么剩下的那七八个小时继续充电,就很容易造成过充。更有甚者,插上充电器后就出差了,三四天后才回来拔下充电器,有这样习惯的朋友一定要改正,不然,有可能一次就充坏电池。 呵呵,懒一次就得多花1000元,这代价也真够大的。 三是不要随意更换充电器并保护好充电器。 各个电动车配备的充电器一般都有个性化需求,在没有把握的时候不要随意更换充电器,如必须更换,也要选择充电一致的来更换。充电器最好不要放在电动车的后备箱中随车携带。电动车厂为了降低成本选配的充电器很少有耐振动的,如在特殊的情况下,必须要移动,也要把充电器用泡沫塑料包装好,防止发生振动的颠簸。很多充电器经过振动以后,其内部的电位器会漂移, ) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intograss bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1film wet -temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinnight, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high rk at o when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for woetarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, sn of re in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled additiosture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperaturnd moio the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration aess cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due tat, l, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration hemust take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you8 使得整个参数漂移,导致充电状态不正常。另外需要注意的就是充电的时候要保持充电器的通风,否则不但影响充电器的寿命,还可能发生热漂移而影响充电状态,这些都会对电池形成损伤。 四是尽量选择最佳的充电环境。 充电最佳的环境温度是25?。现在多数充电器没有适应环境温度的自动控制系统,所以多数充电器都是按照环境温度25?的,所以在25?条件下充电比较好。否则,就难免出现冬季欠充电和夏季过充电的问题。有条件的话,充电的时候,最好把电池和充电器安排在有通风并且调温的环境里,选择最佳的充电温度。 好,我的《金海电动车电池保养宝典》就写到这儿吧,水平不高,但我已经尽力争取表达明白了,希望能对有缘看到此文的电动车一族有帮助,照我说的做,往小了说,是节省咱口袋里本就不多的钞票,往大了说,咱少用一组电池就减少了一份污染,呵。如果你认为我写的对你有帮助,就请你动一下手指,顶顶贴,或将这个《金海电动车电池保养宝典》转到其它论坛里,好让更多和咱一样想省钱的朋友看到。即省了钱,又保护了属于子孙后代的环境,何乐而不为呢。 下面是一位电池寿命达到三年零四个月的朋友,发到网上的购车收据和换新换电池保修卡,前后差了三年零四个多月。车上电池盒上那个蓝色的一盒烟大小的蓝盒子,就是金海铅酸蓄电池容量恢复器。那个小绿灯亮了就是在工作。 aration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intofilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-surface drying and covering thin revents. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to pneer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatureg engisome performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervisingrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make 0.5 dea. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature xing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by on mi B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees,arly strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. high eure impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), rick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperatsummer of masonry construction, b9 ) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intograss bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1film wet -temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinnight, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high rk at o when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for woetarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, sn of re in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled additiosture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperaturnd moio the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration aess cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due tat, l, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration hemust take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you10
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