

2017-09-28 12页 doc 39KB 84阅读




关于集体力量大的谚语关于集体力量大的谚语 7一人智谋短,众人计谋长。 8一人一料沙,众人一块金 。 9一人不如两人好,大家捧柴火焰高。 五、学习谚语 刀不磨要生锈,人不学要落后。 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 学如逆水行舟,不进则退。 众志成城 众人拾柴火焰高 人心齐,泰山移 与朋友分享快乐 如果你有5个苹果,你会怎么做呢,一位老人问一位前来拜师学艺的后生一个奇怪的题目,后生不假思索地回答道,我会自己吃掉一个,另外四个分给朋友,老人来了兴趣,“为什么,”老人似乎对这答案很满意,“我吃一个苹果,能品尝出苹果的味道,吃5个苹果照样还是...
关于集体力量大的谚语 7一人智谋短,众人计谋长。 8一人一料沙,众人一块金 。 9一人不如两人好,大家捧柴火焰高。 五、学习谚语 刀不磨要生锈,人不学要落后。 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 学如逆水行舟,不进则退。 众志成城 众人拾柴火焰高 人心齐,泰山移 与朋友分享快乐 如果你有5个苹果,你会怎么做呢,一位老人问一位前来拜师学艺的后生一个奇怪的题目,后生不假思索地回答道,我会自己吃掉一个,另外四个分给朋友,老人来了兴趣,“为什么,”老人似乎对这答案很满意,“我吃一个苹果,能品尝出苹果的味道,吃5个苹果照样还是品尝出苹果的味道,不如与别人分享,倒不如让别人也品尝苹果的味道,5份苹果的味道变成1份苹果的味道与4份快乐,何乐而不为呢,”就这样,这位后生被这位艺术精湛的大师留下了。 与别人分享快乐,并不是你在减少快乐,而是在增加快乐。 上个暑假中,我出去旅游了一趟,让我十分开心,真如一句话“快乐似神仙”我真的是“游”山“玩”水了~ 暑假结束了,我依旧沉浸在那份快乐中,天天笑嘻嘻的,一副“乐天派”的样子。细心的她发现了,下课凑到我身边:“开心果,什么事让你这么开心呀,”我说:“告诉你,我暑假去了一趟横店,那儿可是著名的影视基地呢~可好玩了~”她眼里闪过一丝惊喜,“哦,其实,暑假我也想和妈妈一起去的,可她太忙了,看公交车上的广告好像很好玩,是不是~你快给我讲一讲吧~我太好奇了~” 让她坐下后,我就开始像决了堤的黄河,滔滔不决地侃起来:“第二天是最好玩的了~我们进一个叫‘水乡村’的地方玩, 那里可以看到山洪爆发还可以泼水呢~到了晚上,大家都在静静地等,不一会儿,天空下起了“人工”的倾盆大雨,山上又开始“发洪水”了,洪水咆哮着冲下山来,把山上的“老爷爷”、“老奶奶”吓得“飞”也似地跑下山,洪水直接冲到山下的池子里,池子里的水越聚越多,直到我的小腿那里才止。这时泼水就正式开始了~真的,我胆大下池子与别人泼,不仅把别人泼成“落汤鸡”自己也成了“落汤猪”了~呵呵~”听完她高兴地笑起来,“呵呵,真好玩~我还真想看看你成“落汤猪”是啥样的~” 我哈哈大笑起来,“呵呵~怎么样听了我的解说,好玩吧,”她摇摇头说不过瘾。我又说:“我们还去了个地方叫“清明上河图”,里头有一个鬼屋,告诉你,人家兴致勃勃地进去哭着出来。说着,摆了个鬼脸给她看。她捂着肚子,直叫“哎哟,哎哟~你太搞笑了,听你讲完,我都不用去了。”听了她的话我更高兴了。 现在,我懂得培根那句话的意思了~“如果你把快乐告诉一个朋友,你将得到两个快乐~”是呀~我现在不就得到两个快乐了吗, designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 分享„„是个简单又很难懂的字词。在你忧愁的时候,可以向朋友诉说,向朋友分享自己的忧愁,自己就可以快乐一些;在快乐的时候,把自己的快乐分享给朋友们,让朋友快乐;在伤心的时候,分享也可以带给我快乐,朋友会安慰,会鼓励„„ 要是我有无限的快乐,我会分享给大家,而不会自私的“藏起来”。如果我选择了藏起来的话,这就是吃亏了。藏起来,不告诉大家,没关系。但等一段时间过去,这个快乐将失去。当我想知道这个快乐是什么,自己忘了,又没告诉别人,别人也不知道,自己不就亏了吗,~ 要是我,我肯定会选择第一种。分享给大家。我快乐了,我会在第一时间里告诉爷爷奶奶,他们会为我而快乐的,而不是忧愁。会第一时间里告诉我最好的同学——张晓楠、陈至馨、乔丹妮„„,让她们也快乐起来。大家一起分享,大家一起玩耍。听上说:当你把快乐分享给别人时,你就会有两份快乐;当你敞开心扉,把自己珍贵的东西拿出來给別人分享時,你会明白,分享是美的。什么是分享,当大雨倾盆而下,你等着焦急难耐,抱怨老天的坏脾气害你不能回家時,抬起头却看到一片红色,遮住了漆黑的天空,回头一看,是同学的笑脸,你知道了,分享是快乐的,就像遮住雨的伞。 当我们分享快乐时,快乐不仅仅是一种感觉,还是一种和谐。我有一个朋友,她的脸上总有笑的模样,她这个人很奇怪,她开心的時候笑,可是伤心的时候也是笑的„也许,我们做不到伤心的時候笑,那就把个痛苦,也用來分享吧。 分享是一种博爱的心境,学会分享,就学会了生活。 分享是一种思想的深度,深思的同时,你分享了朋友的痛苦。 分享是一种生活的信念,明白了分享的同时,明白了存在的意义。 总而言之,分享是一种快乐。是一种不同平常的快乐。 一个苹果,一个人独享。只能得到一份美味。一个苹果,两个人分享,不但能得到美味。还会额外收获到一份欢乐。这就是我得到的道理。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 分享 一份快乐如果乘以十三亿,就是更大的快乐。一份悲伤如果除以十三亿,就是渺小的悲伤。这就是分享的真谛! 分享是一种神奇的东西,它使快乐增大,它使悲伤减小。分享是一道简单的公式,只要你解开了,便得到了成攻的喜悦。分享是一座天平,你给予他人多少,他人便回报你多少。相反,如果你是一个自私的人,那么你就永远也不会得到真正的快乐,永远交不到知心的朋友! 分享与奉献是一对双胞胎,性质是一样的,也可以说奉献是分享的前提。你奉献了一份爱,便等于多了一个人与你分享爱。你奉献了一份快乐,便等于多了一个人与你分享快乐。 在生活中,你可以奉献之后再分享:比如,捐书活动中,你捐出了一本书,你奉献了知识,此后,便有更多的人与你一起分享知识。或者在抗震救灾中,你捐出了一件棉衣,奉献了温暖,那么灾区的小朋友们便和你一起分享温暖。无论你奉献了什么,分享的什么。在这之后,你也会感受到快乐。 所以,分享和快乐也是好朋友。你与他人分享了知识后,填满了精神的苍库,得到了快乐。你与人分享快乐后,赶走了严冬得到了快乐。这一切的一切证实了,分享是快乐的前提。 世上有许多人是快乐的,歌手,他们与全国人分享了音乐,得到了快乐。厨师,他们与客人分享了美食,得到了快乐。老师,他们与学生分享了知识,得到了快乐。 分享是奉献的果实。分享是快乐的前提。 从今天起,从现在起,让我们与他人分享吧! 分享 星期天早上,我的小表弟到我家来玩。我正在做作业,他在我的旁边转来转去的,目不转睛地看着我手上的橡皮。这是一块沸羊羊形状的橡皮,沸羊羊胖嘟嘟的样子令人爱不释手,表弟把橡皮拿在手里,看了又看,又放在鼻子前闻了闻,小声地说:“真香啊~” 我抬起头来看了看他,猜想这么漂亮的橡皮,表弟肯定也很喜欢。这时,妈妈走过来,说:“你把这块橡皮送给表弟吧~”我心里可真不舍得,这块橡皮可是阿姨特地从宁波给我买来的,我自己都舍不得用呢~我每次用的时候都特别小心,用完后马上把它藏起来。但是想到妈妈经常对我说的话:“瑜擎,你做什么事情要大方一点,这样才有更多的人喜欢你。”我就毫不犹豫地把那块沸羊羊橡皮送给了他。小弟弟高兴得不得了,连连说:“谢谢哥哥,谢谢哥哥。”我听了心里感到甜滋滋的。 原来好东西和大家一起分享,就会更快乐~ designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 分享 分享 ,是快乐的。 书上说:当你把快乐与别人分享时,你就拥有两份快乐;当你敞开心扉,把自己珍贵的东西拿出来与别人分享时,你会明白,分享是美丽的。什麽是分享,当大雨倾盆,你等著焦急难耐,抱怨老天的坏脾气害你不能回家时,抬起头却看到一片红色,遮住了阴黑的天空,回头一看,是同学的笑脸,你知道了,分享是快乐的,就像遮住雨的伞;当你上课焦急的环顾四周,额头上沁出汗珠,在为没带笔袋而自责时,从后面伸出了一支笔,你如释重负,后面的同学闪著俏皮的大眼睛轻轻说:以后别这么粗心哦~ ,你知道了,分享是快乐的,就像画在纸上的图案;分享,是快乐的,不经意间,记起一家人吃年夜饭时洋溢的欢声笑语,我们每个人的快乐,就像音符,在空气中舞动著快乐的旋律,奏成一曲欢快的乐谱。。。你会发现,分享快乐,不仅是快乐的原因,也是快乐的延续... 当我们分享快乐时,快乐不仅仅是一种感觉,还是一种和谐。我有一个朋友,她的脸上总是笑的模样,她这个人很奇怪,她开心的时候笑,可是伤心的时候也是笑的...也许,我们做不到伤心的时候笑,那就把这痛苦,也用来分享吧。 分享痛苦,一个人的痛苦分成两份,也许,就没那么痛苦了吧。当你不开心的时候,我认为分享的含义在此时更为重要,如果快乐可以用来分享,那么痛苦也应该可以吧,孤寂的时候,有了分享,我们不再孤单;失忆的时候,有了分享,我们不再惆怅;痛苦的时候,有了分享,我们,不再被生活所牵绊,而是勇敢的面对,面对一切痛苦的根源... 其实人没有必要那么坚强,我希望,自己的朋友难过的时候会告诉我,我可以用我的方式来分享痛苦,或者安慰,或者陪他一起难过。 分享的不一定是快乐,如果,痛苦成为了一种负担,那么所有爱你的人都愿意帮你分享这份负担。真的就是那样,因为有爱,我们用分享的方式来表达自己,对生命的热爱。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 两个快乐 如果你把快乐告诉你的朋友,你将得到两个快乐;然而如果把忧愁向一个朋友倾诉,你将分掉一半的忧愁.在我的生活中,我向许多人传递了我的快乐.其中令我难忘的喜悦是我通过了英语二级的笔试,并且是参加考试的全部同学中分数最高的一个. 当听到这个消息后,我欣喜若狂,恨不得马上飞奔回去,把这个好消息告诉我的家人. 回到班上,我立马跑到好友章月那里,告诉她这个天大的好消息.当时,她的第一反应先是一怔,然后便用鼓励的口吻说:"不错嘛,秦天芸!''我听了这句话后,既开心又有压力.开心是因为我获得了好友的称赞感到很开心.有压力是因为我还要面临一场口语考试的开始,怕考不好,让别人失望.但是,章月接着又说了一句:"加油,我相信你一定能顺利通过二级考试的!''她的这一句话使我如释重负,我仿佛有了对考试必胜的信心,一种莫明的力量油然而生.我不禁感慨到:把快乐与人分享的感觉真好! 分享,是一种快乐,是增进彼此友谊的源头. 把快乐与人分享,是一种甜,是一种享受. 在我波澜壮阔的生活的海洋中,曾经有过许多许多的喜、怒、哀、乐,然而这个四味瓶我都与人品尝过,尝过后,每个人的心头里都会出现一种不同的滋味„„ designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and,
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