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小型超市管理系统小型超市管理系统 四川农业大学网络教育 毕业实习报告 专业 计算机信息管理 学号 W370112143118 李洪福 姓名 成绩 初审 意见 初审老师签名: 评审 意见 评审老师签名: 备注 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in acc...
小型超市管理系统 四川农业大学网络教育 毕业实习报告 专业 计算机信息管理 学号 W370112143118 李洪福 姓名 成绩 初审 意见 初审老师签名: 评审 意见 评审老师签名: 备注 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 超市管理系统 摘要 本文主要是介绍超市进销存管理信息系统的环境、功能作用、所用到的语言、设计的方案等各方面的内容。主要是让使用者了解此系统,使他们能更好的运用本系统,使此系统发挥出应有的作用。本系统运用计算机管理信息技术,建立数据库,对超市的进销存过程进行详细的分析,实现了对超市的进货、销售和库存的科学管理。 本系统主要包括以下几大模块: 输入单据:出库 入库 产成品清单 查询: 出库查询 入库查询 产成品查询 销售: 销售费用 销售退款 进/退货 打印报表:入库报表 出库报表 产成品清单报表 销售退款单报表 进/退货报表 本文共分为五大部分,第一部分简要叙述了计算机科学及IT产业的发展状况和本系统基本概况。第二,三部分分别按照软件工程的要求出发,首先进行问定义,解决目标问题,其次进行可行性研究,分别从技术可行性,经济可行性和操作可行性进行分析,然后进行的总体设计和详细设计阐述了如何实现具体功能。第四部分为系统调试其中包括子模块测试和总体测试。第五部分为帮助文件和参考文献。 关键字 销售 数据库 管理信息系统 第一章 1.1社会背景: 随着现代科学技术的迅猛发展,计算机技术已渗透到各个领域,成为各行业必不可少的工具,特别是Internet技术的推广和信息高速公路的建立,使IT产业在市场竞争中越发显示出其独特的优势,步入数字化时代,有巨大的数据信息等待着加工处理和传输,这使得对数据库的进一步开发和利用显得尤为迫切。 在会计业务中,产成品的完成,发出和结存关系到超市销的完成和流动资金占用情况,而销售核算子系统是电算化会计系统中一个关键且比较复杂的子系统。通过这个子系统提供的信息可以了解企业的经营成果,通过产品销售收入用来补偿已消耗的生产资料,支付工资和其他费用,缴纳税金并实现利润。 实习期间,我们通过对市场的调查,针对现在各中小超市对销售业务的实际需要,开发了这套商品销售系统。在开发过程中,我们针对当前各超市管理特点和技术人员的实际水平,采用Window基于图形界面这一易学易用的操作系统环境,在系统设计过程中,我们尽量采用一些易懂易读的接口界面,使用户可以在短期内完全掌握。在功能方面,我们借鉴现在市场上流行的财务软件的特点,抛去泛泛不实用的缺点,使我们设计的系统在功能上极贴近中小超市的使用要求。在设计过程中,我们始终把系统的正确性放在首位,力求数据的完整,处理的正确性。在此基础上优化程序代码,加速系统运行和减少对系统资源的占用。作为一家中小型超市 ,他们的主要业务是销售产品,目前系统运做中存在很多题,所有的进货单,出货单都是人工填写,耗时而且易出现错误;库存也是人工记帐,无法随时掌握最准确的存货情况;对于销售数据,往往要花好多时间和精力去计算每个业 务员的销售业绩,每项商品的销售状况,为了解决上述问题,提高经济效益,准备导入进销存系统进行销售,采购,库存等的计算机化管理。 经过三个月的设计开发,现在已完全达到预期效果,实现了最初设定的目标。 1.2公司背景: 超市形式在我国于20世纪90年代初期起步,现已成为我国零售业的一种重要形态。随着超市的高速发展,其经营管理也变的愈加复杂,早期的售货员站柜台的形式1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 早已不能满足现有销售业的的发展这样就迫切地需要引入新的思想技术和管理技术进入到超市管理之中。超市形态具有种种优点,但在目前状况下,它仍存在零售业商业企业所共有的落后的一面,如:不能有效的管理每一种商品,收款结算速度慢,容易出现营业差错,不宜进行商品调价,盘点效率底等,而且在超市日常管理中,商品进、销、存决策以经验为主,缺乏实时分析功能,管理人员对及时传递资料的要求始终得不到满足,随着超市形态的高速发展,其经营管理也变的愈加复杂,日常所需处理的数据量也逐渐增大,商业运转的中间环节也越来越多,原始的人工管理已无法应对这复杂的市场。为此,我在本次设计之中选择了超市信息管理系统设计,依靠现代化的计算机信息处理技术来管理超市,从而节省了大量的人力、物力、改善了员工的工作条件,减轻了劳动强度,并且能够快速反映出商品的进销存状况和各种反馈信息分析,使管理人员快速对市场的变化作出相应决策,加快超市的系统建立的技术基础: 数据库应用系统是以数据库为基础的信息管理系统,它一般包含两个方面内容,一个数据库设计,二是程序设计。 数据库应用系统的开发是一个软件工程,应按照软件工程的开发方法进行分析,设计,编程和调试。再建立数据库应用系统之前,一般应先进行系统的需求分析,了解拥护对系统的要求,然后进行系统的总体设计,最后编写程序代码和调试程序。图1显示出了数据库应用系统的开发过程。 从图中可以看出,需求分析包括了对数据本身的需求分析和对功能的需求分析。两个分析的结果将分别作为数据库设计和程序设计的依据。实际上在设计数据库应用系统时,这两个需求分析是紧密相关的,不论是数据库设计,还是程序设计都需要考虑这两个方面的因素。 第二章 总体设计 总体设计是在需求分析的基础上进行的,根据逻辑模型建立相对应的物理模型。总体设计的任务是确定“怎么做”的问题,即确定和建立解决问题的总体方案。 1、目的和任务 (1)目的:解决设计过程中出现的一系列的问题。 (2)任务:软件开发阶段的任务是概括地回答系统入如何实现的问题。 在总体设计阶段有两个主要任务: a(系统划分成物理元素,即程序、文件、数据库、文档等; b(设计软件结构,即将需求规格转换为体系结构,划分出程序的模块组成,确定模块间的相互关系,并确定系统的数据结构。总结为:设计数据库、模块设计、模块与模块接口之间的关系。 2、确定模块 (1)根据上一章内容,DFD图如下所示; 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 2)DFD-SC 结构图和层次图类似,也是描绘软件结构的图形工具,图中一个方框代表一 个模块,框内注明模块的名字或主要功能;方框之间的箭头表示模块的调用关系,利用注释 箭头尾部的形状来区分;尾部是空心圆表示传递的是数据。 根据数据流图可转换出该系统 的结构图,结构图很直观的表现出超市管理系统整个软件系统的主要功能,该系统的SC主 要是由以下部分组成的: (1)检查职员档案、人事部审批、人事任用、招聘解聘职员和 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 修改职员记录等; (2)检查存货量、审批进货计划、提款取货、接货存储和销售等; 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 3、数据库设计 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 5、根据以上所述内容,分析和设计的内容已经全部完成,故可以进行编码状态。 第三章 详细设计 3.1设计思想: (1).系统分成几个相对独立的模块,但这些模块都进行集中式管理。 (2).分层的模块化程序设计思想,整个系统采用模块化机构设计。作为应用程序有较强的可操作性和扩展性。 (3).合理的数据流设计,在应用系统设计中,相对独立的模块间以数据流相互连接,使各模块间的耦合性较低,方便系统运行,提高系统安全性。 3.2.设计原则: 为了使本系统功能齐全完备,操作简便,最大限度的提高软件的质量,从而满足用户的实际需要,在设计开发过程中遵循了,如下原则: 1) 合法性原则:依据产品核算系统的工作规定以及要求,参照核算实际的工作情况, 进行诸如产品经货、销售等工作。 2) 实用性原则:适合产品信息管理工作的实际需求,并能够处理一些特殊情况的要求,此外,尽可能预留空间,以便扩充功能。 3) 准确性原则:对输入的相关资料建立检错机制,及时报错,使用户能够及时准确的输入合法资料(如类型匹配,长度不超限等)。 4) 易操作原则:要求设计的系统功能齐全,接口友好,操作方便,必要的地方进行提示。 5) 源程序可读性原则:为了便于其它设计,维护人员读懂代码或以后的代码修改,软件升1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 级维护,既可能做好代码注释工作。 6) 优化原则:为了达到优化的目的,合理的运用窗口,菜单,对象等的继承,自定义用户对象,事件,函数,减少不必要的重复性代码,使程序简洁明了,也方便了将来的维护。 7) 安全性原则:该系统的管理员具有可设置登陆密码,修改密码的权限。 经过前面的设计,我们对整个系统有了一个初步的认识,并对各个模块进行了功能分化。 3.3(业务流程分析 超市进销存管理系统主要是以先进的管理理念和科学的计算机技术来取代原始的手工操作。 新系统主要业务分析: a(进货业务 进货管理是企业生产经营活动中极其重要的一环,它关系到产品质量能否得到保证,生产是否能够顺利进行,采购成本能否得到有效控制等问题。企业现代管理观念中对企业的进货管理提出新的要求:企业进货时对供货商的选择更加慎重,双方不在是讨价还价的买卖关系,而是一种相互依存的合作伙伴关系,并且还需认识到企业产品质量要从采购抓起,这就关系到分供方的供货、服务质量。其下为进货业务程序的主要内容: 供应商情况调查:在实施采购之前,企业首先就要对市场上各大商品供货商进行详细的摸底调查,了解公司的具体情况,平定企业的信誉级别和公司市场口碑,做到准确无误,采购顺利。 采购计划编制:企业根据自身的资金条件和销售状况,综合分析市场规律,拟订采购计划表。实施进货:根据供货方档案及评审结果,选定供货方;生成定货单给选定的供货方;双方就价格、数量、质量等方面洽谈磋商,直至签定;跟踪合同执行,安排供货进度和货物运输,做好验收入库工作。 b. 库存业务 库存管理是指在生产经营中为销售和耗用而储存的各种资产。企业存货不当都会增加不必要的费用:存货过多将导致物资积压、存储费用增加、流动资金周转不利,并且过量的库存会掩盖管理不善的问题。存货不足则影响企业的正常销售活动。库存管理的目标是寻求最佳存货数量,使库存的成本总额最小化。其主要业务如下: 产品入库、出库、盘库等日常处理。 科学合理地确定某库存物资的库存控制参数。例如:最佳定货批量、最大库存量、最佳缺货量、最佳订购周期等,进行严格的库存控制工作。 汇总统计各类库存数据,反映和监督储备资金占用及采购资金使用情况。 c. 销售业务 销售对一个企业的生存和发展是至关重要的,它不再是传统意义上的“卖东西”,它对外关系到企业产品、服务和企业形象等多方面因素,对内涉及到销售、库存、财务、生产等信息。此外信息化的高速发展为企业的销售工作提出了新的挑战,封闭意味着落后,企业要抓住时机,引入现代化的销售管理模式,实施企业的信息化、智能化销售管理,才能使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不摆之地。手机销售过程中主要涉及到如下几点业务: d.超市直销业务 在超市销售行业中,其主要的销售手段就是超市商店的直销业务。企业通过其超市,通过市场信息推广,广告业务,以及一些大型的促销活动,扩大其市场影响力,从而达到吸引顾客,提高销售量。 e.超市辅销业务 在超市直销主业务下,各企业积极开展手机辅销业务,建立客户资料档案,设立客户级别,不同级别的客户享有不同的优惠政策或销售优先级。积极开展各种增值服务,与移动公司,电信部门合作,开通各种增值服务,促进商品的销售额。 3.5数据字典: 数据流条目 (1)库存管理要求,,产品的入库单|产品的出厂单, 产品的进货单, 单据编号,进货厂商,商品型号,计量单位,单价,数量,金额+进货日期,备注 产品的销售单, 单据编号,商品型号+颜色,计量单位,单价,数量,金额+销售日期,备注 (2)查询要求,,产品的进货情况|产品的销售情况|库存统计表, 产品的进货情况, 单据编号,进货厂商,商品型号+颜色,计量单位,单价,数量,金额+进货日期 产品的销售情况, 单据编号,商品型号+颜色,计量单位,单价,数量,金额+销售日期 库存统计表 , 库存编号+商品型号+颜色+数量+生产厂商 ? 文件条目 文件名:进货文件 组成:,单据编号,进货厂商,商品型号,计量单位,单价,数量,金额+进货日期,备注, 组织:按产品的单据编号递增顺序排列 文件名:销售文件 组1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 成:,单据编号,商品型号,计量单位,单价,数量,金额+ 销售日期,备注, 组织:按产品的单据编号递增顺序排列 文件名:库存文件 组成:,商品,数量, 组织:按商品的递增顺序排列 ? 加工小说明 加工小说明只描述最底层的基本加工。 加工编号:1.1 加工名:检查有效性 输入流:库存管理要求,查询要求 输出流:有效的库存管理要求,有效的查询要求 加工逻辑:检查输入要求的有效性 加工编号:2.1 加工名:要求类型处理 输入流:库存管理要求,当前日期 输出流:产品的进货单,产品的销售单 加工逻辑:根据库存管理要求的类型选择 CASE 1:产品进货,输出产品的进货单 CASE 2:产品销售,输出产品的销售单 加工编号:3.1 加工名:查询类别处理 输入流:查询要求 输出流:查询产品进货情况,查询产品销售情况,统计要求 加工逻辑:根据查询类别选择 CASE 1:查询产品进货情况 CASE 2:查询产品销售情况 CASE 3:统计要求 加工编号:3.2 加工名:产品进货查询 输入流:查询产品进货情况,进货文件 输出流:产品进货情况 加工逻辑:根据查询产品进货情况的要求从进货文件中读出产品进货记录,输出产品进货情况 加工编号:3.3 加工名:产品销售查询 输入流:查询产品销售情况,销售文件 输出流:产品销售情况 加工逻辑:根据查询产品销售情况的要求从销售文件中读出产品销售记录,输出产品销售情况 加工编号:3.4 加工名:产品库存统计 输入流:统计要求,库存文件 输出流:统计表 加工逻辑:根据统计要求从库存文件中读出所有库存产品的记录,输出统计表。 3(6功能需求 本系统采用自定向下方法开发,其功能模块主要有如下几个部分:进货管理模块、库存管理模块、销售管理模块、员工管理模块和系统模块。具体的功能描述如下: 进货管理:其功能是对手机供应商信息进行管理,并根据企业情况制定进货计划,实施产品采购,并进行进货查询。 库存管理:其功能是对采购来的产品进行企业内部编码入库,产品分类等活动,同时能够根 据销售清单进行出货管理,以及库存统计。 销售管理:其功能是提供一般的销售管理,能够进行销售明细查询和打印销售报表。 系统管理:其功能是为系统的使用者进行帐户和密码管理。 3.7( 性能需求 ? 数据精确度 产品的进货单和销售单中,单价、金额采用浮点数,数量都取长整数。 ? 时间特性 该管理系统软件从启动到进入系统登录界面的时间正常情况下少于5秒,录入并更新数据的时间正常情况下少于10秒。 ? 适用性 该管理系统软件适用于Windows 98/Windows 2000/Windows Me/Windows XP中文版下运行。 3.8运行需求 ? 用户界面 窗体特性:本系统采用VisualVisualFoxPro6.0开发软件制作,其窗体都是采用弹出式浮动窗体,在运行系统时,首先就是登陆窗口,进入之后就是典型的下拉式主窗体,其下拉菜单为各系统模块的相关子模块。 输入输出时间: 输入输出时间格式为年月日(YY/MM/DD)。 ? 硬件接口 运行本系统的硬件基本要求如下: CPU:至少Pentium400以上,建议使用Pentium800以上; 内存:至少32M以上,建议使用64M以上; 硬盘:至少20M硬盘空间; 显示器:14″显示器; 其它:键盘、鼠标、1.44MB软驱和光驱等。 ? 软件接口 本系统,在打包成setup.exe后,能够在Windows 系统各版本中运行。 第四章、系统功能模块分析与设计 4.1(各子系统功能分析 ? 系统登陆模块 功能:本模块的主要功能是对用户身份进行验证,只有系统的合法用户才能进入系统。其窗体如图9: 图9用户确认界面 在进行系统登陆过程中,登陆模块将调用数据库里的用户数据表,并对用户名和密码进行验证,只有输入了正确的用户名和密码后,系统登陆才会成功。在登陆模块中,对系统的尝试登陆次数进行了限制,禁止用户无终止的进行系统登陆尝试,在本系统中,当用户对系统的三次登陆失败后,系统将自动禁止登陆,退出登陆模块。并在输入了错误的或者是不存在的用户名和密码时,系统会给出出错信息提示,指明登陆过程中的错误输入或错误操1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 作,以便用户进行正确的登陆。 其报错信息如图10所示: 图10登入错误界面 输入项、输出项:输入项为用户名和密码。用户名和密码均为字符串,最大长度为16个字符,密码以“*”号显示(英文和数字算一个字符,汉字算两个字符)。 程序逻辑:系统登陆流程图如图11所示: 图11:系统登陆流程图 接口:本模块为顶级模块,按确定按钮时,如果输入的用户名和密码正确,将调用系统主窗体模块,进入系统主窗体。 存储分配:在用户按下确定按钮时,将读取存储用户名和密码的数据表,以对用户名和密码进行验证。 测试要点:本模块有如下几个测试要点,按下确定按钮时,是否能正确读取存储用户名和密码的数据表;如果用户名和密码正确,是否能进入系统主窗体;当输入用户名或密码错误时,是否能弹出信息框,给用户提示。 ? 进货管理模块 功能:该模块主要是实现进行厂商信息管理、进货计划、进货查询、进货报表四个功能。 厂商信息管理:该子模块主要是对供货厂商进行基本的信息维护,其中包括厂商名称,厂商的地址,联系电话以及企业的法人代表。在登录信息时进行厂商编码,以方面其他模块和数据库利用。 进货计划:进货计划为进货管理的主要业务,是目的就是实现手机的采购,制定详细的进货清单,利用管理系统来加速企业的进货进度,简短企业的进货周期,实现资金人力的快速周转。进货计划以进货单的形式来实现整个的进货管理,进货单 进货查询:该模块为企业提供整个企业的进货情况查询,也可以进行进货的明细查询,并以进货报表形式打印出来。 进货报表:该报表是将整个的进货的工作和进货情况以报表的形式表示出来,然后打印出 来,给用户或者是公司其他人与系统没有直接关系的负责人看。 输入项、输出:该模块的输入项为企业的进货单,其中包括单据编号,厂商编号,进货厂商,商品型号,数量,单价,金额,进货日期,采购员和进货单备注等输入条目。输入表单如图12: 图12进货输入单 存储分配 在用户按下确定按钮时,将读取存储入库数据表,以添加该登记入数据库,如果点取消,该表单的输入将被取消,不会将数据存储到数据库。 测试要点 对商品编码入库程序进行测试,利用测试用例填入表单,对其进行数据库数据存储测试,看看所填数据能否存入数据表中。 库存信息维护,对数据库中的数据进行修改,删除,更新操作,查看维护功能能否实现。 库存报表:对前面所做测试的数据,以报表形式输出来,看看输出的报表跟测试用例是否相符,相符则功能能够实现,测试成功。 ? 销售管理模块 功能 本模块的主要功能是把销售信息写入销售清单,同时对库存数据进行跟新,以备用户将来对销售信息和库存信息进行查询和打印。 商品销售:主要功能是对所销售的手机情况进行登记,记录该商品的型号、销售数量、单价、金额、生产厂商等与商品相关的信息。将销售信息录入数据库销售表中,进行销售查询和统计。 销售查询:根据商品销售情况,按需要对销售情况进行查询。在该查询模块中,可以按照商品的型号、销售日期等多种方式进行商品销售情况查询。 销售报表:按年、月、或者是按天对销售情况进行统计,形成报表,并打印出来。 输入项、输出项 本模块的数据输入项主要为手机的销售清单,其中包括单据编号、商品型号、计量单位、单价、数量、金额、生产厂商、销售日期、营业员等相关信息。 销售输入\出项 存储分配 商品销售模块主要的是进行商品销售情况统计并登记入库,当商品销售业务发生后,营业员将打开销售管理模块对商品销售情况进行登记入库,调用数据库中的销售表,等待数据录入,等营业员将相应数据输入后,点提交按扭将完成数据的存储。取消按扭将取消此次操作,不进行数据存储。 测试要点 对手机销售管理模块进行测试,利用测试用例填入表单,对其进行数据库数据存储测试,看看所填数据能否存入数据表中。 销售查询,对各查询要求分别进行测试,查看测试结果。 销售报表,对销售情况进行统计,并形成报表打印出来。 ? 员工管理模块 在系统开发中,为解决企业人员流动问题,在系统中增添了员工管理子模块,用来对企业的办事员工和管理人员进行信息化管理,以此来提高员工的办事效率,节约人力资源。 新员工录入 在企业新进员工时,对其进行基本信息的存储,对员工1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 进行基本的了解 员工信息维护 当员工信息发生变化,或者是员工离职,换岗对相关信息发生变化时,利用此子模块对其进行信息变更。 ? 系统管理模块 系统用户管理 在系统实行多用户管理时,本模块将为系统开辟多个系统用户,并能对其进行简单的信息维护,用户名变更和密码修改。 退出:选择退出系统,将关闭整个系统,结束本次使用。 第五章、系统数据库详细设计 由数据模型利用Access进行数据库的详细设计,其基本表的设计如下: 表1:厂商信息表 字段名 数据类型 长度(字节) 备注 厂商编号 文本 20 主键 厂商名称 文本 50 厂商地址 文本 50 联系电话 数字 20 法人地表 文本 20 表2:员工信息表 字段名 数据类型 长度(字节) 备注 员工编号 文本 20 主键 姓 名 文本 20 性 别 文本 20 年 龄 数字 8 身 高 数字 8 政治面貌 文本 20 家庭住址 文本 50 所属部门 文本 20 聘用日期 日期 16 编制日期 日期 16 表3:用户表 字段名 数据类型 长度(字节) 备注 用户名 文本 20 密码 数字 8 表4:销售单 字段名 数据类型 长度(字节) 备注 单据编号 文本 20 主键 商品型号 文本 20 计量单位 文本 8 单价 货币 16 数量 数字 16 金额 货币 16 生产厂商 文本 50 外键 销售日期 日期 16 营业员 文本 20 外键 表5:入库单 字段名 数据类型 长度(字节) 备注 入库编号 文本 20 主键 商品型号 文本 20 计量单位 文本 8 单价 货币 16 数量 数字 16 金额 货币 16 生产厂商 文本 50 外键 出厂日期 日期 16 仓管员 文本 20 外键 表6:进货单 字段名 数据类型 长度(字节) 备注 单据编号 文本 20 主键 厂商编号 文本 20 外键 进货厂商 文本 50 商品型号 文本 20 计量单位 文本 8 单价 货币 16 数量 数字 16 金额 货币 16 进货日期 日期 16 采购员 文本 20 外键 备注 备注 20。 第六章、系统运行状态与维护说明 ? 启动系统,首先进入的系统的登陆界面,在登陆管理模块中,设置了用户名和密码两个项来进行系统登陆严证。本系统允许多用户操作,在后台数据库中,设置了用户表,进行用户的添加,删除和修改,同时,为了用户的合法性,对登陆进行了次数限制,当超过尝试登陆次数后,系统将自动关闭。只有当用户输入了正确的用户名和密码后,才能登陆成功,弹出欢迎界面,点确定,进入系统主界面。 ? 进入系统主界面之后,里面有5个功能模块,每个模块就是系统的一个子功能,其下拉菜单有相应的实现子模块,点击不同的菜单,就会出现不同的用户界面,用户可以直接在上面输数据,然后点确定按扭就可以进行数据保存. 第七章、系统程序代码 DEFINE BAR 3 OF 数据 PROMPT "用户管理" ON SELECTION BAR 1 OF 数据 do form gl ON SELECTION BAR 2 OF 数据 do form xg ON SELECTION BAR 3 OF 数据 do form yh DEFINE POPUP 查询 MARGIN RELATIVE SHADOW COLOR SCHEME 4 DEFINE BAR 1 OF 查询 PROMPT "管理员查询" ON SELECTION BAR 1 OF 查询 do form cx DEFINE POPUP 查看 MARGIN RELATIVE SHADOW COLOR SCHEME 4 DEFINE BAR 1 OF 查看 PROMPT "零库存查看" DEFINE BAR 2 OF 查看 PROMPT "销量排行查看" DEFINE BAR 3 OF 查看 PROMPT "货物赢利查看" ON SELECTION BAR 1 OF 查看 do form wkc ON SELECTION BAR 2 OF 查看 do form xl ON SELECTION BAR 3 OF 查看 do form yl DEFINE POPUP 输出 MARGIN RELATIVE SHADOW COLOR SCHEME 4 DEFINE BAR _mfi_print OF 输出 PROMPT "打印选项(\单元
测试,另一个时期是对系统的综合测试。 10.1模块测试 在模块测试时我们主要从以下几个方面考虑: 1. 模块接口 2. 局部数据结构 3. 重要执行通道 4. 出错处理通道 5. 影响上述方面的边界条件 测试时进行代码审查,从数据类型,变量声明,数据结构进行审查,然后进行功能测试,从输入一些简单的数据开始执行一遍,观测运行期间变量的变化,运行中值的变化范围。改变测试方案来变换另一个角度进行测试,发现错误并记录,修改代码,测试条件使程序通过多层分支,判别运行结果从而完成模块测试。 10.2整体测试 总体测试是组装软件的系统技术,本系统测试采用渐增集成测试,即测试单一模块,将测试完的模块加入系统中,进行一次系统测试,依次类推将所有模块加入系统中,在具体测试 时,采用自顶向下的结合方式,从主控模块开始,沿各控制层向下移动,渐把所有模块结合了。 在测试过程中使用到调试技术 1. 采用debug调试语句,跟踪数据 2. 嵌入打印语句,输出中间结果 3. 利用VF6.0中调试工具,从立即窗口观测变量的变化 4. 设置断点,观察程序在断点附近的状况 评估运行的可靠性问题 1. 结果正确 2. 运行速度 3. 空间利用率 4. 算法的可行性 谢辞~ 经过三个月的艰苦努力,我终于完成了产成品销售核算系统的全部设计过程,并使该系统达到可实际应用的阶段。 软件设计是一个精细漫长的过程。在整个过程中,都需要周密的计划和安排,每一步骤,都需要按照软件工程来完成。在设计中,我始终坚持理论指导实践原则,并通过实践来加强理论的学习,通过实习锻炼,我熟悉了软件的一般过程,加强了对实际问题的处理能力。实践证明,在高科技突飞猛进的时代,光靠课堂所学的知识是远远不够的,必须依靠实践去不断的深化认识,尤其是计算机科学,操作性和实践性很强,只有加强实际的动手能力,才能更好的掌握这一现代化工具。 这次实习,无论是从技术上还是对环境的适应能力上讲,对我今后步入社会都打下了一个良好的基础。在实习过程中,我也遇到了一些困难,主要表现了技术和经验的欠缺,但通过努力,终于一一克服了。 在整个实习期间,曾得到了赵老师和同学的大力支持和帮助,在此表示衷心的感谢~ 参考文献 1. 萨师煊、王珊.数据库系统概论.北京:高校教育出版社,1985.60-65 2(王勇领.计算机数据处理系统分析与设计.北京:清华大学出版社,1986.125-130 3(张基温.信息系统开发案例.北京;清华大学出版社,1999.50-60 4(、4(党建武.管理信息系统,兰州大学出版社,2001.70-80 5(毕庶伟.管理信息系统分析与设计.北京:机械工业出版社,1992.90-100 6(黄梯云.企业管理模型及微型机应用程序,石家庄:河北人民出版社,1985.101-120 7(黄梯云.管理信息系统导论,北京:机械工业出版社,1986.189-206 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed;
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