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分享的话题作文分享的话题作文 【主题】情感体验 【模拟金题】 阅读下列歌词,根据要求作文。 和我分享太阳 你有灿烂辉煌 和我分享月色 你有妩媚漂亮 和我分享大海 你有无比宽广 和我分享蓝天 你有至高无上 分享分享 塑造你完美人生 分享分享 实现你所有梦 根据歌词表达的主旨,结合自己的生活体验与阅读积累,写一篇文章,可以写自己的经历感受和见解,可以讲述自己身边的故事,也可以发表评论。注意:1.角度自选,立意自定,题目自拟。2.除诗歌外,文体不限。3.不少于600字。 (设计 陆可爱) 【思路导引】 一、从...
分享的话题作文 【主题】情感体验 【模拟金题】 阅读下列歌词,根据要求作文。 和我分享太阳 你有灿烂辉煌 和我分享月色 你有妩媚漂亮 和我分享大海 你有无比宽广 和我分享蓝天 你有至高无上 分享分享 塑造你完美人生 分享分享 实现你所有梦 根据歌词表达的主旨,结合自己的生活体验与阅读积累,写一篇文章,可以写自己的经历感受和见解,可以讲述自己身边的故事,也可以发表评论。注意:1.角度自选,立意自定,题目自拟。2.除诗歌外,文体不限。3.不少于600字。 (设计 陆可爱) 【思路导引】 一、从多个角度去入手,让发散思维生出翅膀来。 1.什么是分享,分享,词典上的解释是和别人分着享受(欢乐、幸福、好处等)。我们可以进一步可理解为敞开胸怀,分享他人的经验、思想和快乐;也可理解为开诚布公,将自己的所思所得主动与他人交流,以求得协作和共同进步。闭门造车的结果只能是自娱自乐;闭关自守的后果便是裹足不前。 2.分享什么,是物质的分享,还是精神的分分享,物质上的分享可以帮人摆脱困境,也能给人带来精神上的愉悦,所谓“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”正是此理。精神上的分享不会使自己损失什么,却能让这个世界充满温情,所谓“把你的痛苦与人分享,你的痛苦将会减少一半;把你的快乐与人分享,你的快乐将增加一倍” 正是此理。 3.为什么要分享,人类与其它动物的区别在于能通过语言分享他人的经验,正是这一点使人类能够走出丛林,使文明得以延续。现在人类已步入了信息时代,资源的共同分享成为这个时代的主旋律。正是在这个基础上,现代的科学技术才得到突飞猛进的发展。 4.如何分享,分享是一种大智慧,需要豁达的心胸、坦诚的态度,还需要智慧和策略。当世界无法分享时,就只能独享。这决定了人的孤独。虚伪奸诈者不会分享,对利益的攫取使他鼠目寸光;谨小慎微者不懂得分享,对世界的疑惧湮没了他的好奇;狂妄自负者不屑于分享,愚妄的优越感蒙蔽了他的双眼„„ urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 5. 和谁一起分享呢,可以从身边寻找对象,譬如:老师、朋友、父母、亲人等;也可以是和古人、某一作品或作品中的某一人物等。生命有人分享,是一种多大的福分。孤独时你不寂寞,痛苦时有快乐相依,失败时会重振旗鼓再开张,成功时喝彩之声令你倍加开心。 二、从具体角度去切入,让形象思维冒出火花来。 1(分享学习,我快乐。“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”,扬帆知识的海洋,你会发现分享让你的学习变得快乐。学习中分享资料,分享思考的欢乐和结果,分享奋斗的汗水和成功的欢笑„„这些都能够让同学们在知识海洋里分享到学习的快乐。 2(分享梦想,我欢畅。每个人的心中都有自己的梦想,有了梦想,就有了前进的动力。说出心中美好的梦想,就是与好友共同分享这份美丽,我们的生活便会因此增添几分诗意和美丽。 3(分享亲情,我自豪。亲情伴我们长大,亲情是伟大的,亲情是无价的。和朋友分享自己的亲情吧,让失去亲情的人再次普照亲情的光芒。 4.分享风景,我探索。岁月是一条漫长的河,河两畔有美丽的风景,这些岁月风景值得大家共同分享。田野无声,天上的云霞和小河的波光绘制了一幅绝妙的画。岁月是一场未知的旅程,我们带着不懈的追求和年轻的心开始探索,在这探索的旅程中,我们也希望别人和我们共同分享沿途岁月的风景。 5(分享忧乐,我乐观。面对别人的欢乐,我们乐意分享;面对他人的痛苦,我们也要勇于分担。这种精神上的分享,会让我们的精神更加富有,也能让我们这个世界变成更美好的人间。 6(分享春雨,我享受。“好雨知时节,当春乃发生”,面对丝丝缕缕动人心弦的春雨,我们约上三五好友,共同去分享雨中野草泛绿,分享雨后鱼儿跃水的惬意和欢乐吧。凉凉的春雨是大地的颜料,它让大地绿意盎然,它让大地五彩缤纷。斜斜的雨丝会牵起我们的思绪,让我们感谢自然赐予我们的美景,感谢自然给予我们对生命的感悟。分享丝丝春雨,让我们徜徉在春天欢乐的道路上,享受春天淡淡的憧憬和美好的梦想。 【素材链接】 ◎叙事素材◎ ?分享是美丽的—— 一位养蜂的农人,每次收完蜜后,总是随手采摘几片“野菠萝菜”的叶子,蘸上蜜,递给围观的孩子们,孩子们就愉快地吮吸着绿叶上的蜜汁。当他们要将吮吸干净的绿叶扔掉时,农人便笑着说:“把叶子扔到羊圈去吧。”孩子们不解,农人用慈祥的目光看着他们,说:“羊儿会从你们手中的叶子上品尝到甜蜜,会感激你们的。”以后孩子们就不用农人提醒了,有的孩子还故意多留一些蜜汁,让羊儿和他们一起品尝蜜汁的甜美。农人走了,一片片“野菠萝菜”叶子却成了孩子们心中抹不去的最亮丽的风景。那片片叶子,使人明白了一个深刻的道理:“不要忘记送给别人一片爱的叶子。分享是一种美丽的行为!” ?生活需要分享——一位犹太教的长老,酷爱打高尔夫球。但犹太教义规定,信徒在安息日必须休息。长老却终于忍不住,决定偷偷去高尔夫球场。当长老在打第2洞时,却被天使发现了,天使生气地到上帝面前告状,说某某长老不守教义,居然在安息日出门打高尔夫球。上帝听了,就跟天使说,会好好惩罚这个长老。第3个洞开始,长老打出超完美的成绩,几乎都是一杆进洞。长老兴奋莫名,到打第7个洞时,天使又跑去找上帝:“上帝呀,你不是要惩罚长老吗,为何还不见有惩罚,”上帝说:“我已经在惩罚他了。”到打完第9个洞,长老都是一杆进洞。因为打得太神乎其技了,于是长老决定再打9个洞。天使又去找上帝了:“到底惩罚在哪里,”上帝只是笑而不答。打完18洞,成绩比任何一位世界级的高尔夫球手都优秀,把长老乐坏了。天使很生气地问上帝:“这就是你对长老的惩罚吗,”上帝说:“正是,你想想,他有这么惊人的成绩,以及兴奋的心情,却不能跟任何人说,这不是最好的惩罚吗,”生活需要伴侣,快乐和痛苦都要有人分享。没有人分享的人生,无论面对的是快乐还是痛苦,都是一种惩罚。 ◎名言素材◎ ?学习交通的本质是懂得和别人分享道路。(澳大利亚考驾驶执照忠告) -15 3,000 short car 20-volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10 2 traffic-ransportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, t meet urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to ransport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part ofurban traffic structure in the urban public tytion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highwacongesls down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic cs, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boiannual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistibusiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net -ter. For the Washington Metro system United States secondal cenortation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States politicin cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transption sumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congesdo not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource con 60-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-30,000 in long-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-60 0.25-2 40-9,000 1-20 wide bus 6,000-50 102 ?让我们暂且放下手中的工作,暂且远离喧嚣的城市,停下急匆匆的脚步,静下心来,分享此刻的阳光、宁静和好心情,分享生活本来应有的快乐与美好。(小柯《分享此刻分享生活》) ?好咖啡要和朋友一起品尝,好机会也要和朋友一起分享。我们必须与其它生命共同分享我们的地球。(雷切尔?卡森) ◎抒情素材◎ ?分享是一种博爱的心境,学会分享,就学会了生活;分享是一种思想的深度,深思的同时,你分享了朋友的痛苦;分享是一种生活的信念,明白了分享的同时,明白了存在的意义。(《分享》) ?对于爱,我们要分享;对于美,我们要分享;对于优美的文学作品,我们也应分享。因为优美的辞藻,精练的语言,隽永的文采让我们从中享受到了美的魅力。享受是美好的,但更美好的是与作者共享的过程。(《分享是美丽的》) ?在心灵世界里,迎春花与苦菜花都一样是花,那么与康乃馨相伴的满天星与长在小路旁、农田里、山坡上的狗尾巴草一样,自然会拥有同样的苦乐。分享狗尾巴草的苦乐,笑对人生的每一次风波。(《分享狗尾巴草的苦乐》) ?分享,它是一个精灵,把欢乐撒满人间;分享,它是一台复制机,把欢乐复制得到处都是;分享,还是润滑剂,使人与人之间更加和谐;分享,又是黏着剂,使人与人的心越贴越近。朋友,还等什么,让我们一起学会分享吧!(《分享之乐》) 【佳作示例】 分 享 福州一考生 百灵啼声婉转~麻雀扑打着翅膀~鸟儿在同一片蓝天飞翔,小草青葱~树木成阴~草木在同一片土地呼吸,行人匆匆~游人闲适~人们在同一片土地生活。分享——一个具有魔力的词语~给我们以无尽的财富与收获。 分享能带给人们精神上的充实与快乐。分享是一种大智慧。懂得分享的人能收获高于常人几倍的快乐。比尔〃盖茨曾说:“每天清晨当我醒来~我便思索着如何与他人分享我的快乐~因为那会使我更快乐。”盖茨的确如其所言做到了分享:他与世人分享他最新的研发成果,他与社会分享自己的财富,他在分享中得到了人们的敬重~在敬重里获得了更多的快乐。不会分享的人只能在自我为中心的小圈子中自以为“幸福”地度过每一天。没有分享~便不能开阔心胸~而心胸狭隘如何能有真正的快乐?分享就似一种催化剂~有了它便可以催生出更多的幸福与快乐。 分享能够提升人生的情趣与境界~赢得人们的尊敬。竹林七贤徜徉在山水之间~在分享彼此的志趣之时升华了各自的情谊,苏轼与王安石虽然政见不同~却喜欢互相探讨诗词、分享两人的文学见解~因而他们的友情坚如磐石,居里夫妇毫不吝啬各自的一点一滴~无论是财富抑或是科研成果~他们都与世人同享~所以他们成为了我们毕生爱戴尊敬的对象……因为分享~人与人之间的隔阂渐渐消失,因为分享~他们收获了双倍的幸福,因为分享~他们得到了世人的尊敬。 分享能使各种文化和谐相处~使国际关系更加融洽。世界是一个大家庭~各国灿烂的文化需要世人共享。回想中国古代闭关锁国的历史~我们不难发现~在一个封闭的环境中文化的趋同与单一会日益严重,再想想二战时期法西斯对于人、对于文化的肆意扼杀几乎将世界一步步推向衰败。现代社会需要和谐~我们应当学会分享。因为分享能让文化走向一个又一个新的高峰~分享能创造一个和谐宁静的国际大环境~分享将使世界这个大家庭更温暖! 让我们懂得分享~让我们试着分享~让我们充分发挥分享的魔力~让分享这个神奇的词语在生活中熠熠生辉! 【点评】 -20 wide bus 6,000-50 10-15 3,000 short car 20-le) scope bike 2,000 102 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/peop-ban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of ur rt andof the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transpoand high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution ion than conventional public transit; Block highwayer optstation transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a betty 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the ed bvolume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increas second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger busiest subway,-a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second d on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, anddeman ffective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous trafficansport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an e60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, tr-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-30,000 in long-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-60 0.25-2 40-9,000 13 文章开篇,作者通过一组整齐划一的排比句引出了全文的中心论题,而后笔锋一转,进入正题,分层次地论述“分享”。论述时采用段首概括句形式,层次清楚,条理井然,由个人到国际,运用了层层递进、步步深入的方法,事例丰富,视野开阔,主题彰显。全文语言流利,一气呵成,是一篇好文章。 【主题延伸 】 1.命题作文——信任 花朵因为有春天的信任,才绽放得争奇斗艳;高山因为有大地的信任,才屹立得巍峨壮观;小溪因为有大海的信任;才获得更广阔的生命。 人与人之间何尝不是如此呢,信任,是架设在人心的桥梁,是沟通人心的纽带,是震荡感情之波的琴弦。 给人以信任需要智慧,给人以信任需要胆略,给人以信任需要胸怀,给人以信任需要勇气,给人以信任更需要执著。 请以“信任”为题目,写一篇文章。要求:?自选角度,自行立意。?除诗歌外,文体不限。?不少于600字。 2.话题作文——仰望 阅读下面文字,按要求作文。 仰望高山,你能感觉得出自己的渺小;仰望星辰,你能感觉得出天空的浩淼;仰望一个偶像,你能汲取一种前行的力量;仰望一种精神,你能找到追寻理想的方向;„„ 请以“仰望”为话题写一篇不少于600字的作文,题目自拟,文体自定。 3.半命题作文——沉默的 阅读下面一则材料,根据要求作文: 格言说:沉默是金。 鲁迅说:“沉默呵,沉默呵,不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。” 生活或经历中,总有许多人,总有许多事,总有许多感情,给人沉默,给人思考,给人以不同的感受,你对于沉默,又有什么经历、感受或思考呢, 请以“沉默的 ”为题目写一篇文章,要求:1、把题目补充完成。2、立意不定。3、文体自选。(诗歌除外)4、书写认真、规范、工整。5、不少于600字。 4.命题作文——珍视平凡 阅读下面的文字,按要求作文。 周围的景色很平凡,但它们见证了你的成长。 身边的父母很平凡,但他们辛苦地养育了你。 日常的生活很平凡,但它悄悄滋润了你的生命。 平凡中也有真情,平凡中含哲理,可我们却常常对它表示不屑,甚至彻底把它遗忘。 请以《珍视平凡》为题,写一篇不少于600字的文章,除诗歌外,文体自定。 20 wide bus 6,000-50 10-15 3,000 short car 20-volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10 2 traffic-ransportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, t meet urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to ransport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part ofurban traffic structure in the urban public tytion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highwacongesls down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic cs, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boiannual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistibusiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net -ter. For the Washington Metro system United States secondal cenortation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States politicin cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transption sumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congesdo not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource con 60-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-30,000 in long-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-60 0.25-2 40-9,000 1-4 -0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-60 0.25-2 40-9,000 1-20 wide bus 6,000-50 10-15 3,000 short car 20-le) scope bike 2,000 102 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/peop-ban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of ur rt andof the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transpoand high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution ion than conventional public transit; Block highwayer optstation transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a betty 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the ed bvolume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increas second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger busiest subway,-a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second d on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, anddeman ffective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous trafficansport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an e60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, tr-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-30,000 in long5
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