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醋泡大蒜的做法大全醋泡大蒜的做法大全 收藏人:南华阅读室 2013-06-10 | 阅:12752 转:26 | 来源 | 分享 日常生活中,蒜是家庭及餐厅烹饪美食不必可少的食材。而糖醋蒜也是筵席上很家常的一道菜,也广受家庭主妇及美食好爱们的欢迎,因其含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、糖、维生素及人体所需的各种氨基酸、微量元素和多种挥发性硫化合物等对人体有益的物质。并且具有增强人体生理机能、促进新陈代谢、延缓衰老。因而,平时家常便饭如何制作糖醋蒜也时常成了人们谈论的话题,在此,笔者精心总结了一份有关糖醋蒜腌制的绝秘技巧,在此奉献给广大的厨房管理...
醋泡大蒜的做法大全 收藏人:南华阅读室 2013-06-10 | 阅:12752 转:26 | 来源 | 分享 日常生活中,蒜是家庭及餐厅烹饪美食不必可少的食材。而糖醋蒜也是筵席上很家常的一道菜,也广受家庭主妇及美食好爱们的欢迎,因其含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、糖、维生素及人体所需的各种氨基酸、微量元素和多种挥发性硫化合物等对人体有益的物质。并且具有增强人体生理机能、促进新陈代谢、延缓衰老。因而,平时家常便饭如何制作糖醋蒜也时常成了人们谈论的话题,在此,笔者精心总结了一份有关糖醋蒜腌制的绝秘技巧,在此奉献给广大的厨房管理者及美食爱好者,具体如下: 秘招一: 用料:紫皮蒜,白糖,醋 做法: 1、取1000克紫皮蒜去根除皮后泡入清水,每天换水,3天后沥干。 2、与800克醋、500克白糖拌匀。 3、装入坛中,用塑料薄膜扎紧坛口。 4、经常摇晃,1个月后即腌成糖醋蒜。 秘招二: 原料配方:鲜蒜头100千克食盐10千克 红糖18千克 粮食醋70千克 糖精25克 制作方法: 1.将蒜茎切去,留有约6厘米假茎。 2.将蒜头洗净,沥去水分。 3.将蒜头放入缸中,放一层撒一层盐,装至半缸,再加水。每天早晚将蒜、盐、盐水倒入另一只缸内,并用缸中盐水浇洒缸内蒜头,使之全部湿润腌透。 4.将腌好的蒜头捞出晾晒,每天翻晒一次。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 5.把半干的咸蒜头装入空缸中,只装一半,留一半准备倒入糖溶液。 6.将醋煮沸,再把红糖掺入,另用少许沸水溶解糖精,然后掺入糖醋液中。 7.将配好的溶液倒入蒜缸内进行泡制,缸内放一个十字形竹篾片,防止蒜头体积膨胀,冲出缸口。 8.用皮纸将缸口糊上,上面再用猪血调石灰涂好,使缸口封闭严密。 秘招三: 原料配方:鲜蒜头100千克、盐10千克、食醋0.7千克、红糖适量、五香粉少许 制作方法: 1.选用整齐、肥大、皮色洁白、新鲜的蒜头。去掉须根,剥去老蒜皮,洗净沥干水分。 2.按每100千克鲜蒜头用盐10千克的比例,在缸内一层层装好,装到大半缸即可,另外用同样大小的缸一口,备用。 3.每天早晚各换缸一次,这样,蒜头腌制均匀,腌至15天后,即成咸蒜头。 4.捞出蒜头,在席上晾晒,每天翻动一次,晒至原重的70%为宜。发现蒜皮松弛者即需剥去。 5.将咸蒜头装坛,轻轻压紧,待装到坛子3/4时,将配制好的糖醋液注入坛内。装满后在坛中横放几根竹片,以免蒜头上浮。最后用油纸或塑料布将坛口扎紧,用三合土封好,2个月后即可食用。如密封贮藏,可以长期保存。 6.糖醋液配制:先将食醋加热到80?,再加红糖使其溶解,酌加五香粉少许。 秘招四: 1、备料 剥皮蒜头100千克、食盐10千克、食醋53.3千克、白糖16.7千克。 2、漂洗 把剥皮蒜头用清水漂洗并浸泡4,6小时,除去泥沙杂质,然后沥干水分。 3、腌渍按蒜头总量的10%用盐,先在缸底铺一层盐,然后一层蒜头撒一层盐,装好压实,装到缸八成满为止,最上层再撒一层盐,盖好缸盖。 4、倒缸腌渍时,12小时倒缸1次,使上、下层蒜头腌渍均匀,直到缸内蒜卤水达到蒜头的3/4高度时,可不再倒缸。一般需倒缸4,6次。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 5、淋卤 在每次倒缸结束后,把腌出的卤水淋到缸内蒜头面上。腌渍和淋卤时间总计为10,15天。 6、晒蒜将咸蒜头捞出,铺在席子上晾晒,其间每天要翻动1次,晒到蒜头为原重的70%时即可。晾晒后应将松弛的蒜皮剥去,并将蒜头按大、中、小分为三级分别调味。 7、配制调味液用料:红皮蒜用食醋35千克、红糖11千克(白皮蒜用白醋35千克、白糖11千克)。配制时,先将醋加热到80?,然后加入糖搅拌,使其充分溶解,备用。 8、装坛将咸蒜装入坛中,轻轻压紧,装至坛的3/4高度时,加入调味液,以浸没蒜头为宜,一般咸蒜和调味液的比例为1?1。在调味液表面用小竹排压住蒜头,防止蒜头上浮。然后用塑料薄膜密封坛口,再涂上黄泥严密封闭。将坛置于阴凉干燥处,4个月后即成。 秘招五: 原料配方:蒜头100千克食盐10千克 红糖18千克 粮食醋70千克 糖精25克 制作方法: 1、将蒜茎切去,留有约6厘米假茎。 2、将蒜头洗净,沥去水分。 3、将蒜头放入缸中,放一层撒一层盐,装至半缸,再加水。每天早晚将蒜、盐、盐水倒入另一只缸内,并用缸中盐水浇洒缸内蒜头,使之全部湿润腌透。 4、将腌好的蒜头捞出晾晒,每天翻晒一次。 5、把半干的咸蒜头装入空缸中,只装一半,留一半准备倒入糖溶液。 6、将醋煮沸,再把红糖掺入,另用少许沸水溶解糖精,然后掺入糖醋液中。 7、将配好的溶液倒入蒜缸内进行泡制,缸内放一个十字形竹篾片,防止蒜头体积膨胀,冲出缸口。 8、用皮纸将缸口糊上,上面再用猪血调石灰涂好,使缸口封闭严密。 秘招六: 北方糖醋蒜原料:鲜大蒜头100斤,醋约10斤,白糖20斤,食盐20斤。鲜大蒜接近成熟时为适宜。 制法: urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 1、削去鲜大蒜的毛根,蒜梗留1 寸,剥去干皮。清洗干净后入缸。100斤大蒜先放盐5斤腌制一天半,其间倒缸三次。 2、除去盐水,用清水浸泡3天,天天换水1次,捞出缸外沥干,待第二次腌制之用。 3、把第一次腌过的蒜头放入新缸内,(即不用原料缸之意)100斤大蒜放盐15斤,白糖20斤(或糖精5钱)加凉开水20斤,把缸放于阴凉处,20天左右制成。 4、根据当地食用习惯,在食用前3天加入约10斤米醋。 制品特点:脆、甜、酸。 秘招七: 原料配方:鲜蒜头100千克盐10千克 食醋0.7千克 红糖适量 五香粉少许 制作方法: 1、选用整洁、肥大、皮色雪白、新鲜的蒜头。去掉须根,剥去老蒜皮,洗净沥干水分。 2、按每100千克鲜蒜头用盐10千克的比例,在缸内一层层装好,装到大半缸即可,另外用同样大小的缸一口,备用。 3、天天早晚各换缸一次,这样,蒜头腌制均匀,腌至15天后,即成咸蒜头。 4、捞出蒜头,在席上晾晒,天天翻动一次,晒至原重的70%为宜。发现蒜皮松弛者即需剥去。 5、将咸蒜头装坛,轻轻压紧,待装到坛子3/4时,将配制好的糖醋液注入坛内。装满后在坛中横放几根竹片,以免蒜头上浮。最后用油纸或塑料布将坛口扎紧,用三合土封好,2个月后即可食用。如密封贮藏,可以长期保存。 6、糖醋液配制:先将食醋加热到80?,再加红糖使其溶解,酌加五香粉少许。 产品特点:红褐色,色泽美观,很有地方色彩。 秘招八: 方法很简单:用料:紫皮蒜,白糖,醋 做法: 1、取1000克紫皮蒜去根除皮后泡入清水,天天换水,,天后沥干 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 2、与800克醋、500克白糖拌匀 3、装入坛中,用塑料薄膜扎紧坛口 4、经常摇摆,1个月后即腌成糖醋蒜。 秘招九: 糖蒜的腌制非常简单:将蒜去掉外皮,仅留下里面的一层嫩皮,洗净后用淡盐水泡上半天到一天,可起到消毒的作用,能让蒜比较好保存;把浸在盐水中的蒜捞出,一边沥干水分,一边放入坛子或搪瓷缸、玻璃瓶里,再加绵白糖和白醋,一般来说,500克蒜大约需要750克白糖,醋的数量则根据自己的口味添加;最后,加上适量的冷开水,以淹没蒜瓣为宜,不用搅拌,让糖慢慢溶化,将容器盖上盖子密封,两周到一个月左右就可以食用了。糖蒜腌好后,用来腌蒜的汁也可以用来调味。烧鱼时一般会用糖、醋和料酒调汁,把糖和醋直接换成糖蒜汁,就另有一番味道。 秘招十: 材料:选用整齐肥大的新蒜(紫皮蒜辣味浓),盐、陈醋或香醋、白糖或红糖,糖醋比例是1斤醋8两糖(也可以根据自己的口味调整)。我选用的是恒顺香醋,白糖。 做法: 1、将大蒜切去蒜梗和蒜须子,剥去老皮只留两层皮。我掰成了一瓣一瓣的。 2、洗净,并用清水(自来水即可)泡24小时(中间换一次水) 3、捞出控净水,撒上食盐拌匀腌制2到3天,5斤大蒜约30克盐。一天要翻拌2次。 4、捞出放到准备好的容器中(要干燥无油无水),腌蒜时腌出来的汤汁不要放进容器中,扔掉。 5、拿一个干净无水的盆,倒入醋和白糖,搅拌直到糖完全溶在醋里(不需要用火熬制) 6、搅好的糖醋液倒入腌蒜容器中,淹没大蒜即可,盖严。 7、喜欢吃辣的30天就可以吃了,腌透需要3个月左右(根据蒜头的大小)。 8、白皮蒜(秋蒜)最适宜腌制,用白醋加白糖 ,成品雪白色,味道甜酸可口。 特别强调:糖醋汁不需要上火熬制,直接拌匀即可;腌蒜的容器不要用塑料的,最好选择玻璃或瓷器容器。调制糖醋汁时,可以一斤斤的调制,只要糖醋汁没过蒜头即可,不要调制多了,以免浪费;储存时放在太阳直射不到的地方室温存放就可以了。 泡过大蒜的糖醋汁第二年添加糖 醋可以继续使用,也可以用来做糖醋鱼,糖醋排骨、糖urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 醋藕丁、鱼香茄子等及凉拌菜调料。 秘招十一: 鲜蒜10斤,白糖4斤3两,清水10斤,盐7两,醋1两多 1、泡蒜:选取鲜嫩、个大的蒜,切去尾巴,仅留少许把,放入凉水里泡3-7天,根据气温冷暖可适当减少或增加泡水的时间。每天换一次水,把蒜的嫩味泡出去,然后捞出,放入一干净坛子内。 2、腌蒜:将泡好的蒜放入坛子内,放一层蒜撒一层盐,第二天搅拌一次,以后每天搅拌一次,3-4天捞出来,摊在帘子上,晒一天,把浮皮弄出去,下入缸内,再用糖水腌。糖水用水10斤加白糖4斤醋 1两,煮沸。待糖水凉到不烫手时,再倒入蒜缸内。注意,糖水要比蒜高出2寸左右,糖水的表面再撒3两碎糖,然后将坛口盖紧密封,放在阴凉处,腌制2-3个月,就成为白嫩如玉晶莹透亮味美的白糖蒜了。 3、调味:在成熟前6,7天,可加些桂花,以增进风味。 秘招十二: 糖醋蒜:10斤鲜蒜头、6斤红糖、1斤醋、6斤水、1斤盐。方法:将鲜蒜头去外皮,放清水中泡5至7天,每天换水1次,捞出,用盐腌3天左右,取出晾干,再倒入熬好的糖醋水泡几天即可食。 秘招十三: 将蒜去掉外皮,仅留下里面的一层嫩皮,洗净后用淡盐水泡上半天到一天,可起到消毒的作用,能让蒜比较好保存;把浸在盐水中的蒜捞出,一边沥干水分,一边放入坛子或搪瓷缸、玻璃瓶里,再加绵白糖和白醋,一般来说,500克蒜大约需要750克白糖,醋的数量则根据自己的口味添加;最后,加上适量的冷开水,以淹没蒜瓣为宜,不用搅拌,让糖慢慢溶化,将容器盖上盖子密封,两周到一个月左右就可以食用了。 糖蒜腌好后,用来腌蒜的汁也可以用来调味。烧鱼时一般会用糖、醋和料酒调汁,把糖和醋直接换成糖蒜汁,就另有一番味道。 秘招十四: 材料:鲜蒜2500克、白糖500克、白醋50克、高度白酒30克、盐150克、蜂蜜50克、桂花一大勺、凉开水适量 1、泡蒜:选取鲜嫩、个大的蒜,切去尾巴,留少许把,仅留下一两层嫩皮,放入淡盐水里泡3天(每天以浸过大蒜的清水加50克盐来配制淡盐水),根据气温冷暖可适当减少或增加泡水的时间。每天换一次水,这可以起到消毒的作用,还可以把蒜的嫩味泡出去,然后捞出,放入干净带水封的坛子内。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 2、腌蒜:将泡好的蒜放入坛子内,放入白糖、白酒、白醋、蜂蜜,再加入凉开水,糖水要比蒜高出3厘米左右,用手在坛子内搅动使白糖和蜂蜜完全融于水中,再盖好坛盖,在盖口处注入清水封口。将坛子放在阴凉处,腌制2-3个月,就成为白嫩如玉晶莹透亮味美的白糖蒜了。在腌蒜的前几天会有气泡从坛内冒出,不必理它属于正常现象,过几天就没有了。在腌制期间,注意坛口卫生,及时添加密封用水。 3、调味:在成熟前6,7天,可加些桂花,以增进风味。 秘招十五: 6斤新蒜,1斤酱油,1斤醋,1斤白糖,4两盐。容器最好是带盖的小坛子。先把蒜收拾好装坛,然后把所有的佐料放入铁锅,加入适量的水用小火烧开。在烧的过程中要不停的搅动,促进溶解。晾凉后倒进坛子里。鲜蒜最好都浸在佐料里。约半月后你就可以尝到自己的美味了。糖蒜吃完后,可以续鲜蒜、续料。甜度和咸度可以根据自己的喜好加减。 秘招十六: 500克蒜 配50克盐 300克红糖 30克米醋或20克白醋 八角可加可不加 600克水 1、蒜头去老皮,留2厘米假茎,蒜根部挖成锥形但不可把蒜头挖散(目的是为了让蒜入味) 2、蒜头泡清水5-7天,每天换水 3、蒜头入坛,一层蒜一层盐,不加水;每日倒蒜一次,下面的倒到上面,使蒜淹均;5-7天后拿出日晒,皮干后,若有老皮再除去……均匀地码入坛中 4、水烧开,加红糖,离火;水温80度左右时加醋;待凉透后冲入蒜坛,封坛,7日以后待红糖转为果糖后就可食用 5、回味糖味浓厚,咸中略酸,如喜酸可多加醋。 6、糖蒜汁可作莱时当糖醋汁使用,蒜香浓烈,别有风味,只是不可再用于淹蒜了。 笔者箴言: 糖和盐主要是提味的,不能太甜也不能太咸,你可以在煮好汁子的时候尝一下,如果太浓可以加一些白开水,记住一定要白开水,因为要存放很久,所以消毒的工作要做足,而且这个汁子保存得好,可以反复用的哦。 青蒜中含有蛋白质、胡萝卜素、硫胺素、核黄素等营养成分。它的辣味主要来自于其含有的辣素,这种辣素具有醒脾气、消积食的作用。还有良好的杀菌、抑菌作用,能有效预防流感,肠炎等因环境污染引起的疾病。青蒜对于心脑血管有一定的保护作用,可预防血栓的形urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 成,同时还能保护肝脏,诱导肝细胞脱毒酶的活性,可以阻断亚硝胺致癌物质的合成,对预防癌症有一定的作用。 美食禁忌: 1、蒜与鸡肉不可同食,鸡肉温热,内含多种激素,而蒜的性味与葱相近,可辛温助火,故二者不可同食,否则易生热而伤身。 2、蒜与蜂蜜不可同食,蒜辛温而有小毒,性热,其所含的辣味素与葱相近,性质也与蜂蜜相反,因此不可与蜂蜜同食。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway
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