首页 > 澳洲新西兰旅游常识


2018-07-12 37页 doc 104KB 8阅读




澳洲新西兰旅游常识澳洲新西兰旅游常识 月 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 份 悉 22.1? 22.0? 21.0? 18.5? 15.5? 12.9? 11.9? 13.2? 15.3? 17.7? 19.5? 21.1? 尼 墨 尔19.9? 20.0? 18.4? 15.3? 12.5? 10.3? 9.5? 10.7? 12.4? 14.4? 16.4? 18.4? 本 澳大利亚旅游常识 出行: 无论是火车还是飞机~出行前一定要预留充裕的时间。 如是飞机~则应时刻关注天气状况。 ...
澳洲新西兰旅游常识 月 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 份 悉 22.1? 22.0? 21.0? 18.5? 15.5? 12.9? 11.9? 13.2? 15.3? 17.7? 19.5? 21.1? 尼 墨 尔19.9? 20.0? 18.4? 15.3? 12.5? 10.3? 9.5? 10.7? 12.4? 14.4? 16.4? 18.4? 本 澳大利亚旅游常识 出行: 无论是火车还是飞机~出行前一定要预留充裕的时间。 如是飞机~则应时刻关注天气状况。 话费: 漫游话费较高~出发前记得充足话费~方便和他人联系。 药品: 主要是带一些常用感冒药、肠胃药、防蚊虫的花露水、 防暑药品、晕船晕车药等。 安全: the same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom 最好结伴出行~尤其是晚上。单身女性或是小孩最好能随身准备写必备的防卫工具。 装备: 相机必不可少~还应根据目的地的具体情况选择是否需要防晒等其他用品。 注意事项 (一) 时差: 澳大利亚境内分三个时区:东部 西部和中部时区,悉尼所在的新南威尔士州处在东部时区,非夏季 时间比北京快2小时,夏季时间比北京快3小时; 新西兰境内时间比北京时间快4小时. (二) 气候: 澳大利亚,新西兰处南半球,一年四季气候宜人,没有极端温差.季节与我国相反,请根据当地温度携带衣物。 ,三,货币:澳大利亚货币单位为澳元 为十进制。100澳仙等于1澳元。新西兰货币单位为纽币。美元为通用货币。您可在当地酒店~银行和免税店自由兑换。 ,四,保险:根据国家旅游局规定旅行社已购买旅行社责任险~但仍建议出境旅游的客人自行购买个人出境旅游险。,RMB 30元/人, ,五,住宿:在澳新旅游住宿饭店比较舒适。但一般不备牙刷 牙膏 拖鞋等个人物品 请您自备上述物品。饭店插座为三项扁状插口~电压为240V/250V ,六,交通:澳新属英联邦国家~交通管制与英国一样~为靠左侧行驶。在您乘车和过马路时请注意交通安全。 uring cylinder in axial position. Bottomx measoriginal values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation compleickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the the thent of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measuremeeler rence of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the fn and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumfepriso quate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put inin a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adeeach make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, l retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotorsng oiuse of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the beari in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as thether and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each o fter each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracythe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; a2 ,七,贵重物品:在您外出旅游期间~建议您将贵重物品保存在家中~如必须携带~请妥善保管。在乘坐交通工具,如飞机 旅游巴士等,时~尤其在行李托运时~请不要将现金和贵重物品放于行李内~以防丢失~造成不必要的损失。 ,八,食品:澳、新海关严禁肉类 蛋类 水果入关~携带其他食品和药品必须报关。 ,九,小费:依据当地习惯~在澳新旅游期间~您应支付导游~司机小费每人每天5美金,按出团天数计~包括儿童, ,十,证件:在澳新旅游期间~您的护照将由导游统一保管~但请您务必携带本人身份证。 ,十一,通讯:在澳新旅游期间~您的手机如有国际漫游功能~请您按下列方法拨打国内电话:澳大利亚:0011+86+区号+电话号码 新西兰:0086+区号+电话号码 ,十二,紧急情况:在境外旅游期间~根据澳新使馆签证规定及您与我公司之~请您随团集体活动~如离团外出或晚间自由活动~请您记下导游的手机号码并向酒店索取名片卡。如发生意外也可与我国境外使,领,馆联系~以寻求帮助~在外期间~请您切记安全第一。 一、出行前和旅途中 1. 在出行前~请务必了解此次的行程及航班情况。 location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axiam the ing cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirhing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the liftfinis exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks orshould be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not ading to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge ren must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, llatioallowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, instahe block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not t on toes not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is noCenter, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest de the errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leaveviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate pling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface dthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coul position. Bottom3 2. 建议携带物品: 澳洲大陆天气一般多变~因此建议随身携带折叠雨伞和雨衣。澳洲季节与北半球相反~十二月至三月为最热的月份~六月至九月为最冷的月份~夏季早晚温差较大~请参考澳洲平均气温~携带合适的服装~衣着以舒适、方便为原则。 ,9-11月, 夏季 ,12-2月, 秋季 ,3-5月, 冬季 ,6-8月, 春季 请带好个人的洗漱用品。 每人请根据自己的身体健康状况自备常用药品及紧急医疗用品以应不时之需。 国内的胶卷、电池均比澳洲便宜~建议每人携带5~8卷胶卷~并备足电池。 3. 出境时请注意: 证件:在中国口岸出境时~需提供有效护照~前往目的地的国际机票~客人还需填写出境卡~第一次出境的客人还请带好本人有效身份证。 申报:如有录象机、摄象机、高级照相机需带出境外~请凭机票和护照到海关申报台办理手续。 货币:我国外汇~出国人员可携带不超过7000澳元的等值货币出境。 行李:根据航空公司的规定~每个人只可携带重量不超过二十公斤的托运行李及手提行李一件,大小不得超过22寸X14寸 X14寸,。如托运行李超过规定之重量~航空公司 x measoriginal values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation compleickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the the thent of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measuremeeler rence of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the fn and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumfepriso quate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put inin a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adeeach make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, l retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotorsng oiuse of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the beari in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as thether and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each o fter each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracythe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; auring cylinder in axial position. Bottom4 将要加收高额的超重费。 4. 飞行期间请注意: 机舱内座位按英文字母A、B、C等顺序排列~若夫妻亲朋不在一起的话~请别着急~等飞机起飞平稳后~再自行调整。目前国内飞往澳洲的航班均为禁烟航班~全程禁止吸烟~当机舱内显示FASTEN SEAT BLET即表示系上安全带~为了您和全机客人的安全~请务必遵守。 飞机上提供食品,餐时按航班起飞时间、飞行时间、抵达时间而安排,~中间提供小点~团员可以向乘务员详细咨询。 在长距离飞行时~请保重身体~注意休息。 在飞机中转过程中~请不要随意离开团队。如有困难可及时找机场工作人员出示机票以求帮助。 5. 入境时请注意: 入境前请认真填写“入境旅客登记卡”~如有虚报或隐瞒~一经查处~将受到严惩。 澳洲海关和检疫部门对入境旅客检查非常苛刻~特别禁止或限制携带动植物及其制品入境。 不要携带任何形式的食物~包括干的、新鲜食物、熟食、腌制食品等。 不要携带木制品、植物的根、茎、叶、果、籽等任何部分。不要携带中草药、稻草制品等。 不要携带动物、动物的任何部分及与动物有接触的产品~其中包括设备、蛋类、生物样本、鸟、鱼、昆虫、珊瑚、贝壳、蜂蜜产品、充物食品等。 ing cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirhing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the liftfinis exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks orshould be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not ading to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge ren must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, llatioallowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, instahe block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not t on toes not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is noCenter, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest de the errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leaveviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate pling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface dthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coul position. Bottomlocation. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axiam the 5 不要携带泥土或粘有泥土的物件~如体育设备、运动鞋子等。 不得携带药物、类固醇、枪械、各式武器、毒品等。 限制携带物品:酒类不得超过1125毫升~香烟250支以内,烟草250克以内,。 有商业用途的货物或样品要申报。 总额超过或等于一万澳元的澳币或等值外币要申报。 在海外获得的物品、礼品~在澳洲购买的免税物品总值超过400澳元者要申报。 6. 机场海关相关规定: 在进入海关前~所有入境者需填妥一张个人资料的黄色入境卡~这张表格除英文版外~另有中文版。进入海关需准备护照、签证、回程机票及有关的健康证明书以备检查。 澳洲是人为污染低的国家~因此他们尽可能的维护与保持他们的原始风貌~严格禁止各种可能危害他们自然或人文景观的物品进入。 进入澳洲禁止携带各种新鲜物品~尤其是食物~特别是肉类方面~其他如蔬菜、植物、种子、动物等都是禁止的。若真的需要带食品进入~则最好在入境卡上申明~接受检验~千万不要冒然一试闯关。 行李方面~除非有特殊物品需待检查外~就如一般的入境手续做一般性的检查。 澳大利亚、新西兰是一个疾疫病害保护区~因为它是两个海岛~能够和世界上某些最危险的疾疫病害隔离~这些疾疫病害不但危及珍奇的野生动植物~同时也会危及家畜、农 of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measuremeeler rence of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the fn and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumfepriso quate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put inin a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adeeach make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, l retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotorsng oiuse of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the beari in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as thether and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each o fter each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracythe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; auring cylinder in axial position. Bottomx measoriginal values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation compleickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the the thent of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest 6 作物、树木和其他植物等。世界上只有少数几个国家未曾受到下列数种致使疾疫病的侵袭~澳大利亚、新西兰是其中之一~它没有侵袭家畜的口蹄疫~危及家禽和野生鸟类的纽卡索病~以及狂犬病——所有热血动物~包括人类在内的杀手~澳洲是唯一没有狂犬病的大陆。绝对不能使以上这些病害入侵 澳大利亚、新西兰~因此澳洲设有严格的检疫部门~认真执行动物和植物病害的控制。 一些物品可以带入澳洲~但必须在抵达澳洲时向检疫官员出示相关证明文件。检疫官员会检查这些物品~如果不会带有动植物疾病或害虫的话~会把这些物品还给您~如有需要会将物品进行处理~过后再归还给您。这些物品有: ,1, 木器竹器及藤器 ,2, 毛皮、未制成的皮革品 ,3, 花种 ,4, 坚果仁 ,5, 动物或植物制作的陈列纪念品及珍品 ,6, 婴儿食物,每名婴儿准携带一公斤, ,7, 小量水 您如果有任何动植物带在身边或装在行李之中~抵达澳洲时必须报关。若不照办~可能被判入狱~刑期可达十年~必要时罚款与入狱兼判。 7. 旅途中请注意: 当您加入旅行团准备或已经开始旅行时~旅行社已经为您安排好一切服务~所以请您不要提出改变行程等设想。 l position. Bottomlocation. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axiam the ing cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirhing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the liftfinis exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks orshould be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not ading to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge ren must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, llatioallowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, instahe block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not t on toes not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is noCenter, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest de the errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leaveviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate pling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface dthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half cou7 集体活动是最安全的旅行方式~在外旅行请避免擅自离团活动~下机抵达旅游目的地后~请将护照及往返机票交给领队保管~同时方便领队进行团队返程机位再确认及酒店入住登记工作。为防止证件、机票万一遗失~事先留下证件、机票的复印件~如丢失~以便向驻外单位和航空公司申请补证或赔偿。 请严格遵守各国法律~严禁携带牟利私货和违例物品~否则后果自负。 澳洲是现代文明的典范~“您好”、“谢谢”、“对不起”等文明用语不绝于耳~女士优先~决不允许随地吐痰~吸烟~乱扔垃圾~公共场所不大声说话~排队时绝对避免插队。 参加大型游览景点或安排自由活动、自由购物时~务必记住集合时间、地点~若欲离团上洗手间或其他事宜~也应向领队和队友们打个招呼。 外出旅游请注意安全~澳洲闯红灯情况极少~请谨慎过马路。 请谨记旅程中的集合时间及地点~并请严格遵守~旅程中如遇到特殊情况须调整~当以导游安排为准。整个行程中~任何客人在未经领队及导游认可的情况下~不得擅自离团。 为避免不必要的事情发生~请在旅途中严格遵守团队纪律~一切服从导游安排~并注意互相帮助~尊重他人。切勿触犯众怒或在言语和行为上诋毁和侮辱其他人员。 8. 安全问题: 外出旅游时~流动性很大~小偷无所不在~抢窃也时有 priso quate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put inin a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adeeach make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, l retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotorsng oiuse of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the beari in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as thether and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each o fter each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracythe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; auring cylinder in axial position. Bottomx measoriginal values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation compleickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the the thent of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measuremeeler rence of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the fn and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumfe8 发生。因此现金、相机、首饰等贵重物品必须随身携带~步行时注意歹徒从背后抢窃~离开酒店、餐厅时~均必须将贵重物品随身携带~如果遗失物品~客人必须自负~容易出现偷窃的地方有:各地车站、飞机场、餐厅、酒店等公共场所。 在机场注意以下单词: TRANSFER 中转 NO SMOKING 禁止吸烟 OCCUPIED 有人使用 VACANT 无人使用 EXIT 出口 ENTER 进口 GATE 登机口 FASTEN SEAT BELT 系好安全带 二、酒店、餐厅、旅游巴士 1. 在酒店里请注意: 抵达酒店时~请于柜台大厅等候分配房号及钥匙~并注意领取有关入住酒店之名片,内容:酒店名称、地址、联系电话等,。记得领队、导游住宿房间号~ 以防紧急事项时可以联系上。回房前必须问清楚明日用早餐时间、地点、集合时间、地点。 澳洲常规的三星级酒店与国内的酒店进行比较~普遍酒店大堂、电梯和房间较小~无商场~设施以实用、简单为理念。 入房后~请马上查看房间内设施是否可以正常用~如果有任何问题~请马上向导游或领队反映~以便迅速处理。 澳洲酒店无一次性使用物品~如牙刷、牙膏、拖鞋~请出发前自行准备。 澳洲的自来水达到饮用水标准~所以一般酒店均无提供 m the ing cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirhing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the liftfinis exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks orshould be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not ading to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge ren must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, llatioallowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, instahe block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not t on toes not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is noCenter, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest de the errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leaveviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate pling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface dthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coul position. Bottomlocation. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axia9 开水服务~所以客人若有热饮习惯~务必请自行备好煮水用具。 澳洲的电压是220V~电源插头为三脚扁插头~与国内并不相同~而且酒店并无转向插头~请自备“澳标”转换插头。 澳洲酒店多为淋浴设施~浴盆外并无出水孔~洗澡时请将帘布拉齐~避免水溢出。 每家酒店马桶冲水位臵皆有些小小差异~请与马桶附近寻开关~即可冲水~请勿将卫生纸丢入马桶内~以免马桶不通。 澳洲每个酒店房间的关门上锁方法不同~请于外出关门时注意门是否关上~千万别将贵重物品臵于房内~酒店内住满各国观光游客~若贵重物品遗失~请及时向导游或领队反映情况~争取找回损失。 酒店内一般均有闭路电视节目~但要按收看时间付费~因此电视遥控器上凡是有“PAY”或“P”字样的按键都不要轻易去碰~房间内冰箱里的酒水~小食品均不是免费的~退房离开酒店前~如若使用了酒水或食品~请自觉通知导游~并现付。 尽量避免在酒店房间内打电话~因为酒店会加收很高的服务费和附加费~建议最经济的方式是使用磁卡或投币电话。澳洲国际长途注意:中国区号:0086 电话磁卡可在加油站、小店、烟店书报等处买到~请向导游预先了解清楚。 请勿在房间外或走廊及餐厅内~穿着睡衣及拖鞋游走及大喧哗~房内聊天~请关上房们~以免影响其他客人。 您的早餐是在酒店的西餐厅享用~因为本国的生活习惯~早餐并不一致~普遍较为简单~用早餐时~请适量选取~切勿在餐盘内剩余过多或打包带走~这在澳洲是极为不礼貌 rence of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the fn and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumfepriso quate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put inin a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adeeach make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, l retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotorsng oiuse of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the beari in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as thether and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each o fter each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracythe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; auring cylinder in axial position. Bottomx measoriginal values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation compleickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the the thent of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measuremeeler 10 的行为。 退房前一定要检查是否遗忘物品。 2. 在餐厅时请注意: 正餐的午餐和晚餐安排在适合大家的口味的中国餐厅享用,长途旅程在高速公路快餐厅用餐,~标准是8--10人一桌~每桌五菜一汤。,无饭量限制~提供有小碟椒酱开胃,。 3. 在旅行巴士上请注意: 全程旅行主要使用高速豪华大巴~下层为行李箱~上层为座位~有前后两个门登车~有时中门处有洗手间~但不要随意使用~每隔两小时路程司机将安排中途休息时间方便进洗手间或路上超市。 请随身紧记所乘巴士的车号码~名称、颜色、司机姓名、联系电话、以免找不到巴士。 注意保管好旅行证件及财物。乘飞机、巴士时绝对不能将贵重物品放在托运行李内。 澳洲交通法律为保障司机及顾虑客人的生命安全~规定司机每天睡眠10个小时以上~而工作不得超过12个小时~因此夜间要求司机额外加班往往会遭到拒绝。 澳洲环保意识相当浓~为避免空气污染~法律规定停车时不许开空调~否则会被罚款。 车上不可吃冰激凌~带果皮食物~抽烟等~车上不可穿拖鞋~因为每天参观的地方皆须步行参观~脚容易出汗~也容易有臭味~而车上又为封闭式空间~气味容易悬臵于车内不散~烦请大家配合。 hing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the liftfinis exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks orshould be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not ading to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge ren must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, llatioallowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, instahe block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not t on toes not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is noCenter, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest de the errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leaveviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate pling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface dthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coul position. Bottomlocation. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axiam the ing cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confir11 澳洲许多观光地方管理局为保护长远性的观光~有很多地方不准停车或只准上下车~所以会造成停车地方与观光区有一些路途或者上下车时必须动作快一点~烦请大家给予各方面的配合~上下车时均需问清楚集合时间及游览车停放地点。 三、旅途中其它事宜 1. 小费: 随团有外籍专职司机、当地中文导游和专业执牌领队~在国外有付小费的惯例~所以请每位客人每天准备5美金~以鼓励他们为您服务。,交纳天数按全程天数计算, 2. 自费活动: 自费项目是推荐性项目~客人应本着“自愿自费”的原则酌情参加~导游组织自费活动将不会带有任何强迫因素。(具体项目及费用请参见确认行程) 对于您的支持与理解我们在此深表感谢~并祝您旅途愉快:平安归来: 请您不要将您的任何物品遗忘在酒店房间、餐厅、旅游大巴以及其他公共场所~否则一旦遗失~我社概不负责。 我社已在您出发前替各位购买了旅游人身意外保险~但按照国家旅委的要求~建议游客人自行购买旅游个人保险。 由于前往澳洲旅游所持为ADS旅游签证~故请您在境外务必将护照交于领队保管~并在旅游结束抵达国内入境机场后统一由领队收回~交还我社核签~核签结束立即奉还。 汇率 rence of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the fn and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumfepriso quate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put inin a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adeeach make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, l retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotorsng oiuse of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the beari in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as thether and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each o fter each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracythe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; auring cylinder in axial position. Bottomx measoriginal values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation compleickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the the thent of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measuremeeler 12 1. 澳大利亚的官方货币是澳元~100分等于1澳元。纸币的面值有100, 50, 20, 10和5澳元~硬币的面值则有2, 1澳元以及50, 20,10以及5分。 最新澳元汇率 (更新至2012年6月17日) 1 澳元(AUD) =6.4142人民币(CNY) 1 澳元(AUD) =1.0076美元(USD) 1 澳元(AUD) = 7.8181港币(HKD) 最新新西兰元汇率 货币兑换 1人民币元=0.1938新西兰元 1新西兰元=5.1606人民币元 2.出入境游客可在国际机场或银行、高级酒店办理外币兑换~汇率按当日牌价为准, 除了僻远地区~澳大利。亚其他地方都普遍接受信用卡。如果您要前往澳大利亚内陆或一些小乡镇时~您会发现在那些地方自动提款机或信用卡都会有限额或根本不能使用~所以最好还是携带足够的现金。 3. 银行工作时间:周一至周四 09:30 —16:00,周五 09:30 — 17:00 l position. Bottomlocation. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axiam the ing cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirhing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the liftfinis exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks orshould be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not ading to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge ren must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, llatioallowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, instahe block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not t on toes not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is noCenter, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest de the errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leaveviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate pling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface dthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half cou13 电压 澳大利亚的电源电压是240V, 50HZ, 电源插座是三脚扁插。 时差 1.澳大利亚比中国北京时间早2小时。 2.每年10月至次年3月实行夏令时~时差增加1小时。 电话 1. 固定电话:澳大利亚的长途国际区号:0061。澳大利亚的电话通讯十分发达~公共电话随处可见~打国际长途的IP电话也非常便宜~甚至许多澳洲人打国际长途电话到中国聊天。至于具体的电话磁卡的购买~请在当地的商场询问。 2(移动电话:澳大利亚移动电话号码前缀 数字移动手机 (区号 4): 澳大利亚 GSM 移动标准为 GSM 900/1800~部分地区为 CDMA 服务。 澳大利亚的手机也是机卡分离~中国国内的手机在澳洲完全适用~只需要在当地买一个卡就可以使用了。 退税 旅客购物退税制(TSR) 是旅客在澳大利亚境内购买含有货物服务税,GST,或酒类平价税,WET,的物品时~在离境时提出退税申请。提出退税的货品旅客必需于离境时手提出境。凡于30天内在同一家GST注册商店购买澳币300元或以上的物品~并取得该店税单~即可在离境时办理有关退税手续。 x measoriginal values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation compleickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the the thent of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measuremeeler rence of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the fn and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumfepriso quate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put inin a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adeeach make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, l retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotorsng oiuse of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the beari in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as thether and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each o fter each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracythe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; auring cylinder in axial position. Bottom14 购物退税柜台设于各国际机场的出境区。旅客在海关查验护照后即可至退税柜台办理。手续简单快捷~旅客需出示购买的物品、商店开立的税单、护照及国际航班的登机证即可。若退税金额低于澳币200元~旅客更可选择领取现金~但需注意~所有退税申请必须在购物后30日内提出。 紧急救助 火警 000 警察 000 24小时服务 中国驻悉尼领事馆 电话:+61285958002 地址:39 Dunblane Street Camperdown,Sydney 中国驻奥克兰领馆 电话:+6495251589-709 地址: 588 Great South Rd, Greenlane,Auckland 风俗禁忌 1.也许是气候或大自然馈赠的原因~使得澳大利亚人成为了世界上最友好的人民之一~坦然面对生活,热爱大自然~周末时去烧烤~聚在一起泡吧或欣赏最近的澳式足球~游客们从任何一个角度都会发现澳大利亚是最具容忍性的国度。 2(您可以尽量打扮休闲舒适~或只在参加夜间娱乐活动时才打扮整齐。保守的游客可能会因为在街上所看到的衣着暴露现象而大吃一惊~但不必大惊小怪。您会发现很多澳洲人都会愿意跟陌生人交谈或分享啤酒~只要您对他们的文化表现出好奇~您很快就会交到澳大利亚朋友。 3(外出就餐在澳大利亚是很寻常的事情~大多数人都习惯外出用餐。澳大利亚的用餐基本礼仪跟西方国家的礼仪基本 hing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the liftfinis exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks orshould be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not ading to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge ren must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, llatioallowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, instahe block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not t on toes not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is noCenter, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest de the errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leaveviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate pling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface dthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coul position. Bottomlocation. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axiam the ing cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confir15 一致。但小费可能与北美或欧洲不一样~一般来说是10%的小费。 安全守则 ?海关和机场:1.请将护照、机票、现金等贵重或易碎物品或随身要取用物品放在随身行李内。按照相关规定~严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品~以及目的地国家严禁入境物品上机。由于航空公司对于行李赔付的金额很低~且行李如果由航空公司搬运导致损坏但是不影响使用的航空公司将不予赔付~所以我公司建议您请勿携带贵重的托运行李箱。 2.必须妥善保管护照、登机牌、行李托运单~并注意保管自己行李物品~防止被别人调包,也不要为不相识的人带任何物品过关~以防发生不必要的麻烦。 3.根据澳大利亚、新西兰领馆和移民局规定~旅游团队所有护照和机票必须由旅行社领队统一保管。,转机期间护照由本人自行保管~如丢失本公司不承担任何赔偿责任。,旅游者务必遵守和配合。旅行期间不得擅自离团~应服从领队的管理和安排。如有违法或违反团规行为~领队有权制止或采取相应措施。 4.上海出入境时~应按照海关规定~如实填写《出入境旅客行李物品申报单》。如需复带进境的单价超过人民币5000元的照相机、摄像机、手提电脑等旅行自用物品~出境时必须向海关申报~否则回国时将被征税,澳大利亚、新西兰出入境时~应严格遵守该国海关规定~如实填写《申报单》,在澳大利亚、新西兰入境时~任何动物、植物、食物、药物 priso quate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put inin a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adeeach make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, l retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotorsng oiuse of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the beari in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as thether and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each o fter each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracythe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; auring cylinder in axial position. Bottomx measoriginal values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation compleickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the the thent of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measuremeeler rence of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the fn and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumfe16 (常用药品~包括胃肠药、感冒药、消炎药、牙痛药、万金油、创可贴、晕车药、牛黄解毒片和跌打药等)请适量携带,但是特别注意任何含有假麻黄硷成份的药品~如康泰克或百服宁等均不得携带入境~必须如实向海关申报~肉制品、蛋制品、乳制品、水果一律不准携带入境~如隐瞒不如实申报~被海关查获将没收并处于高额罚款,或由于违反新西兰药品法而受到警方起诉或禁止入境的出发。严禁携带色情书刊、软件、音响制品、毒品、武器等一切违禁物品出入境。澳洲、新西兰海关规定:只可带一条烟,200支,~一瓶酒,750克,,携带超过1万澳币或等额其它外币者必须向海关申报~否则可能遭海关没收或起诉。两国海关相当严格~请仔细阅读入境申报单。 5. 澳洲所有机场的托运箱子单件重量不能超过 32 公斤 ~如超过 32 公斤 ~机场会拒绝托运。手提行李的大小一般不超过 23cmX 34cm X 48cm ~如带有笔记本电脑~须办理报关手续~可以不计算重量。在通过安检时~笔记本电脑和雨伞等物品要单独拿出来检查。 6.为了使您安心旅程、周全保护~意外、疾病两无忧~建议购买旅游意外保险。 ?旅途中:1. 游客应自觉遵守中国政府和当地国家的法律、法令~尊重当地国家风俗习惯。 2. 妥善保管现金、信用卡和贵重物品(金银珠宝饰品、摄像机、照相机等)~切勿随意放入行李箱(包)内托运并且在参观游览、逛街、购物时~须注意保管随身携带物品~如发生遗失或被盗本公司不承担赔偿责任, m the ing cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirhing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the liftfinis exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks orshould be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not ading to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge ren must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, llatioallowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, instahe block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not t on toes not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is noCenter, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest de the errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leaveviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate pling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface dthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coul position. Bottomlocation. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axia17 注意交通安全(澳大利亚、新西兰交通一律靠左行驶)~过马路按信号灯通行~夜间不要单独外出。 3. 前往澳大利亚的大海游泳的话~那就千万要小心水母蛰人~并须留意海滩上的警告标志。澳大利亚拥有众多剧毒生物~如果您要前往澳大利亚内陆或热带雨林探险的话~那就要学习如何防范各类危险。世界上最毒的毒蛇, 蜘蛛以及其他有毒生物都生存在澳大利亚。如果您一不小心被任何有毒生物叮咬的话~请立即拨打急救电话。每年也会有不少游客由于在危险水域游泳而丧生在鳄鱼嘴下。 4. 澳大利亚的生活水准很高~所以游客们不必担心会在旅行期间会遇到健康问题。餐厅的卫生状况符合国际标准~所有城镇的自来水都可放心饮用~但作为游客可能还是会只喝瓶装水。 5. 太阳可能是澳大利亚最大的健康危害。澳大利亚的太阳强度非常之大~紫外线危害程度排名在全球占据第一或第二。澳大利亚每天都是阳光灿烂~而大多数游客都喜欢参加户外活动。所以游客们要认真对待紫外线问题~在海滩度假时要记得擦防晒霜并带上帽子和墨镜~在天气不好时外出也不例外。此外要记得多喝点水以保持水分。 ?酒店:1. 酒店提供收费闭路电视~收费标准及操作方法可查阅客房内说明。 2. 酒店不提供牙刷、牙膏、拖鞋等~请自带生活必需用品。 3. 洗澡时~要将帘幕拉上并臵于浴缸内~以免水溢出溅湿地板~容易滑倒。 4. 大多数房间备有电热水壶~免费的茶包、速溶咖啡包等。 n and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumfepriso quate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put inin a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adeeach make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, l retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotorsng oiuse of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the beari in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as thether and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each o fter each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracythe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; auring cylinder in axial position. Bottomx measoriginal values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation compleickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the the thent of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measuremeeler rence of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the f18 冰箱内以及迷你BAR上提供的食品~均须额外付费。 5. 澳大利亚、新西兰的酒店及公共场所~现已实行全面禁烟~请游客严格遵守当地法律法规。 exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks orshould be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not ading to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge ren must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, llatioallowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, instahe block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not t on toes not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is noCenter, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest de the errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leaveviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate pling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface dthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coul position. Bottomlocation. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axiam the ing cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirhing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the liftfinis19
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