
大力神为希腊罗马的名字是神大力神的儿子 (2)

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大力神为希腊罗马的名字是神大力神的儿子 (2)大力神为希腊罗马的名字是神大力神的儿子 (2) 大力神为希腊罗马的名字是 大力神神的儿子,宙斯(希腊与罗马的神木星),这必死阿尔克墨 涅。罗马早期的‎‎消息表明进口希腊英雄取代一个神话斜体牧人称为“Recaranus”或“Garanus” [2]闻名的力量而奉献亚拉最大值联系在一起‎‎,成为最早的罗马崇拜英在采用多的雄。肖像的希腊神话和大力神作为自己的一点,他通过了一些神话和特性的本质的罗马人。罗马霸权的蔓延,赫尔克里斯敬拜神。当地Hispania通过高卢. Hercules is the Roman name for G...
大力神为希腊罗马的名字是神大力神的儿子 (2)
大力神为希腊罗马的名字是神大力神的儿子 (2) 大力神为希腊罗马的名字是 大力神神的儿子,宙斯(希腊与罗马的神木星),这必死阿尔克墨 涅。罗马早期的‎‎消息表明进口希腊英雄取代一个神话斜体牧人称为“Recaranus”或“Garanus” [2]闻名的力量而奉献亚拉最大值联系在一起‎‎,成为最早的罗马崇拜英在采用多的雄。肖像的希腊神话和大力神作为自己的一点,他通过了一些神话和特性的本质的罗马人。罗马霸权的蔓延,赫尔克里斯敬拜神。当地Hispania通过高卢. Hercules is the Roman name for Greek demig Heracodles, son of Zeus (the Greek equivalent of the Roman god Jupit), and the mortaerl Alcme. Earlyne Roman sources suggest that the imported Greek hero supplanted a mythic Italic shepherd called "Recaranus" or "Garanus", famous for his strength who dedicated the Ara Maxim that becamae associated with the earliest Roman cult of [2]Hercules. While adopting much of the Greek Heracles' iconography and mythology as his own, Hercules adopted a number of myths and characteristics that were distinctly Roman. With the spread of Roman hegemony, Hercules was worshiped locally from throuHispagh niaGaul. 词源 大力神的拉丁名字没有直接借用了希腊人大力神但修正伊特鲁里亚人水瓶名字 Herceler‎‎来自希腊的名字通过晕厥,就是“大力神的荣耀赫拉”。借用大力神起[3] 誓(荷裘- !或Mehercle !)是一种普遍的叫声在古典拉丁文. Etymology Hercules' Latin name was not direc‎‎tly borrowed from GreekHerac les but is a modification of the Etrus name canHerceler, which derives from the Greek name via synco, Heracpeles translates to "The Glory of Hera". An oath invoking Hercules (Hercule! or Mehercle!) was a common interjecti on[3]in Classical Latin. 在艺术 ,赫拉, 伊拉克, 时期被,1st-2nd世纪CE。 赫尔克里斯的 在罗马的艺术作品和艺术的复兴和文艺复兴后适应罗马的肖像,赫尔克里斯的属性识别了狮子皮和粗糙的俱乐部(他最喜欢的武器):马赛克他被指示黑铜,一个[4] 男性的局面。 In Roman works of art and in Renaissance and post-Renaissance art that adapts Roman iconography, Hercules can be identified by his attributes and the gnarl, the lion skined club (his [4]favorite weapon): in mosai he is shownc tanned bronze, a virile aspec t. 在神话 根据神话里,他是的私生子(木星宙斯)和阿尔克墨涅,最聪明、最美丽的女人凡人女子。朱诺(赫拉)是他的不忠激怒了在木星和阿尔克墨涅,更使他把婴儿在她的胸部作为大力士她睡,这使他喂,造成对部分的不朽英雄,因此,让他超越那些凡人的人在力量、规模和能力。 朱诺举行了一个恶意的怨恨大力神和打发他到一个盲目的狂热,他杀死了所有他的孩子和他的妻子。赫尔克里斯清醒了,他找到了德尔菲神谕希望赎罪。圣谕师 命令大力神服务王项迈锡尼,谁派他去执行一系列任务称为大力神劳工。这些任务被告知顺序: 主要文章:大力士劳苦 的 1. 杀死尼米亚雄狮 2. 毁灭Lernaean连成 一 3. 捕捉Ceryneian后活着 4. 捕获太阳Erymanthian野猪 5. 打扫清理积弊 6. 要摆脱Stymphalia n鸟 7. 占领Cretan 牛 8. 对比赛的母Diomedes的 9. 取Hippolyte或者带的腰带, 10.取牛Geryo n 11.取金苹果Hesperides 12.带赛布勒斯从Tartarus. 虽然他是一个冠军和一个伟大的战士,他没有作弊,以上使用任何不公平的优点。然而,他是著名的有“为人类创造了世界安全”破坏了许多危险的怪物。虽然他是一 In mythology According to mythology, Hercules was the illegitimate son of Jupit (Zeus) erand Alcmene, the wisest and most beautiful of all mortal women. Juno (Hera) was enraged at Jupiter for his infidelity with Alcmene, and even more so that he placed the infant Hercules at her breast as she slept and allowed caused Hercules to be partially immortal, thus, him to feed, which allowing him to surpass all mortal men in strength, size and skill. Juno held a spiteful grudge against Hercules and sent him into a blind frenzy, in which he killed all of his children and his wife. When Hercules regained his sanity, he sought out the Oracle at Delph in the hope of imaking atonement. The Oracle ordered Hercules to serve Eurys, king theusof Mycenae, who sent him on a series of tasks known as the Labors of Hercules. These tasks are told in this order: Main article: Labours of Hercu les 1. To kill the Nemean lion 2. To destroy the Lernaean Hydra 3. To capture Ceryneian Hind alive 4. To trap the Erymanthian boar 5. To clean the Augean stabl es 6. To get rid of the Stymphalian birds 7. To capture the Cretan bull 8. To round up the Mares of Diome des 9. To fetch Hippolyte's girdle, or belt 10.To fetch the cattle of Geryo n 11.To fetch the golden apples of the Hespe‎‎ rides 12.To bring Cerberus from Tartarus. While he was a champion and a great warrior, he was not above cheating and using any unfair trick to his advantage. However, he was renowned as having "made the world safe for mankind" by destroying many dangerous monsters. Although he was a famous demigod, he still could not prevent his death. 死亡的大力神 Immortalization大力士的的 嫁给他是Deianeira。有一天,之后很长一段时间的婚姻Deianira大力士 半人马Nessu提供给渡轮s穿过一条很宽的河边,他们必须十字架。Nessus与Deianeira出发第一,但他试图把她拐骗。赫尔克里斯实现了半人马星座的真正目的,赫尔克里斯追赶他,用箭射中了他所毒害蛇的血。在他死前,Nessus告诉Deianeira采取一些他的血液和珍惜它,因为它是一个非常强大的医学和:如果她曾经以为他是不忠半人马告诉她,血液就会恢复他的爱。Deianeira把瓶血。 许多年之后,她听到谣传大力神事件已爱上别的女人了。她涂了些的血液在袍子,把它送到大力神由一个仆人,名叫Licha。Lichass洒了一些血液在地板上,当太阳的光芒,血液开始燃烧。因为这个Deianeira开始怀疑Nessus的建议,决定送一个仆人去拿回Lichas他还没来得及把手中的血袍无法将它们拉出来。她太迟了。赫尔克里斯已经穿上衣服,当他这么做了尚存的时候连血中毒使用相同的箭头从海格力斯,刻入他的肉。当他跳进一个附近的河里希望熄灭了火,这只会让它更糟。当他试图抢劫从他体内外袍器官也被掀掉了。 怒不可遏,抓住Lichas大力神,把他扔进大海。之后,他告诉他的朋友菲罗克提提 斯他建造一个燃烧Oata山上。他给烧死在燃烧。在死亡之前,赫尔克里斯提出他的弓和箭,以示感激菲罗克提提斯。他的父亲宙斯然后将他变成了一个神。Deianeira听见她所引起的,自杀了。 Death of Hercules The Immortalization of Hercules Hercules was married to Deian. One day, long aftereira Hercules' marriage to Deianira, the centaur Nessu offersed to ferry them across a wide river that they had to cross. Nessus set off with Deianeira first, but tried to abduct her. When Hercules realized the centaur's real intention, Hercules chased after him and shot him with an arrow which was poisoned with Hydra's blood. Before he died, Nessus told Deianeira to take some of his blood and treasure it, since it was a very powerful medicine and: if she ever thought Hercules was being unfaithful, the told her, centaurthe blood would restore his love. Deianeira kept the vial of blood. Many years after that incident she heard rumours that Hercules had fallen in love with another woman. She smeared some of the blood on a robe and sent it to Hercules by a servant named Licha. Lichass spilled some blood on the floor and when the sun's rays fell on it the blood begun to burn. Because of this Deianeira began to suspect Nessus's advice and decided to send another servant to fetch Lichas back before he could hand over the blood soaked robe to Hercules. She was too late. Hercules had already put on the robe and when he did so the blood still poisoned from the same arrow used by Hercules, burnt into his flesh. When he jumped into a nearby river in hope of extinguishing the fire, it only made it worse. When he tried to rip off the robe from his body his organs were also ripped off with it. Furiously, Hercules caught Lichas and tossed him into the sea. After that he told his friend Philoctete to builds him a pyre on the mountain Oata. He was burnt to death on the pyre. Before dying, Hercules offered his bow and arrows as a token of gratitude to Philoctetes. His father Zeus then turned him into a god. Deianeira, after hearing what she had caused, committed suicide. 日耳曼协会 塔西佗一个特殊的亲和力日耳曼人为英雄。在第三章Germania、塔西佗状态: „他们说,海格力斯,也曾经参观过他们,当进入战争,他们唱他首先英雄。他们也[5]们的歌曲,由独奏会bardit他们叫它us,他们唤醒他们的勇气,而从注意他有他 ‎‎‎‎ 们结果即将到来的征兆的冲突。因为,正如他们的线喊道,他们激励或感到惊慌。在古罗马时代大力神的俱从乐部2nd护身符出现,3rd世纪,分布在整个帝国(包括罗马统治下的不列颠,c.f。酷1986),主要由黄金,形状像木俱乐部。一个标本中发现Koln-Nippe熊碑文s“兰屿,乎她[culi]”,确认该协会与拉出来。 在5th 7th世纪来,在迁徙期间,那个护身符理论从有迅速蔓延地区日耳曼地区整个欧洲。这些日耳曼”Donar的俱乐部”是用鹿角,骨头或木头,更很少也由铜或贵金属。他们发现在女性独有的坟墓,显然不是作为一个带着吊坠,也可以作为一个坠子。此护身符类型都换成了海盗时代 托尔的锤吊坠过程中所发生的:斯堪的那维亚半岛从8th到9th世纪。 Germanic association Tacitus records a special affinity of the Germanic peopl for Hercuesles. In chapter 3 of his Germania, Tacitus states: ... they say that Hercules, too, once visited them; and when going into e, they sang of him first of all heroes. They have also those songs battl[5]s, by the recital of this barditus as they call it, they rouse of their courage, while from the note they augur the result of the approaching their ict. For, as their line shouts, they inspire or feel alarm. confl In the Roman era Hercules' Club amulets appear from the 2nd to 3rd century, distributed over the empire (including Roman Brita, c.f. Cool 1986), in mostly made of gold, shaped like wooden clubs. A specimen found in Köln-Nippe bearss the inscriptio"DEO HERn [culi]", confirming the association with Hercules. In the 5th to 7th centuries, during the Migration Perio, the amuledt is theorized to have rapidly spread from the Elbe Germa area acrosnics Europe. These Germanic "'s ClubsDonar‎‎" were made from deer antler, bone or wood, more rarely also from bronze or precious metals. They are found exclusively in female graves, apparently worn either as a belt pendant, or as an ear pendant. The amulet type is replaced by the Vikin Thor's g Agehamme pendarnts in the course of the Christianization of Scand from inaviathe 8th to 9th century. 钱币学 大力士的主要的主题已经收集硬币,许多奖牌,最近的一个是20欧元巴洛克的银币发布2002年9月11日。硬币的正面显示大楼梯在镇上。宫殿的尤金亲王的著名的在维也纳目前奥地利的财政部。神和半人半神掌握其航班,而英雄站在转走楼梯。 In numismatics Hercules has been the main motif of many collector coins and medals, the most recent one is the 20 euro Baroque Silver coin issued on September 11, 2002. The obverse side of the coin shows the Grand Staircase in the town palace of Prince Eugene of Savoy in Vienn‎‎, curreantly the Austrian Ministry of Finance. Gods and demi-gods hold its flights, while Hercules stands at the turn of the stairs. 画廊 , 古老的解释 , 大力神和尼米亚雄狮(细节),银 板,6th世纪des Medailles, 内巴黎阁) , 大力神壁画在collegium在海格立斯 , 大力神和他的侄子,帮助erome nos依 1st世纪从Anzio Nymphaeum CE马赛克,罗马 , 赫尔克里斯青铜雕像,2nd世纪博物馆的CE认证, Alany土耳其a) , 大力神雕塑Behistun, 伊朗雕刻的公元前139年 , 现代的解释 , 大力神和连成一通过安东尼奥?德尔?Pollaiuolo,15th世纪 , 洛可可雕塑的海格力斯,1758年。Branicki在宫殿Bia?ystok. , 漫画书盖(c.1958) , 大力士的棍的,一个高个的石灰石岩石和Pieskowa Ska?a城堡在背景 , 大力神作为heraldic支持者在外套的双臂希腊国,在使用从1863年到1973 年。希腊royalists带有时也会被称为“Ηρακλ‎‎”ε?δες(以下简称 “Herculeses”) 大力神电影 一系列电影是由意大利大力神十九在1950年代末和1960年代初。演员们在这些影片中扮演英雄史蒂夫?里维斯, 戈登?斯科特,柯克莫里斯。米奇Hargitay, 马克森林, 艾伦钢, 丹Vadi, s布莱德?哈里斯, 雷格公园, 彼得狼疮(号称岩石史蒂文斯)和迈克尔?道。以下列出的是电影由美国释放冠军,标题是原始意大利在括号内的荣誉的英文翻译。 , 大力神(乐Fatiche迪Ercole /之海格力斯,1957)由史蒂夫。里弗斯 , 大力神Unchained(Ercole拉迪莉迪亚雷吉娜e /大力神和女王莉迪 亚,1959)由史蒂夫。里弗斯 , 歌利亚龙(我要报仇迪Ercole /复仇的海格力斯,1960)(这个大力神电影 已经改变了它的标题歌利亚当它被分布在美国) , 大力神与蛇(Gli Amori迪Ercole /爱的大力神,1960)由杰恩曼斯菲尔德 , 大力神和俘虏女人 (Ercole真主安拉conquista迪Atlantide/赫尔克里 在征服了亚特兰提斯岛‎‎1961、、、)(交替美国标大力神和折题:磨的女性) 斯 , 赫尔克里斯在闹鬼的世‎‎界 (先涛公司Ercole德拉地球基地/赫尔克里斯 在地球的中心)1961(导演马里奥Bava) , 赫尔克里斯维尔的悲哀‎‎Macis (te Ercole nella天主的valle /控制 /Maciste。大力神在高原和悲哀) 1961 , 《尤里西斯》的儿子和拉出来 (Ulisse控制Ercole/《尤里西斯》。大力 ) 1962 神与 , 猛烈的大力神 (啦Furia迪Ercole/猛烈的大力神,a.k.a。参孙的烈怒) 1962 , 海格力斯,参孙和《尤里西斯》 (Ercole sfida Sansone/大力士参孙的挑 ) 1963 战 , 赫尔克里斯Vs.著摩洛的 (Ercole控制Molock/大力神与著摩洛 3、、、)(交替美国标征服题:Mycene) 196 , 大力士的儿子在黑暗之地 (Ercole l 'invincibile/大力神,无敌(这本来 就是一个英雄,是为电影“大力神的儿子”,这样它可以列入“大力神的儿子 “电视银包) , 大力神与巨人的战士 (他Trionfo迪Ercole‎‎大力士的胜/利1964、、、)(交 替美国标题:大力神和十复仇者) , 大力神反对罗马 (控制Ercole罗马, 1964) , 大力神与太阳的儿子 (我figli控制Ercole德尔脚底, 1964) , 大力神和暴君巴比伦城‎‎(我tiranni迪Babilonia Ercole控制,1964) , 参孙的和强大的挑战 (Ercole,Sansone,Maciste e Ursus:gli cibili1964‎‎、、、)(a.k.a天主的。Combate斯?吉甘特斯小镇上) invin , 大力神和特洛伊的公主‎‎(a.k.avs.。大力神海怪物没有意大‎‎利冠 ,1965(这48-minute意大利/美国热电联产的飞行员进行了一个电视连续军 剧查尔斯Band-produced从未) , 海格力斯,复仇者的 (天主的Sfida giganti/挑战巨人的,1965)这部电影 主要是由股票拍摄于2早期电影钢板公园大力神,直接向美国电视被释放 许多English-dubbed意大利电影“大力士”的名字,这次冠军从来没有想将意大利电影大力神创造者。 , 赫尔克里斯的,邪恶的囚犯实际上是一个为Ursus电影。 , 大力神和黑色的海盗和大力神和印加人的宝藏‎‎都为参孙的电影。 , 大力神和戴面具的骑马的人实际上‎‎是一个为歌利亚的电影。 , 对月亮的人。大力神, 大力神和野蛮人的, 大力神与蒙古人和大力神沙漠 是原来Maciste电影。 的都 所有这些电影原来自己在意大利的版本接通了英雄人物。同样地,大多数的大力 显示在美国电视电影在1960年代都与赫尔克里斯原来自己在意大利的神的儿子 化身。 , 这三个走狗做了一个美国喜剧于1962年召满足这三个开走狗出来参孙伯 克打出来。, , 在1970年阿诺德?施瓦辛格主演大力神在纽约.
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