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紫金农商银行招聘考试笔试内容题目试卷真题考什么紫金农商银行招聘考试笔试内容题目试卷真题考什么 农商行招聘考试笔试面试真题复习资料 江苏紫金农村商业银行股份有限公司,是经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准筹建,由南京市辖区内原4家农村中小金融机构(南京市区农村信用合作联社、南京市江宁区农村信用合作联社、南京市浦口区农村信用合作联社、南京市六合区农村信用合作联社)按照市场化原则组建而成的股份制农村商业银行。紫金农商银行注册资本22亿元,现有从业人员2000余人,营业网点122个,在南京市区范围内形成规范、完善的金融服务网络。 1简介 近年来,我们坚持以改革为先导、发展为主线...
紫金农商银行招聘考试笔试题目试卷真题考什么 农商行招聘考试笔试面试真题复习资料 江苏紫金农村商业银行股份有限公司,是经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准筹建,由南京市辖区内原4家农村中小金融机构(南京市区农村信用合作联社、南京市江宁区农村信用合作联社、南京市浦口区农村信用合作联社、南京市六合区农村信用合作联社)按照市场化原则组建而成的股份制农村商业银行。紫金农商银行注册资本22亿元,现有从业人员2000余人,营业网点122个,在南京市区范围内形成规范、完善的金融服务网络。 1简介 近年来,我们坚持以改革为先导、发展为主线、效益为中心,坚持“服务三农、服务中小、服务地方”的市场定位,全面提升综合竞争实力,励精图治、精诚创业,重点支持特色农业、品牌农业、生态农业、创汇农业以及中小企业的发展,已经成为南京市区农村金融的主力军。 紫金农商银行将立足新的起点,扬帆新的希望,坚持“好中求快、优中求进”的发展方向,朝着以中小企业银行、零售银行为特色的区域性现代金融企业的目标大步迈进。 2特色业务 “金茉莉?信得利”理财产品 此款产品是人民币理财存款业务为一长年业务品种,主要是为有部分闲置资金但难以确定存期的客户提供的一项短期资金理财增值业务。客户可根据不同类型产品设定的起点金额存入资金,通过本社循环计息、自动转存的方式,实现资金流动性与收益性的有效结合,其主要特点有以下几点: 1、复利计息,收益较高。办理我社约定转存业务,将获得高于活期储蓄存款的收益,且以约定周期复利分段计息、自动转存,最大限度地提高客户资金收益。 2、流动性强,期限短。存款周期短,资金流动性明显增强。 3、取款便利,无预约。此业务不同于通知存款,客户无须办理预约手续,本社会将自动从存入日(或转存日)次日算起的存期到期日作为支取日,客户可ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain 随时到本社办理支取手续。 “金茉莉?信利达”理财产品 此款产品是我社“金茉莉”系列理财产品中低风险类型的理财,本理财产品销售所汇集的资金将投资于由信托公司发起的资金信托项目,该资金信托的投资范围主要是用于向借款人发放信托贷款。其特点有: 1、收益高——产品预期收益率高出同期存款税后收益率,理财收益较大。 2、投资方向明确——产品投资对象为六合联社购买民生银行发行的优质信贷资产理财产品。 3、产品挂钩投资对象为优质信贷资产,配置资产风险较小。 附注:理财起点金额为5万元,以1万元的整数倍递增;在理财期限内,客户不可提前终止;在理财产品存续期满后,本金与收益一次性支付。 “白领直贷通”贷款 1、贷款简介:“白领直贷通”是专门针对我区行政机关、事业单位以及相关部门任职的正式工作人员推出的个人授信贷款业务,“白领直贷通”贷款采取“一次授信、总额控制、随用随贷、周转使用”的管理模式。 2、授信对象:区内行政机关、事业单位以及相关部门任职的正式工作人员且家庭年收入在10万元(含)以上。 3、授信额:授信额+(家庭年收入)*信用系数 ?家庭年收入为个人和配偶的收入及房屋租赁及其他收入; ?信用系数按六个信用等级,分别确定信用系数。 4、授信期限:授信期限一般为2年。 5、授信利率:首次用信时按中国人民银行公布的同期同档次基准利率上浮10%执行,如借款人贷款后出现不良记录,每出现一次不良记录,其再次贷款时利率按基准利率递增10%执行。 “林权抵押”贷款 1、贷款简介:林权抵押贷款是指森林资源财产权利人为融资需要以其能依ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain 法有权处分的森林、林木权利抵押给贷款人的行为。 2、借款对象:经工商部门登记核准的从事林业经营的单位和个体工商户,以及从事林业经营的有完全民事行为能力的自然人。 3、贷款要求:借款人依法办理林权登记而取得林权证,森林、林木使用权;林木生长期不低于三年(含);林地面积不少于100亩以上,林木平均直径不低于8cm;能按时交付租地费用和对林木维护费用;无不良信用记录;国家规定的能作为抵押物的森林、经济林、薪炭林;本社认为需要提供的其他资料。 4、贷款金额:贷款额度不超过评估价值的40%,审批权集中在联社审贷会,由有权审批人审批。 5、贷款期限: 贷款期限为1-5年(含),最长不超过五年(含)。 “残疾人创业”贷款 1、贷款简介:向符合条件的本区乡镇残疾人发放的、用于弥补借款人自谋职业、自主创业或合伙经营与组织起来就业中的自筹资金不足而发放的担保贷款。 2、贷款对象:凡年龄满18周岁(男55周岁、女45周岁以下)具有完全民事行为能力的自然人,具有我区常住户口且有固定住所,身体健康、诚实信用(无不良信用记录)、具备一定劳动技能的残疾人,可以持残疾人联合会核发的《残疾人证》及相关资料向我社申请贷款。 3、操作方式:小额担保贷款按照借款人自愿申请、区残疾人联合会推荐、我社核贷等程序,办理贷款手续。我社自收到贷款申请及符合条件的资料之日起,应在3个工作日内给予贷款申请人正式答复。 4、贷款金额:贷款金额一般掌握在两万元以内,还款方式和计结息方式由借贷双方商定,对残疾人员合伙经营和组织起来创业的,可根据人数,适当扩大贷款规模。 5、贷款期限:贷款期限分为六个月以内(含六个月)、六个月至一年(含一年)、一年至二年(含两年)三个档次,借款人提出展期且担保人同意继续提供担保的,经我社同意可以按规定展期一次,六个月以内(含六个月)、六个月至一年(含一年)的贷款展期期限不得超过原贷款期限;一年至二年(含两年)的ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain 贷款展期期限不得超过一年。 6、贷款利率:贷款利率按照中国人民银公布同期同档次基准贷款利率执行。借款人按季向信用社支付利息后凭信用社开具的利息收入凭条向区残疾人联合会支取全额贴息。 “下岗失业人员小额担保”贷款 1、贷款简介:为鼓励我区下岗失业人员独立创业,解决其创业资金不足的困难,推动我区再就业工作开展,我社推出下岗失业人员小额担保贷款的业务品种。 2、发放对象:凡年满18周岁(男52周岁、女42周岁以下)具有完全民事行为能力的自然人,具有我区常住户口且有固定住所,身体健康、诚实信用(无不良信用记录)、具备一定劳动技能的下岗失业人员,可以持劳动保障部门核发的<<再就业优惠证>>及相关资料向我社申请小额担保贷款。 3、操作方式:按照借款人自愿申请、社区推荐、区劳动保障部门审查、贷款担保机构审核并承诺担保、我社核贷程序,办理贷款手续。我社自收到贷款申请及符合条件的资料之日起,应在3个工作日内给予贷款申请人正式答复。 4、贷款额度:一般掌握在两万元以内,对下岗失业人员合伙经营和组织起来再就业,可根据人数,适当扩大贷款规模。 5、贷款期限:分为六个月以内(含六个月)、六个月至一年(含一年)、一年至二年(含两年)三个档次。 6、贷款利率:按照中国人民银行公布同期同档次基准贷款利率执行。从事微利项目的由中央财政据实全额贴息。 ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain 考试复习资料可以到上面找找,资料确实不错,比较有针对性,建议大家可以去了解一下 紫金农商银行笔试真题 1. 5 道时事政治(11月11日G20峰会,10月份CPI...) +农商行常识(网点多少个)... 2. 10道数字推理 3。 15道计算(比公务员考试简单) 4。 10道图形 (忘了是5道还是10道了) 5. 10道类比推理(忘了是5道还是10道了) 6。 10道逻辑 7。 15道统计(3个资料,每个5道题) 8。 5道语文题 9。 15个阅读理解题,3段文章 10。5道金融经济题 紫金农商银行面试真题: 首先自我介绍,其实没那么紧张,不知道为什么说的时候憋着一口气找不到换气的时间T___T说完立刻轻松了 然后问愿不愿意去郊区当柜员,这个时候当然说愿意了,多长时间就回答三年 之后问对去郊区有什么想法,我说可以去,但是希望去延庆(刚看了那个离职的帖子,有点伤„„是不是不该这么说) 我一说完边上一个面试官还很差异的重复了一边。。。我赶紧告诉他因为那边有亲戚 然后就是另一个面试官问了一下我的专业,还有一个问题没听清,好像是柜员之后什么打算,反正我是按这个问题回答的,她也没说什么 之后就结束了,出来看了下,也就五六分钟 我们组还有同学被问到有没有和别人起过争执什么的,过程还挺好玩 总体来说是很轻松的,前面的人都说考官在笑„„我怎么没发现T___T 面试说完啦,我来啰嗦一下之前等待的事^^ 我是下午三点的,大概提前半小时到了,很无聊,跟群里一个同学碰了个头~嘿嘿 快到三点的时候让我们上楼,就是一面的那个大厅。 去了发现前面那批人还没面完,工作人员说三点的就是最后一批了„„看了下我的顺序,倒数的,老老实实等吧 签到之后领了两张表,一个算是基本信息吧,面试的时候用到了,还有一个协议书什么的,不了解具体有什么用,反正填完就让交上去 填完之后开始和边上一个妹子聊天,中途还去外面溜达了一会儿,偷听了一下别组的面试内容嘿嘿 又过了好久,反正回过神来发现其他组都没人啦,我们组三点的还没开始面„„大家有点躁动了 我们组的负责人后来估计是要下班了,直接把我们都领到门口,按顺序坐,一下ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain 九个人 算一下,按之前的速度,估计到我得七八点了= = 还好面试官加快了速度,后来一个人也就五六分钟,所以还是在五点半之前结束了 我走的时候碰到了另一个组的最后一个人,所以„„那个时候应该只有我们组的最后那个男生在面试了吧哈哈~加油~ 实战#题#: 1.科学的货币本质观是( ) A.马克思的劳动价值说 B.货币金属说 C.货币名目说 D.创造发明说 2.高利贷是一种以( )为条件的借贷活动。 A.价值转移 B.高利借债和偿还 C.价值特殊运动 D.支付利息 3.银行和企业往往同属一个财团,并与工商企业关系密切的是( )金融机构体系的特点。 A.英国 B.美国 C.日本 D中国 4.发行价格低于金融工具的票面金额称作( )。 A.溢价 B.平价 C.折价 D.竞价 5.世界各国中央银行的组织形式以( )最为流行。 A.单一型 B.复合型 C.跨国型 D.准中央银行型 6.商业银行经营方针中作为条件的是( )。 A.安全性 B.社会性 C.流动性 D.盈利性 7.在影响基础货币增减变动的因素中,( )的影响最主要。 A.国外净资产 B.央行对政府债权 C.固定资产的增减变化 D.央行对商业银行的债权 8.( )是国际收支平衡表的最基本项目。 A.经常项目 B.资本项目 C.平衡项目 D.以上都不对 9.物价水平年平均上涨率在3%以上,但尚未达到两位数的通货膨胀属于( )。 A.爬行式通货膨胀 B.温和式通货膨胀 C.奔腾式通货膨胀 D.恶性通货膨胀 10.利率与货币供应量作为政策变量的不同点是( )。 A.前者顺循环,后者逆循环 B.前者逆循环,后者顺循环 C.二者均顺循环,但程度不一样 D.二者均逆循环,但程度不一样 ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain 11.商品的价格是( )。 A.商品与货币价值的比率 B.同商品价值成反比 C.同货币价值成正比 D.商品价值的货币表现 12.经济发展对金融起( )作用。 A.一定的 B.决定性的 C.不确定 D.推动 13.下列利率决定理论中哪一种理论强调投资与储蓄对利率的决定作用( )。 A.马克思的利率论 B.流动偏好论 C.可贷资金论 D.实际利率论 14.现代经济中最基本的占主导地位的信用形式是( )。 A.国家信用 B.商业信用 C.银行信用 D.国际信用 15.下列项目中的( )不包括在国际收支平衡表中。 A.经常项目 B.资本项目 C.借贷项目 D.平衡项目 16.中央银行是发行的银行,拥有发行( )的权力。 A.银行券 B.信用流通工具 C.金属铸币 D.债券 17.西方国家中建立存款保险制度最早的国家是( )。 A.英国 B.美国 C.德国 D.日本 18.金融业是一个高风险行业,其风险性首先在于( )。 A.行业风险 B.利率风险 C.流动性风险 D.汇率风险 19.在我国,收入变动与货币需求量变动之间的关系是( )。 A.同方向 B.反方向 C.无任何直接关系 D.A和B都可能 20.在下列货币政策工具中效果最猛烈的是( )。 A.法定存款准备金比率 B.再贴现政策 C.直接信用控制 D.公开市场业务 21.货币的产生是( )。 A.由金银的天然属性决定的 B.国家的发明创造 C.商品交换过程中商品内在矛盾发展的产物 D.人们相互协商的结果 22.货币在( )时执行价值尺度职能。 A.商品买卖 B.缴纳税款 C.支付工资 D.表现和衡量商品价值 23.经济货币化和经济商品化和货币作用力成( )。 ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain A.反比 B.波动变化 C.无法预知 D.正比 24.商业银行的负债业务是( )。 A.形成资金来源业务 B.资金运用业务 C.租赁业务 D.承兑业务 25.金本位制下,( )是决定两国货币汇率的基础。 A.货币含金量 B.铸币平价 C.中心汇率 D.货币实际购买力 26.中央银行在中国的萌芽是( )。 A.户部银行 B.中国银行 C.中国农民银行 D.华北银行 27.在整个货币供给过程中,( )居于核心地位。 A.中央政府 B.中央银行 C.商业银行 D.非银行金融机构 28.导致通货膨胀的直接原因是( )。 A.货币供应过多 B.货币贬值 C.纸币流通 D.物价上涨 29.商业银行与其他金融机构区别之一在于其能接受( )。 A.原始存款 B.定期存款 C.活期存款 D.储蓄存款 30.货币政策诸目标间呈一致性关系的是( )。 A.经济增长与充分就业 B.充分就业与国际收支平衡 C.物价稳定与经济增长 D.物价稳定与充分就业 【参考答案】1——10: ABCCA CDABA 11——20:DBDCC ABAAA 21——30: CDDAB ABACA ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain
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