

2017-12-11 14页 doc 238KB 22阅读




户户通中九三代机安装调试方法户户通中九三代机安装调试方法 一 对星调试信号 1 组装好以后 插入智能卡 电视显示图像如下: 密码:9999 practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworth...
户户通中九三代机安装调试方法 一 对星调试信号 1 组装好以后 插入智能卡 电视显示图像如下: 密码:9999 practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the ability 到这步就不要动机顶盒和遥控了,对准星就会出现绿色信号 如果没对准 就是只有强度没有信号质量 强度:有只能线路通了,没有就是线路没通 质量:必须对准星才有,没对准就是0,信号质量调试到越高越好。 3大角度最重要,1 调试方位角 2调试仰角 3调试极化角 二 授权 1 将机顶盒序列号和机顶盒加密序列号发给我们 2 出现信号质量绿色以后自动收索一次提示出现57套节目,但是无法观看。 practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the ability 2.在不通电的状态下把手机卡(必须是移动并且已经开通GPRS功能)装到机器 里面的卡槽里 practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the ability 按遥控--菜单--系统设置--网络连接设置 输入IP 为: 网络端口04567 保存以后 重新启动机顶盒 practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the ability 输入IP地址是为了跟管理中心连接 重启机顶盒以后 会出现如下画面 保证你的GPRS天线接好以后 能收到移动基站的手机信号 在此画面机顶盒会与移动基站通讯,等待几分钟会提示是否安装 出现下面的画面,不用动、等待 接着出现基站信息还是按红键存储 practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the ability 等一会会出现下面的画面,然后按确认键 出现下面的画面不用管,等待 practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the ability 安装正确会提示发送成功 practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the ability 安装成功 安装成功以后可以关机取出手机卡 整个安装过程几分钟--几十分钟不等 请耐心等待 在不通电的状态下把手机卡(必须是移动并且已经开通GPRS功能)装到机器里 面的卡槽里 用户卡也插好 AV线和天线也连接好 然后开机,出现自动搜索画面 搜到节目,但是不出影像 在出现下面的对话框,不用管它、等待。 待一会出现基站信息,按红键存储。 接着按菜单键到系统设置再按确认键(OK键) 出现密码提示框输入9 9 9 9 密码后确认 光标移到网络连接设置再按确认 网络IP设置更改成:114 251 156 067 网络端口改成04567 改好后按确认键,接着退出菜单 关掉机器,重新开机 出现下面的画面,不用动、等待 接着出现基站信息还是按红键存储 等一会会出现下面的画面,然后按确认键 出现下面的画面不用管,等待 出现发送成功画面,不用动 出现安装过程中请稍候。。。继续等待 出现画面,不用管它等待 出现安装成功 出现正常画面,安装完毕 practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the ability 直播星户户通机顶盒由于在安装过程中,会涉及到终端基站锁定、授权申请及接收,直播星信号锁定、前端授权申请的接收及授权发送等诸多工序,所涉及到的环节较多,因此在初步安装过程中,会出现这样或那样的问题。 本文档介绍了在直播星户户通机顶盒安装过程中与锁定模块相关的一些现象及可能造成这种现象的原因,可作为安装人员在初步进行安装时的安装指导规范。 现象描述及安装指导 本章节主要介绍在直播星户户通机顶盒用户家中安装时,用户家中电视机屏幕的显示信息和产生的原因,以及可能引起这种现象问题的误操作。为安装人员进行安装时的初步指导。 显示“无位置信息,请与客服中心联系” 在安装过程中,如果用户家中电视机屏幕上显示“无位置信息,请与客服中心联系”,则: 产生原因:位置锁定模块无法扫描到基站信息,并且综合接收解码器处于锁定模式位置; 可能的误操作: 锁定模块与天线连接不畅; 无天线或未插天线; 当地GSM信号极差或被屏蔽; 显示“位置锁定模块异常1” 在安装过程中,如果用户家中电视机屏幕上显示“位置锁定模块异常1”,则: 产生原因:获取锁定模块信息无任何返回; 可能的误操作: 1、 机顶盒和锁定模块没有正常连接; 2、 机顶盒无法正常给锁定模块供电; 3、 其他任何导致锁定模块无法上电的情况; 显示“位置锁定模块异常2” practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the ability 在安装过程中,如果用户家中电视机屏幕上显示“位置锁定模块异常2”,则: 产生原因:已获取锁定模块信息,但连续3次签名校验失败; 可能的误操作: 锁定模块被更换,与户户通机顶盒不匹配; 显示“位置锁定模块异常3” 在安装过程中,如果用户家中电视机屏幕上显示“位置锁定模块异常3”,则: 产生原因:锁定模块IMEI号不匹配,且智能卡IMEI号对应比特位不为0; 可能的误操作: 智能卡与户户通机顶盒及锁定模块不匹配; 显示“位置锁定模块异常4” 在安装过程中,如果用户家中电视机屏幕上显示“位置锁定模块异常4”,则: 产生原因:对位置锁定模块复位升级失败; 可能的误操作: 锁定模块与户户通机顶盒无法连接; 锁定模块无法上电; 其他任何导致锁定模块无法上电的情况; 显示“智能卡未开卡„” 在安装过程中,如果用户家中电视机屏幕上显示“智能卡未开卡,是否安装,选【确认】进行安装,选【返回】播放免费节目”,则: 产生原因:智能卡未开卡; 可能的误操作: 智能卡未插好; 开卡申请请求未成功发送至前端; 显示“位置信息改变,请与客服中心联系” 在安装过程中,如果用户家中电视机屏幕上显示“位置信息改变,请与客服中心联系”,则: 产生原因:位置锁定模块扫描到的基站信息与智能卡存储的基站信息匹配失败,并且智能卡中移机标志位无效; 可能的误操作: 开卡位置与安装位置不同; 显示“发送失败„” 在安装过程中,如果用户家中电视机屏幕上显示“发送失败”,则: 产生原因:位置锁定模块信息发送失败; 可能的误操作: IP地址设置不正确; 天线为能正确连接或未能连接好; SIM卡未插好; 未开通GPRS业务; 欠费; 其他不能收发数据的情况; practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the ability
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