

2017-09-02 20页 doc 53KB 12阅读




我叫MT第三季第3集 我叫MT第三季第3集  1. 姚明脸怒喝:“火焰冲击~~~” Fire blaaaast! 2. 大小姐生气的说:“哼~你就这点本事,” Is that it? 3. 姚明脸一遍搓火球一边说:“急什么,有本事先打赢我再说。” Patient,just fight me 4. 大小姐躲过火球说:“那我就让你知道什么叫圣斗士~” Then I will let you know what the real holy pally is. 5. 大小姐伸手勾引姚明脸暧昧的语气说:“过来呀~” Come on baby...
我叫MT第三季第3集  1. 姚明脸怒喝:“火焰冲击~~~” Fire blaaaast! 2. 大小姐生气的说:“哼~你就这点本事,” Is that it? 3. 姚明脸一遍搓火球一边说:“急什么,有本事先打赢我再说。” Patient,just fight me 4. 大小姐躲过火球说:“那我就让你知道什么叫圣斗士~” Then I will let you know what the real holy pally is. 5. 大小姐伸手勾引姚明脸暧昧的语气说:“过来呀~” Come on baby~ 6. 姚明脸:“哼,你当我傻啊。” You think I am a fool? 7. 大小姐说:“可以呀~不过没有下次了~” Well done..I will win next time. 8. 姚明脸说:“我也觉得没有下次了。” There's no next time. 9. 大小姐生气的说:“老家伙~你想怎么死,说吧~” What did you say,old fool? 10. 姚明脸特写:“那个。。。你难道就不会灵机一动么,” Come on can you just use your spells wisely? 11. 大小姐生气的说:“什么灵机一动~,” What exactly? 12. 姚明脸说:“别急,来,我教你~” I will teach you... 13. 大小姐生气说:“教我什么~,” what? 14. 姚明脸说:“嗯,你先放个奉献~” Consecration first 15. 大小姐说:“然后呢,” Yeah? 16. 姚明脸着急的大喊:“快使用双节。。哦不,快使用无敌~” Then bubble, I mean, divine shield 17. 大小姐着急的问:“然后呢,~” Then? 18. 姚明脸大喊:“跑~” Then run! 19. 姚明脸说:“我还没说完~用炉石跑啊~~” Ah, I mean, you use your hearthstone to run.. 20. 姚明脸:“哎。。就算用腿跑也别往里面跑啊。。。” Sigh, If you really want to run with your legs, run to a right position. 21. 大小姐生气的说:“气死我了~今天我一定要那个没教养的蠢牛好看~” Son of...you will pay for this dirty bull! 22. 大小姐生气的喝道:“你还杵着干嘛~,还不快去叫人~” What are you doing there, get everyone here 23. 姚明脸特写:“叫谁呀。。。这大半夜的都睡觉呢。。。” Get..who? It's mid night, people are sleeping. 24. 大小姐特写:“这才几点~,你太小看宅们了~” No, this is not too late for these ppl. 25. 姚明脸走进城里,边走边说:“好吧,头,听您的。。。不过。。我您把血加满。。。” Ok, fine, but, heal up first. 26. 大小姐怒喝:“要你管~,快去~” Shut up and move! 27. mt说:“啊~又来到这个地方了~” Oh no, this place, again 28. xd一副哭丧样说:“你还好意思说。。。自从认识了你,我命也苦了,点也背了,一件银鳞胸甲也卖不出去了。。。” This is all your fault!Since I knew you,nothing is going well, I havent even sold a single breastplate... 29. sm说:“不是挺好的吗,收了这么多人~” Anyway, we recruited lots of people. 30. xd说:“哎,那也不能牺牲我啊~” But for me.. 31. mt怒说:“还不是你出的馊主意~” This is actually your fault, you made this bad idea. 32. xd怒着说:“怎么能怨我~,我就是说回去卖点垃圾而已~” How? I just wanted to sell some junk 33. mt怒说:“我都说了让傻馒当垃圾桶了~你非要回去~” I told you just dump you junk in Shammy's bags and don't go back! 34. sm大怒:“你才是垃圾桶~” I'm not a rubbish bin! 35. mt说:“傻馒~我包包满了~怎么办~,” Shammy! my inventory is full, what to do? 36. sm说:“满了就满了呗~” So let it be. 37. mt说:“那这个迅猛龙的牙齿怎么办~,” but what about these raptor teeth? 38. sm特写:“牙齿就不要了,又不是什么好东西~” Teeth?leave them, just some junk that's all. 39. mt特写,大怒:“什么~,这能卖2个银币呢~你居然恬着脸说不要了~,” What?these are worth 2 silvers! 2 silvers! you say they are junk? 40. sm特写,大怒:“你说什么~,” Any problem? 41. lr说:“哎呀,哀木涕,你把炉石仍了呗~” Hey, MT, just destory you hearthstone. 42. mt奇怪状:“炉石是咩呀,” What is the hearthstone? 43. sm说:“就是可以直接传送回旅馆的那个石头~” The stone teleports you back to town, that stone. 44. mt扰扰头说:“噢,那个啊,第一季的时候就仍咧~又卖不了钱还占老子一个格子~” I destroyed it in season 1, very worthless crap took one of my valuable slots. 45. Mt又继续说:“算了,sm过来帮我拿垃圾好了~” Anyway, Shammy help me to carry my junks plz. 46. xd特写说:“干脆我们回藏宝海湾卖掉好了,我的包也快满了~” Or we can just go back to booty bay to empty our bags, my bags are full,too. 47. mt说:“那好吧~速去速回~” Ok,let's do it fast. 48. mt边跑边唱:“?我在马路边捡到一根烟,把它交给红桃K叔叔手里边?,K哥拿着烟,?对我把头点,?我高兴的说了一句?” (singing)I picked up a cigarette on the road,gave it to Brother K,brother K nodded to me, I said it with pleasure. 49. xd说:“你高兴的说了句啥,” You said what? 50. mt指着前面说:“看,联盟的小妞~” I said...see! an ally girl! 51. mt怒着说:“他们发现我们了~快,赶紧跑回城里~” They see us! run! run back to town! 52. mt正面来回蹦着说:“哎呦,好烫好烫~” OMG this is too hot! 53. xd说:“哎,那么猴急干嘛,在门口联盟难道敢怎么着不成,” Just stay back,they can do nothing to you from outside. 54. xd说:“噢~卖好了没,” Have you done? 55. mt猥琐说:“嗯,好了,就快可以买马了~~我们走~” Yeah I sold lots of things, and I'm soon able to buy the mount! 56. mt着急的催促说:“快~我们去占便宜~” Come! let's take some advantages 57. xd说:“什么便宜,” What do you mean, advantages? 58. mt说:“上~” Charge! 59. mt猥琐脸说:“嘿嘿~又混了点荣誉~” Heihei, grab some extra honor. 60. xd特写说:“我们走吧~傻馒还等着咱们呢~” Let's go, Shammy is waiting for us. 61. mt说:“嗯~” Alright 62. mt说:“好了~我们继续吧~” We're back, let's go ahead 63. mt大惊:“啊~,有人抢先了~” Someone did it first! 64. 花花疼的花花乱蹦:“哎呀哎呀~” Ahya Ahya~ 65. mt大惊:“啊,暗夜男投胎成猎人了~,” NE transformed to a hunter? 66. xd着急的说:“怎么办,~我们先帮谁,” What now, which side we help first? 67. mt生气的说:“靠~当然是先帮宝箱了~” Of course we help the..chest! 68. sm大怒说:“我们先去把那个暗夜男废了再说~” Shut it, we shall kill NE first. 69. 花花地上来回滚:“哎呀哎呀~” Ahya Ahya~ 70. sm怒着说:“好了,我们去开宝箱~” Ok, now the chest. 71. 花花陶醉的说:“啊~英雄~” Oh my hero! 72. xd怒状特写:“呆~何方妖孽~,还不快快显出原形~” WTH, Who was it, show yourself! 73. 花花豪爽的说:“嗨~~亲爱的大老鼠~你救了我,我看上你了~哈哈哈~” Hi~ my big mice!you saved me,oh~ I'm so falling in love with you ~ 74. mt怒着说:“今天这个宝箱老子要定了~” I want this chest! I will have it! 75. lr怒着说:“哼,你想的美~要想拿宝箱得先问问我手里的凳子愿意不愿意~” Forget it!any one wants to touch the chest must come through me! 76. lr怒喊:“拿命来~~” I kill you! 77. mt怒喊:“美屡~你怎么来了~,” Beauty! you are here! 78. lr:“啊,亲爱的~,” Oh! my love? 79. lr躺在地上濒死状挣扎的说:“哀木涕。。我。。。我不行了。。以后。。美。。。美屡。。。就 拜托。。你。。了。。” MT..I'm dying, plz..take care Beauty for me.. 80. lr挣扎着说:“哀木涕。。你。。你太。。不够。意思。。了。。” MT you son of bitch 81. mt猥琐:“竞技场高手饰物~可以卖1金呢~” Arena Master the trinket! I can sell it for 1 gold, nice. 82. mt猥琐状:“嘿嘿,这妞太蠢了~” Hehe, this girl too stupid. 83. 大小姐撕心裂肺的惨叫:“啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~” Ahhhhh~ 84. Mt自言自语:“TNND~想围观老子~” Want to kill me, you can't make it. 85. sm大发雷霆:“太可恶了~联盟居然欺负我们人少~我们要复仇~” Bloody alliance are too bad, we need more people to teach them a lesson! 86. lr怒说:“对对~我去叫呆贼和亲爱的来帮咱们出头~” Right, I will call orc rogue and my love to help us 87. xd怒说:“我去叫女盗贼来帮咱们~” I call rogue girl 88. 花花说:“哇哈哈~我宝贝都叫人了我也得示一下么~我把我公会的人全叫来~” My lovely mice even called someone, so I will call all my guildies 89. mt问:“你们公会几个人啊,” How many people in your guild? 90. 花花说:“哈哈~我们公会人老多了~有8个人呢~” We got a lot, like eight ~ 91. lr特写:“哎呀哎呀,真多~不如加入到我们菊暴大队吧~” Wow, that is..a lot, how about your guildies all join our guild? 92. 花花说:“好啊,没问~不过菊暴大队是什么意思,” No problem, but, what is the meaning of A.N.A.L? 93. lr脸红害羞的扭扭捏捏:“就是。。。就是。。。哎呀。。。” It means... it actually...Ahya.. 94. sm怒:“别理他,我们快去叫人~” Stop this, and we need more people very bad. 95. 花花:“嘿,我的增援到了~” Hey, My reinforcement are all here! 96. 花花说:“来我给你们介绍下~这是我们公会的全体成员~” Let me introduce~ see, they are all of my guildies 97. mt特写说:“你们先加入我们公会~等我们的增援来了去灭了联盟~” You join our guild first~ wait for my backups arrive we wipe out the ally. 98. 亡灵女术士说:“对了,刚从旅馆出来看到一个二b巨魔蹲在那发春,你们认识不,” BTW,I saw a silly troll out there at the inn, do you know him? 99. 花花说:“喔~那个好像是他们。。哦不,咱们的会长~” Oh, he is actually their...no, our, our guild master! 100. 亡灵女术士大惊:“什么~,那样的玩意都能当会长了,” WTF, that is our guild master? 101. mt说:“哎~【升调】那么在意干嘛咧~大家开心一下么~” Hey, it is true but, don't worry about it, just be happy~ 102. 女盗贼:“哦,人不少么~” So many people. 103. mt特写:“哦哦~来了来了~” All here! 104. sm特写:“嗯,就差呆贼他们了~” Just wait for orc rogue. 105. xd说:“哦,说曹操曹操就到~” Speak of the devil and he comes! 106. mt说:“曹操是谁啊,” What is devil? 107. sm说道:“有没有文化~知道西游记吗,孙悟空和贝吉塔陪着曹操上西天的故事~” Have you read about Faust?this is the story of the Dante with his devil,that devil. 108. mt恍然大悟:“噢~~原来是这样啊~” Oh, I see! 109. dz说:“不。。不好意思。。。来。。来晚。。晚。。。了。。。。” Sorry, I..I'm so...so terribly late 110. mt特写:“没事,我们去收拾联盟~” Don't worry, let's kill some alliance! 111. 姚明脸说:“大小姐,咱们现在去哪,” Lady, Where to now? 112. 大小姐生气的说:“回家~” Home 113. 姚明脸特写说:“那个恶心的母牛是不是让你想起来不爽的事情了。。。” That cow makes you remind something unhappy? 114. 大小姐大怒:“我已经不爽了~” I'm already unhappy! 115. 姚明脸特写:“那老夫让您爽一下如何。。。” So how about I make you happy 116. 大小姐问:“怎么爽~,” How do you make me happy? 117. 姚明脸说:“我去把那个母牛宰了给您炖牛肉火锅~” I go out there, and kill the cow, and make you a beef hotpot. 118. 大小姐大怒:“你早干什么了~,那天晚上你去哪了~,” You're too late, where were you that night? 119. 姚明脸委屈的说:“您不是叫我去找援军了么。。。” You sent me to call the help. 120. 大小姐自言自语:“老家伙~援军还没找来么~,” Old fool, so where was your help huh? 121. 大小姐坐在地上吃东西,生气的自言自语:“可恶~居然在我没血的时候偷袭我~” Damn, they killed me when I got low health... 122. 大小姐看看问:“那个野牛杀掉了没~,” That stupid wild bull, did you kill him? 123. 地精说:“你都说是野牛了,哪这么容易追上~” As you said master, he is wild, hard to chase. 124. 大小姐生气的说:“切~废物~” You are so wasted! 125. 大小姐怒喝:“地精~杀了她~” You, kill her for me! 126. 地精一副鄙视的样子:“你算老几~,” No, you are not my master anymore! 127. 大小姐大怒:“气死我了~我自己来~” WTH!Fine, I will do it myself. 128. 姚明脸:“噢,难得大小姐有心情赏月~” Oh!my lady you are in the mood for watching moon huh? 129. 大小姐生气:“你个老东西~怎么这么久~,” Old fool, what's taking so long? 130. 姚明脸奇怪的问:“哦,怎么了,” What? 131. 大小姐指着面前的花花说:“她欺负我~” She gank me! 132. 姚明脸说:“难得大小姐被人欺负一次啊。。。不过那个母牛跑向那边应该正好遇到阿男 才对~” Not many people can gank you my lady, the cow are running to there, NE should see her. 133. 大小姐生气说:“叫暗夜男提着那个母牛的脑袋来见我~” Then call NE kill her for me! 134. 姚明脸说:“是~” Aye. 135. 大小姐问:“你再干嘛,~” What are you doing? 136. 姚明脸说:“给阿男发短信~” Sending message to NE 137. 大小姐生气:“我不是叫你打电话吗~,” I said "call" NE! 138. 姚明脸特写:“您又不报销电话费,我可打不起,通一次就1金多。” Too expansive, you never pay for the bill, 1G per call you know... 139. 姚明脸说:“您看看人家部落,呼叫接听都免费,再看看咱们,哎。。。” See the horde, they are all free,then see us, sigh. 140. 大小姐说:“没办法,谁叫咱们被地精通信垄断了呢,一群王八蛋光想着往自己兜里敛 钱~” I can't do anything, goblin monopolized the information industry,we have to pay these profiteers 141. 姚明脸说:“发好了,一会找阿男要一银短信费~” Ok done, I will ask NE to pay my 1 silver message fee. 142. 暗夜男:“谁呀,说话呀,浪费俺电话费啊~” Who the hell, speak, don't waste my money! 143. 暗夜男:“大小姐,俺来护驾了~” Lady, I'm coming for help! 144. 大小姐生气的说:“路上有没有看到一个恶心的母牛~,” Did you see any ugly cow running on the road? 145. 暗夜男说:“看到了,那个天天路上晃荡的母牛NPC,只是今天感觉好像变丑了~” Yeah, I did, I saw that NPC cow who walks around here everyday, but today she looked a bit more ugly 146. 姚明脸大怒:“废物~那肯定是那个母牛假装的~” Fool! that's got to be her, she dressed up like that! 147. 暗夜男立刻跪下:“小的该死啊~” Sorry boss, my fault! 148. 大小姐特写:“好了~我们去找那群废物牛~谁知到他们在哪,” It's ok,we need to find those oxes, who knows where they are now? 149. 姚明脸特写:“您这问的不是废话么。。。我们怎么知道他们在哪。。” Silly question, how could we know that? 150. 大小姐生气的说:“那就去找~” Then you go find out, now! 151. 姚明脸特写:“现在看来,他们肯定会去竞技场了。” Let me guess, they must be at the arena now. 152. 大小姐:“我们走~” Let's go! 153. 大小姐说:“看来这里已经发生过一次战斗了。。。” Here..it's been a fight here 154. 大小姐一挥手说:“你们退后,我自己去开箱子~” You step aside, I open the chest. 155. 大小姐脸红着说:“你。。你们看到什么了~,” You..what did you see? 156. 姚明脸说:“什么都没看到啊。。。” I see nothing, why? 157. 大小姐说【喊话的感觉,因为比较远】:“宝箱怎么开不开~,” Why I can't open it? 158. 姚明脸说【喊话的感觉,因为比较远】:“您看看是不是锁住了,” Is it locked? 159. 大小姐自言自语:“嗯,有条缝隙,看看能捅开么~” There is a slot, I will try to unlock it. 160. 暗夜男问:“大小姐在干吗,” What is lady doing? 161. 姚明脸说:“可能捡到值钱的宝贝了。。。” May find some treature. 162. 姚明脸大惊:“不好~快去帮大小姐~” No! help her! 163. 姚明脸焦急的说:“快~在大小姐断气前杀掉部落~” Kill the horde before lady gets killed 164. 姚明脸特写,一脸严肃:“嗯。。还是晚了一步。。。” Oh...too late 165. 姚明脸说:“国足,快复活大小姐~” Warriors, rez lady! 166. 【棍】特写:“复活是啥,俺们只知道怎么废了别人~” We only know how to kill, donno how to rez. 167. 姚明脸说:“算了,等大小姐跑尸吧,她也该锻炼下了,太胖了。。。” Whatever, wait for lady walk back, she do need some more excesise,she's too fat. 168. 姚明脸说:“阿男,过来。” NE,come 169. 暗夜男跑过来说:“方砖叔,嘛事,” What,Brick? 170. 姚明脸说:“把这个宝箱锁上扔到海中央去~” Throw this chest into the sea 171. 姚明脸:“哎。。。大小姐今天真倒霉啊。。。” She really got no luck today. 172. 大小姐特写,生气的说:“你在写什么~,” What are you writing 173. 姚明脸说:“这是您第1138次死亡,我得记上点,以后还要出外传用呢~” This is your 1138th death, I have to record it, for my book 174. 大小姐特写:“多此一举~”然后左右看看又说:“暗夜男呢,” Go to hell with you stupid book.....where is NE? 175. 姚明脸说:“他去执行秘密小任务了。。。” He is doing a classified mission. 176. 大小姐说:“哼,我们走~今天的仇不报,我就不姓大~” Let's go kill the horde,don't call me Lady if i don't kill them. 177. 姚明脸说:“您本来就不姓大。。。” Lady is not actually your name 178. 大小姐不好意思的说:“嗯。。嗯。。不好意思。。。只是好久没人叫我的名字了。。。” Hmmm,yeah, just too long I've had no one to call me my really name. 179. 姚明脸特写:“是啊,好久没人叫您。。。”话还没说完就被大小姐打断 Yeah, too long there is no one calls you ... 180. 大小姐特写:“闭嘴~你敢说出来我让你提前去见你祖宗~” Shut up, I will let you see you ancestors if you call out my name 181. 姚明脸特写:“噢,好吧。。不过,咱们要是找部落报仇这点人恐怕不够。。。” Ok, alright..BTW,if you really want revenge, we are few in number 182. 大小姐平静的说:“不够能怎么办,我们就这么多人。” That's all we have, we don't have a choice 183. 姚明脸特写:“我看不如退会找个新公会发展如何,” If I were you, I may find a new guild and meet more guildies. 184. 大小姐说到:“不可能的,我是不会退会的。” Impossible for me, I will never quit guild. 185. 姚明脸说:“那您的意思是就死赖在这了呗~” So you really want to die down here? 186. 大小姐:“是吧。。。那还能怎么办。。。” Yeah, I don't have a choice. 187. 姚明脸:“哎,您这倔脾气和你爷爷的三姑的二大爷的邻居家的阿姨一样啊。。。” You are...your father's dautgher 188. 大小姐生气:“少废话~我们出发~” Cut off these crap and we move out now. 189. 姚明脸:“自从和您的老相好在塞拉摩岛一别后,您就灼热峡谷见过他了吧。。。” Since the meeting at the SearingGorge, you haven't seen your boyfriend right ? 190. 大小姐很不高兴:“嗯,除了在灼热峡谷那次,再也没见过。。。” Yeah, that was the last time. 191. 姚明脸说:“哎,你看看人家,公会都mc老5了,咱们连五人本都组不齐。。” See, their guild is so good, the are raiding the fifth boss in MC,we can't even run 5-man's 192. 大小姐不高兴的说:“哼~我自有办法~” I have my own ideas. 193. 姚明脸特写:“您这办法都办了多久了,有点本事的都被四暗影拉走了,留下这群不入 流的跟着咱们,您还有脸说。” But not good ideas.leveled and geared guildies are all with those 4 traitors, only some noobs with us. 194. 大小姐满意的点点头:“嗯,国足现在上道很多了。” Warriors are good 195. 【棍】特写:“多谢大小姐夸奖~废人是我们的职责~” Thank you my lady.Killing is what we are good at. 196. 姚明脸扶着腰坐在椅子上喘气:“哎。。。我算知道您的老相好为啥不和你一起了。。。” I finally know why your boyfriend doesn't want to be with you. 197. 大小姐生气:“为什么~,” Why 198. 姚明脸特写:“没事就腰斩,年纪轻轻的腰就坏了以后怎么办。。。” Always hit someone's kidney 199. 大小姐想了想:“嗯,也是,战斗的时候不灵活了。” Yea, that's hurt huh? 200. 姚明脸说:“您真善良~” You are so kind.. 201. 大小姐:“国足,换一招~” Warriors,try another one! 202. 男侏儒:“太不容易了。” That was not easy 203. 女侏儒擦擦汗说:“是啊~~” Indeed 204. 大小姐说:“没事吧。。。” Are you ok? 205. 男侏儒说:“哇~好大呀~” Wow, so big 206. 女侏儒说:“不都这么大么,” they're always so big 207. 男侏儒说:“哦~没什么~” Yea right. 208. 暗夜男说:“大小姐,方砖叔让我来叫您去通灵学院~” Lady, Brick call you to go Scholo. 209. 大小姐说:“又三个人去,” 3 men it? again? 210. 暗夜男说:“是地~” Yes! 211. 大小姐:“嗯。。。”然后转身问2个侏儒:“你们两个要不要一起去通灵学院,” Alright... hey you two wanna go Scholo with us? 212. 姚明脸一脸犹豫:“这两个行不行呀。。。” Are they..good to run it? 213. 大小姐特写:“再次也比国足强吧。。。” Better than warriors. 214. 姚明脸说:“喔~~可别小看国足,弄不好就让你绝后了~” Don't think warriors are weak, they will shot you kidney 215. 大小姐不高兴了:“废话真多~到底去还是不去~,” Stop talking craps, do you want to go there or not? 216. 姚明脸特写:“大小姐以前不是从来不组工会以外的人么。。。” Lady, you never invite PUGs 217. 姚明脸:“大小姐,” Lady? 218. 大小姐说:“方砖,我们退会吧~” Brick, let's quit guild.
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