首页 > 飞行小知识:各国航母舰载机飞行员培训方法


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飞行小知识:各国航母舰载机飞行员培训方法飞行小知识:各国航母舰载机飞行员培训方法 航母形成战斗力,关键是培训出一批高素质的舰载机飞行员。而培训时间约需三年时间。各国对舰载机飞行员的选拔十分重视,并制定了相应的标准。 美国舰载机飞行员选拔条件: 1.年龄为18~32岁,必须是美国公民; 2.获得美国国内的学院或大学学士学位,或是从马里兰州的美国海军军官学校毕业; 3.从未接受过激光矫正视力手术,视力不能低于0.5、矫正视力不低于1.0,不能是色盲,深度视觉不能有缺陷; 4.身高最高不能超过1.96米,男性不能低于1.58米,女性不能低于1.47米; 5.职务...
飞行小知识:各国航母舰载机飞行员方法 航母形成战斗力,关键是培训出一批高素质的舰载机飞行员。而培训时间约需三年时间。各国对舰载机飞行员的选拔十分重视,并制定了相应的。 美国舰载机飞行员选拔条件: 1.年龄为18~32岁,必须是美国公民; 2.获得美国国内的学院或大学学士学位,或是从马里兰州的美国海军军官学校毕业; 3.从未接受过激光矫正视力手术,视力不能低于0.5、矫正视力不低于1.0,不能是色盲,深度视觉不能有缺陷; 4.身高最高不能超过1.96米,男性不能低于1.58米,女性不能低于1.47米; 5.职务必须是军阶为海军少尉以上的军官; 6.参选人员还必须进行基础测试和生理测试。 美军的航母舰载机飞行员主要来自佛罗里达州的海军航空学院和海军航空兵军官候补生学校。 他们首先要接受专业知识教育和地面训练,包括基本军事科目、航空基础理论、海上求生与自救等。预训结束后,学员将被派往海军训练航空联队(训练中队)接受初级飞行训练、基础飞行训练和高级飞行训练,通过全部课程者才能成为一名航母舰载机飞行员。 按照美国海军培养舰载机飞行员的程序,通过陆上模拟起降考核的飞行员,首先要用T-45教练机在航母上进行初步训练,再使用双座战斗教练机练习实际起降。通常,普通战斗机飞行员要通过500~600小时的飞行训练才能执行战斗任务,而舰载机飞行员不仅要完成这些基本内容,还需要克服航母起降的种种困难,训练时间远长于此。 俄海军舰载机飞行员一般都是选拔年龄仅十几岁的少年军校学生,然后对其进行艰苦的训练和学习,在年满30岁后才能真正驾驶舰载机在航母上进行实际起降作业。 一、走出去训 走出去学,主要是针对没有航母飞行员经验的国家。 2011年据英国《每日邮报》网站报道,根据英法两国的,英国皇家海军已派遣首批顶级飞行员前往法国接受培训,以使这些精英在英国联合攻击战斗机以及新的航空母舰开始服役之前积累丰富的飞行经验。英国皇家海军此次派出的30名飞行员中已有5人开始在法国巴黎的三军防务学院学习法语,他们将在这里学习16周,课程结束后在“戴高乐”号航母上服役3年,其间他们会参加驾驶法国阵风战斗机的训练。 由于英国联合攻击战斗机要等到2020年才能交付使用,而新航空母舰的建成也还需要几年的时间。在法国受训期间,英国皇家飞行员驾驶法国战斗机时仍然穿着英军制服;在航母上,他们与法国士兵一样按等级享有相应待遇,大家同吃同住。这是英国皇家海军首次把国内的飞行员派往法国进行培训。此外,还有一些飞行员被送到美国进行培训。英国皇家海军表示,在两艘新航母服役前,英国舰队需要培养一批有经验的战斗机飞行员。英国国防部一位发言人也称,同法国的关系具有重要的战略意义,这次合作能够保持我们的飞行技术水平,有助于增强未来航母的攻击能力。此外,英国与美国之间也有类似,在未来10年英国将一直保持有4名飞行员在美国航母上学习驾驶F/A-18战斗机。英国海军的举措表明,航母舰载机飞行员光靠在地面模拟训练设备上训练远远无法满足要求。 二、基地训练 俄罗斯从2010年开始在俄罗斯南部亚述海附近建造一个海军飞行员训练场。俄罗斯海军早些时候曾表示,为了确保维持“库兹涅佐夫”号航母和未来航母航空联队飞行员的训练,必须建造一个新的训练场。 目前,俄罗斯使用位于乌克兰克里米亚半岛的“尼特卡”海军飞行员训练中心来训练飞行员,这是目前俄罗斯唯一可用的训练场。但最近乌克兰不太愿意让俄罗斯在这里训练飞行员。“尼特卡”是苏联时期建造的,目的是训练飞行员在航母飞行甲板上起飞和着舰。“尼特卡”训to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project 练中心安装了滑跃起飞甲板、阻拦装置、弹射器装置和光学助降系统。2008年前,俄海军航空兵第279独立团的飞行员曾定期在“尼特卡”训练。该团就是“库兹涅佐夫”号航母搭载的苏-33战斗机部队,也是俄海军唯一装备该机种的部队。但2008年俄格冲突后,乌克兰禁止俄罗斯飞行员使用该基地,直到2010年才重新恢复俄军使用权。 三、模拟训练 2011年12月,俄罗斯“动力学”科技设备中心将建立苏-33舰载机飞行员和技术人员模拟训练场。训练场包括模拟训练台、用于飞行员和工程技术人员训练的自动化模拟设备、机组人员备用作业部位。 模拟训练台是训练场的主要部分,在由俄罗斯“动力学”科技设备中心2002年建立的奥斯特洛夫舰载航空兵作战培训中心的苏-33训练系统基础进行改装,当时的舰载航空兵作战培训中心是根据联邦海军和空军的订购而建。“苏-33舰载机机组辅助作业部位”,实际上对训练台所有关键设备都进行了深度改装,采用了全新的高效计算机系统、新的显像系统、新的连接设备。训练台显像系统进行充分更新,包括影像发生设备的完善(由“恒量-设计”公司研制)和新型的视准仪。训练台增加了辅助人员作业部位,可使两人进行工作。改装后苏-33训练台的训练能力显著增强。用于苏-33工程技术人员和飞行员训练的自动化设备由“动力学”科技设备中心设计。在本国的训练场中首次使用了由“恒量-设计”公司研制的信息-模拟设备。目前,正在进行新训练系统的初步试验,初步试验完成之后将开始国家试验。 美军在初级训练阶段,学员要在涡轮螺旋桨飞机和飞行模拟器上训练100小时以上,学会基本飞行技巧、夜间飞行、编队飞行以及特技飞行。然后依成绩、表现以及个人意愿分配至不同机型进行专项训练。 直升机飞行员将进行6个月的训练。喷气式战机飞行员将要学习气象学和空气动力学课程,并驾驶训练机。其他还有海上巡逻机飞行员以及驾驶涡轮螺旋桨飞机的飞行员,培训飞行小时数依机种而定,都在100小时以上。 四、舰机合练 目前,按照美国海军培养舰载机飞行员的程序,通过陆上模拟起降考核的飞行员,首先要用T-45教练机在航母上进行初步训练,再使用双座战斗教练机练习实际起降。通常,普通战斗机飞行员要通过500-600小时的飞行训练才能执行战斗任务,而舰载机飞行员不仅要完成这些基本内容,还需要克服航母起降的种种困难,训练时间远长于此。 to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project 通用航空 飞行员 临云行 私人飞机 学飞行 mnhedhdh to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project
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