

2017-09-01 9页 doc 32KB 27阅读




网络商会商务运作与消费投资的关系网络商会商务运作与消费投资的关系 商会商务运作已经客观存在了十多年,至今已有数以千万的人在从事。我们不能不把它与中国现阶段的经济、社会、政治、文化等等联系起来。在北部湾经济区商会商务运作从业者中,普遍都在阅读的一本书是《消费者也能成为资本家——消费资本化理论与应用》,堪称这是商会商务运作行业的指导理论,或许从这本书中我们能对商会商务运作看出些眉目。那么,《消费者也能成为资本家——消费资本化理论与应用》是一本什么样的书呢。它和商会商务运作有什么必然的联系吗, 细细品读,这是一本确有理论创新的经济学著作,由广西科学技术出版社出...
网络商会商务运作与消费投资的关系 商会商务运作已经客观存在了十多年,至今已有数以千万的人在从事。我们不能不把它与中国现阶段的经济、社会、政治、文化等等联系起来。在北部湾经济区商会商务运作从业者中,普遍都在阅读的一本书是《消费者也能成为资本家——消费资本化理论与应用》,堪称这是商会商务运作行业的指导理论,或许从这本书中我们能对商会商务运作看出些眉目。那么,《消费者也能成为资本家——消费资本化理论与应用》是一本什么样的书呢。它和商会商务运作有什么必然的联系吗, 细细品读,这是一本确有理论创新的经济学著作,由广西科学技术出版社出版。著名经济学家萧灼基评价:“消费资本化开拓了经济科学的一个新的研究领域,是经济科学的重大创新,对研究消费、资本、市场和经济增长方式都具有重大意义。”作为一名学者,陈瑜教授在20世纪80年代曾经写过一篇文章《寂寞的哲学活跃的经济学》,认为经济学必须热闹,但他深深地为中国多年来经济学界没有理论创新与突破而忧虑。在中国经济学界,可以称得上经济学家的有5000人。一些经济学家动不动就搬出西方经济学理论,搬出在美国、欧洲的经历夸夸其谈。用现成的西方经济学理论来套本土活跃的现实,对此颇不以为然。因为二三十年前,没有哪一位西方经济学家会预见到中国在其后创造出世界上最快的经济增长速度。因为在他们看来,中国并不具To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image 备西方经济学教科书上所列出的经济增长的必要条件:完备的市场、私有产权以及有效的法治。然而中国却发生了奇迹。创建适合自己国家的经济学,这是陈瑜努力的方向与目标。 教授认为:再没有比中国更复杂的经济国情了。从中长期看,中国经济潜在规模之大,连美国亦不能比;中国不同地区的地理环境、语言文化、经济状况千差万别,这是排在世界经济前几名的国家所不能比拟的;中国的生产方式和所有制状况的复杂程度亦为世界之冠,既有19世纪的农业生产,也有现代化新经济生产,社会主义市场经济既非现代经济学所能解释,也不符合传统马克思主义经济学。美国经济学家米尔顿?弗里德曼说:谁能正确解释中国的改革和发展,谁就能获得诺贝尔经济学奖。那么,中国的经济学界有没有一些足够分量的原创理论呢,带着他的“消费资本化理论”涌现在中国的经济学界。博主看了陈瑜教授的书,感到“消费资本化理论”具有以下特点: 一、 它是在一个拥有十三亿消费者的国度中原创的理论; 二、 它是在一个经济持续快速发展二三十年的国度中原创的理论; 三、 它是弥补了西方经济学关于资本只有货币资本一种形态(二十世纪后期增加了第二种形态知识资本)缺陷的新的经济学理论; 四、 它是改变原有经济学中利益单向分配格局、打破投资者与消费者界限从而达到不同利益主体共赢的新的经济学理论; To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image 五、 它被称为二十一世纪穷人的经济学,是打破以往经济学被称为“富人理论”尴尬局面的新的经济学理论。消费资本化理论的一个简单的阐释是:消费者在购买了企业的产品之后,企业应把消费者的消费视同是对该企业的投资,并按一定的时间间隔,把该企业利润的一定比例返还给消费者。这意味着,消费者在消费的同时,成为一个投资者。而消费,则质变为资本。 陈瑜教授说:“我仔细回顾了市场经济发展中最近两百年的历史。在第一个一百年,货币资本成为创造社会财富的主要源泉,社会的统治力量掌握在货币资本所有者手中。到了20世纪90年代初,知识资本和信息开始使财富转移到知识资源掌握者手中。知识资 本的出现让我对资 本的形态产生了兴趣,我开始思考:还有没有第三种形态抑或第四种形态的资 本存在,” 教授写道:“随着经济持续的高速增长,消费逐渐成为一种紧缺的资源,消费资本开始发挥越来越大的作用。 这就是目前地面商会商务运作正规体系的消费投资经济模式。那么,目前运行的网络商会商务运作属于消费投资范畴吗, 在这个倍受争议的行业,许多不明就里的人首先会把它与非法传销、骗人等行为联系在一起,这并不奇怪,毕竟没有真正了解过的人是站在另外一个角度看问题,还有就是观念的陈旧性和信息来源比较封闭的朋友也会这样看。可是,上交2%的会所运行费用和5%银行收缴费用以及每个会员的宽带费用都属于消费行为,看似一个人的7%实属不多,可千千万万个7%就不是小数To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image 了,它可以作用于任何实体投资产生利益,又能解决上万个人员就业。 也许有人会说大部分的给推荐人以下的这些人分配了,直销专家罗伯特说:“如果一个多层次营销公司将推荐新人的工作置于零售之上,佣金大部分都分给了最上层,而不是下层做销售的人,它就是一个金字塔,而非直销公司。在合法的直销中,大部分佣金是属于公司结构中底层的直销人员,这些人是在真正从事商品的销售。”难道推荐新人不是工作,不是宣传,不该得到报酬,推荐新人和销售,不是孤立的,佣金怎么分配,给哪个工作分配多少,是公司制定的,为什么就非要认定是骗局呢, 象广西的资本运作,没有人阻止可以利用积聚的资金做实际实业,创造实质利润。为什么就一定认定是后来者的钱发奖金给前面的人呢,谁规定的钱包里面的钱,硬币必须买吃的,纸币必须买用的,没有硬币只有纸币的时候饿肚子吗, 而今天的网络商会商务运作又称资本经营,互助式小额理财。它就是资本运作的高级版,简单说就是钱生钱的生意。是一种先进的互联网经济消费投资型运行模式,是普通人都承受的起的行业,是老百姓翻身的一次创富机会。是组织经济有序分配,是资本运作的独特亮点。这一点,和保险的基本原理,组织经济补偿异曲同工。通过组织经济,分散损失,共享利益。损失分散不会影响正常生活,利益通过有序分配提前享受社会文明的成果,花费明天的创造,加速推动今天的发展。这就是网络商会商To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image 务运作的作用,更是资本运作的独特魅力,互帮互助,先富帮后 富,不正是体现了让一部分人先富起来,实现共同富裕的思想 吗, 2729199056何冰与您真诚探讨交流。 To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image
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