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人物走路动作分解人物走路动作分解 发布: 2008-3-04 23:35 | 作者: 不二 | 来源: 九九动画交流论坛 人走路的基础规律是:左右二脚交替向前,带动躯干朝前运动。为了保持重心,总是一腿支撑,另一腿才能提步。 其中我们要掌握的二个基本要素:1、掌握膝关节、踝关节为活动中点。2、走路动作中跨步的腿,从离地到落地为一弧形运动线 下面以右脚起步为准,交替左、右脚走路12步动作分解。 1、右脚起步 178654.jpg 腿中心蓝线为运动势向,圆圈为各关节 (ps:我使用一只脚,略做修改为二脚,左,右脚绘画问题不在此讨论...
人物走路动作分解 发布: 2008-3-04 23:35 | 作者: 不二 | 来源: 九九动画交流论坛 人走路的基础规律是:左右二脚交替向前,带动躯干朝前运动。为了保持重心,总是一腿支撑,另一腿才能提步。 其中我们要掌握的二个基本要素:1、掌握膝关节、踝关节为活动中点。2、走路动作中跨步的腿,从离地到落地为一弧形运动线 下面以右脚起步为准,交替左、右脚走路12步动作分解。 1、右脚起步 178654.jpg 腿中心蓝线为运动势向,圆圈为各关节 (ps:我使用一只脚,略做修改为二脚,左,右脚绘画问题不在此讨论范围内) 02、继续第2帧动作。动作变化见下图 x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 17865e.jpg 1)运动势向的改变(腿中蓝线) 2)膝盖a点距离缩短 3)踝关节b间角度、右踝关节与地面角度发生改变 第1动作与第2动作比较: x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 178644.jpg 绘画中的注意事项: 走路过程中,“脚”的调整可以通过(flash)“任意变形”工具改变角度的变化。但“腿”却无法做到,腿的势向改变,以各关节为中轴依势向改变进行绘画 03、左脚仍是身体的重心部位,无变化。这里要注意的是右脚尖的变化,呈90度。有时我们会想好象应该是斜向,,,但实际上脚尖是近乎垂直于地面。 (因为偷懒,小腿左弧线透视错误,我们参考中间的势向走向,绘画问题下次修正吧) x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 178666.jpg 第03与02步的比较(洋葱皮状态下),没有太大比较意义。参考02又修正了一下03步的位置 178677.jpg 这张1---3的起步,很有意思。其中对b点的3个位置做了记号:b1、b2、b3。在这里考虑了动画等分的想法,均分了b1---b2, b2-- --b3的弧度、距离。我们不能孤立去画第3张,4张,,,而是要参考、比较前后的原画对当前所要绘制的原画位置做出判断和 校正 x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 178688.jpg ps:关于等分中间画法让我感觉越来越重要,,,至少它不会让一个原画到另一个原画之间出现太大的跳跃性,使动作在运动时 看上去均称,平滑,符合规律。 不二 (2008-3-04 23:38:48) 04、右腿不动的状态下,依图调整右步。以膝、踝关节点为中心。 01.jpg x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 注意脚的角度,呈斜面而非90角度。在洋葱皮状态下,看到这一角度的跨度是相对前几步较大的,这也是很关键的一个动作,是左、右 腿切换的关键一帧 02.jpg 05、第05动作/帧---“插入第04关键帧”,以左脚膝关节为中心轴,调整左脚角度 03.jpg 修改左脚支撑点/离地角度增大,及左腿动作轮廓 x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 04.jpg 这是在修改中要注意的几点:1、2分别为形状修改。3、4分别为大腿运动势向修改 05.jpg 06、左腿上抬。 x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 06.jpg 可能存在问题:为什么在前面第5动作里脚是向下的,而6步出现了上抬,其实这里包含了二个动作分解:脚的前进弧度及落地前脚尖的上扬~~这个可以通过自己走路的实践来理解 逐帧并不是要一帧帧的去画出每一个详细的动作,而是要在这个动作运动中画出主要的动作及具有延续性的关键动作。 逐帧是否画的越细越好,在这儿我不是很同意这种观点:曾经看到有人在其它站点问到,为什么国外的动画拍2,或拍3很流畅,而我们做拍1却无法做到流畅, 所谓的拍,是指传统动画中拍摄张数。使用3张为一拍摄画面为拍3,这其中有很大原因取决于中间画。中间画是过渡原画中的画面,也就是动画,并不是我们画的越细越好,而是要遵守动画原画、中间画的规律 见过一个小半侧面动画教程,作者使用了5张来做,整体效果并不是很流畅。而在传统动画中5张用来完成一个完整的人物侧面动作,半侧面用3张就可以解决,这不仅可以减少帧的绘画,时间的浪费等因素,也会使整体动作在既定时间内,通过正确的关键动作来完成动作,否则就是画蛇添足,当然慢动作或特殊性的动作另当别论 07、左脚跟着地,右脚继续起步 x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 07.jpg 08、这步就是前面的第02个动作了,只是左、右腿交换了顺序,动作是一样的 08.jpg 09、第9步动作对应前面的第03步。第10步对应前面的第04步动作。第11步对应第05步。第12对应第06步动作。 注意:1、08---12对换左、右腿位置。2、位置的改变(可在洋葱皮状态下修改) x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according
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