

2017-10-17 6页 doc 23KB 23阅读




餐饮许可证申请书范本餐饮许可证申请书范本 申 请 人: 申请时间: 国家食品药品监督管理局制 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradi...
餐饮许可证 申 请 人: 申请时间: 国家食品药品监督管理局制 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 填 写 说 明 一、本申请书由申请人填写。填写时要用碳素笔或者打印~文字要求简练、清楚~不得有涂改现象~空格处以“无”字填写。 二、“申请人”是指申请餐饮服务许可的单位或个人~按工商行政部门核定名称填写。 三、经济性质有:国有企业~集体企业~股份合作企业~联营企业~有限责任公司~股份有限公司~个人独资企业~合伙企业~其他企业~港、澳、台商投资企业~外商投资企业~个体工商户~农民专业合作社。 四、加工经营场所面积~是指与食品制作供应直接或者间接相关的场所的面积~包括食品处理区面积、非食品处理区面积和就餐场所面积。 五、填写“申请许可项目”~应在对应分类及备注栏勾选相应的申请项~如所申请项未在列出的范围内~勾选“其他”项~并填写具体内容。 六、如因内容过多~表内无法填写~可后续页。 七、本申请书一式两份。 nel, implement regulations on cadre selectioneadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of persontunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the lmaking in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an oppor-ific decisionmaking, and constantly raise the level of scient-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of innerthe party buildingmass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of 2 申请人 地址 经济性质 固定资产(万元) 电话 传真 邮箱 其他联系方式 法定代表人 法定代表人手机 负责人 负责人手机 业主 业主手机 委托代理人 委托代理人手机 职工人数 应体检人数 就餐座位数 加工经营场所面积 申请许可项目:,请根据本单位的实际情况进行选择, 类型:?特大型餐馆,?大型餐馆,?中型餐馆,?小型餐馆,?快餐店,?小吃店,?饮品店,?食堂,?集体用餐配送单位,?其他: 备注:?单纯火锅,?单纯烧烤,?全部使用半成品加工, ?中餐类制售,?西餐类制售,?日餐类制售,?韩餐类制售, ?工地食堂,?学校食堂,?幼儿园食堂,?企事业机关单位食堂, ?含凉菜,?含裱花蛋糕,?含生食海产品,?冷热饮品制售, ?其他: 附申报资料 re and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selectionbuilding, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadtunity to strengthen party leadership and party making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an oppor-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-democratic decision party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in-ism and continue the tradition of innerc and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralmass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientifi3 页数 序号 资料名称 ?1.名称预先核准证明,已从事其他经营的可提供营业执照复印件,, ?2.法定代表人,负责人或者业主,的身份证明,复印件,, ?3.符合相关规定的食品安全管理人员培训证明资料, ?4.餐饮服务从业人员健康体检合格证明, ?5.餐饮服务场所合法使用的有关证明,如房屋所有权证或租赁等,, ?6.餐饮服务经营场所和设备布局、加工流程、卫生设施等示意图及说明, ?7.保证食品安全的规章, ?8.环境保护行政主管部门的审查意见或情况说明, ?9.生活饮用水安全检测, ?10.设置专职食品安全管理岗位及人员的证明资料, ?11.关键环节食品加工规程, ?12.食品安全突发事件应急处置预案, ?13.与实际产品内容相符合的标识说明样张, ?14.与规模相适应的配送设备设施, ?15.不属于被限定人员的说明资料, ?16.委托代理人的身份证复印件及委托书, ?17.其他资料:?菜谱,?餐饮服务食品安全承诺书,?其他。 从业人员名单 ,请电脑打印, nel, implement regulations on cadre selectioneadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of persontunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the lmaking in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an oppor-ific decisionmaking, and constantly raise the level of scient-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of innerthe party buildingmass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of 4 序号 姓名 年龄 职务或岗位 学历及专业 备注 食品安全设施清单:,以下内容为举例说明~请根据本单位实情填写, re and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selectionbuilding, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadtunity to strengthen party leadership and party making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an oppor-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-democratic decision party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in-ism and continue the tradition of innerc and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralmass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientifi5 序号 名称 数量 位置 备注 1 消毒柜 3 消毒间 2 保洁柜 6 消毒间 3 紫外灯 2 凉菜间、预进间 4 冷柜 3 食品处理区 5 灭蝇灯 10 大厅、食品处理区 防鼠设施,具体说明, 6 7 洗手池 3 切配间、烹饪间 8 配盖废弃物桶 4 废弃物存放区 保证申明 申请人保证:本申请书中所填内容及所附资料均真实、合法。如有不实之处,本人(单位)愿负相应的法律责任,并承担由此产生的一切后果。 申请人(签名): 法定代表人(负责人或业主)(签字): (有公章,请盖公章) 年 月 日 nel, implement regulations on cadre selectioneadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of persontunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the lmaking in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an oppor-ific decisionmaking, and constantly raise the level of scient-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of innerthe party buildingmass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of 6
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