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江西藓类植物新记录属_白藓属_英文__cropped江西藓类植物新记录属_白藓属_英文__cropped ()( ) 浙江大学学报 农业与生命科学版 32 6: 683,686 , 2006 )( Journal of Zhejiang University A gric1 & L if e Sci1 () Article ID : 100829209 20060620683204 L e uc omi u m ( Leucomiaceae) , a moss genus ne w to Jiangxi Province 1 1 2 ( J I Meng2cheng,...
江西藓类植物新属_白藓属_英文__cropped ()( ) 浙江大学学报 农业与生命科学版 32 6: 683,686 , 2006 )( Journal of Zhejiang University A gric1 & L if e Sci1 () Article ID : 100829209 20060620683204 L e uc omi u m ( Leucomiaceae) , a moss genus ne w to Jiangxi Province 1 1 2 ( J I Meng2cheng, CA I J ian2guo, EN RO T H J o ha nne s1 . S c hool o f L an dsc a pe A rc hi tect u re , Z he j i an g Fo res t r y Col le ge , L i nπa n , Z he j i an g 311300 , Chi na ; 2 . De p a rt ment o f B i ol o g ic al a n d En v i ron me nt al S ci ences , U ni ve rs i t y )o f H els i nk i , F I200014 Fi nl an d Abstract : Ba sed o n t he identificatio n of o ne specimen f ro m Mato usha n Nat ure Re serve , L e ucom i u m st r u m os um wa s repo rted f ro m J ia ngxi Pro vince , Chi na fo r t he fir st time . The f a mily L euco miaceae and genus L e ucom i um Mit t . were al so new to t hi s p ro vi nce . A detailed de scrip tio n of gemetop hytic cha racteri stics a nd ill ust ratio ns of t hi s sp ecie s were p ro vided. L . st r u m os um i s mo rp holo gically clo se st to V esi c ul a ri a ret ic ul at a which i s co mmo n in China , but t he lat ter i s densely pinnately bra nched , ha s p seudopa rap hyllia , a s well a s a di stinct do uble co sta a nd clearl y ser r ulate upp er ma r gins in t he leave s w hich diff er s f ro m L . s t r um os u m . So me f eat ure s , such a s t he small a nd ra re pla nt s , a bsence of spo rop hyte s , sugge sted t hat t he ever green broad2leaved fo re st s in Mato ushan do no t p ro vide a n op timally ecolo gical enviro nment fo r L . s t r u m os u m . Key words : L e ucom i u m Mit t . ; new reco r d ; J iangxi Pro vi nce CLC number :Q949 . 35 Document code :A 1 1 2 ( 季梦成,蔡建国, EN RO T H J o ha nne s1 . 浙江林学院 园林学院 , 浙江 临安 311300 ; 2 . 赫尔辛基大学)生物与环境科学系 , 芬兰 赫尔辛基 F I200014 () () () 江西藓类植物新记录属 ———白藓属 英文. 浙江大学学报 农业与生命科学版,2006 ,32 6:6832686摘 要 : 依据一份采自马头山自然保护区的标本 ,报道白藓为江西新记录 ,并对该种的配子体形态特征 作了详细描述和绘图 . 同时白藓科 、白藓属也是江西首次记录 . 白藓与中国广布种鳞叶藓特征相似 ,区别 在于后者羽状分枝 、有假鳞毛 、叶具明显双中肋和叶上部边缘有细锯齿 . 植物体小 ,罕见及孢子体不发育 等明江西马头山自然保护区的常绿阔叶林非白藓的适生生态环境 . 关 键 词 : 白藓属 ; 新记录 ; 江西 Mato ushan is a well known Nat ure Reserve On a field survey to t his regio n in March 2001 , t he fir st two aut hor s came acro ss a mo ss ( )in no rt heast Jiangxi Province of China Fig. 1 2 . It s geograp hical wit h an area of 21570 kmspecimen which was very small , lacked a po sitio n spans 24?29′N2300?5′N , 1170?8′5″ sporop hyte and grew o n rotten L it hocar p us logs E21171?8′E. in t he subt ropical evergreen broad2leaved fo rest . Received date : 2006201208 ( ) Foundation item : Project suppo rt ed by t he Nat ure Science Fo undatio n of Zhejiang Pro vi nce Y304072. Biogra phy : J I Meng2cheng , male , bo r n i n 1966 i n J ia ngxi , p rof e sso r , engaged i n t eachi ng and re sea rch wo r ks of br yolo gical t a xo no my . Tel . 0571263742250 ; E2mail : mchji @163 . co m. leaves , densely leaved. Stem leaves slightly (() ) asymmet ric , to 11 4211 7 mm×01 5201 7 mm, o blo ng2ovate , narrow at base ; apices acute to acuminate ; leaf margins plane ; co sta absent . Leaf cell s smoot h , t hin2walled , elo ngate2 hexago nal or elo ngate2 rho mboidal to linear2rho mboidal , apical ( μ(μ) ) laminal cell s 55265 m×10218 m; median ( μ( μ) ) laminal cell s 652110 m×11218 m; basal laminal cell s similar to median laminal cell s , ( μ( μ) ) shorter , 60280 m×10220 m; alar cells indistinct or not differentiated. Branch leaves Outline map of China showing the locality of Fig1 1 ()similar to stem leaves but smaller , 11 1211 4 mm Matoushan Nature Reserve of Jiangxi Province ( ) × 01 4201 5 mm . Pseudoparap hyllia absent . Further studies undertaken in Botanical Museum Perigo nia , perichaetia and spo rop hytes absent in of Hel sinki University , Finland , revealed it was p resent material . ( ) L eucom i um st rumos um Hornsch. Mitt . The Specimen examined : China. J iangxi genus Mitt . , or t he family L eucom i um Province , Zixi Co unt y , Mato ushan Nat ure Leuco miaceae in which it belo ngs , had p revio usly Reserve , ca. 900 m , in t he subt ropical evergreen [ 124 ] not been reco rded f ro m J iangxi Province. 2leaved broadforest s , o n rotten lo gs of L eucomi um was established by Mitten for a L it hocar p us. 20. V . 2001 , Men gchen g J i and gro up of mo sses p revio usly placed in eit her ()J i an g uo Cai 12630 . J XAU [ 5 ] Hookeri a o r H y p num. Brot herus established It is very difficult to separate L eucom i um t he family Leuco miaceae to acco mmodate f ro m V esicul ari a in sterile co nditio n. If it was a L eucom i um and V esicul ariopsis , and placed t he species of V esicul a ri a , it sho uld have narrow [ 6 ] family near Hyp naceae and Sematop hyllaceae. p seudoparap hyllia , while t he species of Buck and Goffinet placed in Leuco miaceae t he L eucom i um lack p seudoparap hyllia. L eucom i um genera L eucom i um , and Phi lo p h y l l um is morp hologically clo sest to st rumos um R h y nchoste giopsis , of which t he latter two are V esicul a ri a reticul at a which is not rare in China : [ 7 ] Neot ropical taxa. Allen co mpared twelve bot h species have fairly glo ssy leaves of a similar gemetop hytic and sporop hytic characteristics of shape , acute to acuminate apices , and smoot h , L eucom i um , Hookeri a , and Pot am i um t hin2walled , elo ngate2rho mboidal leaf cell s. V esicul ari a , st udied 26 validly p ublished species V . reticul at a differ s f ro m L . However , names in t he genus , and recognized but two st rumos um , t he fo rmer is densely pinnately [ 8 ] ( ) species L . st rumos um and L . steerei . Of branched , has narrow p seudoparap hyllia , as well t ho se o nly L . st rumos um has been reco rded f ro m as a distinct do uble co sta and clearly serrulate [ 9210 ] China.upper margins in t he leaves. ( ) L eucom i um st rumos um Hornsch. Mitt . , L eucom i um st rumos um has been recorded ( ) J . Linn. Soc. Bot . 12 : 502. 1869. Fig. 2. f ro m Af rica , So ut h America , Cent ral America , Plant s small and slender , sof t , yellowish2 to Caribbean , New Caledo nia , Fiji , India , Sri pale2green , more or less glo ssy , in loo se mat s. Lanka , Thailand , Malaysia , Indo nesia , [ 8 ] Stems creeping and irregularly or spar sely Philippines and Pap ua New Guinea. L . branched , to ca. 2 cm lo ng , ca. 2 mm wide wit h aneu rodict y on as a taxo no mic syno nym of L . 第 6 期 ()季梦成 ,等 : 江西藓类植物新记录属 ———白藓属 英文 685 ( ) () ( ) () ( ) () ( ) () Scale bar s : A for a, d, B for e, h. aand b: St em leaves. cand d: Branch leaves. () () ( ) ( ) e: Median laminal cell s. f: Alar region. g: Margin at midleaf . h: Stem leaf apex. Fig1 2 Leucomi um st r umos um Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Leipzig : Englemannn , st rumos um has been reported p revio usly f ro m [ 15 ] 1908 : 109521098 . [ 11214 ] [ 16218 ] Guizho uand in Taiwan ,Hainan[ 7 ] Buck W R , Goffinet B. Morp hology and classification of China. Based o n specimens examinatio n , Wu and mosses[ M ]/ / Shaw A J , Goffinet B. Bryophyte Biology. Cro sby co nfirmed t he dist ributio n of L . Cambridge : Cambridge Univer sit y Press , 2000 : 712123. st rumos um f ro m t he p rovinces of Yunnan , Xizang Allen B H. A revision of t he genus L eucomi um [ 8 ] () Leucomiaceae[ J ] . Ye w York Bot. Garden , 1987 , 45 : and Hainan in Chinese mainland. Wu et al . al so 6612677 . reported t his species f ro m Natio nal Chebaling [ 9 ] Redf earn P L , Tan B C , He Si . An newly updated and [ 19 ] Nat ure Reserve in Guangdo ng Province. It was annotated checklist of Chinese mo sses[J ] . J. Hattori Bot. reco rded f ro m J iangxi fo r t he first time. Lab. , 1996 , 79 : 1632357 . L eucom i um is a genus wit h pant ropical J IA Yu , L I Zhi2hua. Leuco miaceae [ M ]/ / WU Peng2 [ 10 ] [ 8 ] cheng , Crosby M R. Moss Flora of China ( Hookeriaceae2 dist ributio n. So me feat ures , such as t he very Thuidiaceae) . English vision. VI. Beijing : Science Press small plant s and absence of sporop hytes , or and New Yor k : Missouri Botanical Museum , 2002 : 41242. indeed perigo nia and perichaetia , suggested t hat Ming2zhou , Wang2Yang [ 11 ] L A I J R. Index t he evergreen broad2leaved forest s in Mato ushan ( ) bryofloraefor mo sensis [ J ] . 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