首页 > “植秀堂”背后的女人


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“植秀堂”背后的女人“植秀堂”背后的女人 “植秀堂”背后的女人 相信“植秀堂”这个名字在许多女性朋友中是耳熟能详的,或许你会在北京、上海、山东青岛、黄岛、日照乃至河南安阳等某个地方见过带有这样一个标志的养生养颜店面。 作为"中国养生养颜文化的传播者",在全国16个省、53个城市拥有近200家特许加盟的植秀堂养生养颜馆。植秀堂人始终把传承中国养生养颜文化作为使命,以“内外兼秀,永续发展”的经营理念,全力打造中国养生养颜第一品牌。 一、 定位自己的战略方向 植秀堂以“内外兼秀,永续发展”的经营理念,全力打造中国养生养颜第一品牌不谋而合。 ...
“植秀堂”背后的女人 “植秀堂”背后的女人 相信“植秀堂”这个名字在许多女性朋友中是耳熟能详的,或许你会在北京、上海、山东青岛、黄岛、日照乃至河南安阳等某个地方见过带有这样一个标志的养生养颜店面。 作为"中国养生养颜文化的传播者",在全国16个省、53个城市拥有近200家特许加盟的植秀堂养生养颜馆。植秀堂人始终把传承中国养生养颜文化作为使命,以“内外兼秀,永续发展”的经营理念,全力打造中国养生养颜第一品牌。 一、 定位自己的战略方向 植秀堂以“内外兼秀,永续发展”的经营理念,全力打造中国养生养颜第一品牌不谋而合。 刘总在讲到植秀堂企业文化时,举了这样一个例子让我感受颇深——植秀堂在一开始的时候就把公司定位一棵树,公司内部有一篇文章叫“一辈子一件事”,坚持一辈子做一件事,看似很简单,但是很多时候不管是时间还是精力都放在了别的地方。我是搞的,服装我也做过,围巾我也做过,国外打工时在奥美当过Creative director(创意总监),现在来看,不管之前做过什么,还是以一条线为主线。植秀堂内部员工写过这样的一片文章“密林高且直”,意思就是在密林里面,你只有目标很明确(向着太阳成长),才能长得又高又直,才会没有更多的枝节分散你的注意力。 刘总以一棵树来表示,树的根部(植秀堂的文化体系,公司有一本“圣经”讲“三养体系”)?通过树干(即员工)把这种体系传播下去?开展到1000个树枝(即1000家店面)?辐射至树叶(30万个会员)?有20?的高端会员会回来,做养生度假游。(养生文化基地里面有管理总部、文化研究所、养生学院、养生养颜体验馆、诊所、博物馆、养生养颜博物馆、中草药、度假酒店。) 我在想,植秀堂作为一个养生养颜的高级会所,公司领导人能够把企业文化做的这么细致是否和所学专业(设计)及曾在国外工作(奥美)的经历有关呢,to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 于是我查了一下奥美的企业文化,让我感叹不已—— 关于奥美--奥美是世界上最大的市场传播机构之一,与其它代理商相比,服务于更多名列世界 500 强的客户,遍布 5 个以上的国家。奥美已经从两个员工成长到跻身全球8大广告事业集团之一,有359个分支机构分布在100个国家和地区。 早在1979年3月15日,随中国对外开放,奥美就在上海《文汇报》上为雷达表品牌登出历史性的第一个报纸广告。奥美于1986年率先进入中国大陆,以成为中国最大的国际整合传播集团为远景,专门为品牌服务。 奥美广告公司的重要文化理念和精神: “360度品牌观念”。 奥美创始人大卫?奥格威曾经说过:“ 如果广告没有大创意,那它就像黑夜中驶过汪洋的船只,无人知晓。 在构建全球品牌和本地品牌之间求取平衡,正是奥美作为品牌管家的独到之处。广告的最终目标就是销售产品,而品牌正是介于产品与使用者之间的关联,我们笃信品牌对销售所能产生的强大影响力,为了帮助客户建立一个让消费者足以信赖的品牌,奥美有一套独特的思考和工作方式来达成此目标,称之为“360度品牌管家”。 一切都围绕着品牌:建立品牌、保护品牌,让品牌不断地产生利润。大大小小的事情,也都会与品牌建设有关。因为每个品牌都有自己的故事,我们可能会有各自不同的接触时间和体验方式去感受。而那些大大小小的事情其实都是故事的一部分,深刻影响到品牌关系。很多时候,这些事情远非我们的直接控制范围之内。所以这就解释了奥美为什么要全方位看待品牌的原因。围绕着一个品牌,他们努力从各个方面寻找各种元素和线索,以捕捉更多与消费者之间的关联,而后对这些事实进行归纳,丰富品牌的故事。 过去的50年里,奥美与众多全球知名品牌并肩作战,创造了无数市场奇迹,它们包括:美国运通(American Express)、西尔斯(Sears)、福特(Ford)、壳牌 -th preloan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12-participate in the pregers a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk mana ided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators asloan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person a-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-tion, preBank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigad for by the system of the loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provide-by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre sary,about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If neces f customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth surveycope oof risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit srehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification to a customer request for objective, comp2lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit d be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketingloan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings shoul (Shell)、芭比(Barbie)、旁氏(Pond's)、多芬(Dove)、麦斯威尔(Maxwell House)、IBM、柯达…… 奥美文化 企业文化——奥美文化以人为本,尊重个人价值。 员工文化——南腔北调,有男有女,高矮胖瘦,但我们一致追求快乐,所以认真工作和生活。 奥美用人之道---如果你经常雇用能力不如你的人,我们终将成为一个侏儒公司;如果你每次都雇用比你能干的人,我们日后必能成为一家巨人公司。 员工管理——“一个成功的广告计划案不能归功于个人”是当今颇为流行的一种说法,这种强调“团队合作”的论调其实是欺人之谈——是平凡庸碌之辈的阴谋论。 客户管理——我总是使用客户的产品。这并不是谄媚奉承,而是良好的基本态度-.当代理商为你在荒井掘泉之际,不应该期望他们负担所有的费用. 赢得新客户的最好,就是为现有客户做出出色的广告,从而吸引潜在客户。在我们的公司里没有专门开发新客户的部门,因为一流的人才不会做这样的工作,而二流的人则做不好。 :没有文化的人是一个愚蠢的人,而没有文化的企业,则是一台失控的狂乱飞转的机器。只有通过对比,才能发现不足并吸取别人的长处。 二、合作共赢 刘总在讲植秀堂未来的发展方向时,说到:想通过一个“道场”一样,把植秀堂的养生养颜的经验传过去,为人民服务。用什么途径呢,可通过产品+书籍+动画片让大家学习到这个知识,从而受益。(这一点,植秀堂可以说除了动画片还没有启动,产品、书籍方面都已成系列。) 有句话叫做“顺天宜人”一定要顺应天的规律才能受益,违背天的规律就要遭报应。要把“顺天宜人”的方法给到小朋友,告诉她春天要吃绿色的、夏天要吃红色的、从一天12个时辰的规律做起,“早5点到7点大肠经开穴”,要去排便,“早7点到九点胃经开穴”,要吃营养早餐„„ “晚上11点胆经开穴”,要睡觉让胆脏排毒;“半夜1点肝经开穴”,要沉睡让肝脏造血。再到春养肝,夏 be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lloan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should -th preloan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12-rticipate in the prers pasponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk manage ed person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as aloan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aid-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-on, prenk. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigatid for by the system of the Baloan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provide-y external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit preary, bbout customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necesscustomer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey ae of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scop hensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification ofto a customer request for objective, compre3ines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 养心,长夏养脾胃,秋养肺,冬养肾„在大自然的规律面前,我们要有一颗谦虚的心,回归到道,回归到大自然的敬和畏。好好学习,顺其规律而行之。适应四时,饮食起居有节有度,心要静身要动。中国有个规律叫“春生、夏长(zhang)、秋生、冬长(chang)。”这些方法是我们总结出来的,想以动画片的形式告诉小朋友,不单单的要励志,而是要养生一种健康的生活方式。 感受二: 植秀堂的卡通形象“秀格格”是刘总8岁的女儿绘制的,并根据此形象研发了一系列的文化礼品——“秀格格系列抱枕” 秀格格靠垫系列内置纯天然薰衣草香包,可作为家居、汽车用 品。 除了有效的促进睡眠,还能在空气中散发熏衣草香,将驾驶和 工作疲劳一扫而空。 总结:作为一个养生养颜的会所,能够结合自己的产品研发并生产动漫系列衍生品,这不能不让我惊奇。虽然说它的盈利模式还没成体系,但是作为企业自己的文化礼品这一点与欧亚的发展也是不谋而合的。 最后,让我们欣赏一下植秀堂总部的文化内容 植秀堂总部的“功勋墙”——相关政府领导的题词 loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-tion, preBank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigad for by the system of the loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provide-by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre sary,about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If neces f customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth surveycope oof risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit srehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification to a customer request for objective, comp4lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit d be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketingloan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings shoul-th preloan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12-participate in the pregers a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk mana ided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators asloan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person a- 植秀堂企业文化之窗——晨会分享文章 各类文化活动墙壁: 相关产品展示: rticipate in the prers pasponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk manage ed person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as aloan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aid-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-on, prenk. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigatid for by the system of the Baloan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provide-y external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit preary, bbout customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necesscustomer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey ae of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scop hensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification ofto a customer request for objective, compre5ines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of creditbe clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lloan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should -th preloan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12- 文化产品展示: ided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators asloan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person a-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-tion, preBank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigad for by the system of the loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provide-by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre sary,about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If neces f customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth surveycope oof risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit srehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification to a customer request for objective, comp6lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit d be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketingloan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings shoul-th preloan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12-participate in the pregers a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk mana
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