
上海人靠存钱赚100万元 曝光神奇的存钱技巧

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上海人靠存钱赚100万元 曝光神奇的存钱技巧上海人靠存钱赚100万元 曝光神奇的存钱技巧 上海人靠存钱赚100万元 曝光神奇的存钱技巧 2013年05月17日 08:20 来源:新华网 3人参与1条评论 更多 分享到: 中国大妈此次的疯狂购金~让身在海外华尔街的那些“精英”见识到了中国人的投资实力~在我们上海热线财经频道看来~其实国人一直都存在投资的实力~但是在缺乏安全和规模渠道的当前中国经济市场中~鲜有获利的条件和基础~所以才会出现此次“疯狂购的购买情况~在眼下的投资市场~许多人都还是习惯于运用最古老的方式理财存钱。当即使是这最简单的方式也存在多种的花样~...
上海人靠存钱赚100万元 曝光神奇的存钱技巧
上海人靠存钱赚100万元 曝光神奇的存钱技巧 上海人靠存钱赚100万元 曝光神奇的存钱技巧 2013年05月17日 08:20 来源:新华网 3人参与1条评论 更多 分享到: 中国大妈此次的疯狂购金~让身在海外华尔街的那些“精英”见识到了中国人的投资实力~在我们上海热线财经频道看来~其实国人一直都存在投资的实力~但是在缺乏安全和规模渠道的当前中国经济市场中~鲜有获利的条件和基础~所以才会出现此次“疯狂购的购买情况~在眼下的投资市场~许多人都还是习惯于运用最古老的方式理财存钱。当即使是这最简单的方式也存在多种的花样~今天我们上海热线财经 频道就为大家来盘点和精选一下适合不同类型阶层人群的存钱方式。 当今我们上海老百姓可以参与的投资市场并非那么风平浪静。股市跌跌不休、难有起色;楼市调控不断加码,投资房产受到诸多限制;被视为财富象征的黄金出现罕见历史性暴跌,黄金12年牛市终结之声不绝于耳;债券市场遭遇审计风暴,未来前途未卜;而市场上品种众多的理财产品,也让投资者眼花缭乱、无所适从。所以有更多的上海普通市民,还是选择自己最熟悉,也最放心的投资方式储蓄、存钱。但是面对高涨的CPI,利息又难“紧跟”的情况,许多人还是出现了犹豫和疑惑,为此我们上海热线财经频道走访了不少上海市民和在沪的一些知名投资专家,来看看他们所说的这些投资存钱方法,是否可以满足你对当前投资的要求。 requirements (1) learning content: diabetes mellitus and its chronic complications, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Graves disease, thyroiditis, and Cushing's syndrome, as well as, the original primary hyperaldosteronism pheochromocytoma tumor. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diabetes type, etiology, clinical features, treatment, diet principles; the pathogenesis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, the principles of diagnosis and treatment. Graves disease etiology, clinical and laboratory and treatment; II skills required: correct history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Pathology pathology of the rules is based on diagnosis, prevention or treatment of human diseases for the purpose of assessing health and pathological analysis of the human material, provide the scientific basis for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, provide information for laboratory work is also an important method for the Genesis, development and prognosis of the disease. Meanwhile, can provide clinical applications within the scope of advisory services, including interpretation and provides recommendations for further appropriate screening and treatment. Department of pathology including: female reproductive system pathology, pathology of the male reproductive system and urinary system pathology, pathology of the digestive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular pathology, molecular pathology of 最“靠谱”:十二张存单法 和很多“月光族”的同龄人不同,1986年出生的上海姑娘小蔡很擅长理财。 从以上三位我们所采访了解到的普通市民存钱方法,可以看出对于存钱,这样的“古老的理财方式”不同层次的人群,对于这样的观念,有着不同的理解,找寻一种适合自己生活方式的理财,才是他们总是会成功的“秘诀”,我们上海热线财经频道也从专业的一些理财专家口中,得到了相关适合大众们的储蓄方式,我们经过整合,得出以下的几点,希望那些想要通过存钱来达到自己理财目的的投资者,能有所收获。 requirements (1) learning content: diabetes mellitus and its chronic complications, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Graves disease, thyroiditis, and Cushing's syndrome, as well as, the original primary hyperaldosteronism pheochromocytoma tumor. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diabetes type, etiology, clinical features, treatment, diet principles; the pathogenesis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, the principles of diagnosis and treatment. Graves disease etiology, clinical and laboratory and treatment; II skills required: correct history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Pathology pathology of the rules is based on diagnosis, prevention or treatment of human diseases for the purpose of assessing health and pathological analysis of the human material, provide the scientific basis for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, provide information for laboratory work is also an important method for the Genesis, development and prognosis of the disease. Meanwhile, can provide clinical applications within the scope of advisory services, including interpretation and provides recommendations for further appropriate screening and treatment. Department of pathology including: female reproductive system pathology, pathology of the male reproductive system and urinary system pathology, pathology of the digestive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular pathology, molecular pathology of 1、月存法:活期的灵活~定期的利息 特别是对于80后来说,像《爱情公寓》中唐悠悠那样用十二张信用卡维护收支平衡的“月光族”并不罕见,但也有人,工作三年就为自己攒下了4万多元。 1987年出生的“川妹子”王小姐来到上海工作了三年,其他和她一样的外地同事整天烦恼于房租、水电费、交通费,几乎入不敷出,而她却已经攒下了4万多元的积蓄。原来,她从工作第一个月起就会提取工资收入的三分之一存入一个一年的定期存单,这样下来,她一年内拥有了12张存单。从第二年起,每个月就会有一张存单到期,如果没有急用,就自动续存,如果急用也不会损失利息,同时,第二年起她把每月要存的钱添加到当月到期的存单中,继续滚动存款。 这种12张存单的方式优势之处在于既能像活期一样灵活,又能得到定期利息,“月积跬步,到期千里”,从而攒下一笔不小的存款。当然,如果有更好的耐性,还可以尝试“24存单法”、“36存单法”,甚至“日存法” 以“日存法”为例,如果每天定存50元,365天后总共可以拿到的本息和是18888.75元,但由于是每天一存,等于一年后开始每天领取51.75元的本息和。如果用一年攒18250元钱,然后定期存一年,到期本息和同样是18888.75元(活期存款利率忽略不计). 采用第二种方法,资金等于占用了两年时间,却只能获得一年的定期存款利息,资金利用率等隐形成本明显偏高。然而采用第一种方法,在第二年就相当于将钱保持在活期状态,却享受到了3.5%定期存款利率。此外,当每一笔资金到期后,你还可以继续存下去,资金的利用率就远远高于第二种方法了。另外,requirements (1) learning content: diabetes mellitus and its chronic complications, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Graves disease, thyroiditis, and Cushing's syndrome, as well as, the original primary hyperaldosteronism pheochromocytoma tumor. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diabetes type, etiology, clinical features, treatment, diet principles; the pathogenesis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, the principles of diagnosis and treatment. Graves disease etiology, clinical and laboratory and treatment; II skills required: correct history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Pathology pathology of the rules is based on diagnosis, prevention or treatment of human diseases for the purpose of assessing health and pathological analysis of the human material, provide the scientific basis for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, provide information for laboratory work is also an important method for the Genesis, development and prognosis of the disease. Meanwhile, can provide clinical applications within the scope of advisory services, including interpretation and provides recommendations for further appropriate screening and treatment. Department of pathology including: female reproductive system pathology, pathology of the male reproductive system and urinary system pathology, pathology of the digestive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular pathology, molecular pathology of 在实行N存单法时,每张存单最好都设定到期自动续存,这样就可以免去多跑银行之苦了。也可以用网上银行操作,那就更方便了。 上海热线财经频道点评: 此储蓄方法适合收入比较稳定,又没什么较大开销的家庭,可以取得较高的利率。 2、阶梯存钱法:一大笔钱分开存,利息更高 如果将五万元让你存入银行,怎么存才更好,有人认为是存活期,因为这样一笔钱,哪怕是存活期也有不少利息了。二万一存了定期之后急用钱,取出来可就没有一丁点儿利息了。这种回答看似稳妥,其实大大受了这“五万元让的局限,其实大如果把这五万元分开来存,能够获得更高的利息。 在张江工作的市民袁先生今年年底拿到了五万元左右年终奖,但是他并没有把这五万元一股脑的存在一张存单里,而是将其平分成五等份,每份的一万元分别按照按一年、两年、三年、四年、五年存了五张定期存单。 对于这种存法,他解释,如果把这些钱都存为一年的定期,利率并不是高,如果都存为五年,就应对不了一些急用钱的突发状况,所以将它们分成五份存。 更有创意的是,一年过后,他会把到期的一年定期存单续存并改为五年定期,第二年过后,再把两年定期存单续存并改为五年期,以此类推,五年后,五张存单又再度变成五年期的定期存单,同时每年都会有一张存单到期,以便应对突发情况。 袁先生介绍,目前活期年利率为0.35%,定期一年的年利率是3%,五年是4.75%,算下来,这种阶梯存钱法比起将钱一股脑存入一张存单的方式,可以说是既“赚足”了利息,又保证了资金的灵活性。如果能够把一年一度的“阶梯存款法”与每月进行的“月存法”结合,合理规划自己的月薪和年终奖,几年下来,就是一笔可观的积蓄了。 上海热线财经频道点评: 此储蓄方式较适合生活支出有规律、有计划的家庭,能够让生活井井有条。 requirements (1) learning content: diabetes mellitus and its chronic complications, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Graves disease, thyroiditis, and Cushing's syndrome, as well as, the original primary hyperaldosteronism pheochromocytoma tumor. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diabetes type, etiology, clinical features, treatment, diet principles; the pathogenesis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, the principles of diagnosis and treatment. Graves disease etiology, clinical and laboratory and treatment; II skills required: correct history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Pathology pathology of the rules is based on diagnosis, prevention or treatment of human diseases for the purpose of assessing health and pathological analysis of the human material, provide the scientific basis for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, provide information for laboratory work is also an important method for the Genesis, development and prognosis of the disease. Meanwhile, can provide clinical applications within the scope of advisory services, including interpretation and provides recommendations for further appropriate screening and treatment. Department of pathology including: female reproductive system pathology, pathology of the male reproductive system and urinary system pathology, pathology of the digestive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular pathology, molecular pathology of 3、存法:大笔资金在短期内利息最大化 通知存款是一种不约定存期、一次性存入、可多次支取,支取时需提前通知银行、约定支取日期和金额方能支取的存款,人民币最低起存金额5万元。其中,一天通知存款必须提前一天通知约定支取存款,七天通知存款则必须提前七天通知约定支取存款。 以某银行网站显示的信息为例,一天通知存款的年利率是0.8%,七天通知存款为1.35%。 这种存款方式很适合手头有大笔资金准备用于近期(3个月以内)开支的。假如手中有近期使用的首付住房贷款10万元现金,却不想把10万简简单单存个活期损失利息,这时就可以存7天通知存款。 这样既保证了用款时的需要,又可享受1.35%的利息,约是0.35%的活期利率的3.86倍。10万元持有3个月的7天期通知存款后,利息收益可以高出250元。 值得注意的是,这种存款方式的关键是存款的支取时间、方式和金额都要与事先的约定一致,才能保证预期利息不会遭到损失。如果购买的是7天通知存款,在向银行发出支取通知后未满7天即前往支取,则支取金额的利息按照活期存款利率计算。 requirements (1) learning content: diabetes mellitus and its chronic complications, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Graves disease, thyroiditis, and Cushing's syndrome, as well as, the original primary hyperaldosteronism pheochromocytoma tumor. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diabetes type, etiology, clinical features, treatment, diet principles; the pathogenesis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, the principles of diagnosis and treatment. Graves disease etiology, clinical and laboratory and treatment; II skills required: correct history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Pathology pathology of the rules is based on diagnosis, prevention or treatment of human diseases for the purpose of assessing health and pathological analysis of the human material, provide the scientific basis for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, provide information for laboratory work is also an important method for the Genesis, development and prognosis of the disease. Meanwhile, can provide clinical applications within the scope of advisory services, including interpretation and provides recommendations for further appropriate screening and treatment. Department of pathology including: female reproductive system pathology, pathology of the male reproductive system and urinary system pathology, pathology of the digestive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular pathology, molecular pathology of 4、存本取息:搭配“零存整取”,让钱“利滚利” 对于那些有大笔资金长期不用的“大款族”而言,“存本取息”和“零存整取”的搭配是一个不错的选择。 目前,存本取息最低起点为5000元,期限分一年、三年、五年。开户时整笔存入,按约定期限(一个月或几个月)分次取息,到期还本。到时既不用每月到银行取息再转存,同时能把这部分利息再行利用,存入,零存整取”的账户,能够获取更大的组合收益。 市民魏先生,就是用这种“以旧换新”的存款搭配方式存出了新花样。魏先生前期炒股亏损了近十万元,现在他决定将暂时不用的三十万元存入银行,但无论存定期还是活期,利息只能得一次。怎样才能够让钱“利滚利”呢,魏先生从年初开始尝试用“存本取息”的方式将这些钱存入银行,设定每两个月取息一次,再把取出的利息存入一个“零存整取”账户中,这样就可得到两次利息。 零存整取的优点在于“节流”,只是这种存法五年期年利率才有3%,才相平于定期储蓄一年期的年利率,同时,这种存款方式还需市民经常跑银行,坚持才能获利。 上海热线财经频道点评点评: 即使选择的是较低风险的储蓄,也要尽可能让每一分钱都滚动起来,包括利息在内,尽可能让自己的收益达到最大的程度。 2 requirements (1) learning content: diabetes mellitus and its chronic complications, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Graves disease, thyroiditis, and Cushing's syndrome, as well as, the original primary hyperaldosteronism pheochromocytoma tumor. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diabetes type, etiology, clinical features, treatment, diet principles; the pathogenesis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, the principles of diagnosis and treatment. Graves disease etiology, clinical and laboratory and treatment; II skills required: correct history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Pathology pathology of the rules is based on diagnosis, prevention or treatment of human diseases for the purpose of assessing health and pathological analysis of the human material, provide the scientific basis for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, provide information for laboratory work is also an important method for the Genesis, development and prognosis of the disease. Meanwhile, can provide clinical applications within the scope of advisory services, including interpretation and provides recommendations for further appropriate screening and treatment. Department of pathology including: female reproductive system pathology, pathology of the male reproductive system and urinary system pathology, pathology of the digestive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular pathology, molecular pathology of
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