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50层魔塔(50 layer tower)

2018-03-19 22页 doc 71KB 25阅读




50层魔塔(50 layer tower)50层魔塔(50 layer tower) 50层魔塔(50 layer tower) 50 layer tower 50 storey tower (the original Japanese, English) is the world's first tower. 1996 born in Japan, not the devil's tower, other tower would not be born, but when Chinese, may not know the magic tower. The f...
50层魔塔(50 layer tower)
50层魔塔(50 layer tower) 50层魔塔(50 layer tower) 50 layer tower 50 storey tower (the original Japanese, English) is the world's first tower. 1996 born in Japan, not the devil's tower, other tower would not be born, but when Chinese, may not know the magic tower. The first appeared in the Chinese tower is the 21 floor tower, so most people would think that the first tower is 21 storey tower. Later, the 50 layer tower was a know some knowledge of Flash Chinese found, so the Chinese version. After the release of this tower, the original tower was finally understand the world. Later, the 50 version of the blood by the modification of the tower layer appeared and popular game player. Although there are hundreds of tower, but the original 50 storey tower is always represents the difficulty and classic, the tower is the first person. Story background A martial arts devil, want to find a better person than him to save the world, by his own daughter as bait, lure a warrior (you) to enter the tower. In the tower, the devil disguised as a thief, help to the warriors in the course of the game. The warriors arrived at the top, and the devil in the dialogue, the dialogue that the devil to let darkness in this world, and you want to surrender the sacred sword warriors do evil men, the warriors will not agree, they killed Mara and his princess. In the end, the warrior saved the world 50 layer tower of equipment Basement: Lucky gold coin (using lower deck) Daguai to get double money. So, if you don't play it, you can get it again after you get the lucky money. 1F: wand 3F: Monster Handbook 5F: the sword and the Notepad 9F: Iron Shield 11F: Yindun 13F: holy sword (freezing lava with ice magic) 15F: pick (beat big SQUID) 48 floor, take Saint sword. 16F: holy water (in the lower right corner of the dark wall) 17F: the silver sword 19F: the cross (the middle of the cross wall) 33F: Knight Sword (must have enough blood to beat 4 soldiers, or stay in the room forever, best to go around) 35F: Frozen magic (defeat the Dragon), take the 13 Building holy sword. 37F: Bomb (using the scroll of earthquake) 38F: Knight shield (from the ghost warrior under the space taken shield, went to get out, unless there are 3 and 3 soldiers bluekey blood, take the best pass) 39F: (open the door with the layer of aircraft in the door and right 9 door, three) available. 41F: the lower aircraft (kills the top left wizard, beats the top wizard in the upper right corner) on the first floor, and gets lucky gold coins on the ground floor. 43F: Holy Shield 44F: Holy Shield (alien space, with upper flight vehicle, and then K two senior guards, or with a hammer (bomb)) 45F: upper layer aircraft. On the 43 floor, 44 floor to the use of bombs in between the two senior guard (37 floor made), shields. 46F: magic key. 41 floor all yellow. 47F: scroll of earthquake (replaced by merchants with 4000 gold coins and stairs) 48F: holy sword (English version can kill the left corner of the magic guard open, and the Chinese version must be used to pick up the broken wall) 49F: Dragon Dagger (beat off the devil, first hit the upper and lower, left and right of the magic seal, fake devil kill) Monster ability Life attack defense gold coin Green Slime (green slime) 351811 Red Slime (red slime) 452022 Priest (junior Master) 603285 Bat (small bat) 353833 Skeleton C (skull man) 504266 Big Slime (big slime) 1306038 Skeleton B (skull soldier) 5552128 Gate-Keeper C (junior guard) 50482212 Skeleton A (skull captain) 100651530 Zombie (ORC) 26085518 Big Bat (big bat) 60100812 Superion Priest (Senior Master) 100953022 Zombie Knight (ORC warrior) 3201201530 Slime Man (slime person) 3201402030 Rock (Stone Man) 201006828 Golden Knight (Knight captain) 12015050100 Giant Octopus (big SQUID) 120018020100 Ghost Soldier (Ghost Warrior) 2201803035 Soldier (soldier) 2102006545 Vampire (vampire) 44419966144 Gate-Keeper B (intermediate guard) 10018011050 (at TSW is 100) Slime Lord (King) 3603102040 Knight (Knight) 16023010565 Vampire Bat (vampire bat) 2003909050 Magician B (junior wizard) 22037011080 Magician A (Advanced wizard) 20038013090 Magic Sergeant (Magic guard) 230450100100 Magic Sergeant Zeno (fake devil) 800500100500 Dark Knight (Dark Knight) 180430210120 Swordsman (doppelsoldner) 1006805055 Gate-Keeper A (Senior guard) 180460360200 Dragon (Magic Dragon) 1500600250800 Great Magic Master (MAGE) 45005603101000 The real devil (Flash) 50001580190500 Walkthrough Note: L - d life, attack, defense, money -. 1-10 layer: 1-2F: just come up according to the preset plot lost 600 blood and weapons armor, the route is only one, so nothing to say. 3F: after the thief and escape together, directly on the 3F, then in the finished bottle and key [L=1000, A=10, D=10, G=4], hit the right green slime [L=976, G=5], for the old man to the manual, and then down to play red slime [L=926, G=7], open the door upstairs. 4F: the door directly to the left, hit the green slime [L=902, G=8], G=10], [L=852 play red slime, open the door upstairs. 5F: green slime [L=828, to G=11], to [L=804 G=12], green slime, down beat red slime [L=754, G=14], open the door to take sword [L=754, A=20, D=10, G=14]. A red slime [L=734, to G=16], the door, hit the bat back in the middle keys [L=678, G=19], downstairs. 4F: yellow red slime directly hit [L=658 G=21], another blue door to the store to upgrade defense [L=658, A=20, D=14, G=1]. Upstairs. 5F: take the key to the upper right corner, two green slime for a [L=654]. The door to the middle [L=6 42] hit red slime, hit the bat [L=594], open the door upstairs. 6F: right down to play red slime [L=582], playing junior master [L=510], get the key to the door, on the left, a red slime [L=498] keys, and then down two door, hit the red slime [L=486] blood [L=586], [L=574] door red slime, upstairs. 7F: go up, turn left, walk to the head of the junior master, go down, bat the key [L=526], play the junior master [L=454], fight the skeleton soldier [L=226], open the door upstairs. 8F: open the door down to eat [L=276] bottles of red / Green / red slime [L=248], right down to open the door to 4] [L=16 hit the skull, hit the bat to play [L=116], the primary master [L=44], get the key to open the door upstairs. 9F: right open green slime [L=40], eat the bottle of [L=90], go down to the two doors down, take the shield [L=90, from D=24, G=56], A=20 vulnerabilities, back all the way down to the 5 floor. 5F: go down [L=62] back to the 9 floor, hit the bat. 9F: two yellow keys and ruby [L=62, A=21, D=24, G=59], and left over the door hit bat [L=48] keys and [L=48, A=21, D=25, sapphire, G=62], back down to the 7 floor. 7F: the vertical column up the stairs, open the door, bat [L=35], eat the bottle, take ruby [L=85, A=22, D=25, G=65], and then go down to the 3 floor. 3F: go to the upper left corner, hit the bat [L=72], playing junior master [L=44] to the door, take the keys, sapphire and A=22, D=26, [L=94 system, G=73], and on the 4 floor. 4F: go to the upper left corner, playing junior mage [L=70], eat the blood with yellow / blue key [L=120], on the 8 floor. 8F: go to the lower left corner of the bat hit [L=108], a yellow green slime [not] injury hit, hit the bat [L=96], a blue and red door keys / sapphire [L=96, A=23, D=27, G=85], next to the 1 floor. 1F: go right near the door had hit the bat [L=85], playing junior master [L=70], a bat [L=59], into the door keys, pots and red / sapphire [L=109, A=24, D=28, G=96], and then go to the 4 floor. 4F: go to the left under the door, hit the bat [L=99] with 2 keys, go to the 6 floor. 6F: go to the left under the skull [L=71], green slime [] had not hurt, Huangmen hit bat [L=61], and take the sapphire and the old man speak [L=61, A=24, D=29, G=109], back to the 3 floor. 3F: go to the left in the door hit the skull [L=35] keys, A=25, [L=85 and blood ruby, D=29, G=115], on the 4 floor. 4F: right, a Huangmen playing junior master [L=76], with ruby and A=26, D=29, [L=126 system, G=120], on the 5 floor. 5F: the left direction hit the skeleton warrior [L=57], keys, sapphire, and A=26, [L=107 system Notepad, D=30, G=128], and then to the 4 floor. 4F: to the left under the green slime [] does not hurt, take the key to the 1 floor. 1F: left in the direction of yellow bottle hit the skull to eat [L=133], down door keys hit the skull warrior [L=67], over [L=167], take the elevator door system and the key, and then on the 7 floor. 7F: right the second column is completely open, to hit the skull [L=143], take the blood bottle and the key [L=193] play down skeleton warrior [L=127], take blood bottle and the keys to the [L=327], and then on the 9 floor. 9F: go down along the road, hit the red slime [] does not hurt, hit the bat [L=319], Huangmen had left, up over the door with the key [L=295] skeleton, skeleton warriors play [L=229], a yellow keys hit the skull warrior [L=163], Huangmen took over pots upstairs. 10F: Huangmen hit the skull [L=189], with [L=189 A=26, D=31, sapphire, G=190], down over two primary Huangmen play mage [L=183], Huangmen had hit the skull [L=161], with [L=161 A=27, D=31, ruby, G=206]. So far, the first upgrade is completed, the next point is to fill the blood, ready to pass. At present, 530 blood [6 skeleton, +2 skeleton soldier and skeleton captain =6X22+2X63+272=530] are needed. So go find the blood and go down to the 9 floor. 9F: the lower right corner of a door playing junior mage [L=158], take blood bottle and keys [L=208], then down to the 4 floor. 4F: right to hit the skull [L=186], Huangmen had hit the skull warrior [L=123], with [L=323] and the key items, and the old man speak, then on the 8 floor. 8F: right in partial play primary master [L=320], had lots of hit two primary guard [L=14], with [L=26 4] and key items, and then down to the 7 floor. 7F: right below the third column, had lots of hit red slime [] does not hurt, playing junior mage [L=261], with [L=461] and then down to 1 items, building. 1F: the lower right corner of a door to bat [L=454], take blood [L=654], then on the 10 floor. 10F: Duel begins, [L=124] wins after a massacre, Take Zhanli / sapphire, magenta keys and 1 A=30, D=34, [L=324 system, G=346]. At this point, the first 1-10 layer has been completed, but many people are not killed, many items did not take, are listed as follows: 1F: X2 green slime 2F: the same, no move 3F: Junior master X1, bat X1. Red bottle X2, yellow key X1. 4F: X2 green slime 5F: primary master X1 X1, green slime 6F: X1 X2 skeleton, skeleton warrior, mage primary X2, bat X1, green slime X1; bottles of red X1, yellow X1 key. 7F X1: skeleton warrior, red slime X3, green slime X4 8F: skeleton warrior X1, skull X1, green slime X1, blue key X1, yellow key X1, red bottle X1. 9F: skeleton warrior X2, skull X2, primary mage X1, green slime X1, yellow key X1. 10F: skeleton warrior X2, skull X2; blue bottle X3. 11-20 layer: 11F: go straight to the right, bat upstairs, [L=320]. 12F: hit a bat [L=316] to the left, rise 2 times, defend against the 1 attack [L=316, A=34, D=50, G=92], bat upstairs. 13F: go upstairs directly. 14F: the door, hit the left big slime [L=276], opened in the door down a loophole, take blood [L=376]. Back to the 11 floor. 11F: to go to the 10 flights to the left, into the door, hit the big slime [L=336], 14 straight up. 15F: right over the door, hit the bat [] to not hurt, on the two door, hit the big bat [L=236], right over the door hit big slime [L=196], and the thief spoke to the 12 layer. 12F: eat two bottle store [L=396], too Huangmen in the lower left, playing Orc [L=116], get the key to the 16 floor. 16F: take the keys, down over the blue door, take blood and key [L=216], down over the door to the left over the door, and the old man talking, playing big slime [L=176], to have loopholes, keys and red / sapphire and A=36, D=52, [L=276 system, G=160], upstairs. 17F: left big bat [L=180], with [L=280] over the door, hit the bottle, 4 [] primary guard not to hurt the sword, [L=280, A=56, D=52, G=220], next to the 12 layer. 12F: upgrade attack power [L=280, A=60, D=52, G=0], down to the 8 floor. 8F: go to the right, through the two door, hit the skull [] [not to hurt the skeleton warrior does not hurt, take the blood bottle and the keys to the [L=330], back to the 11 floor. 11F: left under the big bat [L=282], a blue door with blood [L=682], two senior mage shields [L=424, A=60, D=72, G=70], to the 12 floor. 12F: to the right, hit the orc [L=372], had hit the big yellow slime [] not to hurt, take potions, keys and A=60, sapphire [L=472, D=74, G=96], to the 15 floor. 15F: to the left on the door, playing with the orc sapphire [L=428, A=60, D=76, G=114], next to the 11 layer. 11F: close up a big bat [L=404] right wall, a big slime [] not to hurt, take the blood bottle and the key [L=504], left over Huangmen played Orc [L=468], another door with ruby [L=468, A=62, D=76, G=152], next to the 6 floor. 6F: the first mage who hits the upper right corner doesn't hurt. He takes the key and goes up to the 12 floor. 12F: from the right to the middle through the door to senior master [L=411], [L=811] took up the orc system, [L=775], a yellow door, just hit a senior master [L=718], keys and ruby [L=718, A=6 4, D=76, G=219], on the 14 floor. 14F: from right under the big slime [not to hurt] up over the door, hit [L=682] orc, take blood [L=782], hit the left big bat [L=758], up over the door hit the orc warrior [L=494], take the keys and potions, sapphire [L=594, A=6 4, D=78, G=287], on the 17 floor. 17F: go to the right, hit big bat [L=572], Take blood [L=672], up over the door hit 2 Orc [L=616], to play the 2 Orc warrior [L=112], take potions, keys and red / sapphire [L=512, A=66, D=80, G=395], and then along the road left of centre, a road through [L=222], upstairs. 18F: right over the door hit senior master [L=192], keys, a loophole in the just below the stairs, a blue door, hit the left Orc [L=172], down over Huangmen playing senior master [L=142], take the keys and potions, ruby [L=242, A=68, D=80, G=527], next to the 16 floor. 16F: right on the door hit big slime [] does not hurt, take blood [L=342], down over Huangmen hit [L=322] orc, take the blue key on the 18 floor. 18F: left over the blue door, talk to the old man, go upstairs. 19F: a yellow bat hit down [] not to hurt, then down over the door hit big bat [] do not hurt, not to hurt the right to play big slime [], has the right to play Orc warrior [L=82], take blood bottle and the keys to the [L=182], a big bat and bat [] in the lower right does not hurt, too Huangmen get the key. Turn right on the wall to play with the orc [L=162], had lots of hit big slime [] had not hurt, not to hurt the door hit big bat [], take the keys and ruby [L=162, A=70, D=80, G=659], next to the 6 floor. 6F: right to hit the green slime [] had not hurt, not to hurt the door hit the bat [], for merchants to spend 50 yuan to buy a blue key, take blood [L=212], on the 9 floor. 9F: go to the left, hit the skeleton soldier [without injury], take the key, go up to the 20 floor. 20F: go to the left under the senior master [L=182], with pots, up over the door hit the bat [] not to hurt, take the keys and red / sapphire [L=282, A=72, D=82, G=6 46], to the 18 floor. 18F: go right under the stone [L=210], down over Huangmen playing senior master [L=184], take the keys and potions, [L=284 A=72, D=84, sapphire, G=696], next to the 16 floor. 16F: go to the left on the door hit big bat [] does not hurt, take the key to the 15 floor. 15F: put down the left wall, a door hit big slime [] not to hurt, right over the door keys, on the 19 floor. 19F: intermediate blue door up a stone, with a cross the wall below the bar hole, get cross wall center cross the reservoir [not] the orc warrior, playing on the left side of the orc warrior [L=148], with [L=248] playing senior master [L=226] system, and take the blue key, next to 14 layer. 14F: from the middle to upper left corner stone [L=162], hit the big bat [] does not hurt, take blood [L=262], a blue door 3 Orc warrior [L=46], take the red key, next to the 10 layer. 10F: the 3 items eaten [L=6 46], on the 20 floor. 20F: red, battle vampire [L=71], keys, red sapphire and 1 A=78, D=90, [L=471 system, G=1070], upstairs. 21-30 layers: 21F: talk to the old man, go upstairs. 22F: upstairs. 23F: knock out the hidden bricks, it should be the word "Go OF" and talk upstairs with the old man. 24F: upstairs. 25F: upstairs. 26F: upstairs. 27F: talk upstairs with the old man. Attention here, because we have a lot of bottles did not eat, did not enjoy the upgrade offensive and defensive, the key has not been finished, so the old man said can not listen to. 28F: upstairs. The merchant here is 100, a yellow key recycling, to the back can buy some cheap goods, but now certainly not. 29F: talk to the thief, go upstairs. 30F: get rid of 6 gain victory with unstained swords slime, upstairs. 31-40 layers: 31F: down the 2 Orc warrior [L=351], upstairs. 32F: just upstairs, he was attacked by the Cavaliers captain [L=51], down to the 20 floor. 20F: take two bottles [L=851], back to the 32 floor. 32F: fight off the lower right corner of the ghost warrior [L=491], go to the store to upgrade 2 defense [L=491, A=78, D=122, G=527], go back to the 20 floor. 20F: kill the stone in the lower left corner, down to the 19 floor. 19F: the orc warrior who kills the gate, goes back to the 32 floor. 32F: upgrade an attack [L=491, A=86, D=122, G=5], from right upward the door Ghost Warrior [L=317], into the door keys and items [L=1117], upstairs. 33F: Huangmen take [L=1917] down 2 pots, recklessly and 2 ghost warrior sword fighter [L=165], [L=165, A=126, D=122, G=200], next to the 15 floor. 15F: close down the high-level play mage does not hurt the right wall [], take blood [L=565], back to the 32 floor. 32F: from a door, hit the ghost of [L=511], keys, fight warrior [L=277], open the door with a red sapphire / [L=277, A=130, D=126, G=297], upstairs. 33F: from a door, hit the ghost of [L=249], take blood bottle and the keys to the [L=449], and the old man talking, playing not to hurt the orcs [], open the door upstairs. 34F: take blood play ghost [L=621], over the door down, too Huangmen spell Ghost Warrior [L=513], right after the door had Huangmen fight warrior [L=291], keys, and blood A=134, D=126, [L=491, ruby, G=467], next to the 14 floor. 14F: go to the upper right corner of a door had not hurt [Orc] keys, then to the lower left corner of a door hit [not hurt] senior master with blue key, to the 2 floor. 2F: the blue door recklessly two intermediate guard [L=59], and take the key and right on the [L=659] system, the old man talking and talking back to the 32 floor of the thief. 32F: upgrade one attack [L=659, A=142, D=126, G=879], up to 34 building. 34F: Huangmen in the top right, hit the ghost of [L=631], get the key to fight Knight [L=215], had lots of keys, A=142, [L=415 system and sapphire, D=130, G=974], next to the 31 floor 31F: right Dagui fighter [L=365], up over the Huangmen Dagui fighter [L=315], and the old man speak with blood [L=515], playing warrior [L=375], a door with ruby [L=375, A=146, D=130, G=1089], to the lower right through the two door with blood [L=1175], left Dagui fighter [L=1125], over two to 35 yellow with blue key. Floor. 35F: from the secret road around the dragon, upstairs. 36F: all the way down, [L=255], upstairs. 37F: from the bottom of a road through to get to the 12 floor under the [L=245] system. 12F: go to the top left corner, hit the senior master [not hurt], play big bat [not hurt], through the loopholes, looking for merchants to buy red key [G=618], back to the 38 floor. 38F: right over the Red Gate, a ghost of [L=225], get the key, the right to play ghost [L=205], over the door upstairs. 39F: take the keys, down over Huangmen hit [L=185] ghost, Ghost Warrior [L=135], with [L=135 A=150, D=130, ruby, G=743], next to the 31 floor. 31F: go to the left on the zweihander [not] injury, get the key back to the 38 floor. 38F: put down the right wall over Huangmen Dagui fighter [L=85], a yellow Ghost Warrior [L=35], take blood bottle and key [L=835], a fighter [L=695], had lots of hit [] not to hurt the orcs, playing doppelsoldner [not to hurt], a door 2 Intermediate guards [L=495], [L=495 A=150, D=170 shields, G=, 1086] from the past, Huangmen Dagui fighter [L=485], hit doppelsoldner [not] injury, take a blood bottle and sapphire [L=685, A=150, D=174, G=1176], next to the 31 floor. 31F: right to play ghost [] not to hurt, get the key to the left under the Huangmen Dagui fighter [L=679], with [L=879] playing Knight [711], pots, Huangmen take over [L=711 A=150, D=178, sapphire, G=1306], on the 32 floor. 32F: hit two mid-level guards [L=703], take the keys, go up to the 39 floor. 39F: right next door to the knight [L=547], with [L=747] left over the door system, not to hurt the ghost play [], [] a zweihander does not hurt, with [L=747 A=150, D=182, sapphire, G=1556], had lots of keys, Talk to the old man, go upstairs. 40F: left over after the door of Yellow Blue Knight [L=603], keys, pots and red / sapphire [L=1403, A=154, D=186, G=1656], next to the 7 floor. 7F: go on in door play [not] injury of skeletal warriors, looking for 50 yuan to buy 5 businessmen to the yellow key, on the 34 floor. 34F: 8 [L=1243] Huangmen massacre, with a red and yellow key key, hit the bottom left corner doppelsoldner [] not to hurt, take blood [L=2043], on the 40 floor. 40F: zweihander [] do not hurt, take blood [L=2243], a red battle [L=107], keys and red / sapphire [L=107, A=166, D=198, G=2638], next to the 15 floor. 15F: find the lower right corner of the blue key for merchants to buy 1 200 yuan, up to the 39 floor. 39F: Ghost Warrior to the lower left corner [not to hurt], a blue door at the same layer and on the right aircraft [open the door to get in the middle, in the middle, and right is just the position of the clock] 3 points, on the 41 floor. 41-48 layers: 41F: with the same aircraft flying down stairs upstairs. 42F: just go upstairs to see the plot, the knight captain was killed, down to the 20 floor. 20F: right to play under the senior master [not to hurt], take blood [L=207], on the 42 floor. 42F: from the right to the right after the door was 2 primary wizards and 2 magic guard buckle blood [L=4], keys, use the same layer aircraft flew to the stairs upstairs. 43F: a blue door door upstairs down. 45F: go upstairs directly. 46F: down to the 18 floor. 18F: a door on the left to get back to the 46F [L=104] system. 46F: the way down through the 3 door, is the primary Wizard button blood [L=4], upstairs. 47F: down to the 11 floor. 11F: to the right under the door hit big bat [] does not hurt, take blood [L=404], on the 15 floor. 15F: big squid (not hurt), pick up, up to the 32 floor. 32F: right to play under the knight [L=340], had lots of keys, on the 40 floor. 40F: take blood [L=2740], back to the 47 floor. 47F: King [L=2516], right after Huangmen play the vampire bat [L=2132], playing junior wizard [L=1516], get the key to a door, fight senior wizard [L=206] keys and [L=206, A=166, D=203, sapphire, G=2897], had left the door to the blue door upstairs. 48F: use pick swords, [L=206, A=216, D=203, G=2897]. The next target is the earthquake scroll, go downstairs not hurt blood without a key massacre, save 4000, on the way to pots and 16 layers of holy water away [I has been clear to the 34 floor to save 4000 of the road, some need to use the keys are not hit, the remaining list below], and then to 47 floor. Residue list: 3F: bat X1; 7F X4: green slime, red slime X2; 11F: X1 X1 bat, bat big, big slime X1, ORC X1, senior master X1; 19F: big bat X1, big slime X1; 20F: bat X2; 33F X2 X3: orc warrior, ghost, Ghost Warrior X1, X2 fighters, doppelsoldner X2 47F: buy the scroll of earthquake and go down to the 37 floor. 37F: use the scroll scroll, take 2 red bottles, keys and red / sapphire [L=656, A=232, D=219, G=2], up to the 45 floor. 45F: in the upper right corner of the stairs with a layer of aircraft, aircraft from the upper right, open red two door was open four Wizard button blood [L=56], down to the 43 floor. 43F: use the upper aircraft to the 44 floor. 44F: the use of bombs in between the two senior guard, with shields A=232, [L=1056 system, D=319, G=2], on the 46 floor. 46F: in the right under the door and the man talking, a road over the blue door to the [L=1005], with a master key, next to the 41 floor. 41F: the upper left corner of senior wizard [L=944], take the blue key, right in the junior wizard [L=893], In the upper right corner of the same with the upper left corner hit senior wizards, kill [L=832], and then hit the king [] does not hurt, downstairs in the lower up and get the aircraft to the 1 floor. 1F: use the lower craft, take lucky coins, go to the 41 floor. 41F: the king [] does not hurt, take the red / sapphire and must take the keys [L=832, A=237, D=324, G=1105], on the 47 floor. 47F: on the left in the vicinity of the door after door keys and red / Blue Sapphire, [L=832, A=242, D=329, G=1105], to the right under the door with ruby [L=832, A=247, D=329, G=1105], next to the 46 layer. 46F: a vampire bat [L=771] from upper right to left, after Huangmen playing junior wizard [L=730], with [L=730 A=252, D=329, ruby, G=1545], a senior master [L=679], had lots of go to the store to upgrade an [L=679 defense, A=252, D=349, G=1105]. Down to the 43 floor. 43F: from the left in the play king [not to hurt], down over Huangmen hit king [] not to hurt, right over the door keys, then up over the door, hit the magic [L=578], [L=578 A=252, took Holy Shield, D=399, G=985], next to the 42 floor. 42F: from the middle left over the door hit king [not] in the door down after injury, playing 2 vampire bats [] not to hurt, take potions, keys and A=252, sapphire [L=1578, D=404, G=1265], on the 46 floor. 46F: upgrade to the store 1 times, defense [L=1578, A=252, D=424, G=145], up to the 48 floor. 48F: from the top left down over Huangmen playing junior wizard does not hurt, with [L=1578 A=257, D=424, ruby, G=305], had hit the Dark Knight down Huangmen [L=1560], with [L=1560 A=257, D=429, sapphire, G=545], next to the 45 floor. 45F: take the dark knight [L=1557] from the middle, take 2 sapphires, and then raise the Dark Knight [don't hurt], take 2 Ruby [L=1557, A=267, D=439, G=1025]. 49-50 layers: Now, except for the magic guards and dragons, there's nothing in the tower that can move you, kill it. Remember to buy the money and finish the upgrade to make sure that the magic guards don't hurt you and beat them again. Then on the 49 floor to fight the boss (seal the use of magic, up and down about magic guard play the devil), and then go to the 35 floor to the 13 floor and then kill the dragon sword, and then to the 2 floor or 3% defense, and then hit the grand master on the 25 floor, 26 floor to find the princess cheated, then the next 24 building go to the Red Gate 50 battle. The thief is the devil
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