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江中健胃消食片品牌定位战略江中健胃消食片品牌定位战略 江中牌健胃消食片品牌定位战略 前言 2008年,江中健胃消食片销售突破10亿元,持续3年位居国内OTC药品单品销量第一。 简单回顾一下江中健胃消食片的发展,可以看出该产品在历史上有过两次的“激增”,一次是在上市初期,当时还鲜有企业大量投入广告,江中药业以阿凡提形象制作了一条至今让很多消费者有印象的电视广告进行投放,销售迅速提升,到1997年销量达1亿多元后就一直无法突破。第二次激增是在2002年的7月份,江中健胃消食片一改往日的沉默,突然发力,在各大电视频道重磅出击,在当年销售达到3亿多元,...
江中健胃消食片品牌定位战略 江中牌健胃消食片品牌定位战略 前言 2008年,江中健胃消食片销售突破10亿元,持续3年位居国内OTC药品单品销量第一。 简单回顾一下江中健胃消食片的发展,可以看出该产品在历史上有过两次的“激增”,一次是在上市初期,当时还鲜有企业大量投入广告,江中药业以阿凡提形象制作了一条至今让很多消费者有印象的电视广告进行投放,销售迅速提升,到1997年销量达1亿多元后就一直无法突破。第二次激增是在2002年的7月份,江中健胃消食片一改往日的沉默,突然发力,在各大电视频道重磅出击,在当年销售达到3亿多元,随后一路攀升,2008销售高达10.7亿元。 2002年,江中健胃消食片是如何突破多年的销售瓶颈,实现这一飞跃的,本文将从企业的最初动机到决策直至实施逐一叙述,其目的是希望通过对该案例的剖析,为其它类似的企业决策者制定战略时提供借鉴和参考。 充满疑虑的市场突破点 2001年,对于国内制药企业而言,是极不平静的一年。国内药企纷纷重组,随着越来越多的中小企业被兼并,一些大型企业也在逐渐成型,如哈药集团、广药集团等。 在这个大趋势下,江中药业要避免被更大的鱼吞噬,就必须自己成长为一条大鱼。成长的压力,迫使江中药业从2001年或更早些时候,就一直在寻找新的增长点。2002年中,由于一些客观原因,江中药业寄予厚望的新产品被延期上市。同时,健胃消食片的“国家中药品种保护”即将被终止(即国家不再限制其他制药企业生产健胃消食片),使江中健胃消食片的市场受到威胁。为了巩固江中的市场,加之江中药业的总裁依然看好其市场潜力,力主将江中健胃消食片作为新增长点,承载起江中药业上台阶的艰巨任务。 对于总裁的主张,江中药业内部有两种截然不同的意见,一派赞同,另一派反对。持反对意见的人认为江中健胃消食片的市场增长空间有限,投入巨资推广将会得不偿失,他们的理由主要有三: 一、消化不良用药市场已经成熟,整体增长空间有限 自1989年吗丁啉第一个开拓 “消化不良”用药市场以来,已经十多年了。到20世纪90年代末,吗丁啉的销售就一直稳定在5亿到6亿元,江中健胃消食片也一直维持在1亿多元,可以说消化不良用药市场多年来非常平稳。因此,持the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 反对意见的人认为:消化不良用药市场已经成熟,不可能有大幅的增长。如江中健胃消食片要有大提升,就只能从吗丁啉手中抢夺。这与江中药业另一个产品草珊瑚含片所处的咽喉含片类市场非常类似:金嗓子、西瓜霜、草珊瑚销量平稳,竞争格局清晰,他们的销量变化主要来自三品牌之间的此消彼长。 二、对手强大,面临劲敌吗丁啉 多年前,吗丁啉第一个通过大众传媒广告宣传“消化不良找吗丁啉帮忙”。广告在消费者的头脑中留下深深的印记,当消费者消化不良,就自然联想到吗丁啉。领先的品牌几乎总是那些最先进入消费者心智中的品牌。吗丁啉,几乎就是消化不良药中的可口可乐。 同时,西安杨森一贯注重医院渠道的开拓,因此,医生开处方更多选择吗丁啉。这种专家推荐的威力在于,消费者相信医生推荐的是最佳产品,因此不容易发生品牌转换。而市场调查数据显示,消费者第一次接触吗丁啉绝大多数是通过医生处方。 反对在江中健胃消食片上加大投入的人认为:吗丁啉的强势,不仅在于消费者,还存在于左右消费者购买决策的医生。既然市场已成熟,江中健胃消食片的市场份额的增长部分,最大可能来自于抢夺吗丁啉,但吗丁啉如此强大,哪能说抢就抢, 三、江中健胃消食片推广乏术 在江中健胃消食片的发展过程中,为了提升销量,企业几乎尝试了当时所有能想到的方法。广告不断变换诉求,从早期的症状诉求,到“中药成份”、“中药品种保护”,再到“儿童老人适合”等不一而足。也找过国际知名广告公司如奥美等,希望在广告创意方面有所突破,但所有努力都收效甚微,江中健胃消食片的销量始终在1个多亿左右徘徊。企业内部感到除了大广告投入,江中健胃消食片缺乏销售增长的策略。 屋漏偏逢连夜雨,就在双方争论不下的时候,江中药业收到来自销售一线的报告,竞争对手武汉健民健胃消食片在全国范围采取零售价每盒比江中便宜1元,向经销商送太空被等促销活动,对江中健胃消食片市场,特别是二、三线市场形成了不小的冲击。 江中健胃消食片是江中药业重要的产品和利润来源,为了对现有市场的防御,持不同意见的人暂时走到了一起,同意立即对江中健胃消食片加大推广力度。 与此同时,针对武汉健民健胃消食片在二、三线市场的侵蚀,江中药业销售部门在全国范围内发动了一场为期一年的“渠道扫荡战”,旨在加强渠道建设,消除铺货盲点。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 平息争议 考虑到内部对江中健胃消食片市场前景存在不少疑惑,必将给后面的工作带来很大的摇摆,江中药业市场部委托其战略合作伙伴成美营销顾问有限公司(以下简称“成美”),对健胃消食片的市场潜力进行系统评估,并协助完成江中健胃消食片的品牌定位和推广工作。 任何品牌都不是在真空中获得市场份额,周围的竞争者们都有着各自的地盘,要评估江中健胃消食片的增长空间,并建立江中健胃消食片的品牌定位,从而区隔于其他品牌,第一步工作就是需要分析行业环境。 较低的行业集中度显示出消化不良用药市场并未成熟 在研究中,成美发现消化不良用药市场的行业集中度并不高,明显不符合市场成熟的一般规律(行业集中度指行业前四位品牌的市场份额占总市场的比例,比例高则市场集中度高,市场竞争趋于垄断竞争)。 在权威机构公布的各地统计数据中,一些没有品牌的“淘汰产品”,如酵母片、乳酶生、多酶片等销售数量惊人,如零售价格仅为每包1元钱的干酵母片,其销售金额在全国消化系统用药零售市场位居前十,去除用于治疗“胃炎”、“消化性溃疡”的斯达舒等,其排名仅次于吗丁啉。同时,各地市场普遍存在区域产品,其中用于治疗儿童消化不良的产品更是数不胜数,这两类产品的广泛存在和销售良好,预示着尚有大量未被开采的“空白市场”。 消化不良用药市场中吗丁啉一枝独秀的竞争格局,明至少还有第二品牌的空间 在消化不良用药领域中,研究发现消费者的认知中仅有一个强势品牌吗丁啉,没有明显的第二品牌、第三品牌,市场格局并不清晰。而从长远看,任何市场最终将形成两大主要品牌(非两大厂家)进行竞争的局面,如胶卷中的柯达与富士,可乐中的可口可乐与百事可乐。他们的市场份额最终将形成二比一,领导品牌占有40%左右,第二品牌约20%。而消化不良用药市场吗丁啉一枝独秀,再无其他强势品牌,也进一步证实了消化不良用药市场远未成熟。江中健胃消食片至少可以争取成为第二品牌,夺取“杂牌军”市场。 消化不良患者用药率低,需求未被满足 研究同时还发现,消化不良用药市场的用药率较低,部分的消费者出现消化不良症状(肚子胀、不消化)时用药需求未被唤起,多采取揉揉肚子或散散步等方法来缓解。 其中,儿童市场用药率低的情况尤为突出。儿童由于脾胃尚未发育完全,消化不良的发病率高于其他人群,主要症状是挑食、厌食。一方面,儿童正处在长the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 身体阶段,家长担心消化不良会影响其生长发育,解决消化不良的需求更为迫切。而另一方面,家长又担心药品毒副作用会伤害到儿童的身体健康,在用药选择上非常谨慎,宁缺勿滥。因此,很多家长因为找不到合适的药,而多采用一些民间土方、食疗等解决。最终造成儿童市场发病率高,需求最迫切,但用药率低的怪圈。 从上述三个方面,成美的研究人员得出结论,消费者需求未能得到很好的满足,消化不良用药市场远未成熟,存在较大的空白市场,初步打消了江中健胃消食片增长空间有限的疑虑。 吗丁啉:强势表象下的市场空白 为什么出现这个现象,一方面市场空白,消费者的需求得不到很好的满足,一方面吗丁啉花大力气推广教育了多年,知名度极高却销量停滞不前, 要解释这个奇怪的现象,就需要了解吗丁啉在消费者心智中的认知是什么样的。因此研究人员从吗丁啉宣传的信息内容与投放情况等开始,弄清了他们可能存在于消费者心智中的大概位置,以及他们的优势和弱点: 产品形态等强烈暗示,吗丁啉是一个治疗较严重病症的药品 吗丁啉的品牌名、产品名(多潘立酮)、包装盒、白色药片等产品形态,都有非常明显的西药,甚至处方药特征,加之消费者第一次服用吗丁啉主要由医生处方开出,这些信息综合起来,给消费者一种强烈暗示——这是一个治疗较严重病症的药品,药效较强。按照消费者对于药品的一贯认知:药效越强,副作用也越大,在不得不吃时才服用,更不能经常吃。 而调查数据显示:消费者认为消化不良是“常见的小毛病”的超过50%。显然,对于消化不良这个小毛病,特别是饮食不当引发的消化不良,用点酵母片之类“小药”就可以了,药效较强的吗丁啉并非首选。 也正因为这些认知,西安杨森推出的儿童装吗丁啉悬浮液,始终没有占到儿童消化不良用药市场多少份额。 吗丁啉主动“舍弃”了大量的区域市场 由于国内药品销量80%都在医院。加之过去中国药品零售渠道及大众传媒的无序,使大多数外资、合资药企更重视医院渠道的开拓,首先实现医生开处方销售,然后用医生处方及大众广告共同拉动零售市场的销售。与此相对应,吗丁啉在确定重点市场时,当地是否有完善密集的医院渠道就成了一个重要的衡量指标。 同时,医药消费与健康意识、经济收入等密切相关,区域差异非常大。以the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 2000年为例,医药消费总额排名前六位的广东、江苏、浙江、山东、上海、北京,其药品消费额超过其他24个省份与地区的总和。这使得绝大多数外资、合资药企以当地是否为医药消费大省,作为确立重点市场的另一个重要指标。 结合上述两大指标,我们不难发现,在医药行业,外资品牌(企业)往往聚焦在江苏、浙江、广东、上海等几个省市,而其他区域则暂时无法顾及。吗丁啉也不例外,根据企业专家访谈得知,其销量主要集中在上述几个省市。在后续研究中也证实了这一点,如2002年、2003年两年,吗丁啉用于江苏、浙江、上海、广东、北京地区的广告投放费用,占到其投放总量50%以上(按刊例价计算)。由于上述五省市的媒体给予的折扣都较少,实际上的比例还应该高于这个数字。而其他区域,如江西等省市,吗丁啉的广告投入几乎为零,投放在中央台的广告费用也非常少,和投到北京的费用几乎持平。 这种极度“聚焦”的做法,使得吗丁啉在中国的发展极不均衡,在江浙市场已趋成熟,消费者对吗丁啉耳熟能详;而在黑龙江、江西等被“舍弃”的地区,山高水远,消费者对吗丁啉知之甚少。 吗丁啉的“胃药”新身份,阻止消化不良消费者的选购 从整理分析吗丁啉的广告历史资料,可清晰地再现吗丁啉的推广进程: ? 1989年吗丁啉以“止吐药”面市。 1990年改以“消化不良药物”出售,广告诉求四大症状“上腹饱胀、 ? 餐后不适、腹胀、食欲不振”,广告语为“消化不良找吗丁啉帮忙”。 经过一年的推广,销售直线攀升。 1991年吗丁啉的销售是1990年的4倍,在1997年更达到了0.5亿盒, ? 之后的4年销量开始平稳。 2001年,为了扩大销量,吗丁啉在广告中诉求的症状增加为“胃胀 ? 痛”、“胃胀”、“胃堵”、“恶心”、“消化不良”,广告语改为 “恢复胃动力,找吗丁啉帮忙”。 至此,西安杨森开始在大众传媒上明确将吗丁啉定义成“胃药”。 消费者对药品的认知,医生也起到了非常关键的作用。在研究中发现非常多的消费者第一次接触吗丁啉是因为“胃痛”、“胃酸”等症状,而从医学刊物上则发现不少医生将吗丁啉作为解决这些“胃病”症状的记载。渐渐地,消费者的认知中逐步建立、加强了吗丁啉的“胃药”身份,而过往的“消化不良药物”的身份开始淡化。 后来的跟踪研究中也证实了这点。随着吗丁啉广告诉求症状继续扩大到“胀痛”、“反酸”、“胃胀”、“嗳气”、“恶心”、“呕吐”、“消化不良”,广告语改为“针对胃动力,帮助胃健康”,并开始启用“胃”作为广告中的主角。在2003年底的市场调查中发现,消费者将吗丁啉、斯达舒及三九胃泰视为同一the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 类产品,是用来治“胃病”的。 在西安杨森企业、医生等医学专业人士看来,胃动力障碍用胃动力药,如吗丁啉、西沙比利;消化不良用消化不良药,如酵母片、江中健胃消食片;胃炎和胃、十二指肠溃疡用抗酸剂及胃黏膜保护剂,如洛赛克及丽珠得乐。而这些病都是胃病,这些药都是胃药的不同类别。因此,对于西安杨森而言,一直都认为吗丁啉是个“胃药”,这个身份从未改变,改变的仅仅是不断扩大使用用途。 而有趣的是,研究却发现消费者不这么认为。 消费者认为,胃炎或胃疡溃才叫“胃病”,“消化不良”则是另一种“病”。“胃药”是用来治胃病的,即胃炎、胃溃疡,其表现症状主要是“胃酸、胃痛”,当然也能解决部分“胃胀”。 而消化不良则是平时饮食不当引发的,是一种常见小毛病,甚至不能算病,这个时候就要吃助消化药物来帮助消化,解决其“胃口不好”、“肚子胀”的问题。 在他们的头脑中,不存在胃动力障碍这个病症,因此也没有胃动力药一说。 ——消费者的上述认知,对研究消化用药市场意义非常重大。 由于“消化不良找吗丁啉帮忙”已经深入人心多年,很难改变,因此该认知在消费者中仍将长期存在,特别在其强势市场。这样,吗丁啉有了两种身份,并导致消费者认识混乱:新进入的消费者认为吗丁啉是胃药,“消化不良”小问题吃吗丁啉简直就是乱弹琴;而原有的消费者心中顿起疑心:原来吗丁啉是治胃病的~(猛药~)仿佛觉得自己好多年都“吃错了药”。 吗丁啉脚踏两个截然不同的市场,满足两种不同需求,使自己更倾向一个“治疗胃病的药品”;而被消费者普遍称为“小药”的酵母片等,在消费者的经验中单纯 “助消化”,没什么副作用,这种较大的差异性,是大量消化酶市场得以存在的核心原因。 对消费者观念中的吗丁啉进行全面深入的研究后,成美的研究人员进一步坚定了消化不良用药市场存在大量空白——既有地域性空白市场,也有吗丁啉无法覆盖的“日常助消化”功能性需求市场空白。 品牌定位 在发现助消化药市场存在巨大的空白后,研究人员立即与江中药业的专家们(销售人员、主力经销商)进行了详细的访谈,主要是从产品、渠道等各方面论证江中健胃消食片能否占据这个空白市场。在一一得到肯定的答复后,成美向江中药业提出江中健胃消食片的品牌定位——“日常助消化用药”。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 定位在“日常助消化用药”,避开了与吗丁啉的直接竞争,向无人防御、且市场容量巨大的的消化酶、地方品牌夺取市场(据权威机构的全国统计数据来看,酵母片、乳酶生、多酶片的销售数量与销售金额均排名靠前,三者合计数超过吗丁啉),同时也在地域上填补“吗丁啉”的空白市场,从而满足江中药业现实需要。 同时,根据企业提供的资料,江中健胃消食片的现有消费群集中在儿童与中老年,他们购买江中健胃消食片主要是用来解决日常生活中多发的“胃胀”、“食欲不振”症状。显然,定位在“日常助消化用药”完全吻合这些现有顾客的认识和需求,并能有效巩固江中健胃消食片原有的市场份额。 由于“日常助消化用药”的定位,占据的是一个“空白市场”,而且市场上并未出现以年龄划分的“专业品牌”,所以成美建议放弃过去对助消化市场进行年龄细分的做法,全力开拓整个日常助消化药的品类市场,用一个产品覆盖所有的目标人群。与此同时,建议江中药业积极储备新品,如儿童专用型助消化产品,待竞争成熟后,强力推出,自行细分市场。 报告同时指出,鉴于“日常助消化用药”定位的第一步是针对酵母片、乳酶生等产品要市场份额,而这些没有品牌,仅靠低价渗透的产品,除了在省会城市有一定的市场外,二、三线城市才是他们的主要销售来源。加之武汉健民也在二、三线城市对江中药业形成了冲击,因此,江中药业实施的 “渠道扫荡战”的结果,不仅仅对江中健胃消食片即时销售产生影响,还将直接影响这一战略的实施,应务必确保成功。 江中药业接受了成美的市场评估及相关建议。 定位广告 “解决定位问题,能帮助企业解决营销组合问题;营销组合(产品、价格、渠道、促销),从本质上来讲,是定位战略战术运用的结果。” ———菲利普?科特勒 确立了“日常助消化用药”的品牌定位,就明确了营销推广的方向,也确立了广告的标准,所有的传播活动就都有了评估的标准,所有的营销努力都将遵循这一标准,从而确保每一次的推广在促进销售的同时,都对品牌价值(定位)进行积累。 由于建立了标准,也便于企业明确地选择最有效率的推广和广告方式,而不再是谁官大谁说了算,或者谁的辩论技巧高谁说了算。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 就像百事可乐的广告,为什么代言人选郭富城、瑞奇?马丁而不选周润发,因为百事可乐的定位为“年轻人(的可乐)”,故百事公司选用年轻人最为热衷的音乐巨星,尽管百事的老板可能很欣赏胖胖的帕瓦罗蒂。 由于本身避开了和吗丁啉等竞争,面对的是需求未被满足的空白市场,广告只需反复告知消费者,江中健胃消食片是什么,它能起什么作用,就能不断吸引消费者尝试和购买,从而开拓这个品类市场。成美为江中健胃消食片制定了广告语“胃胀腹胀,不消化,用江中牌健胃消食片”。传播上尽量凸现江中健胃消食片作为“日常用药、小药”,广告风格则相对轻松、生活化,而不采用药品广告中常用的恐怖或权威认证式的诉求。 由于儿童是一个特殊的群体,其主要症状是“食欲不振”,而不是成人的“胀”。另外,儿童及家长的媒体收视习惯、儿童适用药品在广告的表现上均有较大不同。这样一条片很难同时影响两个迥异的人群,企业决定对儿童再单独拍摄一条广告片,在儿童及家长收视较高的时段投放,推广主题为“孩子不吃饭,快用江中牌健胃消食片”。 在广告片创作中,成美建议为江中健胃消食片选用一个和品牌定位的风格、形象趋于一致的艺员,并推荐了小品、影视演员郭冬临,主要是看中他以往的作品中塑造的大多是健康、亲切、关爱他人,轻松幽默又不落于纯粹滑稽可笑的形象。而且当时郭冬临拍摄的广告片数量较少,消费者不易混淆。同时,郭冬临一人演绎了江中健胃消食片的“成人”、“儿童”两条广告片,避免消费者误认为是两个产品,从而加强两条片之间的关联。 在针对成人消费者的电视广告中,穿浅绿衬衣的郭冬临关怀地对着镜头询问,“您肚子胀啦,”接着镜头拉远,他坐在椅子上,作出胃胀腹胀的表情,“胃胀,~腹胀,~”随后引出解决之道,“胃胀、腹胀、不消化,用江中牌健胃消食片”。广告片的画面干净简单,与国际4A公司所倡导的塑造“品牌形象”的做法大相径庭,去除了过多的装饰,定位广告直击消费者心智,从而快速引起消费者共鸣。这使得众多的消费者消化不良,出现胃胀腹胀的症状时,立即会想到江中健胃消食片来解决问题。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 针对儿童的电视广告,同样简单明确,直接提出家长的烦恼:孩子不喜欢吃饭。“哄也不吃,喂也不吃”是最真实的写照,引起家长的关注。最后告知解决之道:“孩子不吃饭,快用江中牌健胃消食片”。 这样的广告片,直击消费者需求,能够快速地拉动销售——这就是直接见效的品牌广告。 直接见效的品牌广告,可以协助品牌更快走入市场,同时激起企业、经销商与消费者的热情,有利于良性地将品牌推广进行下去,一步步地加强消费者的认知,逐渐为品牌建立起独特而长期的定位——真正建立起品牌。 在推广力度上,江中药业深知,仅有一个好产品与好定位是不够的,一定要把这个产品所代表的概念或价值构筑在消费者的心智中,才会完成“惊险的一跳”,实现商业价值。而且竞争对手也在寻找利润增长来源,自然不会坐视江中慢慢去开拓独享市场。——万燕是中国、乃至世界上第一个向市场推出VCD的,然而,最终获利最大、成为行业第一的却是第一个进入消费者心智的爱多和步步高。所以江中健胃消食片需要采用狂风暴雨式推广,迅速进入消费者心智。 正因为企业上下都具备了这一意识,江中健胃消食片很快得到了集团在财力上的最大力度支持,在2002年就投入了过亿广告费用,为迅速抢占“日常助消化用药”定位打下坚实基础,市场也给企业丰厚的回报,当年销售额就直线上升到了3亿多元,比2001年翻了近三番~终于突破了江中健胃消食片年年销量不过2亿元的销售瓶颈。 这种广告投入的方式至今在中国营销界还存在很大的争议,关于这个问题,我们认为,缺乏定位,用巨资仅仅打出知名度的做法,的确是一种“秦池式”的浪费,而用资源去抢占消费者的心智,是建立品牌定位,成为强势品牌的必要保证,如特劳特先生所说:“建立领导者的定位,不仅要靠运气和时机;而且在别人伺机待动的时候,还需要一份豁出去的勇气。”显然,无论已经成功了的江中药业还是已做到中国医药业老大的哈药集团,都具备这种勇气。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 值得一提的是,江中药业销售部门经过一年的“渠道扫荡战”,成绩斐然,基本上扫除了二、三线市场的渠道盲点。这为江中健胃消食片销量的腾飞提供了最基本的保证。 积极防御 2003年,山东宏济堂的神方小儿消食片尝试走出山东,在中央台投入广告,其广告明显针对江中健胃消食片市场而来,广告主张“孩子不吃饭,儿童要用小儿消食片”——其细分江中健胃消食片市场的企图十分明显。江中药业的监测系统随即发现了这一情况,并立即从央视索福瑞取得了其相关的广告投放数据,由于神方小儿消食片在山东省具备较强实力,是江中药业一直密切关注的品牌之一,在成美的协助下,江中药业迅速制订并实施了反击方案,一方面在其山东大本营、安徽等其已上市的个别省份进行大规模、长时间的江中健胃消食片的“买赠”活动,打压其销量;另一方面在这几个省市加大江中健胃消食片广告(儿童片)推广力度,电视广告投放量增加3倍„„未待江中药业全面出击,神方小儿消食片很快便偃旗息鼓了。 但正是小儿消食片的此次出击,促使江中药业进一步加大力度应对挑战,积极部署防御,加快了新品研发生产。在2003年下半年,迅速推出儿童装江中健胃消食片*,销售情况非常良好。2003年底,又完成了另一个儿童专业品牌的上市前的准备工作。江中药业表示在必要的时候,将采取自我进攻方式,持续细分助消化药市场,不断满足消费者的需求,最终保护并扩大自己的市场份额。 *注:儿童装江中健胃消食片的个案研究另有专文论述,详见药品营销案例:战略细分,江中扛起儿童助消化药大旗 今日的江中健胃消食片 江中健胃消食片的重新定位与传播,不仅获得了销量的飞升,从1个多亿元到9亿元,仅用5年时间成为国内OTC药品单品销量第一。更重要的是,在助消the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 化用药市场,江中健胃消食片已抢先进入了消费者心智,从而占据了宝贵的心智资源,得以有力量主导这个新兴市场。2004年初,国际调查权威机构CMMS在调查全国7万个15,64岁消费者后,发布的《2003年度最具竞争力品牌调查》中显示,江中健胃消食片品牌竞争力在“整个肠胃药市场”排名第二,“成长指数”名列第二。而此次品牌调查,还未涵盖江中健胃消食片的具有绝对优势的儿童市场。 今日的江中药业,正逐步成为中国日常助消化用药市场的主宰。 江中健胃消食片的成功,根本原因在于企业在专业公司的帮助下,以定位理论为指导,对助消化药市场进行了全面客观评估,从而彻底厘清了“助消化药”、“胃药”——特别是吗丁啉在消费者心智中的认知,最终确立了与强大竞争对手吗丁啉完全差异化的品牌定位——日常助消化用药,并通过诉求准确的定位广告迅速、大力度传播出去。 通过这场侧翼战,江中健胃消食片在市场上完全确立了“日常助消化用药”市场的领导地位。现在,对消费者而言,江中健胃消食片几乎成为了解决“胃胀腹胀不消化”的代名词。 由此可见,一个品牌如果要在市场上取得根本性胜利,其关键所在就是其品牌定位战略的制定与实施。关于这一点,我们再次引用菲利普?科特勒的原话:“解决定位问题能帮助公司解决营销组合的问题。营销组合(产品、价格、渠道、促销),从本质上来讲是定位战略战术运用的结果。” 在市场竞争不充分的情况下,企业在营销某个环节(譬如渠道)取得成功,就可能取得胜利。而在现代营销战争中,制定和实施成功的品牌战略才是赢得战争的关键,而目前仍让不少企业津津乐道的铺货率,强力促销等等“制胜法宝”,在残酷的市场竞争中,将很快变得稀松平常,乏善可陈——只不过是每个企业生存下来的必备条件而已,而制定正确的品牌定位战略才是企业致胜的“根本大法”。关于这一点,中国企业家柳传志在《制定战略,中国企业的竞争力短板》一文中已论述得非常清楚了。 附:江中健胃消食片历年销量 2001年 1.7亿元 2002年 近4亿元 2003年 近7亿元 2004年 近8亿元 2005年 超过8亿元 2006年 超过9亿元 2007年 9.5亿元 2008年 10.7亿元 附:柳传志:制定战略,中国企业的竞争力短板 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 刚一现身企业竞争力年会,联想集团董事局主席柳传志就被新闻记者、企业代表“围攻”,“企业领袖”的魅力由此可见一斑。 以经济、市场经济为轴,柳传志分解了联想的“竞争力”,特别引发了与会民营企业群体的共鸣。会议间隙,本报记者采访了柳总。 《中国经营报》:通过联想,,年的发展,你个人对企业竞争力是如何认识的,计划经济与市场经济下,企业竞争力的表现形式有何不同, 柳传志:在我看来,企业竞争力分两个层次:第一层次的竞争力体现在企业的采购、生产、销售环节。业务开拓上为取得现在的市场份额联想做了三件事。第一,大大提升了物流运作能力,降低了成本。,,,,年联想连续发动了,次价格战,这是因为我们有能力把库存周期大大压缩。,,,,年,联想全面上了,,,以后库存时间进一步压缩,,,,,年是,,天,现在缩减到,,天,这使得成本大大降低。第二,提高了产品技术水平,联想的毛利始终保持在,,,的水平。第三,有很强的市场开拓能力和服务渠道的管理能力。联想能一年内在,,,个城市做演示,在,,,,家代理商中把坏账的损失率控制在,(,?,比国际上优秀的企业平均,?的标准还要低得多。这三方面的能力成为联想的核心竞争力。 第二层次的竞争力体现在如何更好地制定战略,这是更高层次的竞争力,也是中国企业普遍存在的短板。 联想是典型的改革开放的产物,对联想这样的企业,我觉得它的发展路径也分两个阶段,第一阶段是在国家政策、法规以至于企业整体生存环境都不正常的情况下怎么去生存。第二阶段是市场环境基本有序后,中国加入世贸组织,外国企业大举进入,中国企业如何走出去。所以有人把竞争比为龟兔赛跑,第一阶段把国外企业比成兔子,中国企业比作乌龟,问为什么乌龟在国内还能战胜兔子,因为第一阶段是在沼泽地跑,比的是对环境的熟悉,而第二阶段是在正规跑道上跑,比的是企业管理、战略制定的水平。第二阶段是市场经济发展比较充分的阶段,这两个阶段对企业竞争力发展的要求是不同的。 《中国经营报》:以联想为例,现有市场经济条件下,如何提升中国企业的国际竞争力, 柳传志:中国经济发展的主线就是由计划经济向市场经济的转化。中国企业成长到一定规模,不可避免地要遭遇两个坎儿:多元化和国际化。这个过程中,制定战略、执行战略是提升中国企业国际竞争力的关键所在。战略不失误,是对壮大起来的中国企业的严峻考验。 (摘自《中国经营报》2004年9月27日竞争力年会?对话篇) the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 战略细分,江中抢占儿童助消化用药市场 前言 2003年底,江中药业股份有限公司(以下简称江中公司)在对儿童助消化药市场进行全面研究分析后,决定实施战略细分,推出儿童装江中牌健胃消食片,以对江中牌健胃消食片(日常助消化药领导品牌)的儿童用药市场进行防御; 2004年中,上市前铺货、电视广告片拍摄等市场准备工作基本完成; 2004年底,销售额过2亿元,并初步完成对儿童市场的防御。 2007年,儿童装江中牌健胃消食片销量达3.5亿元。 对于一个OTC(非处方药)新品,面市3年,就在全国范围全线飙红,完成超过3.5亿的销售额。这样一份成绩,充分证明了实施战略细分的强大威力。 本文记录了从战略细分的最初动机到决策直至实施的各个环节,其目的是希望通过这个案例的剖析,为其他企业决策者制定类似的细分战略时提供借鉴和参考。 危机突现 2003年4月,山东省的百年老厂宏济堂,在中央电视台六套等媒体,投放了神方牌小儿消食片的一条新广告片,具体情节如下: 在一个电视广告拍摄现场中,男主角从产品包装瓶中,探出头来,说“孩子不吃饭,请用消食片”,此时突然传来导演的“cut(停),是小儿消食片”,于是男主角再演一遍“孩子不吃饭,请用小儿消食片”,接下来画外音“神方牌 小儿消食片,酸酸甜甜,科技百年,济南宏济堂制药。” 需要补充说明的是,此时的江中健胃消食片,横跨成人、儿童助消化药两个市场。由于这两个市场在消费者、竞争者各方面,均存在一定的差异,对成人而言,江中健胃消食片主要解决“胃胀、腹胀”的问题,而对于儿童,则主要解决“孩子不吃饭”(儿童厌食)的问题,所以江中公司针对成人和儿童市场,分别进行不同的广告诉求,其中针对儿童市场的广告是“孩子不吃饭,请用江中牌健胃消食片”。不难看出宏济堂此次行动的用意——直接针对江中健胃消食片,细分其儿童市场。 江中公司对此极为重视,因为神方小儿消食片直接细分的儿童市场,是江中健胃消食片的核心市场之一,而江中健胃消食片又是江中公司最主要的利润来源。何况,作为山东的强势地方品牌,选择央视这样一个全国性媒体,也体现了其欲进军全国的企图。不难想象,这条宣战式的广告片在江中公司上下引起怎样the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 的轩然大波。 江中非常清楚,如果静观其变——让我们再看看形势如何发生,看看对手的行动是否奏效,或者看对手广告还能维持多久这类的做法,将丧失宝贵的时机,因为一旦等到神方小儿消食片在消费者心智中建立第一印象,就如同坚固的堤防被撕开了一道口子,滔天洪水将破提而入。到时只怕江中健胃消食片想要补救都来不及,更遑论封锁竞争了。因此,作为其战略合作伙伴,江中第一时间委托成美营销顾问展开专项研究,制定应对策略。 通过对江中信息部门提供的各类情报进行分析研究,很快,成美提交了题为《如何抵御神方小儿消食片》的研究报告,其主旨是建议处于领导地位的江中健胃消食片,运用财力法则,实施封锁竞争。江中公司依此方案进行了实施:在宏济堂的大本营山东、安徽、河南等地,加大江中健胃消食片的推广力度,其中电视广告投放量增加到3倍,并进行大规模、长时间的江中健胃消食片的“买一赠一”活动,以期通过综合打压其销量,断其现金流的方式阻止、阻止其向全国扩张。 同时,成美提出后续方案,建议江中公司借此契机,主动细分市场,加快儿童专用助消化药品的上市,趁儿童助消化药市场的竞争尚不激烈,尚无竞品占据消费者的心智,全力将新品推向全国市场,使自己成为儿童助消化药这个新品类的代表品牌,从而巩固其市场主导权。 未待江中全面出击,神方小儿消食片很快偃旗息鼓了,这个突发事件来的突然,走得迅速,却把江中健胃消食片要不要实施市场细分的问题,再一次提到了江中公司的议事日程上。 自行细分战略屡次“难产”,为竞品提供细分市场的机会 “用兵之法,无恃其不来,恃吾有以待也,无恃其不攻,恃吾有所不可攻也。” —— 孙子 与其被竞争对手细分,不如自行细分”现今已成为大多数企业的共识。对于同时覆盖成人、儿童助消化药两个细分市场的江中健胃消食片而言,由于这两个市场的消费者、竞争者的情况不同,迫使江中公司在一个产品上,出现制定两套竞争策略、实施两套推广方案,同一个产品却拍摄两条电视广告片的尴尬局面。因此,“推出儿童助消化产品”,作为顾问公司的成美一直有此建议,而且也获得江中公司部分人员,特别是市场部门的认同,早就不是一个新鲜话题。 但在执行上,江中内部对“自行细分”战略的必要性存在诸多疑问,致使细分屡屡“难产”。 首先,从医学专业角度来看,似乎没有必要。江中健胃消食片的产品配方的主要成分如山楂、麦芽等,都是属于“药食两用”的植物,安全绿色,治疗范围the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 同时适用于成人及儿童两个人群; 其次,江中公司内部认为,儿童助消化药市场已经成熟,趋于稳定,其最大份额为江中健胃消食片所占据,推出儿童助消化专用产品,是“从左口袋到右口袋”,抢夺的不过是江中健胃消食片自己的市场。在渠道、推广等系列营销成本成倍增长的同时,并不能使市场份额有大幅增长。 最后,江中健胃消食片过去并没有遭遇过对手的侧翼进攻,自主选择这样一种战略,仿佛是为细分而细分,是否太教条主义了, 由于这些迟疑,同时存在竞争对手未必有如此敏捷的侥幸心理,江中公司迟迟未能推出儿童助消化药品,而长期采取了一个产品覆盖两个细分片市场的战略,从而为神方小儿消食片等竞品提供了细分市场的机会。 神方小儿消食片的突袭,使江中公司第一次真切地感受到,江中健胃消食片在儿童用药市场的份额随时可能失去,推出儿童助消化药新品已是势在必行。 任何一个企业,在决定进行细分战略时,必须考虑两个因素:细分市场的吸引力(市场大小、成长性、盈利率、低风险等),以及细分市场是否与公司的目标、资源相匹配。对于儿童助消化药这个细分市场,江中公司一方面对儿童助消化药市场的增长空间仍心存疑虑,另一方面是在江中2004年资金分配计划案,未能预留给儿童新品足够的资金。因此,江中公司没有接受顾问公司提出的抢占消费者的“儿童助消化药”品类定位的建议,而采用折中的办法,将儿童新品的任务定义为,对江中健胃消食片“现有”儿童市场进行防御,而不做大力度的推广,只进行铺货和基本提示性广告。 2003年底,在技术、生产等各部门的全力配合下,儿童装江中牌健胃消食片正式面市。山东神方牌小儿消食片的事件,至此方告一段落。 寻找利润增长点,重提细分儿童市场 2003年10月,江中市场部委托成美,作为专项课题,对“2004年江中健胃消食片的利润增长点”进行研究。正是这项任务,成美的研究人员得以全面、深入地调查,彻底厘清了江中健胃消食片在消费者心智中的位置和认知,并纠正了江中公司 “儿童助消化药市场增长有限”的错误认识。历时近2个月的研究结果表明: 1、家长们缺乏“儿童助消化药”可供选择,担心儿童用“成人药品”有损健康,造成不用药儿童的数量惊人,市场存在大量空白; 2、地方竞品庞杂,多为“杂牌军”,缺乏品牌壁垒的庇护,易于抢夺; 3、江中现有儿童用户满意度“虚高”,家长存在儿童用“成人药品”的担心,造成用药量偏低,存在提升的空间。 细分一个市场有许多的办法。然而,并不是所有的细分都是有效的,其中企the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 业最容易陷入的细分误区是开拓一个消费者心智中根本不存在的细分市场,而这些细分概念根本不符合消费者的已有认知和经验,象雷诺公司推出的“无烟”香烟品牌 Premier,太阳神推出的“减肥”牙膏。 以“儿童”为细分变量是否有效,研究结果显示,儿童助消化药物的主要购买者,3—12岁的孩子家长认为“儿童助消化药”与“成人助消化药”是不同的,而且是否为“儿童专用”直接影响到他们的购买决策,是有效细分。 市场细分还需要看时机,研究结果显示,“儿童助消化药”是一个早已形成的市场,需求客观存在,而目前“杂牌”当道,“儿童助消化”的需求被全国数百个地方产品暂时性满足,谁能一马当先占据消费者心智资源,就能迅速地占据并统一市场,而无需经历长时间的认知教育,细分风险小,因此,从细分的时机上来看,也是进行战略细分的最佳点。 2004年初,成美提交了关于未来一年江中健胃消食片增长来源的研究方案,题为《2004年,江中健胃消食片的销售增长从哪里来》,方案中通过翔实的数据和论证分析,指出“儿童助消化药”是一个全新、待创建的品类市场,拥有巨大的市场前景,必须对儿童助消化药新品,实施战略细分,第一个创建、开拓该品类,使之成为品类的代表。相应的,江中牌健胃消食片将重新定位在“成人助消化药物”。 江中公司对方案进行了认真仔细地研究,很快认同了“儿童助消化药市场将是未来增长最快,值得占据的细分市场”这一重要研究成果,决定实施战略调整,对资金重新分配。出于04年销售增长及时间的现实压力,结合中药的品类特性,公司决定让已基本完成铺货的儿童装江中健胃消食片承载起这个任务,并迅速在资金、人员上进行了重新的配置,将原计划用于其他产品的部分费用,分配给儿童装江中健胃消食片,同时增设了新的产品经理。儿童装江中健胃消食片的命运从此峰回路转,获得了集团公司在财力、物力等多方面支持。 战略细分之下的整合 江中公司确定实施“儿童助消化药”细分战略后,就开始调动一切元素来制造细分品类的差异,并让消费者充分地感受到差异,包括产品、包装、口味等,以期尽快从原市场中分化出去,成为一个独立的品类市场。简而言之,更好体现“儿童专属性”,从而更好满足该细分市场不断发展的需求是成功的基础。 在产品方面,儿童装江中健胃消食片为摆脱了“成人药品”的影响,完全针对儿童进行设计。片型采用0.5g(成人则为0.8 g),在规格和容量上也更适合儿童。药片上还压出“动物”卡通图案,口味上则是采用儿童最喜爱的酸甜味道,同时在包装上显眼处标有儿童漫画头像以凸现儿童药品的身份„„。这些改进使儿童装健胃消食片的产品从各方面都更好满足儿童的需求,并不断提示家长这是儿童专用产品。 由于儿童装江中健胃消食片是江中健胃消食片的产品线扩展,为了更好关联the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 江中牌健胃消食片的领导地位,及让原有儿童消费者更放心的转移,成美提出在突出“儿童专属性”的同时,应该与江中健胃消食片紧密关联。所以,在包装的设计上,延用了江中牌健胃消食片的整体风格,而且药片的形状同样为三角形,口味则稍为加重酸甜味。 在渠道方面,由于儿童装的推出,第一步目标仍是对现有市场防御,即促使原来购买江中健胃消食片的儿童家长转为购买儿童装江中健胃消食片。因此,在面市早期,成美建议江中销售部门与药店经理积极协商,将儿童装江中健胃消食片尽量陈列在江中健胃消食片旁边;在条件允许的情况下,同时在儿童药品专柜进行陈列。自我细分基本达成后,才可完全只在儿童药品专柜进行陈列。 在价格方面,为了更全面覆盖儿童助消化药市场,避免价格成为购买的障碍,从而给竞争对手创造价格细分的机会,同时考虑到有利于江中健胃消食片原有儿童消费者的转移,成美建议儿童装江中健胃消食片的零售价格不应比江中健胃消食片高过多,控制在10元左右,最终江中公司决定将零售价格定在6元,与江中健胃消食片基本持平。 在推广方面,江中公司已清楚认识到,无论客观上你是或不是第一个进入新细分市场的品牌,只要成为“消费者心智中的第一个”,它就被认为是原创者。当其他品牌侵犯你的领域时,它们被消费者普遍认为是仿制品。新细分市场存在于消费者心智中,谁能占据消费者心智谁将获取市场。相应的,营销过程就是对心智认知发生作用的过程。而广告则是将定位打入消费者头脑(心智)中的重要手段。因此,江中公司为儿童装江中健胃消食片的广告传播提供了充裕的资金。 值得一提的是,很多进行市场细分战略的企业,容易忘了推广品类,而直接推广品牌,热衷于诉求自己的独特性,这是个严重的错误。定位理论早已证实,先有热门的品类(细分市场),才有热门的品牌。譬如饮料市场, “可口可乐”只有将可乐做成饮料中最大的品类,可口可乐本身才能成为饮料市场第一品牌。 因此,儿童装江中健胃消食片的广告首先要做的,就是开拓这个品类,广告需反复告知消费者, “专给儿童用的,解决孩子不吃饭问题”,从而吸引目标消费群不断尝试和购买,使儿童装江中健胃消食片成为消费者心智中该品类的第一。为了鲜明地让消费者将儿童型与成人型江中健胃消食片区分开,广告片的主角启用了极具亲和力的影视明星肥肥(沈殿霞),而成人型江中健胃消食片电视广告仍继续沿用小品明星郭冬临。 后记 儿童装江中健胃消食片面市不久,其销量在全国范围都呈现飞速攀升的态势,面市3年,完成超过3.5亿的销售额。这极大加强了江中公司对儿童装的信心。因此,在随后的几年里,江中公司在资金分配上,将儿童装江中健胃消食片作为优先保障产品,拨出巨额推广费用,全力抢占“儿童助消化药”的心智资源。 定位理论指出,开创新品类(新细分市场)是成为品类代名词的最佳机会,the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 也是造就该细分市场领导者的最佳途径。因此,作为领导者,要防御市场被竞品 的细分,甚至被颠覆,就必须时刻保持警惕,正视不同细分市场的需求变化,并 有壮士断腕的勇气,主动采用自我细分战略。自行细分,虽然可能牺牲眼前利益 并付出代价,却能真正维持企业的长远利益——保持市场主导地位。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom
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