
合欢皮、合欢花功效资料辑录(Bark of silktree Albizia flower efficacy data collection)

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合欢皮、合欢花功效资料辑录(Bark of silktree Albizia flower efficacy data collection)合欢皮、合欢花功效资料辑录(Bark of silktree Albizia flower efficacy data collection) 合欢皮、合欢花功效资料辑录(Bark of silktree Albizia flower efficacy data collection) Silk tree bark Silk tree bark Silk tree bark is used to relieve depression and soothe the nerves and promote blood ci...
合欢皮、合欢花功效资料辑录(Bark of silktree Albizia flower efficacy data collection)
合欢皮、合欢花功效资料辑录(Bark of silktree Albizia flower efficacy data collection) 合欢皮、合欢花功效资料辑录(Bark of silktree Albizia flower efficacy data collection) Silk tree bark Silk tree bark Silk tree bark is used to relieve depression and soothe the nerves and promote blood circulation to reduce swelling. For depression uneasy, insomnia, carbuncle sore, pain or flutter. [H] Hu name P n. [English name] CORTEX ALBIZIAE [source] this is dried dried bark of Albizia julibrissin Durazz., a leguminous plant. Summer and autumn are stripped and dried in the two season. [Characteristics] this product is curly tube or semi cylindrical, long 40 ~ 80cm, thick 0.1 ~ 0.3cm. The outer surface of gray brown to grayish brown, slightly longitudinal wrinkles, some become shallow crack, dense oval horizontal lenticels conspicuous, brown or red brown, with transverse projections or larger circular branch marks, often with lichen patches; the inner surface of yellowish brown or yellowish white, smooth, fine streaks. Hard and brittle, easily broken section and fibrous sheet, yellowish brown or yellow white. Gas micro fragrance, mild, slightly astringent, slightly barbed tongue, and throat discomfort. [identification] (1) the pale yellow powder. Stone cells are oblong, round, oblong, long, or irregular, with a diameter of 16~58 m, a thicker wall, a distinct groove, and some branches. Thin fibers, the diameter of 7 ~ 22 m, often into a bundle, the surrounding cells containing calcium oxalate crystals, the formation of crystal fiber, crystalliferous cell wall thickening, lignification or micro lignify. The diameter of calcium oxalate is 5~26 M. Phloem parenchyma cells are small, slightly thick walled, radial view pit round, some integrated pit group; tangential view slightly Beaded thickened cell wall. (2) take the powder 1g, add water 10ml, place 60 DEG C in the water bath and soak for 1 hours, then filter. The filtrate 3 drops, split two tubes: one tube with hydrochloric acid solution of 0.1mol/L 5ml, another tube plus 0.1mol/L 5ml sodium hydroxide solution, strong shake for 1 minutes, lye pipe foam pipe above one times higher than acid liquid foam. (3) take the remaining filtrate 0.5ml identified under (2), add normal saline 2ml and 2% red cell suspension of normal saline, 2.5ml, shake well and have hemolysis. [processing] remove impurities, wash, moisten, shred or block, dry. [sexual taste] Gan, ping. [meridian] the heart, liver and lung. [function] resolving Jieyu Anshen, promoting blood circulation and swelling. For depression uneasy, insomnia, carbuncle sore, pain or flutter. [usage and dosage] 6 ~ 12g. Apply the right amount of starch and apply it to the end. [storage] ventilated dry place. [excerpt] Chinese Pharmacopoeia Silk tree bark For Albizia Jieyu, and blood, heart, eliminating carbuncle. Treatment of depression insomnia, malaise, carbuncle swollen, scrofula, broken bones. [source] "herbal supplements" [H] Hu name P n. [alias] with faint skin ("Qian"), magnolia bark ("lone"), acacia wood ("compendium"). [source] the bark of the Acacia plant. Between summer and autumn; peel the bark and dry. [morphology] Hohuan ("this after"), also known as: Green Hall (Cui Bao "ancient note"), evening ("Qian"), together with ("Tang Materia Medica"), Magnolia (Chinese Materia Medica "map"), Ge, Wulai ("Adorable tree by election party"), Yi (male "florilegium"), Lantana ("Ji Fu Tongzhi"), Cashmere tree ("plant map test"), Wu Shu (read "Chinese Materia Medica"), and ("herbal" squid classification), magnolia flowers, trees, Huai tree, black velvet night close. Deciduous trees, up to 10 meters tall. Black trunk; branchlets glabrous, angular. 2 even pinnate, alternate; petiole length 3 ~ 5 cm; leaf length 9 ~ 23 cm, 5 ~ 15 of the pinna; leaflets 11 to 30 sessile leaflets; the sickle rectangle, length 5 ~ 12 mm, apex mucronate, base truncate, asymmetric, margin entire, have ciliate, below midrib with short pilose, lobular closed at night; stipules lanceolate. Capitate branchlets end, peduncle puberulent; flowers pale red; calyx tubular, ca. 2 mm, apex 5 teeth, outside pubescent; corolla funnelform, ca. 6 mm, outside pubescent, apex 5 lobed, lobes triangular ovate; stamens numerous, basally with slender filaments. The upper light red, is about 3 times more than corolla tube; ovary, stigma and style a few filaments equal, cylindrical. Pods flattened, 8~15 cm long, 1 to 2.5 cm wide, yellowish brown, villous when soft, gradually deciduous, usually indehiscent. Seeds oval and flat, brown. Florescence 6~8 months. Fruit period 8~10 months. [habitat] grown on hillsides and roadsides and often cultivated in gardens. Distribution Southern China. Southwest, East China, Northeast China and Hebei, Henan, Hubei and other places. [traits] Dry bark is a cylindrical or semi cylindrical, 30 cm long, 1 to 2 mm thick. The outer surface is rough, grayish green or grayish brown, slightly spread thin transverse crack, longitudinal wrinkles, lenticels rounded or oblong, with red brown. The inner surface is light brown or yellowish, with fine longitudinal lines. Hard and crisp, pale yellow, fibrous. Micro gas incense, tasteless. Thin skin tender and smooth, uniform is preferred. Production is made in most parts of our country. [chemical composition] Bark contains saponins, tannins and so on. The seeds contain amino acids such as aspartic acid and S- (2- carboxy), -L-, cysteine. The fresh leaves collected in mid 5 contain vitamin C189 mg%. The same plant Jacaranda tree bark containing three saponins, called Acacia oxytocin. [pharmacological effect] this product is unknown. Contains the uterine contraction are plant Jacaranda tree, Acacia name oxytocin. Common plant A.gurnmmifera containing this component; used in eastern Africa for labor or abortion. In vitro, oxytocin induces contractions when the guinea pig or human uterus is quiet, whereas in utero it increases the contractility or frequency of spontaneous activity. The isolated small intestine of guinea pigs does not cause contraction even at high concentrations. Hohuan oxytocin in anesthetized animal (guinea pig, rabbit, cat and monkey) intravenous injection of 0.1 to 8 mg / kg, a transient decrease can cause blood pressure, increase in uterine activity, particularly sensitive to the pregnant uterus, atropine and antihistamines can block this effect (except monkey). The animal without anesthesia, in each period of pregnancy, given oxytocin can cause abortion of Acacia in 12 hours, a lot is toxic to the animal, usually lethal dose does not immediately cause death, but in 12 hours, sometimes 7 days later to cause death; the cause of death has not been sure that observed kidney tubular necrosis lesions (rabbit), In particular, the livers of mice and rats had necrosis and various lesions, and there was no significant and constant change in the ECG even before death, and oral toxicity was much smaller than that given at the time of injection. [] processing water immersion cleaning, remove, moistening first into equal large strips, then diced or sliced, dried. [sexual flavour] Gan ping. 1. This book: Gan, ping. 2. The compendium of materia medica: Gan, Wen ping. [tropism] Heart entry and liver meridian. The "thunder" into the heart: drug solution processing. New herbal medicine again: the two classics of entering the heart and liver. [function indications] Jieyu, and blood, heart, eliminating carbuncle. Treatment of depression insomnia, malaise, carbuncle swollen, scrofula, broken bones. The Sutra: the five zang organs, the mind and the mind are joyful and carefree. The "herbal supplements": insecticides. The "Hua Zi": the herbal decoction, eliminating carbuncle and continued bones. The "compendium", and blood, detumescence, pain. The classification of "herbal": disappear scrofula. The "animal and plant folk medicine": cough. The Nanchuan "commonly used Chinese herbal medicine manual": treat the heart impetuous, insomnia and spasms. [dosage] take orally: decoct soup, 1.5 ~ 3 money; or into powder. For external use: grind and apply at the end. [enclosed side] The cough has fever, dysphoria, chest is a mistake, for lung cancer. The palms of the palms are large at dusk. Fine, with three litres of water to boil, take a litre, three clothing. ("Qianjin Fang" evening soup) The treatment of lung cancer: long and Albizia, etc.. Fried two flavor decoction. (Jing Shu Quan Shu Yin Yin Yin) The treatment of head injury: Magnolia Bark (42 bones fried, end), musk, frankincense into a money. Take three large amounts of money each time, warm wine tune, not hungry when not satisfied. (continued skills) The treatment of head injury fracture: Magnolia tree (to rough skin, take white, rasping, speculation that the Yellow micro black) 42, Na Ko (fry) one or two. For fine wine, the night service; coarse Yan tre boil, tie. The medicine is specially pressed to the bone. ("the by election party") The treatment of spider bites sore: Albizia, pound for the end, and with ink, oil coating. ("herbal supplements") [notes] the bark of the same plant acacia is used as the bark of Acacia in Sichuan. [excerpt] * dictionary ------------------------------------------------------- Silk tree bark is used to soothe the nerves, relieve depression, promote blood circulation and eliminate carbuncle. Attending uneasy; depression, insomnia, and abscess of the traumatic injury. [provenance] From the "Compendium of Materia Medica 1. supplements" Cui leopard note ":" ancient tree like the Indus, leaves numerous, with each other, each of the wind to self noir solution, don't hold up. 2. "Tang Materia Medica": this tree leaves like Acacia, Huai, very fine, white red flowers in May, is located in the mountain. There is also, the east mountain pool called Xijing house or with faint Acacia. As Qiushi pods, sub thin fine. 3. "map": Acacia, Magnolia herbs also. Born in Yizhou Valley, near Beijing today, Luo Yong between all has. He planted in the courtyard. The May flower red white, petals of silk velvet ran. To autumn and the implementation of the pod, the son of very thin, fine mining [H] Hu name P n. [English name] Silktree Albizzia Bark, 树皮Silktree Albizzia 【别名】合昏皮、夜台皮、合欢木皮 【来源】 药材基源:为豆科植物合欢的树皮。 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Albizia julibrissin Durazz。 采收和储藏:夏、秋间剥皮,切段,晒干。 【原形态】合欢,落叶乔木,高可达16M。树干灰黑色;嫩枝、花序和叶轴被绒毛或短柔毛。托叶线状披针形,较小叶小,早落;二回羽状复叶,互生;总叶柄长3-5cm,总花柄近基部及最顶1对羽片着生处各有一枚腺体;羽片4-12对,栽培的有时达20对;小叶10-30对,线形至长圆形,长6-12mm,宽1~4mm,向上偏斜,先端有小尖头,有缘毛,有时在下面或仅中脉上有短柔毛;中脉紧靠上边缘。头状花序在枝顶排成圆锥大辩论花序;花粉红色;花萼管状,长3mm;花冠长8mm,裂片三角形,长1.5mm,花萼、花冠外均被短柔毛;雄蕊多数,基部合生,花丝细长;子房上位,花柱几与花丝等长,柱头圆柱形。荚果带状,长9-15cm,宽1.5-2.5cm,嫩荚有柔毛,老荚无毛。花期6-7月;果期8-10月。 【生境分布】 生态环境:生于山坡或栽培。 资源分布:分布于东北、华东、中南及西南各地。 【栽培】 生物学特性喜温暖向阳环境,耐寒和干旱对土壤要求不严,在砂质壤土和粘壤土中生长迅速。 栽培技术用种子繁殖:春季育苗,播种前将种子浸泡后取出播种8-10h。开沟条播,沟距60cm,覆土2-3cm,播后保持畦土湿润,约10d发芽。1h?用种量约公斤。苗出齐后,应加强除草松土追肥等管理工作。第2年春或秋季移栽,株距3-5m。移栽后2-3年,每年春 秋季除草松窝,以促进生长。 病虫害防治夏、秋间有豆毛虫为害羽叶。 【性状】 性状鉴别本品呈浅槽状或卷成单筒状,长40-80mm,厚1-3mm。外 面灰褐色,稍粗糙,皮孔红棕色,椭圆形。内表面平滑,淡黄白色, 有纵直的细纹理。质硬而脆,易折断,折断面裂片状。气微香,味微 涩,稍刺舌,而后喉部有不适感。 显微鉴别皮横切面:木栓层细胞数十列,常含棕色物及草酸钙方晶。 皮层窄,散有石细胞及含晶木化厚壁细胞,单个或成群。中柱鞘部位 为2-6列石细胞及含晶木化细胞组成的环带。韧皮部宽广,外侧散有 石细胞群,内侧韧皮纤维与薄壁细胞及筛管群相间排列成层;石细胞 群与纤维束周围均有含晶木化厚壁细胞列细胞射线宽1-5。 粉末特征:米黄色。?纤维大多成束,细长,直径7-25μm,壁极厚, 淡黄棕色,木化。纤维束周围有含晶细胞,形成晶纤维。?石细胞众 多,类方形、类长方形或类多角形,直径11-60μm,壁极厚 Wood hole ditch is obvious. The thick walled cells surrounding the stone cell population are often square. The crystal cell open or oblong, diameter of 16-24 m, the wall was uneven thickening, slightly lignified cell, with square crystal. The crystal of calcium oxalate is polygonal, and a few are cubic or oblate, and the diameter is about 16 mu m. The phloem parenchyma cell wall is small, slightly thick, radial surface view of pit side view is circular; beaded thickening. In addition, a sieve tube, cork cells, starch grains. [ingredients] chemical acacia wood fat containing skin dry body glucoside: L - syringaresinol -4-O- beta -D- furan celery glycosyl (1 - 2) - beta -D- pyran glucoside [syringaresinol-4-O- beta -D-apiofuranosyl- (1 - 2) - beta -D-glucopyranoside], L - syringaresinol -4-O- beta -D- furan carbohydrate (celery 1 - 2) - beta -D- glucopyranosyl -4 '-O- beta -D- pyran glucoside [syringaresinol-4-O- beta -D-apiofuranosyl- (1 - 2) - beta -D-glucopyranosyl-4' -O- beta -D-glucopyranoside], L - syringaresinol -4, 4 '- double -O- beta -D- furan celery glycosyl (1 - 2) - beta -D- pyran glucoside [syringaresinol-4, 4' -bis-O- beta -D-apiofuranosyl- (1 - 2) - beta -D-glucopyranoside], L - syringaresinol -4-O- beta -D- pyran glucoside (syringaresinol-4-O- beta -D-glucopyranoside) - syringaresinol, l -4, 4 '- double -O- beta -D- Pyran glucoside (syringaresinol-4, 4 '-bis-O- beta -D-glucopyranoside), also contains methylsyringate -4-O- beta -D- furan carbohydrate (1, celery 2) beta -D- [syringic acid methyl ester-4-O- pyran glucoside beta -D-apiofuranosyl- (1 - 2) - beta -D-glucopyranoside], bald Mao Dongqing triptolide -4-O- beta -D- pyran glucoside (glaberide-I-4-O- beta -D-glucopyranoside), bald Ilexonin -4-O- beta -D- furan celery glycosyl (1 - 2) - beta -D- pyran glucoside [glaberide I-4-O- beta -D-apiofuranosyl- (1 - 2) - beta -D-glucopyranoside], dextrorotation -5, 5' - two methoxy leaves pinoresinol -4-O- beta -D- furan celery carbohydrate (1 - 2) - beta -D- pyran glucoside [5, 5 '-dimethoxylariciresinol-4-O- beta -D-apiofuranosyl- (1 - 2) - beta -D-glucopyranoside] and 5, 5' - two methoxy -7- oxo -4 'leaves pinoresinol -O- beta -D- furan Celery sugar - (1 - 2) - beta -D- pyran glucoside [5, 5 '-dimethoxy-7-oxolariciresinol-4' -O- beta -D-apiofuranosyl- (1 - 2) - beta -D-glucopyranoside]. In addition, the dried skin contains 21-[4- (Ya Yiji) -2-, tetrahydrofuran, isobutene] acid [pharmacological effects] 1., the anti cold effect of the cold water extract of the bark of the silk tree has remarkable anti fertility effect, and the intra amniotic administration can make the fetus of the pregnant rats atrophy, pale and stop the pregnancy. Human pregnant uterus contraction in Albizia julibrissin extract under the action of tension and amplitude were significantly increased, and the contraction frequency was significantly reduced, the effect of Albizia and oxytocin is similar, but the onset time is slow, long duration. The effective component of the bark was saponin, and the total saponin 1.78mg/kg of the bark of the bark of rats was injected subcutaneously, which has significant anti implantation effect, can reduce the number of pregnant animals and normal embryos, and the termination rate of pregnancy is 86%. In pregnancy, 4-6d administration also had a significant anti early pregnancy effect, with a termination rate of 40%. Albizia saponins intrauterine injection of rat 6-7d can make the world shrinking pregnancy mortality rate was 88% deaths. Intraperitoneal injection of 70 g/kg (LD50 of mouse 1/50) 1 times a day, 3D, can not increase the weight of uterus in young female rats, indicating that there is no estrogenic activity. The bark of many species of the same bark plant has remarkable functions of stimulating uterus and abortion. The saponin contained in bark of Albizia.kalkora also has anti implantation and anti early pregnancy effects on rats. 2. the anti - allergic silk skin decoction can inhibit the degranulation of peritoneal mast cells by intragastric administration, and the experiment in vitro has similar effect. The bark extract can obviously inhibit the sensitization process and antibody production process of antigen (horse serum) to rats. Its active ingredient seems to be a heat-resistant water-soluble substance. 3. the anti-tumor effect, the polysaccharide contained in silk bark inhibited the S180 of transplanted tumor in mice by 73%. [identification] (1) take this powder 0.5g, add physiological saline 5ml, water bath boil 2min, filtration. Take the filtrate 2ml, add 2% red cell suspension 2ml, shake it well, showing hemolysis. (check saponins) (2) 2G of the powder with 15ml of methanol soaking overnight, filtration. Take the filtrate 1ml, add potassium ferricyanide - ferric chloride reagent number drops, show blue. (check phenols and tannins) (3), take (2) methanol extract concentration to about 4ml, take concentrated liquid 1ml, add a few drops of hydrochloric acid and zinc powder, heating in boiling water bath, showing cherry red. (check Huang Tong) (4) powder 1g, water 10ml 60 DEG C temperature soaking 1H, filtration, the filtrate 3 drops, split two tubes, a tube with 0.1mol/L 5ml hydrochloric acid solution; another tube with 0.1mol/L 5ml sodium hydroxide solution, strong shaking 1min, foam tube than acid alkali the liquid foam more than twice as high as the tube. [] processing water immersion cleaning, remove, moistening first into equal large strips, then diced or sliced, dried. [sexual taste] Gan Ping [meridian tropism] the heart, the liver meridian [function indications] soothe the nerves and resolve depression, promoting blood circulation to eliminate carbuncle. Attending uneasy; depression, insomnia, and abscess of the traumatic injury. [usage dosage] orally: decoct soup, 10-15g, or into the pill, scattered. For external use: proper amount, grind and apply at the end. [articles] 1. the book of Scripture: the principal, the five zang organs, and the mind are joyful and carefree. 2. "herbal supplements": insecticides. The 3. day: "Hua Zi" herbal decoction, eliminating carbuncle and continued bones. 4.: the "compendium" and blood, detumescence, pain. "5.": the classification of herbs disappear scrofula. 6. "animal and plant folk medicine": cure cough. Nanchuan 7. "commonly used Chinese herbal medicine manual": cure heart impetuous, insomnia and spasms. 8. "herbal medicine Yanyi Addendum"; Acacia, Yin are Czech power, long muscles, bones will be continued, visible, scientists have not hired outside what? 9. "materia medica words": Albizzia julibrissin, Gan Wen Ping, has up to five of God, five will also eliminate miaoying....... Sweet gas, and the main frame of mind, heart is gentle, smooth and happy from the gods. As the saying goes, Day lily lotus, Acacia Juan was called, in anger, is. It's big, the main eliminating carbuncle, reuniting bones, all the students can fill the heart spleen, blood of ear. Zhu Danxi said, Acacia and wax into the plaster, with extreme effect. 10.: Acacia "materia medica of seeking truth, with the micro gas corrosion force, not only can make money work, it will reuse served for a long time, has the effect of replenishing" will be, if the illness and treatment is joy, can it? [excerpt] Chinese Materia Medica ------------------- Albizia flower The flower of silk tree is used to relieve depression and soothe the nerves. For the malaise, insomnia depression. This product is the inflorescence of Albizzia julibrissin Durazz. in leguminosae. (Brit) Silktree, Albizzia, Flower Alias: Magnolia tree, tree flowers, birds flocking tree. Plant form: deciduous trees, up to 16m. Bark gray brown, branchlets angular. Two back pinnate pinnae alternate, 4 ~ 12 to 10 ~ 30; leaflets on both sides of a sickle, oblong, oblique, length 6 ~ 12mm, 1 ~ 4mm wide, apex acute, base cuneate. Capitate, most, corymbose arrangement, axillary or terminal; calyx tubular, 5 teeth; corolla funnelform, 5 lobed, pale red; stamens numerous slender filaments connate. Pods flat, long oval, long 9 ~ 15cm. Florescence is 6~7 months, fruit 9~11 months. Born on roadsides, on forests and on hillsides. It is distributed in East China, Southern China, southwest and Liaoning, Hebei, Henan and Shaanxi. Sampling: summer flowers and timing recovery in sunny, dry. Characters: capitate, wrinkled, into a mass. Flowers slender and curved, 0.7 to 1cm long, yellowish brown to yellowish brown, with a short stalk; calyx tubular, apex with 5 teeth; corolla tube about 2 times as long as calyx tube, apex 5 - lobed, lobes lanceolate; stamens numerous, slender filaments, yellow brown to yellow brown, the lower part of the health, from corolla tube, protruding outside. Micro gas incense, tasteless. Sexual flavour: sex is flat, flavour is sweet. Function: relieving depression and tranquilizing the nerves. For the malaise, insomnia depression. Note: bark (Albizia julibrissin) contain saponins, tannins, with Jieyu Anshen and activating blood circulation function; for malaise, insomnia, depression carbuncle sores, bruises, pain, leaves contain tannin, quercetin. -------------------------------- Albizia flower Silk flower is used to resolve depression, soothe the nerves, regulate qi, stimulate appetite, eliminate wind, improve eyesight, invigorate the circulation of blood and relieve pain. The Depression Insomnia, chest tightness, anorexia, hot eye, blurred vision, pain, injuries. [provenance] derived from the meaning of Materia Medica [name] H Hu Pinyin. N Hu. [English name] Flower, of, Silktree, Albizzia [alias] velvet, black velvet [source] A flower or bud of the family tree of the family leguminosae. Latin plant animal mineral name: Albizia, julibrissin, Durazz. Harvesting and storage: summer flowers early harvest, removing leaves, dried. [form] deciduous trees, up to 16m. Black twigs, inflorescence and trunk; rachis tomentose or pubescent. Stipules linear lanceolate, smaller than lobule, caducous; two pinnately compound leaves alternate; total petiole length 3-5cm, Peduncle near base and the top 1 of the pinna has a glands; pinnae 4-12 pairs, sometimes up to 20 of cultivation; leaflets 10-30, linear to oblong, length 6-12mm, width 1-4mm, upward oblique, apex pointed, with ciliate, sometimes below or short pilose only midrib; midrib close to the edge. Heads of the branches in the top row of the debate into panicles; pollen red; calyx tubular, 3mm long; corolla lobes triangular, long 8mm, long 1.5mm, calyx, corolla are pubescent; stamens numerous, basally connate, slender filaments; ovary, stigma and style a few filaments equal, cylindrical. Pods banded, 9-15cm long, 1.5-2.5cm wide, villous, villous, old pod glabrous. Florescence is 6-7 months; fruit period 8-10 months. [habitat distribution] Ecological environment: born on hillsides or cultivated. Distribution of resources: Northeast, East, central and South china. [traits] Character identification (1) flower inflorescence shrinkage group acacia. Flowers slender, curved, long 0.7-1cm, yellowish brown or yellowish brown, with short stalked stems. Calyx tubular, apex 5 denticles, sparsely pubescent; corolla tube about 2 times as long as calyx tube, apex 5 - lobed, lobes lanceolate, sparsely pubescent; stamens numerous, slender filaments, yellow brown or brown, connate proximally, upper part of the cylinder outer crown out. Light and fragile. Micro gas incense, tasteless. (2) the bud of rice bud is a grain of rice, green or greenish yellow and hairy. Lower 1/3 enclosed by calyx tube. Microscopic features: pale yellow powder. The non glandular hairs unicellular, slightly curved, long 81-447 m, diameter 8-16 m, thick wall surface, verrucous, some visible thin diaphragm. The calcium oxalate crystal double cone, square, rectangle or rhombus, diameter of 3-13 m, crystalliferous cell groups or a plurality of longitudinal arrangement. The composite pollen grains are flat globose and have 16 bodies. The diameter is 81-146 m, and the central 8 bodies are arranged into the top and bottom of the cross. The remaining 8 are surrounded by four sides. The individual ones are square or long spherical, and the outer wall is smooth. The surface of the filament epidermal cells view long strip or rectangular, anticlinal wall is straight, with longitudinal bending of the thin horny texture. [ingredients] in chemical identification of 25 aroma components, aroma compounds as anti - linalool oxide (linalooloxide), linalool (linalool), isoamyl alcohol (isopentanol), a- (a-ocimene) ocimene and 2, 2, three 4- methyl butane (2, 2, evil 4-trimethylixetane etc.). In addition, the -3- glucoside of glucose (cyanidin-3-glucoside) is also included. [pharmacological action] inhibitory effects showed that Albizia flower Decoction orally, can significantly reduce the spontaneous activity of mice and passive activity, synergism of barbiturates central inhibitory effect of pentobarbital sodium and phenobarbital sodium in mice caused by anesthesia time, the subthreshold dose of pentobarbital sodium, sodium pentobarbital induced anesthesia a, administration or continuous administration of 3D had significant effect. When the flower soup was taken to the rabbits, there was no obvious change in brain electricity and no convulsion induced by four nitrogen. [taste] Gan Ping; non-toxic; [meridian tropism] the heart; the spleen channel [function indications] Jieyu Jieyu, regulating appetite, eliminating wind and improving eyesight, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. The Depression Insomnia, chest tightness, anorexia, hot eye, blurred vision, pain, injuries. [usage dosage] orally: decoct soup, 3-9g, or into the pill, scattered. [note] Yin deficiency, Tianjin, injury, caution. [1.] Party of magnolia flower pill (Sheng Huifang), waist pain is not bad for attending. 2. experience: flowers, cinnamon, coptis root, caulis. For insomnia of heart and kidney. 3. prescription (lash Balam), magnolia flower, for the end of the wine transfer service, treating traumatic injury pain. [articles] 1. the book of materia medica: nourishing the blood. 2. "classification of herbs": can clear the mind and improve eyesight. 3., "Sichuan traditional Chinese medicine annals": can be combined with the will, appetizers Qi, eliminate wind eyesight, jieyu. Cure insomnia. 4. Jiangxi "Chinese herbal medicine": Jieyu Anshen, and pain. Treat liver depression, chest tightness, worry and not happy, forgetfulness, insomnia. Sometimes for bruises, pain etc.. 5. "Handbook of common Chinese herbs in Northeast China": treating sore throat. [excerpt] Chinese Materia Medica -------------------------- Albizia flower The flower of silk tree is used to relieve depression and soothe the nerves. For uneasy, insomnia depression. [name] H Hu Pinyin. N Hu. [English name] FLOS ALBIZIAE [source] this is the dried inflorescence of the Albizia julibrissin Durazz. of the family leguminosae. Summer flowers open, choose sunny harvest, dried in time. [character] this product is in the shape of a head and shrinks into a mass. Flowers slender and curved, 0.7 to 1cm long, yellowish brown to yellowish brown, with short stems. Calyx tubular, apex with 5 teeth; corolla tube about 2 times as long as calyx tube, apex 5 - lobed, lobes lanceolate; stamens numerous, slender filaments, yellow brown to yellow brown, connate proximally, upper part of corolla tube extends outside. Micro gas incense, tasteless. [identification] (1) the pale yellow powder. Non glandular hairs unicellular, slightly curved, long 81 ~ 447 m, diameter 8 ~ 16 m thick wall surface, verrucous, some visible 1 ~ 2 thin diaphragm. Calcium oxalate crystals in parenchyma cells, a double cone, square, rectangle or rhombus, diameter of 3 ~ 31 m, crystal cell groups or a plurality of longitudinal arrangement. The composite of pollen grain was oblate, 16 fit, diameter 81 ~ 146 m, the 8 body arranged under the overlapping cross, the remaining 8 around; a single split is square or prolate, several smooth outer wall. The concept of epidermal cell surface filaments elongated or rectangular, anticlinal wall is straight, with longitudinal bending of the thin horny texture. (2) take the product powder 1g, add ether 10ml, place for 1 hours, filter, filtrate dry, residue and ethyl acetate 0.5ml dissolve, as test sample solution. In addition, the control herb was prepared by the same method. Thin-layer chromatography (Appendix VI B) test, draw the two solution 6 L, respectively in the same thin layer plate of silica gel G, hexane - ethyl acetate (17:3) as the agent, started out, dried and sprayed with 5% vanillin sulfuric acid solution, the hot air blowing to the spot color clear. In the test sample, the spots of the same color were displayed on the corresponding chromatographic positions of the control medicinal material. [sexual taste] Gan, ping. [] the heart and liver meridian. [function indications] Jieyu anshen. For uneasy, insomnia depression. [usage and dosage] 4.5 ~ 9g. [storage] ventilated dry place. [excerpt] Chinese Pharmacopoeia
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