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母婴护理员初级考试大纲55母婴护理员初级考试大纲55 母婴护理员考试大纲(初级) 第一章 职业道德 第一节 职业道德基本知识 考核要点 1(熟悉道德与职业道德基本概念 2(掌握母婴护理员的职业道德 第二节 职业守则 考核要点 1(掌握母婴护理员的工作职责 2(掌握母婴护理员的行为准则 第二章 孕产妇照护基础 第一节 孕产妇生理、心理知识 考核要点 1(熟悉女性解剖结构 2(熟悉孕产妇主要生理变化 3(熟悉孕产妇心理特点 第二节 孕产妇照护基础知识 考核要点 1. 掌握孕产妇生活照护知识 2. 掌握孕产妇主要保健知识 第...
母婴护理员初级考试大纲55 母婴护理员考试大纲(初级) 第一章 职业道德 第一节 职业道德基本知识 考核要点 1(熟悉道德与职业道德基本概念 2(掌握母婴护理员的职业道德 第二节 职业守则 考核要点 1(掌握母婴护理员的 2(掌握母婴护理员的行为准则 第二章 孕产妇照护基础 第一节 孕产妇生理、心理知识 考核要点 1(熟悉女性解剖结构 2(熟悉孕产妇主要生理变化 3(熟悉孕产妇心理特点 第二节 孕产妇照护基础知识 考核要点 1. 掌握孕产妇生活照护知识 2. 掌握孕产妇主要保健知识 第三章 孕产妇照护 第一节 孕妇照护 学习单元1 妊娠期自我监护---数胎动 考核要点 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 1(熟悉数胎动的意义及胎动异常识别 2(掌握数胎动的体位、方法和胎动的计数方法 第二节 产褥期照护 学习单元1 产妇休养环境清洁 考核要点 1(掌握产妇休养环境的要求 2(了解产后运动的作用 3. 掌握产后运动的原则及注意事项 学习单元2 产妇个人卫生护理 考核要点 1(了解产妇消化排泄代谢特点 2(掌握产妇的个人卫生 3(掌握产妇洗擦浴及洗头的注意事项 学习单元3 会阴清洁与护理 考核要点 1(熟悉会阴清洁和会阴水肿护理的目的和适应证 2(掌握会阴清洁和会阴水肿护理注意事项 学习单元4 恶露的观察与处理 考核要点 1(掌握产后恶露的正常表现 2(掌握异常恶露的处理方法 学习单元5 哺乳期乳房护理指导 考核要点 1(掌握产后乳房的一般护理方法 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 宁波市母婴护理员职业培训考试大纲(初级) 2(掌握产后乳胀、乳房结块、乳头皲裂的护理方法。 第四章 新生儿照护 第一节 新生儿照护基础知识 学习单元1 新生儿解剖、生理知识 考核要点 1(熟悉新生儿各大系统的解剖及生理特点 学习单元2 新生儿几种特殊生理状态知识 考核要点 1(掌握生理性黄疸的特点 2(掌握生理性体重下降特点 3(熟悉乳腺肿大和假月经的表现及原因 4(熟悉新生儿“马牙”和“螳螂嘴”的表现及原因 5(熟悉新生儿红斑及粟粒疹的表现及原因 学习单元3 新生儿保健知识 考核要点 1(掌握新生儿期保健要点 2(熟悉培养婴儿良好的生活习惯的方法 3(掌握预防接种的反应及其处理措施 第二节 新生儿生活照护 学习单元1 新生儿照护的基本技能 考核要点 1(熟悉新生儿体温调节特点 2(掌握新生儿体温测量注意事项 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget3 3(掌握为新生儿修剪指甲的方法 4(掌握新生儿啼哭的常见原因及护理方法 5(熟悉新生儿特点 6(掌握新生儿安全的睡眠环境及睡姿 学习单元2 新生儿排便照护 考核要点 1(掌握新生儿大小便的正常性状 2(熟悉布尿布和纸尿裤的优缺点 学习单元3 新生儿用品的清洁与消毒 考核要点 1(熟悉奶瓶蒸汽消毒锅的选择 2(宝宝皮肤特点及尿布皮炎的发生和预防 3(掌握奶瓶、尿布及衣物的消毒方法及注意事项 学习单元4 新生儿清洁与卫生 考核要点 1(掌握新生儿眼部、耳部、口腔及鼻部清洁的方法与技巧 2(掌握新生儿洗头与洗脸的注意事项 3(掌握新生儿沐浴方法的注意事项 4(掌握新生儿脐部常规护理方法及异常情况的识别 学习单元5 新生儿安全照护 考核要点 1(熟悉婴儿运动功能发育特点 2(熟悉婴儿消化系统解剖生理特点 3(熟悉婴儿衣服与被褥的选择 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 宁波市母婴护理员职业培训考试大纲(初级) 4(掌握抱新生儿的注意事项 5(掌握新生儿穿脱衣与盖被 6(掌握新生儿溢奶的预防与处理的护理措施 第三节 新生儿疾病预防与护理 学习单元1 新生儿常见症状判断 考核要点 1(熟悉新生儿胆红素代谢的特点 2(熟悉新生儿黄疸的分类 3(熟悉胆红素脑病的临床表现 4(熟悉新生儿黄疸的治疗要点 5(熟悉腹泻的病因、临床表现和治疗要点 6(熟悉呕吐的病因、临床表现和治疗要点 7(熟悉发热的病因、临床表现和治疗要点 8(熟悉惊厥的病因、临床表现和治疗要点 9(掌握新生儿黄疸、腹泻、呕吐、发热、惊厥的护理要点 学习单元2 给新生儿喂药 考核要点 1(熟悉新生儿药物代谢特点 2(掌握给新生儿喂药的操作技巧 第五章 营养与烹饪基础 第一节 营养基础知识 考核要点 1. 熟悉热能的单位及人体热能消耗 2. 熟悉六大营养素及膳食纤维的生理作用及食物来源 3. 掌握各类食物营养价值 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget5 第二节 烹饪基础知识 考核要点 1. 熟悉常见烹饪原料 2. 掌握菜肴烹饪技法 第六章 孕产妇营养基础 第一节 孕产妇营养原则 考核要点 1. 掌握孕妇营养原则 2. 掌握产妇营养原则 第二节 孕产妇营养评价基本方法 考核要点 1. 熟悉孕产妇营养评价基本方法 第三节 月子营养食谱编制基本方法 考核要点 1. 熟悉月子营养食谱编制基本方法 第七章 新生儿营养与喂养基础 第一节 新生儿营养需求特点 考核要点 1. 熟悉新生儿营养需求 2. 熟悉新生儿的胃肠道特点 第二节 母乳喂养基本知识 考核要点 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 宁波市母婴护理员职业培训考试大纲(初级) 1. 掌握母乳营养特点 2. 掌握母乳喂养的优越性 3. 掌握母乳喂养指导的基础知识 4. 掌握母乳喂养的注意事项 5. 熟悉特殊婴儿的母乳喂养 第三节 人工喂养和混合喂养基本知识 考核要点 1. 熟悉人工喂养的适用情况及代乳品的选择 2. 掌握代乳品及水的喂养方法 3. 熟悉混合喂养方法的种类 4. 掌握混合喂养的注意事项 第八章 母婴营养与喂养 第一节 孕产妇营养 学习单元1 孕期膳食营养与制作 考核要点 1(熟悉孕期不同阶段的饮食安排 学习单元2 产妇膳食营养与制作 考核要点 1(熟悉产妇营养需求 学习单元3 产后便秘的膳食指导 考核要点 1(熟悉产后便秘的原因 2(掌握产后便秘膳食指导 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget7 第二节 新生儿喂养 学习单元1 母乳喂养的指导 考核要点 1(掌握促进母乳喂养成功的措施 2(掌握母乳喂养的体位及喂乳托抱姿势 3(掌握促进新生儿含接的方法及乳头含接姿势判断 4(掌握哺乳注意事项 学习单元2 人工喂养的指导 考核要点 1(掌握奶具的选择 2(掌握配方奶粉的冲调注意事项 3(熟悉奶瓶喂奶的注意事项 4(掌握奶具的清洁与消毒 第九章 坐月子文化习俗简介 考核要点 1( 熟悉不同地区坐月子期间产妇的饮食习俗 2( 了解不同地区坐月子期间的禁忌 第十章 基本人文素养 第一节 母婴护理员职业工作须知及现代生活技能 考核要点 1(了解母婴护理员工作职责及现代生活技能 第二节 母婴护理员礼仪与日常人际沟通 考核要点 1(熟悉常用礼仪规范及仪表规范 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 宁波市母婴护理员职业培训考试大纲(初级) 2(掌握沟通技巧 第三节 家用电器安全操作、家庭防火防盗常识 考核要点 1(熟悉家用电器安全操作知识 2(熟悉家庭防火和防盗知识 第四节 食品质量与安全基础知识 考核要点 1(掌握采购环节食品安全知识 2(掌握加工环节食品安全知识 3(掌握保藏环节食品安全知识 第五节 母婴护理员个人防护知识 考核要点 1(熟悉母婴护理员回避风险的方法 第十一章 相关法律、法规知识 第一节 劳动合同、劳动保护等劳动法律规定 考核要点 1(熟悉劳动合同的定义及《劳动合同法》的基本内容 2(熟悉在签订劳动合同时的注意事项 第二节 家庭服务业管理的法律规定 考核要点 1(了解家庭服务业相关概念 2(了解《家庭服务业管理暂行办法》相关条款 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget9 第三节 未成年人和妇女权益保障的法律规定 考核要点 1(了解《妇女权益保障法》常识 2(了解《未成年人保护法》常识 第四节 食品的法律规定 考核要点 1(了解食品安全管理的定义 2(了解食品安全管理的制度 3(熟悉母婴护理员应遵守的个人卫生制度 第五节 母婴保健的法律规定 考核要点 1(了解《母婴保健法》常识 第六节 消费者权益保护的法律规定 考核要点 1(了解消费者权益保护法的特点和作用 2(了解消费者权益保护法的相关条款 第七节 预防接种的法律规定 考核要点 1(了解我国关于预防接种的相关法律 2(了解《疫苗流通和预防接种管理条例》的相关条款 第八节 生育的法律规定 考核要点 1(了解《人口与计划生育法》的相关条款 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 宁波市母婴护理员职业培训考试大纲(初级) 考试方案 (一)理论考核 单选50题,每题1分,判断题50题,每题1分,共100分,考试时间60分钟。 (二)技能考核 母婴护理员技能实操题2至3题,共100分,根据操作内容,考试时间为30-60分钟。 (三)成绩比例 理论考核占30%,技能考核占70%。 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget11
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