

2017-10-23 29页 doc 73KB 22阅读




母婴健康素养基本知识与技能训练母婴健康素养基本知识与技能训练 母婴健康素养—基本知识与技能55条学习与测 试 一、基本知识和理念 1. 女性生育的最佳年龄是24,29岁,孕妇年龄超过35岁属于高龄孕 妇。 2. 准备怀孕的女性最好从孕前3个月开始补充叶酸,并持续至整个孕 期。 3. 早孕反应一般在孕6周开始出现,在孕3个月后自然消失。 4. 孕妇(成人)正常血压为收缩压低于140毫米汞柱(mmHg),舒张 压低于90毫米汞柱。 5. 由于梅毒、艾滋病和乙肝病毒可以透过胎盘感染胎儿,因此在首次产 前检查时应做相应 的化验检查,以便及时发现异常,...
母婴健康素养基本知识与技能训练 母婴健康素养—基本知识与技能55条学习与测 试 一、基本知识和理念 1. 女性生育的最佳年龄是24,29岁,孕妇年龄超过35岁属于高龄孕 妇。 2. 准备怀孕的女性最好从孕前3个月开始补充叶酸,并持续至整个孕 期。 3. 早孕反应一般在孕6周开始出现,在孕3个月后自然消失。 4. 孕妇(成人)正常血压为收缩压低于140毫米汞柱(mmHg),舒张 压低于90毫米汞柱。 5. 由于梅毒、艾滋病和乙肝病毒可以透过胎盘感染胎儿,因此在首次产 前检查时应做相应 的化验检查,以便及时发现异常,及时处理。 6. 如果在孕前或孕期感染了弓形虫病,可能造成孕妇流产、死胎、死产、 早产或胎儿畸形等不良妊娠结局。 7. 在孕晚期产前检查项目中,血压、体重、宫高、尿蛋白、胎心率是每 次必查的项目,但B超不需要每次检查。 8. 产前诊断是指对胎儿进行先天性缺陷和遗传性疾病的诊断,包括相应 筛查。年龄超过35岁的孕妇应进行产前诊断。 9. 按照世界卫生组织的,妊娠期贫血的诊断标准为孕期血红蛋白(H b)低于110克/升(g/L)。 10. 贫血孕妇应在医生指导下补充小剂量铁剂,同时注意补充维生素C,以 促进铁的吸收与利用。 11. 孕妇补充各种维生素并非多多益善。如果过量摄入维生素A,可能 会对胎儿有害。 12. 孕妇分娩前,如果出现阴道出血量多伴有或不伴腹痛、规律宫缩伴阵 痛、胎膜破裂(破水)、头晕、头痛、严重呕吐、高烧、视物不清等情 况,应立即去医院。 13. 足月产是指妊娠满37周至不满42周期间分娩。 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 14.自然分娩是最理想、对母婴最安全的分娩方式。与剖宫产相比,有明显 的优越性。 15(由于分娩后体内激素水平急剧改变,产妇从分娩开始至产后10日 易出现短暂、轻微的心境不良,如:郁闷、易落泪、哭泣、不安、轻度 情绪紊乱、易疲乏并伴随焦躁,称为产母郁闷。 16. 新生儿出生时的平均体重为3200克(6斤4两)左右,出生体重 达到或超过4000克为巨大儿。 17. 新生儿出生后由于体内水分丢失较多,可导致生理性体重下降, 但一般不超过出生体重的10%,约7,10天体重恢复。 18. 新生儿满月时,体重增加600克以上为正常。 19. 新生儿的生理性黄疸一般7,10天左右消退。 20. 新生儿的脐带脱落时间一般在出生后1,2周。 21. 假月经、乳房肿大与泌乳、“螳螂嘴”与“马牙”等都属于新生儿 期正常的生理现象。 22. 母乳是婴儿最理想的天然食物。纯母乳喂养可满足6个月内婴儿 所需的全部液体、能量和营养素。婴儿添加辅食后,可继续母乳喂养至 2岁或2岁以上。 23. 0,6个月的正常足月婴儿如果采用纯母乳喂养或者奶喂养,一般 不用额外补充钙剂,但应于生后15天开始,每天补充维生素D400,80 0国际单位。 24. 满月内的新生儿能看清楚的最佳距离为20厘米左右。 25. 充足的睡眠有助于促进婴儿发育,满月内的新生儿一昼夜的睡眠时间 一般为16,18个小时。 6. 新生儿疾病筛查是在婴儿出生72小时后采集足跟血,进行先天性 甲状腺功能低下和苯丙酮尿症(PKU)等疾病的筛查。 27. 新生儿听力筛查在出生后3,5天内进行。如果初步筛查有问或可疑, 应于3个月内进行复查或转诊到专科医院,以便及早发现听力异常。 28. 婴儿的前囟(在头的顶部)是由4块颅骨相接处形成的空隙,出生时 对边距离约为2.5厘米,一般在12,18个月时闭合。 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 29. 婴儿出生后要按照计划免疫程序进行预防接种。其中,乙肝疫苗应在 孩子出生、满月和6个月时接种三针。 30. 婴儿乳牙萌出的时间有较大差异,一般在4,10个月之间。 二、健康生活方式和行为 31. 为减少铅对胎儿生长发育的影响,孕妇最好不染发、少化妆。孕期的 服装以舒适为宜,最好不穿高跟鞋。 32. 孕妇在电脑视屏前的工作时间,每周不宜超过20小时,每天不宜 超过4小时。 33. 正常孕妇应每天进行适量身体活动,如:散步、体操、瑜伽、游泳 等。 34.孕期应选用软毛牙刷,除了每天两次正确刷牙,还应饭后漱口,保证口 腔处于清洁状态。 35. 孕前体重正常、体瘦型和体胖型的孕妇,孕期增重分别为12公斤、14, 15公斤、7,8公斤。孕中期开始每周体重增加分别为400克、500克、 300克。 36. 孕妇应从孕中期开始每天增加能量摄入200千卡,建议孕中期每 天增加蛋白质15克,孕晚期每天增加蛋白质20克,相当于每天增加总 计约50,100克的鱼、禽、蛋、瘦肉。 37. 孕中期、孕晚期和哺乳期妇女钙的适宜摄入量分别为每天1000毫克、 1200毫克和1200毫克。 38. 从孕中期开始,孕妇应每日至少摄入牛奶250毫升或相当量的奶制品 并补充钙300毫克,或者喝低脂牛奶500毫升(避免能量摄入过多), 同时还应补充维生素D,以促进钙的吸收。 39. 用母乳喂养的产妇每日需要增加摄入蛋白质20克,即相当于二两瘦肉 或3个鸡蛋所提供的蛋白质,摄入过多并无好处。 40. 新妈妈在产后坐月子期间,房间应定时通风,室内温度在25摄氏度左 右,湿度约50%,60%,每天都应该吃水果和蔬菜,可以刷牙、洗头、淋 浴。 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 41. 婴儿出生后应尽早开始母乳喂养,产妇应在分娩后1小时内开始让 婴儿吸吮乳房。 42. 由于各种条件限制无法完全用母乳喂养时,为婴儿首选补充的母乳代 用品为婴儿配方奶粉。 43. 中国营养学会建议,从6月龄开始,需要逐渐给婴儿补充非乳类 的辅助食品,首选添加铁强化婴儿营养米粉。 44. 根据国家规定:有不满,周岁婴儿的女职工,其所在单位应当在每班 劳动时间内给予其两次哺乳(含人工喂养)时间,每次30分钟。 三、基本技能 45. 月经规律的女性,推算预产期的方法是从末次月经的第一天开始计算, (公历)月份-3或+9,日数+7。 46. 妇女怀孕后,首次产前检查最好在孕13周前。孕期如果没有异常情况, 应至少接受5次产前检查,城市孕妇产前检查一般在9次以上。 47. 孕妇大约在孕18,20周开始自觉胎动。孕晚期胎动计数的方法为:每 天早、中、晚各数1小时,三次相加再乘以4,12小时胎动计数正常应 在30次及以上。 48. 孕妇生病需用药时,应在医生指导下使用。在需要紧急医疗救助时, 应拨打120急救电话。 49. 哺乳闭经避孕法要求产妇符合产后6个月内、 完全母乳喂养(每日6 次以上)、 月经未恢复三个条件,避孕效果可达98%。如果有任何一 条不符,即应尽早采取其他避孕。 50. 为婴儿制作辅食时,应尽可能少糖、无盐、不加调味品,但可添加少 量食用油。婴儿满1岁后,为其单独制作的辅助食品,才可以额外加少 许盐。 51. 良好的进食行为要从小培养。婴儿应从7,8个月开始锻炼咀嚼能力, 允许其用手抓握食物吃,到10,12个月可以训练孩子自己用勺进食。 52. 婴幼儿发热时体温超过38.5?,需要在医生的指导下及时采取适当的 降温措施,如物理降温或给予退热药物。 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 53. 婴儿发生腹泻后,不需要禁食,可以继续母乳喂养,调整饮食,并及时补充液体,避免发生脱水。 54. 数呼吸次数,有助早期识别肺炎。在相对安静状态下,2天至2个月的婴儿呼吸次数不应超过60次/分,2个月至1岁的婴儿呼吸次数不应超过50次/分。 55. 避免儿童发生摔落、烧烫伤、溺水、中毒、触电等意外伤害。 提醒:阅读以上内容后,请做以下测试卷,检测自己知识掌握情况。 四、母婴健康素养—基本知识与技能测评 (35道单选题,共计100分。第1、9、11、18、35,每题2分,其它每题3分,您的测评分值将在答案提交后自动生成。) 1.女性生育的最佳年龄是24,29岁。高龄孕妇可增加妊娠风险,容易发生母婴并发症。所以高龄初产妇要经常与医生联系,进行产前保健。高龄孕妇是指孕妇年龄超过____岁。(2分) (a)30 (b)32 (c)35 (d)38 (e)不知道 2. 我国每年有出生缺陷儿80万至120万,其中8万到10万例是神经管畸形(包括无脑儿、先天性脊柱裂等)。为预防胎儿发生神经管畸形,最好的预防措施是每日至少补充0.4毫克叶酸,并持续至整个孕期。补充叶酸应从____开始。(3分) (a)孕前3个月 (b)确定怀孕后 (c)怀孕后1个月 (d)怀孕后3个月 (e)不知道 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 3. 有些疾病的病原体可以透过胎盘感染胎儿,因此在首次产前检查时应做相应的化验检查,以便及时发现异常,及时处理。这类疾病是____。(3分) (a)梅毒、艾滋病和乙肝 (b)高血压、糖尿病和冠心病 (c)血吸虫病 (d)慢性胃炎 (e)不知道 4. 在孕晚期的产前检查项目中,血压、体重等项目每次都需要检查,而下列哪一项是不需要每次都检查的,(3分) (a)尿蛋白 (b)胎心率 (c)宫高 (d)B超 (e)不知道 5.怀孕早期有恶心、呕吐、倦怠、嗜睡等早孕反应,属于正常生理现象。一般对孕妇的生活和工作都不会产生大的影响,也不需要特殊治疗。早孕反应一般在孕 周开始出现,在孕3个月后自然消失。(3分) (a)6 (b)7 (c)8 (d)9 (e)不知道 6. 血压是妊娠期间需要经常检测的项目。通过测量血压,可以早期发现妊娠期高血压疾病。血压越高,发生越早,持续时间越长,对孕妇和胎儿的威胁越大。成年人正常血压为收缩压低于____毫米汞柱(mmHg),舒张压低于____毫米汞柱。(3分) (a)150,70 (b)150,80 (c)140,90 (d)180,100 (e)不知道 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 7.孕期应维持体重的适宜增长。孕前标准体重(千克)=身高(厘米)-105,?10%为正常体重,<90%为体瘦型,>120%为体胖型。孕期增重原则是孕前体瘦型多增重、体胖型少增重。孕前体重正常的孕妇,推荐孕期适宜增重 千克,孕中期开始每周增重___克。(3分) (a)16,600 (b)14,500 (c)12,400 (d)10,300 (e)不知道 8. 夫妻双方从准备怀孕开始,就应禁烟戒酒,避免接触放射线及其他有毒有害物质,如:铅、汞、苯、农药等。孕产妇家中最好避免饲养宠物。如果在孕前或孕期感染了弓形虫病,可能造成孕妇流产。弓形虫病最可能与接触过以下哪种宠物有关,(3分) (a)猫 (b)狗 (c)兔 (d)鼠 (e)不知道 9.计算预产期为(公历)月份-3或+9(月份小于3时),日数+7。月经规律的女性,推算预产期应从哪一天开始计算, (2分) (a)可能受孕的性生活那天 (b)尿妊娠试验阳性的那天 (c)末次月经的第一天 (d)末次月经的最后一天 (e)不知道 10. 孕妇大约在孕18,20周开始自觉胎动。孕晚期胎动计数的方法为:每天早、中、晚各数1小时,三次相加再乘以4,即为12小时胎动计数,正常应在 次及以上。(3分) (a)10 (b)20 (c)30 (d)40 (e)不知道 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 11. 正常孕妇应每天进行适量身体活动,不仅能维持体重适宜增长,还能愉悦心情,但孕期不适合进行____活动。(2分) (a)球类、登山 (b)游泳 (c)孕妇体操、孕妇瑜伽 (d)散步 (e)不知道 12. 与未孕妇女相比,孕妇应从孕中期开始每天增加能量摄入200千卡,孕中期每天增加蛋白质15克,孕晚期每天增加蛋白质20克。建议每天增加摄入总计约 克(1两=50克)富含蛋白质的鱼、禽、蛋、瘦肉类。(3分) (a)50,100 (b)100,150 (c)150,200 (d)200,250 (e)不知道 13. 成人钙的供给量为每天800毫克,除了奶以外,很多食物也富含钙,如虾皮、芝麻酱、奶酪、豆腐干等。如果每日膳食钙的摄入量达不到适宜摄入量,则需要额外补充。《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量》建议,孕中期和孕晚期妇女钙的适宜摄入量分别为每天 毫克和 毫克。(3分) (a)800,1000 (b)1000,1200 (c)1000,1500 (d)1200,1500 (e)不知道 14. 足月产是指妊娠满 周至不满42周期间分娩。(3分) (a)36 (b)37 (c)38 (d)40 (e)不知道 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 15. 孕妇分娩前,如果出现以下哪一种情况可以暂时不急于去医院,(3分) (a)见红 (b)阴道出血量多伴有或不伴腹痛 (c)规律宫缩伴阵痛 (d)胎膜破裂(破水) (e)不知道 16. 近年来,由于种种原因,我国的剖宫产率大幅度增加,下面关于自然分娩和剖宫产的说法,哪一种是不正确的,(3分) (a)剖宫产痛苦少,胎儿未受挤压,妈妈可以保持身材 (b)自然分娩对妈妈创伤少,产后恢复快 (c)剖宫产儿由于未通过母亲产道,较晚接触母亲肠道菌群,从而影响剖宫产儿免疫系统的发育 (d)无论是自然分娩儿还是剖宫产儿,都应坚持母乳喂养,有利于婴儿免疫系统的发育 (e)不知道 17(产后精神障碍并不少见。产母郁闷是指从分娩开始至产后10日内出现的短暂、轻微的心境不良,如:郁闷、易落泪、哭泣、不安、轻度情绪紊乱、易疲乏并伴随焦躁。可持续数日,但预后良好。其原因主要与____有关。(3分) (a)性格内向 (b)脾气急躁 (c)分娩后体内激素水平急剧改变 (d)家人照顾不周 (e)不知道 18. 新妈妈在产后坐月子期间,以下哪一项做法是不适宜的,(2分) (a)刷牙 (b)淋浴 (c)吃水果 (d)节食瘦身 (e)不知道 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 19. 新生儿出生时的平均体重为3200克(6斤4两)左右。巨大儿是指新生儿出生体重达到或超过 克,不仅会增加分娩风险,而且会对母婴健康和婴儿成年后的健康造成不利影响。(3分) (a)3800 (b)4000 (c)4200 (d)4500 (e)不知道 20. 新生儿出生后由于体内水分丢失较多,母乳分泌尚不足,可导致生理性体重下降,一般不超过出生体重的 ,约7,10天体重恢复。(3分) (a)5% (b)10% (c)15% (d)20% (e)不知道 21. 新生儿满月时,体重增加 克以上为正常。(3分) (a)500 (b)600 (c)700 (d)800 (e)不知道 22. 黄疸是指皮肤、黏膜及眼睛巩膜(指白眼珠)的颜色发黄为特征的病症,但是有的新生儿也会出现非病态的生理性黄疸。新生儿的生理性黄疸一般会在 天左右消退。如果黄疸消退时间延长或程度加重,应及时到医院就诊。(3分) (a)1,3 (b)4,6 (c)7,10 (d)11,14 (e)不知道 23. 新生儿的脐带脱落时间一般在出生后 。(3分) (a)1周内 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to (b)1,2周 (c)2,3周 (d)3,4周 (e)不知道 24. 下列哪一项表现不属于新生儿期正常的生理现象,(3分) (a)假月经 (b)乳房肿大与泌乳 (c)“螳螂嘴”与“马牙” (d)鹅口疮 (e)不知道 25. 婴儿的前囟是4块颅骨相接处形成的空隙,出生时对边距离约为2.5厘米左右,一般 在 个月时闭合。(3分) (a)3,6 (b)6,12 (c)12,18 (d)18,24 (e)不知道 26. 婴儿乳牙萌出的时间有较大差异,一般在4,10个月之间,如果在 个月之内还未 萌出第一颗牙,则需要去医院检查。(3分) (a)12 (b)14 (c)16 (d)18 (e)不知道 27. 接种疫苗是预防一些传染病最有效、最经济的措施。婴儿出生后应严格按照国家免疫规划疫苗的免疫程序进行预防接种。在孩子在出生、满月和6个月时都需要接种的一种疫苗是 。(3分) (a)卡介苗 (b)乙肝疫苗 (c)百白破疫苗 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to (d)麻疹疫苗 (e)不知道 28. 纯母乳喂养可满足6个月内婴儿所需的全部液体、能量和营养素。世界卫生组织建议,婴儿添加辅食后,仍应尽量延长母乳喂养的时间,可持续至孩子_____个月或以上。(3分) (a)6 (b)12 (c)18 (d)24 (e)不知道 29. 母乳喂养的好处很多。下面哪一项提法是不正确的,(3分) (a)母乳含有抗感染作用的免疫活性物质 (b)母乳中的蛋白质以易于消化吸收的乳清蛋白为主 (c)母乳中含有的低聚糖可促进肠道益生菌的生长 (d)母乳中的维生素和矿物质含量均比牛奶高 (e)不知道 30. 婴幼儿发热体温超过 ,需要在医生的指导下及时采取适当的降温措施,如物理降温或给予退热药物。(3分) (a)37.5? (b)38.0? (c)38.5? (d)39.0? (e)不知道 31. 如果婴儿患病后呼吸次数增快,提示有可能是肺部受到了感染(肺炎)。在相对安静的状态下,2天至2个月的婴儿呼吸次数不应超过 次/分,2个月至1岁的婴儿呼吸次数不应超过 次/分。(3分) (a)30,20 (b)40,30 (c)50,40 (d)60,50 (e)不知道 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 32. 产后最好 小时内开始让孩子吸吮乳房,以促进乳汁的分泌,即早吸吮、早开奶。(3分) (a)1 (b)2 (c)3 (d)4 (e)不知道 33. 由于各种条件限制无法完全用母乳喂养时,应首选补充的母乳代用品______。对于有过敏风险的婴儿,应选择_______。(3分) (a) 婴儿配方奶,适度水解婴儿配方奶 (b) 婴儿配方奶,含DHA婴儿配方奶 (c)婴儿配方奶 ,脱脂牛奶 (d)婴儿配方奶 ,羊奶 (e)不知道 34. 婴儿除了要按时接种疫苗外,在1岁内还应至少接受 次全面的身体检查。(3分) (a)1 (b)2 (c)3 (d)4 (e)不知道 35. 避免儿童发生摔落、烧烫伤、溺水、中毒、触电等意外伤害,是看护人的重要责任之一。对于婴儿要特别注意有专人随时看护,以下哪一项做法是不恰当的,(2分) (a)在阳台窗户、楼梯等处加装安全护栏 (b)家中的药品、洗涤剂、杀虫剂等应放置在婴儿接触不到的地方 (c)将婴儿独自放在学步车中 (d)为家中的电源插座加装保护罩 (e)不知道 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to
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