

2017-08-31 15页 doc 45KB 32阅读




海参、鲍鱼的吃法海参、鲍鱼的吃法 海参的治疗范围有如下: 1、肿瘤与癌症 2、高血压、高血脂、心血管病、冠心病、血栓、静脉血栓、心肌梗赛、心脏病 3、胃及十二指肠溃疡、慢性肾炎、糖尿病、神经衰弱 4、肝炎、肝功能不全、肝硬化 5、贫血、肺结核、肺结核咯血及各种出血 6、肿瘤转移、视网膜病、青光眼、老年黄斑变性 7、爱滋病、牛皮癣、免疫性及非免疫性疾病、关节炎 8、多病、易感冒、病后体虚、产后体弱、术后补虚、久病低热、腰疼、耳鸣 食用方法】 干品涨发,烹饪 具体操作与处理: 1,将海参放在凉水中浸泡20小时至24小时(期...
海参、鲍鱼的吃法 海参的治疗范围有如下: 1、肿瘤与癌症 2、高血压、高血脂、心血管病、冠心病、血栓、静脉血栓、心肌梗赛、心脏病 3、胃及十二指肠溃疡、慢性肾炎、糖尿病、神经衰弱 4、肝炎、肝功能不全、肝硬化 5、贫血、肺结核、肺结核咯血及各种出血 6、肿瘤转移、视网膜病、青光眼、老年黄斑变性 7、爱滋病、牛皮癣、免疫性及非免疫性疾病、关节炎 8、多病、易感冒、病后体虚、产后体弱、术后补虚、久病低热、腰疼、耳鸣 食用方法】 干品涨发,烹饪 具体操作与处理: 1,将海参放在凉水中浸泡20小时至24小时(期间换5-6次水) 2,手捏无硬心,用剪刀从开口出发剪至嘴部 34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 3,海参破肚~去沙嘴~摘除参的口腔,俗称牙~即石灰质,和脏壁内筋(可食用)~ 清洗干净再洗2-3遍; 4,将洗好的海参放在无油锅内煮15-20分~用手能掐透后~闭火。(此步可改用暖瓶发制) 5)待海参自然凉透后放置凉水内泡发~最好放入适当冰块~或换几遍冷水置于冰箱冷藏。如 有硬块 可按上述方法重复几次。直到软硬合适为止。 注意事项》::A、海参的大小厚薄不一~故涨发的时间也不同。小而薄的海参涨发时间可短些~固而厚的海参涨发时间应长些。有的同样大小、同样厚薄、同样品种~涨发时也有先发透的和后发透的。先发透的应先拣出来~没发透的继续发透为止。 B、浸泡时不准放各种添加剂。夏季浸泡时一定要放进冰箱内冷藏。泡发海参所用的器具和水质要洁净~不能沾油、碱和其它易污染的杂物~因海参遇油和碱易造成腐烂 先用清水将海参洗净,再用清水浸泡8小时至海参回软时,换上清水在火上慢火煮沸5分钟,然后离火焖泡8小时,接着用剪刀剖开腹部,取出腹腔内的韧带,洗净,换上清水上火慢火煮沸5分钟,再离火泡焖8小时,待冷却后后换纯净水浸泡(另法加冰块或放置冰箱保鲜层)这样反复换水34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 三四次,使海参的涩味及其它不良气味彻底去尽,约两天可使海参得到充 分的涨发。这种办法尤其适合家庭。 海参的吃法: 1(海参粥:作为早餐海参可以切碎熬粥,在做海参粥前先把米粥熬好,然后把切碎的海参放进粥里,同时加入少量的盐和糖,适量的姜丝,再熬5分钟后就可以出锅。海参粥保留了海参的营养,加入姜丝更有暖胃的作用。这种吃法比较适合平时吃海参的老年人,不但营养吸收好,而且口感比较柔和,也不会伤胃,对于老年人的体弱虚寒、产后虚弱的产妇或者术后需要进补的人群大有好处。 2(海参鸡蛋羹:将海参与少量木耳切碎后放入搅拌好的鸡蛋中蒸蛋羹,具有很好的滋阴养血效果。 3(蘸食:每早食一个,可蘸蜂蜜和白糖(糖尿病患者不建议使用该种食用方法),也可放入牛奶中送服,常年坚持有强身健体的功效。 4.海参清汤 :将海参切碎,入锅烧开,取方便面调料少许,根据个人口味调理。 5(海参蘑菇汤:用海参加蘑菇、玉兰片、虾皮煮汤,为中老年人理想的滋补品。 6(辣根海参(海边渔民喜欢的吃法):盘子里放上一些冰块,将煮熟的海参切成薄片均匀的盖在冰块上面,把辣根和味极鲜按个人口味搅拌在一起放在碗里,吃的时候直接用海参片蘸食就可以了,绝对海鲜料理的味道。 34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 鲍鱼的营养价值: 1.鲍鱼含有丰富的蛋白质~还有较多的钙、铁、碘和维生素A等营养元素, 2.鲍鱼营养价值极高~富含丰富的球蛋白,鲍鱼的肉中还含有一种被称为“鲍素”的成分~能够破坏癌细胞必需的代谢物质, 3.鲍鱼能养阴、平肝、固肾~可调整肾上腺分泌~具有双向性调节血压的作用, 4.鲍鱼有调经、润燥利肠之效~可治月经不调、大便秘结等疾患, 5.鲍鱼具有滋阴补养功效~并是一种补而不燥的海产~吃后没有牙痛、流鼻血等副作用~多吃也无妨。 适用人群 一般人均可食用 1、夜尿频、气虚哮喘、血压不稳、精神难以集中者适宜多吃鲍鱼,糖尿病患者也可用鲍鱼作辅助治疗~但必须配药同炖~才有疗效, 2、痛风患者及尿酸高者不宜吃鲍肉~只宜少量喝汤,虽然鲍鱼人人爱吃~但感冒发烧或阴虚喉痛的人不宜食用,素有顽癣痼疾之人忌食。 注意事项:鲍鱼忌与鸡肉、野猪肉、牛肝同食。 用法用量:鲍鱼适合做烧、扒、烩等类菜。 34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 食用功效:鲍鱼性平、味甘咸~归肝经,具有养血、柔肝、滋阴、清热、益精、明目的功能,补中益气。可治月经不调、大便秘结等疾患。行水~调中。多食能动痼疾。 鲍鱼以个体均匀、个大、椭圆形、体洁净~背面凸起~肉厚~紫红色有黄色~有光泽~味香鲜~干货面有白霜为上品。 干鲍鱼 制作方法 干鲍是将新鲜鲍鱼经风干后而制作成的干燥鲍鱼~是海鲜里相当名贵的食材~其中又以烟台长岛的鲍鱼品质最佳。 干鲍适合整粒以砂锅慢煨的方式来烹调~以保存它的鲜美原味~因此烹制的过程会较其它种类繁杂~也较需技术。基本的处理法有: 1(将鲍鱼泡于冷水中48小时。 2(取出后用沸水泡一晚~让其自然舒展~回复原状。 3(将干鲍四周刷洗干净~彻底去沙~否则会影响到鲍鱼的口感与品质。 4(洗净后加水没过鲍鱼~置于蒸笼内以大火蒸10小时。 5(于沙锅中加入鲍鱼、老母鸡、猪小排、生猪油与糖、姜葱等材料,慢炖12小时(也可使用蒸笼或电蒸锅~不过沙锅具保温功能~因此效果最佳)后再温一晚。 6(第二天取出后~加入原汁、蚝油整颗慢煲1.5小时后~即可品尝到口感绝佳的鲜美鲍。 34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for ?保存 干鲍购买回家后~用塑胶袋完整包裹密封好存放于冷冻库中~只要不受潮~约可存放半年到一年。 此款鲍鱼属于淡干鲍鱼~质地干燥~呈卵圆形的元宝锭状~边上有花带一环~中间凸出~体形完整~无杂质~属于鲍鱼中的上品。 鲍鱼粥 原料 鲍鱼1/2个、姜片3片、葱2支、鸡肉4两、金针菇2两、香菇1朵、芹菜2支、米1/2杯、水4杯腌料/盐1/4大匙、柴鱼味精2小匙、白胡椒粉2小匙、香油2小匙 做法 (1)将鲍鱼洗净~放入清水中浸泡约1天后,可置于冷藏,~再加入材料(2)同煮~沸腾后改小火熬煮约2,3小时~待鲍鱼软化后即熄火再浸泡半天~最后取出鲍鱼切薄片备用。(2)材料(3)洗净~鸡肉切片、金针菇切段、香菇切片、芹菜切末备用。(3)将米洗净加入4杯水~先以大火煮沸后改小火熬煮~此时加入鲍鱼片与鸡肉片续煮约30分钟~再加入金针菇、香菇、芹菜末与所有调味料拌匀煮熟即可。 鲍鱼肉片汤 配 料:鲍鱼,罐头装,1只~猪肉,以腰里脊为佳,2两~葱1支。 盐1小匙。 操 作: 34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 1(鲍鱼切片~猪肉洗净切片。 2(葱去老叶、头须~洗净切段。 3(把作法1之材料放进炖锅内~另挑葱白部分先加入。取3碗水兑鲍鱼罐头的汤汁~以武火烧开后~用文火慢炖约炖30分钟~加进葱青~加盐调味~续滚5分钟即可。 鲍鱼,古称鳆,又名“镜面鱼、九孔螺、明目鱼、将军帽”,为单壳贝类,属海洋软体动物。鲍鱼呈椭圆形,肉紫红色,主要种类有杂色鲍、半纹鲍、羊鲍、耳鲍和皱纹盘鲍五种。鲍鱼肉质柔嫩细滑,滋味极其鲜美,非其他海味所能比拟,历来被称为“海味珍品之冠”,素有“一口鲍鱼一口金” 之说,价格昂贵。鲍鱼的营养价值极为丰富, 含有二十多种氨基酸,每百克鲜鲍鱼肉含蛋白质23.4克,脂肪3.4克,无机盐钙32毫克,铁3.0毫克,还有相当量的碘、锌、磷和维生素A、D、B1等。 中医认为鲍鱼具有滋阴补养功效,是一种补而不燥的海产,吃后没有牙痛、流鼻血等副作用。《食疗本草》记载,鲍鱼“入肝通瘀,入肠涤垢,不伤元气。壮阳、生百脉。”鲍鱼的壳,中药称石决明,因其有明目退翳之功效,古书又称之为“千里光”。石决明还有清热平肝、滋阴壮阳的作用,可用于医治头晕眼花、高血压及其他类症。 现代研究表明,鲍鱼肉中能提取一种被称作鲍灵素的生物活性物质,实验表明,它能够提高免疫力,破坏癌细胞代谢过程,能提高抑瘤率,却不损害机体的正常细胞,有保护机体免疫系统的作用。鲍鱼能双向性调节血压,原因是鲍鱼能“养阴、平肝、固肾”,可调整肾上腺分泌。鲍鱼有调经、润燥利肠之效,可治月经不调、大便秘结等疾患。 34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 鲍鱼以营养价值极高而成为现在餐桌上一道名贵菜肴,鲍鱼肉含有非常丰富的球蛋白。由于是常年生长在深海之中,具有滋阴补养功效。中医则认为它是一种补而不燥的海产,吃后不上火,没有牙痛、流鼻血等副作用,多吃也无妨。此外鲍鱼还是一种餐桌上的抗癌食品。鲍鱼的肉中还含有一种被称为“鲍素”的成分,能够破坏癌细胞必需的代谢物质。因而达到防癌抗癌的功效。 鲍鱼的作用不是降压,而是双向性调节血压,原因是鲍鱼能“养阴、平肝、固肾”,可调整肾上分泌。鲍鱼有调经、润燥利肠之效,可治月经不调、大便秘结等多种疾病。 适合人群:一般人都可以吃鲍鱼。夜尿频、气虚哮喘、血压不稳、精神难以集中者适宜多吃鲍鱼。糖尿病患者也可用鲍鱼作辅助治疗,但必须配药同炖,才有疗效。 34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for
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