

2017-09-01 12页 doc 102KB 10阅读




武汉到西安旅游攻略武汉到西安旅游攻略 ——春天假日旅行社 西安是世界四大古都之一,有着3100多年的建城史,先后有周、秦、汉、唐等13个 王朝在这里建都,文化遗产极为丰富。被誉为“世界第八奇迹”的秦始皇兵马俑坑,目前世界上保存最完整、规模最大的明城墙,以及秦阿房宫、汉长安城、唐大明 宫四大遗址等,皆为人类珍贵的历史文化遗产。丰富的历史文化遗产和独特的自然风貌使西安成为海内外游客首选的旅游目的地之一。 旅游/贴士 , 西安景点:兵马俑博物馆、华清池、秦始皇陵地宫、明城墙及大雁塔是必 看的景点。另外碑林、钟楼、鼓楼、大唐芙蓉园、骊山国家森林公...
武汉到西安旅游攻略 ——春天假日旅行社 西安是世界四大古都之一,有着3100多年的建城史,先后有周、秦、汉、唐等13个 王朝在这里建都,文化遗产极为丰富。被誉为“世界第八奇迹”的秦始皇兵马俑坑,目前世界上保存最完整、规模最大的明城墙,以及秦阿房宫、汉长安城、唐大明 宫四大遗址等,皆为人类珍贵的历史文化遗产。丰富的历史文化遗产和独特的自然风貌使西安成为海内外游客首选的旅游目的地之一。 旅游/贴士 , 西安景点:兵马俑博物馆、华清池、秦始皇陵地宫、明城墙及大雁塔是必 看的景点。另外碑林、钟楼、鼓楼、大唐芙蓉园、骊山国家森林公园也值 得推荐。 , 最佳旅游时间:春季与秋季。到西安最主要游览古迹,春天与秋天温度较 为适宜,既没有冬天的寒冷,阳光照射不若夏天强烈,在城内走走很舒适。 如果去骊山、翠华山等风景区,也是山花遍野或者层林尽染的季节,景色and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 优美。 自助线路/推荐攻略 1. 出发准备 证件:一定要带好身份证、小孩的户口本等有效身份证件,外宾带好护照、居住证,台胞带好台胞证。旅游过程的飞机乘坐、酒店住宿都需要出示上述证件才能办理。 衣物:春秋可穿长袖长裤,再随身携带一件外套;夏天可以穿短袖、短裤、裙装;冬季一定要准备好御寒衣服,羽绒服是 首选。鞋子准备合脚的即可,还应带着雨伞、遮阳帽、防晒霜。另外,雨伞也是必不可少的。 药品:晕车药、仁丹、消炎药、肠胃药、黄连素、感冒药、创可贴等常备药品,防蚊虫的风油精、花露水。有心脏病、高血压的客人应随身携带所需药品。 其它物品:手机、相机、充电器、存储卡等电子产品和配件,常用洗漱用品也需要带上。 2. 当地资讯 气候:西安平均气温13?,14?,全年以7月最热(月平均气温26?,27?),1月最冷(月平均气温—0?,—1?),但是西安气候比南方干燥许多,在旅游要注意多喝水。 交通:(仅供参考,实际情况以当地发生为准。) •出租车:白天(06:00,23:00)起步价为6元/2公里,之后1.5元/公里;夜间(23:00,次日06:00)起步价为7元/2公里,之后1.8元/公里。另外,因车型不同,每公里收费也不同。较好的车型也有2.4元/公里的 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 收费标准。 • 公交车:(1)普通公交车:多为无人售票车,1元/人,需要自备零钱;(2)空调公交车:分为全程2元/人,6站以内1元/人、超过6站后直到全程是2 元/人,无人售票的空调车需自备零钱不找零,有售票员的则可找零;(3)中巴小公交:行车快,站点相对密集,也常在一些大公交不到的小巷背街设站停靠。皆 有售票员,票价一般为前3站起价0.5元/人,之后每4站加0.5元/人,全程视线路长短3元,5元/人封顶。 酒店:中原地区酒店比较多,但每到旅游旺季也常常出现供不应求的现象,所以旺季出游应提前预订。同时因旅游开发较晚,因此住宿条件与内地及沿海其它地区相比,存在一定的差距,请游客给予理解。 通讯:平原地区移动、联通、天翼均有信号,但山区的信号有时会不稳定,另外住宿的宾馆现都有固定电话,可有偿拨打。 饮食:豫菜是中原烹饪文化的代。十大名菜有:糖醋软熘鱼焙面、煎扒青鱼头尾、炸紫酥肉、扒广肚、牡丹燕菜、清汤鲍鱼、大葱烧海参、葱扒羊肉、汴京烤鸭、炸八块。十大风味名吃有:郑州烩面、高炉烧饼、羊肉装馍、油旋、胡辣汤、羊肉汤、牛肉汤、博望锅盔、羊双肠、炒凉粉。 特 产: 在西安可以买到许多陕西的名优土特产品,如核桃、石榴、稠酒、水晶饼、腊牛肉、黄桂稠酒等。还有一些工艺品和旅游纪念品,如各种大小型号兵马俑复制品、剪 纸艺术品、埙、户县农民画等,也是游客购买留念或赠送亲友的佳品。这些特产在的各大超市一般都有特产专区来销售,回民街里也有许多商铺经营各种特产和特色 果干、糕饼,可以讲价。 注意事项 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is , 问: 西安的气候怎么样,最佳旅游时间是什么啊, 答: 西 安属于暖温带半湿润的季风气候区,雨量适中,四季分明,年平均气温13.6?。7月份最热,平均气温26.3?,27?,最高气温42?左右;1月份最 冷,平均气温—0.5?,1.3?,最低温度—8?度左右。秋冬季节大雾天气频繁出现,年内各区县大雾天数均在10天以上。但是西安气候比南方干燥许多, 在西安旅游要注意多喝水、做好皮肤的保湿。 春、秋季温度适宜,最适合到西安游览古迹。此时既没有冬天的寒冷,阳光照射不若夏天强烈,在城内走走很舒适。如果去骊山、翠华山等风景区,也是山花遍野或者层林尽染的季节,景色优美。但是春季偶有沙尘天气,遇到时则不宜在室外活动。 问: 西安有什么特产啊,在哪里可以购买呢, 答: 在西安可以买到许多陕西的名优土特产品,如核桃、石榴、稠酒、水晶饼、腊牛肉、黄桂稠酒等。这些特产一般在各大超市都可以购买到。此外,西安的回民街里也有许多商铺经营各种特产和特色果干、糕饼等,购买时可以还价。 西安还有各种大小型号兵马俑复制品、剪纸艺术品、埙、户县农民画等工艺品。这些在一些商场设有专柜销售,但相对较贵。院门和回民街里销售这类物品的店面很多,而且都可以讲价。 需要注意的是,您在当地购物时,为了维护您的切身利益,记得索取正规发票。 问: 西安的饮食是什么特色啊, 答: 西 安是旅游名城,也是著名的美食与小吃之城。美食首先当推“两宴”和“两泡”:“两宴”是指陕西风味小吃宴和饺子宴,“两泡”是指牛羊肉泡馍和葫芦头泡馍。 陕西风味小吃宴素有“锦乡陕西”之称,它是从全省数百种小吃中精选出近70种,有肉夹馍、凉皮、荞面饸饹、烤肉、粉汤羊血等。西安的饺子宴独具特色,“一 饺一格,百饺风味”,被誉为“千古风味”、“天下一鲜”。 问: 华山海拔有多少,气候怎么样,夏季山上与山下的温差大不大啊,最佳旅游时间是什么, 答: 西岳华山海拔2154.96米,其山麓下的渭河平原海拔仅330,400米,高度差为1700多米,山势巍峨,更显其挺拔。 华 山年平均气温较低,只有6.8?,年温差也偏小,仅为18.8?,降雨天多集中于6月,8月。华山从山麓到山顶,气温成直线递减,7月份递减较大,一般为 0.5?左右;1月份较小,在0.3?,0.4?。华山春季干燥,风多过隙;夏季雨量渐长,但山上转瞬即晴,湿气较重;秋季晴多雨少;冬季寒风刺骨。 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 在登山前,最好备几件御寒衣物,夏季也是如此。另外,山间气候变化大, 还需要随身携带一件轻便的塑料雨衣。 华山的最佳旅游时间是4月,10月,其中农历3月15日是朝山日,会有 盛大的庙会和庆祝活动。 and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is
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