

2017-09-27 17页 doc 52KB 30阅读




win7网络连接的错误代码win7网络连接的错误代码 WIN7中网络连接出现的错误提示 600 操作处于挂起状态。 601 检测到无效端口句柄。 602 指定的端口已经打开。 603 呼叫方缓冲区太小。 604 指定了错误的信息。 605 无法设置端口信息。 606 指定的端口没有连接。 607 检测到无效事件。 608 指定了一个不存在的设备。 609 指定了一个不存在的设备类型。 610 指定了一个无效的缓冲区。 611 指定了一个无法使用的路由。 612 指定了一个没有分配的路由。 613 指定了一个无效的压缩。 614 缓...
win7网络连接的错误代码 WIN7中网络连接出现的错误提示 600 操作处于挂起状态。 601 检测到无效端口句柄。 602 指定的端口已经打开。 603 呼叫方缓冲区太小。 604 指定了错误的信息。 605 无法设置端口信息。 606 指定的端口没有连接。 607 检测到无效事件。 608 指定了一个不存在的设备。 609 指定了一个不存在的设备类型。 610 指定了一个无效的缓冲区。 611 指定了一个无法使用的路由。 612 指定了一个没有分配的路由。 613 指定了一个无效的压缩。 614 缓冲区不足。 615 找不到指定的端口。 616 异步请求处于挂起状态。 617 调制解调器(或其他连接设备)已断开。 618 指定的端口没有打开。 619 不能建立到远程计算机的连接,因此用于此连接的端口已关闭。 620 无法确定端点。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 621 系统无法打开电话簿文件。 622 系统无法加载电话簿文件。 623 系统无法为这个连接找到电话簿项。 624 系统无法更新电话簿文件。 625 系统在电话簿文件中找到无效信息。 626 无法加载字符串。 627 无法找到关键字。 628 在连接完成前,连接被远程计算机终止。 628 在连接完成前,连接被远程计算机终止 629 连接被远程计算机关闭。 630 调制解调器(或其他连接设备)由于硬件故障已断开。 631 调制解调器(或其他连接设备)已由用户断开。 632 检测到不正确的结构大小。 633 调制解调器(或其他连接设备)早已在使用,或没有正确配置。 634 您的计算机无法在远程网络上注册。 635 出现未知错误。 636 连接到端口的设备不是所期望的设备。 637 检测到不能转换的字符串。 638 请求超时。 639 异步网络不可用。 640 发生与 NetBIOS 有关的错误。 641 服务器不能分配支持该客户端所需的 NetBIOS 资源。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 642 计算机的 NetBIOS 名称之一已经在远程网络上注册。 643 服务器上的网络适配器出现故障。 644 您将无法接收弹出的网络消息。 645 发生内部身份验证错误。 646 此时间不允许该帐户登录。 647 此帐户被禁用。 648 该帐户的密码已过期。 649 帐户没有拨入的权限。 650 远程访问服务器没有响应。 651 调制解调器(或其他连接设备)报告了一个错误。 652 来自调制解调器(或其他连接设备)的无法识别的响应。 653 在设备 .INF 文件中找不到调制解调器(或其他连接设备)所需的宏。 654 设备 .INF 文件部分中的命令或响应引用了未定义的宏。 655 在设备 .INF 文件部分中未找到 宏。 656 在设备 .INF 文件部分中的 宏包含未定义的宏。 657 无法打开设备 .INF 文件。 658 在设备 .INF 或媒体 .INI 文件中的设备名太长。 659 媒体 .INI 文件引用了未知的设备名。 660 设备 .INF 文件没有包含对该命令的响应。 661 设备 .INF 文件缺少命令。 662 试图设置设备 .INF 文件部分没有列出的宏。 663 媒体 .INI 文件引用了未知的设备类型。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 664 系统内存不足。 665 调制解调器(或其他连接设备)配置不正确。 666 调制解调器(或其他连接设备)不起作用。 667 系统不能读取媒体 .INI 文件。 668 连接被终止。 669 媒体 .INI 文件中的用法参数无效。 670 系统不能从媒体 .INI 文件中读取部分名称。 671 系统不能从媒体 .INI 文件中读取设备类型。 672 系统不能从媒体 .INI 文件中读取设备名称。 673 系统不能从媒体 .INI 文件中读取用法。 674 系统不能从媒体 .INI 文件中读取最大的连接速率 (bps)。 675 系统不能从媒体 .INI 文件中读取最大的载波连接速度。 676 电话线忙。 677 是某人而不是调制解调器(或其他连接设备)应答。 678 远程计算机没响应。 679 系统无法检测载波。 681 调制解调器(或其他连接设备)报告了一个常规错误。 691 用户帐号或密码错误。 692 调制解调器(或其他连接设备)发生硬件故障。 695 未启动状态机器。 696 已启动状态机器。 697 响应循环未完成。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 699 调制解调器的响应导致缓冲区溢出。 700 设备 .INF 文件中的扩展命令太长。 701 调制解调器使用了 COM 驱动程序不支持的连接速度。 703 连接需要用户提供信息,但应用程序不允许用户交互。 704 回拨号码无效。 705 身份验证状态无效。 707 出现与 X.25 有关的错误。 708 帐户已经过期。 709 更改域上的密码时发生错误。密码可能太短或者可能与以前使用的密码匹配。 710 当与调制解调器通讯时检测到序列溢出错误。 711 在此计算机上的配置错误不能进行此连接。 712 双路端口正在初始化。等几秒钟再重拨。 713 没有活动的 ISDN 线路可用。 714 没有 ISDN 信道可用于拨号。 715 由于电话线质量差,所以发生过多错误。 716 远程访问服务 IP 配置不可用。 717 在远程访问服务 IP 地址的静态池中没有可用的 IP 地址。 718 因为远程计算机不能及时响应,此连接已被终止。 719 连接被远程计算机终止。 720 无法建立与远程计算机的连接。您可能需要更改此连接的网络设置。 721 远程计算机没反应。 722 从远程计算机接收到无效的数据。该数据被忽略。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 723 电话号码(包含前缀和后缀)太长。 726 IPX 协议不能用于在多个调制解调器(或其他连接设备)上同时向外拨号。 728 系统找不到 IP 适配器。 729 除非安装 IP 协议,否则不能使用 SLIP。 731 未配置协议。 732 您的计算机和远程计算机的 PPP 控制协议无法一致。 733 不能完成到远程计算机的连接。您可能需要调整此计算机上的协议。 734 PPP 链接控制协议被终止。 735 请求的地址被服务器拒绝。 736 远程计算机终止了控制协议。 737 检测到环回。 738 服务器没有指派地址。 739 远程服务器所需的身份验证协议不能使用存储的密码。重拨,明确地输入密码。 740 检测到无效拨号规则。 741 本地计算机不支持所需的数据加密类型。 742 远程计算机不支持所需的数据加密类型。 743 远程服务器要求数据加密。 751 回拨号码包含无效的字符。只允许有下列字符:0 到.. 752 处理脚本时遇到语法错误。 753 由于连接是由多协议路由器创建的,因此该连接无法断开。 754 系统无法找到多路链接绑定。 755 由于该项已经指定自定义的拨号程序,因此系统不能执行自动拨号。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 756 已经拨打该连接。 757 远程访问服务不能自动启动。事件日志中提供了其他信息。 758 该连接上已经启用 Internet 连接共享。 760 启用路由功能时发生错误。 761 对该连接启用 Internet 连接共享时发生错误。 763 不能启用 Internet 连接共享。除了共享的连接之外,还有两个或多个局域网连接。 764 未安装智能卡读取器。 765 不能启用 Internet 连接共享。LAN 连接已经配置.. 766 找不到证书。使用通过 IP Sec 的 L2TP 协议要求安装一个机器证书... 767 不能启用 Internet 连接共享 (ICS)。专用网络上选择的 LAN .. 768 由于加密数据失败,导致连接尝试失败。 769 指定的目的地是不可访问的。 770 远程计算机拒绝连接尝试。 771 由于网络忙,因此连接尝试失败。 772 远程计算机的网络硬件与请求的呼叫类型不兼容。 773 由于目标号码已更改,从而导致连接尝试失败。 774 临时故障导致连接尝试失败。再次尝试连接。 775 呼叫被远程计算机阻塞。 776 由于目标已经调用“请勿打扰”功能,因此该呼叫无法连接。 777 由于远程计算机上的调制解调器(或其他连接设备)出现故障,连接尝试失败。 778 不能验证服务器的身份。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 779 如果用这个连接拨出,您必须使用智能卡。 780 所尝试使用的功能对此连接无效。 781 由于找不到有效的证书,从而导致加密尝试失败。 782 网络地址转换 (NAT) 当前安装为路由协议.. 783 不能启用 Internet 连接共享(ICS)。选择为专用网络的 LAN.. 784 登录时不能用此连接拨号,因为它被配置为使用一个与智能卡上的名称;; 785 登录时不能用此连接拨号,因为它没有配置为使用智能卡.. 786 L2TP 连接尝试失败,因为进行安全验证时计算机上没有有效的计算机证书。 787 L2TP 连接尝试失败,因为安全层无法验证远程计算机。 788 L2TP 连接尝试失败,因为安全层无法与远程计算机协商兼容参数。 789 L2TP 连接尝试失败,因为安全层在与远程计算机进行初始协商时遇到处理错误。 790 L2TP 连接尝试失败,因为远程计算机上的证书验证失败。 791 L2TP 连接尝试失败,因为没有找到该连接的安全策略。 792 L2TP 连接尝试失败,因为安全协商超时。 794 该用户的帧协议 RADIUS 属性不是 PPP。 795 该用户的隧道类型 RADIUS 属性不正确。 796 该用户的服务类型 RADIUS 属性既不是帧也不是回拨帧。 797 无法建立到远程计算机的连接,因为找不到调制解调器或者调制解调器忙。 798 找不到可与可扩展身份验证协议一起使用的证书。 799 由于网络上存在 IP 地址冲突,因此无法启用 Internet 连接共享 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 800 无法建立 VPN 连接。无法连接 VPN 服务器,或者该连接的安全参数配置 不正确。 801 该链接已配置为验证访问服务器的身份,Windows 无法验证服务器发送 的数字证书。 802 不识别提供的卡。请检查是否正确插入卡,并且是否插紧。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order
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