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齐达内三获最佳的球员奖齐达内三获最佳的球员奖 精品文档 齐达内三获最佳的球员奖 Zidane Is FIFA World Player of the Year 【参考译文】齐内达当选为本年度足球先生 Mon Dec 15,12:21 PM ET BASEL, Switzerland - Zinedine Zidane won the FIFA Player of the Year award for a third time Monday, beating Thierry Henry and Ronaldo. Birgit Prinz ...
齐达内三获最佳的球员奖 精品文档 齐达内三获最佳的球员奖 Zidane Is FIFA World Player of the Year 【参考译文】齐内达当选为本年度足球先生 Mon Dec 15,12:21 PM ET BASEL, Switzerland - Zinedine Zidane won the FIFA Player of the Year award for a third time Monday, beating Thierry Henry and Ronaldo. Birgit Prinz of Germany won the women’s player of the year vote. World Cup champion Brazil won its second straight Team of the Year award. 【参考译文】巴塞尔,瑞士法新电-本周一,齐达内压过罗 纳尔多与亨利获选为本年度国际足总最佳球员,第3次赢得 这项殊荣。德国女将比尔吉特获得了本年度国际足总最佳女 球员奖,世界杯冠军巴西队则第二次被选为最佳球队。 【讲解】FIFA is the acronym of 国际足球联合会, Federation Internationale de Football Association即 International Football Federation. straight here means Uninterrupted, consecutive.无 间断的、连续的。sick for five straight days. 连续病 了四天; their fourth straight victory.他们连续第四次 胜利。 Zidane, who also won in 1998 and 2000, led a poll 1 / 3 精品文档 of 142 national coaches. He had 264 points to Henry’s 186. Ronaldo, who won last year for the third time, received 176. 【参考译文】此前,齐达内已在1998年度和2000年度当 选世界足球先生,共有142名世界各地的国家教练参与投票。 齐达内获得了264分,亨利为186分,而上一年度获选人罗纳 尔多则得到176分。 【讲解】 coach is A person who trains or directs athletes or athletic teams. 教练。Our football coach trains the team. 我们的足球教练训练这个队;The coach played him at centre.教练叫他担任中锋。有一个和coach 相关的谑语,ride in the marrow-bone coach,坐“两脚车” 去, 步行,就是我们平常开玩笑时把步行称为11路车。 He joined Real Madrid for a world record 75 million euros (90 million dollars) from Juventus in 2001 and he proved his worth by scoring the winning goal in the 2002 Champions League final for Madrid to become the champions of Europe for a record ninth time. 【参考译文】齐达内以破世界的7500万欧元(900万 美元)的价格转会皇家马德里。 2002年,他在欧洲冠军联赛 大决赛中射进致胜的一球,证实了自己的价值,使皇家马德 里第9次赢得欧冠赛的冠军。 2 / 3 精品文档 【讲解】 score here means To succeed in acquiring. 成功地获得。scored two tickets to 上一篇英语: 反潮流而行下一篇英语: 没有了查看更多关于实用英语的文章网友同时还浏览了: 反潮流而行 Merry Christmas 如何巩固现在完成时 不仅仅是爱情和玫瑰 宾语从句的多种用法 比较级和最高级 此页面是否是列表页或首页,未找到合适正文内容。 3 / 3
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