

2018-09-06 17页 doc 50KB 11阅读




如何对待脾气大的孩子如何对待脾气大的孩子 孩子的脾气不好,有很大程度是因为家长的教育方法不同而引起的,家长应当先检讨自己,在批评孩子前现象向海的优点,多鼓励孩子,然后再要求孩子去做你想要他做的事情,不要责备孩子,这样孩子就很容易放弃自己。 一般来说,孩子发脾气,肯定有原因,找到原因。不一定是孩子错哦。即使在我们看来是孩子不好,那么也是先和孩子产生“同感”,体会他的痛苦,告诉他爸爸妈妈理解他的感情,然后再谈为什么妈妈不能同意他的决定,或者做适当地让步,这样孩子会比较好接受。这种“同感不同意”的态度,在现实中有很好的可操作性、可行性和效果。而且,...
如何对待脾气大的孩子 孩子的脾气不好,有很大程度是因为家长的教育方法不同而引起的,家长应当先检讨自己,在批评孩子前现象向海的优点,多鼓励孩子,然后再孩子去做你想要他做的事情,不要责备孩子,这样孩子就很容易放弃自己。 一般来说,孩子发脾气,肯定有原因,找到原因。不一定是孩子错哦。即使在我们看来是孩子不好,那么也是先和孩子产生“同感”,体会他的痛苦,告诉他爸爸妈妈理解他的感情,然后再谈为什么妈妈不能同意他的决定,或者做适当地让步,这样孩子会比较好接受。这种“同感不同意”的态度,在现实中有很好的可操作性、可行性和效果。而且,你一旦愿意和孩子产生同感,孩子也常常会和你产生同感,学会分享你的快乐,分担你的痛苦。 对孩子要多鼓励,好孩子是夸出来的~尽量多给孩子以鼓励,尽量多夸他,越是夸她好,她就越能够自己约束自己,这样她的脾气就会好起来~ 一般3岁左右的孩子开始有独立的愿望,并萌生自我意识。他们不愿事事受父母的管束,对父母的包办或摆布产生反感。当大人不满足他们的要求时,他们就会把内心的不满毫无保留地发泄出来。另外,孩子只不过刚刚具备了一些初步的简单的生活知识和生活经验,对借大世界个发生的形形色色的事情还不能理解,他们要独立,却又做不好,这种情况下,他们会因为达不到目的而发脾气。孩子不善于用语言达,有些事情他们还说不清,因而在大人坚持要他做不愿做的事,或大人坚持不能允诺他们的要求时,他们就会用发脾气来宣泄其压抑的情绪。 put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 人小脾气大的孩子,除了脾气倔之外,还有点“小聪明”。他们能摸透大人的心理,也掌握了一套规律:只要先撒娇,再磨缠,最后向大人发一通脾气闹一番,什么目的都能达到。孩子发脾气、耍赖,原是作为要挟大人的手段,并不希望太过火。可是,脾气一发,过分的兴奋就像决堤的洪水,奔腾呼啸,理智丧失,任凭情绪左右,只顾撒野,一点余地不留。过后,虽然愿望达到了,但对自己发脾气时的那种诸如以头撞墙、摔坏心爱的玩具的行为却也感到后悔,甚至内疚。同时,尝到了对自己行为的无可奈何的滋味,也体验到自己的无能为力,于是,他们会感到自卑和痛苦。 因此,对大发脾气的儿童,家长应坚持两个原则: 一是绝对不要斥责或体罚孩子。 二是紧紧拖住孩子,不要让孩子撒野毁物和自毁。 第一个原则之所以重要,是因为斥责等于火上加油,适得其反。特别是家长火冒三丈、怒不可遏的样子,等于是孩子发脾气的“榜样”。须知,柔能克刚,而刚却克不了了柔。 第二个原则的着眼点,在于用骨肉之情和善良的愿望,帮助孩子控制难以自制的情绪,让他一动不动地呆上5分钟,爆发的情绪就会平息下来。 待孩子发过脾气过后,应同孩子谈心,教育孩子认识发脾气的危害,学会以理智驾驭感情。平时,对孩子提出的合理要求应主动地给予满足,不合理的要求坚决不能满足,怎么撒野也不行,让孩子明白:凡事必须讲道理,无理寸步难行。对人小脾气大的孩子,父母教育的口径必须一致,切忌南辕北辙;教育务必坚持,坚持一段时间,情况就会好转。 孩子病后常会“长脾气”。家长今后应该注意,即使孩子病中也不put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 要无原则迁就。在孩子哭闹的时候大人坚持原则很有必要,但不能让孩子一直哭闹,大人孩子都受不了,要及时转移他的注意力。这么小的孩子,在他大哭大闹的最高峰过去后,带他看看外面的车、小动物等东西,让他恢复情绪。 家长对孩子的要求要做真确的分析,该满足的正当需求应给予充分满足,对不适合的需求则要讲清道理。在孩子情绪波动听不进话的时候,要给些时间让他冷静下来,然后再讲清道理。千万不要在对孩子愿望不了解的情况下,自己先发火,更不要将自己的愿望强加给孩子,造成孩子的对抗情绪。希望初为父母者多尊重孩子,多理解孩子,多与孩子沟通,少用家长的权威。 专家分析:孩子在2岁左右爱发脾气是一种正常现象。因为这一年龄段的孩子易冲动,自制力差,对挫折的容忍程度是有限的。孩子要到外面玩,家长不允许,为什么不允许,他不明白,有可能就要通过发脾气的方式表达自己的感情。而4岁以上的孩子,对挫折有了一定的控制能力,初步明白了一些事理,如果还频频哭闹、经常发脾气,其原因大多在家长身上。说明家长教育孩子的方法存在问,使孩子养成了好发脾气的习惯。 脾气发作不仅严重损伤孩子的情绪和生理状态,而且也使家长狼狈不堪,感到很棘手。所以您要想方设法制止孩子哭闹、发脾气。怎样制止呢,一定要根据发脾气的原因“对症下药”,方能奏效。 一、因为需求没有得到满足而发脾气。由于家长的溺爱,有的孩子稍不如意便大哭大闹,家长决不要让步和造就,不然会助长孩子的脾气。最简单的办法是把他单独放在房间里,作短暂的隔离,冷落他一会儿,让他有时间冷静下来重新考虑下一步怎么办。即使在外面也一样。如此反复几次,孩子就会感到自己发脾气、哭闹都毫无意义,put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 得不到家长的注意,得不到自己想要的东西,慢慢地就不再乱发脾气了。每次发作平息后,家长要记住为孩子讲道理,及时进行下面教育。要告诉孩子刚才的行为是不好的,采取发脾气的办法要挟父母满足自己的需求,是达不到目的的。要让孩子知道父母还是爱自己的,只是不爱自己的撒泼行为。这样既可以教育孩子今后不再乱闹,也可以避免孩子疏远父母的亲情。 二、由于受忽视而乱发脾气。对于这样的孩子,要安抚他们并转移注意力。孩子越小,情感越不稳定,注意力也越容易转移。当发生不愉快时,要采用活动转移法,让他们在游戏活动或体育活动中宣泄内心的紧张。比如,孩子想妈妈了,而妈妈加班还未回家,孩子委屈得不得了,乱扔东西,怎么劝都不行。这时,家里人可以有意识地提起孩子平时最感兴趣的一件事,转移孩子的注意力。例如,给孩子讲个爱听的、好玩的,或者带孩子去玩最喜爱的荡秋千游戏,等等。一定要从爱心出发,从感情上安抚他,哄劝孩子不哭;要有耐心,千万不要训斥指责,更不能动怒打骂。否则,孩子的脾气只会愈演愈烈。 三、由于不被理解而发脾气。3岁以上的孩子已经有了自己的思想,对某一件事也有了自己的看法,家长一定要给孩子提供充分表达内心想法的机会。有时候当孩子喋喋不休地向家长讲述某件趣事时,家长们却常因忙于自己的事情,漫不经心的点点头或哼哼两声,那么孩子会十分恼火的。所以,家长不妨暂时放下手中的事务,以专注的神情倾听孩子的话语,以欣赏的态度理解孩子的话语,并饶有兴趣地和孩子聊一聊,说一说,那对孩子将会是莫大的支持和鼓励。 四、因为不能延迟满足而发脾气。多数学龄前阶段的孩子对于自己想要吃的或想要玩的东西根本没有耐心多等待一会儿,尤其对于就在眼前的诱惑物。曾经有过一个心理学实验,要求幼儿等待15分钟put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 作为取得好吃的糖果的条件,否则,只能得到不好吃的糖果。结果,幼儿的表现依实验条件不同而变化;糖果不在眼前时,幼儿坚持等待的时间最长;有一种糖果(好吃的或不好吃的)在眼前时,幼儿能等待的时间减半;两种糖果都在眼前时,幼儿能等待的时间最短。说明幼儿对眼前的诱惑物不易抵制,自制力比较弱。因此,作为家长,一定要有意识地在平日里训练孩子的延迟满足能力,从一件件小事做起,不要让孩子学得,只要是我想要的,爸妈都会立刻满足,形成一种要风得风、要雨得雨的感觉。这样当孩子偶尔不能如愿以偿的时候,就容易大发雷霆。 除了以上针对孩子的具体情况具体对待之外,家长还要注意自身的言行。家长的言行是孩子行为的一面镜子。 一、家长的教育态度要一致。当孩子发脾气时,千万不要在成人中间形成几派,有人不理睬,有人去哄劝,有人离孩子而去,还有人跑到孩子面前讨好,更不要当着孩子争论。成人彼此之间一定要沟通好,一旦孩子发作,全家人采取一致的态度。否则他就会更加哭闹不止。 二、家长切记自已不要经常发脾气。有一次在商场的玩具部我看到了惊心动魄的一幕。有个妈妈突然抬高声音说:“上个星期刚买过,又要买。”俨然在告诉大家,我的孩子不讲理,我不给他买的原因是刚买过,不是不给他买。我觉得这个妈妈有点心虚,不给孩子买玩具有什么丢脸的,不买就是不买,给孩子讲清道理就行了。可她的方法有点走样,而孩子又非要不可,她就拖着孩子向外走,孩子则闹着往里拽。妈妈脾气大发,啪啪打了孩子两下,孩子哇地哭了起来。于是,这个妈妈不上分说拖着哭着的孩子慢慢消失在人群中了。有了这么一个好发脾气的妈妈,不想让孩子发脾气都难。 put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 因此,为了培养孩子良好的性格,不乱发脾气,家长一定要以身作则,为孩子创设一个良好的;家庭环境氛围,让孩子保持积极情绪,控制不良情绪的爆发。 独生子女任性、爱发脾气的问题带有普遍性。如:自己的要求没能满足,就大哭大闹,有的甚至在地上打滚,颇有点不达目的誓不罢休的架式。 任性,爱发脾气是幼儿一种不正常的心理状态的反映,与他们身心发展的水平较低有关,另一方面也与成人的态度和教育方法有关。教师和父母如果平时对这类儿童缺乏有效的教育和纠正,使幼儿无所控制地发展自己的这种行为,成为他们要挟老师和父母,满足自己某种需要的一种手段。 3岁以后,幼儿的独立性和自我意识有了明显的增强,他们力图摆脱成人的帮助,自己独立地做事情,但是由于能力的关系,再加上幼儿这时候思维上具有刻板性,片面性的特点,会出现所谓的“三岁危机。”因此,这时候的孩子就有些不好管。 从小培养孩子良好稳定的情绪是很重要的。爱发脾气,对孩子健康性格的形成很不利。家长要想改掉孩子爱发脾气的毛病。就要搞清楚孩子为什么发脾气,才好对症下药。 通常孩子在不舒服的时候,比如,生病、疲劳时易引起发脾气暴躁,这和大人是一样的,只不过大人会表达自己的意志,幼儿大都不会用语言表达自己身体不适的感觉。有经验的母亲善于结合情境和孩子的情绪状态判断孩子的身体状况,尽可能地避免孩子发脾气。 有时候孩子受到冷遇,感到失望时也会发脾气,孩子自己玩了一天,很想和妈妈玩会儿,或者很渴望家长的表杨,可妈妈却毫不理会,照旧干自己的,孩子就会发脾气以示心中的不满。聪明的父母若能主put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 动给孩子放松环境,沟通感情,了解孩子的愿望,就能避免孩子因情绪不佳而发脾气。 如果孩子爱发脾气是由家长的溺爱和迁就造成的,家长就要注意严格要求孩子,不能有求必应。 孩子爱发脾气,也是有个过程的,当孩子第一次发脾气时,家长的处理态度就显得尤为重要了。有的家长一看孩子乱喊乱闹,就赶紧想尽一切办法,哄劝,对孩子提出的要求也一应百应,过分迁就。大人可能会觉得孩子嘛,哄一哄就了。可孩子就会认为只有这样闹,才能达到自己的目的,从而认为自己是正确的,把发脾气,胡闹作为治眼大人的手段,长此下去就会养成坏习惯。有的父母把问题看得很简单,解决方法也简单,一个字“打”。其实,打的结果更坏,孩子或是表面屈眼于棍棒,或是越闹越凶,对父母产生敌视心理。 那么,应该怎样对待孩子第一次发脾气呢,家长应该持不予理睬的态度,专心于其它事情。或是告诉他,“什么时候安静下来,我才跟你讲话。”渐渐地孩子会由大哭变小哭,由闭眼哭叫到睁眼看父母的反应如何,他的注意力也就会转移到父母身上来,静静观察父母做事情,渐渐忘记了撒泼。当他的情绪稳定以后,家长一定要告诉他那样做不好,并说明为什么不好。这样孩子就容易接受了。第一次发脾气就能被制止。在处理孩子第一次发脾气时,家长一定要有耐心,不能半途而废,这可以说是一场“意志与毅力”的较量。如果作父母的心软,以后就很难再奏效。 当幼儿心情焦躁,乱发脾气时,成人在指出他的错误以后,可以在一段时间内不理睬他,让他知道发脾气,不讲道理是行不通的,是无效的。当幼儿由于某种要求未能满足而大发脾气时,家长不要采取强硬态度,非要把幼儿制服。这样就如火上加油,幼儿的脾气会更大。put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 成人应该态度冷静,方法灵活,有时要适当给孩子留点面子,找个台阶,让他自己下。 有的孩子在家里、在父母面前爱发脾气,而在幼儿园或其他环境则表现得比较好,这样的孩子可以让他暂时离开使之任性发作的环境,到亲戚朋友家生活一段时间或到寄宿制幼儿园过一段集体生活。这对矫正孩子爱发脾气、任性的缺点会有好处。 1:孩子毕竟是孩子,情绪控制能力还是很有限的,需要家长的悉心呵护和耐心引导。 2:孩子是父母的镜子,孩子是父母的“作品”。父母对孩子性格的形成起决定性作用。家庭是成功孩子的港湾和出发地,家长是孩子走向成功的导师和助手,既要负责孩子的身体发育,又要负责孩子的心理发育。既要重视孩子的智力发育,又要重视孩子各方面能力的培养;既要教会孩子学习知识,又要教会孩子学会做人。在孩子成长的道路上,性格、行为习惯起着决定性的作用,而孩子的性格和行为习惯的形成与家庭有着密切的联系,随着年龄的增长,很多情况下我们会发现孩子越来越像自己的父母,但是没有哪些孩子会越来越像自己的老师。美国人泰曼•约翰逊认为“成功的家教造就成功的孩子,失败的家教造就失败的孩子”,从这个意义上讲,家庭教育是其他一切教育的基础,父母对于孩子的成长起着决定性的作用 3:不要就孩子的一次小小失误多次提出批评,不要就无关紧要的琐事提出过于严格或过多的要求,不应该事无巨细地进行管教。正确的做法是正式地与孩子好好谈一次,将对孩子的某种要求或期望告诉他,或者告诉他某次失误应该吸取的教训,说明从小事经验的重要性等等。 put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial
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