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科技型中小企业创新基金科技型中小企业创新基金 clinical research capacity. Second, training methods in each of the three disciplines within the medical (Professional) Rotary and other related departments. (A) the Web section and time required by sections of time (months) sections of time (months) C...
科技型中小企业创新基金 clinical research capacity. Second, training methods in each of the three disciplines within the medical (Professional) Rotary and other related departments. (A) the Web section and time required by sections of time (months) sections of time (months) Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm clinical research capacity. Second, training methods in each of the three disciplines within the medical (Professional) Rotary and other related departments. (A) the Web section and time required by sections of time (months) sections of time (months) Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm clinical research capacity. Second, training methods in each of the three disciplines within the medical (Professional) Rotary and other related departments. (A) the Web section and time required by sections of time (months) sections of time (months) Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm clinical research capacity. Second, training methods in each of the three disciplines within the medical (Professional) Rotary and other related departments. (A) the Web section and time required by sections of time (months) sections of time (months) Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm 科技型中小企业创新基金 由国家科学技术部进行管理和运营的科技型中小企业创新基金(以下简称创新基金),用于支持科技型的中小企业的技术进步,并进行具有自有知识产权技术的项目开发。创新基金(以下简称创新基金),用于支持科技型的中小企业的技术进步,并进行具有自有知识产权技术的项目开发。 支持方式及额度: 1、贷款贴息:一般按贷款额年利息的50%-100% 给予补贴,贴息总额一般不超过100 万元,个别重大项目最高不超过200 万元。 2、无偿资助:资助数额一般不超过100 万元,个别重大项目最高不超过200 万元,且企业须有等额以上的自有匹配资金。 clinical research capacity. Second, training methods in each of the three disciplines within the medical (Professional) Rotary and other related departments. (A) the Web section and time required by sections of time (months) sections of time (months) Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm 3、资本金投入:资本金投入以引导其他资本投入为主要目的,数额一般不超过企业注册资本的20%,原则上可以依法转让,或者采取合作经营的方式在规定期限内依法收回投资。 简介 科技型中小企业技术创新基金是经国务院批准设立,用于支持科技型中小企业技术创新的政府专项基金。通过拨款资助、贷款贴息和资本金投入等方式扶持和引导科技型中小企业的技术创新活动,促进科技成果的转化,培育一批具有中国特色的科技型中小企业,加快高新技术产业化进程,必将对我国产业和产品结构整体优化,扩大内需,创造新的就业机会,带动和促进国民经济健康、稳定、快速的发展等起到积极的作用。 编辑本段基金标志 创新基金图标以金钥匙、两片蓝叶和科技型中小企业技术创新基金略称"创新基金" 创新基金图标 为基本组成要素,通过艺术表现出两片嫩芽捧起一把金灿灿钥匙的图形。 创新基金标志图形上端的金钥匙由C、T、E三个英文字母通过艺术变形组成。C、T、E既体现了创新基金的宗旨--培育科技型中小企业(CHINA TECHNOLOGY ENTERPRISE),促进高技术成果的转化;同时体现了科技型中小企业应是资本、技术、创业者的最佳集合(CAPITAL、TECHNOLOGH、ENTERPRENEUR)。由C、T、E字母构成的金钥匙寓意着创新基金是国家对科技人员创新创业,从科技的殿堂走向经济建设主战场的最初始阶段的支持,同时也是为科技型中小企业开启通向成功之门的有力帮助。 图标下端似手型的两片蓝叶,即表示科技型中小企业犹如春天的嫩芽,虽很弱小,但生机勃勃;同时也寓意着科技型中小企业期盼着得到更多的支持与帮助。 创新基金图标整体寓示着国家创新基金将为我国科技型中小企业的快速发展、国家创新体系的建设做出重要贡献,同时科技型中小企业也必将在国家创新基金的支持和帮助下,踌躇满志、英姿勃发。 编辑本段简介 clinical research capacity. Second, training methods in each of the three disciplines within the medical (Professional) Rotary and other related departments. (A) the Web section and time required by sections of time (months) sections of time (months) Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm 科技型中小企业具有建设所需资金少,建成周期短,决策机制灵活,管理成本低廉,能够适应市场多样性的需求等特点,特别是在创新机制和创新效率方面具有其它企业无法比拟的优势。科技型中小企业既是加快科技成果转化、实现技术创新的有效载体,也是国民经济增长的重要源泉。数年来的发展表明,科技型中小企业无论是在数量上还是在质量上,都已经成为国民经济的重要组成部分,是国家经济发展新的重要的增长点。因此,结合我国科技型中小企业发展的特点和资本市场的现状,建立以政府支持为主的科技型中小企业技术创新基金,是促进我国经济持续、稳定发展的一项重要措施。 科技型中小企业技术创新基金作为中央政府的专项基金,将按照市场经济的客观规律进行运作,扶持各种所有制类型的科技型中小企业,并有效地吸引地方政府、企业、风险投资机构和金融机构对科技型中小企业进行投资,逐步推动建立起符合市场经济客观规律的高新技术产业化投资机制,从而进一步优化科技投资资源,营造有利于科技型中小企业创新和发展的良好环境。 支持八大领域 中小企业技术创新基金所支持的国家重点八大领域 电子信息 包括1.软件产品;2.微电子技术;3.计算机及网络产品;4.通信产品;5.广播电视技术产品;6.新型电子元器件;7.信息安全产品;8.智能交通产品。等等。 生物、医药 包括1.医药生物技术与生物制品;2.中药与天然药;3.化学药;4.新剂型制剂技术及产品;5.轻化工生物技术。等等。 新材料 包括1.金属材料;2.无机非金属材料;3.高分子材料;4.生物医用材料;5.精细化学品。等等。 光机电一体化 包括1.工业生产过程控制系统;2高效能智能化仪器仪表;3.先进制造技术;4新型机械产品;5医疗仪器技术设备与医学专用软件;6电力系统信息化与自动化;7.汽车行业相关技术产品。等等。 资源与环境 包括1.水污染防治技术;2.大气污染防技术;3.固体废弃物的处理与综合利用技术;4.环境监测应急和预警技术;5.清洁生产与循环经济的关键技术;6资源高效开发与综合利用技术。等等。 新能源与高效节能 clinical research capacity. Second, training methods in each of the three disciplines within the medical (Professional) Rotary and other related departments. (A) the Web section and time required by sections of time (months) sections of time (months) Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm 包括1.可再生清洁能源技术及相关产品;2.新型高效能量转换与与储存技术和相关产品;3高效节能技术和相关产品。等等。 高技术与服务业 包括1.信息技术服务业;2生物医药技术服务业;3.新材料技术服务业;4.光机电一体化技术服务业;5.资源、环境技术保护服务业;6新能源与高效节能技术服务业。 涉农领域 [1]良种培育、农机装备、新型肥药、加工储运、循环农业 编辑本段申报时间 一般为每年的三月一日至十二月三十一日,接受申请截止时间以申请材料寄出的邮戳日期为准;招标项目的投标时间按具体项目要求确定,截至时间按投标材料收到的日期为准。 编辑本段申报条件 支持的项目需符合以下条件: 1(符合国家产业、技术政策,技术含量高,创新性较强,知识产权清晰,技术处于国内领先水平; 2(自主研发项目,具有自主知识产权; 3. 必须是以生产、销售、技术服务和盈利为目的,产品或服务有明确的市场需求和较强的市场竞争力,可以产生较好的经济效益和社会效益; 4(符合《2012年度科技型中小企业技术创新基金若干重点项目指南》(以下简称《项目指南》)要求的项目。软件产品、微电子技术、计算机及网络产品、通信产品、广播电视技术产品、新型电子元器件、信息安全产品、智能交通、生物医药、新材料、光机电一体化、资源与环境、新能源与高效节能。 编辑本段所需材料 ?《科技型中小企业技术创新基金项目申请》。 ?《科技型中小企业技术创新基金项目可行性》。 ? 推荐单位出具的《科技型中小企业技术创新基金项目推荐意见表》。 ? 企业法人营业执照(复印件)。 ? 经会计师事务所(或审计师事务所)审计的企业上两年度以及一个月的会计报表。开业不足一年的新创办企业须报送工商行政管理部门出具的企业注册资金证明(复印件)和一个月的会计表。 ? 可以证明项目情况的证明文件(如科技主管机构或行业主管部门出具的技术报告、检测报告、专利证明,用户使用报告等)。 ? 高新技术企业需附高新技术企业认定证书(复印件)。 clinical research capacity. Second, training methods in each of the three disciplines within the medical (Professional) Rotary and other related departments. (A) the Web section and time required by sections of time (months) sections of time (months) Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm ? 国家专卖、专控及特殊行业产品,须附相关主管机构出具的批准证明(复印件)。 ? 地方财政部门匹配资金的项目,须出具地方财政部门的批准文件。 另外有关的其它参考材料:如列入国家科技的有关批准文件、环保证明、奖励证明等。 编辑本段企业条件 科技型中小企业技术创新项目分为创新项目、重点创新项目两类,具体要求如下:[1] 1. 创新项目 (1)无偿资助的创新项目 用于技术创新产品在研究、开发及中试阶段的必要补助。申报的企业须同时具备以下条件: ?实收货币资本最低不少于30万元; ?职工人数不超过300人; ?资产总额不高于5000万元; ?年营业收入不超过5000万元; ?申报的项目,目前尚未形成销售规模; ?项目计划新增投资在1000万元以下,资金来源确定,投资结构合理。在项目计划新增投资中,企业必须有与申报地方资金、创新基金数额等额以上的自有资金匹配;一般情况下,企业申报资助数额应不大于企业的净资产数额。 项目执行期为两年,项目计划实现的技术、经济指标应按满两年进行测算(执行期从项目申报之日起计);一类新药项目的执行期可以适当放宽至三年,药品项目完成时可以没有营业收入等经济指标,但必须有明确的、可以考核的目标,如:受理通知书、临床批文、新药证书等,详见项目指南生物、医药领域相关要求。 (2)贷款贴息的创新项目 用于支持产品具有一定的创新性,需要中试或扩大规模,形成批量生产,银行已经给予贷款的项目。申报的企业须同时具备以下条件: ?工商注册成立时间须超过36个月,实收货币资本最低不少于30万元; ?职工人数不超过500人; ?资产总额不高于8000万元; ?年营业收入不超过8000万元; ?项目计划新增投资额一般在3000万元以下,资金来源基本确定,投资结构合理,项目执行期为三年之内(执行期从项目申报之日起计)。 贷款贴息项目以2012年1月1日起至项目验收之日止,企业与银行签订的贷款合同和付息单据为准。 2. 重点创新项目 创新基金重点创新项目必须符合项目指南的支持方向和范围,申报条件如下: (1)企业职工人数不超过500人;年营业收入不超过30000万元;资产总额不超过30000万元;至少有三年的持续运营时间;2009年度营业收入不少于1000万元; (2)企业具有较高的成长性,近三年的营业收入持续增长,增长率不低于120%;上年度的营业收入增长率不低于30%;上年度加权平均净资产收益率不低于10%; clinical research capacity. Second, training methods in each of the three disciplines within the medical (Professional) Rotary and other related departments. (A) the Web section and time required by sections of time (months) sections of time (months) Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm (3) 企业须承担过创新基金的创新项目,且这一段时间一个创新项目验收合格; (4)已获得发明专利的项目优先支持,已获得过社会上创业投资或风险投资的项目优先支持。 编辑本段支持资金 一般项目地方资助15-40万不等,国家支持50-100万之间。 初创项目地方支持10-25万不等,国家支持50万之内。 重点创新支持100-200万之间,地方支持额最低60万元。 也可申请国家贴息贷款。 编辑本段支持重点 支持相关高新技术领域中自主创新性强、技术含量高、具有竞争力、市场前景好的研究开发项目,培育、形成一批能够在经济结构调整中发挥重要作用、具有自主知识产权的产品群及产业; 支持科技成果转化,特别是“863”计划、攻关计划、重大科技专项相关成果的产业化项目及利用高新技术改造传统产业的项目; 支持具有一定技术含量,在国际市场上有较强竞争力,以出口为导向的项目,特别是具有我国传统优势,加入WTO后能带来更多市场机遇的项目; 发挥创新基金雪中送炭的作用,加大对有一定基础初创期的科技型中小企业尤其是孵化器内企业的支持;加大对海外留学人员回国创办企业的项目支持,培育一批成长性好、核心竞争力强的科技型中小企业; 支持西部地区具有一定技术含量、市场前景好、技术成熟、有优势、有特色的科技型中小企业的项目。 企业申报的项目要符合国家产业、技术政策,要坚持市场导向,有较强的创新性,有较高附加值,市场竞争力强,经济效益或社会效益显著。 本指南不涉及农业类项目,农业类项目均归入农业科技成果转化资金支持,有关农业科技成果转化资金项目指南由科技部另行发布。 企业申报没有列入《指南》的项目,原则上本年度不予支持,《指南》中明确不支持的项目,企业不要申请。 对于部分技术领域或行业中具有共性的项目,本年度创新基金将采用专题评审方式集中受理企业申请(具体要求详见《2003年度科技型中小企业技术创新基金申请须知》)。 申请者必须注意:创新基金资助项目将通过竞争择优产生,审查筛选过程规范、严格,只有创新水平高和市场前景好的项目方有可能获得创新基金资助。 中小企业扶持资金 中小企业扶持资金即中小企业国际市场开拓资金,是指国家财政用于支持中小企业开拓国际市场各项业务与活动的政府性预算基金和地方财政自行安排的专项资金。 编辑本段设立背景 clinical research capacity. Second, training methods in each of the three disciplines within the medical (Professional) Rotary and other related departments. (A) the Web section and time required by sections of time (months) sections of time (months) Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm 为鼓励中小企业积极参与国际市场竞争,促进中小企业的健康发展,发挥中小企业在国民经济和社会发展中的重要作用,自2001年起,国家正式设立“中小企业国际市场开拓资金”,该项政策以广大中小企业为扶持对象,专用于支持中小企业开拓国际市场的各种活动。 原外经贸部(现商务部)和财政部于2001年联合颁布《中小企业国际市场开拓资金管理(试行)办法》和《中小企业国际市场开拓资金管理办法实施细则(暂行)》,对市场开拓资金的相关政策作出具体规定。 2006年中小企业国际市场开拓资金政策做了修改,规定中小企业申请项目数在一年不得超过10个项目,每个中小企业得到国家的资金支持在5年内不得超过50万元至70万元。 2010年商务部联合财政部新发布了中小企业国际市场开拓资金管理办法(财企[2010]87号),将申请企业项目的中小企业由原来的“上年度海关统计出口额1500万美元以下”,调整为“上年度海关统计进出口额4500万美元以下”。新管理办法发布实施起,原管理办法(试行)和实施细则废止。 编辑本段支持内容 中小企业扶持资金上海政策网主要支持11个方面的内容,分别是:境外并购项目、境外投(议)标项目、企业项目、国际市场考察项目、境外广告和商标注册项目、电子商务项目、国际市场宣传推介项目、境外专利申请项目、各类产品[1]认证项目、企业管理体系认证项目、境外展览会项目。 编辑本段申请条件 1、需要具有企业法人资格,拥有进出口经营权或对外经济合作经营资格(拥有海关编码); 2、上年度出口额在4500万美元以下; 3、近两年在外经贸业务管理、财务管理、税收管理、外汇管理、海关管理等方面无违法行为。 clinical research capacity. Second, training methods in each of the three disciplines within the medical (Professional) Rotary and other related departments. (A) the Web section and time required by sections of time (months) sections of time (months) Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm
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