

2017-09-30 27页 doc 69KB 108阅读




排球运动员的体能训练排球运动员的体能训练 一、排球运动员体能训练概述 (一)体能的概念 体能即运动员在训练和比赛中所表现出的身体能力(physical ability),是运动员的身体形态特征、机体机能状况、身体素质和身体健康状况的综合体现。 (二)体能训练的内容 体能训练包括身体形态、机能状况、身体素质和健康水平的改善和提高四个方面。其中,最主要的就是机能状况和运动素质的提高。 (三)排球运动员体能训练的依据 排球运动员的体能训练,主要依据排球运动的供能特点以及机体不同供能系统之间的相互联系。 研究显示,排球比赛每个回合的工作时...
排球运动员的体能训练 一、排球运动员体能训练概述 (一)体能的概念 体能即运动员在训练和比赛中所现出的身体能力(physical ability),是运动员的身体形态特征、机体机能状况、身体素质和身体健康状况的综合体现。 (二)体能训练的 体能训练包括身体形态、机能状况、身体素质和健康水平的改善和提高四个方面。其中,最主要的就是机能状况和运动素质的提高。 (三)排球运动员体能训练的依据 排球运动员的体能训练,主要依据排球运动的供能特点以及机体不同供能系统之间的相互联系。 研究显示,排球比赛每个回合的工作时间持续4——30秒(平均约9秒),前后两分之间的恢复间歇时间持续10——20秒(平均约12秒),工作时与间歇时的比例约为1:1. 3。工作期90%的时间使用ATP—CP系统,无氧酵解只为高强度的肌肉工作提供10% 的能量。但是,如果两分之间(也可能是替换和暂停期间)的时间较长,也可以使运动员在参加下一个高强度回合争夺之前以有氧代谢的形式补充细胞内的ATP 和CP储备。所以,排球运动(包括工作期和恢复期)的全部能量需求是由三个能量系统按以下比例提供的:ATP—CP系统(40%),无氧酵解系统(10%),有氧代谢系统(50%)。 总之,排球运动主要是通过ATP—CP系统和无氧酵解系统产生供爆发性肌肉收缩所需的能量,所以应该以提高这两个系统的代谢能力为目标来设计排球运动员的体能训练。另外,排球选手必须具备出色的有氧健康水平以确保比赛间歇和局间休息时的适度恢复。建立在坚实的有氧健康基础上的出色无氧系统,是现代排球运动员获得成功的基石。 (四)体能训练的基本 1、体能训练内容要全面安排 2、系统科学安排体能训练比重 3、处理好与技战术之间的关系 4、合理安排体能训练时间和运动负荷 5、加强体能训练的针对性 6、体能训练的手段要多样化 二、排球运动员身体素质训练的要求及方法 (一)力量 1、排球运动员力量训练的要求: (1)遵循力量增长与消退的规律 发展肌肉力量的生理过程是:刺激——反应——适应——增加刺激——反应——再适应——增长力量。所以,发展力量要遵循极限负荷与逐步增加刺激强度的原则。 力量增长与消退的基本规律是增长快、消退也快。所以,进行短期的力量突击训练,可以收到很好的效果,但力量会很快消退。细水长流式的力量训练效果虽不是很显著,但消退也慢。 (2)要符合排球运动的专项特点 力量训练专家认为,力量训练的练习应在运动解剖形式、肌肉收缩速度、肌肉收缩类型和收缩力量上尽可能地实际模拟所从事的运动动作。因此,排球运动员进行力量训练时,一定要选择与排球专项技术相结合的动作方法,并力求在动作结构、动作速度等方面与排球专项动作相同。 (3)要遵循力量练习安排的顺序原则 力量训练中小肌群较大肌群容易疲劳,为了保证大肌肉群的大负荷,必须在小肌肉群出现疲劳前,使大designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 肌肉群受到训练。例如以负重蹲起训练腿部力量,达到相当重量或次数时,想要重点训练的股四头肌还没有达到疲劳程度,而腰背较小的肌肉已经不能坚持训练。所以训练时应注意采用适当方式避免这种现象产生,比如先采用其他训练方法,让股四头肌产生一定程度疲劳之后,再进行负重蹲起训练,如此使股四头肌先达到所需要的疲劳程度,或与其他肌肉同步疲劳,从而得到最大限度的锻炼。同时,还必须考虑在相继的练习中不要使用同一肌群工作,以保证肌肉工作后有足够的恢复时间。 (4 )应以动力性练习为主 排球力量训练实践中,主要采用的是动力性练习的方法。肌肉处于动力性状态下进行的练习,力量可以得到很大的发展。静力练习曾经被认为是提高最大力量的有效手段,但是,现代训练理论认为,力量训练最显著的特点是与专项动作及素质特点相结合。静力练习可以有选择地训练某一肌群,可作为康复的一种手段,并且不需要复杂的器材等。等动练习可使运动员动作的任何阶段都表现出极限或接近极限的力量,可以达到其他负重练习达不到的效果。但目前并未在排球运动员力量素质训练中得到广泛运用,其主要原因是尚无适合于排球运动员使用的专门器材。 (5)注意青少年力量增长的年龄特点 8,13岁,发展全身各部位一般力量,多用动力性练习,多用负荷为自身体重的练习。这个时期主要通过肌肉组织的内协调去增加力量,不应该出现肌肉组织的肥大。男少年13,15岁是性发育的第一阶段,身高明显增加,采用对脊柱有负荷的力量练习时应特别小心。此时应采用轻器械的负重练习,如哑铃、轻杠铃等。这个时期可以通过增大肌肉体积和肌肉内协调两种途径来增长力量。16,18岁可以逐步承担最大的力量负荷。在整个少年阶段进行力量训练时,都要考虑到少年骨化过程尚未完成的特点,同时还要特别注意区别对待。 (6)安排力量训练应注意整体力量练习与局部力量练习相结合,发展大肌肉群力量练习与发展小肌肉群力量练习相结合,使身体各部分力量匀称发展,同时防止由于局部负担过重而引起伤害事故。 (7)练习手段多样 杠铃练习是发展力量的有效手段,但单一的杠铃练习还不能满足排球运动员必须向各个方向跳跃的要求。因此,在进行杠铃练习时还须辅以其他一些练习。如在练习的间歇中进行快速的小步跑、高抬腿跑、短距离的冲刺、原地或助跑的单双脚跳、跳绳、多级蛙跳等,也可以采用循环训练法将这些练习与各种杠铃练习组合在一起。这样做既可以防止肌肉的僵化,提高肌肉的弹性,还可以发展运动员的协调性和灵活性。 (8)进行力量训练前要做好准备活动,练习任务要明确,要求运动员精力集中、动作正确,注意不在身体疲劳时安排力量练习。大负荷练习时要加强保护。 2、发展力量素质的练习方法 ,1,发展腰背部肌肉力量的方法 ? 仰卧元宝收腹。 ? 仰卧起做:徒手、负重(沙袋、杠铃片、实心球等)。 ? 仰卧举腿:无负重、负重(绑沙袋、双脚夹实心球等)。 ? 斜板仰卧起坐:徒手、负重。 ? 单杠或肋木悬垂举腿。 ? 俯卧体后屈(另一人扶脚)。 ? 腰腹练习:徒手、负重。 ? 背肌练习:徒手、负重。 ? 侧卧体侧屈。 ? 杠铃提铃。 ? 肩负杠铃,两腿开立,体前屈(小负荷)。 ? 双手持重物(杠铃片、哑铃等),腰绕环。 ,2,发展下肢肌群力量的方法 ? 杠铃负重蹲起:半蹲、全蹲。 ualityremove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our qicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to ss inda final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unleality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed gn, qucomply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and desity and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works quali on design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check thed by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organizatiletter of acceptance issue examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the-struction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through redesignate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or con2orm. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and,ata fnd respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the dinformation. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments a isited customers and product usagesales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) v-assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after ? 杠铃负重半蹲静力训练(极限负荷)。 ? 杠铃负重半蹲接提踵(大负荷以上)。 ? 杠铃负重半蹲快速提踵(小负荷)。 ? 壶铃深蹲跳 ? 负杠铃弓箭步走。 ? 负杠铃(小负荷)左右交替台阶快速上下。 ? 矮子步行走。要求双手摸脚后跟,行走距离视能力的提高而逐渐增加。 ,3,发展手臂肌肉群力量的方法 ? 俯卧撑或俯卧撑击掌。 ? 手倒立(靠墙或不靠墙)。 ? 手倒立推起。 ? 手倒立行走。 ? 两人一组推小车(正反向)。 ? 两人一组,面对面头上抛实心球(单手、双手)。 ? 哑铃或轻杠铃片练习:起跳摆臂、快速挺举、连续快速推举、臂绕环、侧平举、前平举加扩胸、肩后臂 屈伸、仰卧扩胸、腹卧扩胸、前屈臂。 ? 轻杠铃练习:连续快速挺举(前方、上方、斜上方)、连续快速推举(前方、上方、斜上方)、站立(或 坐姿)头后推举。 ? 卧推(渐增负荷至极限)。 ? 挺举(渐增负荷至极限)。 ,4,发展手指、手腕肌肉力量的练习 ? 负重(杠铃、哑铃)腕屈伸。 ? 手持哑铃腕绕环。 ? 头上双手或单手手腕用力掷实心球。 ? 手指俯卧撑。 ? 卷重物。 ? 用力抓握网球。 (二)速度 1、排球运动员速度训练的要求 (1)改善中枢神经系统的反应能力 中枢神经的反应能力主要表现在反应速度上。而反应速度实际上是人体神经系统反射通路传导时间长短的体现,是人体神经系统受遗传决定、所固有的生理过程。训练的作用是要把受遗传因素影响所决定的最高反应速度表现出来,并使其有较高的稳定性。排球场上许多运动反应实际上是运动条件反射,通过训练建立的运动条件反射越多、越巩固,运动员表现的反应就越快。 (2)与专项技术训练紧密结合 排球场上的速度有特殊的表现形式,信号感强烈,短距离为主,且多变化。速度训练的手段与专项技术相结合,则更能使速度发挥于技术之中。 (3)重视练习的强度和增强肌肉力量 运动员在完成速度练习时,要最大限度地动员自己的力量,使动作的频率快、幅度大,达到自己最高的速度水平。因此,采用大的、接近极限的强度,尤其是提高爆发力来提高肌肉快速收缩的能力,对发展速度有很好的效果。 (4)改善肌肉群之间的协调配合 改善协同肌与对抗肌之间的协调配合,以提高动作之间的协调性。加强各种动作的辅助练习,培养动作过程中的放松能力。 m, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the aftersyste he files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurancentract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get tthe coce certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in n station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptanrvisiostandards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supee of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the eptancvision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and accngineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, superletter of acceptance issued by the Chief E examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the-s, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through ren reasondesignate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or constructio3ype, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and,ord ttly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) reccollect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promp isited customers and product usage information. 2)sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) v- (5)由于速度素质的提高较慢,所以其训练要保持经常性。 (6)速度训练应安排在课的前半部,在运动员精力充沛的情况下进行,这时他们的中枢神经系统处于良性兴奋状态,进行速度训练效果最好。 (7)速度素质的训练应尽可能与排球场地和专项技术相结合。速度训练的专门练习可以帮助运动员建立起专项条件反射,从而提高其反应速度。 (8)在进行训练时要注意运动员的年龄和性别差异,对青少年运动员要抓住其速度素质发展的“敏感期”(男子在7—14岁、女子在7—12岁速度素质增长迅速)。7—11岁速度训练的重点是动作速度和动作频率,12—15岁期间要在保持已有动作速度和频率的前提下加强速度力量来提高速度素质,16岁以后可以采用接近成年人的速度训练方法,用最大力量负荷和最高频率提高速度素质。 2、发展速度的练习方法 (1)反应速度练习 ? 全队队员分两队面对站立相距1米左右,看教练员手势做追逐跑。 ? 站、坐、跪、卧姿准备,看教练员手势向各个方向起跑。 ? 躲避球击:全队队员分成两队,一队站半场界内,另一队 站场外,场外队员用一球(或多球)抛击场 内队员,场内队员进行躲避,被击中者出场或加人场外队,直至全部被击中。 ? 冲刺接球:教练员单手将球高举,队员在3米处准备。当教练员突然抽手让球掉下时,队员冲出在球落 地之前将球接住。 ? 垫墙上反弹球:队员面对墙2,3米站立做好准备,教练员从队员身后突然将球扔到墙上,要求队员将反 弹回的球垫起。教练员扔球的角度与速度要根据运动员的反应能力而决定,并掌握好练习的难度。 ? 队员背对墙站立,自己对墙抛球并迅速转身将反弹的球垫起。 ? 移动截球:教练员在网前站立,队员在半场中准备,教练员向各位置抛球,要求运动员迅速判断移动, 在球未出半场或落地之前将球截获。 ? 两人隔网相对,一人做各种快速徒手移动及拦网动作,另一人力争同步跟随。 (2)动作速度练习 ? 快速挥臂以扣球动作抽打树叶,树叶应在扣球手臂前上方最高处,抽打时肩部向上伸展。 ? 两人一组,相距10米以上,相互单手肩上掷排球。要求以挥臂扣球动作掷球,并且使球出手后近似平行 飞行。 ? 距墙10米左右,单手肩上掷排球,要求以挥臂扣球动作掷出。 ? 两人一组,相距5,6米,单手掷实心球。 ? 原地对墙用扣球动作甩垒球。 ? 助跑起跳网上甩垒球。 ? 连续跳3个不同高度的栏架,要求脚落地后立即跳起,节奏感要强。 ? 连续跳台跳深练习:8,10个跳台,高50——120厘米,按照中间高两头低的顺序排列,距离1.5——2 米,从第一个跳台跳下,着地后立即反弹跳上下一个跳台,连续跳完。 (3)移动速度练习 ? 在中线与进攻线之间做3米快速往返移动(侧向或前) ? “米”字形快速往返移动。 ? 结合球场移动步法练习:快速小步跑、快速交叉步跑、快速高抬腿跑、侧滑步跑、后退跑、各种移动方 法的组合练习等。 ? 向前或两侧连续做徒手滚翻、鱼跃、前扑救球动作,或结合视、听信号做地上动作的组合练习。 ? 排球半场对角线冲刺。 (三)弹跳力 1、排球运动员弹跳力训练的要求 (1)重视身体的协调能力和起跳技术 nd respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the dinformation. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments a isited customers and product usagesales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) v-assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after ualityremove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our qicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to ss inda final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unleality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed gn, qucomply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and desity and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works quali on design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check thed by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organizatiletter of acceptance issue examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the-struction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through redesignate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or con4orm. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and,ata f 弹跳力虽以力量、速度为主要素质基础,但身体的协调能力和起跳技术也不容忽视。常见有速度、力量指标都不低的运动员弹跳力水平却不高,其原因多在协调能力和起跳技术方面。特别要注意摆臂和下肢各技术环节的配合。据研究,在完整的起跳动作中,各环节的贡献率是:助跑(14%)、摆臂(19%)、缓冲(11%)、蹬伸(50%)。因此,在跳跃动作练习和技术练习中,教练员应仔细观察每个队员起跳各技术环节并及时纠正错误动作。 (2)不同训练阶段侧重有所不同 在多年训练的基础训练阶段,发展弹跳力的力量素质训练应重视数量刺激,以促使运动员增大肌肉、发展力量;在专项提高阶段,则应重视强度刺激,以促使肌肉质量的提高,达到提高弹跳力的目的。 (3)结合专项技术动作结构特点 弹跳力训练具有专门化的特点。因此,做负重蹲起时,动作结构与动作要求都应与专项运动技术的跳跃动作相同或接近。有研究表明,如果力量训练的动作结构与专项技术动作结构及练习要求有较大差异,训练效果就会下降甚至出现消极转移现象。 (4)要重视腰背肌肉及足弓肌群的训练 发展弹跳力不仅应重视下肢力量的训练,同时要特别重视腰背肌及足弓肌群的训练。腰背肌群的用力对于克服人体的惰性,提高起跳的初速度有重要的作用。足弓发力在跳离地前的瞬间,人体已经获得一定加速度,此时足弓的推力会更加加快起跳的速度,使人不仅跳得高,也跳得快。 (5)弹跳力训练要有多年规划和全年计划 在全年计划中要安排好每一阶段训练的重点。一般情况下,冬训期间弹跳力训练比重要大些,而且多采用力量素质练习的训练方法;比赛期间弹跳训练的比重可减少,并大多采用与技、战术结合密切的练习方法。 (6)青少年一般采用“轻重量刺激”(一般的负荷)就可增加弹跳力,但对于具有一定训练水平的运动员,则必须采用“强度刺激”(增加负荷与训练强度),不断提高和改变刺激强度。 (7)要大力发展伸膝肌群、屈足肌群和腰背伸肌、伸髓肌群的力量。同时,还要注意全身爆发力和协调性的训练。 (8)青少年时期是发展弹跳力的敏感期,应抓紧在此时期内进行具有针对性的训练。 (9)运动训练实践证明,各种超等长训练(如“跳深”练习)是发展弹跳力的最有效的方法之一。 (10)进行弹跳力素质训练,要避免在过硬的场地上(如水泥地、石板地面)进行,以防止造成运动员的慢性损伤。 2、弹跳力的练习方法 (1)各种徒手跳跃 ( ? 单足交替向前跨跳 ? 原地跳起收腹。 ? 立定跳远或多级跳远 ? 连续蛙跳。 ? 助跑起跳摸篮圈或篮板。 ? 原地直膝向上连续跳。 (2)利用各种场地器材的跳跃练习。 ? 双脚跳越体操凳前进。 ? 双脚连续跳过栏架。 ? 连续跳台跳深练习。 ? 在由低到高的橡皮筋上连续向上跳 ? 地上画线的各种交叉、转体跳。 ? 跳绳(单足跳、双足跳、双摇跳等) (四)耐力 1、排球运动员的耐力训练要求 syste he files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurancentract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get tthe coce certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in n station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptanrvisiostandards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supee of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the eptancvision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and accngineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, superletter of acceptance issued by the Chief E examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the-s, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through ren reasondesignate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or constructio5ype, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and,ord ttly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) reccollect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promp isited customers and product usage information. 2)sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) v-m, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after (1)在全年计划中,耐力应作为一个基础素质来安排。一般在冬训或一年训练之初安排一般耐力训练,作为全面训练的基础。赛前应减少一般耐力训练,增加专项耐力训练。 (2)大强度的耐力训练可安排单独训练课进行或者放在训练课的最后部分,训练课中宜安排一些强度较小的专项耐力训练。 (3)各种技战术训练和身体训练只要安排得当都可以提高耐力,在技术训练中采用极限训练法、间歇训练法、循环训练法都能有效地促进耐力的提高。 (4)耐力提高快消退也快,经常性地有计划进行耐力训练,短期内即可取得较好的效果。如果停止训练3周,心血管系统的功能就会下降到原来水平。故排球运动员除日常正常训练之外,每周应当进行l,2次专门的耐力训练。 (5)耐力训练要从少年开始 排球运动员所需的耐力以有氧耐力为基础,从少年时期适当地进行有氧耐力的训练,有助于提高运动员的心脏容积、最大吸氧量和恢复能力。这些因素也是健康机体的标志。因此,打好耐力训练的基础对提高专项运动成绩与机体健康都是十分必要的。 2、排球运动员的耐力练习方法 (1)发展弹跳耐力的方法 ? 用本人绝对弹跳80,的高度连续跳20,30次为一组,跳若干组(组间休息二,3分钟)。 ? 5分钟跳绳练习:双脚双摇跳30秒,左脚单跳1分钟,右脚单跳1分钟,完成两个循环正好5分钟(可 根据训练水 平调整负荷)。 ? 原地起跳单手或双手摸高。 ? 连续扣球:3,5人一组,每人扣30,50次。 (2)发展速度耐力的方法 ? 400米跑:要求运动员在规定的时间跑完400米,间歇1 分钟后再跑1次,共跑2,3次。 ? 30米冲刺:10次,每次间歇15,20秒。 ? 60米冲刺:10次,每次间歇 30秒。 ? 3或5人一组,连续滚翻救球,每人30,50次。 (3)发展移动耐力的方法 ? 看教练员手势向各个方向移动,2,3分钟为1组。 ? 单人左右移动拦网各10次。 ? 单人全场防守,要求防起15个好球为1组。 ? 30秒3米左右移动5,8组。 (4)发展比赛耐力的方法 ? 连续比赛7,10局。 ? 身体训练以后再进行排球比赛。 ? 按场上顺序轮转,在6个位置上做6个不同的规定动作,连续进行若干组。例如,l号位跳发球?6号位 左右补位移动救球?5号位滚翻防守救球?4号位扣球?3号位拦网?2号位后撤鱼跃救球。 (五)灵敏 1、排球运动员灵敏素质训练的要求 (1)协调能力是灵敏性的核心,灵敏性与协调能力互为表里。在训练时应将爆发力、反应力及速度等一系列的动作和要求揉合于单个动作或编组动作之中,使它们互相促进,互为表现形式,达到灵敏协调能力的提高。 (2)由于灵敏性及协调能力受中枢神经系统的支配,因此应在神经系统处于良性兴奋状态时进行训练。疲劳时,训练效果会明显下降。可把灵敏性训练安排在训练课的前半部,一般安排在准备活动中进行。 (3)青少年在生长发育阶段,灵敏性及协调能力比较差,但不应当放弃训练。 (4)灵敏性及协调能力有很强的专项化特点,因此,应尽可能结合专项技术来进行灵敏性及协调能力的训练,至少应使选择的各种练习方法尽量接近专项技术动作。 (5)腰、腹、背的力量对于灵敏性起着重要的作用,它们是上下肢的纽带,因此在训练中应特别注意这部分 ss inda final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unleality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed gn, qucomply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and desity and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works quali on design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check thed by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organizatiletter of acceptance issue examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the-struction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through redesignate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or con6orm. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and,ata fnd respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the dinformation. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments a isited customers and product usagesales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) v-assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after ualityremove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our qicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to 力量的专门练习。 (6)根据年龄特点,掌握好灵活性训练的安排。13,14岁以前,通过训练来发展灵敏性素质可以取得较大的效果;15,16岁是快速生长期,灵敏性增长较慢;到18岁以后灵敏性又以稳定的速度增长。根据青少年生理特点,抓住灵活性发展的规律和时机进行训练,可以达到事半功倍的效果。 (7)灵敏性是由多种素质结合而成,在训练灵活性时应注意与其他素质训练结合进行。 (7)体重过大或疲劳会明显影响和破坏灵敏性。皮下脂肪过多,会降低肌肉收缩的速度和身体变向的能力;而过度疲劳会使包括灵活性素质在内的各种素质都受到很大的影响。 2、排球运动员的灵敏性练习方法 (1)控制性练习 ? 两臂同时分别向前、后绕环。按教练员口令,两臂做同顺序、不同起始节拍的动作。左手前平举,右手 在体侧不动——左手上举,右手前平举——左手侧平举,右手上举——左手下放体侧,右手侧平举—— 左手不动,右手还原。 ? 两足开立和并拢连续跳跃,双手从体侧平举至头上击掌,最后还原。 ? 分足跳时,双手头上击掌,并足跳时双手侧平举。 ? 连续交换单足跳跃。前踢腿时,双手够足尖;后踢腿时,双臂上振。反复进行。一条腿前踢落地后换另 一条腿后踢。 (2)结合球的练习 ? 持球躺在地板上,自己向上抛球后立即起立将球接住。 ? 将球用力向地面击打,待其反弹后钻过。反弹1次钻1次,力争钻的次数多。可以两人比赛。 ? 每人1球,连续运球从教练员拍球中穿过。 ? 向前冲,转身鱼跃(或滚翻)救球,再转身接其他动作。 ? 左、右足单足起跳扣球。 ? 连续接教练员扣、吊和扔的球。 (3)通过障碍练习 ? 运动员靠墙手倒立,停稳,听信号翻下——转身移动至栏架前钻过栏架——双足跳回栏架——双足跳过 栏架——绕拦架跑一圈——钻回栏架——再双足跳过栏架——跑去模标志线。 ? 跪撑于地,乙在甲体侧做好准备,看到信号后乙围绕甲跑1圈,双足跳过甲身体后立即做跪撑,甲再重 复乙的动作。如此各做5次。 ? 把皮筋拉成边长2米的正方形,皮筋高度男子70,80厘米,女子50,60厘米(看运动员情况而定)。站 在正方形之内,看信号双足跳出,落地后立即钻入并用鱼跃或前扑去摸正方形中的标志物。如此按逆时 针(或顺时针)方向做1周,计时。 ? 4人做练习。每人站四边形的一面,看信号后按上述方法顺时针方向连续进行,也可以互相追逐。 (4)绳球练习 ? 队员站成圆圈,当球飞来时迅速做规定动作,如收腹跳过、俯卧、仰卧、兔跃、原地鱼跃及原地向后转 身鱼跃等。 做完规定动作后应立即站好,准备做下一个动作。 ? 单人在地上连续做向前鱼跃、向后鱼跃、前空翻等动作。 ? 可以再加一人在其对面做练习,也可以4人在4个方向。 (5)垫上练习 ? 前滚翻接后滚翻。 ? 鱼跃前滚翻,跃过1人、2人或4人。 ? 前滚翻接跪跳起接后滚翻。 ? 直腿前滚翻接后滚翻推起成倒立。 (6)游戏性练习 ? 躲避球游戏。 tly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) reccollect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promp isited customers and product usage information. 2)sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) v-m, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the aftersyste he files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurancentract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get tthe coce certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in n station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptanrvisiostandards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supee of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the eptancvision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and accngineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, superletter of acceptance issued by the Chief E examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the-s, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through ren reasondesignate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or constructio7ype, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and,ord t ? 地滚球比赛。 ? 拉网捕鱼游戏。 ? “贴膏药”游戏 (六)柔韧住 1、排球运动员的柔韧性训练要求 (1)柔韧性训练要经常进行,使肌肉和韧带的伸展性不断得到发展,尤其要根据专项的特点和运动员的薄弱 环节进行训练。柔韧性训练必须坚持循序渐进的原则,决不能操之过急,特别是不能进行急速拉伸肌肉与韧 带的动作,要做好准备活动,逐渐增大动作的幅度和难度,以免造成损伤。 (2)柔韧性一般应采用动作结构与技术动作相似的伸展练习,并可以结合发展其他素质的练习进行,使之互 相促进,朝有利的方向发展。 (3)柔韧性与年龄有很大的关系,儿童时期柔韧性最好,女孩又优于男孩,因此要掌握生理发展规律,及时 抓住发展柔韧性素质的有利时机进行训练,才能取得较好的效果。 (4)气温对柔韧性有一定的影响,天气温和,全身发热时柔韧性好;天气寒冷,身体发凉时柔韧性差。为取 得好的训练效果,进行柔韧性素质训练时,要注意外界温度的高低。当气温较低时,准备活动要做到轻微出 汗的程度。 (5)身体疲劳时不宜进行专门性柔韧性训练。 2、排球运动员的柔韧性练习方法 (1)发展手指手腕柔韧性的练习方法 ? 两臂胸前平屈,双手指尖向上,十指尖反复相压。 ? 压腕练习。 ? 持木棒做腕绕环。 (2)发展肩关节柔韧性的练习方法 ? 背对肋木(或树、或排球网柱)站立,双手从后上方握住肋木,身体向前挺成弓形。 ? 背对肋木坐下,两手从头上握住肋木,两脚不动,腰向前挺起,持续数秒钟。 ? 双手握单杠悬挂,脚上悬挂重物(如杠铃片、沙袋等域由他人施力向下拉,持续数秒钟。 ( 3)发展踝关节柔韧性的练习 ? 跪坐压踝。 ? 负中等重量,踝关节做屈伸动作(提踵)。 ? 脚放在高约10厘米的木板上,足跟着地,做负重全蹲练习。 (4 )发展髓关节柔韧性的练习方法 ? 面对肋木,一腿站立,另一腿搁在高于腰的肋木上(可逐格升高),正侧位压腿。 ? 纵劈腿,横劈腿。 ? 屈腿坐下,两脚掌心相对,双手将膝关节向下弹压。 ? 面对肋木单腿站立,双手胸前握木,向左右和向后摆腿练习。 (5)双人练习 ? 两人对面站立,手臂互握,压肩练习。 ? 两人背向站立,双手上举互握,一人向前拉肩。 ? 两人同时抬腿前压。 ? 两人并肩站立,内侧手臂互握,同时踢腿。 ? 两人背向站立,互相背起。 ? 一人并腿或分腿坐地,另一人推其背帮其向前压上体。 -assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after ualityremove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our qicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to ss inda final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unleality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed gn, qucomply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and desity and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works quali on design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check thed by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organizatiletter of acceptance issue examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the-struction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through redesignate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or con8orm. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and,ata fnd respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the dinformation. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments a isited customers and product usagesales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) v
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