

2017-11-12 50页 doc 119KB 10阅读




毕业设计-小说租阅管理系统—论文毕业设计-小说租阅管理系统—论文 小说租阅管理系统 摘 要 随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对知识的需求量也不断增大,这就需要一个完善的计算机管理系统来减轻书屋管理者的工作量,以便更快捷的满足大家的需要。本系统适用于较小规模的书屋使用。其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发。要求建立的数据一致性、完整性强、安全性好,并且应用程序功能完备,实用性强。管理者进行查询、添加、删除、修改、打印等相关数据,能够更系统的完成租阅工作的管理,使租阅情况一目了然。检索迅速,查找方便。 经过分析,我决定使用Microso...
毕业设计-小说租阅管理系统—论文 小说租阅管理系统 摘 要 随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对知识的需求量也不断增大,这就需要一个完善的计算机管理系统来减轻书屋管理者的工作量,以便更快捷的满足大家的需要。本系统适用于较小规模的书屋使用。其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发。要求建立的数据一致性、完整性强、安全性好,并且应用程序功能完备,实用性强。管理者进行查询、添加、删除、修改、打印等相关数据,能够更系统的完成租阅工作的管理,使租阅情况一目了然。检索迅速,查找方便。 经过分析,我决定使用Microsoft公司开发的VFP工具能够实现以上的各个功能,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,尤其是数据窗口这一能方便而简洁操纵数据库的智能化对象,首先在短时间内建立系统应用原型,然后,对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成用户满意的可行系统。并且考虑了程序运行时的稳定性,良好的界面,清晰美观和较好的交互性以及美观的菜单设计。 关键词: 控件; 窗体; 域。 ABSTRACT With the improvement of their living conditions, people’s demand of knowledge increases, which requires a perfect computer management system to relieve burdens of staffs in book station so that to meet people’s demand more promptly. The system is meant for book-renting station of small size, and it mainly includes building up data-base of back-end and developing the application interface of front-end. It required consistency and integrality and security of data. It should make the application powerful. It resolves much function actualize question and has better practicability. Management staffs conduct inquiry, deletion, modification, printing with related datas to accomplish their renting jobs more systemic. Thus makes renting more convenient, inspecting prompt, searching convenient. By looking up lots of datum, I selected Visual FoxPro 6.0 presented by Microsoft could realization the functions hereinbefore, because of its objective tools in Win32. VFP offered a series of ActiveX operating a data-base. It can give you a short-cut to build up a prototype of system application. The prototype could be modified and developed till users are satisfied with it. And the system offers a friendly user interface and satisfies the customer’s operation easily, clear and beautiful, and finally gains sound interactivity and beautiful menu designing. Key words: ActiveX; Form; Field. 目 录 绪 论 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 第一章 概述„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5 (1Visual FoxPro6.0简介„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5 1 1(2系统应用背景„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5 第二章 需求分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„8 2.1 现有系统分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„8 2.2新系统分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„8 第三章 系统设计„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 10 3.1小说租阅管理系统功能分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10 3.1.1小说租阅管理系统结构„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10 3.1.2小说租阅管理模块设计„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 10 3.2小说租阅管理数据库设计„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„11 3.2.1 数据库系统 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„11 3.2.2小说租阅管理系统数据库设计„„„„„„„„„„„„13 3.3添加小说租阅管理菜单„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„14 第四章 测试和应用„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„16 4(1测试„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„16 4(2应用„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„17 结束语„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„18 致谢„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„19 参考文献„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„20 绪 论 在当今社会,随着计算机的发展及网络技术的应用,计算机应用在全球范围内的普及。当今社会正快速向信息化社会前进,信息自动化的作用也越来越大。而在日常生活中信息技术的不断融入,在技术越来越先进的同时,我们应该从以前繁琐的事务中解放出来 ,来提高了我们的工作效率。而目前在大的学校的图书馆已经有一整套比较完整的信息管理系统,而在一般小型的学校图书馆中 工作大部分还是进行着手工管理,工作起来效率很低,并且不能及时了解图书馆各类图书的库存,学生们比较需求的图书难以在短时间里找到、图书的入库和更新比较麻烦等等,不便于动态及时调整图书结构。由于不可避免的人为因素,造成数据的遗漏、误报。为了更好的适应当前学生的借阅需求,缓解手工管理还存在这许多弊端,计算机信息化管理有着储存信息量大,速度快、便于管理等特点,提供给我们的处理信息及时快捷,在工作中不仅减缓了压力,同时提高了我们工作人员的自身素质。因此我们利用计算机提供给我们信息,及时的调整学校图书馆图书结构,并且对学生们的借阅过程形成一整化动态的管理。 现行文件应用计算机技术源于企业管理信息系统(MIS)的建立,什么是MIS, 解释不一。虽然各自的文字表述不尽相同,但有两点内涵是共同的,即其一,管理信息系统的建立是依托于企业管理职能系统,并为之服务。它一般都先从会计核算电算化开始,应用商品化的会计软件管理帐务、应收和应付帐款及固定资产核算。在会计核算电算化的基础上完成财务管理电算化,运用计算机辅助完成财务分析和编制财务。随后,把计算机技术扩展到采购、销售、库存及人事管理。运用计算机实现财务管理及这些管理在数据上的一体化处理,极大地提高了企业管理的效率。最后,再把计算机技术运用于生产管理,实现生产计划编制和生产指挥调度的计算机化;其二,管理信息系统的职能主要是对正在形成的现行信息进行收集、加工及处理。 小说租阅管理系统是一种在学校中常用的一种系统。它从图书的入库登记到查询浏览,形成了一个整体自动化管理模式。我从的图书馆信息管理系统出发,了解到图书馆信息管理系统的基本运作的同时,并提出实现图书馆信息管理、资源共享的基本目标。从而推动迈向数字化图书馆的步伐,并阐述系统结构设计和功能设计。本文的系统设计是采用了C/S模式的实例,我想我的思想对学校的图书馆信息管理具有一定的参考价值。 第一章 概述 1.1Visual FoxPro6.0 简介 Visual FoxPro 6.0是Visual公司推出的用于企业级应用开发的开发工具。Visual FoxPro 是面向对象的开发工具,与传统的开发工具有着本质的区别。传统的开发思路是“控制流”,给程序员预先定义可运行路径,需要开发人员写大量的程序去控制程序的流程,并且程序在运行时,用户不能偏离这一路径。而Visual FoxPro 的编程思想是事件驱动,在编程的过程中首先是创建各种对象,然后为对象赋予属性,为对象编写事件驱动程序。 Visual FoxPro 6.0相对以往的开发工具具有以下一些优异的功能和特点: 1.具有内置的关系数据库 Visual FoxPro本身带有一套关系数据库系统。Visual FoxPro通过ODBC接口与Visual SQL Anywhere数据库连接在一台机器上。这样做的好处是,Visual FoxPro可以脱离数据库服务器独立运行,从而在开发阶段可以独立于网络服务器上的数据库。当然,利用这一功能也可以开发出单用户的独立数据库应用程序。 2.独创的数据窗口(DataWindow)对象 Visual FoxPro拥有数据窗口这个具有专利技术的智能对象,SQL语句被内嵌在该对象中,利用该对象可以操作关系数据库的数据而无需编写SQL语句。用户可以查询、修改、插入、删除、浏览、打印,以多种文件格式打开和存储数据,或在数据窗口中直接定义功能按钮,实现预定义的系统功能,如插入、删除数据的操作。它还支持数据库的事务管理和并发控制等机制。 3.丰富的数据窗口数据源(DataSource)和多种样式的数据显示格式(PresentationStyle)数据窗口可以用来维护数据和显示数据,可以定义显示风格和数据显示格式的种类,通过各种数据源和数据显示风格的不同组合,可以以多种方式显示数据。 1.2系统应用背景 随着时代的进步,社会生产力高速发展,新技术层出不穷信息量急剧膨胀,整个人类社会已成为信息化的社会人们对信息和数据的利用和处理已经进入自动化、网络化和社会化的阶段。如在查找情报资料、处理银行帐目、仓库管理、科研生产等方面,无不需要利用大量的信息资源。因此,如何有效地进行数据信息的管理和利用,已经成为人们普遍关注的课题。 信息在不同的领域里有着不同的概念,在管理科学领域中,通常认为信息是经过加工处理后的一种数据形式,是一种有次序的符号排列,它是系统传输和处理的对象。处在信息时代的今天,信息的作用越来越为人们所重视。制定,研究投资策略,都离不开对信息的充分利用。管理信息系统(Management Information System,缩写MIS)是一种“人机系统”,它以特定的模式支持一个组织内各级组织机构之间的通讯,对信息资源进行综合开发,管理和利用,实 现对该组织的有效管理。它通过对数据的加工处理,及时为管理与决策分析提供信息。其特点有: , 数据全部存储于计算机系统中; , 用户使用简单、操作方便、查询速度快; , 有极强的人-机对话功能; , 能直接从计算机系统中提供决策所需的参考信息。 管理信息系统基本框架如图2-1: 信息处理 原始数据 库存信息 提供的信息 反 馈 图2-1 管理信息系统基本框架图 一个现代化的图书馆在正常运营中总是面对大量的读者信息,书籍信息以及两者相互作用产生的借书信息、还书信息、传统的管理方法既浪费人力物力财力,又容易导致各种错误的发生,面对图书馆数以万计的图书、纷繁复杂的读者信息、频繁更替的借还书信息,传统的直接方法不但管理起来及其不方便,而且极容易出现漏洞,从而造成不可估量的损失。 因此实现一个智能化、系统化、信息化的管理系统是十分必要的。充分利用计算机的功能实现对图书的管理,将会使图书管理工作大大减轻,方面友好的图形用户界面,简便的操作,完善的数据库管理,将会使得图书管理系统极大限度地应用于现代化图书管理,成为图书管理人员的得力助手。 第二章 需求分析 信息化是当今世界经济和社会发展的大趋势,信息化建设程度和信息利用水平的高低,在整个国民经济信息化建设中具有举足轻重的地位。早在70年代世界上一些发达国家的计算机软件就已逐步应用到商业活动中,改变了人工处理的繁重的信息时代,各行各业对计算机软件的需求更是必不可少,特别是我国正处于发展过程中,不断的摸索提高管理水平,计算机软件的应用无疑将加快我们的步伐,提高我们的国际竞争力。 2.1 现有系统分析 现在有不少书屋都靠人工来管理,每借一本书都要用笔和纸登记。既浪费金钱又浪费时间。而现有的有关书籍管理的系统要求较高, 成本也较昂贵。并不适合私人的小型书屋使用。 2.2新系统分析 本系统适用于规模较小的租阅型的书屋使用。帮助管理者进行查询,添加,删除,修改,打印等相关数据,能够更系统地完成租阅工作的管理,使租阅情况一目了然,有效的提高了工作效率;同时也方便租阅者查询想租阅的小说,根据租阅者选择的不同方式进行多种方法的查询,节省租阅者因查找小说而浪费的时间。 本系统要求计算机只需586或以上即可, 而开发的成本也较低经济上可行. 廉,这对一个书屋图来说是丝毫不成问题的。 运行可行性分析.通过以上几点的分析,我觉得本管理系统完全有开发的必要,并具有普遍可行性,特别适合小型图书馆和书屋使用。系统运行的环境要求不高,一般的流行的电脑配置均可以非常良好的运行本软件。本软件可以运行在Windows 95/98/XP或更高版本的Windows操作系统之上。 本系统主要功能介绍 设计一个小说租阅管理系统。适用于中小型的租阅型的书屋使用。该租阅管理系统可以协助管理人员进行浏览、查询、添加、删除、修改、打印等相关数据。使租阅情况一目了然,检索迅速,查找方便,避免为找某一本书而消耗掉过长的时间,从而更系统的管理小说的租阅工作。有效的提高工作效率,便于对书籍进行统计和管理。 主要功能 1. 待开发软件能对所有书籍进行分类录入。 2. 该软件能帮助租阅者对书籍的自然资料进行浏览,以便方便选择。 3. 该软件能帮助管理人员对书籍进行修改,更新所需小说以及编辑各个部分小说的租阅情况,同时完成密码修改的工作。 4. 该软件能对书籍进行资料统计和查询。 5. 该软件能对书籍进行添加、删除。 6. 该软件能帮助管理人员将所需要的信息以报表的形式打印出来。 7. 该软件能提供帮助即敬告读者了解本书屋的借阅规则和小说租阅管理系统的说明的有关事项。 第三章 系统设计 3.1小说租阅管理系统功能分析 3.1.1小说租阅管理系统结构 开发本系统的总体任务是实现图书管理的系统化和自动化,帮助图书管理人员更好更高效地完成图书管理工作。本系统要完成的功能有: 书籍管理部分:这一部分包括书籍类别管理和书籍信息管理两部分。其中,书籍类别管理包括添加书籍类别、修改书籍类别等:书籍信息管理包括书籍信息的添加、书籍信息的修改、书籍信息的查询、书籍信息的删除等。 借阅管理部分:借阅管理包括借书信息的添加、借书信息的修改、借书信息的删除等。 系统管理部分:包括修改系统用户密码、增加新书以及退出系统等。 3.1.2 小说租阅管理模块设计 系统设计目标和功能 在计算机业高度发展的今天,各行各业都有电脑的需求,希望通过电脑的快捷管理来提高效率。例如书屋,随着图书储备的不断加大和读者的日益增多,使得管理人员面临着很大的难题。如何才能将图书全面系统的管理。使借阅省时高效,提高工作质量,工作效率。方便读者借阅,为读者更好的服务。本系统就是根据以上的种种的困难进行开发设计的。其具体的设计功能是: (1)方便的数据输入性能。 (2)较灵活的查询性能,可以根据不同的需要快速实现按某种查询方式对图书资料进行查找并显示相应记录。 (3)具有模糊查找的功能,可以根据不太确切的信息查找出相近的资料以供进一步的查询,提高了系统的应用能力,也为资料的管理提供了方便。 本系统有以下几种模块: 快速浏览模块 分页浏览模块 分项查询模块 综合查询模块 租阅情况查询模块 添加/删除模块 修改/保存模块 密码修改模块 租阅记录添加模块 小说租阅情况一览表模块 作者作品一览表模块 小说自然资料一览表模块 读者敬告模块 关于小说租阅系统模块 根据图书馆业务的需求,该系统主要是为了方便会员管理,图书管理和借阅管理等。为此设计了,会员管理模块、图书管理模块、借阅管理模块等。本系统采用菜单操作方式,每个主模块下又有少量的子功能使操作者可能根据需要方便的使用。 系统功能结构图(系统中各功能模块间的关系) 小说租阅管理系统 输入密码 浏览 查询 修改 打 印 帮 助 退 出 分 快 综 分 租 添 修 租 密 小 作 小 敬 小 退 页 速 合 项 阅 加 改 阅 码 说 者 说 告 说 至 浏 浏 查 查 情 删 保 记 修 租 作 自 读 租 W 览 览 询 询 况 除 存 录 改 阅 品 然 者 阅 I 查 添 情 报 资 管 N 询 加 况 表 料 理 界 报 报 系 面 按 按 按 按 表 表 统 书 书 作 出 号 系 者 版 查 查 查 社 询 询 询 查 询 3.2 小说租阅管理数据库设计 3.2.1 数据库系统 本人设计的是一个关于图书管理的数据库系统,通过这个系统管理员可以简捷、方便的对图书记录查阅、增加、删除等功能,而用户也可以通过这个系统 对进行图书查询等功能。 数据库技术是计算机科学的重要分支,数据库应用成为当今计算机应用的主要领域之一。 数据库系统本质上是一个用计算机存储记录的系统。数据库本身可被看作为一种电子文件柜:也就是说,它是收集计算机数据文件的仓库或容器。系统用户可以对这些文件执行插入数据、检索数据、更改数据、删除数据等一系列操作。 总之,数据库系统是一个计算机存储记录的系统,即,它是一个计算机系统,该系统的目标存储信息并支持用户检索和更新所需要的信息。 确切的说,数据库设计是指对于一个给定的应用环境,提供一个确定最优数据模型与处理模式的逻辑设计,以及一个确定数据库存储结构与存取方法的物理设计,建立起既能反映现实世界信息和信息联系,满足用户数据要求和加工要求,有能被某个数据库管理系统所接受,同时能实现系统目标,并有效存取数据的数据库。 读者 M , 押金 租金 付押证件 租 还 书屋 编号 单价 书名 „„ 3.2.2小说租阅管理系统数据库设计 1书籍管理部分 书籍管理部分包括书籍信息管理和书籍类别管理,其功能是实现对 各部分数据内容添加、修改、删除等操作。各管理部分的明细如下: 1)、书籍信息管理:包括书籍信息的添加、书籍信息的修改、书籍信息的查询和书籍信息的删除4部分功能。其中,书籍信息包括图书编号、书名、图书类别、作者、出版社、出版日期。 2)、书籍类别管理:包括书籍类别的添加、书籍类别的修改、书籍类别的闪出3部分功能,其中,书籍类别包括类别名称和类别编号两部分。 2系统管理部分 设置操作人员。系统初始设置一个密码,操作人员可以利密码登录。 根据上面分析的系统的各种功能要求,系统所需的数据库应该有以下几个表组成: 小说自然资料数据表 序号 字段名 类型 描述 1. 编号 字符型 宽度为3,按升序排列,设为主索引 2. 书系 字符型 宽度为20 3. 书名 字符型 宽度为20, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 4. 作者 字符型 宽度为10, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 5. 出版社 字符型 宽度为20 6. 出版时间 日期型 宽度为8,系统默认 7. 印刷数目 字符型 宽度为10 8. 定价 数值型 宽度为8,小数位数为2, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 9. 书中人物 备注型 宽度为4, 系统默认 10. 主人公 字符型 宽度为20 11. 内容提要 备注型 宽度为4, 系统默认 表1数据表 序号 字段名 类型 描述 1. 编号 字符型 宽度为3, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 2. 书系 字符型 宽度为20 3. 书名 字符型 宽度为20 4. 借阅日期 日期型 宽度为8, 系统默认, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 5. 还书日期 日期型 宽度为8, 系统默认, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 6. 租金 数值型 宽度为8,小数位数为2 7. 押金 数值型 宽度为8, 小数位数为2 8. 付押证件 字符型 宽度为20 表2数据表 序号 字段名 类型 描述 1. 作者 字符型 宽度为10, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 2. 书系 字符型 宽度为20 3. 编号 字符型 宽度为3, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 4. 书名 字符型 宽度为20 表3数据表 序号 字段名 类型 描述 1. 密码 字符型 宽度为10,密码为810720 3.3添加小说租阅管理菜单 使用菜单编辑器编辑系统主菜单 浏览 „„„„快速浏览 „„„„分页浏览 查询 „„„„分项查询 „„„„综合查询 „„„„租阅情况查询 修改 „„„„添加/删除 „„„„修改/保存 „„„„密码修改 „„„„租阅记录添加 打印 „„„„小说租阅情况一览表 „„„„作者作品一览表 „„„„小说自然资料一览表 帮助 „„„„读者敬告 „„„„关于小说租阅系统 退出 „„„„退至VFP „„„„退至WINDOWS 第四章 测试和应用 4(1 测试 在开发大型软件系统的过程中,需要面对错综复杂的问题,人的主观认识不可能完美无缺,因此,在软件生存周期的每个阶段都不可避免地会产生错误。在软件生命周期的每个阶段都不可避免地回产生差错。我们力求在每个阶段结束之前通过严格的技术审查,尽可能早地发现并纠正差错。测试的目的就是在软件投入生产性运行之前,尽可能多地发现软件中的错误。目前软件测试仍然是保证软件质量的关键步骤,它是对软件规格说明、设计和编码的最后复审。 软件测试是为了发现程序中的错误而执行程序的过程;好的测试是极可能发现迄今为止尚未发现的错误的测试方案;成功的测试是发现了至今为止尚未发现的错误的测试。 与开发过程类似,测试过程也必须分步骤进行,每个步骤在逻辑上是前一个步骤地继续。大型软件系统通常由若干个子系统组成,每个子系统又由许多模块组成。因此,大型软件系统的测试基本上有下述几个步骤组成: 1、模块测试:在这个测试过程中所发现的往往是编码错误和详细设计的错误。 2、子系统测试:这个步骤着重测试模块的接口。 3、系统测试:在这个测试步骤中发现的往往是软件设计中的错误,也可能发现需求说明中的错误。 4、验收测试:在这个测试步骤中发现的往往是系统需求中的错误。 对于以上的几个步骤,分别要完成功能测试、强度测试及性能测试、可用性测试等。 5、功能测试:测试是否满足开发要求,是否能够提供设计所描述的功能, 是否用户的需求都得到满足。功能测试是系统测试最常用和必须的测试,通常还会以正式的软件说明书为测试。例如:在登录注册模块的测试中,针对要求输入合法和不合法的用户名及口令进行测试,反复几次,若无错误,则保证基本正确。 6、强度测试及性能测试:测试系统的能力最高实际限度,即软件在一些超负荷情况下功能实现的情况。如要求软件某一行为的大量重复、输入大量的数据或大数值数据、对数据库大量复杂的查询等。测试软件的运行性能,这种测试常常与强度测试结合进行,需要事先对被测软件提出性能指标,如计算的精度、记录的精度、响应的时限和恢复时限等。 7、可用性测试:测试用户是否能够满意使用。具体体现为操作是否方便,用户界面是否友好等。 因为在软件编辑时听取了用户的意见。因此,用户界面的设计上并没有太大的问题。 4(2应 用 进入界面后,只输入正确的密码,系统菜单才能发生作用。每打开一个表单时,需关闭前一个已打开的表单 结束语 经过近两个月的毕业设计,我学到了很多在书本上学不到的知识,通过在老师的指导下,亲身实践,更加深了我对所学过知识的深刻理解,很好地做到了理论和实际的结合。 通过精心地设计与选材,本小说租阅管理数据库系统已经具有了实际应用的基础,它可以广泛应用于各个小型图书馆应用。它短小方便、容易操作,给人们管理带来了很大的便利。还可以视具体的应用情况与其它软件共同使用,以提高系统的可靠性、安全性等,整个系统便可以协调稳定的工作。 当然,由于本人知识和经验的局限,及其它各方面的原因,本系统还有待完善的地方。例如,系统功能没有设计网络功能等等。 致 谢 毕业设计的顺利完成是与马东梅老师的辛勤劳动分不开的。马老师对我的要求比较严格,在工作方面也是十分认真,所以我的毕业设计经过多次的改动而进一步的完善。在毕业设计期间,我多次去老师所在的办公室寻求相关资料和指导,马老师便会放下手中的工作,耐心地对我的提问和质疑作以全面和深入浅出的解答,使我很感动。在此我表示由衷的感谢~ 参考文献 [1] 冯玉才,《数据库基础》,北京:华中工学院出版社 [2] 黄梯云,《管理信息系统》北京:经济科学出版社 [3] 王珊、陈红,《数据库系统原理教程》北京:清华大学出版社 [4] 牛允鹏,《数据库及其应用》北京:经济科学出版社 [5] 田孝文,《计算机信息处理综合作业教程》北京:经济科学出版社 [6] 丁宝康、李大学, 《数据库原理》经济科学出版社 [7] 崔巍, 《数据库系统及应用》高等教育出版社 [8] 李振格:《VISUAL FOXPRO 60中文版入门与提高》,清华大学出版社 小说租阅管理系统 摘 要 随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对知识的需求量也不断增大,这就需要一个完善的计算机管理系统来减轻书屋管理者的工作量,以便更快捷的满足大家的需要。本系统适用于较小规模的书屋使用。其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发。要求建立的数据一致性、完整性强、安全性好,并且应用程序功能完备,实用性强。管理者进行查询、添加、删除、修改、打印等相关数据,能够更系统的完成租阅工作的管理,使租阅情况一目了然。检索迅速,查找方便。 经过分析,我决定使用Microsoft公司开发的VFP工具能够实现以上的各个功能,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,尤其是数据窗口这一能方便而简洁操纵数据库的智能化对象,首先在短时间内建立系统应用原型,然后,对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成用户满意的可行系统。并且考虑了程序运行时的稳定性,良好的界面,清晰美观和较好的交互性以及美观的菜单设计。 关键词: 控件; 窗体; 域。 ABSTRACT With the improvement of their living conditions, people’s demand of knowledge increases, which requires a perfect computer management system to relieve burdens of staffs in book station so that to meet people’s demand more promptly. The system is meant for book-renting station of small size, and it mainly includes building up data-base of back-end and developing the application interface of front-end. It required consistency and integrality and security of data. It should make the application powerful. It resolves much function actualize question and has better practicability. Management staffs conduct inquiry, deletion, modification, printing with related datas to accomplish their renting jobs more systemic. Thus makes renting more convenient, inspecting prompt, searching convenient. By looking up lots of datum, I selected Visual FoxPro 6.0 presented by Microsoft could realization the functions hereinbefore, because of its objective tools in Win32. VFP offered a series of ActiveX operating a data-base. It can give you a short-cut to build up a prototype of system application. The prototype could be modified and developed till users are satisfied with it. And the system offers a friendly user interface and satisfies the customer’s operation easily, clear and beautiful, and finally gains sound interactivity and beautiful menu designing. Key words: ActiveX; Form; Field. 目 录 绪 论 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 第三章 概述„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5 (1Visual FoxPro6.0简介„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5 2 2(2系统应用背景„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5 第四章 需求分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„8 2.1 现有系统分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„8 2.2新系统分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„8 第三章 系统设计„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 10 3.1小说租阅管理系统功能分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10 3.1.1小说租阅管理系统结构„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10 3.1.2小说租阅管理模块设计„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 10 3.2小说租阅管理数据库设计„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„11 3.2.1 数据库系统 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„11 3.2.2小说租阅管理系统数据库设计„„„„„„„„„„„„13 3.3添加小说租阅管理菜单„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„14 第四章 测试和应用„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„16 4(1测试„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„16 4(2应用„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„17 结束语„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„18 致谢„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„19 参考文献„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„20 绪 论 在当今社会,随着计算机的发展及网络技术的应用,计算机应用在全球范围内的普及。当今社会正快速向信息化社会前进,信息自动化的作用也越来越大。而在日常生活中信息技术的不断融入,在技术越来越先进的同时,我们应该从以前繁琐的事务中解放出来 ,来提高了我们的工作效率。而目前在大的学校的图书馆已经有一整套比较完整的信息管理系统,而在一般小型的学校图书馆中 工作大部分还是进行着手工管理,工作起来效率很低,并且不能及时了解图书馆各类图书的库存,学生们比较需求的图书难以在短时间里找到、图书的入库和更新比较麻烦等等,不便于动态及时调整图书结构。由于不可避免的人为因素,造成数据的遗漏、误报。为了更好的适应当前学生的借阅需求,缓解手工管理还存在这许多弊端,计算机信息化管理有着储存信息量大,速度快、便于管理等特点,提供给我们的处理信息及时快捷,在工作中不仅减缓了压力,同时提高了我们工作人员的自身素质。因此我们利用计算机提供给我们信息,及时的调整学校图书馆图书结构,并且对学生们的借阅过程形成一整化动态的管理。 现行文件应用计算机技术源于企业管理信息系统(MIS)的建立,什么是MIS, 解释不一。虽然各自的文字表述不尽相同,但有两点内涵是共同的,即其一,管理信息系统的建立是依托于企业管理职能系统,并为之服务。它一般都先从会计核算电算化开始,应用商品化的会计软件管理帐务、应收和应付帐款及固定资产核算。在会计核算电算化的基础上完成财务管理电算化,运用计算机辅助完成财务分析和编制财务计划。随后,把计算机技术扩展到采购、销售、库存及人事管理。运用计算机实现财务管理及这些管理在数据上的一体化处理,极大地提高了企业管理的效率。最后,再把计算机技术运用于生产管理,实现生产计划编制和生产指挥调度的计算机化;其二,管理信息系统的职能主要是对正在形成的现行信息进行收集、加工及处理。 小说租阅管理系统是一种在学校中常用的一种系统。它从图书的入库登记到查询浏览,形成了一个整体自动化管理模式。我从的图书馆信息管理系统出发,了解到图书馆信息管理系统的基本运作的同时,并提出实现图书馆信息管理、资源共享的基本目标。从而推动迈向数字化图书馆的步伐,并阐述系统结构设计和功能设计。本文的系统设计是采用了C/S模式的实例,我想我的思想对学校的图书馆信息管理具有一定的参考价值。 第一章 概述 1.1Visual FoxPro6.0 简介 Visual FoxPro 6.0是Visual公司推出的用于企业级应用开发的开发工具。Visual FoxPro 是面向对象的开发工具,与传统的开发工具有着本质的区别。传统的开发思路是“控制流”,给程序员预先定义可运行路径,需要开发人员写大量的程序去控制程序的流程,并且程序在运行时,用户不能偏离这一路径。而Visual FoxPro 的编程思想是事件驱动,在编程的过程中首先是创建各种对象,然后为对象赋予属性,为对象编写事件驱动程序。 Visual FoxPro 6.0相对以往的开发工具具有以下一些优异的功能和特点: 1.具有内置的关系数据库 Visual FoxPro本身带有一套关系数据库系统。Visual FoxPro通过ODBC接口与Visual SQL Anywhere数据库连接在一台机器上。这样做的好处是,Visual FoxPro可以脱离数据库服务器独立运行,从而在开发阶段可以独立于网络服务器上的数据库。当然,利用这一功能也可以开发出单用户的独立数据库应用程序。 2.独创的数据窗口(DataWindow)对象 Visual FoxPro拥有数据窗口这个具有专利技术的智能对象,SQL语句被内嵌在该对象中,利用该对象可以操作关系数据库的数据而无需编写SQL语句。用户可以查询、修改、插入、删除、浏览、打印,以多种文件格式打开和存储数据,或在数据窗口中直接定义功能按钮,实现预定义的系统功能,如插入、删除数据的操作。它还支持数据库的事务管理和并发控制等机制。 3.丰富的数据窗口数据源(DataSource)和多种样式的数据显示格式(PresentationStyle)数据窗口可以用来维护数据和显示数据,可以定义显示风格和数据显示格式的种类,通过各种数据源和数据显示风格的不同组合,可以以多种方式显示数据。 1.2系统应用背景 随着时代的进步,社会生产力高速发展,新技术层出不穷信息量急剧膨胀,整个人类社会已成为信息化的社会人们对信息和数据的利用和处理已经进入自动化、网络化和社会化的阶段。如在查找情报资料、处理银行帐目、仓库管理、科研生产等方面,无不需要利用大量的信息资源。因此,如何有效地进行数据信息的管理和利用,已经成为人们普遍关注的课题。 信息在不同的领域里有着不同的概念,在管理科学领域中,通常认为信息是经过加工处理后的一种数据形式,是一种有次序的符号排列,它是系统传输和处理的对象。处在信息时代的今天,信息的作用越来越为人们所重视。制定工作计划,研究投资策略,都离不开对信息的充分利用。管理信息系统(Management Information System,缩写MIS)是一种“人机系统”,它以特定的模式支持一个组织内各级组织机构之间的通讯,对信息资源进行综合开发,管理和利用,实 现对该组织的有效管理。它通过对数据的加工处理,及时为管理与决策分析提供信息。其特点有: , 数据全部存储于计算机系统中; , 用户使用简单、操作方便、查询速度快; , 有极强的人-机对话功能; , 能直接从计算机系统中提供决策所需的参考信息。 管理信息系统基本框架如图2-1: 信息处理 原始数据 库存信息 提供的信息 反 馈 图2-1 管理信息系统基本框架图 一个现代化的图书馆在正常运营中总是面对大量的读者信息,书籍信息以及两者相互作用产生的借书信息、还书信息、传统的管理方法既浪费人力物力财力,又容易导致各种错误的发生,面对图书馆数以万计的图书、纷繁复杂的读者信息、频繁更替的借还书信息,传统的直接方法不但管理起来及其不方便,而且极容易出现漏洞,从而造成不可估量的损失。 因此实现一个智能化、系统化、信息化的管理系统是十分必要的。充分利用计算机的功能实现对图书的管理,将会使图书管理工作大大减轻,方面友好的图形用户界面,简便的操作,完善的数据库管理,将会使得图书管理系统极大限度地应用于现代化图书管理,成为图书管理人员的得力助手。 第二章 需求分析 信息化是当今世界经济和社会发展的大趋势,信息化建设程度和信息利用水平的高低,在整个国民经济信息化建设中具有举足轻重的地位。早在70年代世界上一些发达国家的计算机软件就已逐步应用到商业活动中,改变了人工处理的繁重的信息时代,各行各业对计算机软件的需求更是必不可少,特别是我国正处于发展过程中,不断的摸索提高管理水平,计算机软件的应用无疑将加快我们的步伐,提高我们的国际竞争力。 2.1 现有系统分析 现在有不少书屋都靠人工来管理,每借一本书都要用笔和纸登记。既浪费金钱又浪费时间。而现有的有关书籍管理的系统要求较高, 成本也较昂贵。并不适合私人的小型书屋使用。 2.2新系统分析 本系统适用于规模较小的租阅型的书屋使用。帮助管理者进行查询,添加,删除,修改,打印等相关数据,能够更系统地完成租阅工作的管理,使租阅情况一目了然,有效的提高了工作效率;同时也方便租阅者查询想租阅的小说,根据租阅者选择的不同方式进行多种方法的查询,节省租阅者因查找小说而浪费的时间。 本系统要求计算机只需586或以上即可, 而开发的成本也较低经济上可行. 廉,这对一个书屋图来说是丝毫不成问题的。 运行可行性分析.通过以上几点的分析,我觉得本管理系统完全有开发的必要,并具有普遍可行性,特别适合小型图书馆和书屋使用。系统运行的环境要求不高,一般的流行的电脑配置均可以非常良好的运行本软件。本软件可以运行在Windows 95/98/XP或更高版本的Windows操作系统之上。 本系统主要功能介绍 设计一个小说租阅管理系统。适用于中小型的租阅型的书屋使用。该租阅管理系统可以协助管理人员进行浏览、查询、添加、删除、修改、打印等相关数据。使租阅情况一目了然,检索迅速,查找方便,避免为找某一本书而消耗掉过长的时间,从而更系统的管理小说的租阅工作。有效的提高工作效率,便于对书籍进行统计和管理。 主要功能 1. 待开发软件能对所有书籍进行分类录入。 2. 该软件能帮助租阅者对书籍的自然资料进行浏览,以便方便选择。 3. 该软件能帮助管理人员对书籍进行修改,更新所需小说以及编辑各个部分小说的租阅情况,同时完成密码修改的工作。 4. 该软件能对书籍进行资料统计和查询。 5. 该软件能对书籍进行添加、删除。 6. 该软件能帮助管理人员将所需要的信息以报表的形式打印出来。 7. 该软件能提供帮助即敬告读者了解本书屋的借阅规则和小说租阅管理系统的说明的有关事项。 第三章 系统设计 3.1小说租阅管理系统功能分析 3.1.1小说租阅管理系统结构 开发本系统的总体任务是实现图书管理的系统化和自动化,帮助图书管理人员更好更高效地完成图书管理工作。本系统要完成的功能有: 书籍管理部分:这一部分包括书籍类别管理和书籍信息管理两部分。其中,书籍类别管理包括添加书籍类别、修改书籍类别等:书籍信息管理包括书籍信息的添加、书籍信息的修改、书籍信息的查询、书籍信息的删除等。 借阅管理部分:借阅管理包括借书信息的添加、借书信息的修改、借书信息的删除等。 系统管理部分:包括修改系统用户密码、增加新书以及退出系统等。 3.1.2 小说租阅管理模块设计 系统设计目标和功能 在计算机业高度发展的今天,各行各业都有电脑的需求,希望通过电脑的快捷管理来提高效率。例如书屋,随着图书储备的不断加大和读者的日益增多,使得管理人员面临着很大的难题。如何才能将图书全面系统的管理。使借阅省时高效,提高工作质量,工作效率。方便读者借阅,为读者更好的服务。本系统就是根据以上的种种的困难进行开发设计的。其具体的设计功能是: (1)方便的数据输入性能。 (2)较灵活的查询性能,可以根据不同的需要快速实现按某种查询方式对图书资料进行查找并显示相应记录。 (3)具有模糊查找的功能,可以根据不太确切的信息查找出相近的资料以供进一步的查询,提高了系统的应用能力,也为资料的管理提供了方便。 本系统有以下几种模块: 快速浏览模块 分页浏览模块 分项查询模块 综合查询模块 租阅情况查询模块 添加/删除模块 修改/保存模块 密码修改模块 租阅记录添加模块 小说租阅情况一览表模块 作者作品一览表模块 小说自然资料一览表模块 读者敬告模块 关于小说租阅系统模块 根据图书馆业务的需求,该系统主要是为了方便会员管理,图书管理和借阅管理等。为此设计了,会员管理模块、图书管理模块、借阅管理模块等。本系统采用菜单操作方式,每个主模块下又有少量的子功能使操作者可能根据需要方便的使用。 系统功能结构图(系统中各功能模块间的关系) 小说租阅管理系统 输入密码 浏览 查询 修改 打 印 帮 助 退 出 分 快 综 分 租 添 修 租 密 小 作 小 敬 小 退 页 速 合 项 阅 加 改 阅 码 说 者 说 告 说 至 浏 浏 查 查 情 删 保 记 修 租 作 自 读 租 W 览 览 询 询 况 除 存 录 改 阅 品 然 者 阅 I 查 添 情 报 资 管 N 询 加 况 表 料 理 界 报 报 系 面 按 按 按 按 表 表 统 书 书 作 出 号 系 者 版 查 查 查 社 询 询 询 查 询 3.2 小说租阅管理数据库设计 3.2.1 数据库系统 本人设计的是一个关于图书管理的数据库系统,通过这个系统管理员可以简捷、方便的对图书记录查阅、增加、删除等功能,而用户也可以通过这个系统 对进行图书查询等功能。 数据库技术是计算机科学的重要分支,数据库应用成为当今计算机应用的主要领域之一。 数据库系统本质上是一个用计算机存储记录的系统。数据库本身可被看作为一种电子文件柜:也就是说,它是收集计算机数据文件的仓库或容器。系统用户可以对这些文件执行插入数据、检索数据、更改数据、删除数据等一系列操作。 总之,数据库系统是一个计算机存储记录的系统,即,它是一个计算机系统,该系统的目标存储信息并支持用户检索和更新所需要的信息。 确切的说,数据库设计是指对于一个给定的应用环境,提供一个确定最优数据模型与处理模式的逻辑设计,以及一个确定数据库存储结构与存取方法的物理设计,建立起既能反映现实世界信息和信息联系,满足用户数据要求和加工要求,有能被某个数据库管理系统所接受,同时能实现系统目标,并有效存取数据的数据库。 读者 M , 押金 租金 付押证件 租 还 书屋 编号 单价 书名 „„ 3.2.2小说租阅管理系统数据库设计 1书籍管理部分 书籍管理部分包括书籍信息管理和书籍类别管理,其功能是实现对 各部分数据内容添加、修改、删除等操作。各管理部分的明细如下: 1)、书籍信息管理:包括书籍信息的添加、书籍信息的修改、书籍信息的查询和书籍信息的删除4部分功能。其中,书籍信息包括图书编号、书名、图书类别、作者、出版社、出版日期。 2)、书籍类别管理:包括书籍类别的添加、书籍类别的修改、书籍类别的闪出3部分功能,其中,书籍类别包括类别名称和类别编号两部分。 2系统管理部分 设置操作人员。系统初始设置一个密码,操作人员可以利密码登录。 根据上面分析的系统的各种功能要求,系统所需的数据库应该有以下几个表组成: 小说自然资料数据表 序号 字段名 类型 描述 12. 编号 字符型 宽度为3,按升序排列,设为主索引 13. 书系 字符型 宽度为20 14. 书名 字符型 宽度为20, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 15. 作者 字符型 宽度为10, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 16. 出版社 字符型 宽度为20 17. 出版时间 日期型 宽度为8,系统默认 18. 印刷数目 字符型 宽度为10 19. 定价 数值型 宽度为8,小数位数为2, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 20. 书中人物 备注型 宽度为4, 系统默认 21. 主人公 字符型 宽度为20 22. 内容提要 备注型 宽度为4, 系统默认 表1数据表 序号 字段名 类型 描述 1. 编号 字符型 宽度为3, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 2. 书系 字符型 宽度为20 3. 书名 字符型 宽度为20 4. 借阅日期 日期型 宽度为8, 系统默认, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 5. 还书日期 日期型 宽度为8, 系统默认, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 6. 租金 数值型 宽度为8,小数位数为2 7. 押金 数值型 宽度为8, 小数位数为2 8. 付押证件 字符型 宽度为20 表2数据表 序号 字段名 类型 描述 1. 作者 字符型 宽度为10, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 2. 书系 字符型 宽度为20 3. 编号 字符型 宽度为3, 按升序排列,设为普通索引 4. 书名 字符型 宽度为20 表3数据表 序号 字段名 类型 描述 1. 密码 字符型 宽度为10,密码为810720 3.3添加小说租阅管理菜单 使用菜单编辑器编辑系统主菜单 浏览 „„„„快速浏览 „„„„分页浏览 查询 „„„„分项查询 „„„„综合查询 „„„„租阅情况查询 修改 „„„„添加/删除 „„„„修改/保存 „„„„密码修改 „„„„租阅记录添加 打印 „„„„小说租阅情况一览表 „„„„作者作品一览表 „„„„小说自然资料一览表 帮助 „„„„读者敬告 „„„„关于小说租阅系统 退出 „„„„退至VFP „„„„退至WINDOWS 第四章 测试和应用 4(1 测试 在开发大型软件系统的过程中,需要面对错综复杂的问题,人的主观认识不可能完美无缺,因此,在软件生存周期的每个阶段都不可避免地会产生错误。在软件生命周期的每个阶段都不可避免地回产生差错。我们力求在每个阶段结束之前通过严格的技术审查,尽可能早地发现并纠正差错。测试的目的就是在软件投入生产性运行之前,尽可能多地发现软件中的错误。目前软件测试仍然是保证软件质量的关键步骤,它是对软件规格说明、设计和编码的最后复审。 软件测试是为了发现程序中的错误而执行程序的过程;好的测试方案是极可能发现迄今为止尚未发现的错误的测试方案;成功的测试是发现了至今为止尚未发现的错误的测试。 与开发过程类似,测试过程也必须分步骤进行,每个步骤在逻辑上是前一个步骤地继续。大型软件系统通常由若干个子系统组成,每个子系统又由许多模块组成。因此,大型软件系统的测试基本上有下述几个步骤组成: 1、模块测试:在这个测试过程中所发现的往往是编码错误和详细设计的错误。 2、子系统测试:这个步骤着重测试模块的接口。 3、系统测试:在这个测试步骤中发现的往往是软件设计中的错误,也可能发现需求说明中的错误。 4、验收测试:在这个测试步骤中发现的往往是系统需求说明书中的错误。 对于以上的几个步骤,分别要完成功能测试、强度测试及性能测试、可用性测试等。 5、功能测试:测试是否满足开发要求,是否能够提供设计所描述的功能, 是否用户的需求都得到满足。功能测试是系统测试最常用和必须的测试,通常还会以正式的软件说明书为测试标准。例如:在登录注册模块的测试中,针对要求输入合法和不合法的用户名及口令进行测试,反复几次,若无错误,则保证基本正确。 6、强度测试及性能测试:测试系统的能力最高实际限度,即软件在一些超负荷情况下功能实现的情况。如要求软件某一行为的大量重复、输入大量的数据或大数值数据、对数据库大量复杂的查询等。测试软件的运行性能,这种测试常常与强度测试结合进行,需要事先对被测软件提出性能指标,如计算的精度、记录的精度、响应的时限和恢复时限等。 7、可用性测试:测试用户是否能够满意使用。具体体现为操作是否方便,用户界面是否友好等。 因为在软件编辑时听取了用户的意见。因此,用户界面的设计上并没有太大的问题。 4(2应 用 进入界面后,只输入正确的密码,系统菜单才能发生作用。每打开一个表单时,需关闭前一个已打开的表单 结束语 经过近两个月的毕业设计,我学到了很多在书本上学不到的知识,通过在老师的指导下,亲身实践,更加深了我对所学过知识的深刻理解,很好地做到了理论和实际的结合。 通过精心地设计与选材,本小说租阅管理数据库系统已经具有了实际应用的基础,它可以广泛应用于各个小型图书馆应用。它短小方便、容易操作,给人们管理带来了很大的便利。还可以视具体的应用情况与其它软件共同使用,以提高系统的可靠性、安全性等,整个系统便可以协调稳定的工作。 当然,由于本人知识和经验的局限,及其它各方面的原因,本系统还有待完善的地方。例如,系统功能没有设计网络功能等等。 致 谢 毕业设计的顺利完成是与马东梅老师的辛勤劳动分不开的。马老师对我的要求比较严格,在工作方面也是十分认真,所以我的毕业设计经过多次的改动而进一步的完善。在毕业设计期间,我多次去老师所在的办公室寻求相关资料和指导,马老师便会放下手中的工作,耐心地对我的提问和质疑作以全面和深入浅出的解答,使我很感动。在此我表示由衷的感谢~ 参考文献 [1] 冯玉才,《数据库基础》,北京:华中工学院出版社 [2] 黄梯云,《管理信息系统》北京:经济科学出版社 [3] 王珊、陈红,《数据库系统原理教程》北京:清华大学出版社 [4] 牛允鹏,《数据库及其应用》北京:经济科学出版社 [5] 田孝文,《计算机信息处理综合作业教程》北京:经济科学出版社 [6] 丁宝康、李大学, 《数据库原理》经济科学出版社 [7] 崔巍, 《数据库系统及应用》高等教育出版社 [8] 李振格:《VISUAL FOXPRO 60中文版入门与提高》,清华大学出版社 30 Cents Later By 9 a.m. on a beautiful Saturday morning, Mike and I were working for Mrs. Martin. She was a kind and patient woman. She always said that Mike and I reminded her of her two sons who were grown and gone. Although kind, she believed in hard work and she kept us working. She was a task master. We spent three hours taking canned goods off the shelves and, with a feather duster, brushing each can to get the dust off, and then re-stacking them neatly. It was excruciatingly boring work. Mike's dad, whom I call my rich dad, owned nine of these little superettes with large parking lots. They were the early version of the 7-11 convenience stores. Little neighborhood grocery stores where people bought items such as milk, bread, butter and cigarettes. The problem was, this was Hawaii before air conditioning, and the stores could not close its doors because of the heat. On two sides of the store, the doors had to be wide open to the road and parking lot. Every time a car drove by or pulled into the parking lot, dust would swirl and settle in the store. Hence, we had a job for as long as there was no air conditioning. For three weeks, Mike and I reported to Mrs. Martin and worked our three hours. By noon, our work was over, and she dropped three little dimes in each of our hands. Now, even at the age of 9 in the mid-1950s, 30 cents was not too exciting. Comic books cost 10 cents back then, so I usually spent my money on comic books and went home. By Wednesday of the fourth week, I was ready to quit. I had agreed to work only because I wanted to learn to make money from Mike's dad, and now I was a slave for 10 cents an hour. On top of that, I had not seen Mike's dad since that first Saturday. "I'm quitting," I told Mike at lunchtime. The school lunch was miserable. School was boring, and now I did not even have my Saturdays to look forward to. But it was the 30 cents that really got to me. This time Mike smiled. "What are you laughing at?" I asked with anger and frustration. "Dad said this would happen. He said to meet with him when you were ready to quit." "What?" I said indignantly. "He's been waiting for me to get fed up?" "Sort of," Mike said. "Dad's kind of different. He teaches differently from your dad. Your mom and dad lecture a lot. My dad is quiet and a man of few words. You just wait till this Saturday. I'll tell him .you're ready." "You mean I've been set up?" "No, not really, but maybe. Dad will explain on Saturday." Waiting in Line on Saturday I was ready to face him and I was prepared. Even my real dad was angry with him. My real dad, the one I call the poor one, thought that my rich dad was violating child labor laws and should be investigated. My educated poor dad told me to demand what I deserve. At least 25 cents an hour. My poor dad told me that if I did not get a raise, I was to quit immediately. "You don't need that damned job anyway," said my poor dad with indignity. At 8 o'clock Saturday morning, I was going through the same rickety door of Mike's house. "Take a seat and wait in line," Mike's dad said as I entered. He turned and disappeared into his little office next to a bedroom. I looked around the room and did not see Mike anywhere. Feeling awkward, I cautiously sat down next to the same two women who where there four weeks earlier. They smiled and slid across the couch to make room for me. Forty-five minutes went by, and I was steaming. The two women had met with him and left thirty minutes earlier. An older gentleman was in there for twenty minutes and was also gone. The house was empty, and I sat out in his musty dark living room on a beautiful sunny Hawaiian day, waiting to talk to a cheapskate who exploited children. I could hear him rustling around the office, talking on the phone, and ignoring me. I was now ready to walk out, but for some reason I stayed. Finally, fifteen minutes later, at exactly 9 o'clock, rich dad walked out of his office, said nothing, and signaled with his hand for me to enter his dingy office. "I understand you want a raise or you're going to quit," rich dad said as he swiveled in his office chair. "Well, you're not keeping your end of the bargain," I blurted out nearly in tears. It was really frightening for a 9-year-old boy to confront a grownup. "You said that you would teach me if I worked for you. Well, I've worked for you. I've worked hard. I've given up my baseball games to work for you. And you don't keep your word. You haven't taught me anything. You are a crook like everyone in town thinks you are. You're greedy. You want all the money and don't take care of your employees. You make me wait and don't show me any respect. I'm only a little boy, and I deserve to be treated better." Rich dad rocked back in his swivel chair, hands up to his chin, somewhat staring at me. It was like he was studying me. "Not bad," he said. "In less than a month, you sound like most of my employees." "What?" I asked. Not understanding what he was saying, I continued with my grievance. "I thought you were going to keep your end of the bargain and teach me. Instead you want to torture me? That's cruel. That's really cruel." "I am teaching you," rich dad said quietly. "What have you taught me? Nothing!" I said angrily. "You haven't even talked to me once since I agreed to work for peanuts. Ten cents an hour. Hah! I should notify the government about you. We have child labor laws, you know. My dad works for the government, you know." "Wow!" said rich dad. "Now you sound just like most of the people who used to work for me. People I've either fired or they've quit." "So what do you have to say?" I demanded, feeling pretty brave for a little kid. "You lied to me. I've worked for you, and you have not kept your word. You haven't taught me anything." "How do you know that I've not taught you anything?" asked rich dad calmly. "Well, you've never talked to me. I've worked for three weeks, and you have not taught me anything," I said with a pout. "Does teaching mean talking or a lecture?" rich dad asked. "Well, yes," I replied. "That's how they teach you in school," he said smiling. "But that is not how life teaches you, and I would say that life is the best teacher of all. Most of the time, life does not talk to you. It just sort of pushes you around. Each push is life saying, `Wake up. There's something I want you to learn.' " "What is this man talking about?" I asked myself silently. "Life pushing me around was life talking to me?" Now I knew I had to quit my job. I was talking to someone who needed to be locked up. "If you learn life's lessons, you will do well. If not, life will just continue to push you around. People do two things. Some just let life push them around. Others get angry and push back. But they push back against their boss, or their job, or their husband or wife. They do not know it's life that's pushing." I had no idea what he was talking about. "Life pushes all of us around. Some give up. Others fight. A few learn the lesson and move on. They welcome life pushing them around. To these few people, it means they need and want to learn something. They learn and move on. Most quit, and a few like you fight." Rich dad stood and shut the creaky old wooden window that needed repair. "If you learn this lesson, you will grow into a wise, wealthy and happy young man. If you don't, you will spend your life blaming a job, low pay or your boss for your problems. You'll live life hoping for that big break that will solve all your money problems." Rich dad looked over at me to see if I was still listening. His eyes met mine. We stared at each other, streams of communication going between us through our eyes. Finally, I pulled away once I had absorbed his last message. I knew he was right. I was blaming him, and I did ask to learn. I was fighting. Rich dad continued. "Or if you're the kind of person who has no guts, you just give up every time life pushes you. If you're that kind of person, you'll live all your life playing it safe, doing the right things, saving yourself for some event that never happens. Then, you die a boring old man. You'll have lots of friends who really like you because you were such a nice hard-working guy. You spent a life playing it safe, doing the right things. But the truth is, you let life push you into submission. Deep down you were terrified of taking risks. You really wanted to win, but the fear of losing was greater than the excitement of winning. Deep inside, you and only you will know you didn't go for it. You chose to play it safe." Our eyes met again. For ten seconds, we looked at each other, only pulling away once the message was received. "You've been pushing me around" I asked. "Some people might say that," smiled rich dad. "I would say that I just gave you a taste of life." "What taste of life?" I asked, still angry, but now curious. Even ready to learn. "You boys are the first people that have ever asked me to teach them how to make money. I have more than 150 employees, and not one of them has asked me what I know about money. They ask me for a job and a paycheck, but never to teach them about money. So most will spend the best years of their lives working for money, not really understanding what it is they are working for." I sat there listening intently. "So when Mike told me about you wanting to learn how to make money, I decided to design a course that was close to real life. I could talk until I was blue in the face, but you wouldn't hear a thing. So I decided to let life push you around a bit so you could hear me. That's why I only paid you 10 cents." "So what is the lesson I learned from working for only 10 cents an hour?" I asked. "That you're cheap and exploit your workers?" Rich dad rocked back and laughed heartily. Finally, after his laughing stopped, he said, "You'd best change your point of view. Stop blaming me, thinking I'm the problem. If you think I'm the problem, then you have to change me. If you realize that you're the problem, then you can change yourself, learn something and grow wiser. Most people want everyone else in the world to change but themselves. Let me tell you, it's easier to change yourself than everyone else." "I don't understand," I said. "Don't blame me for your problems," rich dad said, growing impatient. "But you only pay me 10 cents." "So what are you learning?" rich dad asked, smiling. "That you're cheap," I said with a sly grin. "See, you think I'm the problem," said rich dad. "But you are." "Well, keep that attitude and you learn nothing. Keep the attitude that I'm the problem and what choices do you have?" "Well, if you don't pay me more or show me more respect and teach me, I'll quit." "Well put," rich dad said. "And that's exactly what most people do. They quit and go looking for another job, better opportunity, and higher pay, actually thinking that a new job or more pay will solve the problem. In most cases, it won't." "So what will solve the problem?" I asked. "Just take this measly 10 cents an hour and smile?" Rich dad smiled. "That's what the other people do. Just accept a paycheck knowing that they and their family will struggle financially. But that's all they do, waiting for a raise thinking that more money will solve the problem. Most just accept it, and some take a second job working harder, but again accepting a small paycheck." I sat staring at the floor, beginning to understand the lesson rich dad was presenting. I could sense it was a taste of life. Finally, I looked up and repeated the question. "So what will solve the problem?" "This," he said tapping me gently on the head. "This stuff between your ears." It was at that moment that rich dad shared the pivotal point of view that separated him from his employees and my poor dad-and led him to eventually become one of the richest men in Hawaii while my highly educated, but poor, dad struggled financially all his life. It was a singular point of view that made all the difference over a lifetime. Rich dad said over and over, this point of view, which I call Lesson No. 1. "The poor and the middle class work for money." "The rich have money work for them." On that bright Saturday morning, I was learning a completely different point of view from what I had been taught by my poor dad. At the age of 9, I grew aware that both dads wanted me to learn. Both dads encouraged me to study... but not the same things. My highly educated dad recommended that I do what he did. "Son, I want you to study hard, get good grades, so you can find a safe, secure job with a big company. And make sure it has excellent benefits." My rich dad wanted me to learn how money works so I could make it work for me. These lessons I would learn through life with his guidance, not because of a classroom. My rich dad continued my first lesson, "I'm glad you got angry about working for 10 cents an hour. If you had not gotten angry and had gladly accepted it, I would have to tell you that I could not teach you. You see, true learning takes energy, passion, a burning desire. Anger is a big part of that formula, for passion is anger and love combined. When it comes to money, most people want to play it safe and feel secure. So passion does not direct them: Fear does." "So is that why they'll take a job with low par?" I asked. "Yes," said rich dad. "Some people say I exploit people because I don't pay as much as the sugar plantation or the government. I say the people exploit themselves. It's their fear, not mine." "But don't you feel you should pay them more?" I asked. "I don't have to. And besides, more money will not solve the problem. Just look at your dad. He makes a lot of money, and he still can't pay his bills. Most people, given more money, only get into more debt." "So that's why the 10 cents an hour," I said, smiling. "It's a part of the lesson." "That's right," smiled rich dad. "You see, your dad went to school and got an excellent education, so he could get a high-paying job. Which he did. But he still has money problems because he never learned anything about money at school. On top of that, he believes in working for money." "And you don't?" I asked. "No, not really," said rich dad. "If you want to learn to work for money, then stay in school. That is a great place to learn to Professor Sprout set them all to work pruning the Abyssinian Shrivelfigs. Harry went to tip an armful of withered stalks onto the compost heap and found himself face-to-face with Ernie Macmillan. Ernie took a deep breath and said, very formally, “I just want to say, Harry, that I'm sorry I ever suspected you. I know you'd never attack Hermione Granger, and I apologize for all the stuff I said. We're all in the same boat now, and, well—” He held out a pudgy hand, and Harry shook it. Ernie and his friend Hannah came to work at the same Shrivelfig as Harry and Ron. “That Draco Malfoy character,” said Ernie, breaking off dead twigs, “he seems very pleased about all this, doesn't he? D'you know, I think he might be Slytherin's heir.” “That's clever of you,” said Ron, who didn't seem to have forgiven Ernie as readily as Harry. “Do you think it's Malfoy, Harry?” Ernie asked. “No,” said Harry, so firmly that Ernie and Hannah stared. A second later, Harry spotted something. Several large spiders were scuttling over the ground on the other side of the glass, moving in an unnaturally straight line as though taking the shortest route to a prearranged meeting. Harry hit Ron over the hand with his pruning shears. “Ouch! What're you—” Harry pointed out the spiders, following their progress with his eyes screwed up against the sun. “Oh, yeah,” said Ron, trying, and failing, to look pleased. “But we can't follow them now—” “Oh, no,” said Ron. “Oh, no, oh, no, oh—” “Shut up,” said Harry frantically. “It'll hear you.” “Hear me?” said Ron in an unnaturally high voice. “It's already heard Fang!” The darkness seemed to be pressing on their eyeballs as they stood, terrified, waiting. There was a strange rumbling noise and then silence. “What d'you think it's doing?” said Harry. “Probably getting ready to pounce,” said Ron. They waited, shivering, hardly daring to move. “D'you think it's gone?” Harry whispered. “Dunno—” Then, to their right, came a sudden blaze of light, so bright in the darkness that both of them flung up their hands to shield their eyes. Fang yelped and tried to run, but got lodged in a tangle of thorns and yelped even louder. “Harry!” Ron shouted, his voice breaking with relief “Harry, it's our car!” “What?” “Come on!” Harry blundered after Ron toward the light, stumbling and tripping, and a moment later they had emerged into a clearing. Mr. Weasley's car was standing, empty, in the middle of a circle of thick trees under a roof of dense branches, its headlights ablaze. As Ron walked, open-mouthed, toward it, it moved slowly toward him, exactly like a large, turquoise dog greeting its owner. “Get Fang!” Harry yelled, diving into the front seat; Ron seized the boarhound around the middle and threw him, yelping, into the back of the car - the doors slammed shut - Ron didn't touch the accelerator but the car didn't need him; the engine roared and they were off, hitting more spiders. They sped up the slope, out of the hollow, and they were soon crashing through the forest, branches whipping the windows as the car wound its way cleverly through the widest gaps, following a path it obviously knew. Harry looked sideways at Ron. His mouth was still open in the silent scream, but his eyes weren't popping anymore. “Are you okay?” Ron stared straight ahead, unable to speak. They smashed their way through the undergrowth, Fang howling loudly in the back seat, and Harry saw the side mirror snap off as they squeezed past a large oak. After ten noisy, rocky minutes, the trees thinned, and Harry could again see patches of sky. The car stopped so suddenly that they were nearly thrown into the windshield. They had reached the edge of the forest. Fang flung himself at the window in his anxiety to get out, and when Harry opened the door, he shot off through the trees to Hagrid's house, tail between his legs. Harry got out too, and after a minute or so, Ron seemed to regain the feeling in his limbs and followed, still stiff-necked and staring. Harry gave the car a grateful pat as it reversed back into the forest and disappeared from view. Harry went back into Hagrid's cabin to get the Invisibility Cloak. Fang was trembling under a blanket in his basket. When Harry got outside again, he found Ron being violent sick in the pumpkin patch. “Follow the spiders,” said Ron weakly, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. “I'll never forgive Hagrid. We're lucky to be alive.” “I bet he thought Aragog wouldn't hurt friends of his,” said Harry. “That's exactly Hagrid's problem!” said Ron, thumping the wall of the cabin. “He always thinks monsters aren't as bad as they're made out, and look where it's got him! A cell in Azkaban!” He was shivering uncontrollably now. “What was the point of sending us in there? What have we found out, I'd like to know?” “That Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets,” said Harry, throwing the cloak over Ron and prodding him in the arm to make him walk. “He was innocent.” Ron gave a loud snort. Evidently, hatching Aragog in a cupboard wasn't his idea of being innocent. As the castle loomed nearer Harry twitched the cloak to make sure their feet were hidden, then pushed the creaking front doors ajar. They walked carefully back across the entrance hall and up the marble staircase, holding their breath as they passed corridors where watchful sentries were walking. At last they reached the safety of the Gryffindor common room, where the fire had burned itself into glowing ash. They took off the cloak and climbed the winding stair to their dormitory. Ron fell onto his bed without bothering to get undressed. Harry, however, didn't feel very sleepy. He sat on the edge of his fourposter, thinking hard about everything Aragog had said. The creature that was lurking somewhere in the castle, he thought, sounded like a sort of monster Voldemort -even other monsters didn't want to name it. But he and Ron were no closer to finding out what it was, or how it petrified its victims. Even Hagrid had never known what was in the Chamber of Secrets. Harry swung his legs up onto his bed and leaned back against his pillows, watching the moon glinting at him through the tower window. He couldn't see what else they could do. They had hit dead ends everywhere. Riddle had caught the wrong person, the Heir of Slytherin had got off, and no one could tell whether it was the same person, or a different one, who had opened the Chamber this time. There was nobody else to ask. Harry lay down, still thinking about what Aragog had said. He was becoming drowsy when what seemed like their very last hope occurred to him, and he suddenly sat bolt upright. “Ron,” he hissed through the dark, “Ron—” Ron woke with a yelp like Fang's, stared wildly around, and saw Harry. "The Lincoln's still the best bet." Henley looked in the rearview mirror. "That's due pretty soon, isn't it?" "Maybe ten minutes." Henley rolled down his side window and lit one of his narrow cigars. They waited in the car, neither of them saying anything, until Henley, looking in the mirror again, said, "Maybe." Parker twisted around and looked out the back window. Among the cars crossing Second Avenue, coming this way, was a black Lincoln Continental. Squinting, Parker could make out the uniformed chauffeur at the wheel. "Right," he said. Henley turned the key in the ignition. When the Lincoln went by, an eight-year-old boy could be seen alone, reading a comic book in the backseat. Henley shifted into drive and eased the Plymouth into line two vehicles back from the Lincoln. The black car led them across to Park Avenue, then north to Seventy-second Street, then through the park and north again on Central Park West. At Eighty-first Street the Lincoln made a U-turn and stopped in front of the canopied entrance to a large apartment house. Henley eased into a bus-stop zone across the street, and Parker watched as a livened doorman opened the Lincoln's door, and the boy stepped out, not carrying his comic book. The doorman shut the Lincoln's door and the boy went into the building. The Lincoln moved forward along the curb and stopped in a no-parking zone just beyond the canopy. The chauffeur took his cap off, picked up a tabloid newspaper from the seat beside him, and settled down to read. Parker said, "I'll be right back." He got out of the car, crossed the Street, and walked slowly down the block past the Lincoln. Looking in on the way by, he saw the telephone built into the back of the front seat. Good. He went on down to the corner, crossed to the park side of the street again, went back to the Plymouth, and slid in next to Henley. "It's got one," he said. Henley smiled, drawing his lips back to show his teeth clenched on the cigar. "That's nice," he said. "Now we wait for the kid to come out again," Parker said. "Then we'll take a look at his route home." he binoculars. He was sitting on a metal folding chair, and his notebook and pen were on another chair next to him. There was no other furniture in the room, which had gray plaster walls from which patterned wallpaper had recently been stripped. Curls of wallpaper lay against the molding in all the corners. On the floor beside Krauss's chair lay three apple cores. Krauss turned when Parker shut the door. His eyes looked pale, the skin around them wrinkled, as though he'd spent too long in a swimming pool. He said, "Nothing." Parker crossed the room and looked out the window. A clear blue cloudless day. Three stories down and one block to the north was the Manhattan exit of the Midtown Tunnel. Two lanes of cars and trucks streamed out of the tunnel, fanning apart into half a dozen lanes of traffic, curving away to the left or the right. Parker watched for a few seconds, then picked up the notebook and studied the entries. The numbers were license plates and dates and times of day. Parker said, "The Pontiac came through today, huh?" "So did the Mercedes," Krauss said. "But there isn't any phone in either of them." "We may have to change things around." Parker dropped the notebook on the chair and said, "We'll try the Lincoln today, if it comes through." Krauss looked at his watch. "Ten, fifteen minutes," he said. "If it isn't any good," Parker said, "Henley will come take over here at four. If he doesn't show up, that means we're on the Lincoln, so just pack in everything here." "Right," Krauss said. Parker glanced out the window again. "See you later," he said, and left the apartment. He went down the warped wooden stairs and out to the street, then crossed Second Avenue and got into a blue Plymouth just around the corner on Thirty-seventh Street. Henley, at the wheel, said, "Anything new?" 8
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