

2017-10-17 14页 doc 42KB 65阅读




关于通频带,3dB带宽,三阶截点和1dB压缩点,截止频率,频率范围,带宽,特征频率(中心频率),截止频率和增益(db)关于通频带,3dB带宽,三阶截点和1dB压缩点,截止频率,频率范围,带宽,特征频率(中心频率),截止频率和增益(db) 关于通频带,3dB带宽,三阶截点和1dB压缩点,截止频率,频率范围,带宽,特征频率(中心频率),截止频率和增益(db) 1.通频带 通频带用于衡量放大电路对不同频率信号的放大能力。由于放大电路中电容、电感及半导体器件结电容等电抗元件的存在,在输入信号频率较低或较高时,放大倍数的数值会下降并产生相移。通常情况下,放大电路只适用于放大某一个特定频率范围内的信号。 如图所示为某放大电路的幅频特性曲线。 f...
关于通频带,3dB带宽,三阶截点和1dB压缩点,截止频率,频率范围,带宽,特征频率(中心频率),截止频率和增益(db) 关于通频带,3dB带宽,三阶截点和1dB压缩点,截止频率,频率范围,带宽,特征频率(中心频率),截止频率和增益(db) 1.通频带 通频带用于衡量放大电路对不同频率信号的放大能力。由于放大电路中电容、电感及半导体器件结电容等电抗元件的存在,在输入信号频率较低或较高时,放大倍数的数值会下降并产生相移。通常情况下,放大电路只适用于放大某一个特定频率范围内的信号。 如图所示为某放大电路的幅频特性曲线。 f1-f2之间为通频带 下限截止频率fL:在信号频率下降到一定程度时,放大倍数的数值明显下降,使放大倍数的数值等于0.707倍 的频率称为下 限截止频率fL。 上限截止频率fH:信号频率上升到一定程度时,放大倍数的数值也将下降,使放大倍数的数值等于0.707倍 的频率称为上限截止频率fH。 通频带fbw:fL与fH之间形成的频带称中频段,或通频带fbw。 fbw,fH,fL 或者定义为: 在信号传输系统中,系统输出信号从最大值衰减3dB的信号频率为截止频率,上下截止频率之间的频带称为通频带,用BW示 accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welding specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation 通频带越宽,表明放大电路对不同频率信号的适应能力越强。 "通频带" 英文:passband; transmission bands; pass band; 2. 3dB带宽 3dB--指的是比峰值功率小3dB(就是峰值的50,)的频谱范围的带宽; 6dB--同上,6dB对应的是峰值功率的25,。 3dB带宽指幅值等于最大值的二分之根号二倍时对应的频带宽度 幅值的平方即为功率,平方后变为1/2倍,在对数坐标中就是 -3dB的位置了,也就是半功率点了,对应的带宽就是功率在减少至其一半以前的频带宽度,表示在该带宽内集中了一半的功率。 3. 关于三阶截点和1dB压缩点 1dB压缩点(P1dB)是输出功率的性能参数。压缩点越高意味着输出功率越高。P1dB是指与在很低的功率时相比增益减少1dB时的输入(或输出)功率点。 三阶截取点(IP3)是表示线性度或失真性能的参数。IP3越高表示线性度越好和更少的失真。 IIP3:Input 3rd order intercept point; 输入输出三阶截获点(iip3,oip3):反映放大器的线性特性。 具体指三阶谐波与输入端基波电平相同时对应的输入/输出功率电平。 IIP3 (dBm) = Pin(dBm) +A/2 (dBc) accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welding specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation P1dB:1dB compression point; 1分贝压缩点输出功率(P1dB):放大器有一个线性动态范围,在这个范围内,放大器的输出功率随输入功率线性增加。随着输入功率的继续增大,放大器进入非线性区,其输出功率不再随输入功率的增加而线性增加,也就是说,其输出功率低于小信号增益所预计的值。通常把增益下降到比线性增益低1dB时的输出功率值定义为输出功率的1dB压缩点,用P1dB表示。 典型情况下,当功率超过P1dB时,增益将迅速下降并达到一个最大的或完全饱和的输出功率,其值比P1dB大3-4dB。 三阶截点IIP3: 当两个或多正弦信号经过放大器时,此时由于放大器的非线性作用,会输出包括多种频率的分量,其中以三阶交调分量的功率电平最大,它是非线性中的三次项产生的,假设两基频信号的频率分别是F1和F2,那么,三阶交调分量的频率为2F1-F2和2F2-F1,由于该频率落在频带内,是非线性产物。 4.截止频率 用来说明电路频率特性指标的特殊频率。当保持电路输入信号的幅度不变,改变频率使输出信号降至最大值的0.707倍,或某一特殊额定值时该频率称为截止频率。 在高频端和低频端各有一个截止频率,分别称为上截止频率和下截止频率。两个截止频率之间的频率范围称为通频带。 5.频率范围 accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welding specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation 是指音响系统能够重放的最低有效回放频率与最高有效回放频率之间的范围。 音响系统的频率特性常用分贝刻度的纵坐标表示功率和用对数刻度的横坐标表示频率的频率响应曲线来描述。当声音功率比正常功率低3dB时,这个功率点称为频率响应的高频截止点和低频截止点。高频截止点与低频截止点之间的频率,即为该设备的频率响应;声压与相位滞后随频率变化的曲线分别叫作“幅频特性”和“相频特性”,合称“频率特性”。这是考察音箱性能优劣的一个重要指标,它与音箱的性能和价位有着直接的关系,其分贝值越小说明音箱的频响曲线越平坦、失真越小、性能越高。如:一音箱频响为60Hz,18kHz ,/, 3dB。这两个概念有时并不区分,就叫作频响。 6.带宽 带宽又叫频宽是指在固定的的时间可传输的资料数量,亦即在传输管道中可以传递数据的能力。在数字设备中,频宽通常以bps表示,即每秒可传输之位数。在模拟设备中,频宽通常以每秒传送周期或赫兹Hertz (Hz)来表示。频宽对基本输出入系统 (BIOS ) 设备尤其重要,如快速磁盘驱动器会受低频宽的总线所阻碍。 单位时间内能够在线路上传送的数据量,常用的单位是bps(bit per second)。 计算机网络的带宽是指网络可通过的最高数据率,即每秒多少比特。 严格来说,数字网络的带宽应使用波特率来表示(band),表示每秒的脉冲数。而比特是信息单位,由于数字设备使用二进制,则每位电平所承载的信息量是1(以2为底2的对数,如果是四进制,则是以2为底的4的对数,每位电平所承载的信息量为2)。因此,在数值上,波特与比特是相同的。由于人们对这两个accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welding specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation 概念分的并不是很清楚,因此常使用比特率来表示速率,也正是用比特的人太多,所以比特率也就成了一个带宽事实的叫法了。 描述带宽时常常把“比特/秒”省略。 例如,带宽是 10 M,实际上是 10 Mb/s。 这里的 M 是 10^6。 “带宽”(bandwidth)有以下两种不同的意义: 1.指信号具有的频带宽度.信号的带宽是指该信号所包含的各种不同频率成分所占据的频率范围. 2.在计算机网络中,带宽用来表示网络的通信线路所能传送数据的能力,因此网络带宽表示在单位时间内从网络中的某一点到另一点所能通过的“最高数据率”. 在网络中有两种不同的速率: 信号(即电磁波)在传输媒体上的传播速率(米/秒,或公里/秒) 计算机向网络发送比特的速率(比特/秒) 这两种速率的意义和单位完全不同。 在理解带宽这个概念之前,我们首先来看一个公式:带宽=时钟频率x总线位数/8,从公式中我们可以看到,带宽和时钟频率、总线位数是有着非常密切的关系的。其实在一个计算机系统中,不仅显示器、内存有带宽的概念,在一块板卡上,带宽的概念就更多了,完全可以说是带宽无处不在。 那到底什么是带宽呢,带宽的意义又是什么,简单的说,带宽就是传输速率,是指每秒钟传输的最大字节数(MB/S),即每秒处理多少兆字节,高带宽则意味着系统的高处理能力。为了更形象地理解带宽、位宽、时钟频率的关系,accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welding specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation 我们举个比较形象的例子,工人加工零件,如果一个人干,在大家单个加工速度相同的情况下,肯定不如两个人干的多,带宽就象是加工零件的总数量,位宽仿佛工人数量,时钟工作频率相当于加工单个零件的速度,位宽越宽,时钟频率越高则总线带宽越大,其好处也是显而易见的。 带宽是显示器非常重要的一个参数,能够决定显示器性能的好坏。所谓带宽是显示器视频放大器通频带宽度的简称,一个电路的带宽实际上是反映该电路对输入信号的响应速度。带宽越宽,惯性越小,响应速度越快,允许通过的信号频率越高,信号失真越小,它反映了显示器的解像能力。该数字越大越好。 带宽是代表显示器显示能力的一个综合指标,指每秒钟所扫描的图素个数,即单位时间内每条扫描线上显示的频点数总和,以MHz为单位。带宽越大表明显示控制能力越强,显示效果越佳。 带宽的详细计算公式如下:理论上带宽 B=r(x) ×r(y) ×V r(x)表示每条水平扫描线上的图素个数 r(y)表示每桢画面的水平扫描线数 V 表示每秒画面刷新率(即场频) B 表示带宽 再来说说显卡,玩游戏的朋友都晓得,当玩一些大制作游戏的时候,画面有时候会卡的比较厉害。其实这就是显卡带宽不足的问,再具体点说,这是显存带宽不足。众所周知,目前当道的AGP接口是AGP 8X,而AGP总线的频率是PCI总线的两倍,也就是66MHz,很容易就可以换算出它的带宽是2.1GB/S,在目前的环境下,这样的带宽就显得很微不足道了,因为连最普通的ATI R9000的显存带宽都要达到400MHZ X 128Bit/8=6.4GB/s,其余的高端显卡更是不用说了。正因为如此,INTEL在最新的9X5芯片组中,采用了PCI-Express总线来替代老态accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welding specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation 龙钟的AGP总线,与传统PCI以及更早期的计算机总线的共享并行架构相比,PCI Express最大的特点是在设备间采用点对点串行连接,如此一来即允许每个设备都有自己的专用连接,不需要向整个总线请求带宽,同时利用串行的连接特点将能轻松将数据传输速度提到一个很高的频率。在传输速度上,由于PCI Express支持双向传输模式,因此连接的每个装置都可以使用最大带宽。AGP所遇到的带宽瓶颈也迎刃而解。 7.滤波的基本概念,特征频率(中心频率),截止频率和增益(db) 特征频率(中心频率)fo是由电路决定的,它一般等于1/2PRC (P为3.14的派),它表明了一个电路特性,也就是这个频率之前的信号是我们需要的,而之后的信号是要滤掉的。而截止频率fp是增益为-3db时的信号频率,-3db之后的频率一般认为这个信号是衰减的。我们看一些模拟滤波芯片的datasheet时,里面提到的一般都是截止频率。而一般的各种类型的滤波曲线,例如切比雪夫,贝塞尔等,就是根据截止频率是否靠近特征频率以及衰减程度来分类的。 db的概念就是信号的增益,其实也就是衰减程度,它等于20log(Au/Aup),Au为某一频率电路的放大倍数,Aup为一个定值,它等于信号通带频率下的放大倍数。 例如-3db,如果通带频率下的放大倍数为1,也就是Aup为1,即滤波电路在通带时没有放大电压,那么 -3=20log(Au/Aup)=20log(Au),算出来Au=0.707,在这种情况下,-3db表示信号衰减为原来的70.7% accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welding specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation
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