

2017-09-02 19页 doc 87KB 34阅读




参加法国外籍兵团(1)参加法国外籍兵团(1) 报名法国外籍兵团 报名兵团前请三思而后行。 法国外籍兵团不是每个人都可以参加的,他也不是一般兵役。和大部份的军队一样, 他对报名者不是照单全收。而且还有一般人可能无法承受的身体、心理压力 。 位于 Aubagne 的甄选中心 自我评量及认识外籍兵团 若你认为在你未来生命中的某一天你可能会把加入外籍兵团当做是你生涯规划的一部份,下列事项是你必需先达到的标准 --身体标准 男性首先呢,你必需是男性。外籍兵团从 1831 年成立以来就没有收过女性 (不过在兵籍号码中曾列入一位女性),这已经是...
参加法国外籍兵团(1) 报名法国外籍兵团 报名兵团前请三思而后行。 法国外籍兵团不是每个人都可以参加的,他也不是一般兵役。和大部份的军队一样, 他对报名者不是照单全收。而且还有一般人可能无法承受的身体、心理压力 。 位于 Aubagne 的甄选中心 自我评量及认识外籍兵团 若你认为在你未来生命中的某一天你可能会把加入外籍兵团当做是你生涯规划的一部份,下列事项是你必需先达到的标准 --身体标准 男性首先呢,你必需是男性。外籍兵团从 1831 年成立以来就没有收过女性 (不过在兵籍号码中曾列入一位女性),这已经是兵团的传统。所以你若不是男性,到此就打住吧~ --年龄 你的年龄必需介于 17 足岁至 40 岁之间。未满 18 足岁若欲报名兵团,必须徵得父母之一同意, 并填写同意书 (请自行向兵团索取并需由法国**机关公证)。 基本体能要求在甄选中心的体能测验如下: 1 哔声折返跑,及格的标准是 7 级。 2 单杠,及格的标准是 4 下。 3 攀绳 3.5 米,及格的标准是一次。 4 仰卧起坐,及格的标准是 40 下。 哔声折返跑 和许多现代陆军一样,外籍兵团在 2005 年起也改采用渐进式跑步 (Luc Leger, 英文称为 culture and entertainment venues, fitness centers, has a good ecological environment, job security measures), these requirements are very straightforward, specific standards, also has a clear direction, more easily by a superior examination. Poverty assessment is to look at the per capita net income of the poor end of 2015 standards is ... ... Yuan, higher standards is poverty. Superior acceptance to entrust a third party institution from HouseImplementation. After acceptance, also through spot checks, visits, telephone surveys looking activities. This means that our achievements have been recognized by the poor for poverty alleviation through acceptance, which we put forward higher requirements for poverty eradication. Therefore, the County Office for poverty alleviation to evaluation efforts in this regard. To implement the grid management model, integrating poverty alleviation into grid management, and "make a heart" activity combined package of leading cadres implement monitoring systems for poverty alleviation, each poor households identified a package cost. In this regard, you can design a form, indicating the poor basic causes, current income, poverty, support measures, implementation of support measures, through helping ' income, annual revenue. From now on, protection officers working households, household-by-place. When the examination, which the poor don't have time to get out of poverty, and holding people accountable. Third, on environmental protection in construction of ecological civilization is the focus on one of the six battle this year. Xian Wei proposed to build "green mountains and beautiful, happy and harmonious" new ... ... Target, which is the basis of environmental protection. Do well environmental protection work, we keep the side of the mountains, nor to the masses to create a suitable for residential and business suitable for swimming and raising living and working environment. Last year, we got good grades the environmental work, atmospheric index ranked 4th in the city to obtain eco-compensationaccording to project needs, in accordance with the "channel, use the same, and use" principle, the implementation of project planning, funding and manpower arrangements, avoiding duplication of inputs and waste of resources, effective integration of poverty relief funds ... Here to remind everyone that bundle integration-related funds, aims to concentrate financial resources for big undertakings. Authorities do not think that has less autonomy, pursuing the deregulation of work. This year on the amount of funds on fighting for the departments concerned to increase over the previous year ... and ... respectively. In this regard, the financial Department to dispatch in a timely manner, analyses relevant departments strive for. (E) to implement the poverty assessment responsibilities. Of village-level evaluation is very clear, that is, "five-ten" ("five-way" path, power, through water, through radio, television, information; " Ten "the hanlaobaoshou fields, rich projects, Office kitchen, health services, sanitation system, pre-school education, Multi-Stage Fitness Test, 又称 Beep Test) 来测验报名者的心肺功能。此测验和传统的 Test Cooper (12 分钟跑步) 一样,都是测试你的最大氧气摄取量 (VO2 max)。 场地 测验的场地就在甄选中心的**场,平地,柏油路面。是一个长 20 公尺,共有 12 条跑道的测验场地。如下图所示,此图的颜色及比例和测试场地一模一样 --规则 1 每位受测者各使用一条跑道。 2 开始测验之前,受测者一只脚位于黄线内,一只脚位于黄线外侧。 3 听到「哔」声响,开始跑步,受测者必需在下次「哔」声响之前跑到 20 公尺外另一侧的黄线,且至少必需有一只脚踏到或越过黄线。之后向后转。 4 如果受测者在「哔」声之前到达黄线,必需在黄线处等候,于「哔」声响之后再继续跑。 5 如果受测者在「哔」声响时尚未到达黄线,但是已达红色虚线,则必需继续前进到黄线,之后向后转继续跑。(当然你必需加快脚步以跟上下回的「哔」声) 6 如果受测者在「哔」声响时连红色虚线都未达到,则测验结束。受测者离场。 「哔」声的间隔会渐渐变短,所以你必需愈跑愈快。 culture and entertainment venues, fitness centers, has a good ecological environment, job security measures), these requirements are very straightforward, specific standards, also has a clear direction, more easily by a superior examination. Poverty assessment is to look at the per capita net income of the poor end of 2015 standards is ... ... Yuan, higher standards is poverty. Superior acceptance to entrust a third party institution from HouseImplementation. After acceptance, also through spot checks, visits, telephone surveys looking activities. This means that our achievements have been recognized by the poor for poverty alleviation through acceptance, which we put forward higher requirements for poverty eradication. Therefore, the County Office for poverty alleviation to evaluation efforts in this regard. To implement the grid management model, integrating poverty alleviation into grid management, and "make a heart" activity combined package of leading cadres implement monitoring systems for poverty alleviation, each poor households identified a package cost. In this regard, you can design a form, indicating the poor basic causes, current income, poverty, support measures, implementation of support measures, through helping ' income, annual revenue. From now on, protection officers working households, household-by-place. When the examination, which the poor don't have time to get out of poverty, and holding people accountable. Third, on environmental protection in construction of ecological civilization is the focus on one of the six battle this year. Xian Wei proposed to build "green mountains and beautiful, happy and harmonious" new ... ... Target, which is the basis of environmental protection. Do well environmental protection work, we keep the side of the mountains, nor to the masses to create a suitable for residential and business suitable for swimming and raising living and working environment. Last year, we got good grades the environmental work, atmospheric index ranked 4th in the city to obtain eco-compensationaccording to project needs, in accordance with the "channel, use the same, and use" principle, the implementation of project planning, funding and manpower arrangements, avoiding duplication of inputs and waste of resources, effective integration of poverty relief funds ... Here to remind everyone that bundle integration-related funds, aims to concentrate financial resources for big undertakings. Authorities do not think that has less autonomy, pursuing the deregulation of work. This year on the amount of funds on fighting for the departments concerned to increase over the previous year ... and ... respectively. In this regard, the financial Department to dispatch in a timely manner, analyses relevant departments strive for. (E) to implement the poverty assessment responsibilities. Of village-level evaluation is very clear, that is, "five-ten" ("five-way" path, power, through water, through radio, television, information; " Ten "the hanlaobaoshou fields, rich projects, Office kitchen, health services, sanitation system, pre-school education, --如何准备 1 若距离你报名兵团还有两个月或以上的时间,你还是进行传统的 12 分钟跑步,并确定可以达到至少 2600 米的成绩。 2 在报名兵团前的两个月,找个场地开始练习如何在跑步的时候急停并向后转。 3 如果你可以找到一个长 20 米的平坦场地,而且你有 MP3 随身听的话,你可以下载哔声档并自行加以练习。 4 测验用的哔声档和上面这个档桉略有不同。首先,测验用档桉是用法语发音;另外,最先的数分钟为暖身,在暖身时段会有人指导你要如何跑步。 --注意事项 1 绝对不要在一开始的时候就努力冲刺,除了浪费体力并在黄线另一端做无谓的等候之外,等到速度加快之后反而后继无力。 2 最理想的情况就是当哔声响起时你已到达黄线并刚好完成向后转的动作,即刻可以出发。 3 初始速度是 8.5 km/h (时速 8.5 公里),也就是说最初的 20 米你必需在 8.47 秒跑完。(这真的很容易,所以一开始绝对不要跑快) 4 同样的速度会持续 1 分钟,之后速度会加快 0.5 km/h。所以哔声的间隔会缩短。 同理,之后每隔一分钟速度会加快 0.5 km/h,因此哔声的间隔会愈来愈短,直到你跟不上为止。 5 这个测验共计 20 级,及格成绩如下:不及 7 级为淘汰,14级或以上为满分。 进阶体能要求当你到 4RE 训练中心之后,你会遇到的体能测验如下:(红字项目计入期末总成绩) Test Cooper:还是有测 12 分钟 轻装跑步。 culture and entertainment venues, fitness centers, has a good ecological environment, job security measures), these requirements are very straightforward, specific standards, also has a clear direction, more easily by a superior examination. Poverty assessment is to look at the per capita net income of the poor end of 2015 standards is ... ... Yuan, higher standards is poverty. Superior acceptance to entrust a third party institution from HouseImplementation. After acceptance, also through spot checks, visits, telephone surveys looking activities. This means that our achievements have been recognized by the poor for poverty alleviation through acceptance, which we put forward higher requirements for poverty eradication. Therefore, the County Office for poverty alleviation to evaluation efforts in this regard. To implement the grid management model, integrating poverty alleviation into grid management, and "make a heart" activity combined package of leading cadres implement monitoring systems for poverty alleviation, each poor households identified a package cost. In this regard, you can design a form, indicating the poor basic causes, current income, poverty, support measures, implementation of support measures, through helping ' income, annual revenue. From now on, protection officers working households, household-by-place. When the examination, which the poor don't have time to get out of poverty, and holding people accountable. Third, on environmental protection in construction of ecological civilization is the focus on one of the six battle this year. Xian Wei proposed to build "green mountains and beautiful, happy and harmonious" new ... ... Target, which is the basis of environmental protection. Do well environmental protection work, we keep the side of the mountains, nor to the masses to create a suitable for residential and business suitable for swimming and raising living and working environment. Last year, we got good grades the environmental work, atmospheric index ranked 4th in the city to obtain eco-compensationaccording to project needs, in accordance with the "channel, use the same, and use" principle, the implementation of project planning, funding and manpower arrangements, avoiding duplication of inputs and waste of resources, effective integration of poverty relief funds ... Here to remind everyone that bundle integration-related funds, aims to concentrate financial resources for big undertakings. Authorities do not think that has less autonomy, pursuing the deregulation of work. This year on the amount of funds on fighting for the departments concerned to increase over the previous year ... and ... respectively. In this regard, the financial Department to dispatch in a timely manner, analyses relevant departments strive for. (E) to implement the poverty assessment responsibilities. Of village-level evaluation is very clear, that is, "five-ten" ("five-way" path, power, through water, through radio, television, information; " Ten "the hanlaobaoshou fields, rich projects, Office kitchen, health services, sanitation system, pre-school education, 负重跑步:着战斗服及军靴,背 11 公斤背包,跑 8000 公尺。40 分钟之内为满分,超过 60 分钟为 0 分。 游泳:不限姿势,游泳 100 米后马上潜水游 10 米。1 分 35 秒之内为满分;游不到 25 公尺为 0 分;100 米游完后若无法潜水 10 米则计 1 , 5 分。 500 障碍:3 分 50 秒之内满分,超过 7 分钟为 0 分。 攀绳:绳长 6 米,扣掉身高之后相当于攀绳 4 米,不可用脚辅助。无法攀绳 4 米为 0 分。 仰卧起坐:40 下。 伏地挺身 (俯卧撑):15 下 (不过记得平时处罚及练习时至少有 50 下)。 引体向上 (单扛):4 下 (10 下为满分)。 【来源: 小吴法外网站整理 由于那网站为繁体 本人在此加以整理 部分信息有删选改动】 --心理建设 无聊 我要告诉你,军队的生活真的很无聊。不要以为电影中的情节会发生在你的军旅生涯中。在战斗单位,武器装备繁多,平常不出任务的时候在干麽呢,大部份的时间就是在打扫及保养装备。 生活一成不变 然后呢,一般来说这样的生活会持续到你五年约满。如果你是那种在外头打工个一个月就想换工作的人,这样长的时间你是否可以忍受呢, 养成坏习惯 由于生活实在很无聊,因此有人就养成了酗酒、抽菸、嫖妓的习惯。其实这也不算是什麽恶习啦,就是花钱就是了。兵团中大部份的人都没有储蓄的习惯,五年下来也没有留下什麽钱。 残废 当个军人当然存在或多或少的危险性。如果死了就算了,大不了亲人痛心而已。但是你要想想,若你残废的话,例如瞎了、聋了、手断、脚断、破相、或是下半身瘫痪,你要怎麽过你的馀生呢, culture and entertainment venues, fitness centers, has a good ecological environment, job security measures), these requirements are very straightforward, specific standards, also has a clear direction, more easily by a superior examination. Poverty assessment is to look at the per capita net income of the poor end of 2015 standards is ... ... Yuan, higher standards is poverty. Superior acceptance to entrust a third party institution from HouseImplementation. After acceptance, also through spot checks, visits, telephone surveys looking activities. This means that our achievements have been recognized by the poor for poverty alleviation through acceptance, which we put forward higher requirements for poverty eradication. Therefore, the County Office for poverty alleviation to evaluation efforts in this regard. To implement the grid management model, integrating poverty alleviation into grid management, and "make a heart" activity combined package of leading cadres implement monitoring systems for poverty alleviation, each poor households identified a package cost. In this regard, you can design a form, indicating the poor basic causes, current income, poverty, support measures, implementation of support measures, through helping ' income, annual revenue. From now on, protection officers working households, household-by-place. When the examination, which the poor don't have time to get out of poverty, and holding people accountable. Third, on environmental protection in construction of ecological civilization is the focus on one of the six battle this year. Xian Wei proposed to build "green mountains and beautiful, happy and harmonious" new ... ... Target, which is the basis of environmental protection. Do well environmental protection work, we keep the side of the mountains, nor to the masses to create a suitable for residential and business suitable for swimming and raising living and working environment. Last year, we got good grades the environmental work, atmospheric index ranked 4th in the city to obtain eco-compensationaccording to project needs, in accordance with the "channel, use the same, and use" principle, the implementation of project planning, funding and manpower arrangements, avoiding duplication of inputs and waste of resources, effective integration of poverty relief funds ... Here to remind everyone that bundle integration-related funds, aims to concentrate financial resources for big undertakings. Authorities do not think that has less autonomy, pursuing the deregulation of work. This year on the amount of funds on fighting for the departments concerned to increase over the previous year ... and ... respectively. In this regard, the financial Department to dispatch in a timely manner, analyses relevant departments strive for. (E) to implement the poverty assessment responsibilities. Of village-level evaluation is very clear, that is, "five-ten" ("five-way" path, power, through water, through radio, television, information; " Ten "the hanlaobaoshou fields, rich projects, Office kitchen, health services, sanitation system, pre-school education, 其他 当然当个军人并不是只有缺点而已。我相信可以看到这个网站的网友大致来说家境还不错 (至少你还有闲钱可以上网),而这也就是我再三提醒大家要好好考虑清楚的原因。因为你可以坐在电脑前面看着我的网站,幻想加入兵团之后的军旅生活,就代表你不是走投无路非加入兵团不可。所以,当你把这些通通都考虑清楚,加入兵团之后的生活对你而言就只有正面的影响。因为所有负面的因素你在事前通通都考虑过了。这样外籍兵团的生活便会非常有趣。能与来自世界各地的人生活在一起、认识各国的文化、过着有钱人用钱买不到的生活、与伙伴一起同甘共苦、还有尊敬你的法国人... 这就是我所称的「新江湖生活」。 1.如何加入外籍兵团? 首先先办理好签证(观光,商务,游学..等),到达法国后可持护照向当地外籍兵团招募站报名.(护照直接交给卫兵即可) 2.加入外籍兵团要准备什麼? 你无须携带过多的行李!!两套换洗衣物,基本盥洗用具含刮胡刀,另外记得带著你的护照正本;其余没必要之文件纸张相片尽可能不要携带. 3.法文英文不通是否可报名外籍兵团? 语言是很重要的,在兵团甄选期时若你不懂法文,最起码要会点英文,否则挨揍受罚是家常便饭(尤其是穿上迷彩服后),我也因法文不通而过的水深火热!!因此强烈建议多准备些基础法文再去参加甄选会好点! 4.体能的要求标准? 折返跑须达到七级,未达七级为不及格!! 引体向上(单杠)正手握直上直下不可摆荡,未达四下为不及格!! 仰卧起坐已经於2008年取消测验. 爬绳於2009年取消测验,但是否会恢复没有一个确定的. 5.笔试考哪些项目? 智力测验(共三项,包括几何图形逻辑,数学推理,图型推理)和性向测验.一律以电脑测试,有简体中文可供选择. 6.从报名到筛选的流程是多久? 这要看你是在何处报名,若是在马赛总部以外的招募站,你通常会待上八到十二天. culture and entertainment venues, fitness centers, has a good ecological environment, job security measures), these requirements are very straightforward, specific standards, also has a clear direction, more easily by a superior examination. Poverty assessment is to look at the per capita net income of the poor end of 2015 standards is ... ... Yuan, higher standards is poverty. Superior acceptance to entrust a third party institution from HouseImplementation. After acceptance, also through spot checks, visits, telephone surveys looking activities. This means that our achievements have been recognized by the poor for poverty alleviation through acceptance, which we put forward higher requirements for poverty eradication. Therefore, the County Office for poverty alleviation to evaluation efforts in this regard. To implement the grid management model, integrating poverty alleviation into grid management, and "make a heart" activity combined package of leading cadres implement monitoring systems for poverty alleviation, each poor households identified a package cost. In this regard, you can design a form, indicating the poor basic causes, current income, poverty, support measures, implementation of support measures, through helping ' income, annual revenue. From now on, protection officers working households, household-by-place. When the examination, which the poor don't have time to get out of poverty, and holding people accountable. Third, on environmental protection in construction of ecological civilization is the focus on one of the six battle this year. Xian Wei proposed to build "green mountains and beautiful, happy and harmonious" new ... ... Target, which is the basis of environmental protection. Do well environmental protection work, we keep the side of the mountains, nor to the masses to create a suitable for residential and business suitable for swimming and raising living and working environment. Last year, we got good grades the environmental work, atmospheric index ranked 4th in the city to obtain eco-compensationaccording to project needs, in accordance with the "channel, use the same, and use" principle, the implementation of project planning, funding and manpower arrangements, avoiding duplication of inputs and waste of resources, effective integration of poverty relief funds ... Here to remind everyone that bundle integration-related funds, aims to concentrate financial resources for big undertakings. Authorities do not think that has less autonomy, pursuing the deregulation of work. This year on the amount of funds on fighting for the departments concerned to increase over the previous year ... and ... respectively. In this regard, the financial Department to dispatch in a timely manner, analyses relevant departments strive for. (E) to implement the poverty assessment responsibilities. Of village-level evaluation is very clear, that is, "five-ten" ("five-way" path, power, through water, through radio, television, information; " Ten "the hanlaobaoshou fields, rich projects, Office kitchen, health services, sanitation system, pre-school education, 直接到总部报名则在三到五天后会送你去甄选中心. 从报名到你合格穿上军服约要十五到二十天的时间! 7.甄选的过程? 到达招募站后你会缴交你的护照,兵团会统一保管多於不必要的私人物品(衣物盥洗用具除外). 接下来填写你的基本资料,之后进行改名字出生地和出生日期的作业. 之后你会被通知到医务所体检(牙齿,骨骼,心电图,生殖器,听力,视力). 若你是在欧班尼亚以外地区的招募站,你会在某一个周四早上被送往位於欧班尼亚的总部甄选中心. 到达甄选中心后, 你缴交出你所有的私人物品,记住,是所有的!! 前往医务所打针,这是测试你的免疫系统,打针后的疤痕若超过一公分大小你会被通知到民间医院开立证明后再回来报名(三个月后). 之后是智力测验和性向测验,未达标准淘汰! 接下来是体能测验,不合格者当天下午就会被通知淘汰! 当你都通过测验后, 接著是两小一大的面试. 前两次是会简单问你的家庭背景, 而大面试招募站四楼的人事中心接受更严密的犯罪,出入境,家庭背景..等等的调查,约四个小时,会有中文翻译. 之后在礼拜四下午会点名,选出淘汰和留下的人 选上之后你会领取军服, 并统一接受抽血和到民间医院复检的作业 之后等待通知前往农庄受十五周的新训. 若复检结果有问题, 可能会留在甄选中心7~14天, 之后看状况是淘汰或者留下. culture and entertainment venues, fitness centers, has a good ecological environment, job security measures), these requirements are very straightforward, specific standards, also has a clear direction, more easily by a superior examination. Poverty assessment is to look at the per capita net income of the poor end of 2015 standards is ... ... Yuan, higher standards is poverty. Superior acceptance to entrust a third party institution from HouseImplementation. After acceptance, also through spot checks, visits, telephone surveys looking activities. This means that our achievements have been recognized by the poor for poverty alleviation through acceptance, which we put forward higher requirements for poverty eradication. Therefore, the County Office for poverty alleviation to evaluation efforts in this regard. To implement the grid management model, integrating poverty alleviation into grid management, and "make a heart" activity combined package of leading cadres implement monitoring systems for poverty alleviation, each poor households identified a package cost. In this regard, you can design a form, indicating the poor basic causes, current income, poverty, support measures, implementation of support measures, through helping ' income, annual revenue. From now on, protection officers working households, household-by-place. When the examination, which the poor don't have time to get out of poverty, and holding people accountable. Third, on environmental protection in construction of ecological civilization is the focus on one of the six battle this year. Xian Wei proposed to build "green mountains and beautiful, happy and harmonious" new ... ... Target, which is the basis of environmental protection. Do well environmental protection work, we keep the side of the mountains, nor to the masses to create a suitable for residential and business suitable for swimming and raising living and working environment. Last year, we got good grades the environmental work, atmospheric index ranked 4th in the city to obtain eco-compensationaccording to project needs, in accordance with the "channel, use the same, and use" principle, the implementation of project planning, funding and manpower arrangements, avoiding duplication of inputs and waste of resources, effective integration of poverty relief funds ... Here to remind everyone that bundle integration-related funds, aims to concentrate financial resources for big undertakings. Authorities do not think that has less autonomy, pursuing the deregulation of work. This year on the amount of funds on fighting for the departments concerned to increase over the previous year ... and ... respectively. In this regard, the financial Department to dispatch in a timely manner, analyses relevant departments strive for. (E) to implement the poverty assessment responsibilities. Of village-level evaluation is very clear, that is, "five-ten" ("five-way" path, power, through water, through radio, television, information; " Ten "the hanlaobaoshou fields, rich projects, Office kitchen, health services, sanitation system, pre-school education,
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