
网页错误状态码(Page error status code)

2018-04-02 16页 doc 49KB 284阅读




网页错误状态码(Page error status code)网页错误状态码(Page error status code) 网页错误状态码(Page error status code) 100 -----500 400 cannot resolve this request. 401.1 unauthorized: access denied due to invalid credentials. 401.2 unauthorized: access denied because of server configuration preferences using alter...
网页错误状态码(Page error status code)
网页错误状态码(Page error status code) 网页错误状态码(Page error status code) 100 -----500 400 cannot resolve this request. 401.1 unauthorized: access denied due to invalid credentials. 401.2 unauthorized: access denied because of server configuration preferences using alternative authentication methods. 401.3 unauthorized: access denied due to ACL's set of requested resources. 401.4 unauthorized: the filter wizard installed on the Web server failed. 401.5 unauthorized: ISAPI/CGI application licensing failed. 401.7 unauthorized: access denied because of the URL authorization policy on the Web server. 403 prohibit access: access denied. 403.1 prohibit access: execution access denied. 403.2 disable access: read access denied. 403.3 disable access: write access denied. 403.4 disable access: use SSL to view this resource. 403.5 prohibit access: use SSL 128 to view this resource. 403.6 disable access: the client's IP address is denied. 403.7 prohibit access: requires SSL client certificates. 403.8 disable access: the client's DNS name is denied. 403.9 disable access: too many clients attempt to connect to the Web server. 403.10 prohibit access: the Web server is configured to refuse access. 403.11 prohibit access: password has been changed. 403.12 prohibit access: server certificate mapper denied client certificate access. 403.13 prohibit access: client certificates have been revoked on the Web server. 403.14, no access: a list of directories has been rejected on the Web server. 403.15 prohibit access: the Web server has exceeded the client access license limit. 403.16 prohibit access: client certificate format error or not trusted by the Web server. 403.17 prohibit access: client certificate has expired or has not yet become effective. 403.18 prohibit access: unable to execute requested URL in the current application pool. 403.19 prohibit access: this CGI cannot be executed for clients in the application pool. 403.20 disable access: Passport logon failed. 404 cannot find file or directory. 404.1 file or directory not found: the site cannot access the requested port. Note that the 404.1 error will only appear on a computer with multiple IP addresses. If a client request is received on a particular IP address / port combination, and the IP address is not configured to listen on that particular port, the IIS returns a 404.1 HTTP error. For example, if a computer has two IP addresses, and only one IP address configured in listening on port 80, another IP address request received from any port 80 will cause the IIS to return to the 404.1 error. This error should only be set at this service level because it will be returned to the client only when multiple IP addresses are used on the server. 404.2 file or directory cannot be found: Lock policy prohibits this request. 404.3 file or directory cannot be found: MIME mapping policy prohibits this request. 405 the HTTP action used to access the page is not licensed. The 406 client browser does not accept the MIME type of the requested page. The 407 Web server requires initial proxy authentication. 410 file deleted. 412 prerequisites for client settings fail when evaluated on the Web server. 414 the request URL is too large, so the URL is not accepted on the Web server. 500 server internal error. 500.11 server error: the application on the Web server is shutting down. 500.12 server error: the application on the Web server is restarting. 500.13 server error: the Web server is too busy. 500.14 server error: invalid application configuration on the server. 500.15 server error: GLOBAL.ASA is not allowed to request directly. 500.16 server error: UNC authentication credentials are incorrect. 500.17 server error: URL authorization store cannot be found. 500.18 server error: URL authorized storage cannot be opened. 500.19 server error: the file's data is not configured properly in the configuration database. 500.20 server error: URL authorization domain cannot be found. 500100 internal server error: ASP error. 501 the configuration specified by the header value is not executed. The 502 Web server received an invalid response as a gateway or proxy server. WIN2003, SERVER, IIS6.0, ASP, error parsing Event ID description 0100 lack of memory. Unable to allocate the required memory. 0101 unexpected error. The function returns |. 0102 requires string input. Function requires string input. 0103 requires digital inputs. Function requires numeric input. 0104 not allowed to operate. 0105 index out of range. The index of the array is out of range. 0106 type mismatch. Encountered an unhandled data type. 0107 data size is too large. The size of the data sent in the request is beyond the allowed limit. 0108 failed to create object. Error creating object ''%s''. 0109 members were not found. 0110 unknown name. 0111 unknown interface. 0112 parameter missing. 0113 script timeout. Exceeded the longest time the script ran. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the Server.ScriptTimeout property or modifying the value in the IIS management tool. 0114 objects are not available for free threads. The application object accepts only free thread objects, and object'%s'is not available for free threads. 0115 unexpected error. A catch error occurred in an external object (%X). The script cannot continue. 0116 the script delimiter end tag is missing. The lack of a script script block end tag (% >). 0117 end of script flag missing. The script block lacks the script end tag () or the tag terminator symbol (>). The end tag of the 0118 object is missing. The object block lacks the object end tag () or the tag terminator symbol (>). The 0119 Classid or Progid attribute is missing. '|'object instance requires a valid Classid or Progid in the object tag. The 0120 Runat property is invalid. The Runat attribute of script tags or object tags can only have'Server'values. 0121 the scope in the object tag is invalid. The scope of the object instance is not'|'Application or Session. To create an object instance with a range of Session or Application, add the Object tag in the Global.asa file. 0122 the scope in the object tag is invalid. '|'object instance must have Application or Session range. This will apply to all objects created in the Global.asa file. 0123 lack the Id attribute. The Id attribute required for the Object tag is missing. The 0124 Language attribute is missing. The Language attribute required for the Object tag is missing. The 0125 attribute end tag is missing. '|'attribute value without end delimiter. 0126 Include file not found. Include'|'file not found. The end tag of 0127 HTML annotation is missing. HTML notes or on the server side include file missing end tags (- >). The 0128 File or Virtual attribute is missing. The Include file name must be specified with the File or Virtual property. 0129 unknown scripting language. The server cannot find the script language'|'. The 0130 File property is invalid. The File property'|'cannot start with a slash or backslash. 0131 the parent path is not allowed. The Include file cannot contain'|''.. 'to represent the parent directory. 0132 compile error. Active Server Page'|'cannot handle. The 0133 ClassID property is invalid. The object tag has an invalid ClassID'|'. The 0134 ProgID property is invalid. The object has an invalid ProgID'|'. The 0135 loop contains. The file contains'|'itself (perhaps indirectly included). Check the other Include statements contained in the file. The 0136 object instance name is invalid. An instance of an object'|'trying to use a reserved name. This name is used by the internal object of Active Server Pages. 0137 global script is invalid. The script block must be one of the allowed Global.asa processes. Using the script command in <%... Not allowed in the Global.asa file% >. The allowed procedure names are Application_OnStart, Application_OnEnd, Session_OnStart, or Session_OnEnd. 0138 script block nesting. The script block cannot be placed in another script block. 0139 nested objects. Object tags cannot be placed in another object tag. The 0140 page order is out of order. The @ command must be the first command in Active Server Page. The 0141 page command repeats. @ commands can only be used once in Active Server Page. 0142 thread token error. Cannot open thread token. 0143 the application name is invalid. A valid application name was not found. 0144 initialization error. The list of objects at the page level failed at initialization. 0145 new application failed. Unable to add new application. 0146 new session failed. Unable to add new session. 0147500 server error. 0148 server too busy. 0149 is restarting the application. The request cannot be processed during restart of the application. 0150 application directory error. Unable to open the application directory. 0151 change notification error. Cannot create a change notification event. 0152 security error. An error occurred while processing user security credentials. 0153 thread error. New thread request failed. 0154 HTTP header write error. The HTTP header cannot be written to the client browser. 0155 page write error. Page content cannot be written to the client browser. 0156 head error. The HTTP header has been written to the client browser. Any HTTP header must be modified before writing the contents of the page. 0157 enable buffering. Cannot turn off after buffer enable. 0158 URL lost. URL is required. 0159 buffer is closed. Buffer must be enabled. 0160 logging error. Failed to write entries to the log. 0161 data type error. Converting Variant to String variable failed. 0162 cannot modify Cookie. Cannot modify Cookie'ASPSessionID'. It is a reserved Cookie name. 0163 comma usage is invalid. You must not use commas in log entries. Please select another separator. The 0164 TimeOut value is invalid. The specified TimeOut value is invalid. 0165 SessionID error. Unable to create SessionID string. 0166 object not initialized. Attempted to access uninitialized objects. 0167 session initialization error. An error occurred initializing the Session object. 0168 banned object use. The internal object cannot be saved in the Session object. 0169 lack of object information. An object that cannot hold incomplete information in a Session object. The thread model information for the object is required. 0170 delete session errors. Unable to delete Session correctly. 0171 path missing. You must specify the Path parameter for the MapPath method. 0172 path is invalid. The path to the MapPath method must be a virtual path. An actual path was used. 0173 path character is invalid. An invalid character is specified in the Path parameter of the MapPath method. 0174 more than one path character is invalid. Invalid 'or' \ \ 'specified Path parameters in MapPath method. 0175 path characters not allowed. '..' characters are not allowed Path parameters in MapPath method. 0176 path not found. The Path parameter of the MapPath method does not match the known path. 0177 Server.createObject failed. %s 0178 Server.createObject access error. Failed to call Server.createObject when checking permissions. Access to this object is denied. 0179 application initialization error. An error occurred initializing the Application object. 0180 banned object use. The internal object cannot be saved in the Application object. The 0181 thread model is invalid. Objects that use the cell thread model cannot be stored in the Application object. 0182 loss of object information. An object that cannot hold incomplete information in a Application object. The thread model information for this object is required. 0183 empty Cookie entries. Empty item cannot be saved. Cookie. 0184 Cookie name missing. You must specify a name for the Cookie. 0185 the default property is missing. The default property for the object was not found. 0186 certificate analysis error. 0187 objects add conflicts. The object cannot be added to the application. The application is locked by another request to add an object. 0188 banned object use. The object created by the object tag cannot be added to the session. 0189 banned object use. Unable to add objects created with object tags to the application. 0190 unexpected error. There is a catch error when releasing an external object. 0191 unexpected error. There is a catch error in the OnStartPage method of the external object. 0192 unexpected error. There is a catch error in the OnEndPage method of the external object. 0193 OnStartPage failed. An error occurred in the OnStartPage method of the external object. 0194 OnEndPage failed. An error occurred in the OnEndPage method of the external object. 0195 invalid server method call. session _ onend 和 application _ onend 期间不能调用 server 对 象的此方法. financial 无法启动进程外组件.只能使用 inproc 服务器组件.若 要使用 localserver 组件, 必须设置 aspallowoutofproccomponents 配置数据库设置.请参阅帮助文件, 了解重要注意事项. 禁止的对象使用.不能将有单元模型行为的对象添加到应用程序内部对象 197. 服务器正在关闭.不能处理请求 0.198. to promote 禁止的对象使用.不能将 jscript 对象添加到会话. we 超出 'expires' 属性范围.为' expires' 指定的日期和时间在 1980 年 1 月 1 日之前或在 2038 年 1 月 19 日 3: 14:07 gmt 之后. 0201 默认脚本语言无效.为此应用程序指定的默认脚本语言无效. 0202 代码页丢失.代码页属性丢失. 0203 代码页无效.指定的代码页属性无效. the 值无效.指定的 值无效 code page code page. 0205 更改通知.创建更改通知事件失败. 0206 不能调用 binaryread.使用 request. form 集合后不能调用 binaryread. 0207 不能使用 request.form.调用 binaryread 后不能使用 request. form 集合. even 不能使用通用 request 集合.调用 binaryread 后不能使用通用 request 集合. 0209 transaction 属性的值非法.transaction 属性只能是 required、requires _ new、supported 或 not _ supported. 0210 方法未实施.此方法尚未实施. from 对象超出范围.引用内置的 asp 对象, 此操作已不再有效. those 无法清除缓冲区.客户端调试启用时, response.flush 之后不能有 response.clear. ju 路径无效.path 参数超出允许的最大长度. human enablesessionstate 属性的值非法.enablesessionstate 或 属性的值只能是 true or false. 0216 msdtc 服务未运行.如果未运行 msdtc 服务, 则不能运行事务性网页. recent 对象标记中的范围无效.对象的作用范围必须是 page、session 或 application. life lcid 丢失.lcid 属性丢失. adjustment of lcid 无效.指定的 lcid 不可用. an 不允许请求 global.asa.不允许请求指向 global.asa 的 url. 0221 @ 命令指令无效.指定的 '|' 选项未知或无效. 2 typelib 规范无效.metadata 标记包含无效的类型库规范. 未找到 0223 typelib.metadata 标签含有的类型库规范和注册项 不符. at 无法加载 typelib.无法加载 metadata 标记中指定的类型库. 0225 无法包装 typelib.不能通过 metadata 标记中指定的类型库创建类型库包装对象. 0226 无法修改 staticobjects.运行时无法修改 staticobjects 集合. 0227 server. execute 失败.调用 server. execute 失败. e-mail server. execute 错误.加载此页时调用 server. execute 失败. 0229 server. transfer 失败.调用 server. transfer 失败. 0230 server. transfer 错误.加载此页时调用 server. transfer 失败. 0231 server. execute 错误.使用的 url 格式无效, 或者使用了完全限定的绝对 url.请使用相对 url. the establishment of 标记包含无效的 cookie cookie 规范无效.metadata 规范. 0233 无法加载 cookie 脚本源.无法加载 metadata 标记中指定的 cookie 脚本源文件. 0234 包含指令无效.脚本块中可能没有服务器端包含文件指令.请使用 < script > 标签的 src = 属性. turn server. transfer 错误.使用的 url 格式无效, 或者使用了完 全限定的绝对 url.请使用相对 url. 0236 cookie 规范无效.metadata 标记包含无效的 src 参数或缺少 该参数. 规范无效 0237 cookie. The METADATA tag contains an invalid NAME parameter or is missing the parameter. 0238 attribute value lost. No value is specified for'|'attribute. 0239 cannot handle files. The UNICODE ASP file is not supported. 0240 script engine exception. ScriptEngine raises'%X'exceptions from'%s' in'%s'. 0241 createObject abnormalities. '%s'of createObject causes%X exception. 0242 query the OnStartPage interface exception. The OnStartPage or OnEndPage method of the query'%s'object raises the%X exception. The METADATA tag in 0243 Global.asa is invalid. Only METADATA TYPE= "TypeLib" is used in Global.asa". 0244 cannot enable session state. The session state cannot be enabled when the session is disabled in the application. 0245 code page values mixed use. The specified @CODEPAGE value is different from the value that contains the file's CODEPAGE or the saved format of the file. 0246, concurrent users too much. Please try again later. Invalid argument for 0247 BinaryRead. The parameter of BinaryRead must be non negative. 0248 unhandled scripts. This ASP file must be processed before you can use the ObjectContext object. 0249 cannot use IStream on Request. You cannot use IStream on the Request object when you use the Request.Form collection or Request.BinaryRead. 0250 the default code page is invalid. The default code page specified for the application is invalid for this purpose. 0251 exceeded the response buffer limit. The execution of the ASP page causes the response buffer to exceed its configuration limit.
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