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艾叶(Leaves)艾叶(Leaves) 艾叶(Leaves) 叶 艾叶 艾叶 (英)艾叶 别名大艾叶、杜艾叶、萎蒿。 来源为菊科植物艾艾的叶。 植物形态多年生草本,高0.5,1.2m。茎直立,被白色细软毛,上部分枝。叶互生,中下部叶片广阔,3,5深裂或羽状深裂,裂片椭圆形或椭圆状披针形,边缘有不规则的锯齿,上面散生白色腺点,疏生毡毛,下面密生白色毡毛。头状花序钟形,长3,4mm,直径2,2.5mm,几无柄;总苞片4,5层,密被白色绵毛,边缘膜质,外层披针形;雌花长约1mm;两性花结实,长约2mm,紫褐色。瘦果椭圆形,无毛。花期7...
艾叶(Leaves) 艾叶(Leaves) 叶 艾叶 艾叶 (英)艾叶 别名大艾叶、杜艾叶、萎蒿。 来源为菊科植物艾艾的叶。 植物形态多年生草本,高0.5,1.2m。茎直立,被白色细软毛,上部分枝。叶互生,中下部叶片广阔,3,5深裂或羽状深裂,裂片椭圆形或椭圆状披针形,边缘有不规则的锯齿,上面散生白色腺点,疏生毡毛,下面密生白色毡毛。头状花序钟形,长3,4mm,直径2,2.5mm,几无柄;总苞片4,5层,密被白色绵毛,边缘膜质,外层披针形;雌花长约1mm;两性花结实,长约2mm,紫褐色。瘦果椭圆形,无毛。花期7,10月。 生于荒地、林缘,有栽培。分布于东北、华北、华东、西南各省区。 采制夏季花未开时采收,除去杂质,晒干。 性状多皱缩,破碎,有短柄。完整叶片卵状椭圆形,羽状深裂,裂片椭圆状披针形,边缘有不规则的粗锯齿,上面灰绿色或深黄绿色,有稀疏的柔毛及腺点,下表面密生灰白色绒毛。质柔软气清香,味苦。 化学成分含挥发油,油中主要为?,8桉叶精、α-侧柏酮(α-侧柏酮)、α-水芹烯(α-水芹烯)、β-丁香烯(β-石竹烯)、莰烯、樟 脑、藏茴香酮、反式苇醇(反香芹醇)、?-α-松油醇(?-α-松油醇)。 性味性温,味苦、辛;有小毒。 功能主治散寒止痛,温经止血。用于小腹冷痛、经寒不调、宫冷不孕、吐血、衄血、崩漏经多、妊娠下血、血肤瘙痒。 【英文名】艾叶 【别名】艾、艾蒿、家艾 【来源】本品为菊科植物艾Artemisia argyi Levl。等相关。的干燥叶。夏季花未开时采摘,除去杂质,晒干。 【制法】醋艾炭(艾叶炭):取净艾叶,在锅内炒至大部分成焦黑色,喷米醋,拌匀后取出稍筛;也可喷洒清水扑灭火星,取出晾干,防止复燃。每100kg艾叶,用醋15kg。 【性状】本品多皱缩、破碎,有短柄。完整叶片展平后呈卵状椭圆形,羽状深裂,裂片椭圆状披针形,边缘有不规则的粗锯齿,上表面灰绿色或深黄绿色,有稀疏的柔毛及腺点;下表面密生灰白色绒毛。质柔软气清香,味苦。 【鉴别】本品粉末绿褐色。非腺毛有两种:一种为T字形毛,顶端细胞长而弯曲,两臂不等长,柄2,4细胞;另一种为单列性非腺毛,3,5细胞,顶端细胞特长而扭曲,常断落。腺毛表面观鞋底形,由4、6细胞相对叠合而成,无柄。草酸钙簇晶,直径3,7μm,存在于叶肉细胞中。 【性味归经】辛、苦,温;有小毒。归肝、脾、肾经。 【功能主治】散寒止痛,温经止血。用于少腹冷痛,经寒不调,宫冷不孕,吐血,衄血,崩漏经多,妊娠下血;外治皮肤瘙痒。醋艾炭温经止血。用于虚寒性出血。 【用法用量】3,9g。外用适量,供灸治或熏洗用。 【贮藏】置阴凉干燥处。 【备注】 (1)本品捣烂如绒,制成艾卷、艾柱,可做灸法之用。 (2)口服大量艾叶制剂后,约半小时即出现中毒症状:喉干口渴,胃肠不适,恶心,呕吐,继而全身无力,头晕耳鸣,四肢震颤乃至痉挛(中枢神经系统高度兴奋引起),痉挛发作后全身肌肉弛缓,缺乏张力,甚至瘫痪。由于神经反射及血管本身受损,可招致子宫充血、出血,孕妇甚至流产。亦可引起肝细胞代谢障碍,而致中毒性黄疸和肝炎。由于主要作用于中枢神经系统,痊愈后亦常有健忘,幻觉等后遗症。慢性中毒者则有感觉过敏、共济失调、幻想、神经炎、癫痫样痉挛等症状出现。 (3)如遇口服中毒者,首先清洗胃肠道,用骨炭粉吸收,并置病人于安静及光线较暗之房内,避免外来刺激,给予镇静剂,保护肝脏机能,以及其他一般内科常规对症治疗。 【摘录】《全国中草药汇编》 艾叶 (《本草经集注》) 【来源】为菊科植物艾的干燥叶。 [AI] plant morphology ("Book of Songs"), also known as: ice ("you" (juvenile), mugwort Er "Guo Pu note), grass (" don "), (" Pi "Ya moxibustion grass), Chinese mugwort (Artemisia argyi" biography "), yellow grass (" compendium "), home AI (" medical Lin Tsay "), sweet AI (" materia medica seeking original "), grass Peng, Peng AI, wolf tail wormwood, wild lotus head, and a sweet AI, ai. Herbs perennial, 45~120 cm tall. Stems erect, rounded, soft, basally woody, gray white fur, from above the middle branch. Leaves simple, alternate; the lower stem leaf in flowering is withered; middle leaves short petiolate leaves, ovate elliptic, pinnatipartite, lobes elliptic lanceolate, margin coarsely serrate, above dark green, is thin white fur, and densely glandular dots, the gray green, densely gray white tomentose; nearly the top of the stem leaves sessile, sometimes entire leaves completely split, lanceolate or linear lanceolate. Inflorescence racemose, terminal, by a majority of heads together; involucral bract 4 ~ 5 layer, the outer layer is small, ovate lanceolate, middle and inner large, oval shaped, margin membranous, densely woolly; flat receptacle, semiglobose, on flower and hermaphrodite flowers more than 10 female flower; not very developed, about 1 centimeters long, no obvious corolla; bisexual flowers and flower length, corolla shape, red, the top 5 crack; stamens 5, synandrium, filaments short, inserted in corolla base; style slender, top 2 bifurcation, ovary inferior, room 1. Achene oblong. Florescence 7~10 months. Grow Yu Lupang, meadows, wilderness, etc. There are also growers. Distribution of Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong,, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu and other places. The fruit of this plant (Ai Shi) is also used for medicinal purposes. The same plant used, also known as: AI, AI fire of May. 45~100 cm tall. The middle leaves 1 to 2 pinnatifid, lobes elliptic, lanceolate to linear, entire or serrate, glandular leaves above, nearly bald clean, under white silky hairs; almost upper leaves sessile, lobes narrow line. Fl. 9 ~ October. Most parts of the country are distributed. The leaves can also be used as wormwood leaves. [collection] spring, Xia Erji, picking flowers are not open, leafy, dried or dried. [herbs] dried leaves, many shriveled, broken, short stalked. Leaves slightly pinnate and irregularly coarsely serrate at margin of lobes. The above gray green, with fur, densely gray white tomentose below. Soft quality. The air is fragrant and the taste is bitter. The following gray, fluffy, and strong aroma is preferred. Most parts of the country produce more. [chemical] containing volatile oil, the main oil I, 8- cineole and alpha thujone (-thujone alpha), alpha phellandrene (alpha beta -phellandrene), Ding Xiangxi (beta -caryophyllene), camphene, camphor, carvol, trans Wei (transcarveol), alcohol alpha 1 - terpineol (I - alpha -terpineol). [processing] moxa leaves: pick off impurities, go to the stem, sift the ash. Moxa: take sun clean leaves ground into velvet, pick hard stems and petioles, sieve to ashes. AI: take the net carbon leaves the pot the use of force to fry 70% black, with vinegar spray, mix well after the wire screen, not through heavy speculation, remove and cool, prevent the resurgence, three days after storage. (100 pounds per leaf, 15 pounds with vinegar) The materia medica Yanyi ":" dry vibrating sieve to Qing Zi, white stone, into sulfur, sulfur for AI moxibustion, household. It can be a little Rice noodles, pound for the end, into taking medicine. " The "compendium": "where the leaves should be used to treat Chen long, soft, ripe called AI, if the fire moxibustion hurts, muscle vein. Net picking leaves, Yang dust, into the MORTAR PESTLE after cooked, Luo to take white trash, and then stir, to soft rotten cotton as for the degree, when baked dry, then the effective fire moxibustion. The woman must take the pill and powder, cooked with vinegar boiled AI, Daocheng pancake, baked pound for the end use, or the waxy paste and make cakes and wine fried is poor. Hongshi "Rong Zhai essay" cloud, AI to force, if the white Poria three and five pieces of the same ground as instant powder, also a different. " [sexual taste] bitter, pungent, warm. The catalog ":" bitter, tepid, non-toxic. " The materia medica of Tang Dynasty: "raw cold, ripe heat". " The "compendium": "bitter and acrid, warm, cooked. " [meridian] into the spleen, liver and kidney. The "compendium": "the foot Taiyin, Shaoyin meridian, Jue yin. " The new book of materia medica: "the three classics of the spleen, the kidney and the lung". " Third, "materia medica again new": "enter the heart, the kidney two classics". " [indications] function of Qi and blood, expel the cold; by the temperature, hemostasis, tocolysis. Treatment of cold pain in the heart, diarrhea spasm, dysentery, vomit, blood, menstruation, uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge, fetal irritability, sore carbuncle, scabies. The catalog ":" the main diseases of moxibustion. Can be fried, stopping diarrhea, vomiting, lower your sore, her blood leakage. Li yin, Give birth to muscle, give cold wind, make people have children. " Tao Hongjing: "inside the leaf to moxibustion sickness, also only hurt blood. The juice killed the worms again. Fried bitter leaves cure ringworm. " The potency of "blood": Zhibeng, tocolysis abdominal pain. Check dysentery and diarrhea five hemorrhoids blood reservoir. Long serving cold dysentery. Confidant damp, take the leaves during a juice drink. " The "Tang Materia Medica": "the main blood, nose bleeding, purulent dysentery, boiled and Wansan appointment. " The "therapeutic Materia Medica": "undertake, collapse, cholera, fetal leakage check. " The "Japan Hua Zi Materia Medica": "stop cholera cramp, cure heartache, nose hung, and down. " The "pearl sac": "Wen wei. " The "Lu crags Materia Medica": "throat pain and heat in the diet is closed, hinder, ramming juice gargle. " To "Wang Haogu": "with the cure for disease, abdominal distension, such as sitting in his waist. " The "compendium": "the temperature by cold dehumidification. " They are: "monarch" Chinese Materia Medica "cold nirvana, pernicious malaria. " The "herbal medicine to the new": "Tiaojing Qi, Qi and blood. Treatment of postpartum convulsion, infantile umbilical ulceration. " [usage and dosage] oral: fried soup, 1~3 dollars; into the pill, scattered or mash juice. External: pound for cashmere or made of moxa cone moxibustion, ramming dressing, Jianshui fumigation or hot ironing temperature. [taboo] yinxuxuere with caution. The "compendium": "to make the bitter, Rhizoma cyperi. " The "herbal preparation" to ":" blood for the sick disabled. " 3. The source of this disease: "Yin deficiency, fire hyperactivity, blood dryness, heat generation, and loss of blood in the stomach, the patient is forbidden.". " [1] election rule obiit Baiai: maturity of three litres to three litres of water, boil a liter, dregs, meal service. If you are polite, spit out the worm. (fill the rear of the elbow) Treat the cold pain of the spleen and stomach: the white mugwort Decoction at the end is two dollars. ("health" to qzx-agnh) Treat enteritis, acute urethral infection, cystitis: moxa leaves two money, chili two money, 126 money before the car. Water decoction, one dose a day, sooner or later each time. (Jiangsu Xuzhou "unilateral inspection." party new therapy) The gas treatment diarrhea abdominal pain, sleep disturbed: leaves (fry), Chen Jupi (soup dip to the white, baked) etc.. Two pound for the end of the wine taste Luo, boiled rice and pills, such as Wutong son. Take twenty pills each, hollow. ("Shengji Zonglu" Shannon pill) The treatment of abdominal pain, diarrhea and cold, blood stem leaves woman: 42 (Chaojiao deposit), Sichuan white ginger one or two (gun). For end, cooking vinegar paste pill, such as the Wu zi. Take thirty pills each time, Wenmi drink. (this was "Ai Jiangtang effect") The cure and vomiting one or two, or heart bleeding, or collapse: cooked chicken Xu AI three, five litres of water, boil two liters. (thousand pieces of gold) The treatment of nosebleed: more than AI ash blowing, also can mugwort decoction. (Saint Hui) The treatment of feces after blood: moxa and ginger. Deep fried juice, served three. (thousand pieces of gold) To treat woman collapse, in more than ripe AI such as chicken, gelatin (semi dried ginger, fried to the end) of a money. Boil the water five cup, AI, ginger Zhier half light, into the three clothing, melt glue, fasting clothes, a day. (health care must be used side) The treatment of functional uterine bleeding, postpartum hemorrhage: moxa leaf carbon one or two, pollen, dandelion each five yuan. Take one dose daily and two times. (Inner Mongolia "Chinese herbal medicine Xinyi therapy materials") They treat women leucorrhea: shower drain leaves (such as Mian Yang pestle, dust and stalk, boiled wine a week) 62, white atractylodes rhizome (Su, 32 with rice water leaching, dried Angelica (fry), wine fried) 22, Amomum one or two. For at the end of each long serving three money, adjust. (translated by Materia Medica) The treatment of pregnancy stroke showed restless, but the pain or fetal heart, or turn to grab, or more than a chicken blood: leaves, with four liters of wine, cooked two liters, divided into two. (rear elbow) How to treat postpartum abdominal pain to death, due to a sense of cold: Chen Qiai two pounds, torrefying, smashed shop umbilical, covered with silk, iron, the mouth of AI gas pain, self check. (Yang Cheng's experience side) To treat night sweat: cooked Ai Erqian, white Poria three money, ebony three. A water clock, fry eight minutes, face lie. (the "compendium") Not cold sores, cure ulcer, lag: beiai Decoction Xihou glue, smoked. (ren Di directed Fang) Treat them Toufeng face sores, itching out water: AI 22, a liter of vinegar, casserole fried juice, each paper posted, day two or three. (Xu Guozhen, Royal Hospital of Pharmacy) Accessory cure eczema: mugwort leaf carbon, alum, Phellodendron etc.. Grind together fine end, use sesame oil to change cream, external application. (Inner Mongolia "Chinese herbal medicine Xinyi therapy materials") [clinical application] treatment of chronic hepatitis Take the leaves made of injection, equivalent to 0.5 grams per milliliter of crude drug, the daily intramuscular injection of 4 ml, the total course of 1 to 2 months. Hepatoprotective agents were administered during treatment. 123 cases were treated, of which 39 cases were persistent hepatitis, 28 cases were cured recently, 6 cases were markedly effective, 5 cases were improved, 46 cases were chronic hepatitis, 21 cases were cured recently, 19 cases were markedly effective, 6 cases improved; 15 cases were cirrhosis, 3 cases were markedly effective, 4 cases were improved, 8 cases were ineffective. The total effective rate was 92%. Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and wheezing Take 10% ml of Folium Artemisiae argyi 30 times a day, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. Clinical observation of 37 cases, both oral isoniazid, 3 cases with pulmonary heart disease patients with heart failure, strophanthini treatment, general service leaves liquid for 1 ~ 1.5 months. In 31 cases after the treatment, shortness of breath and cough, wheezing disappeared, a significant reduction in the amount of sputum, lung dry and wet rales decreased or disappeared; the remaining 6 cases less effective or ineffective. Experience has proved that no serious to lung or lung fiber hyperplasia existed is better. Treatment of chronic bronchitis Take 1 pounds of fresh or dry Ai Ai 2 jins, washed, chopped, add 4000 ml of water for 4 to 6 hours, water filtration, Yoder filtrate 3000 ml, adding flavorings and preservatives. Take 3 times a day, 30~60 milliliters each time. Or make injection, 2 times a day, intramuscular injection of 2~4 ml.. 154 cases were treated, 6 cases were soon controlled, 21 cases were markedly effective, 81 cases were improved, 46 cases were ineffective. Extract from Artemisia argyi oil or by distillation, made into capsules or tablets to take, daily 0.1 ~ 0.3 ml, 3 to 4 times a day orally, 10 days for a course. 138 cases were treated, the total effective rate was 81.88%, and 46.37% of the patients were treated with immediate effect. There are daily use of moxa leaves 2, two (dry goods), brown sugar 5, add water fried into 100 ml, 3~4 times, 1 weeks for a course of treatment. 484 Cases were treated with an effective rate of 76.1%. The treatment of acute bacillary dysentery Take 20% Folium argyi decoction, take 4 times daily, 40 ml each time, observe 21 cases, all have been cured, the average hospitalization is 5.5 days. Vitamin B and C were added at the same time, and individual cases were given infusion. Treatment of vivax malaria Take dried Wormwood Leaves 0.5 to 1, two, chopped, and simmer for 2 hours or so, filter, add sugar, take 2 hours before the attack, and take 2 days. After treatment 53 cases, the effective rate of controlling symptoms was up and down 89%. The rate of negative conversion of Plasmodium in blood was 56.2%., and the liquid medicine should be used at present. The curative effect was better by 1 or two per day. The treatment of ancylostome dermatitis In the local tapeworm infection within 24 hours, the diameter of 1.5 cm of the moxa roll, hot smoked tapeworm infection department. For a rash and a wide range of dermatitis, the affected area of the skin, one by one, smoked 5 minutes. 106 cases were cured, 77 cases of itching disappeared, 28 cases still had itching, 1 cases were itching. Patients usually after the evening smoked, that is, itching to sleep, itching next morning disappeared. The control group of 60 cases without treatment, itching duration is short, 3~4 days, 5~6 days long, a small number of dermatitis progression to redness, blisters, rings and ulcers due to scratching. The treatment group of respiratory symptoms (dyspnea, cough) the occurrence rate was 1.88%, the control group was 14%. The treatment of women leucorrhea Take 5% fried leaves, 2 eggs, into the soup, boiled eggs, soup, and even for 5 days. The treatment of verruca vulgaris Take the fresh mugwort leaves and wipe it up several times a day until the wart falls off. Treatment 12 cases, the shortest 3 days, the longest 10 days will fall off.
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