

2018-04-11 14页 doc 189KB 20阅读




手机天猫APP设计手机天猫APP设计 基于工业设计方法学的古彭大厦掌上,,,设计 摘要 由于手机APP的兴起,各种购物软件也犹如雨后春笋一般,手机上网购物成为一种时尚。结合前段时间小组做的古彭大厦卖场设计,设计一个古彭大厦手机APP应用软件,主要有定位搜索功能、查询功能、收藏功能等。进入古彭大厦主页后,里面是按楼层划分的各层不同风格的家具信息,可满足用户实地导航选购之用。用户可以自主选择不同楼层进行浏览,如果看到有比较符合要求的,可以方便地加入“收藏”。界面的下端设有四个小板块,分别是主页板块、分类板块、购物车板块和我的古彭板块。在主页板块...
手机天猫APP设计 基于工业设计方法学的古彭大厦掌上,,,设计 摘要 由于手机APP的兴起,各种购物软件也犹如雨后春笋一般,手机上网购物成为一种时尚。结合前段时间小组做的古彭大厦卖场设计,设计一个古彭大厦手机APP应用软件,主要有定位搜索功能、查询功能、收藏功能等。进入古彭大厦主页后,里面是按楼层划分的各层不同风格的家具信息,可满足用户实地导航选购之用。用户可以自主选择不同楼层进行浏览,如果看到有比较符合要求的,可以方便地加入“收藏”。界面的下端设有四个小板块,分别是主页板块、分类板块、购物车板块和我的古彭板块。在主页板块,用户可以查看现在正在进行或将要进行的商场活动;在类目板块,用户可以查看购物导向信息 ,用户可以自己输入文字内容,直接搜索商品信息;在购物车板块,用户可以查看自己收藏过的商品信息;在我的古彭板块用户可以查看自己的待付款、待发货、待收货的信息。 关键词 手机APP 古彭大厦 搜索 板块 App是,pplication program的简称,即第三方应用程序。由于智能手机的流行,现在的APP 多指智能手机的第三方应用程序。 2010 年8 月,《连线》杂志发布了一篇颇具争议的文章:《Web 已死,Internet 永生》。这篇文章描绘的是这样一种趋势:随着开放的互联网向半封闭的网络平台演进,人们可能一整天都在上网,却并非通过打开Web 站点,而是打开一个个App——比如,一早起床用iPad 收邮件,吃饭时登陆空间和微博,工作时用RSS 阅读器阅读信息,用QQ聊天,听着网络电台,时不时在微博上打开有趣的视频„„虽然这样有些绝对,但是我们不得不承认手机,,,的效应正日益凸显,基于互联网的社交化、移动化以及云化趋势,手机APP 变得更加流行。 由于手机APP的兴起,各种购物软件也犹如雨后春笋一般,手机上网购物成为一种时尚。在这样的大背景下,工业设计的课程设计要求我们在对用户进行研究基础上,结合前段时间我们小组做的卖场设计,设计一个手机APP应用软件。在设计之前,首先要对类似的手机,,,应用软件进行视觉界面和操作方式的解构,其优缺点。再结合设计内容的技术背景,确定设计任务总,对自己所要手机,,,应用软件进行功能描述,手绘出界面的布局规划以及操作流程规划,最后通过计算机完成设计。 用户研究 每一个企业针对他的项目设计,都有自己的方法、流程,以及设计风格。但是最终设计出来的产品是要投放到市场中的,市场才是企业的根本,而市场就是那些使用这个产品的一个个用户。狭义的讲,用户模型是指针对网站目标群体真实特征的勾勒,是真实用户的综合原型;广义的讲,用户模型是指来自于用户的关于某一产品的知识的集合,是产品概念设计的核心,对概念设计具有指导性意义。persona是虚构出的一个用户用来代表一个用户群。一个persona可以比任何一个真实的个体都更有代表性。一个代表典型用户的persona的资料有名字、照片、喜欢什么不喜欢什么、习惯、背景、期望和其他可以帮助开发团队去认同用户的信息。最重要的是,persona列出了用户的关键目标。 针对古彭大厦手机,,,应用软件的设计所做的用户研究如下: (four) to focus on deepening the ideological and moral construction of minors this year, the central and provincial Commission of civilization to continue to build the ideological and moral construction of minors as the pre conditions and the need for civilized city evaluationCheck the contents, not minors' Ideological and moral construction of evaluation results below 85, directly participating qualified urban civilization, cancel. To further intensify its efforts, strengthen ideological and moral construction of minors, completes promptly related archival material declaration and field work to improve and ensure the minor thought morality construction, evaluation, get good grades. County Education Bureau and other departments should adhere to the knowledge education guided by socialist core value view, give full play to the campus culture influence, do a home tutor, improve school, family, social combination of education system. To widely carried out by virtue of youth, I grew up with good tradition family and other youth thought The theme of moral education, guide teenagers to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, to strengthen the campus surrounding order rectification, and strive to provide a good social environment for the healthy growth of minors. 阿泽,男,,,岁。来自徐州市区的阿泽是一名公司职员,家里新房的装修施工快要全部完成了,阿泽想要选购几件家具,但平时上班比较忙,忙完一天的工作下班后需要休息,没有太多时间去家居市场看家具。他希望足不出户就能查看本地家居市场的信息。 王女士,,,岁。王女士有一个5岁的儿子,她说她小时候只是和妈妈或姐姐一起睡一张双人大床,一直没能得到自己一直向往的单人床,为了弥补儿时愿望的缺失,她更加希望自己的孩子从小就能拥有独立的空间,在成长中形成独立的思想和人格。她准备给儿子买一套儿童家具,平时比较少时间上网,她想,如果能通过手机了解最近有没有儿童玩具的优惠活动就好了。 周先生,,,岁。来自徐州市贾汪区的周先生是拆迁户,乔迁新居,周先生打算添置几件新家具,把家里装扮一下。由于家具城离家比较远,来回一次得花不少时间在路上,而且家具城里面家具各种各样,看了好几次也还没确定买哪种风格的,还有价格等因素需要考量,来来回回看,很是折腾。他觉得,如果能在家里通过手机上网了解个大概,去家具城的时候更有针对性,这样会节省不少时间和精力。 刘小姐,,,岁。刘小姐是一个宅女,平时经常上网,不喜欢出门,比较喜欢网购,她觉得网上购物很方便,而且选择性大,比满街乱转好多了。她说家里有几件衣服款式过时了,想选购几件现代简约风格的,这次她依然打算在网上看衣服,希望货到付款。如果能通过手机上网买衣服,她觉得更方便了,手机结算过程中最好能把购买的商品,享受的折扣和运费等信息明确列出来。 阿强,男,,,岁。阿强在企事业单位上班,他喜欢没事的时候使用手机上网看看新闻,但很少用手机购物软件浏览查看商品。不过他觉得如果手机购物软件能够方便地进行一系列购物操作,确实是比较有成就感的一件事。他说手机购物软件的界面布局要合理,商品分类结构应该清晰,并且要有不定期针对手机购物软件下单的优惠活动,这样才比较有吸引力。 归纳起来,我们可以提炼出以下信息:购物软件要能定位,查看身边最近的商场,查看本地卖场的信息;随时查看名牌商品的打折信息,信息更新要及时;不同品牌风格的商品分类清晰,如果看到比较合适的,可以加到逛店清单或个人收藏中;商品信息要齐全;界面要简洁美观,层次清晰,功能要齐全。 对掌上天猫的解构 天猫为Android系统设计的掌上天猫可以让用户通过一个渐变精美的界面,快速便捷地在天猫上进行商品的搜索、浏览、购买、对比以及查看。这款应用程序中的条码扫描功能可以让用户通过扫描商品条码,即时获得商品的详细信息,天猫价格,以及库存信息。用户可在此软件种享受与电脑网站中一样的购物车功能,心愿单功能,以及同样的支付及配送方式,和一样的订单查询服务。 ,.,视觉,界面的解构 ,. 掌上天猫的主界面,上方是天猫Logo和搜索栏,中间部分是正进行的促销活动及热销产品,下方是五个板块:主页、搜索、类目、购物车、我。 (four) to focus on deepening the ideological and moral construction of minors this year, the central and provincial Commission of civilization to continue to build the ideological and moral construction of minors as the pre conditions and the need for civilized city evaluationCheck the contents, not minors' Ideological and moral construction of evaluation results below 85, directly participating qualified urban civilization, cancel. To further intensify its efforts, strengthen ideological and moral construction of minors, completes promptly related archival material declaration and field work to improve and ensure the minor thought morality construction, evaluation, get good grades. County Education Bureau and other departments should adhere to the knowledge education guided by socialist core value view, give full play to the campus culture influence, do a home tutor, improve school, family, social combination of education system. To widely carried out by virtue of youth, I grew up with good tradition family and other youth thought The theme of moral education, guide teenagers to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, to strengthen the campus surrounding order rectification, and strive to provide a good social environment for the healthy growth of minors. ,. 查询商品 1)通过关键字搜索商品 掌上天猫有两种商品搜索方式,一种就是普通的关键字搜索,直接在搜索框中输入待查商品名称,掌上天猫会在下拉列表中自动列出相关联的产品,操作智能便捷,节省时间。如果列表中没有关联到正确的结果,直接点击搜索按钮进行搜索即可。为了缩小搜索范围,用户还可以限定搜索产品的类别。 2)通过扫面条码进行搜索 支持通过扫描条码的方式查询商品,是掌上天猫的一大特色。点击搜索框下方的“扫描条形码”按钮开启条码扫描功能,首次进入会有简单的使用说明,其实 很简单,只要把条形码保持在取景框中,并用红线对准条码就可以了。(four) to focus on deepening the ideological and moral construction of minors this year, the central and provincial Commission of civilization to continue to build the ideological and moral construction of minors as the pre conditions and the need for civilized city evaluationCheck the contents, not minors' Ideological and moral construction of evaluation results below 85, directly participating qualified urban civilization, cancel. To further intensify its efforts, strengthen ideological and moral construction of minors, completes promptly related archival material declaration and field work to improve and ensure the minor thought morality construction, evaluation, get good grades. County Education Bureau and other departments should adhere to the knowledge education guided by socialist core value view, give full play to the campus culture influence, do a home tutor, improve school, family, social combination of education system. To widely carried out by virtue of youth, I grew up with good tradition family and other youth thought The theme of moral education, guide teenagers to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, to strengthen the campus surrounding order rectification, and strive to provide a good social environment for the healthy growth of minors. ,.购物车 购物车是一个类似收藏夹的设计,用户如果遇到自己心仪的商品,并打算购买,那么可以将其放入购物车内。 ,. 掌上天猫是一款很方便的手机查询比价、购物软件。通过条形码扫描功能,我们可以在任何时间扫描想要购买的商品。 优点: ,.支持条形码扫描比价; ,.完整的手机购物流程无需开启电脑; ,.界面简洁美观,设计合理。 缺点: 1. 部分功能还需完善; 2. 广告比较多。 ,.,操作方式的解构 手机,,,软件的操作方式比较简单,根据我对掌上天猫操作方式的解构,该APP购物软件操作方式主要有以下特点:(1)通过手机键盘输入搜索等文字内容;(2)通过点击界面打开链接进行下一步操作。 我设计的古彭大厦手机,,,软件 功能描述:我设计的古彭大厦手机购物APP应用软件主要有定位搜索功能、查询功能、收藏功能等。当应用该手机软件时,它能定位出用户所在的位置,以及查找离他最近的古彭大厦商场,优先让用户选择是否进入该最近商场查看信息。如果用户需要进入其他商场,则可以通过键盘输入城市,查看位于该城市的(four) to focus on deepening the ideological and moral construction of minors this year, the central and provincial Commission of civilization to continue to build the ideological and moral construction of minors as the pre conditions and the need for civilized city evaluationCheck the contents, not minors' Ideological and moral construction of evaluation results below 85, directly participating qualified urban civilization, cancel. To further intensify its efforts, strengthen ideological and moral construction of minors, completes promptly related archival material declaration and field work to improve and ensure the minor thought morality construction, evaluation, get good grades. County Education Bureau and other departments should adhere to the knowledge education guided by socialist core value view, give full play to the campus culture influence, do a home tutor, improve school, family, social combination of education system. To widely carried out by virtue of youth, I grew up with good tradition family and other youth thought The theme of moral education, guide teenagers to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, to strengthen the campus surrounding order rectification, and strive to provide a good social environment for the healthy growth of minors. 古彭大厦商场信息。进入古彭大厦主页后,里面是按楼层划分的各层不同风格的家具信息,可满足用户实地导航选购之用。用户可以自主选择不同楼层进行浏览,如果看到有比较符合要求的,可以方便地加入“收藏”。界面的下端设有四个小板块,分别是主页板块、类目板块、购物车板块和我板块。在主页板块,用户可以查看楼层商场活动;在类目板块,用户可以查看具体商品信息;在购物车板块,用户可以查看自己想买的具体商品信息;在我板块,用户可以查看自己收藏过的商品信息。 设计页面展示: 商场首页 类别 购物车 我 (four) to focus on deepening the ideological and moral construction of minors this year, the central and provincial Commission of civilization to continue to build the ideological and moral construction of minors as the pre conditions and the need for civilized city evaluationCheck the contents, not minors' Ideological and moral construction of evaluation results below 85, directly participating qualified urban civilization, cancel. To further intensify its efforts, strengthen ideological and moral construction of minors, completes promptly related archival material declaration and field work to improve and ensure the minor thought morality construction, evaluation, get good grades. County Education Bureau and other departments should adhere to the knowledge education guided by socialist core value view, give full play to the campus culture influence, do a home tutor, improve school, family, social combination of education system. To widely carried out by virtue of youth, I grew up with good tradition family and other youth thought The theme of moral education, guide teenagers to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, to strengthen the campus surrounding order rectification, and strive to provide a good social environment for the healthy growth of minors. 相关页面 结语 本次工业设计课程设计,在钟厦教授的指导下,完成了古彭大厦手机APP的一些基本功能的设计,通过学习和思考,不断反复改进,过程虽然比较艰辛,但是在这当中锻炼了我的能力,学会了使用,,,及其他有用的工具,对一些软件的使用也熟悉了。由于很多方面的能力欠缺,课程设计的结果并不是太完满,我想,结果固然重要,但是课程设计的目的并不仅仅在于我们把东西设计出来这么简单,更重要的是我们在设计的过程中学会如何去解决遇到的问题,学会使用新的工具去解决,新的思维方式去解决。 (four) to focus on deepening the ideological and moral construction of minors this year, the central and provincial Commission of civilization to continue to build the ideological and moral construction of minors as the pre conditions and the need for civilized city evaluationCheck the contents, not minors' Ideological and moral construction of evaluation results below 85, directly participating qualified urban civilization, cancel. To further intensify its efforts, strengthen ideological and moral construction of minors, completes promptly related archival material declaration and field work to improve and ensure the minor thought morality construction, evaluation, get good grades. County Education Bureau and other departments should adhere to the knowledge education guided by socialist core value view, give full play to the campus culture influence, do a home tutor, improve school, family, social combination of education system. To widely carried out by virtue of youth, I grew up with good tradition family and other youth thought The theme of moral education, guide teenagers to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, to strengthen the campus surrounding order rectification, and strive to provide a good social environment for the healthy growth of minors.
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