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大学英语重修2大学英语重修2 Test One (A) I. Reading Comprehension Passage One Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth president of the United States, was born in Kentucky in 1809, and died in Washington in 1865, the day after he had been shot by a Southern sympathizer. He is classed with Washin...
大学英语重修2 Test One (A) I. Reading Comprehension Passage One Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth president of the United States, was born in Kentucky in 1809, and died in Washington in 1865, the day after he had been shot by a Southern sympathizer. He is classed with Washington in greatness of deeds, but is nearer the heart of all Americans because he sprang from the ranks of the common people, and rose from the log hut of birth to the White House. Because his family were pioneers in the newly settled West, he had practically no regular education, but he held firmly to his purpose to secure knowledge in every possible way. Stories are told of how he walked miles to secure a book and how he studied by the light of the fire at night after a hard day at farm work. After a hard struggle as clerk, village postmaster, and surveyor, he succeeded in passing the bar examinations, and became a lawyer in Springfield, Illinois. In 1846, he was elected to Congress. In 1858, he might have gained his place in the United States Senate had he not taken his stand against slavery in the famous debates which he entered with Stephen A. Douglas. These debates spread his fame throughout the country and led the way for his election to the presidency in 1860. Very shortly after his election, certain Southern states broke away from the Unions, and the Civil War broke out. This strengthened Lincoln in his resolve to free the slaves and on January 1, 1963, he declared the Emancipation Proclamation. His second inaugural (就职) speech gave his plan for building up the peace of the nation, but he did not live to accomplish his desire. Many comparisons have been made of Washington and Lincoln. Each was in the highest sense of a providential (神的) man raised up for his era, and filled with those outstanding qualities that enabled him to do the great work of the hour. 21. Lincoln is nearer the heart of all Americans because _______. A. he was plain-looking and friendly to people B. he was born to an average family C. he freed the slaves on January 1, 1863 D. he didn‘t have any regular education 22. In 1858, Lincoln _______. A. became a senator B. became a lawyer C. decided to step into politics D. had a famous debate with Douglas 23. ―Bar‖ in paragraph 2 is related to _______. A. jail B. senate C. law D. stick 24. Lincoln became the president in 1860 partly because __________. A. more people were against slavery than two years ago B. he had passed the bar examinations C. he was a self-made statesman D. people appreciated his performance in the debate with Douglas 25. Which of the following statements is not a common point between Lincoln and Washington? A. They conducted great deeds when alive. B. They were highly respected by the Americans. C. They once were the president of the United States. D. They were against slavery. Passage Two Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than it is today. The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They think more for themselves and do not accept the ideas of their elders. Events which the older generation remember vividly are nothing more than past history. The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason that they have been around a bit longer. They don‘t like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this is precisely what the young are doing. They are questioning the assumptions of their elders and disturbing their complacency. Who said that human differences can best be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Why have the older generation so often used violence to solve their problems? Why are they so unhappy and guilty in their personal lives? Can anything be right with the rat-race? Haven‘t the old lost touch with all that 1 大学英语(2)重学练 is important in life? Traditionally, the young have turned to their elders for guidance. Today, the situation might be reversed. The old – if they are prepared to admit it – could learn a thing or two from their children. One of the biggest lessons they learn is that enjoyment is not ―sinful‖. It is surely not wrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future. 26. According to the passage, the young today _________. A. have more money and freedom B. are more dependent on family C. are forced to remember the old events D. have more restrictions and problems 27. It can be inferred from the passage that _______. A. nowadays the young and the old have the greatest differences B. today the old complain more about the young‘s behaviors C. the young are better educated and know more D. the old remember many old events 28. The young cannot understand ________. A. why the old often resort to violence or war to solve problems B. why they should remember those old events C. why their parents are so possessive of them D. why they should receive better education 29. ―Rat-race‖ in the second paragraph means ________. A. race of rate B. poor people C. struggle for social status D. fights among rats 30. The old can learn from the young that ________. A. one has reason to enjoy life B. conventional politics is going out of the way C. receiving better education is very important D. happiness is the most important thing in life Passage Three ―Avoid the rush-hour‖ must be the slogan of large cities the world over. Wherever you look, it‘s people, people, people. The trains which leave or arrive every few minutes are packed: an endless procession of human sardine tins. The streets are so crowded, and there is hardly room to move on the pavements. It takes ages for a bus to get to you because the traffic on the roads has virtually come to a standstill. Large modern cities are too big to control. They impose their own living conditions on the people who inhabit them. City-dwellers are obliged by their environment to adopt a wholly unnatural way of life. They lose touch with the land and rhythm of nature. It is possible to live such an air-conditioned existence in a large city that you are barely conscious of the seasons. A few flowers in a public park may remind you that it is spring or summer. A few leaves clinging to the pavement may remind you that it is autumn. Beyond that, what is going on in nature seems totally irrelevant. All the simple, good things of life like sunshine and fresh air seem to be separated from us. Tall buildings block the sun. Traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere. Even the distinction between day and night is lost. The flow of traffic goes on and on and the noise never stops. In addition to all this, city-dwellers live under constant threat. The crime rate in most cities is very high. Houses are armed with alarming system. Cities breed crime and violence and are full of places you would be afraid to visit at night. If you think about it, only a madman would choose to live in a large modern city. 31. The author uses ________ in the first paragraph. A. exaggeration B. parallelism C. comparison D. citation 32. According to the author, who is in control of city-dwellers‘ life in big cities? A. Big cities. B. City-dwellers. C. Nature. D. Air-conditioners. 33. The environment that city-dwellers are living in can be best described as _______. A. natural B. agreeable C. disgusting D. terrible 34. Which of the following problems of large cities is not mentioned? A. Air pollution. B. Noise pollution. C. Traffic jam. D. Changeable weather. 35. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Air-conditioners keep people from knowing the changes in seasons. B. Crime rates in big cities are on the rise. C. Large cities have many problems. D. City-dwellers are concerned about their security. Passage Four If it‘s a bright clear day outside, you may instinctively reach for your sunglasses when you head for the door. And you probably do it without much thought about them. The one time when you do think about 2 大学英语(2)重学练习题 sunglasses, however, is the day you go to buy a new pair. A pair of sunglasses seems so simple – its two pieces of tinted (涂色的) glass or plastic in some sort of plastic or metal frame. How much simple can something get? It turns out that there are many different things that you can do with two pieces of glass, and these things can have a big effect on you when you use the lenses. There are four things that a good pair of sunglasses should do for you: protection from ultraviolet (UV, 紫外辐射) – good sunglasses can eliminate UV completely; protection from intense light – good sunglasses can block light entering the eyes by as much as 97 percent to avoid damage; protection from glare – good sunglasses can completely eliminate glare, like light reflected by the water, by using polarization (极 化); and elimination of specific frequencies of light – choosing the right color for your sunglasses lets them work better in specific situations. When you buy a pair of cheap sunglasses, you often give up all these benefits and can even make things worse. For example, if your sunglasses offer no UV protection, you increase your exposure to UV rays and thus the damage to the retina (视网膜). So there really is a difference. Buying the right pair of good sunglasses for the conditions in which you use them gives you maximum protection and performance. 36. It can be inferred from the passage that _________. A. sunglasses are very easy to make B. people tend to neglect the importance of sunglasses C. sunglasses can provide protection from UV D. people tend to buy very cheap sunglasses 37. Sunglasses can not 100 percent prevent _______ from entering the eyes. A. UV rays B. intense light C. glare D. infra-red rays 38. If you go boating on a sunny day, wearing sunglasses can not ________. A. protect you from getting skin diseases B. protect your retina C. reduce the intensity of the light entering the eyes D. reduce the dazzling lights reflected by water 39. Which of the following statements is false? A. Buying a pair of cheap sunglasses may do harm to you. B. The safest way is to buy the dearest sunglasses available. C. One prefers red may choose a pair of red sunglasses. D. Think before act when buying sunglasses. 40. Which factor is least important in buying sunglasses? A. Conditions in which sunglasses are used. B. color of the lenses. C. UV index. D. Price. II. Vocabulary and Structure 41. The teacher asked him to ________ his lateness for school. A. account of B. account on C. account about D. account for 42. The only _____ to that building is along the track. A. exit B. access C. gate D. door 43. The hotel ________ only speaks a little English. A. assistant B. resident C. participant D. attendant 44. Circumstances will force us finally to ________ this policy. A. adapt B. adopt C. receive D. accept 45. The police are ________ the records of all those involved in the crime. A. looking B. finding C. investigating D. inquiring 46. Don‘t _______ to water the plants. A. deny B. miss C. neglect D. ignore 47. The young army officer was ________ captain. A. lifted B. hoisted C. raised D. promoted 48. A _______ to this problem is expected to be found before long. A. result B. response C. settlement D. solution 49. This disturbing experience proved to be _______, since it taught me never to allow ideas to become rooted in the mind. 3 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A. as important B. as of importance C. on great importance D. of great importance 50. I should finish the book tonight, for I have read all but the last _______. A. copy B. title C. issue D. chapter 51. Considering his contributions, Mr. Pritt ________ better treatment than this. A. deserves B. reserves C. preserves D. conserves 52. Miss Main kept practicing until she finally ______ herself for the job. A. equipped B. proclaimed C. qualified D. familiarized 53. As he continued, pity ________ her. A. overthrew B. overset C. overtook D. overwhelmed 54. The little cafe on the corner serves very good coffee. It is so popular that you can hardly expect to have a table _______. A. for your own B. on yourself C. yourself D. to yourself 55. No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements, for they exert a ___ influence on us. A. dark B. subtle C. light D. vague 56. She said she liked dancing but was not in the ______ for it just then. A. manner B. intention C. desire D. mood 57. It‘s not polite to ________ when someone is talking. A. interfere B. interpret C. interrupt D. interval 58. You must walk slowly if you want the children to ____ you. A. put up with B. come up with C. keep up with D. go on with 59. Could you please _________ an appointment for me to see Mr. Smith? A. manage B. arrange C. take D. prepare 60. Careless motorists are _________ to meet with accidents. A. apt B. liable C. inclined D. subject 61. The _________ talks were the base of the later development. A. initiative B. initial C. original D. preliminary 62. With so much evidence against him, he could not but ______ his error. A. confess B. admit C. acknowledge D. own 63. Mother Teresa had fought very hard for the rights and ______ of the very poorest people who couldn‘t help themselves. A. therapy B. welfare C. substance D. retreat 64. It suddenly occurred to Anne that money couldn‘t ____ all that Bob had suffered in the past five years. A. live up to B. make out C. make up for D. live through 65. The company‘s ________ were well-managed. A. incomes B. finances C. economics D. salaries 66. Perhaps Lucy would have believed her boy friend‘s words had not a strange expression ___ his face. A. hooked on B. confronted with C. come over D. passed onto 67. After a short holiday, he _______ himself once more to his studies. A. applied B. engaged C. exerted D. conducted 68. _______ the sugar, flour, and eggs before baking the cake. A. Blend B. Mingle C. Clutch D. Seize 69. The fact that many students don‘t follow test directions is an example of how we often ____ the obvious. A. slip B. ignore C. overlook D. disregard 70. Depression, unexplained fear and unreasonable actions are the _______ of a patient with mental health problems. A. marks B. systems C. symbols D. symptoms III. Cloze Directions: The following passage is taken from one of the texts you have learned. Read the passage and fill in each of the numbered blanks with the exact word that appears in your textbook. 4 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Henjamin loved to carry the key around, shaking it __71__. He also liked to try to place it into the slot. Because of his tender age and __72__ understanding of the need to position the key just so, he would usually fail. Benjamin was not __73__ in the least. He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key made as he did those few times when the key actually found its wayy into the slot. Now both Ellen and I were __74__ happy to allow Benjamin to bang the key near the key slot. His __75__ behavior seemed harmless enough. But I soon observed an interesting __76__. Any Chinese staff member nearby would __77__ over to watch Benjamin and, noting his lack of initial success, attemp to __78__. He or she would hold onto Benjamin‘s hand and, gently but firmly, guide it directly toward the slot, reposition it as necessary, and help him to insert it. The ―teacher‖ would then smile somewhat expectantly slightly, as if consiering us to be __80__ our parental duties. IV. Translation Directions: Translate the following passage into English, using the words and phrases given below. attach not the least turn out find my way home phenomenon assist initial somewhat 在我21岁生日那天,我收到一束鲜花,附有一张漂亮卡片。 我的最初反应是它是一个朋友送的。 对过生日的人来说,这是常见的现象,所以我一点也不吃惊。然而,它原来是一个我一直暗恋的男孩 子送的,我觉得有点紧张和兴奋。那晚我在一个酒吧里喝醉了,找不到回家的路。最后警察来了,帮 我回到了家。 V. Guided Writing Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to writer a composition. The title of your composition is given. Each paragraph of your composition should use the topic ideas or sentences and include the following main ideas given in English. Learning and Love 1) school‘s view on love affairs for the sake of; time consuming; tear one away; fall behind 2) students‘ own view on love affairs No need to forbid; insist 3) my view take…as a drive; be infatuated with; failure 5 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test One (B) I. Reading Comprehension Passage One Children‘s enthusiasm for writing in email shorthand is spoiling their grammar and threatening to make the handwriting letter a past story. A recent study said the young are developing a vocabulary for electronic communication with a range of symbols that the adults find hard to understand. Although educators and politicians were once most concerned about poor pronunciation, it now seems that ―email English‖ poses a greater threat to the language. The symbols have been used to keep down the cost of mobile phone text messaging and emailing, speed up the response time and inject emotion into concise languages. Teachers say that the new email shorthand style is making their job of improving literacy skills even harder. Researchers from the McCann Erikson advertising agency, who interviewed more than 100 children aged 5-11, concluded that traditional letter writing will be of no more use later in life than the history lessons pupils learn. Robin Lauffer, who led the research, said that the symbols used in text messages represented new ways of expressing emotions. ―We are witnessing a communications revolution which children have adapted to very quickly. Our language is changing in front of our eyes.‖ More than half a billion text messages are sent by mobile phone every month. The growing trend coincides with concern over standards in formal writing. Just 54 percent of 11-year-olds achieved the expected level in writing in last year‘s tests, compared with 78 percent in reading. Many educators make an outcry that replacing sentences with symbols will damage the language. 1. Educators and politicians used to worry most about the _____ among youngsters. A. use of words B. use of grammar C. pronunciation D. letter writing 2. Symbols used in emails were originally used in __________________. A. correspondence B. stage performance C. mobile phone text massages D. English literature 3. According to the advertising agency, ___________. A. pupils don‘t have to learn history lessons B. traditional letter writing is not used nowadays by the youth C. traditional letter writing is more important than learning history lessons D. there‘s no point in learning history lessons 4. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. English is changing today. B. Children learn to use email English very quickly. C. It‘s not advisable to use symbols to express emotions. D. There‘s a communications revolution under say. 5. The last paragraph implies that _________. A. email English hinders children from writing English properly B. using symbols does harm to English C. more children achieved the expected level of reading last year D. writing is more difficult than reading Passage Two When Marty was two, he went to work with me for a whole year, to corporate day care and home again on subway and train. We grew pretty attached. At the age of three Marty had created two imaginary friends, Shawn and Kawn. These little guys went every where with Marty, whispering, giggling, joking. They even had their own beds and special spot in the car. Of course they were invisible – only Marty could see them. Marty was just four when his mother and I divorced. After a weekend I was packing up to take Marty back to his mother‘s. I had everything in the car. Coming in for one more load, I heard Marty in the bathroom, crying. I opened the door. There sat Marty, sobbing softly, his lower lip laden with sadness. I had one thought at the moment: he wants to move in. Then he looked at me and said, ―Daddy, I‘m going to miss Shawn and Kawn.‖ ―But they‘re in the car, Marty, ready to go with you.‖ ―No, Daddy, they‘re in the tub, and we‘ve been doing a lot of talking this weekend. Shawn and Kawn decided that they were going to live with you from now on. We didn‘t want you to be lonely anymore.‖ 6 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Later that night I walked in the park, and Shawn and Kawn went with me. It was hard holding back the tears, knowing that the most loving thing I had felt in a long time had been the gift of his friends from my four-year-old son. 6. When Marty was two, he ________. A. had two friends B. spent the whole day with his father C. stayed at home with is mother D. went to nursery 7. Which statement about Shawn and Kawn is correct? A. They‘re invisible people. B. They don‘t exist in reality. C. Only Marty can see them. D. They love Marty very much. 8. When Marty was four, _______. A. he didn‘t need Shawn and Kawn any more B. he didn‘t want to live with his father C. his mother would not allow him to see his father D. his father and mother broke up 9. It can be inferred from the story that _______. A. Marty loved his father very much B. the father felt regretted about the divorce C. the father could see Shawn and Kawn after the divorce D. Marty loved his father more than his mother 10. The story mainly tells us ________. A. the moving love a little boy had for his father B. that divorce is harmful to children C. that one should treat his child well D. children tend to create some imaginary friends Passage Three One cannot think of James I without thinking of the gunpowder plot. The gunpowder plot gave birth to the Guy Fawkes Night bonfire (篝火) which is one of the most regularly observed national customs in England on the fifth of November. On the night bonfires are lit and many people get together in merry-making. It is meant to mark the anniversary of a plot which happened during James‘ reign. The succession of James raised hope of victory for the Catholics in England. And their hope was further enhanced by the temporary relaxation of persecution (迫害) of the Catholics. But Parliament was anti- Catholic and persecution soon began again with even greater severity, though the king was not really for it. In the face of deteriorating situations some desperate Catholics decided to act at a venture. They knew they did not have the least chance of success in an open revolt (叛乱)(They resorted to conspiracy (阴谋) and planned to destroy the Parliament building. It would then be followed by the seizure of the king‘s thchildren and an open revolt. The conspirators set their time for the 5 of November when the Parliament and the king would be there in the building. For this purpose, barrels of gunpowder were placed in a cellar beneath the Parliament House. Guy Fawkes, one of the conspirators, was arrested at the entrance of the cellar thon 4, November. The conspirators were suppressed. But the day has since been celebrated annually with fireworks and bonfires on which Fawkes was burnt in effigy (肖像) . 11. After James I was in power, ________. A. the Catholics‘ situation was much improved B. he decided to suppress the Catholics C. the Parliament persecuted the Catholics severely D. the Catholics were allowed to go to the Parliament House 12. Which of the following is not part of the conspirators‘ plan? A. Having a demonstration. B. Having an open revolt. C. Exploding the Parliament building. D. Seizing the king‘s children. 13. Why did the conspirators choose the Parliament House? A. Because it was the symbol of the king‘s power. B. Because they hated the Parliament very much. C. Because they wanted to destroy the king and the Parliament at the same time. D. Because the king and the Parliament were supposed to pass an act against the Catholics in it. 7 大学英语(2)重学练习题 14. The plot was a failure because _________. A. Guy Fawkes turned himself in. B. someone informed the Parliament of their plot C. the gunpowder was discovered accidentally D. the king didn‘t go to the Parliament House 15. People nowadays ________ in memory of the plot. A. play fireworks B. burn bonfires C. burn Guy Fawkes‘ effigy D. burn James I‘s effigy Passage Four: Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese. (10%) A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men. A good book may be among the best of friends. (26) It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. (27) It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age. Books possess an essence of immortality. (28) They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and status decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author‘s minds ages ago. (29) What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time ahs been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good. (30) The great and good do not die even in this world. Absorbed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which one still listens. Hence we ever remain under the influence of the great men of old. The imperial intellects of the world are as much alive now as they were ages ago. II. Vocabulary and Structure 31. He promised that he would take my proposal into ________. A. notice B. thought C. account D. practice 32. Eastern part of Australia is _______ in climate to the western part. A. superior B. productive C. splendid D. prosperous 33. When they asked him about it, he said it was no ____ of theirs and wouldn‘t tell them anything. A. connection B. concern C. relation D. relevance 34. The officer was dismissed from the service for _______ of duty. A. ignoring B. dismissing C. neglecting D. resigning 35. Some of the suggestions have been _________ but others have been turned down as they are quite impracticable. A. received B. accepted C. adapted D. adopted 36. There are coal, oil and metal _________ buried deep in the ground. A. sources B. substances C. resources D. properties 37. The president made a _________ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly. A. vigorous B. tedious C. flat D. harsh 38. The government is trying to do something to _____ better understanding between the two countries. A. raise B. promote C. heighten d. increase 39. The enemy had to ______ after heavy losses. A. restrain B. register C. retreat D. regulate 40. No one knows about how many elements it is that _______ most of the substances we meet in everyday life. A. consist of B. is composed of C. makes up D. is made up of 41. Having the highest marks in his class, he was offered a _____ by the college. A. prize B. award C. reward D. scholarship 42. Jessica thoroughly enjoyed the voyage and was ________ sea-sick. A. nothing but B. not in the least C. at any rate D. by all accounts 8 大学英语(2)重学练习题 43. When a cause is just, the end ____ the means. A. glorifies B. terrifies C. sympathizes D. justifies 44. The surface of the lake ______ in the brilliant sunshine. A. glittered B. burnt C. glowed D. heated 45. They played cards ________ killing time. A. instead of B. in spite of C. for the sake of D. free from 46. As we had to keep the fire going throughout the games, we had to add firewood ________. A. specially B. permanently C. previously D. constantly 47. The test ______ a number of multiple choice questions. A. makes up B. composes of C. forms with D. consists of 48. They have _________ for the car to pick them up at the station. A. arranged B. managed C. appointed D. rented 49. These new _______ have intensified the parking problem. A. apartments B. roads C. directions D. playgrounds 50. Escape being impossible, the stag (雄鹿) turned to _____ the hunters. A. face B. encounter C. confront D. disregard 51. He had been down on his luck for so long that he felt he ________ a reversal in fortune. A. expected B. appealed C. deserved D. requested 52. Everyone in the city has _____ to the large collection of books on various subjects in the city‘s public library. A. alternative B. procedure C. access D. process 53. ―The exam will be on the first half of book.‖ ―That means we‘ll have to finish _______.‖ A. Fifteen Chapter B. Chapter Fifteen C. Fifteenth Chapter D. Chapter Fifteenth 54. The Post Office is not ________ for damage to a parcel sent by mail unless it is insured. A. liable B. bound C. prime D. subject 55. It is astonishing that a person of your intelligence should be ______ so easily. A. taken in B. taken up C. taken over D. taken down 56. What you have done is __ the doctor‘s orders. A. attached to B. responsible to C. resistant to D. contrary to 57. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is ___. A. granted B. implied C. exaggerated D. remedied 58. Putting in a new window will ____ cutting away part of the roof. A. include B. involve C. contain D. comprise 59. Young children soon ____ words they hear their elders use. A. put forward B. look forward to C. turn up D. pick up 60. Mathematics, the study of numbers, shapes and space, is _______ many branches of scientific researches such as astronomy and geology. A. applied to B. applied for C. applied at D. applied from III. Cloze A unique laboratory at the University of Chicago is busy only __61__. It is a dream __62__ where researchers are at work __63__ dreamers. Their findings have revealed that __64__ dreams from three to seven times a night, __65__ in ordinary life a person may __66__ none or only one of his dreams. While the __67__ sleep, special machines __68__ their brain waves and eye movements as well as the body movements that __69__ the end of a dream. Surprisingly, all subjects __70__ soundly. __71__ report that a person usually fidgets before a dream. __72__ the dream has started, his body relaxes and his eyes __73__ more actively, as if the curtain __74__ on a show. As soon as the machine __75__ that the dream is over, a buzzer wakens the __76__. He sits up, records his dreams, and goes back to sleep – perhaps to __77__ some more. Researchers have found that if the dreamer is __78__ immediately after his dream, he can usually recall the entire dream. If he is allowed to sleep even __79__, his __80__ of the dream will have faded. 9 大学英语(2)重学练习题 61. A. at noon B. in the morning C. at night D. in spring 62. A. a mill B. laboratory C. hospital D. classroom 63. A. studying B. studied C. to study D. having studied 64. A. everyone B. anyone C. someone D. no one 65. A. therefore B. if C. despite D. although 66. A. miss B. remember C. realize D. notice 67. A. objects B. experiments C. goals D. subjects 68. A. manufacture B. initiate C. prepare D. record 69. A. signal B. sign C. sigh D. assign 70. A. work B. wake C. sleep D. remain 71. A. Subjects B. Examiners C. Computers D. Observers 72. A. Once B. Never C. Hardly D. Frequently 73. A. start B. produce C. become D. appeal 74. A. had gone up B. has gone up C. goes up D. is going up 75. A. decides B. pronounces C. refers D. indicates 76. A. researcher B. body C. sleeper D. on-looker 77. A. remember B. forget C. imagine D. dream 78. A. asleep B. wakened C. wakening D. slept 79. A. more five minutes B. five more minutes C. five minutes D. five more minutes 80. A. color B. record C. memory D. description IV. Translation principal neglect performance make up for on her own on occasion in retrospect investigate so much so that 汤姆生活的主要兴趣是成为一名世界著名(world-renown)的侦探。他对工作非常着迷,以至于经 常忽视妻子。上个周末,他忙着调查一起交通事故,所以他妻子只好自己去看一场重要的演出。而汤 姆从没想到弥补对妻子的忽视。因此有时候他妻子在回顾过去时,甚至希望她从没和汤姆结过婚。 V. Guided Writing Study Abroad 1) 出国留学的日益兴起 2) 出国留学的好处 3) 可能引起的不良后果 10 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Two (A) I. Reading Comprehension Passage One Most western people regard the cat as a pet and cherish it very much. It is reported that some famous western person look on the cat as their child, but others hate it in their bones. This forms a very sharp contrast. The famous British prime minister Winston Churchill loved cats very much in his later years. He raised a white cat. Whenever he had his meal, he must share it with his cat, or he would have no desire to eat his meal and he would also be in low spirits. Sometimes his loving cat wasn‘t at the table. He must send his servant to find it or he wouldn‘t have his meal until his cat came back. It‘s hard for us to understand this. The well-known American general Bert Lears always mentioned the cats he raised whenever he wrote to his family. In the war between America and Mexico he wrote to his daughter, Alice, asking her to send his big cat to his big headquarters at the front, as soon as possible. He wanted the cat to boost his courage and cheer him up. As a result, he was triumphant in battle. But, on the other hand, there are some famous persons who hate cats terribly. The most terrible behavior may be from the famous English poet Percy Byssi Shelley. Shelley wrote his poems with affection, but treated his cats unfriendly. Once when he flied a kite to make an electricity experiment like Franklin, he tightly tied up a male cat under the kite. Then he sent the kite into the air in the presence of wind and lightning, accompanied by crashes of thunder. The cat with a sorrowful voice was burned to death like a piece of coal. However, Shelley was very happy. If Shelley had taken this action today in England, he would be sentenced to imprisonment for life and fined a lot of money because of killing the wild animal. 21. Churchill loved his cat so much so that _________. A. he would have no appetite in the absence of the cat B. he would ask his servants to give some food to the cat whenever he ate something. C. he slept with the cat at nights D. he would not do anything without the company of the cat 22. Lears sent for his big cat most probably because _______. A. it could bring him good luck B. he missed the cat very much C. in the presence of the cat, he could be in high spirits D. he needed the cat to encourage his soldiers to fight bravely 23. Which of the following statements is true? A. Churchill had meals with his cat in his later years. B. Lears eventually lost the battle. C. Churchill‘s cat often ran out of the house. D. Lears‘ cat had certain magic power. 24. When Shelley flied the kite, there was no _______. A. wind B. lightning C. rain D. thunder 25. According to the passage, had Shelley lived in modern times, ________. A. he would treat animals more friendly B. he would be able to write more affectionate poems C. he would have no chance to raise a cat D. he would be put into prison for his cruel act Passage Two Soup can play many roles, from comfort and sick-day food to meals-on-the-run and even the first of many courses in a big meal. Depending on how you use it, soup can help you work toward your health goals or make them harder to achieve. Used well, soup can help you control your weight, lower your risk of cancer and heart disease, and supply the nutrients you need for overall health and well-being. In studies by Barbara Rolls, at Pennsylvania State University, people were given the same foods in either the form of a casserole (砂锅) or a soup. When these dishes were served as a first course before lunch, 11 大学英语(2)重学练习题 people consumed about 27 percent fewer calories at lunch after a soup than after a casserole. They didn‘t feel hungrier and didn‘t compensate by eating more at dinner. Rolls suggests that eating soup as a first course or as a main meal can help with weight loss in several ways, by filling the stomach and satisfying our sensory desire to taste and enjoy food. Soup is also an ideal medium for getting one or more extra vegetable servings. The problem is that many commercial ―vegetable‖ soup contain less than half a serving of vegetables. If you like the convenience of commercial soup, use it as a base and add vegetables leftover from a previous meal. If the soup is too thick for your taste, thin it out with a little water or tomato-vegetable juice. 26. Which description of soup is NOT true? A. Some soups help lose weight. B. Soups sometimes are served as the first course. C. Some soups help cure cancer and heart disease. D. Soups sometimes are served as the main courses. 27. If you are on a diet, it‘s better for you to _______. A. use soup as the first course instead of casserole B. use casserole as the first course instead of soup C. eat whatever soup first D. eat whatever casserole first 28. Rolls‘ studies show that __________. A. we only need to eat soup at meals B. we‘d better eat soup at first or as the main meal C. we should eat soup as the last course D. soup is often the most delicious food 29. Soup can be beneficial to us in that _______. A. it is easy to cook B. it uses relatively simple materials C. we can use leftover in it D. it help us keep healthy 30. What is the disadvantage of commercial soup? A. People add leftover to it. B. There‘s not enough vegetable in it. C. It usually tastes terrible. D. It‘s invariably too thick. Passage Three As a place of learning, Oxford‘s beginnings are equally distant. Legend has it that Alfred laid its thfoundations at the end of the ninth century. Certainly by the 12 century scholars were teaching in the town. Latin being the lingua franca (通用语). Before long their fame spread to the Continent, particularly to the Sorbonne College in Paris, then Europe‘s greatest centre of learning. A group of English scholars left the French capital in 1167 to settle in Oxford and the place became an attraction for students and teachers from all over Britain. Forty-seven years later the university received its first charter (许可证) granted by the Pope regulating its administration. Today Oxford is a large, crowded city, but the ancient university buildings in the centre – colleges, libraries, museums and administrative blocks connected by narrow lanes – have remained largely untouched. While most old universities have modernized radically to accommodate their growing populations, Oxford ahs managed to expand while still preserving its traditional academic structure. The 36 existing thcolleges, varying from the older houses such as Merton, founded in the 13 century, to the newest, Green, founded in 1979, are independent, self-governing institutions operating under the umbrella of the University of Oxford. Still more foundations are prepared to become full colleges. th31. By the 12 century, ______ A. Oxford had become the center of learning in Europe. B. scholars were teaching in Oxford C. French was the prevailing language in Oxford D. many British teachers and students went to Oxford 32. Oxford was recognized by the church ________. thth A. in the 9 century B. in 1167 C. in the 10 century D. in 1214 33. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Many old buildings in Oxford have been removed. B. Oxford has grown into a large city. C. Oxford boasts a long history. D. Many people are now living in Oxford. 34. It can be inferred from the passage that ______________. 12 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A. Oxford is left behind by other universities B. Oxford is backward nowadays in academy C. many universities have gone too far in modernization D. the modernization in Oxford is far from radical 35. Which description about today‘s Oxford is correct? A. Latin is the lingua franca. B. Many new buildings are under construction. C. The number of colleges is on the rise. thD. All the colleges in Oxford were established in the 12 century. Passage Four Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed before. Each is born with the capacity to win at life. Each person has a unique way of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking. Each has his or her own unique potentials – capabilities and limitations. Each can be a significant, thinking, aware, and creative being – a productive person, a winner. The word ―winner‖ and ―loser‖ have many meanings. When we refer to a person as a winner, we do not mean one who makes someone else lose. To us, a winner is one who responds authentically by being credible, trustworthy, responsible, and genuine, both as an individual and as a member of a society. Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should be; rather, they are themselves and as such do not use their energy putting on a performance, maintaining pretence, and dominating others. They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. Winners do not need to hide behind a mask. Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge. Winners do not play ―helpless‖, nor do they play the blaming game. Instead, they assume responsibility for their own life. Winners also care about the world and its people. A winner is not isolated from the general problems of society, but is concerned, compassionate, and committed to improving the quality of life. 36. The best title for this passage is ____________. A. Born to Win B. Winners and Losers C. How to Become a Winner D. Differences between Winners and Losers 37. According to the passage, when things go wrong, winners will ___________. A. shift the blame on the others B. shoulder the responsibility C. turn to a more capable person D. lose heart in themselves 38. How do winners treat opinions from others? A. Totally rejected. B. Dismissed them as unimportant. C. Take them into account in forming their own opinion. D. Receive them patiently but not seriously. 39. Winners can be best described as ___________. A. genuine B. material C. punctual D. catholic 40. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Winners will face successes and failures authentically. B. Every one is born to be a winner. C. Winners usually care more about individual benefits. D. Winners don‘t want to control others. II. Vocabulary and Structure 41. It was during the Johnson administration that the American students _________ against the way in which the income tax was collected. A. prevented B. proposed C. protested D. protected 42. The environment of this city will be more seriously polluted unless _______ measures are taken to prevent factories from sending out poisonous gases and waste water. A. efficient B. useful C. helpful D. effective 43. The clerk in the grocery store ___________ the lady with her packages. A. assigned B. assisted C. served D. applied 13 大学英语(2)重学练习题 44. It‘s necessary that an efficient worker __________ his work on time. A. accomplishes B. accomplish C. can accomplish D. has accomplished 45. Reading may be slow as the eyes are able to _____ only one short word or a few letters at one glance. A. take in B. take on C. keep track D. keep up with 46. They are so diligent in their study that they __________ their sleep. A. neglect B. overcome C. lose D. ignore 47. In Britain, and on the Continent too, the Japanese are sometimes ______ a threat to domestic industries. A. looked like B. varied with C. thought for D. viewed as 48. The old couple decided to _________ a boy and a girl though they had three children of their own. A. adapt B. bring C. receive D. adopt 49. I‘d like to travel to _________ lands. A. far B. off C. long D. remote 50. The records of all those ______ the crime are looked into by the local policeman. A. included in B. dealt with C. involved in D. coped with 51. The _____ of study cannot always be measured in money. A. profits B. gains C. rewards D. prices 52. In theory, every citizen in a democratic country may ___ to the protection of the law. A. claim B. appeal C. pronounce D. pray 53. This is a rather _______ word; one neither often sees it nor uses it. A. waste B. sole C. blank D. rare 54. There is ________ resemblance between Jane and Mary, who are just in the same class. A. inspiring B. striking C. exciting D. overwhelming 55. After sunset, hungry wolves would ______ the forest in search of food and water. A. inhabit B. moan C. migrate D. roam 56. -- ―You don‘t like football, do you?‖ -- ―_________, I like it very much.‖ A. Instead B. Indeed C. On the contrary D. As a consequence 57. He could only offer a ______ apology for having forgotten about our dinner engagement. A. mechanic B. giant C. greedy D. frank 58. He was bankrupt, so he committed _________. A. killing B. death C. murdering D. suicide 59. It‘s very expensive to _____ the fashion. A. go along with B. get on with C. keep up with D. carry on with 60. The message of the film was ________ and indirect. A. vague B. obscure C. subtle D. abstract 61. Your actions __________ unfavorably with your principles. A. contrast B. contradict C. conflict D. collide 62. He has told us many lies that we can no longer place any __________ on what he says. A. conviction B. reliance C. credibility D. regard 63. Despite ___________ damaging testimony, the jury may decide for the plaintiff. A. the fact of the witness‘s B. the witness‘s C. there being the witness‘s D. the witness 64. The girl found it difficult to ________ spending so much money within a short period of time. A. qualify B. justify C. interpret D. account 65. It so happened that the telephone bell and the front door rang __________. A. subsequently B. simultaneously C. spontaneously D. substantially 66. _______ your family, don‘t take so many risks. A. On behalf of B. In honour of C. In favour of D. For the sake of 67. I can feel that Tom‘s attention is constantly _____ from his work. I wonder what has happened to him. A. interfered B. disturbed C. interrupted D. distracted 68. If decisions are delayed until the problems become worse, _________ for effective actions will be severely reduced. A. options B. notions C. fortunes D. occasions 69. The top sportsman failed dismally in his first attempt to break the record, but his coach‘s encouraging ______ of voice helped him pick up his confidence soon. 14 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A. tone B. notion C. tune D. mood 70. Provided that we draw useful lessons from them, we may turn difficulties to good _____. A. account B. benefit C. value D. occasion III. Cloze ―He‘s say, ?That fellow worked hard, let‘s give him a little __71__,‘‖ recalls retired president Ferold F. Arend, who was __72__ at such generosity after the __73__ employer he left to join Wal-Mart. ―I had to change my was of thinking when I __74__ abroad.‖ ―The reason for our success,‖ says Walton, in a company __75__, ―is our people and the way they‘re __76__ and the way they feel about their company. They believe things are different here, but they __77__ the credit.‖ Adds company lawyer Jim Hendren: ―I‘ve never seen anyone yet who worked for him or was around him for any __78__ of time who wasn‘t better off. And I don‘t mean just __79__, although a lot of people are. It‘s just something about him – coming into __80__ with Sam Walton just makes you a better person.‖ IV. Translation retired folk get away with discount remote local blend in with carry on 一个退休的推销员在一个边远的山村开了一家杂货店,并给当地人提供特价商品。他的行为跟其 他人一样,和周围的环境也融合得很好,看起来他似乎没有什么不正常。直到有一天,他被逮捕了, 原因是他已经逃税很多年了。 V. Guided Writing Take Out Insurance 1) more insurance policies arise step into; as a way of help; in trouble 2) different reasons of taking out insurance In case of; a sense of security 3) its illustration reflect; open-minded; far-sighted 15 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Two (B) I. Reading Comprehension Passage One One winter day in 1972, a Danish tanker truck loaded with phenol (石炭酸), a corrosive acidic compound, spun out of control and turned over. Its poisonous cargo spread into a stream, killing fish and destroying the water supply of a nearby village. After cleaning up the spot, government officials soon took new safety measures for the transport of dangerous substances. While other nations rely on special dump sites, Denmark, a small country that depends on ground water for drinking, took steps to deal with the problem closer to its source. Each company in this northern European nation must desclose to the local authority the types and quantities of waste it produces. The government issues a permit for on-site treatment or recycling. Companies are required to deliver their hazardous wastes, carefully separated and labeled, to one of the 21 transfer stations. Then the wastes are transported (about 178,000 tons of wastes annually) by rail, truck or boat to a central treatment plant. Today Denmark has one of the most comprehensive hazardous-waste management systems in the world. Other nations are beginning to catch up with the Danish and realize that, efficiency and safety can be enhanced by dealing with problems closer to their source. 1. What caused a severer water pollution in Denmark in 1972? A. A traffic accident. B. Phenol leakage from a chemical plant. C. Collision of two ferry boats. D. Phenol leakage from a plane. 2. It can be inferred from the passage that _______. A. transport of hazardous-waste is strictly controlled in Denmark. B. Denmark is lack of water resources C. transport of dangerous substances cannot be done by individual company D. Danish suffer a lot from water pollution 3. Which is not mentioned as one of the means to transport wastes used by the Danish? A. Train. B. Truck. C. Boat. D. Plane. 4. Denmark solves the problem by __________. A. building up many dump sites B. conducting on-site treatment or recycling C. increasing public‘s awareness of pollution D. closing down some chemical plants 5. Other nations can learn __________ from Denmark. A. to cope with problems closer to their source B. to build up more dump sites C. to transport the wastes to transfer stations D. to establish a central treatment plant Passage Two Prices determine how resources are to be used. They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed (分配) among buyers. The price system of the United States is a very complete network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of all sorts of services, including labor, professions, transportation, and public-utility services. The interrelationships of all these prices make the ?system‘ of prices. The price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else. If one were to ask a group of randomly (随机地) selected individuals to define price, many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service, or, in other words, that price is the money value of a product or service as agreed upon in market transaction. But for a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than the money involved has to be known. Both the buyer and seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the product or service to be exchanged, the time and place at which the exchange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms and other factors. In other words, both the buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that compose the total ?package‘ being exchanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price. 6. What is the best title for the passage? A. The Weaknesses of the Price System. B. The Complexities of the Price System. 16 大学英语(2)重学练习题 C. Delivery Terms in Transactions. D. A Market Survey. 7. According to the passage, the price system is related primarily to ________. A. labor and education B. transportation and insurance C. utilities and repairs D. products and services 8. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a factor in the complete understanding of price? A. Instructions that come with a product. B. The quantity of a product. C. The quality of a product. D. The amount of money. 9. In the last sentence, the word ―they‖ refers to _________. A. return privileges B. buyers and sellers C. cash and credits D. all the factors. 10. Which can be regarded as a feature of the price system? A. Random feature. B. Reliability. C. Interdependent feature. D. Sensibility. Passage Three thThroughout the first half of the 20 century, Canadian film-making, with a few exceptions, was almost nonexistent. For many Canadians, it seemed futile and almost useless to go up against American films, the most popular and successful in the world. Starting in the 1950s, however, Canadian cinema began to develop and to acquire a certain identity. But it was not until 1963, with the film Nobody Waved Goodbye, that Toronto really found a cinema-to-graphic identity, at the same time opening the way to a Canadian film- making culture. Figures like Norman Jewison, best known for having produced films such as Moonstruck and Fiddler on the Roof, came onto the scene and had an important influence on the Toronto film industry. Canadian cinema is still quite marginal compared to the American monster. Even today, the proportion of Canadian films showing in a Canadian movie theatres is only 2.5% of the total. It is thus not surprising to see Toronto creators such as Rick Moranis and David Cronenberg drawn to the huge American film industry. All the same, Toronto is a very active city in the film area. Nicknamed Hollywood North, Toronto is sought after by many producers for its diversity, the quality of its production centers and the broad local talent. Among North American regions, only Hollywood and New York account for more film productions. Many American producers have chosen to use Toronto for their film shoots for the financial savings it represent. Toronto is a far cheaper place to film in than the United Sates. 11. In 1920s, _________. A. Canadian had no film-making B. Canadian did as well as Americans in film-making C. Canadians didn‘t like American films D. Canadians didn‘t go to theatres 12. The breakthrough for Canadian film-making came in __________. A. 1930s B. 1950s C. 1960s D. 1970s 13. It can be inferred from the passage that ________. A. Canadian films are losing their way to American ones B. Canadian actors leave Canada because they don‘t like it C. there are as many cinemas as there are in America D. Canadian film industry turns out far fewer film than America does 14. Toronto is called ―Hollywood North‖ because ________. A. it is a big city in Canada B. many foreign producers choose to shoot their films there C. the labors there are very cheap D. many film talents work there 15. Which is NOT included in the reasons that Toronto is sought after by many producers? A. It has a diversified atmosphere. B. The production boasts high quality there. C. There are many shooting sites there. D. There are many talents working for film-making there. Passage Four: Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese. (10%) The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. (26) I am filled with wonder when I consider t he immeasurable contrasts between the two lives which it connects. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old. 17 大学英语(2)重学练习题 (27) On the afternoon of the eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant. I guessed vaguely from my mother‘s signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen, so I went to the door and waited on the steps. (28) The afternoon sun penetrated (刺穿) the mass of honeysuckled (忍冬花) that covered the porch, and fell on my upturned face. My fingers lingered almost unconsciously on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet Southern spring. (29) I did not know what the future held of marvel or surprise for me. Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded passionate struggle. Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with efforts, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? (30) I was like that ship before my education began, and I had no way of knowing how near the harbor was. ―Light! Given me light!‖ was the wordless cry of my soul, and the light of love shone on me in that very hour. II. Vocabulary and Structure 31. They ________ about the bad food at the hotel. A. proclaimed B. protested C. processed D. prohibited 32. Dick didn‘t want to walk home because he was used to _______ at school every day. A. pick up B. picking up C. be picked up D. being picked up 33. He invented a plough ______ any other in existence. A. far superior to B. more superior than C. more superior to D. much superior than 34. Mr. Stevens ________ of his business by telephone when he was in the hospital. A. kept track B. kept in touch C. kept his words D. kept in mind 35. The great castles of the kings were without bathing _________. A. pools B. places C. facilities D. districts 36. By _________ his presence on the meeting, the director prevented free expression of opinion. A. showing B. attending C. making D. imposing 37. No matter how tired you are, it would be ____ to watch the match. A. promising B. helpful C. worthwhile D. exciting 38. In his first formal address to the College, Paul outlined his general _________. A. intentions B. plans C. aims D. purposes 39. He saw plainly that Jane was on the verge of a terrible _____ in her marriage. A. risk B. crisis C. problem D. trouble 40. Your duties will _______ putting the children to bed. A. conclude B. exclude C. include D. involve 41. He said the visitors had _______ their win although the margin was narrow. A. deserved B. rewarded C. succeeded D. destined 42. Good and evil oppose each other in the academic sailor and the depraved master-at-arms, but they mysteriously _____ into each other too. A. behave B. blend C. bend D. baffle 43. No man can truly know love for others unless he can _______ to it himself. A. rely B. respond C. resist D. recover 44. The following spring I made one of my ______ trips to New York to lunch with a friend. A. regularly B. often C. abundant D. rare 45. They must be bored to death sitting all day with nothing to do but _______ the lamp and trim the wick. A. abandon B. abolish C. polish D. pollute 46. Drivers were asked to ___ the main roads near the new park on its opening day on Sunday, as officials gave warning of vast crowds and nightmare traffic jams. A. steer clear of B. steer clear away C. steer clear by D. steer clear across 47. They always kept on good terms with next-door neighbours for the children‘s _______. A. honour B. advance C. progress D. sake 48. The _______ that John Reith adopted as the voice of the BBC was the one already identified by Daniel Jones as the ?Received Pronunciation‘. 18 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A. sound B. accent C. noise D. dialect 49. If you want a visa, be sure to ________ your application in good time. A. send B. submit C. hand D. give 50. He thinks that his argument is based on facts. But regrettably there is a lot of evidence to the ____. A. comparison B. contrast C. contrary D. confusion 51. The sales manager ________ Franklin with a trip to Spain for his diligence and creativity in work. A. cultivated B. qualified C. reserved D. rewarded 52. Though badly damaged by fire, the palace was eventually _______ to its original splendour. A. repaired B. renewed C. restored D. renovated 53. I can‘t bear the noise of my brother‘s radio; it ______ me from my work. A. disturbs B. perturbs C. interrupts D. distracts 54. Not many students choose to take the course in ancient writing, because it is regarded as not ______ the modern society. A. relevant for B. relevant from C. relevant by D. relevant to 55. After ________ for the job, you will be required to take a language test. A. being interviewed B. interviewed C. interviewing D. having interviewed 56. Mr. Clements was the personnel manager. That means he looked after the company‘s ______. A. accounts B. sales C. staff D. stores 57. I knew him at work, but we never ________ after work. A. socialized B. socialize C. are social D. are society 58. It was reported that the new governor had _______ his authority by getting other people to do things for him and his family. A. betted B. exhausted C. abused D. ignored 59. Students who pass the test will be ________ to the next grade. A. progressed B. proceeded C. promoted D. proposed 60. FM transmissions are not seriously affected by the more usual forms of ____________. A. interruption B. interference C. interception D. interaction III. Cloze __61 1900 __62__ fewer than 3,000 motor cars on the roads in France. Motorists bought their petrol at __63__. The Michelin brothers, __64__ made tyres, decided that some sort of guidance __65__ to be made available to those motorists when motoring away from home, __66__ where __67__ to buy petrol, __68__, to stay the night or to __69__ a telephone call and so on. They also realized that motorists would like __70__ obtain __71__ about the best roads to take and __72__ on the way. So one of the brothers compiled the first Guide. It was __73__ smaller than the present edition. It had nearly 400 pages, almost __74__ were devoted to technical matters and advice on mechanical problems and laws relating to motoring, __75__ were equivalent to the modern Highway Code __76__ that time. Mr. Michelin had the book printed and gave __77__ to garage owners, who in return distributed it to __78__ customers, __79__ there are Michelin Guides for several European countries and restaurant owners hope the Michelin inspectors will think their restaurants __80__ for inclusion in one of them. 61. A. At B. On C. In D. For 62. A. there were B. they were C. it was D. there was 63. A. the grocers B. the grocer‘s C. the groceries D. the grocer shop 64. A. who B. which C. what D. that 65. A. should B. must C. ought D. had better 66. A. so they would know B. so they would be knowing C. for knowing D. that they know 67. A. they were going B. to go C. can they go D. they can go 68. A. to repair their cars B. for getting their cars repaired C. to get repaired their cars D. to get their cars repaired 69. A. put B. send C. do D. make 19 大学英语(2)重学练习题 70. A. to be able to B. to can C. that they were able to D. that they could 71. A. some information B. an information C. one information D. some informations 72. A. what was the surface like B. what the surface was like C. how was the surface D. how the surface was 73. A. rather B. quite C. fairly D. a few 74. A. half of which B. half of them C. the half of which D. the half of them 75. A. they B. that C. which D. what 76. A. in B. at C. on D. while 77. A. it up B. up it C. it away D. away it 78. A. his B. its C. their D. theirs 79. A. In our days B. Those days C. On the present time D. Nowadays 80. A. so good B. too good C. good enough D. enough good IV. Translation folk qualify come abroad make up of on the run steer clear of stock throw one‘s weight around A&B是世界著名的跨国公司,有14个子公司和5个研发中心。最近几年他的股票稳步增长。然而遗 憾的是,新的继任者不是一个合格的总裁。员工都不喜欢他,因为他态度傲慢,并一直让职员忙个不 停。对在过去6个月中回国的新职员,大家建议他们要离他远点。 V. Guided Writing Home Tutoring 1) 家教的好处 2) 家教的坏处 3) 我的看法 20 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Three (A) I Reading Comprehension Passage One The man who, legend has it, escaped from an early grave when his uncle pulled him from drowning in a dirty pond is notorious for his dirty deeds but that what cannot be forgotten are his achievements in the 1986 World Cup. Forget the handball against England, feel the quality of his 50-yard solo goal in the same game and the near repeat performance in the semi-final against Belgium. The Argentina side of the 1986 was functional and hard-working but it was Maradona who fired them to the final and then set up two of the goals in their 3-2 win over West Germany in the final. In 1990, a barely-fit Maradona fought his way to the final where the Germans took their revenge. Few people shared Diego‘s post-match tears. In fact many rejoiced that such an ugly brute of a team had lost. Eight years before, in Spain, Maradona , then newly arrived at Barcelona, disgraced himself by being sent off in a Second Phase game with Brazil. Even four years before that the 18-year-old Maradona was a source of great controversy when he was left out of the victorious squad that won on home ground. USA 1994 was the end for Maradona as a player. Right after the Nigeria game, he was picked for drugs-screening and tested positive for banned stimulant ephedrine (麻黄硷). He was banned from the rest of the tournament and the team fell apart, going out in the second round to Romania. 21. How many World Cups are mentioned in the passage? A) Three. B) Four. C) Five D) Six. 22. Which country won the 1990 World Cup? A) Argentina B) West Germany C) Romania D) England 23. Maradona won the World Cup . A) once B) twice C) three times D) four times 24. When in 1994, Maradona was driven out of the World Cup, he was close to . A) 18 B) 24 C) 26 D) 31 25. According to the passage, Maradona is a man . A) full of ideas B) with cruel behaviors C) having good luck D) of great controversy Passage Two Many companies have run into serious troubles trying to coordinate their sales and promotional efforts. For example, one firm authorized a large promotional drive to introduce a new product in Latin America. The promotion ran smoothly, but someone forgot to coordinate product delivery — ship the product. Consumers were confused and money was wasted when the promoted product was not available. To avoid such occurrences, all plans should be in writing and someone should be responsible for central coordination. Hence, risks are lessened and opportunities to save money may arise. Coca-cola, for instance, requires that all overseas marketing plans be submitted to the central office well in advance. This gives the company a chance to examine the concepts. Previous experiences with similar plans can be viewed and necessary changes can be suggested. Sometimes central company managers‘ ventures have failed in the past. Minor improvements tried overseas with success should also be reported. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Coordination not only reduces the chance of errors, it also provides opportunities to learn improved methods. With so many details to consider, it is rather easy to understand how so many firms have blundered. Nevertheless, their errors illustrate the importance of paying attention to detail. 26. In the example in the first paragraph, the firm failed because __________. A) its home office didn‘t back them up B) it didn‘t inform its home office of its plan 21 大学英语(2)重学练习题 C) very few customers responded to its efforts D) it abused much money 27. Coca-cola requires that __________. A) all overseas firms follow the orders by the central office B) all overseas firms turn in plans to the central office before carrying out them C) all minor improvements be reported to the central office D) all failures be recorded in the files in the central office 28. According to the passage, coordination involves __________. A) preventing the company from committing the same error B) passing on orders from the central office C) training personnel from the overseas firms D) helping overseas firms make overseas firms 29. In the passage, coordination can be compared to __________. A) a bridge between the central office and overseas firms B) a passage through which the orders by the central office can reach its overseas firms C) a trial-and-error lab to avoid similar errors D) a file recording all cases in the history of the company 30. ―Blundered‖ in the last paragraph can be best replaced by ―__________‖. A) been done with B) gone bankrupt C) made success D) done wrong Passage Three Sports fans all over the world recognize the name of Michael Jordan. From California to Tennessee, kids wear clothes with his picture on them. Jercies(球衫) with his number 23 on the front, jackets with bold logo on the back, and air Jordan nike flick shoes, all reflect the fame of the superstar. Michael Jordan has become the most famous attraction of the world's favorite spectator's sport. Michael Jordan was born in 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. Growing up, Michael did not look like a future super star. He was very shy and didn't like to talk to other people about himself. He was also very short. He showed little promise of having a future career in basketball. When he tried out for the freshman team in high school, Michael didn't make it. The next year, however, after a large growth spurs, he made the team. The rest is history. Michael's road to fame began at the University of North Carolina. He brought an acrobatic(杂技 的) style to the game that few had seen before. Michael used his quickness and strength to reach the basket again and again. He became famous for his powerful slam dunks. Basketball fans from all over the world began to take notice. One reporter wrote that when Michael went up to dunk the basketball, it looked like he can fly. He was given the nickname "Air Jordan". 31(Kids all over the world wear things related to Jordan, is not mentioned in the passage. A) shoes B) jerseys C) jackets D) sockets 32Jordan once didn‘t seem to promise to be a superstar because . A) he was too shy B) he kept from other. C) he was short. D) he was poor. 33. Jordan grew much taller . A) after he joined NBA B) in the first year in high school C) in the second year in high school D) in the first year in college 34. which is not mentioned as one of Jordan‘ s advantage? A) Quickness B) Strength C) Skills D) Height 35. When did the same ―Air Jordan‖ become well-known? A) After a reporter compared his dunk to flying. B) After he won the ―Most Valuable Player‖ in NBA. C) In his freshman year in the university. D) In his first year in NBA. Passage Four Sir Isaac Newton noted in 1672 that a beam of sunlight passed through a prism and allowed to fall on a white surface becomes a ―rainbow‖ of varying colors: red at one end, ranging through orange, 22 大学英语(2)重学练习题 yellow, green, and blue, to violet at the other. This colored strip of pure light is called a spectrum, the Latin word meaning ―apparition‖. Sunlight consists of a mixture of light of varying wavelengths that affect our eyes differently, so that we see the components of sunlight as colors. When a beam of light passes into glass at an acute angle, it is bent, or refracted, and if the glass is a triangular prism, the wavelengths are refracted farther in the same direction, and the spectrum appears. Light that appears red is refracted the least; that which appears violet is refracted the most. Scientists have found that particular substances, when heated to a white heat, give off only certain colors; when the light from this heated substance is passed through a slit, each color in the light will form an image of the slit at a certain predictable position in the spectrum, leaving the rest of the band black: sunlight‘s passing through a cool gas will have certain of its colors absorbed , dark images of the slit will then appear against the colored background. By using a spectroscope, an instrument through which one can view a spectrum against a marked scale so that the position of each color line can be located exactly, scientists have 1earned about the composition of the sun and the stars. 36. A beam of sunlight becomes a ―rainbow‖ when it ____. A) passes through a pane of glass B) falls on any white surface C) passes through a prism D) both A and C 37. The rainbow is called a spectrum because ____. A) it is composed of pure light B) it has no tangible reality C) it comes from the Latin word which means ―apparition‖ D) all of the above 38. Sunlight is made up of ____. A) a mixture of light of varying wavelengths B) pure light C) light waves traveling at varying angles D) light waves of equal lengths 39. We see the components of sunlight as color because ____. A) light waves are refracted in different ways B) different wavelengths affect our eyes differently C) all light waves are refracted equally D) both A and B 40. It has been found that certain substances, when heated, will ____. A) absorb all colors B) refract all colors C) give off only certain colors D) reflected certain colors III. Vocabulary and Structure 41. With a(n) income of a little more than $10,000, Josephine found it hard to make ends meet. A) annual B) one year C) each year D) year 42. Sport is not only a bodily but a means of achieving a unity of mental and physical development A) behaviour B) action C) movement D) performance 43. Chemists working on a animal dye-stuffs have in a number of directions. A) broken through B) broken down C) broken out D) broken in 44. Highly efficient business people from these cultures may feel frustrated in a country where work proceeds at a slow . A) ratio B) pace C) stride D) step 45. The school headmaster played the role in the faculty play. A) principle B) principal C) possible D) plentiful 46. Along the way, Lewis and Clark a lazy French-Canadian guide named Charbonneau to be their interpreter. A) picked up B) picked over C) put up D) put out 47. In cultures where close physical contact is acceptable and , Americans may be regarded as cold and distant. A) desirable B) available C) advisable D) profitable 48. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given traveling . 23 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A) income B) allowances C) wages D) pay 49. The people in the town their defences . A) increased B) strengthened C) heightenedD) reinforced 50. There are so absorbed in their study that they their sleep. A) overlook B) ignore C) lose D) overcome 51. He at me when he was shot in the leg. A) spoke B) wailed C) uttered D) yelled 52. After a month , the criminal was finally captured(抓获) by the police. A) on line B) on demand C) on the run D) on occasion 53. The green boughs with all their pearls of dew. A) glittered B) glinted C) glimmered D) lighted 54. I‘m in no this evening to listen to popular music. A) feeling B) attitude C) mood D) tendency 55. all advice, he started to climb the mountain during a storm. A) Contrast to B) In addition to C) Contrary to D) Except for 56. The rest a number of multiple choice questions. A) composes of B) composes in C) consists in D) consists of 57. Yet when women prove their abilities, men refuse to them and give them their due. A) acknowledge B) demand C) claim D) maintain 58. I asked Jeniffer about her opinion of my new job. She said, ―To be perfectly , I don‘t think you are the woman for the job.‖ A) critical B) virtual C) frank D) valid 59. It is possible for our physical state to influence our moods, behavior patterns and, in cases, our sanity(心智健全). A) enormous B) intense C) constant D) extreme 60. Safety devices in preventing accidents in the machine shop. A) assist B) assure C) assemble D) contribute 61. He has been in his devotion to scientific studies. A) constant B) complicated C) delicate D) consistent 62. A flock of wild ducks seemed to be uncertain and then quietly in front of the two hunters. A) skated away B) moved away C) slipped away D) ran away 63. The that the earth is round has been widely accepted since Magellan accomplished the first voyage round the world. A) notice B) notion C) fact D) principle 64. Although collaborative group work might not always turn out encouraging results, it is certainly a strategy exploring. A) worth B) worthy C) deserves D) liable 65. The travelers left two in the hotel in a hurry. A) luggages B) luggage C) pieces of luggages D)pieces of luggage 66. Not long ago, a person whom I know very well was an accident. A) related to B) involved in C) included in D) subjected to 67. Running can strengthen your heart and muscles, but , it can also damage your knee joints and the bones in your feet. A) formerly B) conversely C) initially D) continuously 68. Although a few minor problems still exist, the economic situation of this city is quite good. A) principal B) overall C) particular D major 69. Language has always been----as the phrase goes----one mirror to society. English is no . A) explanation B)excuse C) expectation D) exception 70. I was told that I would receive the notification of the result but I just couldn‘t wait to know it. A) at times B) on the whole C) in due course D) in unison 24 大学英语(2)重学练习题 IV. Cloze My dad's a nice man. Nobody could 71 believe that he isn't. Yet he's... well, he's always doing these stupid things that 72 up really 73 one or more of us kids. One time, see, my brother wanted to buy this guitar. Been 74 money for it for a long time. Then he got a job at this fast-food place, OK? Waiting tables. It was Sean's first actual 75 , and he was real happy about it. He 76 in two or three months he'd have enough money to buy exactly the kind of 77 he wanted. Mom and Dad were 78 of him, and well, OK, he's my big brother, and he's always pulling these 79 things on me. But, well, I was proud of him too. You know 80 happened? V. Translation embarrass consist of in charge of interrupt keep sth in suspense location talented survive dumb at any rate 汤姆是车祸的唯一幸存者。警察要求他指出出事的确切地点,不幸的是,他天生又聋又哑, 所以他觉得在公众面前出现很尴尬。后来,一直由7个人组成的小组来调查整件事,主管是天才 侦探布莱克先生。小组在工作的时候,不准别人来打扰、。至今为止,结果还悬而未决。但不管 怎样,工作在进展中。 VI. Guided Writing Life at College 1) Students‘ slackness after entering university tendency university matriculation exam show slackness 2) students‘ real purpose of going to university get a diploma be competent for assign 3) students‘ serious attitude towards study take thing easy take a serious attitude towards 25 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Three (B) I. Reading Comprehension Passage One Scientists have long predicted that computers would one day help speed up the time-consuming task of translating texts – and now that time has come. Systems designed in the United States, Japan, Europe and South America can accomplish the task by following one of two basic approaches. The ―direct‖ method uses rules of syntax and grammar to translate one language into another, while the ―interlingua‖ approach employs an internal intermediate language as a bridge between the ―source‖ and ―target‖ languages. The direct approach is the most common, though not always the simplest, method of computer translation. It requires a separate program – including a dictionary of thousands of words and phrases, as well as rules of syntax, grammar and connection – for each pair of language involved in a given language. The interlingua method is most effective for texts that require translations into several languages. It is not used as widely as the direct approach but playing a more and more important role at international conferences and in business negotiations. Still, difficulties remain. Few programs can yet resolve the ambiguities (模棱两可) in such sentences as ―Ship sinks today.‖ (Is it a newspaper headline or an order to send out a shipment of sinks?) Editors still must improve the translation by interpreting some idioms and unfamiliar words. But the programs are improving, and the companies involved are optimistic. ―In 10 years‘ time,‖ says the head of one Japanese firm, ―more than 80 percent of all translation work will be done by machines.‖ 16. The direct approach is NOT ___________. A. the most common method B. a method requires a separate system C. the simplest method D. the most widely used method 17. The interlingua approach is ___________. A. the most widely used method B. the most promising C. more useful in business and at conferences D. the most complicated method 18. It can be inferred from the passage that machine translation ________. A. will replace human translation in 10 years B. will take up a majority of translation work in the future C. will never be as effective as human translation D. is much faster than human translation 19. According to the passage, machine translation can not cope with ______ effectively. A. idioms B. technical terms C. names D. long sentences 20. Which of the following statements will most likely lead to ambiguity? A. Today is Sunday. B. There are two speakers in the room. C. It is raining there. D. I often go shopping at weekends. Passage Two Nature has supplied every animal except man with some covering for his body such as fur, feathers, hair, seals, shells or a thick hide. But man has nothing but a thin skin. If someone were to ask us, ―Why did human beings start to cover their bodies with clothes?‖ most of us would answer, ―To keep themselves warm, of course.‖ It is only when we begin to think about it a little that we realize that clothes are worn for a great many reasons that have nothing to do with our need for warmth at all. For instance, we wear clothes to some extent in order to decorate ourselves – to make ourselves, if possible, look more graceful or dignified (高贵的) than we are. Clothes of a special kind are often worn to show that the wearer has authority or power. The individual wearing them is treated with respect because he occupies a certain office. The judge in the court, for instance, might look a very ordinary and unimpressive figure without his wig (假发) and gown. Clothes are an essential part of all ceremonial occasions, whether it is connected with religion, the law, parliament, royalty, the fighting forces, or the state. Sometimes, even in civilized countries, people wear some article of clothing, or some jewel, to decorate ourselves, to show our position in the world, for ceremonial purposes, for ―luck‖, to give ourselves dignity and authority – have anything to do with our need for warmth and protection from the weather. 21. Animals do not use _______ to protect themselves from the weather. A. shell B. fur C. thick hide D. wig 26 大学英语(2)重学练习题 22. According to the passage, judges wear wig and gown ________. A. because it is the tradition B. to show their authority and position in the court C. because this makes them look more dignified D. so that they can be easily identified 23. People may not wear clothes for the purpose of __________. A. bringing good luck B. joining certain ceremonies C. showing the difference from other animals D. showing dignity 24. According to the passage, which statement is true? A. Animals other than humans don‘t wear clothes to keep warm. B. Humans wear clothes only to keep warm. C. Humans also have hair to keep themselves warm. D. Animals all rely on their hair and fur to keep warm. 25. A king or queen wears gown and crown to show ________. A. authority and dignity B. that he or she is more graceful C. wisdom and wits D. that he or she is more good-looking Passage Three Deaths from cigarettes are likely to more than triple over the next quarter century to 20 every minute around the world, scientists warn in a new global survey. The survey covers 45 countries, 15 more than the previous study. The additional nations are from eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Sixty million deaths have been caused by smoking since the 1950s, the investigators estimate. They predict smoking will kill about 10 million people a year by 2020, the vast majority in developing countries where the habit continues to attract young women. Investigators were unable to acquire smoking statistics from every country, which would allow the most precise estimates. Instead, they compared data on lung-cancer death rates among American non-smokers to the lung-cancer death rate in each country to get an estimate of the number of smoking in a nation. The researchers said they used lung-cancer rates as the yardstick (标尺) because in developed countries, lung cancer is closely related to smoking and so seldom caused by any other factor among non-smokers. According to the report, 10 percent of middle-age British men will die from smoking by the time they are 35 to 69 years old. In Poland, 20 percent of men are doomed to die from smoking, the researchers predict. 26. It can be inferred from the passage that now the death from cigarette every minute is most close to ____. A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9 27. According to the passage, in the previous report countries from ________ are not included. A. Asia B. America C. eastern Europe D. Africa 28. One reason that more death from cigarette is from developing countries is ________. A. the medical conditions there are very poor B. many women start to smoke there C. there‘s no control over cigarette advertising D. there are more male smokers 29. Why lung-cancer is used in the research? A. Because lung-cancer among non-smokers is mainly caused by smoking. B. Because it‘s easiest to collect information about lung-cancer. C. Because most smokers have lung-cancer. D. Because lung-cancer is the biggest killer of human beings. 30. Non-smokers have lung-cancer mainly because ___________. A. people around them smoke B. they are infected by other patients C. they work too hard D. lung-cancer is the most widespread disease nowadays Passage Four: Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese. (10%) Friends: No-one who has never been placed in a like position can understand my feeling at this hour, nor the oppressive sadness I feel at this parting. (26) For more than a quarter of a century I have lived among you, and received nothing but kindness at your hands. Here I have lived from my youth, until now I am an old man. Here the most sacred ties of earth were assumed. Here all my children were born, here one of them lies buried. (27) To you, dear friends, I owe all that I have, all that I am. All the strange, checkered (饱经沧桑的) past seems now to crowd upon my 27 大学英语(2)重学练习题 mind. ) upon (28) Today I leave you. I go to assume a task more difficult than that which devolved (移交 Washington. Unless the great God who assisted him shall be with me and aid me , I must fail. But if the same great mind and almighty arm that directed and protected him shall guide and support me, I shall not fail, I shall succeed. (29) Let us all pray that the God of our fathers may not forsake (抛弃) us now. to him I commend you all. Permit me to ask that, with equal security and faith, you will invoke (祈求) his wisdom and guidance for me. With these few words I must leave you, for how long I know not. (30) Friends, one and all, I must now bid you an affectionate farewell. II. Vocabulary and Structure 31. He speaks English well, doesn't he? And yet he‘s never had a lesson. He‘s _____ himself. A. kept it up B. picked it up C. taken it in D. given it up 32. The theme of his speech was the need to conserve our natural ____: oil, water, trees, coals, and so on. A. matters B. resources C. sources D. origins 33. I will _________ what I have done and want done. A. abstract B. extract C. summit D. summarize 34. ______ of this animal is its ability to live for a long time without water. A. A feature B. An appearance C. A specialty D. A fashion 35. These popular images are not without foundation, though they are often _________. A. blamed B. crowed C. exaggerated D. boasted 36. The young gorilla made a few _________ attempts to build a nest. A. skillful B. awful C. clumsy D. lazy 37. Now English is in daily use among three or four hundred million people who were not ____ speaking it as their native language. A. backed up B. reared C. brought D. supported 38. To call the music of another music-culture ―primitive‖ is ____ one‘s own standards on a group that does not recognize them. A. putting B. emphasizing C. forcing D. imposing 39. The strong and _____ winds at Kitty Hawk supplied the most suitable atmospheric conditions for their flying experiment. A. firm B. steady C. regular D. secure 40. Somehow, De Vaca found enough strength to stay awake and hold the ______ weakly. A. piloting B. navigating C. steering D. directing 41. It is a phenomenon deeply ______ in our national economy. A. included B. minimized C. prescribed D. involved 42. Located in a grove of almond trees, the house was an excellent example of an elegant Southern ___. A. mansion B. palace C. lodge D. cabin 43. When he found that his house had been robbed, he immediately ___ detectives to conduct a fresh inquiry. A. called in B. called forth C. called up D. called by 44. Do you have any _______ about what living beings on other planets would be like? A. ideal B. comprehension C. notion D. intelligence 45. There is a _____ difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environment. A. gentle B. subtle C. feeble D. humble 46. I can give you more than one ______ that it is true A. proof B. example C. evidence D. test 47. The Indian peacock wears a ________ of royal blue. A. clothes B. clothing C. crown D. cap 48. Methods used in teaching English to young children are not always ______ for students. A. appreciate B. apparent C. appropriate D. approximate 49. And then with no word of thanks or farewell, he _______. A. flitted B. flung C. fleeted D. fled 28 大学英语(2)重学练习题 50. Success may be late in coming, but when it does come it ______ previous failures. A. makes up for B. stands up for C. goes back on D. gives up on 51. I‘m now in the _______ to put up with any of your displays of artistic humour today. A. desire B. temper C. mood D. sense 52. Of the thousands of known volcanoes in the world, the _______ majority are inactive. A. tremendous B. demanding C. intensive D. overwhelming 53. Some scientists believe that HIV virus may have been present for centuries in a relatively harmless form and only recently ______ into a more damaging one. A. involved B. emerged C. evolved D. faded 54. My home ____ only two rooms and a kitchen, but fortunately I possess an attractive garden as well. A. consists of B. makes up of C. comprises of D. composes of 55. All that __________. A. glitters are not gold B. is glittering has not been gold C. glitters is not gold D. are glittering are not gold 56. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to _________ any further responsibilities. A. take on B. get on C. put up D. look up 57. There are certain _____ when you must interrupt people who are in the middle of doing something. A. occasions B. situations C. conditions D. environments 58. Racial discrimination inevitably __________ the resistance of the broad masses of the black people. A. called for B. called off C. called up D. called forth 59. It would be a mistake to _______ this law to situations which are outside this range. A. apply B. use C. employ D. fit 60. The manager is so stubborn that he always ____ his own decision regardless of others‘ attitude to it. A. appeals to B. lays down C. holds to D. fills out III. Cloze To others and themselves the British have a reputation for being conservative – not in the narrow political sense, but in the sense of adherence to accepted ideas and unwillingness to question them. The reputation comes partly from their __61__. For 900 __62__ they have suffered __63__ invasion nor revolution (except in 1649 __64__ 1688) nor disastrous defeat in __65__. Their monarchy survives __66__ serious question. Under its nominal __67__ the political arrangements have been __68__ stable that, except for the __69__ interruptions in the seventeenth __70__, they have been adapted throughout __71__ centuries to meet changing needs without violent __72__. Britain, in 1978, was __73__ in managing without __74__ written constitution; some fragmentary definitions of 1688 still __75. there had been __76 quarrels, social and economic as well __77__ political, but the quarrels had been __78__, usually __79__ compromise. The underlying __80__ had not been broken. 61. A. language B. future C. history D. literature 62. A. centuries B. years C. minutes D. seconds 63. A. neither B. as C. or D. either 64. A. too B. but C. or D. and 65. A. home B. study C. peace D. war 66. A. and B. without C. with D. neither 67. A. name B. people C. leadership D. enemy 68. A. so B. very C. too D. such 69. A. two B. one C. none D. couple 70. A. month B. day C. year D. century 71. A. a B. any C. the D. few 72. A. changes B. variations C. variances D. alternations 73. A. common B. popular C. unique D. any 74. A. two B. a C. some D. their 75. A. survive B. surviving C. survives D. survived 29 大学英语(2)重学练习题 76. A. bitter B. happy C. pleasant D. unhappy 77. A. for B. as C. to D. at 78. A. setting B. settles C. settle D. settled 79. A. for B. at C. to D. by 80. A. continuation B. continuity C. continuum D. continuance IV. Translation trade…for investigation repeatedly narrow down deserve the way fill out local headlines in unison 所有报纸的头条报道说,有犯罪分子叛卖小孩。警察和当地局们决心联手打击此类犯罪。市民们被反 复告诫,不要把孩子单独留在大街上。经过三个月的调查,警察缩小了嫌疑犯的范围。半年后,他们 写出了调查报告,犯罪分子被判以极刑。市民都认为他们是罪有应得。 V. Guided Writing Computer‘s Attendance in Office Work 1) 电脑进入办公室 2) 电脑在办公业务中的应用 3) 避免过分依赖电脑 30 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Four (A) I. Reading Comprehension Passage One What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, and red? If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you prefer grays and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy, and you would rather follow than lead. You tend to be a pessimist. At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of colors preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings. They tells us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favorite color as we grow up——we are born with our preference. If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly. Colors do influence our moods——there is no doubt about it .A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. On the other hand, black is depressing. A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides than any other bridge in the area ---until it was repainted green. The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply; perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active. It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey. 21. The author regards the physiologists‘ findings as . A ) groundless B) unnecessary C) reasonable D) great 22. According to the physiologists, people‘s color preference . A) is born with them B) is gradually developed in their growing up C) is imposed on them by their parents D) can be changed sometimes 23. It can be concluded from the passage that it‘s better to paint the dining room . A) grey B) blue C) white D) yellow 24. The example of the bridge is used to illustrate that . A) people tend to kill themselves by jumping from the bridges B) color of the bridges can affect people to a great degree C) the bridge should have been repainted earlier D) color can kill people sometimes 25. In the factories, machines are painted to make the workers more active. A) grey B) black C) orange D) red Passage Two For nearly a century before there was such a thing as a space program, a view of space was possible. People could see detailed views of the Moon, explore Mars, and study the geometric beauty of Saturn‘s rings. All of this was made possible by a small group of artist-astronomers who made a career of illustrating how other worlds in space might look. Lucien Rudaux, a French artist, was the first to combine his artistic talents with his knowledge of astronomy. His paintings show a mixture of skilled observations, brilliant imagination, and painstaking attention to detail. As a result, many of his works have come surprisingly close to actual conditions on distant planets. His painting of Mars included moonlike craters that were first photographed by the Mariner 4 Probe in 1965. His 1830 painting of a dust storm looks remarkably like a photograph of a storm taken by Orbiter 2 in 1976. The artist-astronomers, including Rudaux, stimulated interest in outer space by painting what eventually turned out to be precise portraits of the planets. 31 大学英语(2)重学练习题 26. What is the main idea of the passage? A) The amazing accuracy of space artists. B) The popular success of Lucien Rudaux. . C) The imaginations of great artists. D) The similarities of the Moon to Mars. 27. For how many years have people been able to see paintings showing the appearance of other planets? A) Nearly five. B) About fifteen. C) About fifty. D) Almost a hundred. 28. According to the passage, artist-astronomers spent their lives ____. A) exploring the planets B) studying geometry C) creating images of space D) producing rockets for space travel 29. According to the passage, the works of Lucien Rudaux represent a combination of ____. A) astronomy and mathematics B) generalizations and specifics C) photography and illustration D) fact and fiction 30. According to the passage, what did Mariner 4 photograph? A) A space probe. B) The planet Mars. C) Craters on the Moon. D) Lucien Rudaux‘s paintings. Passage Three Of many problems in the world today, none is as widespread, or as old as crime. Crime has many forms, including crimes against property, person, and government. Crime, in all its forms, penetrates every layer of society and touches every human being. You may never have been robbed, but you suffer the increased cost of the store-bought items because of other‘s shoplifting and you pay higher taxes because of other‘s tax evasion. Perhaps your house is not worth as much today as it was a few years ago because of the increased crime rate in your neighborhood, or maybe your business is not doing as well as it used to because tourism is down due to increased terrorism in your part of the world. Whatever you do, wherever you go, you are a victim of crime whether you like it or not, whether you know it or not. Crime, especially violent crime, has risen to a point where many people are afraid to walk alone in their own neighborhoods, afraid to open their door after dark. Expert argues whether the number of crimes committed is actually on the rise. This issue is particularly true in cases of family violence, the abuse of husbands, wives or children. Throughout much of history, cases of family violence and neglect often went unreported because of the attitude of society, which considered family matters to be private. 31. Which description about crime is not correct, according to the passage? A) It is the most widespread problem. B) It has the most distant origin. C) It has many forms. D) It has very little to do with ordinary people. 32. ―Tax evasion‖ in the first paragraph means . A) not paying due taxes B) imposing taxes on others C) collecting taxes D) paying overdue taxes 33. According to the author, people became victims of crime . A) only when they are robbed or kidnapped B) even they are not directly involved in any crime C) when they witness some crime scenes D) because they tend to commit certain crime 34. Violent crime nowadays . A) is most widespread B) arouses greatest attention C) is severer than ever before D) makes people less self-confident 35. It can be inferred from the passage that . A) cases of family violence are on the rise B) there have been more cases of family violence than those recorded C) cases of family violence are fewer than those of other crimes D) victims of family violence don‘t report for fear of losing face Passage Four With the current mood of global uncertainty and an economic recession, people are likely to suffer from increased stress, depression and anxiety. These psychological symptoms, in a new twist to the old saying of ―mind over matter‖, can lead to actual physical problems. The mind and the body are integrated system. It‘s like a web. If one part is disturbed, it will directly, or indirectly, affect another part. Hence, psychological and emotional reactions will trigger 32 大学英语(2)重学练习题 physical responses. When a person feels a threat to his well-being, the brain reacts by releasing chemicals. For example, the adrenal gland in the brain may release adrenaline (肾上腺素) which prepares the body to respond to physical threats. The brain‘s neuro-chemistry programs a person to react in one of the classic ways: fight, flight or fright. Are you sleeping well? Are you eating well? Are you working or studying well? Any mental health problem would affect these three areas of behavior. Some people deal with stress and anxiety by turning to religion, others by talking to friends and family. But there are other options. Exercise is a good outlet. Play a game. Go jogging. You will be concentrating on doing something. There is a target to be achieved and will occupy your mind. Go Karaoke singing and dancing with friends. The worst thing to do is sit at home and think. 36. What does ―mind over matter‖ in the first paragraph mean? A) Mind is better than matter. B) Never lose your mind. C) Mind is more important. D) Think before you act, 37. The mind and the body are ____. A) irrelative B) isolated C) interrelated D) interchangeable 38. Which is NOT one of the classic ways that people react to stress? A) Try to struggle with it. B) Try to escape from it. C) Become worried. D) Start a fight with others. 39. Which is NOT listed as a way to release stress? A) Talking to people close to you. B) Believing in a religion. C) Doing jogging. D) Going to see a doctor. 40. People can NOT reduce stress through ____. A) talking B) dancing C) exercising D) drinking III. Vocabulary and Structure 41. When an importer buys from another country, he will usually pay for it in currency of that country. A) order B) purchase C) consumer D) merchandise 42. In countries where a solar calendar was , the length of each year needed to be modified in order to have the same number of months in each year. A) received B) adopted C) utilized D) adapted 43. The good service at the hotel the poor food to some extent. A) made up for B) made up C) made for D) made out 44. The garden has been ; there are weeds growing everywhere. A) neglected B) uncared C) miscarried D) unnoticed 45. Here are some toys. You can one or two for your little son as a birthday gift from me . A) single out B) pick out C) carry out D) work out 46. In your proposals you haven‘t the special needs of old people. A) taken into account B) taken in account C) taken for granted D) got into account 47. Beethoven is my favorite musician. I regard him as other musicians. A) superior to B) more superior than C) more superior to D) superior than 48. Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful through the window. A) vision B) look C) picture D) view 49. They to him to abandon the idea. A) appeared B) appealed C) apologized D) applauded 50. The craze for Jazz was by the craze for swing. A) used B) notified C) replaced D) relaxed 51. But there is only a limited amount of land, and some of it may never be . A) advanced B) cultivated C) impressed D) sought 52. the adult interacts with the child will determine to a great degree the extent 33 大学英语(2)重学练习题 to which a child‘s potential can be realized. A) By the way B) On the way C) Through the way D) The way 53. I guess Jones didn‘t have a chance to win the election. Almost all of the people in the city voted for this . A) candidate B) opponent C) alternative D) participate 54. I was by their kindness and moved to tears. A) preoccupied B) embarrassed C) overwhelmed D) counseled 55. His long service with the company was with a present. A) admitted B) acknowledged C) attributed D) accepted 56. Henry looked very much when he was caught cheating in the biology exam. A) discouraged B) embarrassed C) disappointed D) bewildered 57. In the past ten years skyscrapers have developed in Chicago and New York City. A) homogeneously B) simultaneously C) spontaneously D) harmoniously 58. The as an ambassador will be difficult for one with no experience. A) agreement B) consideration C) appointment D) dismiss 59. The doctor checked the patient‘s carefully before making his statement. A) symbols B) symptoms C) indications D) signs 60. While driving along the treacherous mountain road, . A) my right rear tyre blew out B) my right rear tyre had a blowout C) I had a blowout on my right rear tyre D) I had my right rear tyre blow out 61. With the help of a metal detector, they discovered that wreckage lay over a 2,000-square-feet area, often buried beneath sand and seaweed. A) scattered B) separated C) dispersed D) distributed 62. In addition, many the rules of English usage make it difficult to master. A) exceptions of B) exceptions for C) exceptions to D) exceptions in 63. I have just learned that he has been to Sales Manager of his firm. A) advanced B) promoted C) risen D) upraised 64. been inspected by the customs officials. A) All our luggage has B) All our luggages have C) All pieces of luggage has D) All pieces of luggages have 65. The city was yielded up when ammunition and food supplies were . A) deserted B) vanished C) exhausted D) disappeared 66. She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it enough to eat. A) mild B) slight C) light D) tender 67. The director was the way we were doing the work. A) critical at B) critical in C) critical of D) critical with 68. ―I‘ve lost my .‖ ―It serves you right; you shouldn‘t have put it in that small pocket.‖ A) suitcase B) wallet C) handbag D)briefcase 69. The successful landing of the Columbia back on earth was a great . A) adventure B) advance C) achievement D) symbol 70. Over a third of the population was estimated to have no to the health service. A) assessment B) assignment C) exception D) access IV Cloze . I‘d never realized how important daily 71 is: dressing for work, sleeping normal hours. I‘d never thought 72 so much on 73 for company. I began to understand why 74 unemployment can be so 75 , why life without an 76 supported daily plan can lead to higher rates of drug 77 , crime, suicide. To 78 balance to my life, I force myself back into the real world .I call people , arrange to meet with the few 79 friends who haven‘t fled New York City . I try to at least get to the gym, so as to set apart the weekend from the rest of my week. I 80 interviews for stories, 34 大学英语(2)重学练习题 doctor‘s appointments –anything to get me cut of the house and connected with others. V. Translation edit virtual at times click on-line internet play an important role e-mail communicate 因特网是我生活中重要的一部分。在网上,我可以和相隔很远的朋友交流。每当节假日,我会编辑一些很漂亮的卡片,通过电子邮件送给他们。有时候,我会去逛虚拟商店,通过点击鼠标,把我想要的东西放在篮子里。最近我选了一些网上的课程,通过因特网学习确实是一种全新的感受。 VI. Guided Writing Global Issues 1) the emergence of global issues arise join hands face up to challenge 2) the existing issues affect such…as… 3) the requirements to solve these issues require efforts at … level 35 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Four (B) I. Reading Comprehension Passage One Women often say they feel the effects of alcohol more than men do, even if they drink the same amount relative to body size. Now there‘s medical evidence that women do become affected more quickly, in part because their stomachs are less able to break down alcohol. Scientists have found that, in general, about 30 percent more alcohol appears in the bloodstreams of women than of men of similar weight after up to two drinks have been consumed. And considering that men are usually bigger than women, the findings suggest that the first drink for a woman may have the same effect as the first two drinks for a man. Some of the alcohol that people drink is broken down by a stomach enzyme (酶) and never reaches the bloodstream. Since the stomach enzyme is half as active in women as in men, more of what women drink enters the bloodstream in the form of pure alcohol. It is also found that the enzyme activity is lower in alcoholics – particularly women – who had no noticeable protection. This may help explain why more alcoholic women suffer from liver damage than alcoholic men. 31. ―Break down‖ in the first paragraph can be best replaced by ―_____‖. A. split into B. decompose C. share D. cut down 32. Which of the following statements is true based on the passage? A. Women are affected more quickly by alcohol than men. B. One drink a woman have may have the same effect as two drinks for a man. C. Men can drink more alcohol than women. D. Women are more likely to get drunk. 33. Women‘s stomachs are less active because ____. A. they are of smaller size B. they do not often exercise C. their stomach enzyme is less active D. they usually drink less 34. The enzyme activity is the lowest in _______. A. women who do not drink B. men who do not drink C. women who often drink D. men who often drink 35. Men may be in advantageous position over women in drinking because ________. A. they are stronger and of bigger size B. their livers are more resistant to liver damage C. they have a bigger stomach D. less alcohol they drink will appear in the bloodstream Passage Two Long hours at the screen can cause aching eyes, blurred vision and headaches, experts say. In fact, eyestrain surpasses even wrist pain as the top physical complaint among heavy computer users. When peering into the computer screen, they eye‘s focusing muscle is at constant tension. Like any muscle, it feels sore when overloaded. And when someone spends a lot of time looking at something close, the eye muscle can get stuck on the near-focus setting and have difficulty relaxing, leaving the person temporarily nearsighted, a condition called accommodative spasm (痉挛) that can last seconds or hours. This is why after looking at a monitor all day, some computer workers complain that their distance vision is blurred when they attempt to drive home. The letters on the screen are not as clearly defined as on a printed page. Take a magnifying glass to your monitor and you‘ll see the letters, each made up of pinpoint sources of light, have no sharp edges. But those liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors, like those found on laptop computers, are easier on the eyes because they display sharper images. And studies have shown that when people are working on a computer, their rate of blinking goes down by two-thirds, which can result in dry, stinging eyes. This is especially a problem for contact-lens wearers. 36. ______ used to be the biggest physical problem that computer users had. A. Dry eyes. B. Blurred vision. C. Headache. D. Wrist pain. 37. Working hours before the screen will ________. A. impose too much burden on the eye‘s focusing muscle B. bring about near-sightedness C. make it difficult for the user to learn driving D. magnify the letters on the screen 38. LCD monitors are better in terms of eye protecting because _______. A. they are more expensive B. they will not blur the user‘s eyes C. they bring about no eye problems D. they display letters with sharp edges 36 大学英语(2)重学练习题 39. Dry, stinging eyes are caused by _______. A. lower rate of blinking of the computer user‘s eyes B. letters on the screen without any edges C. overburden on the focusing muscle D. a constant tension 40. Which group of people are most likely to get dry, stinging eyes? A. Drivers. B. Doctors. C. Glasses wearers. D. Contact-lenses wearers. Passage Three Next to air, water is the element most necessary for survival. A normal adult is 60-70 percent water. We can go without food for almost two months, but without water only a few days. Yet most people have no idea how much water they should drink. In fact, many live in a dehydrated (缺水的) state. Without water, we‘d be poisoned to death by our own waste products. When the kidneys remove our body waste, these must be dissolved in water. If there isn‘t enough water, wastes are not removed as effectively and may build up as kidney stones. Water also is vital for chemical reactions in digestion and metabolism. It carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells through the blood and helps to cool the body through sweating. We even need water to breathe: our lungs must be moist to take in oxygen and send out carbon dioxide. It is possible to lose a pint of liquid each day when we breathe. So if you don‘t drink sufficient water, you can harm every aspect of your physiology. By not drinking enough water, many people have excess body fat, poor muscle tone and size, decreased digestive efficiency and organ function, increased poisonous state in the body and muscle soreness. To protect you from these problems, you are supposed to follow the following formula for daily water intake: 1/2 ounce per pound of body weight if you are not active (that‘s ten eight-ounce glasses if you weigh 160 pounds), and 2/3 ounce per pound if you are athletic (13 to 14 glasses a day, at the same weight). Your water intake should be spread throughout the day and evening. 41. What is the most important thing for people‘s survival? A. Air. B. Water. C. Food. D. Medicine. 42. Water is important in digestion because _______. A. it decreases the poisonous substances in the body B. it dissolves the wastes and carries along the nutrients C. it strengthens our kidney and stomach D. it makes the kidney moist 43. Water is important in breathing because _______. A. it cools the body through sweating B. it moistens our lungs C. it beings into our body the oxygen D. it carries the nutrients to our lungs 44. Which is not mentioned as a damage caused by not drinking enough water? A. Excess body fat. B. Pain in muscle. C. Difficulty in breathing. D. Poor digestion. 45. An athlete weighs 180 pounds should drink ________ eight-ounce glasses of water a day. A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15 Passage Four: Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese. (10%) When the waitress asks what you want to drink, always say iced tea. The more we learn about tea, the more healthful it looks. (26) A serving of black tea had more antioxidants (抗老化剂) crucial to your body‘s defense against wrinkles than a serving of tomato or carrot. Have an afternoon snack every day at 3 o‘clock. (27) A nutritional boost between lunch and dinner drives away tiredness and keeps you from eating too much later. Just don‘t eat any candy. Try yogurt and fruit, crackers and cheese, or eat an egg (hard-boiled), an apple, or drink some water. (28) All of these foods will give you long-lasting energy. Always leave the skin on your fruit. (29) If you peel apples or pears, you‘re throwing away heavy-duty nutrients and fiber. Same goes for potatoes. Go ahead and peel oranges, but leave as much of the fibrous (纤 维的) white skin as you can eat as it‘s loaded with nutrients. And whenever you buy grapefruit, go for red instead of white. Remember lycopene (番茄红素), that stuff in tomatoes that may fight prostate cancer. (30) It makes tomatoes red, and it‘s responsible for the color in red grapefruit (Watermelon also has some). II. Vocabulary and Structure 37 大学英语(2)重学练习题 31. They have arranged for the car to _________ at the airport. A. pick them up B. take them up C. make them up D. build them up 32. His _______ interest in chemistry has been replaced by dislike recently. A. inferior B. infinite C. initial D. innocent 33. The beer producer boasts that their products are the best in the world ____ the drinkers never complain. A. so much B. so much so that C. much that D. such that 34. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could ______. A. stand up to B. make up for C. come up with D. put up with 35. They took ______ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. A. fruitful B. beneficial C. valid D. effective 36. I had little hope of winning the next game as my ______ was an Olympic gold medalist. A. contestant B. antagonist C. opponent D. rival 37. Once a _________ password is supplied, you will gain automatic access to the email system. A. capable B. valid C. moderate D. critical 38. According to the news report, _______ are being held across the country to celebrate the enormous victory for our national football team. A. communities B. rallies C. performances D. occasions 39. Ann was so ____ when she couldn't remember my name. A. pleased B. humiliated C. encouraged D. upset 40. Words with a similar form and rather similar meaning are ______ to be confused. A. possible B. liable C. probable D. capable 41. Although the pay is not good, people usually find social work __________ in other ways. A. payable B. respectful C. grateful D. rewarding 42. He seemed to be _______ of deciding any thing for himself. A. incapable B. ineffective C. incompetent D. unable 43. In a time of social reform, people‘s state of mind tends to keep ____ with the rapid changes of society. A. step B. pace C. touch D. progress 44. This law _____ the number of accidents caused by children running across the road when they get off the bus. A. intending to reduce B. intends reducing C. intended reducing D. is intended to reduce 45. Song, in its beginnings, was closely ________ to music. A. related B. connected C. joined D. bound 46. It would be difficult in a developing country to stimulate, organize, and provide for the _______ changing of many practices. A. spontaneous B. continuous C. contentious D. simultaneous 47. However, at times this balance in nature is _____, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects. A. troubled B. disturbed C. confused D. puzzled 48. In many cultures people who were thought to have the ability to _____ dreams were likely to be highly respected. A. interpret B. intervene C. inherit D. impart 49. When trapped in drifting sands, do not struggle, or you will be ______ in deeper. A. absorbed B. pushed C. heaved D. sucked 50. His elegant clothes _______ sharply with his rough speech. A. compared B. contested C. conflicted D. contrasted 51. ______ what I thought, he proved to be very successful. A. Owing to B. Prior to C. Contrary to D. In addition to 52. Don‘t be so critical; you have to make _______ for a beginner. A. excuse B. regard C. account D. allowance 53. Data from the two studies were not ________, as the data-collection procedures used were so different. A. comparable B. comparative C. competent D. compatible 54. A good scientist is not only _____ of the work of others, but also of his own. A. critical B. conscious C. curious D. cautious 55. There are many reasons for the tidal action which is a very complicated phenomenon __ many factors. A. concerning B. regarding C. involving D. relating 38 大学英语(2)重学练习题 56. If I had to make a decision, I would choose ________. A. the former from the latter B. the former with the latter C. the former over the latter D. the former upon the latter 57. Despite the rescuers‘ strenuous efforts, hopes of finding the missing climbers are now beginning to __. A. desert B. fade C. reduce D. loose 58. Niagara Falls is a great tourist ____, drawing millions of visitors every year. A. attention B. attraction C. appointment D. arrangement 59. Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it _____ in Cuba. A. being cultivated B. been cultivated C. having cultivated D. cultivating 60. It is certainly true that you will find yourself ______ if you keep on throwing your weight around. A. no friends B. have not friends C. to have not friends D. having no friends III. Cloze The natural method of learning a foreign language almost necessarily implies residence in the country where the language is spoken. But residence abroad has also its __61__ linguistic drawbacks. __62__ sounds well to talk of ―picking __63__ a language‖ __64__ ear in the country __65__, but most good linguists will confess that they learnt __66__ everything from books, __67__ at the beginning of their study. There are, indeed, many obstacles to __68__ from conversation. In the __69__ of talk we are likely to mishear and forget, so that __70__ we learn in that way is not __71__. Conversation is not really a __72__ learning new words and expressions, but one __73__ practicing in hearing and reproducing what we have already learnt. In conversation we also have the __74__ of hearing only the answers __75__ our questions, while we have __76__ way of knowing if those questions were expressed correctly, __77__ it is very difficult to overhear the __78__ speakers asking each other questions which will serve __79__ patters for our own. Rash reproductions of what we hear by __80__ may land us in slangy or otherwise objectionable expressions. 61. A. intimate B. independence C. own D. private 62. A. It‘s B. It C. This D. That 63. A. out B. at C. over D. up 64. A. by B. with C. through D. from 65. A. connected B. involved C. mentioned D. concerned 66. A. scarcely B. nearly C. surely D. likely 67. A. especially B. ordinarily C. normally D. commonly 68. A. studying B. learning C. understanding D. observing 69. A. speed B. urgency C. quickness D. hurry 70. A. whenever B. wherever C. what D. how 71. A. sound B. reliable C. steady D. sensible 72. A. system B. measure C. stage D. means 73. A. of B. in C. with D. for 74. A. discomfort B. harm C. disadvantage D. defect 75. A. for B. to C. with D. in 76. A. no B. one C. some D. every 77. A. so B. for C. unless D. nevertheless 78. A. strange B. oversea C. foreign D. native 79. A. for B. as C. with D. in 80. A. situation B. occasion C. chance D. opportunity IV. Translation routine interpret arrange lone flee nightmare jar on symptom 39 大学英语(2)重学练习题 看恐怖电影常使我做噩梦,昨天又是这样。在梦里,我的流感症状很明显,于是我的秘书安排我去见医生。医生给我作过例行检查之后,突然发出又尖又冷的笑声,令我很不舒服。正当我想从诊所逃跑的时候,闹钟响了。后来,我妻子把我的梦解释为是某种疾病的预兆(omen)。 V. Guided Writing Reading, an Outdated Thing? 4) 看书观念的日益淡化 5) 看书观念淡化的原因 6) 我的观点 40 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Unit Five (A) II. Reading Comprehension Passage One Virtual reality is created by using display and control technology to surround its users with artificial environment that mimics (模仿) real life. Through the use of visual and sound effects, things that don‘t exist can be made to appear to exist. Virtual reality allows users to monitor objects on the screen so they can become full participants in the three-dimensional setting that develops them. While this technology‘s most advanced applications at the moment are in entertainment such as virtual reality golf and the virtual reality game rooms springing up all over the world, researchers say its potential is enormous. They see it impacting everything, from education to medicine and science to business and government. For example, virtual reality is giving scientists the ability to conduct work surrounded by images of molecules and other objects that once required an electronic microscope study. Researchers predict that surgeons in training will be able to practice on electronic bodies while experienced surgeons will benefit from new techniques developed from virtual reality applications. 21. Virtual reality is ____. A) what we can see in reality B) created by advanced technology C) an imaginary reality D) a new reality we live in 22. The last word "them" in the first paragraph refers to ____. A) visual and sound effects B) users of visual reality C) objects monitored on the screen D) three-dimensional settings 23. At present virtual reality technology is mainly applied in the field of ____. A) entertainment B) business C) education D) medicine 24. It can be inferred from the passage that ____. A) an electronic microscope may one day be out of fashion B) virtual reality technology can only be used in some areas C) things can come into being through virtual reality D) virtual reality technology is the most advanced one today 25. Virtual reality technology can benefit surgeons in that ____. A) no real body has to be used in their training process B) they don‘t have to operate on patients any more C) they don‘t have to use any equipment in operation D) there will be no patients Passage Two If you can‘t see the point of the structure of the back wheel on a bicycle, try riding a unicycle or watch an ant colony. Ants have realized that, to carry a heavy load, two supports are better than one---even if they seem quite mismatched. When army ants want to carry a piece of food too big for a single ant to transport, an unusually large worker ant takes the front, and an unusually small one, the back. Two such ants can carry a load heavier than the sum of their individual abilities. An ant pair is like a bicycle wheel. The small rear shifts the center of gravity between the two ends, making the whole system much more stable. 41 大学英语(2)重学练习题 This is another example of how social insects rely on the colony to pass on genes that drive them to evolve sophisticated cooperation. Teamwork makes the most of the colony‘s workforce. How big and little ants team up is a mystery. Army ant lines move at a constant rate; an ant struggling with a piece of meat bigger than it can manage might attract helpers by causing traffic congestion. And the alliances aren‘t permanent. They break up and do something else rather than go around together looking for another piece of food equally well suited to their capabilities as a couple. 26. It is implied in the first paragraph that . A) the principle of bicycle can be reflected on ants B) riding a bicycle is like watching an ant colony C) the back wheel on a bicycle is very important D) ants can carry heavy load 27. An ant pair . A) must be made up of two ants of similar size B) can roll on the ground like a wheel C) usually consists of a bog ant and a small one D) are arranged by the queen ant 28. The ant pair can move on steadily because . A) the ground is smooth B) the load is not heavy C) the rear ant shifts the gravity of the load D) the front ant has a bigger strength 29. Which of the following statements is true? A) An ant pair is usually fixed. B) Scientist still cannot explain why ants look mismatched in an ant pair. C) Only human beings know cooperation. D) Ants usually go out to search for food in pairs. 30. An ant may not . A) team up with another ant B) try to attract helpers when necessary C) pass on genes that make them evolve cooperation D) be attached to the same partner all the time Passage Three There are many factors which influence the quality and flavor of a cup of coffee and many of them have to do with the beans: type, origin, quality, time of harvest, and roasting method and degree. The two extremes of roasts are an American Roast, where the beans are roasted and coffee will be light, and then a Viennese or French Roast in which the beans are almost burned. Coffee drinkers who favor heavily roasted flavor should buy Starbucks because they deeply roast most of their beans. The best beans and roasting techniques mean little if coffee is not absolutely fresh. Grinding speeds up oxidation(氧化) and should not be done until the coffee is needed for brewing(发酵). Even whole beans begin to deteriorate noticeably several weeks after they are roasted. The best way to guarantee consistently good coffee is to buy from a source that only sells freshly roasted beans. Oxygen causes the flavor in the beans to deteriorate so beans must be stored in an airtight container. Storing beans at room temperature away from sunlight is ideal since room temperature beans make more flavored coffee than refrigerated/frozen beans. However, room temperature beans‘ flavor starts to go downhill within a week or two as exposure to oxygen takes its toll. Storing beans in the freezer will slow down this process and is recommended for long-term storage. 31. The of beans may not influence the making of coffee. A) origin B) time of harvest C) type D) size 32. Grinding should be done . A) at the time of harvest B) when the beans are to be burned C) when the beans are to be brewed D) in the process of oxidation 33. More flavored coffee can be made if beans . A) are stored in an airtight container B) are stored at room temperature C) are stored in a freezer D) are stored in a fridge 34. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true? A) Starbucks most probably fall into the category of American Roast. B) Grinding is done first in making coffee. C) Oxidation can help accelerate brewing. D) Quality beans can guarantee quality coffee. 42 大学英语(2)重学练习题 35. When it is necessary to store the beans for a long time, it‘s better to . A) store them at room temperature B) roast them before storing C) put them in the freezer D) put them in an airtight container Passage Four An election year is one in which all four numbers are evenly divisible by four (1944, 1948, etc.). Since 1840, American presidents elected in years ending in zero have been destined to die in office. William H. Harrison, the man who served the shortest term, died of pneumonia several weeks after his inauguration. Abraham Lincoln was one of four presidents who were assassinated. He was elected in 1860, and his untimely death came just five years later. James A. Garfield, a former Union army general from Ohio, was shot during his first year in office (1881) by a man to whom he wouldn‘t give a job. While in his second term of office (1901), William McKinley, another Ohioan, attended the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, New York. During the reception, he was assassinated while shaking hands with some of the guests. Three years after his election in 1920, Warren G. Harding died in office. Although it was never proved, many believe he was poisoned. Franklin D. Roosevelt had been elected four times (1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944), the only man to serve so long a term. He had contracted polio in 1921 and died of the illness in 1945. John F. Kennedy, the last of the line, was assassinated in 1963, only three years after his election. 36. Which of the following was NOT an election year? A) 1960. B) 1930. C) 1888. D) 1824. 37. Which president served the shortest term in office? A) Abraham Lincoln. B) Warren G. Harding. C) William McKinley. D) William H. Harrison. 38. Which of the following is true? A) All presidents elected in years ending in zero have died in office. B) Only presidents from Ohio have died in office. C) Franklin D. Roosevelt completed four terms as president. D) Four American presidents have been assassinated. 39. How many presidents elected in years ending in zero since 1840 have died in office? A) Seven. B) Five. C) Four. D) Three. 40. Which of the following presidents was NOT assassinated? A) John F. Kennedy. B) Franklin D. Roosevelt. C) Abraham Lincoln. D) James A. Garfield. III. Vocabulary and Structure 41. The officer was from the service for neglecting of duty. A) resigned B) retired C) dismissed D) assigned 42. She all her life to the welfare of women and children. A) presented B) dedicated C) contributed D) recommended 43. She pretended my name. A) to forget B) to have forgotten C) to be forgotten D) to have been forgotten 44. The doctors came to the conclusion that the patient‘s blindness was . A) contemporary B) consistent C) temperate D) temporary 45. The man was sent to prison for six months, having been found of theft. A) crime B) guilty C) disrepute D) misbehavior 46. Paul would like to be one of that . A) teachers classes B) teacher‘s classes C) teachers‘ classes D) teacher classes 47. When you take the medicine, be careful not to that amount printed on the bottle. A) exceed B) surpass C) substitute D) overcome 48. The explorer discovered the of the river last year. 43 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A) origin B) source C) derivation D) resort 49. The distance from the Earth to the spacecraft is often determined very accurately from the time between two radio signals. A) interaction B) alternative C) interference D) interval 50. He spoke so casually, as though he matter was of little . A) consequence B) difference C) meaningfulness D) circumstance 51. Many trains have secretaries who deal with business. A) urgent B) hurrying C) forcing D) requiring 52. Some people act what will happen afterwards. A) regardless of B) in addition to C) in view of D) in light of 53. Churches and schools were to the flood victims. A) apartments B) refuges C) cottages D) slums 54. Since you worked so hard to get this job finished, I think you deserve to be just for once. A) persecuted B) charged C) accused D) spoiled 55. She was angry at being admittance. A) denied B) refused C) rejected D) declined 56. Abbey was now perhaps the third most physician in Europe. A) famous B) prominent C) outstanding D) distinguished 57. The car went and crashed over the cliff. A) out of touch B) out of step C) out of control D) out of sight 58. If she marries a foreigner, will her as a British citizen be affected? A) reputation B) credit C) status D) admission 59. I don‘t really tea; I like coffee better. A) care of B) care for C) care about D) care with 60. If I pass my driving test, I a car. A) would buy B) shall buy C) were to buy D) shall have bought 61. Can you take of this class please? A) responsibility B) obligation C) action D) charge 62. His tastes and habits with those of his life. A) agree B) coincide C) correspond D) match 63. The of the book with the text on the left and the notes on the right makes it a pleasure to use. A) layout B) system C) pattern D) style 64. You‘ll have to the height of the table to make it fit. A) vary B) modify C) change D) adapt 65. Cigarette smoking is a major factor to cancer. A) attributing B) distributing C) contributing D) constituting 66. Here is a message of importance to every man and woman who . A) votes B) vote C) have voted D) is voted 67. He to write a history of civilization. A) set off B) set in C) set out D) set about 68. The selling price of that house and is $50,000. A) many furnitures B) some furniture C) several furniture D) a furniture 69. Even as a child he showed an inclination to the other children. A) manage B) manipulate C) dominate D) charge 70. Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined high levels of self-confidence. A) Possessed B) being possessed C) to possess D) possessing IV Cloze The run-way felt different this time. It 71 him for a brief moment. Then it all 72 him like a wet bale of 73 . The bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best. 44 大学英语(2)重学练习题 That's only one inch off the National record, he thought. The 74 of the moment filled his mind with 75 . He began 76 the tension. It wasn't working. He became more tense. Why was this happening to him now, he thought. He began to get 77 . Afraid would be a more 78 description. What was he going to do He had never 79 these feelings. Then out of nowhere, and from the deepest depths of his soul, he 80 his mother. Why now What was his mother doing in his thoughts at a time like this It was simple. His mother always used to tell him when you felt tense, anxious or even scared, take deep breaths. V. Translation coincide tension mere numerous startle in one‘s mind‘s eye emotion anxiety 许多人在美国的9.11恐怖袭击中丧生。那恐怖的一天正好是汤姆的一周年结婚纪念日。 他是一个感情丰富的人,听到妻子也是遇难者之一,他非常的震惊。在那种时候,大哭一场是释 放紧张和焦虑的唯一途径。他陷于深深的悲痛中,直到今天他脑子里仍然以为他妻子还活着。 VI. Guided Writing Advertisement 1) the popularity of ads be found everywhere cover 2) adoption of every possible factor effective 3) trouble caused by ads go to extremes unbearable 45 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Five (B) I. Reading Comprehension Passage One People sometimes use lack of flavor as a reason for avoiding healthful food choices, but research discredits that excuse more firmly than ever. Studies are showing that herbs and spices add health benefits as well as flavor to food. Many herbs contain the natural antioxidant substances found in fruits, vegetables and tea. (Antioxidants help to prevent and repair damage from reactive substances that could lead to cancer or heart disease). According to a research by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, oregano – commonly used in a variety of dishes, including pizza – is extremely high in antioxidant power. According to a review published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, herbs contain many cancer-fighting chemicals that stimulate the immune system, block damage to the DNA in our cells and inhibit a variety of diseases associated with cancer development. Health benefits don‘t come just from the juice or pulp of fruit. Animal studies done at the University of Arizona found that citrus peel (柑橘皮) was linked to a drop in risk of about 30 percent to 70 percent in skin cancer. Ginger is another way to add more than just flavor to food. Japanese research has identified more than 40 antioxidant compounds in ginger. Korean scientists have found compounds in ginger that block certain stages of cancer development in laboratory studies. 11. It can be inferred from the passage that people don‘t like some healthful food choices because _____. A. herb is added B. the taste is not very good C. they don't need them D. they don‘t worry about their health 12. Antioxidant substances most probably could NOT be found in _______. A. herb B. fruit C. vegetable D. meat 13. Herbs don‘t have the function of _______. A. prevent cancers B. stimulate the immune system C. stop damage to DNA D. reduce body fat 14. The conclusion that citrus peel is useful in dealing with skin cancer is based on _______. A. tests on humans B. findings in real life C. tests in laboratory on animals D. chemical analysis 15. The last sentence implies that ________. A. ginger has been used successfully in treating cancer B. Korean scientists‘ findings have not been utilized in medicine C. ginger can be helpful in treating cancer D. compounds in ginger cannot be found in other plants Passage Two A material which usually keeps animals and people warm is providing an oil clean-up service for the environment. Wool from sheep proved to be an effective ―sponge‖ to soak up oil from the waters of the Persian Gulf after the Gulf War in 1991. the absorbent qualities of wool were used to good effect in wool poles which swept across the surface of the water and cleaned up the oil. Now the same absorbent qualities are being used by railways in the Netherlands. Wool mats produced by Phanex Wools of New Zealand have been laid between the rails at eight major Dutch railway stations to soak up diesel oil dropping from locomotives. Dutch authorities were worried that diesel oil was seeping (渗 入) through the ground into the water-table, which is used for farm irrigation and to supply drinking water. The mats can be regularly squeezed to extract the diesel oil from them, and then reused. Similar wool mats are being used in inner city car parking lots in Sydney, Australia, to soak up oil dropping from parked cars. One parking lot owner believed that the value of his land could be reduced by oil pollution. The environmental friendly qualities of wool are also being put to good use to protect wool itself. High value Merino sheep in Australia and Canada are wearing wool covers to protect their fleece (羊毛). 16. Which of the following is not one of wool‘s advantages? A. It has absorbent quality. B. It could be squeezed and reused. C. It can be used to avoid pollution. D. It could increase the price of land. 17. It can be inferred that wool first proved very useful in absorbing oil ______. 46 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A. in ancient time B. in the Gulf War C. after the Gulf War D. before the Gulf War 18. Which country used wool to prevent oil seeping into earth? A. America. B. Iraq. C. New Zealand. D. The Netherlands. 19. Why are wool mats being used in parking lots in Sydney? A. To prevent the cars from turning over. B. To absorb oil leaking from the parked cars. C. To attract more drivers to park their cars. D. To ask for a higher price when the lands are sold. 20. Which function of wool is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Storing up oil. B. Material for making clothes. C. Absorbing oil. D. Protecting sheep themselves. Passage Three English is the most widely used language in the history of our planet. One in every seven human beings can speak it. More than half of the world‘s books and three-quarters of international mail are in English. Of all languages, English has the larger vocabulary – perhaps as many as two million words – and one of the noblest bodies of literature. Nonetheless, let‘s face it: English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant, neither pine nor apple in pineapple and no ham in a hamburger. English muffins (松饼) weren‘t invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candy, while sweetbreads, which aren‘t sweet, are meat. We take English for granted. But when we explore its paradoxes (自相矛盾), we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square, public bathrooms have no baths and a guinea pig is neither a pig nor from Guinea. And why is it that a writer writes, but fingers don‘t fing, grocers don‘t groce and hammers don‘t ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn‘t the plural of booth be beeth? One goose, two geese – so one moose, two meese? And in what other language do people drive on a parkway and park in a driveway? Recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses run and have feet smell? Anyway, English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race (which, of course, isn‘t really a race at all). That is why, when stars are out they are visible, but when the lights are out they are invisible. And why, when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up this essay I end it. 21. According to the passage, not more than half of ____ are using English. A. people in the world B. books C. mail D. journals 22. A word can show English‘s paradox is _________. A. disaster B. singer C. cooker D. spider 23. ―Recital‖ in the fourth paragraph is a kind of _________. A. performance B. theatre C. instrument D. film 24. People have running noses when ___________. A. they catch a cold B. they are in a haste C. they have told a lie D. they are very angry 25. The author‘s attitude towards English is ________. A. satirical B. objective C. critical D. indifferent Passage Four: Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese. (10%) (26) Few women really think they‘re beautiful – or beautiful enough. For example, a married woman might gaze at pictures of her wedding, when she was a thin young woman in love with her husband. (27) Now when she looks in the mirror, she sees an over-weight mother of two. Her clothes actually only one size larger than they were on her wedding day six years earlier, but she sees herself as fat. (28) Despite decades of feminism, women get the message that it still pays to be beautiful, just as in the days of fairy tales. With all the pressure to be young and attractive, even the most beautiful women can feel that they come up short, and go to pieces when they gain a few pounds or notice a few wrinkles. (29) It can be difficult for a man to understand why a woman doesn‘t think she‘s pretty when she looks perfectly fine to him. But telling her she‘s beautiful in some vague way doesn‘t help. She needs a specific compliment – ―I like that haircut‖ or ―You look great in red.‖ (30) By focusing on the details, a man demonstrates that he is paying attention to and, really looking at her, and this is the kind of comment that can boost a woman‘s self –esteem. 47 大学英语(2)重学练习题 II. Vocabulary and Structure 31. Every four years, _____ from many countries compete in a variety of sports in the Olympic Games. A. swimmers B. athletes C. reporters D. gymnasts 32. Figures and _____ facts prove that there are already too many people. A. numerable B. numerous C. numeral D. number 33. Companies are urged to ________ a specific proportion of fund to promote environmental measures. A. set out B. set for C. set aside D. set apart 34. San Francisco is usually cool in the summer, but Los Angles _______. A. is rarely B. hardly is C. rarely is D. is scarcely 35. He is very wealthy and lives in fear of his children being _____. A. hijacked B. plundered C. robbed D. kidnapped 36. I don‘t ________ cigar unless I‘ve eaten a good dinner beforehand. A. take in B. deal with C. care for D. count on 37. A _____ from every person, no matter how small, will help the Red Cross reach the goal of $100,000. A. contract B. contribution C. concentration D. construction 38. His refusal to walk through the metal detector before boarding the plane ______ the guard‘s suspicion. A. awakened B. aroused C. predicted D. forecast 39. Smoking should be ________ in all public places like theatres, cinemas and restaurants. A. banned B. specified C. passed D. preserved 40. Biologically, there is only one quality which ______ us from animals: the ability to laugh. A. distinguishes B. discusses C. improves D. imposes 41. All citizens who have _______ the age of 18 have their right to vote. A. got B. attained C. obtained D. deserved 42. Eventually they went on strike and achieved a ______ in working hours to 52 hours a week! A. increase B. inflation C. reduction D. refusal 43. The health of all people is _______ to the attainment of security and peace. A. obvious B. perpetual C. frightful D. fundamental 44. In wet weather, iron soon ______. A. rusts B. melts C. freezes D. burns 45. It was due to luck ______ judgment ________ the driver succeeded in avoiding an accident. A. better than/ when B. rather than/that C. other than/when D. more t han/that 46. They are _____ ways of expressing the same idea. A. alternate B. alternative C. various D. additional 47. The days _____ you could travel without a passport are a thing of the past. A. in which B. on which C. of which D. at which 48. Old superstitions seem _______ to educated people. A. illiterate B. ignorant C. incredible D. imaginary 49. ______ raw materials into useful products is called manufacturing. A. Transform B. Transforming C. Being transformed D. When transforming 50. Whenever an observant person discovers something unusual, he _________ to study it immediately. A. sets out B. sets down C. sets about D. sets forth 51. One of the most striking ways in which the chimpanzee biologically _____ man lies in the structure of his brain. A. imitates B. duplicated C. resembles D. formulates 52. Some scientific thinkers approach the problems of evolution in a different way, and their views are in _____ with Darwin‘s. A. accord B. conflict C. harmony D. opposition 53. Darwin believed that modern men and apes have both been _____ from the same ancestor. A. extended B. preserved C. descended D. transformed 54. His illnes grew out of this tendency to ______ neglect of his health. A. utter B. awful C. ugly D. utmost 55. Most people prefer ____ temperatures, that is temperatures which are neither very high nor very low. A. middle B. mean C. comfortable D. moderate 48 大学英语(2)重学练习题 56. Before I can give you an estimate I must ______ the amount of material required. A. make out B. work out C. turn out D. pick out 57. He got _______ through in the rain yesterday but isn‘t any the worse for it. A. soaked B. socked C. sacked D. sucked 58. What he said has absolutely no ______ on the subject under discussion. A. relation B. bearing C. connection D. association 59. We agreed to accept ______ they thought was the best tourist guide. A. whatever B. whomever C. whichever D. whoever 60. He is ______ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year. A. optimistic B. optional C. outstanding D. obvious III. Cloze Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows. __61__, medical authorities express their __62__ about the effect of smoking __63__ the health not only __64__ those who smoke but also of those who do not. In fact, non-smokers who must __65__ inhale the air polluted by tobacco smoke may __66__ more than the smokers themselves. As you are doubtless __67__, a considerable number of our students have __68__ in an effort to __69__ the university to ban smoking in the classrooms. I believe they are __70__ right in their aim. __71__, I would hope that it is __72__ to achieve this by __73__ the smokers to use good judgment and show concern __74__ others rather than by regulation. Smoking is __75__ by City by-laws in theaters and in halls used for __76__ films as well as in laboratories where there __77__ be a fire hazard. Elsewhere, it is up to your good sense. I am __78__ asking you to maintain __79__ in the auditoriums, classrooms and seminar rooms. This will prove that you have the non-smokers‘ health and well-being __80__, which is very important to a large number of our students. 61. A. Still B. More C. Again D. Further 62. A. concern B. trouble C. interest D. displeasure 63. A. on B. in C. with D. to 64. A. to B. about C. with D. of 65. A. involuntarily B. instinctively C. spontaneously D. reluctantly 66. A. endure B. suffer C. undergo D. put up with 67. A. alert B. awake C. aware D. informed 68. A. linked B. connected C. associated D. joined 69. A. make B. persuade C. cause D. tell 70. A. entirely B. totally C. just D. wholly 71. A. But then B. However C. Further D. Moreover 72. A. likely B. probable C. capable D. possible 73. A. pleading B. begging C. insisting D. calling on 74. A. with B. for C. to D. in 75. A. prohibited B. stopped C. suppressed D. prevented 76. A. playing B. demonstrating C. showing D. exhibiting 77. A. will B. should C. may D. must 78. A. hence B. therefore C. subsequently D. so 79. A. no smoking B. no-smokers C. no smoke D. non-smoke 80. A. on mind B. in heart C. in mind D. on your mind IV. Translation vain about fantasy media graceful passion go into detail recur 49 大学英语(2)重学练习题 爱情的主题在他的许多书中出现。畅销书《小公主》是其中的一本。小公主是一位漂亮而又优雅的女士,但她从不对自己的外沾沾自喜。她幻想有一天能遇到一位她深爱的绅士。幸运的是,她的梦想实现了。当媒体发布了她订婚的消息,全国人民聚在一起,为他们庆祝。对整个浪漫的恋爱过程,全书作了详细的描述。 V. Guided Writing Investing in Pudong 1) 浦东投资热 2) 浦东吸引投资的根本原因 3) 政府的支持政策 50 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Six (A) II. Reading Comprehension Passage One In some classes and at some schools, mid-terms seem to be almost non-existent. The phrase is used loosely to represent a short period of time occurring closer to the first day of classes than to finals with no specific calendar designed for it. Some classes require so many exams and papers that a ―mid-term‖ never really happens. Other courses don‘t give any exams at all; they require written assignments only. Nevertheless, there still exists a sizeable number of schools and curricula that rely on the traditional mid-term/final peaks in the semester to assess student performance. The mere fact that mid-terms are intended to monitor one‘s understanding of a subject mid-way through the term carries a heavy burden for most students. At one end of the spectrum, students who perform well on their mid-terms tend to then study with far less consistency for their final exams , thus reducing their overall grade for the course. On the other end of that same spectrum, students who perform poorly on a mid-term often become psychologically negative; viewing the rest of the semester as a hopeless void. Almost immediately upon receiving their mid-term grade, they‘re already looking at the course syllabus, trying to compute what their final grade will be if only they can score on their final and on other relevant assessments. Of course, to avoid becoming a victim of negative mid-term psychology on either end of the spectrum, it is recommended that you should work hard to do very well on your mid-semester exams. Plan in steps. Too many students only loosely understand their subject material and then attempt to learn it all on their own one week before or even one night before an exam. But this tactic rarely works! Ease the anxiety of mid-terms by covering whatever you learned in the previous class and study that material. In the long run, this tactic really takes less time than the ―night before cram session‖. 21. For most students, mid-term exams ____. A) are almost non-existent B) are a heavy burden C) just written assignments D) not important to them 22. Students who ____ would worry more about the final exams. A) score high on mid-exams B) do well in other performances C) perform poorly on mid-exams D) know how to compute the final scores 23. The biggest problem students with poor performance have after mid-exams is ____. A) their low scores on mid-exams B) stress and anxiety about final assessment C) how to calculate the final scores D) how to prepare for the final exams 24. To excel at your study, you are suggested to ____. A) study before exams B) be confident in yourselves C) treat each class seriously D) relax before exams 25. Before each class, ____. A) review all you have learnt before B) focus on what you‘ve learnt last time C) preview the lessons D) do self-check Passage Two One day in 1754, a man went to the market in Florence, Italy, and bought some meat. The shopkeeper wrapped the meat in a piece of paper and the man took it home. When he unwrapped the meat, he was surprised to see some old writing on the paper. This man was in charge of the public library, so he knew a lot about old books and old writing. He realized that the paper was a page of scientific notes. ―Only one man wrote like that,‖ the librarian said to himself. ―It was Galileo who wrote these notes!‖ Who was Galileo? Galileo was a famous Italian scientist. He was a man of ideas, but he was also a man of action. He made many experiments in order to find out more about the earth and the 51 大学英语(2)重学练习题 universe. Galileo believed that scientists should not only sit in universities and talk about theories, they should also make practical experiments and learn from the results. Galileo wrote down notes of all the experiments he made. After Galileo‘s death in 1642, Viviani, one of his students, collected the notes together and put them into his own library. However, when Viviani died, nobody looked at Galileo‘s notes any longer. For many years, people forgot about them. The librarian hurried back to the market and asked the shopkeeper where he had got the paper from. The shopkeeper led him to the house where he bought the paper from. In the house, the librarian found many more of Galileo‘s notes. The family gave them to him. In this way, a large number of important notes about Galileo‘s experiments were saved. 26. The librarian got Galileo‘s notes from ____. A) the butcher B) Viviani C) a family living in Viviani‘s house D) the market near Viviani‘s house 27. Which statement about Galileo is NOT true? A) He was full of ideas. B) He did a lot of experiments. C) He was an Italian. D) He gave his notes to Viviani. 28. Which statement about Viviani is NOT true? A) He kept Galileo‘s notes. B) He was Galileo‘s student. C) He passed on the notes to his daughter. D) He was not as famous as Galileo. 29. After Viviani‘s death, the notes ____. A) were given to one of his friends B) were left somewhere in his house C) were lost D) lost its value 30. It can be inferred from the story that ____. A) the family was unaware that they had Galileo‘s notes B) the librarian bought the notes C) Viviani gave the notes to the family D) the shopkeeper informed the librarian of the notes. Passage Three After-sales service and guarantee become an integral and essential part of a ―good brand‖ on both local and regional levels, and the provision of such also produces solid ground for customer loyalty. Customers today are a lot more demanding than before. Being able to find after-sales service creates a feeling of convenience and a sense of responsibility from the manufacturer. This is very important to build customer loyalty and explains why more 24-hour hotline centers are available nowadays. Product guarantee is also one of the major factors when a potential customer decides to make a purchase. Whether this be in the form of a written guarantee or a guarantee based on reputation, the importance to the consumer is self-evident. A brand‘s research & development, an unavoidable investment, usually back up safety guarantees for marketers nowadays. Product testing and refinement are conducted for both new and existing products. With the help of computerized machinery, quality control has achieved the highest level than ever before to enable consistency in production. For the consumer this means a quality of guarantee for that brand whether it be available at home or abroad. 31. After-sales service and guarantee can provide the customers with ________. A. solid ground for loyalty B. sense of responsibility C. a feeling of convenience D. sense of satisfaction 32. More 24-hour hotline centers appear because ________. A. more companies come to realize the importance of after-sales services. B. there are more and more customer complaints C. it‘s a new type of investment D. more customers demand that goods be delivered 33. Product guarantee ________. A. must in written form B. can be based on the company‘s reputation C. is not often provided by the companies D. often fails to meet in reality 34. Product testing and refinement are conducted for ________. A. new products only B. quality products C. degraded products D. both new and existing products 52 大学英语(2)重学练习题 35. Which is NOT mentioned concerning product guarantee? A. A brand‘s research & development. B. Product testing and refinement. C. Quality control. D. Product distribution. Passage Four For anybody who ever failed a maths test, something marvelous happened in Stockholm on December 10, 2000. A soft-spoken fellow from Kansas ,a guy who was turned down by the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) because his maths scores were too low and who never had much formal physics training ,received the Nobel Prize in physics. This is slightly ironical, because Jack St Clair Kilby is not a physicist. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences was willing to overlook that minor detail, though, because Kilby did, after all, come up with the most valuable invention of the past half-century: the microchip. Jack Kilby‘s idea sparked the information age. The tiny silicon chip at the heart of all digital devices has arguably become the most important industrial commodity since crude oil. Without the chip, there could be no personal computers or mobile phones, no Internet or Play-Stations. The semiconductor integrated circuit has changed the world as fundamentally as did the light bulb, the telephone and the horseless carriage. But somehow the man who made the microchip has never achieved the recognition that Edison, Bell and Ford enjoyed. Thanks to the Nobel Prize, at age 78, Jack Kilby finally received the attention he deserved. 36. Kilby is a(n) ____. A) American B) Frenchman C) Swedish D) Englishman 37. Kilby won the Nobel Prize for ____. A) his great research done in MIT B) he is an excellent physicist C) he has had much formal training in physics D) he invented the microchip 38. It was the invention of ____ that brought about the information age. A) telephone B) microchip C) light bulb D) assembly line 39. Before the invention of the microchip, ____ was the most important industrial commodity. A) telephone B) light bulb C) automobile D) crude oil 40. The achievements made by Kilby were finally recognized ____. A) by his winning of Nobel Prize B) after the widespread of computers C) after he died D) when he was admitted by MIT III Vocabulary and Structure 41. He intends to replace the secretary he has by a less glamorous but rather more efficient one. A) dismissed B) laid off C) quitted D) unemployed 42. The teacher the student who won the prize. A) consoled B) comforted C) congratulated D) consulted 43. , she read through the file again. A) Astonished B) Burst C) Shrilled D) Shamed 44. The conduct of the police throughout the entire disturbances could serve as an example considerable stimulation and violence used against them. A) because of B) in case of C) despite D) regarding 45. Language was originally an instinctive to such internal needs as hunger and thirst and such outward forces as heat and wind and rain. A) treatment B) performance C) recognition D) reaction 46. Sometimes important speeches are made by the President and other at the congress. A) lectures B) speakers C) politicians D) reporters 47. breaks the law will be punished. A) All that B) No matter who C) Anyone D) Whoever 48. His promotion was due to he had been working hard. 53 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A) that B) what C) the fact which D) the fact that 49. Even though African game have saved many animals there are many more that will not be saved. A) districts B) preserves C) areas D) regions 50. The last half of the nineteenth century the steady improvement in the means of travel. A) has witnessed B) was witnessed C) witnessed D) is witnessed 51. The new tourist hotel will have for more than one thousand people. A) convenience B) accommodations C) capability D) capacities 52. The boy cycling in the street was knocked down by a minibus and received injuries. A) fatal B) excessive C) disastrous D) exaggerated 53. They had a fierce as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago. A) debate B) clash C) disagreement D) contest 54. It is true that a wild plant into a major food crop such as wheat requires much research time. A) multiplying B) breeding C) magnifying D) generating 55. There was nothing the politician could do or say to the vote in his favour. A) convey B) reinforce C) affect D) influence 56. This selection, however, is not arbitrary; students must a high level in their secondary school education. A) sustain B) acquire C) achieve D) accomplish 57. A single technical term will frequently cover an idea that would otherwise a long phrase or clause. A) call for B) make for C) allow for D) stand for 58. But the Swiss discovered long years ago that constant warfare brought them suffering and poverty. A anything but B) nothing but C) no other than D) no more than 59. He his mother‘s good look and his father‘s bad temper. A) inhibits B) inherits C) inflicts D) initiates 60. All living organisms, their unique identity, have certain biological, chemical and physical characteristics in common. A) except for B) because of C) regardless of D) with regard to 61. Middle-aged people who have slow reflexes should be a driver‘s license. A) denied B) rejected C) declined D) opposed 62. The appreciation of works of art is bound to be by a particular world outlook. A) formulated B) originated C) covered D) dominated 63. We all know that the normal human daily cycle of activity is of some 7-8 ours‘ sleep with some 16-17 hours‘ wakefulness. A) altering B) differing C) alternating D) exchanging 64. While most scientists agree that the greenhouse effect is coming, there aren‘t enough data yet to say with absolute what its consequences will be. A) conviction B) convention C) contention D) confirmation 65. In Britain people four million tons of potatoes every year. A) swallow B) dispose C) consume D) exhaust 66. It‘s not the beauty so much as the range of his voice that Michael from other singers. A) distracts B) distinguishes C) dominates D) draws 67. Accuracy is to the skill of typewriting. A) inherent B) elemental C) fundamental D) elementary 68. Factory workers who are exposed to constant noise may gradually from a loss of hearing. A) stand B) bear C) endure D) suffer 69. This restaurant $20 for a single dish of vegetables. A) claims B) demands C) prices D) charges 70. The old man his job and would not retire. A) went in for B) got on with C) held on to D) fell back on 54 大学英语(2)重学练习题 IV. Cloze I know the idea of 71 a heroine is 72 silly today; we working women are too 73 for that. Yet the superwomen I read about are my heroines. When my faith in myself falters, it is they who 74 me on, whispering, "Go for it, lady!" One of these days I plan to phone my former classmate Kate and shout "Well done!" into the receiver. I hope she won't be 75 about her achievements. Perhaps she will have completed her 76 and her two books and 77 on to some new work that's exciting or dangerous or both. I'd like to hear all about it. After that I'm going to phone the friend who laughed at me for believing all the stories I hear. Then I'll tell her a story: the 78 of a woman who bought her own 79 of that bridge in Brooklyn and found that it was a wise 80 after all. V. Translation achieve one‘s heart‘s desire living in harmony internet despite bulletin charm insist on incredible 我在网上公告栏看到一条消息,美国超级明星Tomas和他的太太Kitty离婚了。真是令 人难以置信,他们已经和谐的生活了25年。大家都知道,Tomas 曾深深地被Kitty苗条的身材 和温柔的声音所吸引。尽管他的父母强烈反对,他仍坚持和她结婚。当Kitty最终答应嫁给他时, 他觉得心满意足。 VI. Guided Writing Why A Sense of Humor Is Important 1) definition of humor personality asset be cultivated lie in 2) humor can help relieve worries enhance physical,mental ,well being lessen a crack of joke disperse like mist and smoke 3) humor can help keep one on good terms with others live in harmony with ease 55 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Six (B) I. Reading Comprehension Passage One Gulliver‘s Travels is the most famous work of the Irish priest Jonathan Swift, and the first part of it, Gulliver in Lilliput (小人国), has now been made into a BBC television series. It is often regarded as an adventure story or even a children‘s book. In fact Swift wrote it, in 1726, as a savage satire on the politics and customs of the day, and children‘s editions are usually adapted. Many of the Lilliputian celebrities are recognizable as powerful figures in the England of Swift‘s time; Treasurer Flimnap, for example, is Swift‘s old enemy, the politician Sir Robert Walpole. The satirist cuts them right down to size. Swift wrote ironically, pouring forth poetry, letters and political pamphlets as well as satire. His rich sense of humour and sharply perceptive mind were affected by his early struggles in life and a chronic kidney complaint. The contradictions is his character resolved themselves in a love of irony, jokes, and humour; through his own weaknesses and struggles he had a profound understanding of human natures and recorded them as they were. His acid eye and sharp pen made him popular with the wits of the day. His first satire, ―A Tale of a Tub‖, attacking the church, was well received. The society enthusiastically embraced the quiet Irish priest. In 1745 Jonathan Swift died after five years of agony and madness. 11. Swift wrote Gulliver‘s Travels ______. A. for the children B. to criticize the politicians of his time C. for the politicians D. to express his ambition in politics 12. It can be inferred from the passage that _______. A. the Gulliver‘s Travels that children read is different from the original B. Swift was a narrow-minded person C. Many adults don‘t like Gulliver‘s Travels D. Swift wrote two versions of Gulliver‘s Travels 13. Swift‘s writing style was formed as a result from ________. A. ambition in politics B. having many enemies in his life C. severer training in the school D. not that smooth life when he was young 14. Which of the following statements about Swift is NOT true? A. He had a deep understanding of human natures. B. He died Passage Two The Pentagon, headquarters of the Department of Defense in the US, is one of the world‘s largest office buildings. It is twice the size of the Merchandise Mart in Chicago, and has three times the floor space of the Empire State Building in New York. The National Capitol could fit into any one of the five wedge-shaped (楔形) sections. There are very few people throughout the United States who do not have some knowledge of the Pentagon. However, relatively few people have had the opportunity to visit. The Pentagon is virtually a city in itself. Approximately 23,000 employees, both military and civilian, contribute to the planning and execution of the defense of the country, these people arrive daily from Washington D.C. and its suburbs over approximately 30 miles of access highways, including express bus lanes and one of the newest subway systems in the country. They ride past 200 acres of lawn to park approximately 8,770 cars in 16 parking lots; climb 131 stairways or ride 19 escalators to reach offices that occupy 3,705,793 square feet. While in the building, they tell time by 4,200 clocks, drink from 691 water fountains, utilize 284 rest rooms, consume 4,500 cups of coffee, 1,700 pints of milk and 6,800 soft drinks prepared or served by a restaurant staff of 230 persons and dispensed in 1 dinging room, 2 cafeterias, 6 snack bars, and an outdoor snack bar. The restaurant service is a privately run civilian operation under contract to the Pentagon. 16. Which description about the Pentagon is NOT true? A. Very few people in the U.S. know it. B. It is one of the biggest office buildings in the world. C. It is not open to public visits. D. About 23,000 people work in it. 17. People working in the Pentagon are __________. A. all soldiers B. all officials C. all civilians D. not living in it 18. People come to work in the Pentagon most probably ____________. 56 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A. by car and subway B. by airplane C. by train D. on foot 19. Approximately how many stairways are there in the Pentagon? A. 130. B. 200. C. 250. D. 290. 20. The restaurant in the Pentagon ________. A. is not run by civilians B. is managed by military employees C. is the only place that people can have meals D. is subcontracted to civilians by the Pentagon Passage Three Culture shock is the los of emotional balance, disorientation, or confusion that a person feels when moving from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one. When it is a common experience, the degree to which it occurs will vary from one person to another. Individual personality, previous cross-cultural experience, and language proficiency all affect a person‘s ability to interact socially in the new culture. The basic cause of culture shock is the abrupt loss of all that is familiar, leading to a sense of isolation. When an individual enters a strange culture, all or most of those familiar signs and hints are removed. He or she is like a fish out of water. No matter how broad-minded or good-willed he may be, a series of properties have been knocked from under him, this may be followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety. People react to the frustration in much the same way. First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort: ―The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad.‖ Another aspect of culture shock is regression (倒退). The home environment suddenly assumes a tremendous importance, and everything becomes irrationally glorified. All difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered. It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality. Common symptoms of culture shock include the following extremes. There are excessive concerns over delays and other minor frustrations; fear of being cheated, robbed or injured; sleeplessness or a desire to sleep more; and a great longing to go home. Underlying all these is the uncomfortable feeling of not really belonging, of being an outsider. 21. Culture shock is basically caused by ________. A. difficulties in using the language B. being unable to make new friends C. severe homesick D. being far away from all that is familiar 22. The culture shock suffered varies __________. A. from person to person B. from country to country C. in accordance with people‘s ages D. in accordance with people‘s characters 23. The first response a person tends to have when setting foot on a new land is ________. A. feeling frustrated B. feeling nervous C. having a sense of losing something D. having a sense of being abandoned 24. A home-coming trip will __________. A. draw you back to reality B. beautify the hometown C. make you forget the troubles D. help you solve the problems 25. Which is NOT a symptom of culture shock? A. Longing to travel. B. Having fear of being cheated. C. Longing to go back home. D. Having excessive concerns over delays. Passage Four: Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese. (10%) (26) In 1876, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, a device that would change the world forever. The small company he founded over a hundred years ago is now an international business – General Electric Company (GE) – a dynamic company that is committed to superior customer satisfaction. Since 1910, when GE produced its first refrigerator, GE has been a pioneer in innovation by making the world‘s first two-door refrigerator and first side-by-side refrigerator. (27) Today, consumers want reliable, smart appliances that make their lives easier. GE Appliances‘ innovative product design teams continue to create awards winning products to meet this demand, using the well-known Six Sigma methodology. (28) As proof of GE‘s growing popularity with Asian consumers, America‘s number one preferred appliance brand is now awarded Asia‘s Superbrand. 57 大学英语(2)重学练习题 (29) GE Appliances has also launched a website created in 7 Asian languages, making it an interactive consumer information center. The ease of navigating GE Appliances award-winning website for products on-line makes GE an e-commerce leader in the appliances industry, and is one of the reasons Internet Week awarded GE ―E-business of the Year.‖ (30) From appliances to power systems, General Electric reflects Edison‘s spirit of exploration. That is why GE was named as the most respected company in the world by Financial Times and one of the America‘s most admired companies by Fortune magazine. III. Vocabulary and Structure 31. She‘s very ________ because her husband has been out of work for months. A. helpless B. hopeless C. miserable D. impossible 32. I can‘t believe that I have been admitted to this famous university – I keep having to ______ myself to make sure that I am not dreaming. A. mumble B. pinch C. compress D. exert 33. I prefer to put the meeting off rather than hold it without adequate ________. A. notice B. preparedness C. announcements D. preparations 34. The clerk muttered under his breath as he brought the _______ the tenth pair of shoes. A. client B. attorney C. agent D. consumer 35. We looked at four cars today. The first two were far too expensive, but ___ ones were reasonably priced. A. other B. others C. the other D. another 36. He _______ a sum of money every month for his old age. A. sets up B. sets in C. sets along D. sets aside 37. Alfred Nobel is one of the most ____ men in the world of science but he remained modest all his life. A. remarkable B. desirable C. feasible D. favourable 38. The model that Ardy built corresponded in every _____ to the real warship. A. specific B. manner C. side D. detail 39. The economy of this country _________ the economy of France 200 years ago. A. reflects B. resembles C. mirrors D. imitates 40. I think you should have _____ before you go to work. A. sleep B. the sleep C. a good sleep D. some good sleep 41. Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you ______ the new carpet. A. crash B. pollute C. spot D. stain 42. Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to, ___ the color of his skin. A. with the exception of B. in the light of C. by virtue of D. regardless of 43. She was complaining that the doctor was _____ too much for the treatment he was giving her. A. expending B. offering C. costing D. charging 44. Since the matter was extremely ______, we dealt with it immediately. A. tough B. tense C. urgent D. instant 45. Benjamin Franklin strongly __________ as the national bird because of it predator nature. A. objected the eagle to be chosen B. objected the eagle being chosen C. objected to the eagle to be chosen D. objected to the eagle being chosen 46. A ―frozen‖ brain requires only ___ as one with a normal body temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. A. oxygen half as much B. half oxygen as much C. as half much oxygen D. half as much oxygen 47. Rates for violent crimes have shown to be ________ correlated with actual population densities in American cities. A. passively B. positively C. peculiarly D. precisely 48. It is difficult to talk about ____ style in painting because there was so many individual styles and because fashions change so rapidly. Compulsory B. conventional C. controversial D. contemporary 49. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become ________. A. hurt B. damaged C. spoiled D. harmed 50. In the talk show, almost everyone expressed serious _____ about the dangerous substance recently found in food. 58 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A. priority B. expectation C. concern D. tension 51. Mrs. Maggies has the _______ being the oldest person to graduate from this college. A. distinct of B. distinction of C. distinctive of D distinguish of 52. Her talents will _______ him to get a scholarship to college. A. be able to B. be ably to C. be ability to D. enable 53. Children are very curious ________. A. at heart B. in person C. on purpose D. by nature 54. The government is believed to be considering ______ a law making it a crime to import any kind of weapon. A. to pass B. passed C. have passed D. passing 55. The Such were the extremes of ____________ that Mr. Ramsay excited in this children‘s breast by his mere presence. A. indifference B. pride C. emotion D. pleasure 56. The teacher encouraged her students to conduct autonomous learning and be ___ of their own education A. at control B. out of control C. in the control D. in control 57. Man is a complicated ________ -- the product of all post evolutionary processes. A . organization B. organism C. organ D. body 58. Don‘t be serious. It is ____ a joke. A. nothing more than B. really C. far more than D. not in the least 59. A well-written composition _____ good choice of words and clear organization among other things. A. calls on B. calls for C. calls up D. calls off 60. To change a tire you must _______ the car. A. deal with B. fall in C. work over D jack up IV. Cloze thBefore the 20 century the horse provided day to day transportation in the United States. Trains were used only for long-distance transportation. Today the car is the most popular __61__ of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely __62__ the horse as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their car for __63__ 90 per cent of all personal __64__. Most Americans are able to __65__ cars. The average price of a __66__ made car was $2050 in 1950, $2740 in 1960 and up to $4750 __67__ 1975. during this period American car manufacturers set about __68__ their products and work efficiently. As a result, the yearly income of the __69__ family increased from 1950 to 1975 __70__ than the price of cars. For this reason __71__ a new car takes a smaller __72__ of a family‘s total earnings today. In 1951 __73__ it took 8.1 months of an average family‘s __74__ to buy a new car. In 1962 a new car __75__ 8.3 months of a family‘s annual earnings. By 1975 it only took 4.75 __76__ income. In addition , the 1975 cars were technically __77__ to models from previous years. The __78__ of the automobile extends throughout the economy __79__ the car is so important to Americans. Americans spend more money to __80__ their cars running than on any other item. 61. A. kinds B. sort C. mean D. types 62. A. denied B. reproduced C. replaced D. ridiculed 63. A. hardly B. nearly C. certainly D. somehow 64. A. trip B. works C. business D. travel 65. A. buy B. sell C. race D. see 66. A. quickly B. regularly C. rapidly D. recently 67. A. on B. in C. behind D. about 68. A. raising B. making C. reducing D. improving 69. A. unusual B. interested C. average D. biggest 70. A. slowest B. equal C. faster D. less 71. A. bringing B. obtaining C. bought D. purchasing 72. A. part B. half C. number D. side 59 大学英语(2)重学练习题 73. A. clearly B. proportionally C. percentage D. suddenly 74. A. income B. work C. plans D. debts 75. A. used B. spent C. cost D. needed 76. A. months‘ B. dollar‘s C. family D. year 77. A. famous B. superior C. fastest D. purchasing 78. A. running B. notice C. influence D. discussion 79. A. then B. as C. so D. which 80. A. start B. leave C. keep D. make V. Translation bide one‘s time have nothing to do take in investment move to sophisticated bring sb back to earth possess revenge Lily曾经被一个老于世故的男人欺骗。他宣称拥有超过二十亿美元的资产。他开过一家零售店, 而后转向房地产。同时他大量投资于股票。那个男人还保证他的爱情和金钱没有关系。直到有一天, Lily无意中听到她对另外一个女人发誓说同样的话,她才恍然大悟。Lily被深深地伤害了,她决定等 待时机,进行报复。 V. Guided Writing Can Money Buy Happiness? 1. 钱是快乐之源。 2. 钱是万恶之源。 3. 我的观点。 60 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Seven(A) I. Reading comprehension(30%) Passage one Orienteering involves finding one‘s way through the countryside, typically bush land, with the aid of map and compass. You can start with an orienteering course that is a pleasant stroll, either alone or in a group, along bush tracks, and then progress when you wish to the more demanding courses as your skills and fitness improve. Hence, at any orienteering event there is the competitive sporting challenge for the more serious competitor, or an opportunity to enjoy orienteering as a relaxing recreational activity. For the more competitive the aim is to complete the course in the shortest possible time, hence both physical fitness and ability to read maps become important. To complete an orienteering course may take as little as 20 minutes for a short easy course, or up to 3 hours for a longer difficult course. Orienteering can be enjoyed by both young and old, either as a relaxing recreation or as a competitive sport. A feature of orienteering is that you should find your way around your course without help from other orienteers. Competitors on the same course therefore have different start times, mostly at 2 minutes intervals. The course will be closed after the latest start time, and if you do not complete the entire course which you have chosen, always report to the finish so the organizers know that there are no competitors still out in the bush at the conclusion of the course. 21. A beginner in orienteering ____. A. participates in competition B. may do it alone C. doesn't use a map and compass D. needs more time to take a break 22. The end of orienteering can be best described as ____. A. tough B. easy C. alternative D. flexible 23.The participants of orienteering are ____. A. very strong B. young C. adults D. various 24.Orienteerers are not supposed to ____. A. use compass B. read maps C. ask for others' help D. offer help to others 25.When participating in competition, people usually start ____. A. at fixed time B. together C. at intervals D. in the morning Passage Two Reading, so we are told, is fundamental to a child‘s education. But trying to get good books—not just the classics but also worthy contemporary works—into young hands is increasingly providing a pit of problems. Spotty teacher training, lack of library assistance (if not lack of libraries themselves) and fear of controversy all help push teachers toward outdated or inadequate book choices. Those who fight back have to take the risk of losing their jobs or even taken to court. And the old reliable volumes aren‘t necessarily a shelter either. Such classics as The Grapes of Wrath and Catcher in the Rye are still frequently the object of parental protests. Supporters of more contemporary and challenging books say they energize kids and spur discussions about social realities that may already be affecting the classroom or community. Yet where should the line be drawn? Debbi Grizzi was stunned when she opened her 12-year-old‘s backpack and discovered A Need to Kill, a graphic account of a child killer who fantasizes about murdering boys. ―There has to be some check on what children are reading,‖ she argues. Yet even the books parents love are gradually losing their universality. Mary Brigid Barrett, a famous writer, says she always has to stop and explain Charlotte’s Web to teaching students, since half of them tend not to know it. ―What is shocking is that nobody in education is willing to say there are writers, poems, essays and books all Americans should read,‖ says education expert Diane Ravich. And less incentive for adventurous teachers to look for new ones. 26. It is implied in the first paragraph that _________. A) it‘s difficult to find a proper book for children nowadays B) some teachers dare not to use new contemporary books 61 大学英语(2)重学练习题 C) some parents are against the use of some classics D) it‘s reliable to use those classic books 27. Teacher who venture to use some new books may_______. A) be scolded by the parents B) do better in their teaching C) be taken to court D) attract more students 28. ―Spotty‖ in the first paragraph means ______. A) unevenly done B) dirty C) inadequate D) poor 29. ―They‖ in the second paragraph refers to _____. A) supporters B) teachers C) more contemporary and challenging books D) classic books 30. It can be inferred that Charlotte’s Web used to be ______. A) very popular among children B) a book parents loved to read C) a book prohibited by the government D) very difficult to understand Passage Three thDavid Garrick, the famous English actor of the 18 century began his stage career very early. At the age of eighteen he was already a member of a company which toured the south of England every summer. One evening in July the company arrived at a little town and staged there a tragedy. It was performed in an open-air theatre. At the beginning of the second act there was a scene showing a battlefield. Bodies of three or four dead men lay here and there. Garrick played the part of one of those bodies. After the interval between the first and second acts the curtain went up. Garrick lay as still as possible, trying to look like a real dead body. An actor playing the part of a Roman general came forward and began to recite a monologue. Suddenly Garrick heard a mosquito buzzing near his ear. Then came another. The next moment several mosquitoes began to sting him in the face and leg. Garrick wanted very much to scratch himself. But how can a dead body move? ―Look at that young man‖, the general went on with his monologue. ―Only a few hours ago he was healthy and full of life and there he lies now—a dead body! Only a miracle can bring him back to life!‖ Exactly at that moment Garrick began to scratch himself here and there. Trying to remain serious, the general was thinking hard what to say next. He certainly could not continue his monologue. ―The gods have heard me!‖, he cried out at last.‖ The miracle has happened!‖ The audience burst into laughter, but Garrick had no wish to laugh. He was too worried about his future stage career. In any case, that evening de decided never again to play a dead body in summer when there are so many mosquitoes around. 31. When Garick was 18, ________. A) he became a famous actor B) he played a Roman hero in a play C) his stage career was influenced by some mosquitoes D) he dreaded mosquitoes very much 32. The tragedy was put on _____. A) in a famous theatre B) in the open field C) in a big city D) in an outdoor theatre 33. The actor playing the Roman general reacted to the unexpected incident ___. A) witty yet not in time B) stupid and hasty C) calmly D) promptly 34. After the incident, ________. A) Garrick‘s stage career was not over B) the audience came to know Garrick C) Garrick had to leave the stage for a while D) the company fired Garrick 35. ―Monologue‖ is given by _____. A) one actor B) two actors C) a group of actors D) the chorus Passage Four The French invented body language. To watch a gendarme on traffic control is to witness an elaborate modern ballet—the twirling baton, the palm of the hand thrust forward to bring hundreds of vehicles to a halt, the abrupt inclination of the head that allows them to proceed, the raising of the judgmental eyebrow if all is not in order. In conversation, French hands never still. They give shape, form and size to ideas. That display the state of the mind, heart and soul of the parties involved. Where others use the inflection of the voice to show how they feel, the French use eyes, hands, lips and shoulders to reveal a full range of emotions. They kiss the tips of their fingers when they approve strongly of something or somebody. They pull the hand across the forehead, as though scalping themselves, when they are fed up. They raise their shoulders when they confronted by the ridiculous. They stroke their cheeks with the back of the hand as a sign that they are bored. They purse their lips and exhale when they are irritated. 62 大学英语(2)重学练习题 They have signs for disapproval, incredulity, superiority, apology, amazement, surprise, bewilderment and frustration, which is why it is considered grossly impolite to talk with one‘s hands in one‘s pockets. 36. The example of the traffic policeman is used to _____. A) explain how the French invent body language B) show the diversity of body language among the French C) show how skillful the French policeman with their job D) explain the reasons why the French use the body language 37. In conversation, the French move their _____ from time to time. A) heads B) legs C) hands D) shoulders 38. The French _____to show their strong approval. A) stroke their cheeks B) raise shoulders C) nod their heads D) kiss their fingers 39. The French ____to show impatience when they get angry. A) raise shoulders B) pull the hand across the forehead C) jump D) purse their lips 40. According to the passage, the French______. A) are generally very eloquent B) will scalp someone that irritates them C) are full of emotions D) will not put their hands in the pockets while talking to others III. Vocabulary and Structure (15%) 41. The newcomer ______himself in the large leather chair. A) sat B)kept C) installed D)sank 42. His background served as a ______ for their mockery. A) laughter B)target C) hand D)handle 43. After ____discussion, the members of the committee seemed near a decision. A) an hour and a half B) an hour‘s and a half C) an hour and a half‘s D) an hour‘s and a half‘s 44. Darwin didn‘t know the modern use of radiation which scientists ____to tell the age of fossil animals. A) let B)make C) enable D)get 45. He has only a two-week vacation a year ____that other workers get more time off. A) besides B)expect C) in spite D)despite the fact 46. Some children display an ____ curiosity about new thing they encounter. A)incredible B)infectious C)incompatible D)inaccessible 47. Usually, _____oil from wells is refined by heating it in a closed still. A) uncovered B)unused C) crude D)unexplored 48. How close parents are to their children has a strong ____on the character of the children. A)impact B)influence C)effect D)dependence 49. is intention had been to ____the day somehow in the streets. A)stay B)play C)walk D)pass 50. They live in the very healthy ______. A) regions B)environments C)areas D)apartments 51. Let‘s have more ____and less fighting in the house. A)welfare B)affection C)harmony D)discussion 52. We are about to ____a revolution in transport both above and below the surface of te sea. A) give B)handle C) establish D)witness 53. _______ his appearance, he is innocent. A) Except for B)In addition to C)Regardless of D)Apart from 54. Color-blind people often find it difficult to ____between blue and green. A) separate B)compare C)contrast D)distinguish 55. The clothes a person wear may express his ____or social position. A)curiosity B)status C)determination D)significance 56. I prefer to put the meeting off rather than hold it without adequate ____. A)notice B)preparedness C)announcement D)preparations 57. The ____between cold and heat is easily noticed. A)distinction B)distinct C)distinctive D)distinguish 63 大学英语(2)重学练习题 58. He is ____kind and generous. A)in nature B)of nature C)from nature D)by nature 59. He has no idea what the book is about. He _____read the book. A)couldn‘t B) couldn‘t have C)mustn‘t have D)shouldn‘t have 60. All events have _____the correctness of the appraisal. A) proved out B) makes out C) borne out D) worked out 61. At the first thought the young man wanted to argue, but the next moment he had himself ___. A) beyond control B)out of control C) in control D)at control 62. The author ____the book to his son. A)dedicated B)submerged C) promoted D)reassured 63. When you‘re hungry, you will ____what is put before you. A) devour B)doze C) enhance D)defray 64.Mrs. Jones sat by the window ____the hole in her coat. A) mingling B)healing C) patching D)curing 65. The doctor gave him an injection to ____his pain. A) ease B)relax C)release D)assess 66. Intelligent animals ____their behavior in accordance with the demands of the situation or of the environment. A) correct B)modify C)exchange D)vary 67. We usually have a ten-minute ____between classes. A) interval B)distraction C)pause D)interference 68. You seem to have the problem nicely ______. A) picked up B)worked out C)held on D) worked at 69. The new technique enables us to deep-freeze our produce when it is ___. A)plentiful B)rich C)ripe D)stable 70. Cora ____skating after her ankle healed. A)started B)recovered C)repeated D)renewed IV. Cloze(5%) I like that idea. __71__ that the same cultural soil __72__ the English language also __73__ the great __74__ of freedom and rights of man in the modern world. The first shoots __75__ up in England, and they grew stronger in America. The English-speaking peoples have __76__ all efforts to build __77__ around their language. Indeed, the English language is not the special __78__ of grammarians, language police, teachers, writers or the intellectual __79__. English is, and always has been, the __80__ of the common man. V. Translation (15%) a piece of cake fortunately out of control bear out skeptical mere ban massive 昨晚,一个烟头(cigarette end)引发了某个办公大楼的一场大火。 第二辆消防车到达时,火势 已不可控制。一些大的水泥(concrete)房梁开始倒塌。幸运的是没有人员伤亡的报告。地方政府早 就禁止在办公室里抽烟,所以警察怀疑这不仅仅是一场意外。他们正在寻找证据证实他们的猜测。查 明起火原因大约需要一年的时间,毕竟这不是一件容易的事。 VI. Guided Writing (15%) Work And Play 1) the importance of both work and play be applicable to 2)doing one thing at a time concentrate on yield regular work 3)refreshing yourself after work 64 大学英语(2)重学练习题 fresh and cheerful be sick of 65 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Seven(B) I. Reading Comprehension (30%) Passage one Convenient, nutritious, cheap and available year around, carrots are not just for rabbits. But the Easter Bunny would certainly approve of a carrot dish as part of a holiday meal. Because of their natural sweetness, carrots have long been part of the dessert menu as well as the salad bar. In the Middle Ages, carrots were used in sweet cakes and other desserts. They are still used in sweets in the Middle East and Asia, and are often preserved in jams. In California, carrot juice is popular. Carrots were first cultivated in central Asia and the Middle East, and used as a medicine rather than as a thvegetable. But carrots weren‘t always orange. In the 10 century, they were white or purple. The Dutch developed orange carrots in the 1600s. Carrots are a great convenience food. They‘re inexpensive and available year around. And even children who don‘t touch other vegetables eat carrots. Choose carrots with a bright, even color and smooth skin. Avoid limp(萎蔫的)ones, which are past their prime. Pick medium-sized carrots, which are sweeter and more flavorful than small ones, and more tender than larger, more mature carrots. Before storing, cut off any greens, since they can absorb moisture. Avoid storing carrots near apples, which emit a gas that can give carrots a bitter state. 11. Which is not an advantage of carrots mentioned in the passage? A) easy to eat B)full of nutrient C) a favorite food for rabbits D)sweetness 12. Carrots were first used to _____. A)deal with illness B)make sweets C)absorb moisture D)feed rabbits th13. Carrots were probably _____ in 12. A) red B)orange C) white D)green 14. What kind of carrots taste best? A)Small, fresh ones B) Big, smooth ones C) medium-sized , smooth ones D) Big, limp ones 15. According to the passage, carrots __________. A) are not used in sweets nowadays B)are the most nutritious food for children C)can be used to cure cancers D)can not be put together with apples Passage two One of the most important periods in Greek history was the Hellenistic Age which began after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C, and lasted 200 years. It was during this time in history that Greek ideas and Greek culture spread into Egypt and throughout the Near East. During the Hellenistic Age, there were great advances made in such areas as philosophy, science, religion, art and social justice. Important discoveries were made in the sciences. Social reformers attempted to abolish debt and institute a program of land redistribution among the poor but met with little success. Women achieved a better social standing and among the middle class education became widespread. Peace of mind was the great concern of the philosophers of the Hellenistic Age. The Stoics insisted that happiness could be achieved when man learned to accept the events which were beyond his control and, at the same time, did his duty. The Epicureans advocated the idea that moderation in pleasure and the avoidance of pain produce the desired result. The cynics turned away from all desires and pleasures, maintained a pursuit of virtue. During the Hellenistic Age, the area of the Greek influence included such political powers as the Polemies of Egpyst, the Seleucids of Syria, and the Antigonids of Macedon, and it was their fighting against each other and among themselves that made the way for the aggressive Romans to conquer Greece and most of the Hellenistic world in the 100‘s B.C. 16. When did the Hellenistic age most probably come to an end? A) In the 500's B.C. B) In the 300's B.C. C) In the 100's B.C. D) In the 100's A.D. 17. What part did Alexander the Great play in the flowering of Greek culture during the Hellenistic Age A) It was his wisdom and power which aided its growth. B) He helped especially in the area of science. C) It was in social reforms that he contributed most. D) He had no direct involvement whatsoever. 66 大学英语(2)重学练习题 18. Which statement about the Hellenistic Age is NOT correct A) Land redistribution was less than successful. B) The social standing of women improved. C) Education spread from the middle to the lower classes. D) Attempts to abolish debt did not find great success. 19. According to the passage, which statement is most likely to be true A) A Cynic would seek a life of comfort and ease. B) A Stoic would try to do what was expected of him. C) An Epicurean would enjoy a hard fight. D) A Stoic would attempt to win over nature. 20. The Roman conquest of the Hellenistic world was helped greatly by the ______. A) divisions existing among its political factions B) inability of its philosophers to work together C) conflict between its several religious groups D) lack of agreement on its necessary social reforms Passage three The Swedes are among the most charming peoples in Europe. And their charm comes from an apparent contradiction in the national character. They are extremely conservative in social relationships; within the family and when meeting friends and business acquaintances, their conduct is governed by strict social patterns. At the same time, they are one of the most intellectually progressive people in the world. They are always open to new ideas. All social occasions in Sweden are regulated by rules and traditions. And these traditions are expressed in a specific ritual made up of formal bows, handshakes, and greetings. When a visitor entres a Swedish home, he is invariably received with a "Welcome"; when he leaves, his host will tell him "You will be welcome again." These charming phrases are an indestructible part of Swedish social life and they give it an old-world flavour of good manners. Equally attractive is the Swedish acceptance of modern technological equipment. A traveler never needs to search for a telephone in Sweden: telephone booths are placed at regular intervals along the main streets and highways. And in church, for example, long benches are fitted with hearing aids for worshippers who may be hard of hearing. Swedish homes are among the best equipped in the world and travelers in Sweden find their journeys made easy by the use of the most efficient modern devices. The Swedes are an efficient and most capable people. Punctuality is more than a virtue to them-it is a rule of life originating from the most attractive characteristics of this northern people. This is their respect for their friends and acquaintances and especially for the visitor to their country. At whatever cost to themselves, they take care not to give another person the slightest degree of discomfort. This respect for human rights runs through the whole Swedish social system. It makes politicians and bureaucrats, indeed anyone with social power, courteous in dealing with citizens and visitors. Courtesy thus has been developed into a social instinct in Sweden. It is part of the spirit of the life based on a national culture whish is wholly Scandinavian. 21. The contradiction of the Swedes can be found in ______. A)their strictness in social activities and friendliness in entertaining guests B)their conversed attitude towards social relationship and openness to initiative ideas C)their clearly set social patterns and enthusiasm about big parties. D)their specific ritual and concern about good manners. 22. ―Invariably‖ in the second paragraph can be best replaced with ___. A)often B)usually C) sometime D)always 23. It can be inferred from the passage that the Swedes are ____. A)hard-working B)polite C)considerate D)efficient 24.According to the passage, the Swedish social ritual doesn‘t include ____. A)greetings B)bows C)handshaking D)embraces 25. Which of the following statements is NOT true? 67 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A) People can hear the priest more clearly with the hearing aids in the church B)The Swede‘s homes are among the best equipped ones in the world. C)Travelers will be most satisfied when traveling in Sweden D)It‘s very convenient to make a call in booths in Sweden. Passage Four What is leadership?(26) Its qualities are difficult to define. But they are not so difficult to identify. Leaders don 't force other people to go along with them. They bring them along. Leaders get commitment from others by giving it themselves, by building an environment that encourages creativity, and by operating with honesty and fairness. Leaders demand much of others, also give much of themselves.(27)They are ambitious—not only for themselves, but also for those who work with them. They seek to attract, retain and develop other people to their full abilities. (28) Leaders know that when there are two opinions on an issue, one is not bond to wrong. They recognize that hustle and rush are the allies of superficiality. They are open to new ideas, but they explore their outcome thoroughly. (29)Leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as dedication. They speak from experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the people they work with. A good leader, an effective leader, is one who has respect. (30)Respect is something you have to have in order to get. A leader who has respect for other people at all levels of an organization, for the work they do, and for their abilities, desires and needs, will find that respect is returned. And all concerned will be motivated to work together. III. Vocabulary and Structure (15%) 31. There was ____ of ten minutes between the two parts of the concert. A)a period B)a space C)a rest D)an interval 32. When he finally emerged form the cave after thirty days, John was ______pale. A)enormously B)startlingly C)uniquely D)dramatically 33. It‘s pleasure for him to ______his energy and even his life to research work. A)dedicate B)dictate C)decorate D)direct 34. In 1859, August Lindbergh, a man of pioneering instincts and liberal sympathies, came to America to _____new opportunities and greater freedom. A) seek B)search C)explore D)survey 35. The weather was good except for an ____shower. A)optional B)intentional C)additional D)occasional 36. In order to buy a colored TV, he _____one-sixth of his salary each month. A)set about B) set back C) set aside D) set off 37. The new ____of the country were fixed after the war. A)Capitals B)lands C) frontiers D)boundaries 38. Suddenly the _____appeared at the scene wearing a crown on his head. A)throne B)tyrant C)sheriff D)sovereign 39.He was sent to prison for trying to _____ a policeman with money. A)bother B)cast C)steal D)corrupt 40. Accuracy is ___ to the programming of computers. A)primary B)elementary C)fundamental D)characteristic 41. This hotel _____$60 for a single room with bath. A)claims B)demands C)prices D)charges 42. Mr. Nolen has obviously taken______ to study the details. A)small pains B)great pains C)a little pain D)a few pain 43. Literature and art have a great ______people‘s ideology. A)impact on B)influence on C)effect on D)impression on 44. People always greet each other warmly, _______their different origins and briefs. A)in regard to B)in contrast with C)with respect to D)regardless of 68 大学英语(2)重学练习题 45. This Imperial Palace remained ____intact(未经改造的)until the great remodeling which began in the 1950s. A)virtually B)rarely C)simultaneously D)consequently 46. The film is so dull and wordy that it _____in every frame Powell‘s assertion that the director knew very little about directing. A) bears out B)makes out C)carries out D)rules out 47. The sale of the drug will be _____as of August 1. A)banned B)connected C) cancelled D)expunged 48. I‘ve been working hard recently; I‘d like to _____the office for a few days. A)get down from B)feel bad with C) get away from D)take part in 49. Einstein‘s theory of relativity seemed ____when it was first introduced. A)incredible B)unaccountable C)impossible D)acceptable 50. They reported the loss and gave all the necessary ____to the police. A)details B)happenings C)stories D)characteristics 51. Since there was no place to take shelter, we got _____in the sudden downpour. A)sprayed B)soaked C)stained D)sticky 52. The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable ______his financial situation. A)with respect to B)in accord with C)regardless of D)in terms of 53.The real happiness of this _____man came from his work. A) incredible B)considerable C)disreputable D)marvelous 54.The prisoner ____the charges against him. A)defied B)denied C)opposed D)contradicted 55. Both advantages and disadvantages of using foreign faculty in teaching position have to be _____in the discussion. A) said B)weighed C)demonstrated D)learned 56.You have to complete ___ for our safety. A)control B)responsibility C)guarantee D)authority 57. Trying to ____wildlife is a job that concerns all of us. A)preserve B)advance C)provide D)reserve 58. While I am on holiday, ring me at my hotel only if there are any ____messages for me. A) immediate B)instant C)hasty D)urgent 59. Sally ____all foolish comments and kept on working. A)excluded B)discharged C)ignored D)denied 60. Use your library to learn which animals ____the desert. A)inhabit B)live C)settle D)occupy IV. Cloze (5%) Every human being, 61 what he is doing, gives off body heat. The usual problem is 62 dispose of it. But the designers of the Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves the 63 problem—how to collect body heat. They have designed a collection system which utilizes 64 body heat, but the heat given off by such objects 65 light bubs and refrigerators as well. The system works so well 66 no conventional fuel is needed 67 the campus‘s six buildings comfortable. Some parts of most modern buildings—theaters and offices 68 classrooms are more than amply heated by people and lights and sometimes must be air-conditioned 69 in winter. The technique of 71 heat and redistributing it is 71 ―heat recovery.‖ A few modern buildings recover 72 , but the University‘s system is the first to recover heat 73 some buildings and re-use it in 74 . Along the way, Pitt has learned a great deal about some of its heat producers. The 75 a student studies, the more heat his body 76 . Male students emit more heat than 77 students, and the larger a student, the more heat he 78 . It is tempting to 79 that the hottest prospect for the Johnstown campus would be a 80 , 69 大学英语(2)重学练习题 overweight male genius. 61. A)though B)no matter C)however D)in spite of 62. A)how to B)how C)what D)what to 63. A)similar B)wrong C)opposing D)opposite 64. A)both B)not only C)as well as D)neither 65. A)for example B)like C)of D)as 66. A)which B)then C)that D)therefore 67. A)make B)to be made C)to make D)making 68. A)including B) as well as C)with D) as well 69. A)even B)so C)ever D)much 70. A)saving B)being saved C)disposing D)being disposed 71. A)talked B)thought C)suggested D)called 72. A)loss B)cold C)temperature D)heat 73. A)to B)from C)with D)for 74. A)the other B) other C) others D) the others 75. A)hard B) hardest C) harder D) more hard 76. A)takes in B)gives off C)gives in D)takes out 77. A)other B)female C) girl D)boy 78. A)produces B)manufactures C)design D)assembles 79. A)start B)conclude C)end D)begin 80. A)easy-going B)fun-making C)hard-working D)good-for-nothing V. Translation (15%) strictly speaking conquer strike out tolerance establish pass on fascinating drift around 为父亲工作了10年左右,Jackon决定独立开创自己的事业,并在1805年开办一所学校。严格地 说,他并不是一个优秀的校长,而更象是一位优秀的父亲。他像对待自己的孩子一样对待自己的学生。 他还要求所有的老师对差生要有耐心。Jackon四十多岁时,一位杰出的女士征服了他的心,他才结了 婚。婚后,在他的后半生,他和他的妻子周游世界,他们迷人的历险故事在他们家族中相传。 VI. Guided Writing (15%) Prospects of Private Cars in China 1)私车的现状 2)私车可能的发展趋向 3)随之而来的问题 70 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Eight (A) I. Reading Comprehension (30%) Passage one The Brooklyn Bridge that spans the river between Manhattan and Brooklyn is simply an engineering miracle. In 1883, a creative engineer, John Roebling, was inspired by an idea for this spectacular bridge project. However, bridge building experts told him to forget it. It just was not possible. Roebling convinced his son, Washington, an up-and-coming engineer, that the bridge could be built. The two of them conceived the concept of how it could be accomplished and how to overcome the obstacles. Somehow they convinced bankers to finance energy. They hired their crew and began to build their dream bridge. The project was only a few months under way when a tragic on-site accident killed John Roebling and severely injured his son. Washington was severely brain-damaged, unable to talk or walk. Everyone thought the project would have to be scrapped, since the Roeblings were the only ones who understood how the bridge could be built. Though Washington Roebling was unable to move or talk, his mind was as sharp as ever. One day as he lay in his hospital bed, an idea flashed in his mind as to how to develop a communication code. All he could move was one finger, so he touched the arm of his wife with that finger. He tapped out the code to communicate to her what she was to tell the engineers who continued building the bridge. For 13 years, Washington tapped out his instructions with one finger until the spectacular Brooklyn Bridge was finally completed. 21.When was the Brooklyn Bridge completed? A. In 1883. B. In 1885. C. In 1890. D. In 1896. 22.Where was John Roebling killed? A. In Washington. B. On his way to work. C. At home. D. On the construction site. 23.After the accident, Washington Roebling ____. A. was unable to talk or walk B. became a vegetable C. lost his sight D. lost his hearing 24.Only ____ knew how to build the bridge. A. some experts B. John Roebling C. Washington Roebling D. the Roeblings 25.How did Washington manage to communicate with his wife? A. He wrote down the instructions. B. His wife could read his lips. C. He developed a communication code. D. He taught his wife how to build the bridge. Passage Two Elizabeth was 12 when her father gave her an Eastman Kodak Brownie. "It just amazed me that I could point this box at something and record what was before me on film. I was captivated," she says. "I carried my camera everywhere." Unfortunately, she didn't hold on to that Brownie ,"It's a collector's item now! " she says, but her fascination with photography continued. Elizabeth's skills were self-taught for most of her life. A desire for a deeper understanding of the craft came quite late, at age 78. She attended a meeting of a local photography club, and the photos displayed there provided the inspiration. "They seemed to possess a certain sparkle, a little something extra, that mine lacked," she says. She joined the club to learn all she could about cameras, film and light. "I was the oldest one there," she remembers with a laugh, "but you're never too old to learn." So Elizabeth began studying books, subscribing to magazines, and attending lectures and workshops. "I don't ever want to become complacent," she says. "Learning is an ongoing process. Everything's going digital now, and I'm constantly finding out more about the new technology. I love the challenge." As splendid as Elizabeth's photographs are, she does not offer them for sale. She would never allow financial profit to overshadow her enjoyment of the art. "The real reward is being able to communicate with nature and capture its beauty in a way that allows me to enjoy it later and share with others," she says. So at 91, even with the painful reminders of knee and hip replacements, Elizabeth travels the world , down rivers, along mountain ranges, and through snow and ice , and clicks away. 26. The camera sent by Elizabeth's father ____. A) was still kept by her B) was well kept by her father 71 大学英语(2)重学练习题 C) was passed on to her son D) was no longer used by her 27. Elizabeth ____ about photography. A) didn't receive any formal training B) started to learn photography when she was old C) mainly taught herself D) learned from her father 28. Elizabeth regards photography as a(n) ____. A) inspiration B) hobby C) profession D) stimulus 29. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage A) Elizabeth makes great profits from her photographs. B) Elizabeth started taking pictures very early. C) Elizabeth attended a photograph club at 78. D) Elizabeth still travels around the world even at 91. 30. According to the passage, Elizabeth was once wounded in ____. A) the lower part of body B) head C) eyes D) arms Passage Three Daily social relations in France have always been dominated by family ties. The family has been the focus of the individual's loyalty and affection, of his economic interest, and even of his legal duty. Many an older Frenchman has spent his youth in a world where he was expected to regard cousins, uncles and grandparents as more important to him than friends of his own age, and where the family's needs and demands were put before those of the local community or even of the State. The main change since the war is that the focus of loyalty has been steadily narrowing from the "extended family" to the "nuclear family", i.e. the home cell of parents and children. In the rural areas the traditionally big peasant families have been losing their influence as the young drift away to the town. As property gives way to income and family management disappears, the tight network of the big family gathering has become less necessary for the individual's future, and also less easy to maintain. Many younger couples today prefer pleasure traveling, or a weekend cottage shared with a few friends, to the traditional big family reunions on Sundays and in August. But old values are still there. Clan (氏族) loyalties towards more distant relatives may become weak, an adult's ties with his own parents and even with their parents often remain remarkably strong. And if many younger people are today trying to lead more emotionally independent lives, it is often not without a sense of guilt, or an awareness of the pain it causes to their parents. This may be so in any country: it is especially sharp in France. 31. In France, people used to ______. A)value more their families than the country B)attach most importance to their friends C)regard their cousins and uncles more important than their parents D)consider the local community prior to the state 32. The "nuclear family" will not include ______. A)father B). mother C). children D). grandparents. 33. The rural families are growing smaller because ______. A) many young men and women were killed in the war B) more and more people choose to stay single C) more and more families have only one child D)many young men and women are leaving the country for cities 34. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The French have given up their clan loyalties to independence. B. Family gathering has become less necessary nowadays. C. Many younger couples spend weekends and holidays themselves or with a few friends. D. The old values still have their influence today. 35. What does ―this‖ in the last sentence of the passage refer to? A. Loyalty to the family B. Emotionally independence C. Sense of guilt D. Difference between old values and new values Passage Four Your life is your art, your own creation constantly in the making. Oprah explains how true intention shapes every experience: I had recognized for a long time that I was responsible for my life, that every choice produced a 72 大学英语(2)重学练习题 consequence. But often the consequences seemed out of line with my expectations. That‘s because I was thinking one thing but intending another. I wasn‘t aware of the consequences of my deepest intentions. My intention of always trying to please other people, for example, produced an unwanted consequence: I often felt taken advantage of and used. So I decided to become aware of my every intention in order to create a different outcome. That meant doing only those things that came for the truth of who I am , and only doing for others what pleased me to do. What I know for sure is that whatever your situation is right now, you have played a major role in setting it up. It is you who have created your circumstances. With every experience, you alone are painting your own canvas, thought by thought, choice by choice. And beneath each of those thoughts and choices lies your deepest intention. If you are feeling stuck in your life and want to move forward, start by examining your past motivations. 36. ―Making‖ in the first paragraph can be best replaced by ____. A) way to success B) drawing C) course of life D) rising 37. According to the passage, Oprah used to ____. A) avoid the responsibility in her life B) fail to make things come out her way C) please other people D) come up with any good idea 38. In the opinion of Oprah, one should ____. A) try to please other people B) be aware of his deepest intentions C) learn to draw skillfully D) do whatever he is pleased to do 39. According to the passage, life ____. A) is created by yourself B) is full of failures C) can be bettered by learning drawing D) imposes responsibilities upon people 40. When you fail or run into difficulties, you‘d better ____. A) relax by drawing on canvas B) talk the difficulties over with your friends C) look into your deep intentions D) size up the situations III. Vocabulary and Structure (15%) 41. It was hard to keep the store going during the depression, but Max ____and at last met with success. A)held back B) held up C) held over D) held on 42. So he drew his great sword and rushed up Achilles as an ____rushes down from the clouds upon it prey. A) angle B)eager C)eagle D)ankle 43. The large waterfall ____ the ear with its roar. A)stirred B)deafened C)deadened D)stifled 44. Needless to say, he ___his good looks and sense of humor from his mother. A) inherited B)carried C)inhibited D)resembled 45. Just as too much _______is tiresome in music, so, in life, too many benefits annoy us. A) same B)identical C) harmony D)similar 46. They had to examine the dad fish before they had _____answer as to what killed them. A) a positive B)a negative C)an active D)a passive 47. The joys of travel, having long _______the disabled, are opening up to virtually anyone who has the means. A)omitted B)missed C) neglected D)discarded 48. Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a severe critic of the government‘s ____policies. A)economical B) economy C) economic D) economics 49. The captured criminals were ____in chains through the streets. A)exhibited B)displayed C)paraded D)revealed 50. He didn‘t believe in Santa Claus, but could describe in vivid detail less pleasant supernatural _____ and their activities. A)creatures B)animals C)monkeys D)mammals 51. If all the countries meet to _____the issue, maybe an agreement can be reached. 73 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A)bargain B)quarrel C)debate D)detach 52. I still remember the strong emotions ________in me when I read that piece of news in yesterday‘s evening paper. A)arose B)raising C) risen D)aroused 53. There is ____the fact that failure is the mother of success. A)no denying B)to not deny C)not to deny D)of denying 54. Don‘t have him for a friend. He is ____a criminal. A) anything but B)but for C)nothing but D)rather than 55. Debt-financed companies often find it difficult to sell shares to share-holders who are _____the likelihood of adequate profits. A)skeptical on B) skeptical about C) skeptical by D) skeptical from 56. ―Please get the credentials ready and I‘ll _______them tomorrow morning,‖ the manager said to the secretary. A)call at B)call in C)call forth D)call for 57. The laid-off was not re-employed ______. A)on medical grounds B)in the excuse of health C)for the cause of health D)for the medical reasons 58. There is no _____:the resident must approve the bill if Congress passes it. A)agreement B)help C)alternative D)mistake 59.These values are likely to come into _____wit the existing values and laws of society. A) contact B)harmony C)conflict D)contrast 60. Although he was rich, he lived in a small, ____ home. A) temporary B)inferior C) humble D)unfurnished 61. Life is interesting to people who ____themselves to new ideas. A) present B)exhibit C) expose D)explain 62. When you take medicine, be careful not to ____that amount printed on the bottle. A) exceed B)substitute C)surpass D)overcome 63. Gary was very lucky to escape the accident which would have been ____. A) violent B)fatal C)vicious D)impossible 64. A lot of science fiction should be really called _____. A)imagination B)illusion C) drama D)fantasy 65. I can‘t prove the case yet ____but I think there‘s enough evidence for you to look into it. A) in effect B)in detail C) in surprise D)in force 66. Anyone who can ______both school work and training deserves credit. A) involve B) deal C) manage D) retain 67. Demographers(人口统计专家)investigate ____in scientific locations. A) are there many people B) how many people are there C) how many people there are D) that there are how many people 68. It was not until she had arrived home ______remembered her appointment with the doctor. A) when she B) that she C) and she D) she 69. The fact that space exploration has increased dramatically in the past thirty years ______. A) in an evidence of us wanting to know more of our solar system B) indicated that we are very eager to learn all we can about our solar system C) how we want to learn more about our solar system D) showing our intention to know a lot more about our solar system 70. When the children entered, ____was given a present. A) each B) every C) all D) nobody IV. Cloze (5%) A non-sentimental environmentalism is one __71__on Protagoras‘ principle that ―Man is the measure of all things.‖ Such a __72__ helps us to __73__ our way through the __74__ of environmental argument. Take the current debate __75__ over oil drilling in a corner of the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. Environmentalists, fighting against a __76__ working its way through Congress to permit such __77__, 74 大学英语(2)重学练习题 argue that we should be conserving energy instead of __78__ for it. This is a false either/or proposition. The country does need a __79__ energy tax to reduce consumption. But it needs more production too. Government estimates __80__ a nearly fifty-fifty chance that under the ANWR lies one of the five largest oil fields ever discovered in America. V. Translation (15%) in the name of to some extent environment in part poisonous hold to take measures 那家工厂释放的有毒化学物质破坏了环境,这一切从某种程度上影响了当地居民的生活。然而厂方拒绝面对现实。结果,居民以人权的名义把厂方告上了法庭。法庭上双方进行了激烈的辩论,厂方仍坚持他们的观点,认为给居民补偿是很荒唐的事。结果,工厂被依法判处对污染环境负部分责任,并立即采取杜绝污染源。 VI. Guided Writing (15%) Rising Early 1)We can enjoy a lot in the morning be enjoyable fresh air sober mind 2)Yet, many youths get up late a good habit cultivate to one‘s regret rise late 3)We should make full use of morning time the best time in a day the year‘s pleasant king remind one of one‘s life‘s mission 75 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Eight (B) I. Reading Comprehension (30%) Passage One th―The affairs of the Necklace‖ dramatizes a late 18 century palace scandal well-known to school-children in France but completely obscure to most Americans. What makes the incident compelling is the role it played in events that lead up to the French Revolution and the overthrow of the royal family. Telling this tale requires far too many scenes of people in large rooms talking their heads off. But for director Charles Shyer, associated mostly with contemporary comedies, ―Necklace‖ marks a distinct change of pace. The plot revolves around a brilliant 2,800-carat diamond necklace. Knowing it was originally created for the king‘s grandfather‘s mistress, Madame Du-Barry, now out of favor, Marie Antoinette refused to accept it. So the royal jewelers faced a financial disaster. Believing Jeanne to be part of Antoinette‘s inner circle, the jewelers asked her to change the queen‘s mind. Instead she convinced the credulous cardinal that the queen wished him to purchase the necklace on her behalf because the public had already been irritated by her spendthrift(挥霍无度) ways. As a history lesson, the movie is entertaining enough, but ay times you long to get put of Versailles and be back to reality. The film does contain one-foot chase and another brief comical fight. Otherwise, action is basically hard to observe. The film‘s energy is supplied by its cast, particularly Oscar winner Hilary Swank, who plays Jeanne as an empowered woman diligently pursuing family honor. 11.The story was not well-known to ____. A) the French B) the Australians C) the Americans D) the Asians 12. Antoinette refused to accept the necklace because ____. A) it was too much expensive B) it was not designed for her originally C) she was worried about the public‘s reaction D) Jeanne ask her not to accept it 13. If Antoinette didn‘t buy the necklace, ____. A) the Cardinal would not buy it either B) Jeanne would buy it for her C) the jewelers would lose a great amount of money D) the public would be greatly moved 14. It can be inferred from the passage that the story of the necklace happened in ____. A) the French Revolution B) before the French Revolution th C) after the French Revolution D) the 19 century 15. The writer‘s attitude towards the cast is ____. A) disapproval B) approval C) critical D) exaggerating Passage Two Albert Schweitzer was born in 1875 in Alsace. At that time, it was a part of Germany. His generous spirit was first awakened through his training as a Lutheran minister. Besides gaining a reputation as a preacher, he also became respected for his ability to play the organ. He was a man of many talents. His concern for other people turned his attention to medicine. He had also acquired doctoral degrees in philosophy and music. His wife took an interest in medicine too and became a nurse. Many people thought that he should remain and lecture in Europe to have a strong impact on Western civilization. Though he listened to their suggestions, he ultimately decided to follow his own conscience. This led him to Africa. Albert had felt that all men should accept the responsibility of helping others. He felt particularly concerned for black Africans who had been exploited by white men. He earned the money he needed by performing on the organ and by lecturing. With this money he bought equipment and opened a hospital in Africa. He was a man of great strength who faced great problems with courage. The threat of war, the reality of imprisonment during World War, one as a German citizen, and the unbearable heat in Africa did not deter him at all. He believed that man could overcome these obstacles if he had a sense of idealism. He died in 1965. 16.Albert Schweitzer was ____. A) a pianist B) an African C) a humanitarian D) a nurse 17.He had talents for ____. A) training his wife to be a nurse, giving concert and lecturing 76 大学英语(2)重学练习题 B) giving medical care, lecturing, playing the organ C) taking care of sick people, fighting as a soldier, lecturing D) giving concert, making equipment, helping others 18.In spite of people‘s suggestions, Albert decided to go to Africa ____. A) because he was born there B) because he wanted to help others particularly black Africans who had been exploited by white men C) because he wanted to give a concert to African people D) because he wanted to make money there 19.Why did the author think he was a man of great strength? A) He always faced great problems with courage. B) The threat of war and the reality of imprisonment during World War didn‘t discourage him. C) The unbearable heat in Africa did not deter him at all. D) All of the above. 20.Albert Schweitzer lived to be ____. A) 70 years old B) 80 years old C) 90 years old D) 100 years old Passage Three She is dead now, that woman who used to hold a great piece of yellow washing soap in her hand as she stood at her kitchen door. I was a milkman in those days. The woman owed a bill to the firm I worked for, and each Saturday I was expected to collect a sum that would pay for the week's milk, and pay something off the amount overdue. Well, I never collected anything at all. It was because of that piece of yellow soap. I shall never forget those Saturday mornings. The woman had two advantages over me. She used to stand at the top of the steps and I used to stand at the bottom, and she always came out holding a piece of yellow soap. We used to argue. I would always start off by being very firm. Didn't my living depend on my getting money out of the people I served But out of this woman I never got a penny. The more I argued the tighter the woman would curl (弯曲f) fingers on to the soap; and her fingers just out of the washtub, were always bloodless and swollen. I knew what they must have felt like to her. I didn't like getting my own fingers bloodless and swollen. My eyes would get fixed on her fingers and the soap, and after a few minutes I would lose all power to look at the woman in the face. I would mumble something to myself and take myself off. Well, she is dead now, that woman. If she has passed into Heaven I can't help wondering whether she passed in holding tight to a piece of yellow washing soap. I'm not sure that I believe in Heaven or God myself, but if God is a Person of Sensibility I don‘t doubt that when he looked at that piece of yellow washing soap he felt ashamed of himself. 21. The best title for this article is ____. A) An Unsuccessful Milkman B) A Piece of Yellow Soap C) A Miserable Woman D) Unforgettable Saturday Mornings 22. "The amount overdue" in paragraph 1 means ____. A) the money that the woman owed to the milk company B) the money that the woman owed to the milkman C) the milk that the milkman delivered D) the milk that the woman wanted 23. Each time the milkman saw the woman, at first he ____. A) dared not to speak because of the soap B) was determined to get the money back C) wanted to take himself off D) tried not to look at the woman 24. The woman didn't pay off the money because ____. A) she was a witch B) she was very poor C) she hated the milkman D) the milkman never asked for that 25. The piece of yellow soap most probably represents ____. A) magic power B) poverty C) conscience D) the God Passage Four I have been to many places in China. The Great Wall and Forbidden City of Beijing struck me with awe, 77 大学英语(2)重学练习题 the ice castles of Harbin swept me to a fantasy land and travelling alone the Silk Road took me back to thousand years. (26)Every place held a special fascination for me, but the gardens and canals of Suzhou captured my heart. Suzhou‘s history goes back to 2500 years and although the older buildings are falling apart, it‘s reassuring to see new construction following the old design. (27)The proverb, ―In heaven there is Paradise, on earth Suzhou‖ rings true when you visit the numerous gardens in the city. They vary in size and orientation, but basically they all have similar layout and structure. Besides gardens and canals, Suzhou has many temples, pagodas and bathhouses. The center of town also has a modern shopping area where you can roam freely on cobblestone backstreets without being disturbed by traffic. (28)Suzhou has established itself thas the leading silk producer by the 14 century, so you couldn‘t depart without visiting a silk factory. To get a true sense of what a water-bound town looks like, however, you have to go just a few kilometers outside of Suzhou. Zhouzhuang(周庄), about 30km southeast of Suzhou, is one of the most popular ones. Hence, it‘s a bit crowded with tourists, (30)But Tongli(同里), a beautiful small town, is less crowded and only 18 km away. III. Vocabulary and Structure (15%) 31. He is ______of the slightest noise, and can not allow himself to be disturbed by even most necessary questionings. A)guilty B)desirable C)frightful D)impatient 32. Downly Road is lit by fluorescent lamps, standing on ______ sides of the road every 200 feet. A) comparative B)intermediate C)complicated D)alternate 33. Studies of motorway accidents have revealed ______ evidence that 98 percent of drivers ignore all warnings of imminent danger, particularly fog. A) startling B)terrifying C)amazing D)horrifying 34. he had his book printed at his own ______. A) money B)profit C)expense D)wage 35. We see no signs of life, for life as we know it cannot live where there is particularly no ______. A)moisture B)atmosphere C)environment D)pollution 36. The doctor insisted that his patient ______ for three months. A)not working too hard B)takes some vacations C)take their time D)take it easy 37. The ______ of the factory over the last few years has not been very good. A)balance B)management C)work D)government 38. Germany ______Poland in 1939, and that started the Second World War. A)introduced B)invaded C)invested D)invited 39. There is a ______ grin on Jim‘s face. A)habitated B)habitual C)habituated D)habited 40. he was deeply ______ over his son‘s financial difficulties. A)troubled B)anxious C)concerned D)careful 41. Don‘t count your chickens before they‘re ______. A)laid out B)bred C)raised D)grown up 42.Even when magnified, the two ______are difficult to tell apart. A)bodies B)parts C)organisms D)organs 43. We passed the house without calling, for we assumed that at that hour all the family would be at ______. A)worship B)funeral C)sensation D)sermon 44. The new dormitory built a few months ago is large enough to ______ over four hundred students. A)accommodate B)accompany C)accomplish D)accumulate 45. Jack has been hooked on the virtual world for such a long time that he even finds it difficult to live in ______wit his family members. A)relationship B)communication C)harmony D)tone 46. He intended to retire from active life, but______ had decided otherwise. A)destination B)fate C)faith D)fortune 47. He was a handsome young man, usually ______, in pleasant contrast to Tottenhoe‘s glumness. 78 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A)lightheaded B)upset C)cheerful D)thoughtful 48. It has taken years for the government to work out the policy and ______ effectively. A)hand it down B)put it into practice C)apply it D)take credit for it 49. Frankly speaking, I don‘t think you are qualified for this sort of work, because it ______creative talents. A) calls forth B)calls on C) calls for D)calls in 50. Under the ______ of the University, doctor‘s thesis must be printed. A)demands B)terms C)disciplines D)regulations 51. ______ did you say that you were sorry for your impoliteness to Mary, which upset us all. A)Not in the least B)Nothing but C)By no accounts D)At no rate 52. There is no rational ______ for blaming the workers; the manager is to blame for it, I‘m afraid. A)cause B)excuse C)reason D)ground 53. San Francisco is usually cool in the summer, but Los Angeles ______ A)is rarely B)rarely is C)hardly D)is scarcely 54. In what ______ do Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln belong? A)category B)order C)party D)century 55. Professor Clark continued his research work and ______ his colleague‘s advice. A)ignored B)deplored C)explored D)implored 56. They ______ for hours but could not agree on an answer. A)debated B)checked C)talked D)fought 57. These two will never co-operate while there‘s such a basic ______ of interest between them. A)conflict B)protest C)contrast D)dispute 58. Frank ______ a perfect safety record by driving carefully. A)remained B)preserved C)entitled D)maintained 59.When I die he‘ll ______ Drogheda, as he‘s my only living relative. A)resume B)succeed C)continue D)inherit 60.he ______ nothing to the discussion. A)confined B)contributed C)directed D)devoted IV. Cloze (5%) Henry‘s job was to examine cars, which crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not smuggling anything into the country. Every evening except at weekends, he __61____see a factory worker coming up the hill towards the frontier, ___62___a bicycle with a big load of old straw on it. When the bicycle __63____ the frontier, Henry used to stop the man, __64____him take the straw off and ___65___ it. Then he would examine the straw very carefully to see __66____ he could find anything, after which he would look in all the man‘s pockets ___67___ he let him tie the straw again. The man would then put it on the his bicycle and go off down the hill with it. Although Henry was always ___68___ to find gold or jewel or other valuable things __69____ in the straw, he never found ___70___, even though he examined it carefully. He was sure that the man was ____71__ something, but he was not __72____ to imagine what it could be. Then one evening, after he had looked ___73___ the straw and emptied the factory worker‘s pockets ___74___ usual, he __75____ to him. ―Listen, I know that you are smuggling things ___76___ this frontier. Won‘t you tell me what it is that you‘re bringing into country so successfully? I‘m an old man, and today‘s my last day on the ___77___. Tomorrow I‘m going to ___78___. I promise that I shall not tell ___79___ if you tell me what you‘ve been smuggling.‖ The factory worker did not say anything for __80____. Then he smiled, turned to Henry and said quietly, ―Bicycles‖. 61. A) should B) would C) might D) must 62. A) pushing B) pulling C) filling D) carrying 63. A) arrived B) appeared C) came D) reached 64. A) force B) order C) make D) call 65. A) show B) load C) untie D) loose 66. A) that B) where C) how D) whether 67. A) before B) thus C) first D) so 79 大学英语(2)重学练习题 68. A) lucky B) expecting s C) upsetting D) insisting 69. A) had been hidden B) hiding C) have been hidden D) hidden 70. A) nothing B) something C) everything D) anything 71. A) cheating B) smuggling C) stealing D) pushing 72. A) capable B) possible C) able D) clever 73. A) through B) thoroughly C) upon D) up 74. A) then B) more C) as D) like 75. A) cried B) said C) ordered D) told 76. A) cross B) past C) across D) into 77. A) job B) work C) case D) duty 78. A) return B) retreat C) retire D) rest 79. A) everyone B) someone C) no one D) any one 80. A) long time B) period C) moment D) some time V. Translation (15%) Urgent on grounds of atmosphere universal call for affect combat regardless 艾滋病已经成为一种全球性的疾病,医生们正在寻求治疗的途径。患者一旦得了艾滋病,她周围 的气氛机会紧张起来。Susan就是这样的一位受害者。她现在急需医疗救助,然而她的公司却解雇了 她,并不管她以前取得了多大的成就。她决定告公司对他不公。她希望通过这个案件,号召社会以正 确的方式对待艾滋病人。 VI. Guided Writing (15%) Make Cities Green 1) 城市绿化的好处 2) 城市绿化的现状 3) 城市绿化的有效措施 80 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Nine (A) I. Reading Comprehension (30%) Passage One In 1957 a ten-year-old boy in California set a goal. At the time Jim Brown was the greatest running back ever to play pro football and this tall, skinny boy wanted his autograph. In order to accomplish his goal, the young boy had to overcome some obstacles. He grew up in the ghetto(贫民区), where he never got enough to cat. Malnutrition took its toll, and a disease called rickets (软骨病) forced him to wear steel splints (夹板) to support his skinny, bowed-out legs. He had no money to buy a ticket to get into the game, so he waited patiently near to the locker room until the game ended and Jim Brown left the field. He politely asked Brown For his autograph. As Brown signed, the boy explained, "Mr. Brown, I have your picture on my wall. I know you hold all the records. You're my idol," Brown smiled and began to leave, but the young boy wasn't finished. He proclaimed, "Mr. Brown, one day I'm going to break every record you hold!" Brown was impressed and asked, "What is your name, son?" The boy replied, "Orenthal James. My friends call me O. J." O. J. Simpson went on to break all but three of the rushing records held by Jim Brown before injuries shortened his football career. Goal setting is the strongest force for human motivation. Set a goal and make it come true. 21. It is________that led O. J. to success. A) his admiration for Jim Brown B) determination C) Jim Brow's encouragement D) his disability 22. Which description about Jim Brown is NOT true? A) He was a famous footballer in 1950's. B) He held several records in his field. C) He was the object of admiration of young O. J. D) He gave O. J. some private guidance. 23. Which description about O. J. is NOT true? A) He grew up in a poor family. B) He became ill because of malnutrition. C) He saw each game played by Jim Brown. D) He asked Jim Brown for his autobiography. 24.O.J. didn't break all of Jim Brown's records because________. A) he was not as strong as Jim Brown B) he wanted to leave some unbroken in memory of Jim Brown C) he was disabled anyway D) his career as a footballer ended earlier 25.The best title for the passage is________. A) Make it come true B) Story of a footballer C) O. J. and Jim Brown D) A disabled athlete Passage Two The golden rule your parents and your kindergarten teacher taught you was pretty simple :" Do unto others as you'd have others unto you." Imagine how you'd feel if you were in the other person's shoes. Stand up for yourself, but try not to hurt people's feelings. In cyberspace, we slate this in an even more basic manner: Remember the human. When you communicate electronically, all you see is a computer screen. You don't have the opportunity to use facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice to communicate your meaning: words , lonely written words , are all you've got. And that goes for your correspondent as well. When you're holding a conversation online , whether it's an email exchange or a response to a discussion group posting , it's easy to misinterpret your correspondent's meaning. And it's frighteningly easy to forget that your correspondent is a person with feelings more or less like your own. It's ironic, really. Computer networks bring people together who'd otherwise never meet. But the impersonality of the medium changes that meeting to something less personal. Humans exchanging email often behave the way some people behind the wheel of a car do: they curse at other drivers, make dirty gestures, and generally behave like savages. Most of them would never act that way at work or at home. But the interposition of the machine seems to make it acceptable. 26. The golden rule tells us________. A) one should not force others to do what he doesn't want to do B) one can do the same thing that others do C) we should not fight with each other D) we should cooperate with each other 81 大学英语(2)重学练习题 27. In electronic communication, all one needs is________. A) gestures B) sounds C) words D) pens 28. One of the disadvantages of talking online is________. A) it makes you unable to see each other B) you may forget the feelings that the other has C) it does harm to your eyes D) you cannot talk very long time 29. According to the passage, computer networks________. A) shorten the distance between people B) make the meetings less personal C) enable us lo make more friends D) enable us to hold meeting online 30. It can be inferred from the passage that________. A) having online meeting is like driving a car B) online meeting is very effective C) drivers are usually very rude and impolite D) people tend to behave rudely online Passage Three At one point along an open highway, I came to a crossroads with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but as I approached the light, it turned red, and J braked to a halt. I looked left, right, and behind me. Nothing. Not a car, no suggestion of headlights, but there I sat, waiting for the light to change, the only human being for at least a mile in any direction. I started wondering why I refused to run the light. I was not afraid of being arrested, because there was obviously no cop anywhere around and there certainly would have been no danger in going through it. Much later that night, after I'd met with a group in Lewisburg and had climbed into bed near midnight, the question of why I'd stopped for that light came back to me. 1 think I stopped because it's part of a contract we all have with each other. It's not only the law, but it's an agreement we have, and we trust each other to honor it: We don't go through red lights. Like most of us, I'm more apt to be restrained from doing something bad by the social convention that disapproves of it than by any law against it. It's amazing that we ever trust each other to do the right thing, isn't it? And we do, too. Trust is our first inclination. We have to make a deliberate decision to mistrust someone or to be suspicious or skeptical. 31. Why didn't the author run the light? A) Because he was afraid of being caught by the police. B) Because he was in a hurry. C) Because he knew it was wrong. D) Because it was dangerous to do so. 32. When the author stopped there was________. A) another car B) only his car C) a police car D) many cars 33. The author thought about his stopping for that light________. A) on his way to Lewisburg B) upon arrival at Lewisburg C) at the meeting D) in the bed late that day 34. In the author's opinion, people don't go through red lights ________. A) for it is against the law B) for fear of being knocked down C) in presence of policemen D) because of social conventions 35 "Skeptical" in the last paragraph means________. A) cautious B) alert C) doubtful D) unfriendly Passage Four One of China's most popular folk arts is paper-cutting. Archaeological finds trace the tradition back to the 6th century; it is supposed that the beginnings of paper-cutting were even a few centuries earlier. Paper-cuttings are used for decoration and as patterns. As is still partly the case outside of China, various paper objects and figures used to be buried with the dead or were burned at the funeral ceremony. Paper-cuttings, which were usually of symbolic character, were part of this ritual. They also often served as decorations for sacrificial offerings to the ancestors. Today, paper-cuttings are chiefly used as decoration. They ornament walls, windows, doors, columns, mirrors, lamps and lanterns in homes and are also used for decoration on presents or are given as presents themselves. They have special significance at festivals and on holidays. At the New Year's Festival for example, entrances are decorated with paper-cuttings, which are supposed to bring good luck. Paper-cuttings are not produced by machine, hut by hand. There are two methods of manufacture: scissor cuttings and knife cuttings. As the name indicates, scissor cuttings are fashioned with scissors. 82 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Several pieces of paper , up to eight pieces , are fashioned together. The motif(艺术作品的主题) is then cut with sharp, pointed scissors, Knife cuttings are fashioned by putting several layers of paper on a relatively soft foundation consisting of a mixture of tallow (蜡脂) and ashes. Following a pattern, the artist cuts the motif into the paper with a sharp knife, which he usually holds vertically. The advantage of knife cuttings is that considerably more paper-cuttings can be made in one operation than with scissor cuttings. 36. Paper-cutting might be traced back to________. A) 6th century B) 8th century C) earlier than 6th century D) Qing dynasty 37. Originally paper-cuttings were used________. A) in the funeral ceremony B) in the wedding ceremony C) in celebration of Spring Festival D) in honor of the dead 38. Today paper-cuttings are NOT used as________. A) decorations on walls B) decorations on presents C) patterns D) presents 39. Knife cutting can make________ paper-cuttings each time. A) up to 8 B) 8 C) much more than 8 D) unstated 40. Scissor cutting and knife cutting are different in________. A) the motif they use B) the output at a time C) the paper they use D) the usage of the paper-cuttings they make III. Vocabulary and Structure (15%) 41. The project ________by the end of 2010, will expand the city's telephone network to cover more than 5,000,000 users. A) accomplished B) being accomplished C) to be accomplished D) having been accomplished 42. He failed to supply the facts ________the case in question. A) made for B) dealt with C) relevant to D) linking to 43. Nancy, monitor in the class, was ready to ________heavy responsibilities. A) take from B) take over C) lake for D) take on 44. Detroit's advertising ________in September always generates a lot of interest in the new-model cars. A) approach B) performance C) project D) campaign 45. The lawyer made ________to the judge, asking him to be gentle with his client. A) a pledge B) a demand C) an appeal D) an excuse 46. In a hospital for the mentally ill, much of the nurse's time is devoted to maintaining a safe environment for the patients and also helping them to understand and ________essential safety measures. A) take credit for B) put into practice C) hand down D) blend in 47. In Britain today women ________44% of the workhorse, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work. A) build up B) stand for C) make up D) conform to 48. My father seemed to be in no________to look at my school report. A) feeling B) attitude C) emotion D) mood 49. It is rather ________that we still do not know how many species there are in the world today. A) misleading B) embarrassing C) boring D) demanding 50. He would say nothing about the crime; even when his lawyer questioned him, he remained________. A) inaudible B) dumb C) stubborn D) uninterested 51. The undercover agent got the information he needed in a very way. A) obvious B) delicate C) subtle D) notable ________52. I can't bear the noise of my brother's radio. Itme from my work. A) disturbs B) distracts C) interrupts D) interfere 53. This newspaper doesn't pay enough attention to ________affairs. A) exterior B) external C) interior D) elastic 54. In the room there was a long table ________candy and biscuits. A) placed with B) thrown with C) covered with D) scattered with 83 大学英语(2)重学练习题 55. ________medical checkup is advisable at least once a year. A) An annual B) A routine C) A quarterly D) An exceptional 56. The Arctic was a place where people lived for centuries with no ________from outside. A) statements B) conversations C) communications D) intelligences 57. Her brother and Pleyel were awakened and brought to her________by the mysterious voice. A) safety B) aid C) support D) need 58. Because his arguments sound so good, I am ________to agree with his conclusion. A) declined B) inclined C) implied D) impressed 59. In 1895, August Linder Bergh, a man of pioneering instincts and liberal sympathies, came to America to ________new opportunity and greater freedom. A) seek B) search C) explore D) survey 60. The criminal who tried to ________the police was disguised as a woman. A) escape B) gel rid of C) avoid D) take in 61. The traffic police were searching for evidence to prove the accused man's________, but in vain. A) mistake B) guilt C) fault D) defect 62. Her travels have ________her belief that no country is better or worse than any other. A) secured B) enforced C) established D) confirmed 63. By the last weekend, I had learned all the letters of the French________. A) symbol B) pattern C) alphabet D) sample 64. Just as radio and TV have changed many ________of our lives, so laser will bring about great changes in science and technology. A) respects B) parts C) aspects D) ways 65. The ________needs of all animals are food, water, air and protection from their enemies. A) previous B) primary C) preliminary D) prior 66. By no means ________his mistakes. A) one should ignore B) ought one to ignore C) one ought to ignore D) ought one ignore 67. About how many elements is it that make up most of the________we meet in everyday life? A) materials B) necessities C) substances D) commodities 68. What do you think of his ________that improvements be made in the old type of vacuum cleaner? A) proposal B) idea C) recommendation D) advice 69. The rise in lung cancers was a ________of cigarette smoking. A) problem B) results C) reason D) consequence 70. I know that I can not play the piano properly if my fingers are too________, but the problem is that I simply don't know how to relax the muscles. A) tense B) intensive C) stingy D) sticky IV. Cloze (5%) On the train 71 home I sat with a 72 of strawberry jam in my lap. It 73 me the 74 trip. Other women, it seemed to say, are movers and shakers , not only 75 office hours, but in their spare time as well. What, it asked, do you 76 in your spare time? I would like to report that I am using my 77 moments to complete postdoctoral studies in physics, to 78 new theories of tonal harmony for piano and horn, and to bake cakes and play baseball with my sons. The truth of the matter is, however, that I am by 79 completely unable to get my 80 together. No matter how carefully I plan my time. the plan always goes wrong. V. Translation(15%) be involved in deteriorate fundamental conflict atmosphere proposal consequence media current come through 在过去二周里,A和B两个邻国卷入武装冲突。结果,目前的外交关系进一步恶化。联合国秘书 长提出了停火,他相信两国之间关系的改善是地区稳定的关键。同时,媒体担心如果和平谈判失 84 大学英语(2)重学练习题 败, 将有严重的后果。可喜的是,谈判的气氛很友好。人们预测,如果两国度过战争危机,世界的未来将是美好的。 VI. Guided Writing (15%) Re-employment of Laid-off Workers 1) necessity of solving re-employment problem large numbers of surplus (the laid-off) affect the stability of our society 2) means of providing opportunities of re-employment tertiary industry with little restrictions on training courses working capacity 3) a two-way operation government laid-off workers adjust oneself to 85 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Nine (B) I. Reading Comprehension (25%) Passage One Antique dealers have an "in" joke. If two of them come to a desert island, they say, and at the end of the year, both will claim they have made a million. It's a story which sums up ―the trade‖. Objects, some precious, some whose only value is the old age, the pass from hand to hand in search of home. Buying an antique is always an event. Collectors, bitten by the bug, develop a selective photographic memory. Point to any cherished object they own and they can tell you when they bought it, where, form whom and for how much. They may even remember what they ate for lunch that day and whether it rained. Britain is the world's biggest antique treasure store. Across the country, any day of the week, there may be several dozen auctions taking place. Even a small town will boast a couple of shops. In historic centres like Bath, the numbers may run into hundreds, not counting the stall holders packing specialists markets there, like Guinea Lane. In theory, the public's best chance of coming out ahead is in the sale rooms. They may be very famous, such as Sortheby's, Christies or Phillip's or lively provincial firms like Hobbs and Bath. Bidding is rapid and the auctioneer will try and process as many as 140 lots an hour. Given the pressure and the tensions, it's more than sensible to view the items to be sold in advance, either the previous day or before the sale begins. Then is the time to decide how far you are prepared to go and not to decide in the heat of the battle. 11. The joke is told to ________. A) reveal the nature of the trade of auction B) play a trick on the antique dealers C) show that antique dealers often act against the law D) show that antique dealers can find antique anywhere 12. It is NOT mentioned that antique collectors will remember ________. A) the money they spent on a favorite collection item B) from whom they bought the item C) the weather of the day the deal was made D) the history of the item 13. ―The numbers‖ in the third paragraph refers to the numbers of ________. A) auction every day B) antique dealers C) antique shops D) antique collectors 14. To make a right decision, it is suggested ________. A) to have a look at the items to be sold before the auction B) not to hesitate to bid at the auction C) to relax oneself the day before the sale begins D) to arrive on time and choose a good seat 15. The atmosphere in sales room is ________. A) fast-paced B) casual C) harmonious D) agreeable Passage Two In 1857, when Mark Twain, born Samuel Clemens, became an apprentice (学徒) river pilot, steam boating had been a part of the Mississippi scene for a quarter of a century. The steamboat dominated life along the old river. How well Sam knew the magic cry. "S-t-e-a-m-boat are-coming", that woke his sleepy little home town of Hannibal, Missouri. Ten minutes before a steamboat touched the dock, the town would be dead, and ten minutes after the boat had departed, the familiar boatman's sounding call "mark twain", meaning that the river depth measured two fathoms, or twelve feet of water, could still be heard. Twain's first experience as a cub (实习) pilot was aboard the steamer Poul Jones, out of New Orleans, and his instructor was the strict Horace Bixby. Through his experience as a pilot, Sam Clemens soon learned that there was more to piloting on the Old Mississippi than having sharp eyes. The most important skill was the necessity of a memory. About three years after Clemens received his pilot's license, the Civil War cut off Mississippi steam boating in its prime. It never fully recovered: just when fine boats like the Natchez and the Robert E. Lee were reviving the old glory, along came the depression of 1873. 16. Steam boating emerged on the Mississippi in________. A)1812 B) 1832 C) 1852 D) 1872 17. It can be inferred from the passage that Clemens named himself Mark Twain most probably because________. A) it was a familiar sound to him at hometown B) it was a term often used by sailors 86 大学英语(2)重学练习题 C) he loved his hometown very much D) he loved the Mississippi very much 18. According to the passage, pilots on the Mississippi must________. . A) remember things clearly B) be young and strong C) be very strict D) know the situation well 19. The steam boating business started to decline________. A) before the Civil War B) after the Civil War broke out C) after the Civil War ended D) during the late stage of the Civil War 20. The depression in 1873________. A) stopped the steam boating from booming again B) revived the steam boating C) put an end to the steam boating D) led to the emergence of steam boating Passage Three Sometimes we like things loose, unstructured, in blue jeans. Sometimes we like things precise, brilliant, and charming. This is the heart of ballet. By all logical assumptions, it should never have survived the French Revolution. An art form developed out of the formality of court life, it boasts an almost mathematical vocabulary of steps and gestures. Ballet in the past few hundred years has both evolved and remained still. Any city worth its charter supports a ballet company and at least one annual production of ―The Nutcracker.‖ Productions of nineteenth-century classics have been a staple (主要内容) of "high" culture to a small but devoted audience. But the art form has witnessed some radical experimentation, as well. One of the half-dozen geniuses of the twentieth century, George Balanchine, blew the dust off traditional ballet. He made generous use of composers such as Bruckner, and Stravinsky. Balanchine realized, like all great ballet enthusiasts, that the true soul of ballet is music. What gives the dancing its most heartfelt pleasures are the dancers, their athleticism evidence of what perfection the human body is capable of, their grace and elegant, physical representation of the music itself. The intellectual thrill of ballet lies in watching the laying out of patterns, the arresting power of a solo, the corps of 50 dancers moving on tiptoes in extreme unity. When all the elements work together, we leave the theater with our postures considerably improved. ________21. According to the passage, ballet was developed. A) in the imperial court B) for the masses C) during the French Revolution D) after the French Revolution ________22. It can be inferred from the passage that ballet's steps and gestures are A) designed to be precise B) casual and emotional C) easy to understand D) difficult to follow ________23. Stravinsky was most probably a. A) classic composer B) contemporary composer C) radical composer D) a generous composer ________24. Balanchine will approve of the opinion that A) ballet should stick to the tradition B) the traditional ballet should be thrown away C) music is the most important element in ballet D) only genius can understand modem ballet ________25. The last sentence implies that. A) we are stunned by the performance of the ballet players B) we try to imitate the ballet players C) we are affected by the beautiful postures of the ballet players D) we used to have ugly postures Passage Four: Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese, (10%) (26) Although by law every British child must attend school from the age of five until he or she is sixteen, one percent still cannot read at the end. A further 15 percent find reading and writing difficult and 20 percent are barely numerate. Employment for those lacking literacy and mathematical competence is shrinking: half a century ago, young people who were not well educated became laborers, but more and more heavy work is done by machinery. They have to be able to read the instructions. More and more jobs demand computer skills, which are heavily dependent on the ability to read and understand written commands. (27) After three years of foreign language learning, half of 14-year-olds tested recently could not order a Coca Cola or ask the way to the town centre. What has gone wrong? (28) Formerly 25 percent of children passed a selective examination to enter grammar school, or academic secondary education. The rest went to elementary schools, leaving at 15. Twenty years ago, this system was reformed, and small schools of 300 or 400 pupils were turned into large comprehensive schools. 87 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Comprehensive schools brought problems, because the majority of children are neither suited to, nor capable of, high academic achievement. A generation reared on television is unwilling to learn hard and schools are no longer allowed to punish pupils. (29) Teachers say parents should discipline their children, but it seems few do. (30) Now the government has cut the money available for education. and teachers are being sacked. In theory, no class should have more than 30 pupils. In practice, extra bodies in the classroom are common, and pupils have to share books. III. Vocabulary and Structure (15%) 31. The people who objected to the new approach were told that since work had already started there ________was no point in. A) denying B) upsetting C) protesting D) competing 32. The problems requiring immediate solution will be given ________at the meeting. A) priority B) urgency C) superiority D) emergency 33. The President stood on the ________waving to the crowd below. A) flat B) floor C) balcony D) apartment 34. If you fill a test tube with water and heat it near the top, the water will boil at the top and heat will be _______downwards. A) contacted B) contracted C) connected D) conducted 35. Toward the end of his week-long journey, he curled up on Doctor Allen's front _______for a nap. A) garden B) house C) porch D) platform 36. Dogs are often praised for their _______; they almost never abandon their masters. A) faith B) loyalty C) trust D) truthfulness 37. Bruce Stephen gripped the _______wheel hard as the car bounced up and down. A) stirring B) driving C) steering D) revolving 38. The people at the party were worried about Janet because no one was _______ she had gone. A) known where that B) aware of where C) noticed of place where D) told the place 39. I wonder if you would mind _______you for a moment. A) for me to interrupt B) me to interrupt C) my interrupting D) I interrupting 40. The manager lost his _______just because. his secretary was ten minutes late. A) mood B) temper C) mind D) passion 41. Don't _______me. I have been writing letter all the morning and have written ten so far. A) worry B) trouble C) attract D) disturb 42. Before we happened to join the same fraternity, I had known Tim only as a casual _______. A) friend B) relative C) acquaintance D) brotherhood 43. For two and a half years, the Wrights lived a _______of uncertainty, consulting specialist after specialist. A) nightmare B) germ C) grocery D) prison 44. _______he prepared his lessons well; at other times he docs very poor work. A) Now and then B) First and last C) On one occasion D) At first 45. The roads were very busy so traffic _______along at 10 miles an hour. A) climbed B) dashed C) crawled D) drift 46. Lily encountered some _______in her design which made her pause and ponder. A) obstacle B) obstinate C) objection D) block 47. He swallows his words so much that I can never _______what he is saying. A) make out B) make up C) deal with D) point out 48. The willow branch _______when the second boy stepped on it. A) smashed B) relaxed C) interrupted D) snapped 49. The crowd at the ball game generally _______great quantities of hot dogs and hamburgers. A) cost B) consumed C) spent D) exhausted 50. Work on the library extension had to be _______while labor was diverted to more urgent projects. A) set about B) set forward C) set aside D) set down 51. We managed to reach the top of the mountain, and half an hour later we began to _______. A) ascend B) descend C) decline D) plunge 88 大学英语(2)重学练习题 52. The doctor told me to eat regular meals but to _______them with vitamin pills. A) supplement B) accomplish C) supply D) compliment 53. There is an undesirable _______nowadays to make films showing violence. A) direction B) tradition C) phenomenon D) trend 54. This stew has the _______of Spanish cooking. A) elements B) characteristics C) factors D) substitutes 55. It would be _______to remark on her appearance. A) rude B) rough C) coarse D) crude 56. _______inspected this radio should have put its work permit number on the box. A) Whom B) Whoever C) Who D) Which 57. These are some features that _______spoken English from written English. A) separate B) compare C) contrast D) distinguish 58. So great was the _______that the South took decades to recover. A) damage B) ruin C) explosion D) destruction 59. Space _______to the distant planets has been made possible with the rapid development of modern technology. A) exploration B) explosion C) cultivation D) civilization 60. The president of the college, together with the deans, is planning a conference for the purpose of laying down certain _______. A) regulations B) terms C) stipulations D) disciplines IV. Cloze (5%) Men have traveled ever 61 they first appeared on the earth. 62 primitive times they did not travel for pleasure but to find new places 63 their herds could feed, or to escape 64 hostile neighbors, or to find more favorable 65 They traveled on foot. Their journeys were long, 66 , and often dangerous. They protected 67 with simple weapons, such as wooden sticks or stone clubs, and by lighting fires at night and, above 68 , by keeping together. 69 intelligent and creative, they soon discovered easier ways of traveling. They 70 on the backs of their domesticated animals, theyhollowed out tree trunks and , by using bits of wood as paddles, were able to travel 71 water. Later they traveled, not from necessity, 72 for the joy and excitement of seeing and experiencing new things. This is still the main reasons 73 we travel today. Traveling, of course, has now become a 74 organized business. There are cars and splendid roads, 75 trains, huge ships and jet airliners, all of 76 provide us 77 comforts and security. This sounds wonderful. But there are difficulties. If you want to go 78 . you need a passport and a visa, tickets, luggage, and a hundred and 79 other things. If you lose any of them, your journey may be 80 . 61. A) when B) since C) while D) then 62. A) In B) At C) On D) Upon 63. A) wherever B) there C) where D) when 64. A) from B) off C) away D) of 65. A days B) seasons C) climates D) weathers 66. A tiring B) tired C) tireless D) worn. 67. A) them B) themselves C) oneself D) itself 68. A) everything B) anything C) nothing D) all 69. A) Be B) Being C) Were D) Was 70. A) rose B) rode C) robbed D) rolled 71. A) over B) on C) under D) across 72. A) but B) and C) also D) or 73. A) because B) how C) as D) why 74. A) greatly B) much C) high D) highly 89 大学英语(2)重学练习题 75. A) express B) expressing C) expressed D) expression 76. A) what B) that C) whom D) which 77. A) for B) to C) with D) upon 78. A) aboard B) abroad C) home D) out 79. A) one B) two C) three D) four 80. A) destroyed B) damaged C) ruined D) wounded V. Translation(15%) in due course apply for promotion go to extremes core rely on take an aversion to be bound to John在得到目前这个工作之前,已经申请了许多的工作。难怪他讨厌每个新来的人。更糟糕的是,他在升迁问题上走了极端。在同事的眼里,他是一个不能信任的人。这是他的悲剧。事实上,他应该耐心等待他的升职。只要业绩足够好,每个人到时候都能得到提升。核心问题是时间。 VI. Guided Writing (15%) Man And Animals 1) 人与动物的关系 2) 野生动物的现状 3) 如何保护野生动物 90 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Ten (A) I. Reading Comprehension (30%) Passage One Studies have found findings that light or moderate drinking may reduce men's and women's risk of heart disease. But experts caution that drinking has been linked to other health risks in women, including breast cancer and birth defects. Exercise and reducing salt intake are other ways to control blood pressure. Women should be wary of interpreting the findings to conclude that it's a good idea to start drinking. The reduced risk was found in women who drank an average of one-quarter to one-half a drink daily, or two to three drinks a week. One drink equaled about a 12-ounce bottle of beer, a 4-ounce glass of wine or a little less than a shot of liquor. How alcohol affects blood pressure is unclear, but one theory suggests that small amounts relax the blood vessels, easing blood flow. I The study also found that isolated binge (饮酒作乐)drinking , morel than 10 drinks over three or fewer days , did not increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart attacks. 21. ―Wary‖ in the second paragraph means________. A) cautious B) wise C) wrong D) alert 22. ________is not mentioned in the passage as a way of controlling blood pressure. A) Exercise B) Eat less salt C) Moderate drinking D) Drink adequate water 23. It can be inferred from the passage that ________. A) drinking is good to people's health B) fewer female drinkers than male drinkers suffer from heart diseases C) the older a woman is, the less possible she may have heart diseases D) heavy drinking will increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart attacks 24. Light drinking may bring about ________. A) the increase of blood pressure B) breast cancer C) heart attack D) hardening of Wood vessels 25. Which of the Following statements is true? A) Light drinking will help you keep fit. B) It's good for women to start drinking. C) It's still unexplained as to how drinking and blood pressure is related. D) Isolated binge drinking can be beneficial to people's health. Passage Two ACT, Inc. is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides more than a hundred assessment, research, information, and program management services in the broad areas of educational planning, career planning, and workforce development. The concept for the American College Testing Program emerged in the 1950s, and the 91 大学英语(2)重学练习题 organization itself was founded in 1959. At this time, U.S. political and demographic (人口的) developments were inspiring major changes in attitudes about, and approaches to, higher education. Before 1959, there was only one nationwide college-entrance testing program, which focused on identifying the very best students for admission to the nation's elite universities. The remainder of college students were often admitted on the basis of family ties or entrance exams offered by individual institutions. In the late 1950s, large numbers of students were approaching college age and wanted to attend college. Financial aid to students was increasing, and most colleges wanted to grow. That was the atmosphere in which ACT‘s founders established the American College Testing Program. As the nation's view of education has evolved to one embracing life-long learning, ACT's programs have grown and evolved in the same direction, helping people plan for and assess learning throughout their lives from college through graduate school and also in the workplace. 26. Which description about ACT is NOT true? A) It is a non-profit organization. B) It was founded in late 1950s. C) It provides services in many areas. D) It was founded by the U.S. government. 27. Before 1959, ________. A) there was only one nationwide college entrance examination B) no one ever came up with the idea of ACT C) only a few students could enter college D) some students didn't have to lake the exams offered by individual colleges 28. Which is not listed as one of the reasons led to the emergence of ACT? A) Growing population. B) Increasing financial aids to students. C) Increasing unemployment rate. D) Many colleges' desire to grow. 29. ACT may not provide services to ________. A) college students B) pupils C) graduate students D) newly-graduated students 30. ACT can not help a college student ________. A) work out his career plan B) write dissertation C) set up study schedule D) adjust to campus life Passage Three The first celebrations in honor of mothers were held in the spring in ancient Greece. They paid tribute to Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. In the United States, Julia Ward Howe suggested the idea of Mother's Day in 1872. Howe, who wrote the words to the Battle Hymn of the Republic, saw Mother's Day as being dedicated to peace. Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia is credited with bringing about the official observance of Mother's Day. Her campaign to establish such a holiday began as a remembrance of her mother, who died in 1905 and who had, in the late 19th century, tried to establish "Mother's Friendship Days" as a way to heal the scars of the Civil War. Two years after her mother died, Javis held a ceremony in Grafton, W. Va., to honor her. She was so moved by the proceedings that she began a massive campaign to adopt a formal holiday honoring mothers. In 1910, West Virginia became the first state to recognize Mother's Day. A year later, nearly every state officially 92 大学英语(2)重学练习题 marked the day. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson officially proclaimed Mother's Day as a national holiday to be held on the second Sunday of May. Today, many celebrations of Mother's Day are held throughout (ho world. Although they do not all fall at the same lime, such countries as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia and Belgium also celebrate Mother's Day on the same day as the United slates. 31. Mother's Day was regarded as a nationwide official holiday in the U. S. in ________. A) 1872 B) 1905 C) 1910 D)1914 32. Howe suggested people to observe Mother's Day for ________. A) peace B) comforting mothers C) love D) honoring God 33. Javis' mother ________. A) worked hard to gain official recognition of Mother's Day B) help start the observance of Mother's Friendship Days C) wanted to do something to help people recover from the Civil War D) instructed Javis to start a campaign for Mother's Day 34. Javis started the campaign for Mother's Day in ________. A)1872 B)1905 C) 1907 D) 1910 35. Which description about Mother's Day is true? A) Howe was the first person coming up with the idea of Mother's Day. B) Javis started the campaign for Mother's Day at the request of her mother. C) Mother's Day doesn't necessarily falls on the same day. D) All the states in the U. S. started to observe Mother's Day before 1910. Passage Four When it comes to walking off those excesses, a lengthy hike once a day will do you far more good than nipping down to (一溜烟跑)the shops every couple of hours—、even if the short walks add up to the same amount of time, say exercise researchers in Britain. But walks of any length beat sitting at home with your feet up and watching television, they stress. Some researchers in Britain reached these conclusions after putting 56 couch potatoes through an 18-week: course of daily walks. They found that longer walks produce the most beneficial changes to the composition of blood fats, but walks of any length improve the fitness of the heart. In the study, the normally inactive subjects were divided into three roughly equal groups. The ―long walkers‖ took a hike of between 20 and 40 minutes every day. "Intermediate walkers" had two rounds of jogging of 10 to 15 minutes, and "short walkers" did three stints of 90 to 110 minutes. The controls sat at home, as usual. At the start and end of the 18 weeks, the health and fitness of each group were measured and it was found that the long walkers were healthiest, as measured by altered fat profiles in their blood. At the end, each litre of blood from the long walkers contained an average 0. 05 grains less apolipoprotein (阿朴脂蛋白)II, a "bad" fat that is linked with heart disease. This was more than twice the drop seen in the 93 大学英语(2)重学练习题 intermediate walkers, and five times that in short walkers. In the controls, the level of this fat stayed the same. The drop in apolipoprotein II in the long walkers was matched by a rise in the blood level of apolipoprotein I, a ―good‖ fat that is associated with smooth arteries. 36. According to the researchers, ________is least beneficial to your health. A) taking a lengthy hike once a day B) going shopping several times every day C) doing jogging every morning D) sitting in the sofa watching TV every evening 37. "Couch potato" in the second paragraph is used to refer to a kind of ________. A) farmers B) vegetables C) movie-goers D) TV viewers 38. Which of the following statement is FALSE? A) Longer walks benefit our composition of blood fats. B) The subjects in the study all often watch TV. C) Only longer walks benefit our health. D) The subjects in the study may not like exercises. 39. The subjects are divided into ________groups. A) 4 B) 3 C) 2 D) 1 40. Why is long walk beneficial to our heart? A) It help us lose weight. B) It leads to the drop in apolipoprotein I. C) It leads to the drop in apolipoprotein II. D) It keeps us from watching TV. III. Vocabulary and Structure (15%) 41. The people living in these apartments have free to ________that swimming pool. A) access B) excess C) excursion D) recreation 42. We ________our colleague on his engagement to the beautiful film star. A) commented B) greeted C) congratulated D) praised 43. As a result of the radio ____for help for the earthquake victims, over a million pounds have been raised. A) appeal B) transmission C) programme D) advertisement 44. If you want a cheap ticket you must ________it well in advance. A) resolve B) reserve C) engage D) buy 45. The actors have to ________before they appear in front of the strong lights on television. A) cover up B) paint up C) make up D) do up 46. When she was criticized, she claimed that it was outside her ________of responsibility. A) field B) limit C) extent D) range 47. To be frank, I'd rather you ________in the case. A) will not be involved B) not involved C) not to be involved D) were not involved 48. The dentist tried to ________me with questions about politics, while trying to extract my molar. A) trouble B) distract C) attract D) bother 49. A bridge can be ________a structure getting over an obstacle, such as a river, a road or railways. A) considered as B) looked like C) defined as D) dealt with 50. The runners were ________after the marathon. A) exhausted B) amazed C) frightened D) surprised 51. I can't write any letters today: I'm not in the ________. A) temper B) mood C) feelings D) emotion 94 大学英语(2)重学练习题 52. Their profits have grown rapidly in recent years, and this upward ________is expected to continue. A) action B) increase C) stream D) tendency 53. Even when Josh was in his sixties he took part in swimming competitions, and a lot of younger people couldn't ________him. A) keep up with B) come up to C) chase after D) set off for 54. After ________for the job, you will be required to take a language test. A) being interviewed B) interviewed C) interviewing D) having interviewed 55. It has been revealed that some government leaders ________their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves. A) employ B) lake C) abuse D) overlook 56. In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly ________. A) gaps B) intervals C) length D) distance 57. The doctor told Penny that too much ________to the sun is bad for the skin. A) exposure B) extension C) exhibition D) expansion 58. There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in ________with its surroundings. A) coincidence B) harmony C) uniform D) alliance 59. The weather was good except for an ________shower. A) optional B) additional C) intentional D) occasional 60. Hawthorne's stories expose the corrupting powers of ________and pride. A) guilt B) blame C) shame D) innocence 61 Now the ________between the rich and the poor countries has become even wider. A) gap B) gate C) gallery D) gang 62. From the map you can see Scotland ________on England. A) links B) joins C) connects D) borders 63. All ________of American education were hurt by inflation. A) factors B) respect C) features D) aspects 64. A good ________now exists in our society. A) climate B) status C) morality D) thought 65. He will stop showing off if no notice ________of him. A) is taken B) will be taken C) takes D) has taken 66. The environment of this city will be more seriously ________unless effective measures are taken to prevent factories from sending out poisonous gases and waste water. A) damaged B) destroyed C) affected D) polluted 67. He is a ________drinker; he only drinks one or two beers a day. A) modal B) modest C) modem D) moderate 68. The highly skilled men take supplies to areas where ________diseases are at work, or kill dangerous plant pests by spraying the crops. A) dead B) died C) deadly D) dying 69. He finally ________the operation on his heart. 95 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A) stayed alive B) got over C) survived from D) came through 70. Teaching students of threshold level is hard work but the effort is very ________. A) precious B) rewarding C) worth D) challenging IV. Cloze (5%) After too long on I he Net, even a phone call can be a 71 My boyfriend's Liverpool accent suddenly becomes impossible to 72 after his easily understood words on screen; a secretary's clipped tone seems more 73 than I'd imagined it would be. Time itself becomes 74 , hours become minutes, or seconds 75 into days. Weekends, once a 76 of my week, are now just two 77 days. For the last three years, since I stopped working as a television producer, I have done much of my work as a telecommuter. I 78 articles and edit them 79 email and communicate with colleagues on Internet mailing lists. My boyfriend lives in England, so much of our relationship is also 80 , V. Translation(15%) a piece of cake on several occasions relax care for a snack of race the clock distinguish cultivate client 要想同吋成为一名成功的职业妇女和一个称职的母亲,对Mary 而言,不是件容易的事。她每天 似乎在和时间赛跑。早上吃点面包和牛奶,她就冲到办公室上班,一天的工作从检查网上客户的邮件 开始。回到家,她要照顾儿子,教他分辨是非,帮他培养良好的习惯。一天工作下来,她想看电视放 松一下,但她太累了,好几次看电视的时候都睡着了。 VI. Guided Writing (15%) Information And Society 1) The society is full of information without information advancements be based on 2) We can obtain information by lots of means domestic and international happenings information highway 3) We should take advantage of information make the information valuable 96 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Test Ten (B) I. Reading Comprehension (25%) Passage One Narcissus was a handsome youth. His lovely face and graceful form were the admiration of all who looked upon him. And he knew it. He was so proud that he thought no one but himself was worthy to see his youthful beauty. Narcissus avoided all company, just roamed the wooded hills every day, madly in love with himself. When he was delightfully wandering about through the woods one day, a wood nymph (仙女),Echo by name, caught sight of him. She fell in love for him at once. Joyfully moving down towards Narcissus, she stretched out her loving arms. To her disappointment, however, the young man roughly brushed her aside and went by without so much as a glance at her. The poor nymph blushed and quickly withdrew to a shady spot, following the object of her love with her longing eyes. Presently Narcissus stopped to drink from a little brook. Kneeling down on the side, he saw a lovely face in the clear water. He smiled and was smiled back to. Thinking that it must be a beauty in love with him, he bent down to kiss her. But as soon as he touched the clear surface the lovely face vanished. The youth was now desperate. Never had he been despised like that before. Day and night, he stayed at the stream without drinking and eating. Before long he died, never suspecting that his nymph was none other than his own image in the brook. The gods took pity on the fair corpse and turned it into a flower bearing his name. Echo saw all this, slowly she laded away for despised love, until at last nothing remained of her except her voice. 11. The story is most probably adapted from ________. A) legendary stories B) fairy tales C) folklore D) Greece mythology 12. Narcissus ________. A) was deeply in love with himself B) refused Echo's love cruelly C) ran into a beautiful girl at a lake D) made friends with Echo 13. Echo ________. A) was a beautiful nymph living in water B) loved Narcissus for his beautiful reflection C) loved Narcissus at first glance D) saved Narcissus' life 14. Narcissus finally died because ________. A) he committed suicide B) Echo took revenge on him C) he fell in love for his own reflection D) he wanted to change into flower 15. It can be inferred from the story that narcissus nowadays refers to ________. A) a kind of flower growing in water B) tragic love C) a kind of flower growing in wood D) despised love Passage Two Author Steven Pincker, a scholar of linguistics, maintained that traditional anthropology (人类学)has 97 大学英语(2)重学练习题 done humanity a great harm by focusing on the odd, unreasonable elements in human society. This has distorted our understanding of each other, separating us into the known and unknown, whatever our perspectives. Pincker's point is well taken. Ho argues that should an extraterrestrial (外星人),for example, land on planet earth she would be struck not by these differences, which would be invisible to her, but by how much alike we all are. She would hear us speak, run human speech through her PDA (Personal Digital Assistance). and learn that all human speeches have nouns, verbs and modifiers. Each one of the 800 or so human languages has ways to express relative location (English uses a vast array of prepositions for this purpose; other languages use case markers, or post-positional words, like Japanese). All languages express what is past, what is happening at the moment, and has ways to predict or plan future action. All have words and phrases to express hope and hopelessness, passion and friendship, anger and negotiation and apology. The extraterrestrial would say we all speak dialects of one common language. Pincker has noted that there are emotional and cultural universals that stretch across races, across national borders, with differences only in the, slightest sense. All cultures value beauty, and a beautiful baby or woman or man is recognized as such whether African, Asian or European. All cultures cherish families and punish crime, and define crime in fairly similar ways. 16. Pincker thinks traditional anthropology has laid too much emphasis on ________. A) the differences among human beings B) the similarities among human races C) the differences between the human and the extraterrestrial D) the similarities between the human and the extraterrestrial 17. According to Pinker, if the extraterrestrial comes to earth, ________. A) she will be impressed by the odd and dark sides of human beings B) human beings tend to treat her in an odd and hostile way C) she will first notice the common points in all human beings D) she will be strongly impressed by the language of English and Japanese 18. Which of the following point about human languages is NOT mentioned in the passage? A) They all have ways to express relative locations. B) They all have ways to express time. C) They all have ways to describe family and crime. D) They all have ways to describe feelings. 19. Pincker will most probably agree that ________. A) if we behave like the extraterrestrial, we can be happier and more contented B) different peoples have different standards about beauty C) different languages on the earth are dialects of one common language D) if we notice more of the common parts among human beings, we can live a more peaceful life 20. The author's attitude towards Pincker's theory is ________ . A) critical B) ironical C) objective D) negative Passage Three The millionaire class, a small but growing one into which any of us may be flung tomorrow by the accidents of commerce, is perhaps the most neglected class in the community. In the advertisements of the manufacturers of the country, I find that everything is produced for the million and nothing for the millionaire. Children, youths, "gents", ladies, professional men, even politicians and officers are catered for (迎合);but the millionaire's custom is evidently not worth having: there are too few of him, whilst the poorest have their Rag Fair, a duly organized and busy market in Hounds-ditch, where you 98 大学英语(2)重学练习题 can buy a boot for a penny, you may search the world in vain for the market where the $50 boot, the special dear line of bats at forty guineas, the cloth of gold bicycling suit, and the Cleopatra red wine, four pearls to the bottle, can be purchased wholesale (批发). Thus the unfortunate millionaire has the responsibility of great wealth without the possibility of enjoying himself more than any ordinary rich man. Indeed, in many things he cannot enjoy himself more than many poor men do, nor even so much. Anyway, for what use is it to be able to pay for a peacock's brain sandwich when there is nothing to be had but ham or beef? And yet there is no sympathy for this hidden sorrow of millionaires. The poor alone are pitied. Societies spring up in all directions to relieve all sorts of comparatively happy people. In all our dealings with him lies implicit, the thought that he has nothing to complain of, and that he ought to be ashamed of rolling in wealth whilst others are starving. 21. The best title for the article is ________. A) The Rag Fair B) The Sorrow of Millionaires C) The Poor and the Millionaires D) Being a Millionaire 22. According to the article, ________. A) the number of millionaires is on the rise B) millionaires have made great profits from Rag Fairs C) children and youth are the major targets of advertising D) poor people live the most comfortable life 23. The author will most probably agree that ________. A) anyone may become a millionaire given by opportunity B) millionaires all like to eat peacock's brain sandwich C) an average rich man lives a better life than a poor person D) the poor need more concern from the public 24. Many societies are established ________. A) to condemn the millionaires' way of life B) to help the people in poverty C) to call on the millionaires to help the poor D) to establish more Rag Fairs for the poor 25. The author's tone is kind of ________. A) concerned B) sympathetic C) critical D) satirical Passage Four: Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese. (10%) Facial makeup is a special art in Chinese operas, which distinctly shows the appearance of different roles as well as their characters and moral qualities by means of artistic exaggeration combined with truthful portrayal and symbolism. (26) Facial makeup also serves to express praise or blames towards the characters. (27) In some local operas, facial makeup is applied to all the different roles. But in Beijing Opera, the most representative of Chinese operas, facial makeup is limited only to the roles of 'jung'("净"角) and 'chou'. A 'chou' (clown) is characterized by his white-painted nose, which gives a comic effect, and there are relatively few facial makeup patterns for a chou' role. (28) There is a large variety of facial makeup patterns for 'Jung' in Peking: Opera, namely, ''whole face" , "three-tile face", "quartered face", division face", "tiny-flowered face", "lopsided (半边的) face, etc. Different colors such as red, yellow, blue, white, black, purple, green, gold and silver are used for facial makeup. (29) The main color in a facial makeup symbolizes the disposition of the character. Red indicates devotion, courage and uprightness. Yellow signifies fierceness, ambition and cool-headedness. Blue represents firmness and fierceness. White suggests treacherousness (狡诈)and suspiciousness and craftiness. 99 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Black symbolizes roughness and fierceness. Purple stands for uprightness, sophistication and cool-headedness. Gold and silver colors are usually used for gods and spirits. (30) Facial makeup is not only a special art in Chinese operas, but also an art of ornamental design, and has become a new variety in Chinese painting. III. Vocabulary and Structure (15%) 31. A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial ________ . A) mark B) feature C) trace D) appearance 32. Frequently single-parent children ________some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have served. A) take off B) take after C) take in D) take on 33. The price of beer ________from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season. A) altered B) ranged C) separated D) differed 34. The doctor was asked to go back to the hospital because of________case. A) an operation B) an emergency C) a treatment D) an incident 35. These startling events ________intense excitement throughout Europe. A) stimulated B) aroused C) provoked D) irritated 36. Another big issue ________the new republic is the problem of the education of its citizens. A) confining B) confirming C) conforming D) confronting 37. New York ______ second in the production of apples, producing 850,000,000 pounds this years. A) ranked B) occupied C) arranged D) classified 38. Chew your meat thoroughly before you ________it. A) swallow B) dip C) eat D) have 39. Though she is easily irritable, she never ________in front of children. A) loses her heart B) out of her temper C) gets angry with D) loses her temper 40. There are millions of pain nerves in the body, and when any of which are even slightly ________, they flash a pain impulse to the brain. A) affected B) disturbed C) influenced D) impacted 41. It must be ________that he disliked her from the first. A) recognized B) acknowledged C) said D) thought 42. In recent years there has been a strong ________toward the "open classroom" in the elementary schools of the United States. A) assumption B) transition C) bent D) tendency 43. I'll lend you my camera but don't ________it. A) accuse B) amuse C) abuse D) disuse 44. I'm afraid you've been ________. This bank note is a forgery. A) taken in B) taken up C) taken down D) taken out 45. For many patients, institutional care is the most ________and beneficial form of care. A) persistent B) appropriate C) thoughtful D) sufficient 46. Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular ___. A) gaps B) rate C) length D) intervals 47. They are going to have the serviceman ________an electric fan in the office tomorrow. 100 大学英语(2)重学练习题 A) install B) to install C) to be installed D) installed 48. I am afraid that you have to alter your ________views in light of the tragic news that has just arrived. A) indifferent B) distressing C) optimistic D) pessimistic 49. A friend of mine returned to his house after a holiday, only to find it ________。 A) be broken into B) was broken into C) had broken into D) had been broken into 50. When it is ________to catch the animals the tiger has been accustomed to eating, it is driven by necessity to killing human beings. A) unable B) enabled C) allowed D) forced 51. The domestic self-sufficiency that is so ______ the American suburbs is not nearly so common in other societies. A) important to B) far from C) characteristic of D) helpful with 52. Medical research has shown that the widespread use of cigarettes ________the increase of cancers. A) attributes to B) concentrates on C) keeps up with D) contributes to 53. The coming of the railways in the 1830s ________our society and economic life. A) transformed B) transported C) transferred D) transmitted 54. The world's governments have done ________nothing to combat the threat of nuclear accidents. A) inherently B) vitally C) virtually D) identically 55. People were surprised to find that he had the ability to ________everything he was involved in. A) precede B) dominate C) effect D) instruct 56. Our holiday was ________by showers of rain. A) spoiled B) destroyed C) crashed D) discouraged 57. As far as the style is ________, it leaves very little to be desired. A) involved B) concerned C) related D) connected 58. A ________of heart specialists is meeting in New York to discuss the latest developments in that field. A) board B) corporation C) congress D) constitution 59. The water at the bathing beach was ________by refuse from the factory. A) poisoned B) possessed C) polluted D) polished 60. In ________of your bad work I am forced to dismiss you. A) consequence B) result C) addition D) the light IV. Cloze (5%) According to Government statistics, men of all social classes in Britain visit pubs 61 , though the kind of pub they 62 be different and their reasons 63 there vary, too. Nowadays they often take their wives or girl friends, which used 64 . The fact that the typical English pub is changing, partly 65 the licensing laws not being so strict as they were, but also because publicans are trying 66 away with the old Victorian image of the pub and instead provide couples with an atmosphere where they 67 . Pubs 68 to open except at certain times; 69 they were usually 70 with men who seemed 71 as much as possible in the time available. But 72 is rapidly becoming 73 . 101 大学英语(2)重学练习题 Curiously enough, the old British licensing laws, 74 found so objectionable and absurd, were originally introduced as a temporary measure to stop workers 75 in the First World War. Afterwards, the strong Puritanical element in Parliament took 76 the law and retained it. Opening hours are still limited to eight hours 77 day, but the publican can now choose which hours 78 . And these days you even get a cup of coffee if you 79 beer. But in spite of this the Puritans 80 that a pub could become a respectable place. 61. A) quite regular B) rather regular C) quite regularly D) rather regularly 62. A) go can B) go may C) go to can D) go to may 63. A) for going B) in going C) why they go D) that they to 64. A) to be not the case B) not to be the case C) to be not the case D) not to be the fact 65. A) because B) because of C) in that D) for the reason of 66. A) doing B) to do C) making D) to make 67. A) both can enjoy B) both can enjoy themselves C) can both enjoy D) can both enjoy themselves 68. A) used not B) did not be used C) were not used D) were used not 69. A) as the result B) for a result C) it was the result that D) the result was that 70. A) covered B) crowded C) full D) plenty 71. A) drinking B) to be drunk C) to be drinking D) that they drank 72. A) this kind of pubs B) that kind of pubs C) these kinds of pub D) these kinds of pubs 73. A) a past thing B) a thing of the past C) an out-of-date thing D) a thing out-of-date 74. A) that foreigners B) that strangers C) which foreigners D) which strangers 75. A)drinking B) drink C) to drink D) that they drank 76. A) advantage of B) advantage out of C) profit of D) profit out of 77. A) a B) the C) for D) one 78. A) fit him better B) fit him best C) suit him better D) suit him best 79. A) would rather it to B) would rather it than C) prefer it to D) prefer it than 80. A) never would dream to admit B) never would dream of admitting C) would never dream to admit D) would never dream of admitting V. Translation(15%) perform keep up with jar on get sucked into but then concern remark bear out 和其他女孩子不一样,Carrie不喜欢赶时髦,她只关心学习。几天前,我和Tom展幵了一场辩论, 讨论Carrie是聪明呢还是只是勤奋而已。我拿出证据说,Carrie在期末考试做得比别人好,但同时, 她 做的时间也比别人长。Tom不同意我的看法,说我嫉妒Carrie,他粗鲁的话语令我很不舒服。 VI. Guided Writing (15%) My View on Job-hopping 1) 反对跳槽的观点 2) 赞成跳槽的观点 3) 我的观点 102 大学英语(2)重学练习题
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