首页 > 英国人说760万能买到幸福


2017-04-03 3页 doc 7KB 4阅读




英国人说760万能买到幸福英国人说760万能买到幸福   They say money can't buy you happiness, but according to a new study £7.6million will bring you exactly that.   他们都说金钱买不来幸福,但是根据最新的研究表明,760万可以为你买到幸福。   Experts carried out research into the nation's financial aspirations and found £7,646,500 would be...
英国人说760万能买到幸福   They say money can't buy you happiness, but according to a new study £7.6million will bring you exactly that.   他们都说金钱买不来幸福,但是根据最新的研究表明,760万可以为你买到幸福。   Experts carried out research into the nation's financial aspirations and found £7,646,500 would be the average amount Brits said would need to set them up for life.   专家开展了英国全民财务期望调查,发现764万6500英镑是英国人说确保衣食无忧的平均值。   Around 62 per cent of those polled thought it was possible for money to bring you happiness – with one in 10 claiming they would need at least £50million to put a permanent smile on their face.   近乎62%的人投票声明用金钱是很可能买来幸福的——1/10的人声明他们会需要至少5000万让自己永远笑口常开。   The research, which involved almost 2,000 adults of all ages, found that 22 per cent would consider not telling their partner if they landed a substantial windfall.   这项研究由2000名不同年龄阶层的成年人参与,研究发现22%的人认为如果他们获得了一大笔意外之财,他们不会告诉自己的另一半。   Just under three per cent claimed they would refuse to shower their other half with holidays, gifts or other treats if they came into possession of a large sum of money.   仅仅少于3%的人声明,如果他们得到了一大笔财产,他们不会和自己的另一半一起度假、买礼物或是以其他方式一起挥霍这笔钱。   A more generous 80 per cent of those who took part in the study said they would give money to family.   参与研究的更慷慨的80%的人说,他们会把钱给家人。   Paying off debts was revealed as the main priority for many, with 31 per cent saying that would be the first thing they would do with the money.   研究显示,对于大多数人来说还清贷款占了主体,31%的人说他们拿了钱,这会是他们的头等大事。   Buying a dream home second on the list, followed by investing and giving cash to family members.   在清单上,买一座梦寐以求的房子排名第二,随后排名的是投资和给家人一笔钱。   THE PRICE OF HAPPINESS: WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR £7.6MILLION   幸福的价格:看看760万英镑都能买到什么   One studio flat in Belgravia: £7.5million   贝尔格莱维亚区一室的公寓房:760万英镑   A 3177 sq ft studio flat in the heart of Belgravia, central London, is on the market for £7.5million.   伦敦市中心贝尔格莱维亚区一个3177平方英尺的写字楼市价750万英镑。   One castle in Scotland: £6million   苏格兰城堡:600万英镑   Craigcrook Castle, in Ravelston, Edinburgh, would leave you with change from £7.6million   爱丁堡城堡:760万英镑。   You could buy this stunning 16th century castle set in 4.4 acres of grounds within three miles of Edinburgh city centre for £6million   距离爱丁堡市中心三英里的4.4英亩的16世纪城堡价值600万英镑   Two luxury yachts: £7.6million total   两艘豪华游艇:760万英镑   You could buy two Sunseeker Phantom 28 metre yachts.   28米高的双层游艇720万英镑。   Two private jets: £7.2million total   两架私人飞机:720万英镑   Buying two Learjets would set you back a total of £7.2million.   两架里尔总价值720万英镑。   Or 14 million Mars Bars   酒吧1400万英镑   Two Sunseeker Phantom 28 metre yachts (pictured) would set you back around £7.6million in total   两架圣汐克28米游艇(见图)总价约760万英镑   You could also buy two Learjet 45XRs and still have change from a total budget of £7.6million   两架里尔飞机总预算760万英镑
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