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unit1答案KEY TO EXERCISES Unit 1 Task-Based One 1---b)/c) 3--- a)Two 1、2、4、7、8 Three Key: 1-5 HJBFI 6-10 EGADCPersonal ChallengePart I Section B 1-6 ACCADDPart II Section A 1. at2. over3. of 4. in 5. to 6. on7. into8. for 9. for 10. around Section B 1-5 BCADA 6-10 ABDDA 11-1...
KEY TO EXERCISES Unit 1 Task-Based One 1---b)/c) 3--- a)Two 1、2、4、7、8 Three Key: 1-5 HJBFI 6-10 EGADCPersonal ChallengePart I Section B 1-6 ACCADDPart II Section A 1. at2. over3. of 4. in 5. to 6. on7. into8. for 9. for 10. around Section B 1-5 BCADA 6-10 ABDDA 11-15 ACBCCPart III Section A 1. Most men get their cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies. 2. If you're a male and you're reading this, congratulations! You're a survivor. 3. Scientists have devised a way to determine roughly where a person has lived using a strand of hair, a technique that could help track the movements of criminal suspects or unidentified murder victims. 4. The role of the BSFT counselor is to identify the patterns of family interaction that are associated with the adolescent’s behavior problems. 5. Despite such criticisms the examination system still has its defenders. Section B 1-5GHKIJ 6-10 DALCO Part IV Section B 1.1)56 2) 2005 3)$104,500 4) 100 5) Jenna; Barbara 6) 15 Old House Lane 7) five; master room; wine; two 2. 1) $625,000; the full price 2) a portion of that lot six months 3) the same neighborhood the family lived in 4) He married school teacher 5) Clinton Birthplace Foundation, which preserves his childhood history in Hope, Ark Exercise to Empower Yourself Part I 1. excitement 2. reluctance 3. efficiency 4. disappointment 5. evidence 6. security 7. difference 8. confidence 9. appearance 10. achievements Part II 1.​ a two- story house 2.​ to purchase something at a price that is less than the asking price 3.​ to run for the senate seat 4. the goods for sale 5. the road of hope 6. It’s hard to leave one’s homeland 7. inaugural speech 8. to grow old together 9. a vacant lot 10. to run away from home 11. to take a look at me 12. federal investigation 13. to move into one’s new house/to move to a new estate 14. former president 1)​ 15. online shopping/to buy goods onlinePart III Section B 2)​ into 2) out 3) up 4) out/through 5) out 6) off 7) out 8) out 9)down 10) behind 27 Feb news report from American Interesting Science.net, researchers now found that comparing with the lower-class people, the upper-class are more likely to lie, cheat or commit other unethical conducts. However, scientists also warn that the findings do not mean that all the upper-class people are immoral, or, in another round, all lower-class people are morally good. Dr. Paul Piff, a psychologist at the University of California in Berkeley, says, “we do not think if you are rich, then you are immoral; or if you’re pennyless, then you are morally good. There are lots of examples to illustrate how ethical the upper-class are, such as the philanthropists Wall. Paster and Bill Gates. ” In the study, reseachers make investigations over groups of people of different socal classes and evaluate their social status from their property, professional reputation and educational background. They have believed that those lower-class people will have more motivation to improve their living standards through some immoral conducts, however, the findings show that those upper-class people who pay too much attention to themselves are more likely to commit unethical conducts. 1.几乎与此同时,奥巴马竞选的支持者,商人安东尼,绰号“托尼”雷克和他的妻子芮塔以62万5千美元的全价买下了与奥巴马比邻的一处闲置房产。 2.半年后,奥巴马以10万4千5百美元的价格买下了雷克的部分房产。 3.联邦调查认定雷克贿赂罪后,奥巴马向《芝加哥太阳时报》做出了解释:“我很遗憾当我特别关注道德行为的各项具体要求是,错误的估计了我从雷克先生那里购置房产所代表的意义”。 4.在克林顿、希拉里夫妇离开白宫后,他们回到了位于查帕垮镇老房巷15号的家,在希拉里竞选纽约周议员之前一直待在那里。该处所价值1百30万美金,这所拥有5间卧室的荷兰风格的住宅还包括1公顷地,其前门距离公路60英尺远。 5.克林顿夫妇也曾在这个镇—韦斯切斯特寻找房产,据报道在2010年时,他们定居在位于贝德福山脉的一处20公顷的克里夫山农场。 6.此住所有7千平方英尺,包括5间卧室,1间带壁炉的主卧,1间实木装修的阅览室,1个露台,1个酒窖,男女卫生间和更衣室分列两层,1间温水室内游泳室,2间会客室,1间艺术工作室,马厩、草场、1个驯马场和 锦鲤观赏池。 Exercise for CET Part I 1-5 CABBD 6-7 CD 8.Health-conscious homeowners 9.interact with 10.reflect their individuality Part II Passage one 1-5 DCBAD Passage two 6-10 DABAC Part III 1.​ Had he entered business 2.​ whose task is 3.​ twice as much as renting a house 4.​ that the question was so easy. 5.​ did it on purpose 6.​ What we need 7.​ how to support that marketing capacity 8.​ Unless the whole team wins, 9.​ as what other people are now using in Japan 10.​ be more communicative and more initiative Reading for Extension Part I Section A now country outlook & features 1. (a modern home) (Spain) (cutout doors to the outside and a bunk room) now country outlook & features 2. (stylish&contemporary) (USA) (sandstone exterior, a deck,glass-walled kitchen&breakfast bar) now outlook & features 3. (unusual living quarters) (a dugout in the center, bedrooms are suspended over the sunken kitchen area) now outlook & features 4. award-winning house (It has built-ins that look like leftovers from the old farmhouse) KEY TO EXERCISESUnit 2 Task-Based One 1. C 2.A 3.BTask-Based Two 1. 3. 4. 6. 8 Task-Based Three 1-5 F J A D B 6-10 C I H E GPersonal ChallengePart I Section A 1. They are learning behaviors, learning attitudes and learning style. 2. They refer to a variety of actions done in an academic situation, and these learning behaviors combine to form your system of study. 3. Active learning behaviors represent self-responsibility, initiative, and involvement in the learning process. And they lead to successful outcomes—that is, high grades and a smooth path toward graduation. In contrast, Students exhibiting these behaviors do not take charge of their learning. Passive learners often are not accustomed to working hard in school; they tend to devote minimal time and effort in their academic life. 4. Successful college students show the following characteristics: motivation, persistence, self-discipline and a personal support network. 5. I will be persistent in it. 6. Learning style refers to preferences in behaviors characteristic of each person, that is, how a person learns best, and they have developed throughout the years. Learning behaviors and attitudes are, to some degree, shaped by learning style. 7. ( Open-ended ) 8. ( Open-ended ) Section B 1-6 D BCBAA Part II Section A 1. on 2. our 3. in 4. to 5. of 6. to 7. to 8. to 9. to 10. with Section B 1-5 ABDCA 6-10 AABCD 11-15 AABAD Part III Section A 1. Individual students require their own set of learning strategies to meet the multifaceted challenges encountered at the college level. 2. Students exhibiting these behaviors do not take charge of their learning. 3. Our attitude toward all aspects of academic life has a huge impact on your accomplishment in college. 4. To some degree, our learning behaviors and attitudes are shaped by what is termed your learning style, which refers to preferences in behaviors characteristic of each person. 5. This mission of self-determination and responsibility can be accomplished by an awareness of why you are here.Scientists have devised a way to determine roughly where a person has lived using a strand of hair, a technique that could help track the movements of criminal suspects or unidentified murder victims. Section B Paragraph coherence1-5 HGIEC 6-10 ADLOB 1. 1)a variety of 2)active learning behaviors 3)are not accustomed to 4) shaping our learning habits, contributing to 5) assessing and analyzing your learning style, a system of study 6) in college 7) take responsibility for 8) can be accomplished 2. 1)complicated 2) essential 3) impede 4) devote 5) peers Exercise to Empower Yourself Part I 1. attraction 2. predictive 3. deepen 4. reaction 5. broaden 6. productive 7. motivation 8. successive 9. tighten 10. impressive Part II 4.​ the essential ingredients 5.​ learning behaviors 6.​ learning attitudes 4. learning styles 5. learning strategies 6. a self-directed learner 7. the multifaceted challenges 8. seeking out help 9. leisure activities 10. college degree 11. academic achievements 12. stumbling block 13. academic path 14. behaviors characteristic 15. follow differing paths Part III Section A 3)​ apart 2) away 3) from 4) against 5) up 6) up 7) after 8) to 9)over 10) for Part IV Living in China has destroyed my theory that the entire world speaks English. Even in a cosmopolitan city such as Beijing, there is no guarantee that any of the people you encounter — taxi drivers, folks on a plane, waiters in restaurants, store clerks, men spitting on the sidewalk — will have even the most basic knowledge of English. This has forced us — my husband, our boomerang daughter and me, the “trailing spouse” — to try whatever limited Chinese we know to do basic things: ask whether this is sugar or MSG I’m about to buy, inquire to see whether a dish of green beans is laden with pork offal, find out whether the apartment complex plans to clean our winter-smudged windows. So the three of us have worked out an arsenal of basics, survival Chinese at its most elemental. For instance, I have full confidence I can get home in a cab, if by “home” I mean within walking distance of the apartment we rent. I used to say “Dongzhimen,” which is the well-known subway stop near our home. It’s kind of like saying “Metro Center” in the District. There was always a follow-up question, which I assumed meant, “But where at Dongzhimen? Which side of the street? Near which subway entrance?” In the beginning, I used to shrug and just repeat “Dongzhimen” like an idiot, hoping that I could just get to some part of Dongzhimen, which is a 10-minute walk from our apartment. But the process seemed to annoy cabdrivers, who wanted more information. Then I hit on another solution. There’s a Holiday Inn just outside the doors of our apartment complex, so I went into the lobby and snatched a couple of business cards showing the hotel name, address and even a tiny map. Cabdrivers would examine these cards carefully. Then you could see the light bulb go on. “Chunxiu Lu!” they would say, as if to imply, “Why didn’t you say this all along?” Eventually, we got to the point when all I needed to say was the street name of “Chunxiu Lu” after saying “Dongzhimen,” and I’d get a nod and a direct (if relatively silent) shot home. Part V 1. 隔段时间再返回学校往往会产生让人同时处理工作、家庭和学习之间事物的复杂情况。 2. 学习行为一词指的是学术情况下进行的各种活动。 3. 相比之下,许多行为妨碍学习,如逃课,课上睡觉,分心,在社交和休闲活动后学习,以及不寻求帮助。 4. 当出现问题时,他们寻求帮助并坚持直到获得一个满意的解决。 5. 我们的学习行为和态度,在一定程度上是由学习方式所形成的。学习方式指的是一个人所特有的对学习行为的选择,也就是,一个人如何学的最好。 Exercise for CET Part I 1-7: A C A C B D A 8.the job-crafting process 9.adjust 10.some remedies Part II Passage one 1-5 BBADB Passage two 6-10 CACDB Part III 1. So that it would go on smoothly/successfully 2. Based on the findings of some Swiss scientists 3. which refers to preferences in behaviors characteristic of each person 4. have made an impact on the country’s economy. (n. strong impression, effect) 5. will be contributing to the world of the academy. 6. It requires a lot of patience to complete this task 7. If I had been the President, he would not have been my choice for Secretary of State 8. You are expected to give make a brief introduction 9. It was not until i had read your letter that i knew the truth 10. The behavior of an animal depends mainly on instinct. Unit 3 I Let Go Task-based Teaching Procedure One Mother’s side daughter’s side an advanced placement class; no interests in; finish the application half-way; to have her mother make some suggestions; the importance of taking good courses suit her interests. Task-based Two2, 3Task-based Three 1-5 C) I) E) B) J) 6-10 H) A) G) D) Part II Vocabulary Exercise Section A 1. for 2. to 3. about 4. in 5. with 6. out 7. of 8. around 9. along 10. on Section B Multiple choice 1-5 D C B C A 6-10 D B D A B 11-15 C A D A B 16-17 B A Part III Sentence Structure Section A Sense group 1. We are all born with wide-eyed and enthusiastic wonder, as anyone knows who has ever seen an infant’s delight at the jingle of keys.) 2. My high aptitude test scores simply mean that I am very good at answering the type of academic questions that are considered worthy of answers by the people who make up the intelligence tests. 3. The two cardinal principles of British education today are that education is education of the whole person, and that it is beset acquired through full and active co-operation between two persons, the teacher and the learner. 4. I realized that my own life wouldn’t count for much unless I was able to ensure that you had every opportunity for happiness and fulfillment in yours. 5. Happiness in childhood was so simple a matter of accumulation, of taking things, applying them like so many polished tiles to what would someday be the marvelously finished pavilion of the self. Section B 1-5 CNILM 6-10 BGADJ Part IV Reproduction Section B 1.​ 1) fine; active, concerned 2) cool; nonchalantly 3) slightly panicked 4) single 5)mature,capable,keen 6)well-equipped;eager 7)regular 8)broadly;now-adult 2. 1) cling to the apron strings; eager to taste her independence 2) express my opinion; trust her judgment 3) headed off to her session; highlighted; retreating back 4) assuming she would want to discuss it with me first. 5) giving my daughter and myself the independence we both needed. Exercise to empower yourself Part I Word Formation 1. notable 2. respectable 3. memorable 4. renowned 5. educated 6. disappointed 7. professional 8. critical 9. personal 10. talented 11. readable 12. childish Part II Speed-up Translation 1.​ a fine line between 2.​ to loosen one’s grip 3.​ be eager for independence 4.​ advanced placement class 5.​ as graduation approaches 6.​ reach a truce 7.​ an introductory session 8.​ play it cool 9.​ do sth. nonchalantly 10.​ slightly panick 11.​ course catalog 12.​ a keen mind 13.​ embrace one’s future 14.​ one’s face beams with light 15.​ to have a hard time letting go Part III Words Acquisition Section B Part IV Chinese-English Translation In today’s interconnected and increasingly networked world, we are vulnerable to a wide variety of threats, including deliberate attacks on critical information infrastructures, with debilitating effects on our economies and on our societies. Is fear of identity theft, the misuse of sensitive personal data and other online fraud having an impact on confidence in the use of the internet for commercial or financial purposes? Is the willingness to conduct online transactions outpacing the trust? To what extent are businesses and consumers willing to take risks in order to reap the benefits of online transactions? ITU is conducting a worldwide public survey to assess users’ trust of online transactions and awareness of cyber security measures. The data collected through the survey will be used to increase global awareness of cyber security, particularly in developing countries, and should help decision-makers in assessing the cyberspace “trust” level with a view to reviewing national and corporate strategies and priorities. The lack of adequate security is an obstacle for using ICTs that rely on the protection and confidentiality of sensitive data. These security and trust issues are already beginning to have an adverse impact on the social and economic development of the world. Part V English-Chinese Translation 1.​ 有一条清晰的线隔在我们之间,一方是积极关切的家长,另一方是不知才能被放手的孩子。 2.​ 当我紧紧拉着我们之间联系的绳索时,尼古拉却渴望独立的感觉,猛拽绳子的另一端,试图脱离我的掌控。这种你退我、我推你的像探戈舞蹈一样的奇怪的母女关系,不知最终有什么样的结局。 3.​ 随着毕业临近,尼古拉和我达成了停战。她接受了我作为母亲有表达自己观点和提出建议的权利。我也接受了必须相信她的判断力和尊重她的选择。我咬了几次唇,尼古拉瞪了我几眼,但最终停战协议达成了。 4.​ 我们一起参加了一个迎新会,但接着家长和学生被分开了。“您可以教学费”,一位大学的官员对礼堂中的家长说,“但是选课是学生们的责任”。很显然,我不是唯一一位不舍得放手的家长。 5.​ 我靠向了椅背,端详着我的女儿,看着她兴奋地在咖啡厅里走来走去。我看到了一个成熟、有能力、有敏锐的思维、能塑造自己未来的年轻女性。她不再需要母亲帮她斟酌每一个句定。我感到自豪,尽管心中还是有点悲伤。 6.​ 我反思了尼古拉在过去的18年中经过奋斗得到的种种教训:责任,同情心和努力。未来的道路崎岖不平,但是她已经完全准备好去拥抱她的未来。我意识到我该采取下一步了。我擦掉了泪水,解开了头脑中那根与女儿联系在一起的绳索,留给我的女儿和自己彼此都需要的独立。 Exercises for CET Part I Fast reading 1-5 A) D) A) D)B) 6-7 B) A) 8​ a higher level of knowledge 9​ be studying the vast majority of time 10. the importance of strengthening existing relationships Part II Reading Comprehension Passage one 1-5 A) A) D) D) C) Passage two 6-10 B) A) D)A) D) Part III Grammar drills 1.​ that helps the blind to walk on the streets 2.​ No matter how I tried to explain that 3.​ the problems that troubled her 4.​ who made me clearly realize 5.​ How simple would literary creation be 6.​ Seeing the suffering of his peers 7.​ that it can make people to adapt to the present situation 8.​ be communicative 9.​ he was required to draw the things 10.​ to told him the truth) Unit 5 People Making a Difference Task- based one Answer: Task- based twoAnswer: 2,3,7Task- based three Answer: 1-5: D H E J A 6-10: I B F C GPersonal challenge Section A 1.​ The Liberian civil war lasted for 14 years. 2.​ Firstly she got a part-time occupation as a model, after that she worked a short stint as a VJ for the youth-oriented video channel MTV Africa. 3.​ More than half of Liberia's 3.5 million people are under the age of 18. 4.​ Nadia Bitar has two sisters. 5.​ By the time she started Haven Missions, Bitar was living in New York City. 6.​ Yes, her boyfriend actively encouraged her work with Haven Missions. 7.​ By 2010, Bitar plans to build an eco-friendly orphanage there, with solarpanels, separate dorms for boys and girls, a school for up to 500 children, and a six-acre farm. 8.​ The Liberian government appeals to more people like Bitar to help the orphans. Section B Answers: 1. B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.D Section A Answers: 1. from 2. on 3.into 4.over 5.in 6. against 7.around 8.with 9.by 10.for Section B Answers: 1-5 B D A B D 6-10 B B C A D 11-15 D C B C B 16 C Part III Section A Answers: 1. He will have no difficulty in making his way in the world. 2.The little animal, to the astonishment of the spectator, expired without showing any signs of pain. 3. I don’t know whether he is really such a great scholar as people say. 4. Over the past decade six of the world's ten fastest-growing countries were African. 5. The latest UN climate summit says much about why the world is failing to tackle global warming. Section B Answers: 1.I 2.C 3.H 4.N 5.L 6.B 7.M 8.O 9.G 10.J 11.A 12.D 13.E 14.K 15.F Part IV Section B Answers: 1. 1)then-13-year-old 2)3.5 million 3)21 percent 4)New York City 5)July 2008 6)Laila, Caldelia Williams 7)Greece 8)$50,000 2. 1) devastating civil war 2) modeling, the youth-oriented video channel 3) beds, mattresses, pillows,food 4) the required minimum standards 5) the fall, the driving force Exercise to empower yourself Part I word formation Answers: 1. competition 2. height 3.pollution 4.danger 5.creativity 6.decision 7.marriage 8. deregulation 9.curiosities 10.observation 11.removal 12. historians Part II Speed-up Translation Answer: 1. slender and statuesque 2. a part-time occupation 3. midlife crisis 4. Haven Mission 5. school enrollment 6. a peace accord 7. (at) a fundraiser 8. financial assistance 9. urgency in voice 10. check in 11. resort clothing 12. give back to society 13. minimum standards 14. social welfare 15. bare wall 16. make clear that… Part III Words Acquisition Section A group 2 Answers: 1. to 2. of 3. to 4. of 5. on 6.of 7. to 8. for 9. to 10. for Part IV Chinese-English Translation Answer: The report from the Centre for Social Justice think-tank comes just days after business leaders branded many British youngsters too lazy and ill-educated to compete for jobs. They were responding to a plea from Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith’s to ‘give our young people a chance, and not fall back on labour from abroad’. The report found that poor work attitudes among the long-term jobless were the major barrier to tackling unemployment. It called for a fourth ’R’ - responsibility - to be added to schools’ traditional core subjects of reading, writing and arithmetic. Asked why they turned down applicants for unskilled jobs in sectors like catering, manufacturing and retailing, 62 per cent of employers cited ’poor work attitude and ethic’. Bosses blamed 57 per cent on ’poor presentation’, compared to just 29 per cent who complained of lack of academic skills. Part V English-Chinese Translation 1) 纳迪亚·比塔尔经历过大富大贵,也遭遇过贫困坎坷。她还是小孩子的时候,坐的就是有专职司机驾驶的宝马,她说,那辆车是爸爸送给当时13岁姐姐的礼物。 2) 但是,她也看到过家乡利比里亚蒙罗维亚街道上散布的尸体,而她自己也当过难民。这些极端的生活境遇深深地影响了比塔尔女士。尽管经历了种种艰辛,她仍然感到自己很“幸运”,既为了所得到的一切,也为了所挺过去的一切。 3) 如今,已经
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