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2017-04-06 2页 doc 6KB 17阅读




外贸英语注册专利口语对话外贸英语注册专利口语对话   以下是分享的外贸英语注册专利口语对话,欢迎阅读。   J: Hello. I'd like to apply for a patent.   你好。我想申请一顶专利。   L: Hello. Do you know the rights and obligations of a patentee?   你好。专利权人的权利和义务你知道吗?   J: Yes,I do. The owner of a patent enjoys the exclusive right to develop this ...
外贸英语注册专利口语对话   以下是分享的外贸英语注册专利口语对话,欢迎阅读。   J: Hello. I'd like to apply for a patent.   你好。我想申请一顶专利。   L: Hello. Do you know the rights and obligations of a patentee?   你好。专利权人的权利和义务你知道吗?   J: Yes,I do. The owner of a patent enjoys the exclusive right to develop this product. No one else has the privilege to enjoy the patent without the owner's authorization. The obligation is to pay patent application fee every year.   知道。专利所有人享有开发这一产品的专一 权利。未经授权,任何人不得享用该专利。义务就是每年都要缴纳专利申请费。   L: You are right. The right is exclusive. May I ask what kind of patent do you want to apply, inventions, utility model, or visual design?   是的,权利是独一的、排外的。请问你要申 请的是哪一种类型的专利呢,发明、实用新型还是外观设计?   J:I think this should belong to invention. Our company invented a new natural cosmetics, natural hall brand.   我想这应该属于发明吧。我们公司发明了一 种新的天然化牧品,自然堂牌的。   L: I am sorry to tell you that you don't qualify for a patent. We already have this brand of cosmetics.   很抱歉,我觉得这不具备申请专利的条件。 我们已经有这个牌子的化妆品了。   J: It should not be like this. But I suppose the composition of our product and yours should not be the same. Because it is entirely our independent research and development, it's our own product.   不是吧?但我想我们产品绝对和你们的成分是不一样的。因为我们完全是自主研发,是 我们自己的产品。   L: If It is true, I suggest you had better change the name. And maybe you can gain the approval.   如果确实是这样的话,那你们最好改一下名 字,也许会通过审批。   J: OK, we will think a new name out. What conditions does It need to apply for a patent?   好的,我们会再另外想出一个名字来的。申请专利都需要什么条件呢?   L:A patent should possess the characteristic of novelty, advancement and practicability. The stuff you need to prepare includes application, specification, illustration for specification, oath or statement. And the most important is specification.   一项专利发明应该具备新颖性、先进性和实 用性。你们需要准备的材料有申请、说明 书、附图、宣誓或声明书。其中最重 要的是说明书。   J:I understand. Thank you for your guidance.I will apply again after I get all the needed materials ready, OK?   我知道了。谢谢你的指导。我把材料备齐了 再来申请,好吗?   L:No problem. But you had better hurry up.   没问题,但你们最好抓紧时间。   J:OK. We will be as soon as possible.   好的,我们会尽快。
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