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穿衣圣经穿衣圣经 译者: 茗然 发表时间:2011-04-19浏览量:2533评论数:1挑错数:0 我们每天都要穿衣服,但是否符合场合?是否能表达我们的个人特色呢? Many brides ask me, "I do not understand the dress, what kind of dress I wear the most appropriate?" To answer the question to consider the physical characteristics of each bride, color, ...
穿衣圣经 译者: 茗然 发时间:2011-04-19浏览量:2533评论数:1挑错数:0 我们每天都要穿衣服,但是否符合场合?是否能表达我们的个人特色呢? Many brides ask me, "I do not understand the dress, what kind of dress I wear the most appropriate?" To answer the question to consider the physical characteristics of each bride, color, hobbies, and details of Party Dresses occasions and more. Is worth noting that to establish their own style is very important. Identify their most unique temperament, and the right way to wear out your inner charm with beautiful wedding to be expressed, so that true inner beauty of appearance with the combination, will be able to show your unique charm. In defining the style, you must understand it in fact covers many aspects. Elegant, art, leisure and romantic, these words on behalf of occasions, mood, personality, and for such time and place the clothing type of overall impression. Each style has its own adaptation of the time, place, and we must not set their own style in a model, we must know the style of dress for each occasion. The dress is very important to local conditions. 许多新娘问我:“我不太会挑裙子,那种裙子最适合我呢?”回答这个问题,要考虑到每个新娘的身形特征、肤色、偏好、不同场合聚会的着衣细节等等。这些都不如建立自己的个人风格来的更有意义这一点非常重要。找出自己最独一无二的气质,再用正确的穿衣方式通过美丽的服饰将自己的内在品质展现出来,让内在美和外在美结合,就能展示出你最独特的光彩。确定风格时,你必须认识到这实际上覆盖了许多方面。优雅、艺术、文艺以及浪漫,这些词代表着场合、情绪、个性、以及在特定的时间和地点服装总体印象的类型。每一种风格的服饰都有其特定的时间,场合,我们不能将他们的不同特征模型化,我们必须知道针对不同场合的穿衣风格。着装对一定的场合是非常重要的。 Elegance: Elegance are often described as medium build, symmetrical facial features, well-proportioned physique, and conservative attitude towards life. But some shapely, neat facial features, of medium build who is not conservative or occasionally conservative, it should not be limited to her she was not very fond of a particular style. Some other body is not very good but probably slightly higher than the average person or Lueai people, sometimes you want to or pretend to look elegant and conservative. I think elegance is defined as: where each person according to need, must have a conservative outlook. As we are familiar with Lu Yu, Yang Lan wearing most of the time are very elegant. I gave the bride an elegant Classic Dresses worn by models proposed are: princess, queen type, A-Line or Zhitong Qun type. Fabric recommendations: is low-key luxury thick silk satin, delicate lace of flowers and soft flowing chiffon, silk satin smooth, so smooth down 优雅:优雅通常认为是中等的身高,匀称的面容,比例良好的身型,对生活持保守的态度。但是一些身材匀称、五官清爽、中等身高的人并不保守或是只是偶尔保守,不必将她局限于一个她不是很喜欢的特定风格。而其他身材条件不是很好可能是稍稍比平均身高高一些或低一些的人,有时会想要或是趋向于看起来优雅而保守。我认为优雅应该定义为:每一个人根据自己的需要,所需的保守的外形。比如我们非常熟悉的鲁豫,杨澜多数时的穿衣都是非常优雅的。我给一位新娘优雅古典的礼裙的建议是:公主风、女王风、A字型女装、直筒裙。面料建议:低调的华丽厚密的丝绸、绸缎,精致的花朵形状蕾丝和轻柔流滑的雪纺,丝绸缎光滑,如此光滑。 Artistic: Artistic people are often described as tall and slender figure, a distinctive personal colors, angular shape, and unconventional. But it does not show a height of not less than 1.6 people have exaggerated artistic style. This is entirely up to you if the definition of "art." I think art is for all type of can be dressed up look, no matter how her skeleton and body, as long as she wanted that look. We define people through arts-based programming taste for the avant-garde look each person, regardless of what her frame and body, as long as she knows how to choose your own unique style of clothes. For example, we all know she's wearing LADEGAGA has been very exaggerated. Artistic bride, I give advice: short ballet skirt, flared skirt, Formal Dresses, unique design group type, such as asymmetrical design princess dress fabrics recommendations: futuristic metallic sequins, shiny coating fabrics, sequins lace fabric, feathers, lace, real silk, organza, taffeta, net yarn 艺术型:艺术型的人常常被描绘为身材高挑、修长,有与众不同的个人色彩,面部棱角,不落俗套。但是身高1米6以下的人很难展示这种夸张的艺术风格。这完全取决于你对于“艺术”的定义。我认为对于各种类型的前卫装扮都能称之为艺术,不管这个人的身高身材,只要她想要那样的装扮。我们的界定是通过对造型前卫的人其基于艺术层面的品位,无论她的身材如何,只要她知道如何选择属于自己独一无二的穿衣风格。比如,我们都知道LADEGAGA穿着非常前卫,独特的整体设计风格,就像不对称的设计公主裙的面料建议:未来风格的金属亮片,闪亮的涂层的面料,珠光亮片蕾丝面料,羽毛,蕾丝,真丝,透明硬纱,绢类,花边网眼纱。
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