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天寒补肾妙招 “药补”与“食补”(以食物作补)日益成为热门话题,在讲究潛藏养阴、避寒就温的冬季,如何补肾尤为人们所关注。    然而进补之后,有人感觉达不到预期效果,有人虚症不减反而加重,甚至出现烦热失眠、肠胃积滞、牙龈肿痛等反应。他们往往以为“虚不受补”或“补之不够”;于是四处寻求“更好更新更强”的补肾良方,盲目地补益一番,但却难以获得滋肾固肾的效果。因此,多懂一点补肾的知识很有必要。    A 肾虚分肾阳虚和肾阴虚   是否肾虚要综合分析,把握不准时应请教医生   中医所谓“肾”,除指西医说的具有泌尿功能的肾脏,还包含生殖、神经系...
 “药补”与“食补”(以食物作补)日益成为热门话题,在讲究潛藏养阴、避寒就温的冬季,如何补肾尤为人们所关注。    然而进补之后,有人感觉达不到预期效果,有人虚症不减反而加重,甚至出现烦热失眠、肠胃积滞、牙龈肿痛等反应。他们往往以为“虚不受补”或“补之不够”;于是四处寻求“更好更新更强”的补肾良方,盲目地补益一番,但却难以获得滋肾固肾的效果。因此,多懂一点补肾的知识很有必要。    A 肾虚分肾阳虚和肾阴虚   是否肾虚要综合分析,把握不准时应请教医生   中医所谓“肾”,除指西医说的具有泌尿功能的肾脏,还包含生殖、神经系统、贮藏、营养、生长、造血、内分泌等功能。中医认为在整个人体生命过程中,肾中精气(人体构成的基本物质)的盛衰与否影响和决定着人的生、长、壮、老、死的全过程。古人云“男子五八肾气衰”,是说男性到了四十岁左右,就开始自然衰老,首当其冲是肾。说中老年人“十肾九虚”,有一定的合理性和普遍性。    中医进补,应懂得中医“补法”的内涵和原则。中医的补法,既包括营养补充,还有“治病之未病”,平衡阴阳气血,以健体防病的意思。所谓“冬藏于精,春不病温”,就体现了中医补法与调摄的精髓。“补”不但要分清虚的性质,还要看虚在哪脏,虚什么,补什么,没虚症的就不能乱补。因此补肾的第一步,是要确定肾虚的状况。  肾虚根据其特有症候,主要有两方面:肾阳虚(包括肾气虚)和肾阴虚(包括肾精亏虚和肾水亏虚)。    肾阳虚俗称命门火衰,表现为面色苍白或黧黑、精神萎靡、腰膝冷痛、畏寒肢冷、面目浮肿、大便溏泻、尿频清长、性欲减退,男子阳痿早泄,精冷不育、妇女宫寒不孕等。宜使用温补肾阳的药物,如肉桂、鹿茸、淫羊藿、肉苁蓉、巴戟、锁阳、鹿角胶、紫河车等;“食补”则可选择海参、牡蛎、海虾、狗肉、羊肉、鸡肉、核桃、韭菜、干姜等。如出现气短自汗、倦怠无力、四肢不温、面色苍白、小便频多、男性遗精早泄、女性白带清稀等主要症状,则是肾气虚(肾脏功能减弱),可选择上述药物和食物进行补益。    肾阴虚俗称肾水不足,主要表现为:形体消瘦、面色憔悴、腰膝酸软、眩晕耳鸣、眼花耳呜、失眠健忘,口干咽痛、溲黄便干、男子遗精、妇女经少经闭等。治宜滋养肾阴,可选用熟地、山药、何首乌、桑椹、阿胶、女贞子、龟甲胶等药。食疗可用燕窝、雪蛤、淡菜、龟肉、鸽肉、猪肉、甲鱼、禽蛋、乳制品等。如症状主要表现为生长、发育及生殖方面的障碍与衰退,如过早衰老、头发早白、神疲健忘、眩晕耳鸣、腰膝酸软、性功能减退、男子精少与滑精、女子月经早竭等,则是肾精、肾水亏虚,补益上可看亏虚的偏向,选择上述补阴的药物与食物。    要注意的是,是否肾虚,虚在哪里,不能看单一症状,而要综合分析。把握不准时应请教医生。    补肾常见的误区   中医认为“动则生阳”,冬寒要补肾,适量的运动尤其不可或缺   一、盲目服用壮阳药。把补肾与壮阳划等号,似乎补肾必须壮阳,壮阳就是补肾。其实,补肾好比烧开水:水烧到沸腾时会满起来,但水凉后水会变少;水减少到一定程度,就是再沸腾也难以满起来。单纯用壮阳药补肾就如同“烧水”,看似奏效,但肾水会越来越亏。中成药也有壮阳的,男用的还可能还混入伟哥成分,长期或大剂量服用,会产生燥热症状和药物依赖;女用的以滋阴为主,多含西药激素,服用过多过久,很易出现内分泌失调,带来不良后果。    正确的补肾法应是阴中求阳,阳中求阴,益肾固精,达到补阳或阴阳互补的目的。好比水被烧开后,还要酌情加水,使水保持一定沸腾,但又胀满而不溢出,避免单用壮阳药而引起不良后果。    二、单纯依赖进补而不注意“养肾”。以为有了“补肾”作支撑,就可恣纵无度,流连情色,结果伤肾耗精,造成更大的虚损。冬属水,其气寒,主藏,冬天补肾尤以蓄养精气为先。只有适当节制性生活,才可藏精益肾,反之,再强大的补品,也弥补不了纵欲过度对肾带来的伤害。    三、药与食在性味搭配上不相宜。比如补肾阳的同时,又进食冬瓜、竹笋、苦瓜、香蕉、雪梨、西瓜、豆腐等寒凉食品及饮用清凉饮料,削弱补肾药(食)物的功效。或者过分看重“药补”而忽略了“食补”。“食补”优于 “药补”,这是中医学界的共识。“食补”得当,可与“药补”相得益彰,减少纯用补药可能带来的副作用。应根据自己肾脏的阴阳偏胜情况,合理选用上述“食补”来调养。    有人喜欢以补酒佐餐,当中也存在误区。补酒分药酒和保健酒,药酒是加入特定药物炮制的,属药的范畴,在治病与适用人群上有较强的针对性,不可随意饮用。保健酒也常加药物(还可有水果、肉食等),如补肾阴的龟板、鳖甲、乌豆、黑芝麻;补肾阳的鹿茸、肉苁蓉、锁阳、巴戟、杜仲、续断之类,但它属饮料范畴,可从配方的主要药物中看出其补益所指。对补酒不加选择,见“补”就饮,往往会适得其反。    中医认为“动则生阳”,冬寒要补肾,适量的运动尤其不可或缺。散步、慢跑、打太极拳、做健身操、阳光浴等,都是冬运的极好形式。因为肢体的功能活动由肝肾支配,适当进行肢体运动,有助于激活肝肾的阳气,养筋健骨,通脉活络,增强抵抗力,达到强身健肾的目的。   然而,现实的优裕生活却滋生了“药物一族”,他们以吃药为防病养生之道,膏丹丸散的补品一大堆,整日深居简出甘当“沙发土豆”。这种过分依赖药物、忽视运动和身心调适的偏向,遇上腰痛失眠性欲减退等病症,一旦治而未愈,往往又患上“肾虚恐惧症”。于是加强吃药进补,而效果不彰时又使原有的疑虑加重,导致身心疲惫,抗病力下降,形成恶性循环。世上没有光靠补药,离开必要的运动也能强壮体质的!缺少必要的运动,养肾健体只能是一种空想。 "Medicine" and "food" (with food for supplementing) has become a hot topic, in particular about the hidden Yin, cold on the temperature in winter, how the kidney isconcerned. However, the tonic, people feel not achieve the expected results, some deficiencydoes not reduce aggravate, appear even dysphoria insomnia, gastrointestinal www.gqshoubiao.com accumulation, gingival swelling and pain reaction. They tend to think that "virtual free fill" or "fill"; not "and seeking better update stronger" kidney tonifying recipe, blindlytonic it, but it is difficult to obtain the effect of nourishing the kidney and strengthening kidney. Therefore, it is necessary to know a little more Bushen knowledge. A deficiency of kidney and kidney yang deficiency and yin deficiency Whether the kidney to comprehensive analysis, are not allowed to grasp shouldconsult a doctorwww.zhoushunshaluo.com Chinese medicine is called "kidney", except that the West has said urinary function of the kidney, also includes reproductive, nervous system, storage, nutrition, growth,blood, endocrine function. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that in the process of human life, kidney essence (basic substances to human form) and whether or not the influences and determines the whole process of human life, long, strong, old,dead. The ancients cloud "man five eight kidney failure", is said to the men about forty years old, began to natural aging, be the first to bear the brunt of kidney. Said in the elderly "ten kidney nine empty", has certain rationality and universality. Chinese tonic, should understand the Chinese "premium" content and principles.Reinforcing method of traditional Chinese medicine, including nutritional supplements,and "cure is not ill", the balance of yin and Yang Qi and blood, to health disease prevention. The so-called "winter to spring is not fine, warm disease", it embodies theessence of traditional Chinese medicine and therapy of tonifying method. "Fill" not only to differentiate deficiency, but also virtual where dirty, false, fill what, no diseasecan't mess up. The first step is to determine the kidney, kidney deficiency condition.According to the characteristic of kidney deficiency syndrome, mainly has two aspects: the kidney yang deficiency (including kidney qi deficiency and kidney yin deficiency) (including the deficiency of the kidney and renal water deficiency). Deficiency of Kidney Yang commonly known as the decline of vital gate fire, showedpale or dark, apathetic, lumbar pain in cold, aversion to cold, edema of the face,loose stools diarrhea, frequent urination is long and clear, hyposexuality, maleimpotence and premature ejaculation, seminal cold infertility, infertility women such asGong Han. Drugs should be used for warming and recuperating the kidney yang,such as cinnamon, pilose antler, epimedium, Cistanche, morinda root, Cynomorium,deerhorn glue, placenta; "Sibu" you can choose the sea cucumber, shrimp, oysters,dog meat, mutton, chicken, walnuts, leek, ginger and so. Such as shortness of breath, sweating, fatigue weakness, limbs not warm, pale, more frequent urination,nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation men women leucorrhea Qingxi and other major symptoms, is deficiency of kidney qi (renal function), can choose the drug andfood to benefit. www.gobo-turbo.com Kidney yin deficiency commonly known as kidney water shortages, mainly as follows: the body weight loss, haggard, Yaoxisuanruan, dizziness tinnitus, dizziness tinnitus,insomnia forgetful, dry mouth and sore throat, yellow urine and dry, spermatorrhea men, women with less amenorrhea. We should nourish kidney yin, prepared rhizome of rehmannia, Chinese yam can be selected, fleece flower root, mulberry, donkey hide gelatin, Ligustrum lucidum, tortoise shell glue and other drugs. Dietotherapyavailable bird's nest, snow clam, mussel, turtle meat, pigeon meat, pork, eggs, dairy products, soft shelled turtle. As the main symptoms of growth, development and reproduction of the disorder and depression, such as premature aging, early white hair, Shenpi amnesia, dizziness tinnitus, Yaoxisuanruan, sexual dysfunction, malesemen and spermatorrhea, menstrual early failure, is the kidney, kidney waterdeficiency, benefit can be see the deficiency of bias, the Yin tonic food and drug. Note that, whether the kidney, deficiency in where, can not see a single symptom, andcomprehensive analysis. Not allowed to grasp should consult a doctor. Common mistakes and kidney TCM believes that "moving the students Yang", but to the kidney, the appropriate amount of exercise is especially indispensable A, blindly take medicine. The kidney tonifying and Yang Invigorating Kidney Yangseem to equate, must, Yang is kidney. In fact, the kidney is like boiling water: waterburn boiling will be filled up, but the water cool water will become less; water reduced to a certain extent, is re boiling is also difficult to fill up. Using only the aphrodisiacBushen as "water", it seems to be working, but will be more and more deficient kidney water. Traditional Chinese medicine also have impotence, male may also mixed withViagra ingredient, long-term and large doses can produce heat, symptoms and drugdependence; female Ziyin, containing more than western medicine hormone, taking too much for too long, it is prone to endocrine disorders, adverse consequences. Tonifying kidney right should be seeking Yang in Yin, Yang and Yin, kidney Gujing,Yang or Yin Yang complementarity to achieve. Like the water is boiled, but also toadd water, keep the water boiling point, but expanding full but no overflow, avoidsingle aphrodisiac and cause undesirable consequence. Two, relying solely on the tonic and do not pay attention to "the kidney". That has been the "kidney" for support, can be excessive indulgence, wander the erotic,results of renal injury caused by deficiency of consumption of refined, more. Winter isthe cold water, gas, main reservoir, especially in the winter of Tonifying the kidneyessence is the first keeper. Only proper and abstemious sexual life, can hide leankidney, on the contrary, more powerful tonic, can make up for the over indulgence on renal damage. www.14se.net Three, medicine and food in the taste of match not appropriate. Such as kidney Yangat the same time, but also eat melon, bamboo shoots, balsam pear, banana, pear,watermelon, tofu and other cold food and drinking cold drinks, weaken the kidney tonifying herbs (food) physical effect. Or over emphasis on the "medicine" and ignore the"(food) physical effect. Or over emphasis on the "medicine" and ignore the "sibu"."Food" is better than "medicine", this is the consensus of Chinese medicine. "Food"and "medicine" properly, can complement each other, reduce the pure use tonicpossible side effects. Should be in accordance with their own kidney yin or YangSheng, reasonable selection of the "food" to be nursed back to health. Some people like to fill the wine table, there are misunderstandings. Divided into wineand health wine wine, wine is the addition of specific drug preparation, belonging to the category of medicine, in the treatment and for the people has strong pertinence,not drinking. Health wine is often combined with drug (also can have fruit, carnivorousetc.), such as kidney Yin tortoise plastron, turtle shell, black bean, black sesame seeds; Kidney Yang pilose antler, Cistanche, Cynomorium, Morinda, eucommia bark,Dipsacus like, but it belongs to beverage category, can be seen from the main drug formulations in the supplementary benefit refers to. The tonic wine without choice,see the "repair" drink, often run counter to one's desire. TCM believes that "moving the students Yang", but to the kidney, the appropriate amount of exercise is especially indispensable. Walking, jogging, Tai Chi, doing aerobics, sun bath and so on, are excellent form games. Because the function ofphysical activity by liver and kidney dominating, the proper conduct of limb movement,contribute to the activation of liver and kidney yang, Yang Jian tendon bone, Tongmai active, enhanced resistance, to improve the healthy kidney purpose. However, in real life is bred "drug gens", they take medicine for prevention and a way of keeping good health, paste pill powder supplements a day, reclusive willing "couch potatoes". This over reliance on drugs, exercise and physical neglect bias adjustmentin low back pain, insomnia hyposexuality and other diseases, once the treatmenthealed, often suffer from phobia "kidney deficiency". So strengthening the medicinetonic, but ineffective when the original doubts increased, leading to mental and physical exhaustion, decrease of disease resistance, forming a vicious spiral. There is no light on the tonic, leaving the necessary exercise can strengthen physique! Lack of exercise, nourishing body can only be a dream. www.oochina.org
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