

2013-06-12 8页 ppt 785KB 14阅读




skynullnullnullBoston Marathon Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev Bomb attack Three people died , 170 people wounded nullBOSTON — Police in Boston apprehended one of the men suspected of having planted the bombs that exploded earlier this week at the Boston Mar...
nullnullnullBoston Marathon Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev Bomb attack Three people died , 170 people wounded nullBOSTON — Police in Boston apprehended one of the men suspected of having planted the bombs that exploded earlier this week at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring 170. The arrest followed a massive manhunt in which nearly a million people in Boston and neighboring towns were placed under lockdown. The capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev prompted celebrations after police were given the stand down order. Mayor Thomas Menino announced the arrest. “Today, because of the hard work of so many individuals, by Boston police, working together with the state police we have a conclusion that we're all satisfied with," said Menino. It was a happy finish to what had been a long and tense day for the city of Boston and its suburbs. Throughout the day the streets had been eerily deserted in the financial heart of this historic city. A lockdown and mass transit shutdown left stranded travelers frightened and forlorn. nullIt was here, in the suburb of Watertown the night before, that the suspects in the Marathon attack hurled explosives at police during a firefight that killed one officer and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, suspects older brother. A once ordinary suburban shopping center became a staging ground in the hunt for the younger brother, and a stake out for the global and local media covering the drama. A shelter-in-place order forced businesses to close, and some of the world's most prestigious universities to shut their gates. And the suburbs, where people live the American dream, became ghost towns - the broad streets desolate save for the occasional intrepid resident. “It is shocking, and there is that part of you that doesn't want to think that it could happen here. But it has, and we are strong,” said resident Diane Wilde. Bostonians said they were determined to keep living normal lives in spite of the terror attack. That was no simple feat, however, under a state of siege. nullBBC News with Jonathan Izard. Police say at least two people have been killed and 23 injured in two powerful explosions right by the finishing line of the Boston Marathon. The blasts took place within seconds with each other as hundreds of runners were ending the race in the US city cheered on by a large crowd. Paul Adams reports from Washington.   The explosions occurred within seconds of each other close to the finish line on Boylston’s street in the center of Boston. Four hours into the race there were still plenty runners on the street, and the crowds were dense. Television picture showed smoke billowing up from among the flags lining the route. One runner collapsed apparently struck by an object seconds later as terrified onlookers tried to get away. Picture showed another plume of smoke rising from the second blast down the road. Emergency workers immediately began tearing at the pavement barriers and flag poles to get the wounded behind. There were clearly many injured people. Injured spectators were carried to the nearby medical tents set up to look after exhausted runners.nullBoston bomb suspect ‘identified'  Investigators have spotted a Boston Marathon bombing suspect from security video taken before two blasts ripped through central Boston on Monday, a US law enforcement source said on Wednesday, in what is potentially the biggest break in the case yet. No arrests had been made, and the suspect in the video had not been identified by name, two US government officials said. Police may make an appeal to the public for more information at a news conference scheduled for later on Wednesday, a US government source said。The explosions at the Boston Marathon finish line killed three people and injured 176 others in the worst attack on US soil since September 11, 2001.The bombings as well as subsequent reports that someone tried to mail the deadly poison to US President Barack Obama - the second report of such a letter in two days - have created a climate of uncertainty in the country. nullNerves were jolted further by an inaccurate report on cable news network CNN that a bombing suspect had been arrested。Shortly after CNN retracted its report of an arrest in the case, security officials at Boston's federal courthouse ordered staff, media and attorneys to evacuate due to a security scare and move at least 100 yards (91.4 meters) away, according to a Reuters reporter on the scene。Bomb-sniffing dogs, fire engines and heavily armed and helmeted police arrived at the courthouse, which was reopened to employees an hour later。In Washington, authorities were investigating a letter addressed to the president after the contents preliminarily tested positive for the ricin. Authorities had intercepted a letter sent to Republican Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi on Tuesday that also preliminarily tested positive for ricin。The FBI said there was no indication of a connection to the Boston bomb attacks, but they reminded Americans of anthrax mail attacks the country in the wake of the September 11 attacks 12 years ago。 nullEnd
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