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2013-03-31 16页 ppt 1MB 33阅读




徐霞客nullnullnullXu xiake(1586-1641) ming dynasty note traveler and geographer The Travel Diaries Xu Xiake nullnullnullnull Three Stages of His traveling First stage:Before 28 years old In this stage,he read many geographic books and visited Tai Lake and Tai Mountai...
nullnullnullXu xiake(1586-1641) ming dynasty note traveler and geographer The Travel Diaries Xu Xiake nullnullnullnull Three Stages of His traveling First stage:Before 28 years old In this stage,he read many geographic books and visited Tai Lake and Tai Mountain for interests. nullSecond Stage:from age 28-48 last 20 years In this period he had visited Zhejiang province Fujian province and mang famous mountains in south part of China.(黄山 嵩山 五台山 华山 恒山等) nullThird Tage:from age 51-54 In this period he visited jiangsu province zhejiang province guangdong province yunnan province and guizhou province.He had nearly visted all the provinces in the south.nullMain Achievements: 1 A detailed study and scientific study of Karst landform(喀斯特地貌 石灰岩地貌) He visited over 270 caves in the south,kept records of the directions height,and depth.He was a pioneer in systematic karst studies in both China and world. nullnull2 Correcting some mistakes of the records on the source and waterways of Chinese river.(例如 论证长江的源头) nullnull3 Oberving and recording the species of many plants,explicitly putting forward the influences that landform,tempature,and wind speed might have on the distribution and blooming if plants.null4 A detailed depiction of the phenomenon of terrestrial heat(地热现象),the earliest of its kind in China nullnull
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