

2018-01-15 35页 doc 86KB 33阅读




会客西南——最年轻教授施鹏鹏老师会客西南——最年轻教授施鹏鹏老师 会客西南——最年轻教授施鹏鹏老师 施鹏鹏, XiZhengRen, 教授, 老师, 会客 最年轻教授施鹏鹏老师 会客厅第七期,我们请到了来自我校法学院的“最年轻教授”施鹏鹏老师。 鉴于大家都希望与鹏鹏老师进行更多的交流,特别将老师的邮箱提到前面来 pengpeng1980@gmail.com 【考研之窗】 1. 关于分数线问题 施鹏鹏 猩猩他哥及其他考研的同学:我对研究生录取工作确实不太熟悉,所以请大家可以致电研究部询问更准确的消息。 2.考研与就业 芷凝 1.一个西...
会客西南——最年轻教授施鹏鹏老师 会客西南——最年轻教授施鹏鹏老师 施鹏鹏, XiZhengRen, 教授, 老师, 会客 最年轻教授施鹏鹏老师 会客厅第七期,我们请到了来自我校法学院的“最年轻教授”施鹏鹏老师。 鉴于大家都希望与鹏鹏老师进行更多的交流,特别将老师的邮箱提到前面来 pengpeng1980@gmail.com 【考研之窗】 1. 关于分数线问题 施鹏鹏 猩猩他哥及其他考研的同学:我对研究生录取工作确实不太熟悉,所以请大家可以致电研究部询问更准确的消息。 2.考研与就业 芷凝 1.一个西政的法学硕士,和一个北大或者人大的法学硕士,能有多大的差别, 2.如果在法国拿到硕士学位,回国后有怎样的优势, 3.法律英语专业的未来就业去向, 4.老师学习外语有没有什么独到的方法,(我的法语已经处于半途而废状态了。。。) 5.对于考研的专业选择有没有建议呢,假如选择刑诉专业,以后就业是不是就检察院或者考公务员呢, 最近比较关注前途问题,所以暂时没想到学术性问题。。惭愧了。。 想到以后再来问好了~ 施鹏鹏 回芷凝: 1、仅就硕士层面来讲,我认为差别主要在于机会。众所周知,北京的机会要多一些,包括一些深造的机会以及就业的机会。但如果仅从读书这个层面讲,差别不大。这主要取决于是否有一位好的导师指导以及自己是否用心去做一些研究。 2、在法国获取硕士学位,有一些优势,比如可以享受国家对留学人员的一些政策。但venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 近几年来,随着海归尤其是硕士海归的大量回流,这种优势已经很小了。当然,还有一个优势就是,法国的硕士期限相对较短,为1至2年。当然,法国读书的消费也比较高。 3、外语学习,我觉得主要是要坚持,不要中途放弃,而且一开始不能自学。我认为至少应在比较专业的外语机构内上够五百学时甚至以上。 4、考研的专业选择,我想主要是看兴趣,当然对就业也有一定的影响。刑诉专业的选择面比较广,行政部门、司法部门、律所、企事业单位,都没太大问题。其实部门法之间的差距并没有想象中那么大。刑事诉讼中有大量的刑事附带民事案件,这也要求刑诉专业的硕士需要熟悉民事方面的。 ================================================================= == IORI (枫七杀) 鹏鹏老师,现在可能我有两个比较好的机遇,一个是去某市的公安局去工作的机会,还有一个是去某名牌高校读研究生的机会,可能我自己的意愿是愿意去深造,但是家里的意愿是说现在公务员很吃香,可能很多硕士博士都抢着要去的,说我现在能去为什么不接住这个机会,读研究生读博士也是为了找更好的工作,现在已经有了为什么不去„„所以一方面是自己的单纯的想法,一方面确实是家里对我的期望和这个社会给我们的压力和无奈的现实,如果老师您是我,您会怎么选择呢,不合时宜的冒昧的问一句了„„ 施鹏鹏 IORI:如果我是你,且以后有志于公务员职业,那会先就业。因为工作现在确实特别难找。 工作后,还可以考虑在职考研。如此便可以兼得。 IORI (枫七杀) 回复施鹏鹏 那老师的意见是我还是先把握住这份工作,,意思是读书的机会还有,但是可能这份工作丢失了就不会再来了是吗,, 但是我觉得我自己可能不适合公务员这个岗位,虽然我知道这份工作很多人很想也确实很稳定很旱涝保收„„在职读研真的灰简单吗,我怎么觉得我见到的在职的都是分数低的,毕竟离开学校了是不是会成绩脱钩啊, 施鹏鹏 回IORI:就业确实很难,所以我倾向于先就业,再深造。当然如果你现在各方面都没做好准备,先深造也是一种选择。 ================================================================= ===== 渐渐 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 鹏鹏教授 我现在大二 你对我毕业那一年 也就是两年后 就业情况会不会有所改变, 施鹏鹏 回渐渐:我想再两年,就业形势会相当相当相当之严峻。 渐渐 回复施鹏鹏 那就是说~越早找到属于自己的工作 就越有优势, 但是如果在读研 又过了几年 在学历价值逐渐贬值的今天 是不是又是一个问题呢, 施鹏鹏 渐渐:这确实是个让我都感到非常头痛的问题。一方面,我总是希望学生多学点东西, 所谓厚积薄发,走得更远;但另一方面,就业形势越来越严峻,就业机会,夜长梦多,唉。 渐渐 回复施鹏鹏 额~这就叫做事物的矛盾性 因此我又在想我们的考试选拔制度 着实这么多的大学生 是时代的产物 当年扩招也是逼不得已的 是不得不扩招啊 但是与之而来的就是几百万的大学生无处就业 更重要的是国家现在不能让这种就业压力成为国内的一种很大的矛盾 毕竟13亿人稳定的话一切都好说 否则将不堪设想 我承认自己不是一个有多么清高的多么深远思想觉悟的学生 只是想有一份不差的工作 然后就像诗里所说的”兼济天下吧“ 如果两年后有机会 我希望能考鹏鹏老师您的研究生`~ venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 施鹏鹏 渐渐:也不要太悲观,船到桥头自然直。 欢迎报考。 林寂色 (小林) 对于考研我也有很深的忧虑????? 我以后想去检察院或者法院工作,我不知道该念刑法还是刑诉的研究生 其次,我听说西政的研究生质量一般,是不是外校的会相对较好,比如人大或者武大 第三,我真的相当讨厌英语,没有兴趣。不知道怎样培养对英文的兴趣,毕竟考研英语很难 第四,可以考研和司考兼顾么,毕竟一个重理论,一个重实务 施鹏鹏 林寂色:刑法和刑诉,我想都是必须的。实体法和程序法本身就不可分。在欧陆国家,刑法学家一定是个刑诉法学家,几乎无一例外。所以,你不用太迷茫。我在法国的专业叫刑事科学,说白了,就包括刑法和刑诉。 西政的研究生质量,我没有太大的发言权。但我自己指导的学生,目前已经着手一些基础研究,且卓有成效。所以质量不好,可能有点不太准确。 讨厌英语,我想源自于我们中国相当变态的考试制度。爱自己爱的东西,那就叫本事,爱自己恨的东西,那就叫真本事了,呵呵。 如果成绩很好,可以兼顾,成绩一般,先考研,再司考,因为考上研后,还可以司考。 ====================================================================== 【最亲切的提问与回答:恋爱、偷菜、网游、时尚、挫折】 引生 施鹏鹏老师您星际水平如何,最擅长用什么种族, 是不是经常跟段文波老师切磋一下,您二位的课我都上过,也屡屡听到二位的互相调侃„„星际玩起来谁的胜率高一些, 施鹏鹏 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 回引生:我只是菜鸟水平,什么族都会一些,和段老师不相上下,各有胜负。 IORI (枫七杀) 老师,为什么您玩网游不上瘾,而有的同学在辅导员和同学们的每天的帮助下还是走不出网瘾,不知道你对于网络游戏的自控力是怎么养成的呢, 施鹏鹏 IORI:我自制力一直很强。对于一些自制力不太强的同学,从一开始就不要碰。当然,多找点事做,哪一天有时间网游哦。 ================================================================= ===== 一送红军 你好 我想问一下 如果说一个男人爱上了一个女人,但是他又要考虑到事业前途,并且没有勇气说出来 然后呢再加上这个女人有男人了 最后想问一下 对于施鹏鹏大哥你怎么认为大学谈恋爱会后悔,不谈恋爱会更后悔这个问题, 施鹏鹏 回一送红军: 晕,俺对恋爱问题一直比较木讷,第一个问题说实话我看不太明白在问什么。 大学谈恋爱,属于缘分问题,来电了,就谈吧,不来电,也还年轻。一段恋情,可以开花结果,可以成为美好回忆,当然也可以成为人生的阅历及经验。 IORI (枫七杀) 鹏鹏老师,想问下你在学生时代有没有一些记忆深刻的挫折啊,,你是怎么克服的,,老师你一般看电影和听音乐是爱好哪一些呢, 施鹏鹏 回IORI: 学生时代的挫折实在太多了。有些是无法改变的,例如因相貌原因多次落选班级合唱,迄今还有阴影;有些则是可以改变的,例如一开始不太适应重庆的辣椒生活,现在则是无辣不欢。 其实,挫折感很多是自己给自己下的套,想开了,看谈了,也就不成为挫折了。 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 好看的电影及好听的音乐,都在我的爱好范围之列。哈哈。 IORI (枫七杀) 话说老师怎么会有相貌的问题阴影啊,老师的气质和风度同学们都是看在眼里记在心里的,呵呵~~ 老师,你对以后有什么打算呢,是在象牙塔里做自己喜欢的学术一直享受着,,另外还有没有一些其他的人生目标呢,比如很多我们小时候都想过的比如“环游世界”之类的梦想等待完成呢,, 施鹏鹏 回IORI:我有自己的理想,但可能一辈子都实现不了。 我希望能在AIX买一个小房子,和我夫人在那里养老。当然还得养一条金毛。 ================================================================= ===== IORI (枫七杀) 老师,偷偷问一句,你平时的打扮都是感觉很帅气很有风度的,不知道你对你的穿着打扮有什么自己的时尚看法,你有什么自己的男生的穿衣心得,,,看新闻报道说您现在很时尚潮流的打扮是您的妻子教您的是吗, 施鹏鹏 IORI:这完全是我夫人的功劳。 她可是在暗处躲着看啊„„ ================================================================= ===== 渐渐 老师,寝室的同学想问你照片上那件大衣在哪买的,多少钱的,是不是传说在法国的几万一套的, 施鹏鹏 在法国买的,没那么贵,不过也比较贵了。为了博士答辩,出点血是应该的。每每想到如此,肉流满面啊。 . 【学习交流&观点撞击】 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a jjiuiu 可以分享一下你学习法语的心得吗? 施鹏鹏 回jjiuiu:我学法语的心得就是坚持。早期在国内到较专业的培训机构学习五百小时左右,再出国一年以上,估计法语水平就会有较大的提高。 当然,学了要经常用,否则就容易生疏。 剑指北斗 施教授,您好~ 一、你是怎样学外语的,有什么好的方法吗, 二、如何阅读法学专著,或说怎样培养阅读法学专著的兴趣, 三、能不能谈谈您的学习法学的经验,除了勤奋外,有没有好的方法, 多谢施教授~ 屁孩儿 老师您好~ 如果翻译外国著作,以现在本科阶段的水平,翻译哪些好呢,能推荐一些吗, 现在外语水平很低,翻译出来的质量肯定不会有名家的翻译质量高,这个对将来考研还会有帮助吗, 谢谢老师 施鹏鹏 回屁孩儿:早期可以作一些基本的翻译训练,找一位好的导师进行较对,这对于提高法学研究能力极有帮助。我在本科班的教学中会推荐一些翻译素材,你可以下载来看看。 susanmayuan 施老师您好,我考的是贵校的法律英语专业,本科是学英语的,现在在看复试的课本时,觉得自己的法律知识明显欠缺,您跟给我推荐几本入门的有关英美法的中文书籍吗,还有能给我提一点学习法律英语的建议吗,O(?_?)O谢谢您了 ================================================================= ==== 渐渐 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 鹏鹏大哥~这样叫你可以吧 你真的很年轻,我的一个哥哥也就你这么年龄 所以让人觉得很亲近~ 大哥你说可以雅俗共讨,于是乎就捣鼓了几个小问题 1 作为程序法 刑事诉讼法存在法条竞合嘛, 2 大哥作为一个教授,相当年轻,社会上总是有很多的言论,大哥一般怎么处理这些不同的声音, 施鹏鹏 回渐渐: 1、称呼并不重要,随便叫都行,呵呵; 2、法条竞合是刑法的内容,刑诉没有; 3、我不太精通偷菜,不过很多师弟、师妹都在偷,以后向他们取经; 4、对于我的成长履历,有一些质疑是肯定的。我的处理态度是:有则改之,无则加勉。当下要做的倒不是用语言回应质疑,而是用实际行动,提高自己的科研及教学水平。 ================================================================= ==== IORI 施老师您好,百忙之中感谢您,我有几个问题想问您,先谢过~ 1.法律的学习是很艰苦的,外语的学习对于很多同学来说更是头疼至极,有时候我自己觉得这两样能学好一样就很了不起了,就拿英语来说吧,我一直觉得我的英语学习很难进入专业英语的阶段,可能理解中文的学术文章还可以,但是英文的就很困难,虽然专业的英语也学过一些,但是专业性的英语貌似想钻进去很难,而且很占用总体的学习时间,进度有限还很吃力,想请教施老师如何做到法律的学习和外语学习的兼顾和结合的,本人比较愚笨,总觉得二者找不到平衡„„谢谢老师 2.如果是想今后和老师您一样去高校教书育人,去一所大学内任教,需要有哪些职业生涯的准备,不知道老师您在这上面有没有什么见解和自己的体会,另外,是不是现在想进高校当一名教师,基本上是必须具备博士学位,甚至是像老师这样的海外归来的博士学位的人才才有较大的机会,谢谢老师 3.想问一个不是问题的问题,我知道老师您的课现在是基本爆满,教室里和走廊上挤满了前来听课的学生,同学们都积极想去听你的课,但是我知道在本班学生和前来“蹭课”的我们都涌入教室后,大家过于热烈的求学心切也引起了一些矛盾和纠纷,想知道老师您对此的态度是什么,或者说老师您能不能在这也给大家一些建议,让想听课的我们都能合venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 理和正常的听到您的课而又不会影响您的课堂秩序。谢谢老师 我的问题就这三个问题,专业性的法律问题我还没有那个实力和知识的功底来和老师您来探讨,感谢老师在百忙之中来和我们有这一次网络见面会,再次对施老师表示感谢~ 施鹏鹏 谢谢IORI理解哈。 1、法律英语和公共英语有联系也有区别。对法律人而言,英语更多地是一种工具。这就要求我们除将公共英语提高到一定高度外,还应将英语和法律结合起来。这可能就是法律和英语的协调和平衡。我认为学习法律英语的一个很好就是翻译。我有法律英语翻译的学习,你可以来信索取。 2、现在高校基本已经饱和。我想以后要进高校,至少须获得博士学位(包括海外博士学位),而且有相当的科研成果证明自己具有较强的科研潜力。 3、关于听课和占位问题,确实比较头痛。在目前教学条件限制的情况下,我想可否有些旁听的同学可以自带小板凳。正如你所讲,种种矛盾皆因求学而起,所以大家一定要相互体谅。我会再和教学管理部门沟通一下,看可否换一个大一点的教室。 谢谢IORI,我很乐意在西政人论坛和大家交流。 ================================================================= ==== minmin 我的问题是:我在德国的马尔堡大学看到,德国的学生学习法律的教科书很厚,学生不管是在第一阶段还是第二阶段,学习的时候很辛苦。在西政上学,有时候觉得要沉下心来读书的确很寂寞。请问老师是怎样坚持下来的、或者说是怎样找到持续学习的办法的, 因为学习的时候总会有不顺利的地方,有时候会很沮丧。怎样面对这种沮丧、打起精神呢, 谢谢老师~ 施鹏鹏 回MINMIN: 静下心来看书确实需要相当的毅力,尤其是在国外。我时常告诫自己,天道酬勤。有些事情,现在不做,以后做起来会更麻烦。 读书累的时候,我喜欢听歌、玩游戏、看看电影之类的。确实特别累的时候,我就会把累和痛苦转嫁给别人:唱歌给别人听。 ===================================================================== venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a piaomiaohellen 想考知识产权法专业方向,学法律英语有帮助么,,,主攻方向著作权(计算机软件), 施鹏鹏 回piaomiaohellen:很有用。 马鹿君 刚刚知道施老师是晋江人的时候 西政泉州老乡群的我们一群小朋友们都激动坏了 前段时间特地下载了侨乡卫视的《咱厝咱人》里关于施老师您的视频 知道您的爱人最近也在忙着写论文,需要您的常联系她照顾她;老师自己也一定有不少教学工作要处理。 但还是非常非常诚挚地希望有机会的话,老师可以忙里偷闲,和我们这些小师弟师妹们聚一聚,话话仙,指点迷津^___^ q 155402849 ; msn fey1205@hotmail.com 我们不会打扰老师的正常生活的 :) ================================================================= === 浮躁 鹏鹏老师 问您个专业对口的问题: 您认为如果中国刑诉引进了默权制度对刑讯逼供的减少会不会有积极的作用, 还有没有可能通过引进并实施一些法学理论可以有效改善刑讯逼供发生的概率, 施鹏鹏 回浮躁:如何引入以及在多大限度引入何种形式的沉默权,这本身便是一个非常复杂的问题。当下还不能将引入沉默权和解决刑讯逼供直接挂钩。 解决刑讯逼供需要一系列配套方法,例如加强律师在侦查阶段的作用、强化非法证据排除规定、引入程序无效制度、在讯问时同步录音录相等。 ================================================================= venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a ==== IORI (枫七杀) 我还想问下鹏鹏老师,如果要走学术性的道路,是一定要考上研究生的嘛,,话说如果想向老师这样出国深造成为一个“洋博士”,是不是能考上名声比较大的学校(例如北大清华这类),出国深造或者交流的机会会多些,, 施鹏鹏 回IORI:一般而言,如果以学术为职业,接受硕士教育恐怕是一个必经之路。当然不排除有特别优秀的本科生。 是的,北京著名高校的留学或访学的机会要多得多。这也是北京著名大学的优势所在。 ================================================================= ==== 林寂色 老师今天说司法改革要一步一步来,那第一步应该是如何,是朝向实体还是程序 第二,老师说李庄案你不愿明说,这是否也表明,在司法改革上,你也不会站到支持改革的第一线 施鹏鹏 回林寂色: 一步一步来,并非指先实体或先程序,而是指在改革路上,我们不宜太理想主义,而应秉承更务实、更稳重的路子。 李庄案,我不太愿意去谈,原因有两个:第一个,我目前尚未掌握第一手的案卷材料,这不符合学者客观的精神;第二个,我未必能全部反应自己的观点,这不符合学者独立的精神。所以干脆不谈了。 ================================================================= ==== JESSICA1988 施老师,您好,问您个问题:西政有与别的国家的高校,或者香港澳门的合作办学吗,读研期间可以出国深造吗,比例大约是多少,是按照考试的形式选拔吗,谢谢老师~ 施鹏鹏 回JESSICA1988:西政和许多国家的著名高校都有联系,尤其是法国、日本和美国。读研期间也可以交流。具体详情,你可以咨询我校处事处。他们可以提供最一手的材料,包括如何选拔以及难度。 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a @~@乖 施老师,对于刑事诉讼专业的复试除了看陈光中老师和徐静春老师合著那本刑事诉讼法学, 还需要看其他的书籍吗, 在以后的刑事诉讼法的学习中,还要注意什么吗, 施鹏鹏 回@~@乖:多看一些刑诉方面的专业书籍,尤其是主流法学核心期刊有关刑事诉讼的论文。 ================================================================= ==== 四送红军 施鹏鹏教授您好 我想问一下~最近正在召开的两会 有很多雷人的提案 如:关闭网吧 0点断网 同性恋合法婚姻 等等 这种表现是说明我们的两会更加真实了不在形式化了 还是说那些提案的委员有炒作之嫌 吸引大众眼球 你对今后两会的改革方向 有什么想法吗, 谢谢~ 施鹏鹏 回四送红军: 很多提案很雷人,原因在于我们的人大代表不职业化(完全兼职),当然不排除个别代表抄作吸引眼球。 改革两会,首先应真正让两会有权。其次,应当让两会真正有代表意义。没有这两点,提什么案,都没用。 ================================================================= ===== IORI (枫七杀) 老师,今晚的机会难得,就恕我多问几个不是问题的问题了,我今年就要毕业了就要离开西政了,所以我还是脸皮厚点把握住这个和老师交流的机会吧„„ 老师,我们毕业生正在为撰写毕业论文而烦恼,其实老师可能你也知道也看到过,就venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 是现在学校里的很多同学的学年论文和毕业论文,大多是东抄一点西抄一点的,同学们都戏称“天下文章一大抄,看你会抄不会抄”,这样其实既不利于自己的学习,也不利于学校学生论文的质量的提高,不知道老师怎么看待这一现象。如果是你的学生写学年论文和毕业论文,你会怎么指导他们,另外,老师对我们现在写一些比较好的质量高的毕业论文有些什么建议和箴言吗,,谢谢老师~ 顺带说一句,老师的名字“鹏鹏”发音有点像法语的糖果„„ 施鹏鹏 回IORI:毕业论文之所以会“抄袭”成风,源自于我们的本科生在四年的教学中未能有效地进行知识积累以及文风上整饬。所以,我强烈建议应在大一开设正宗的法学导论,从一开始便培养法科思维以及知识积累。 ================================================================= ==== 芷凝 (芷小宁) 对呢,看到楼上同学的帖子,我也想要一些法语的资料~ 想问一下翻译著作的问题,您做国外作品的翻译是应人邀请呢,还是自己找感兴趣的著作翻译好了再去联系出版,如果我们也想做翻译工作,甚至从事著作翻译的事业,要怎么做呢, 施鹏鹏 芷凝:翻译著作,要获得出版社及作者的授权。这一般可由国内出版社出面解决。 我目前翻译的作品,主要是受别人邀请。以后可能会翻译一些自己觉得极有学术意义的作品。 如果要作翻译,现在就要多练笔,还要找一位行家较。所谓不出道,就不轻易翻译,否则反容易落下笑柄。 ================================================================= ==== 可爱的洪水猛兽 鹏鹏老师,我一直想去法国读书,但是身边的朋友都说,法国的历史文化虽然很悠久,但是它在市场上还是不如北美的名校的牌子吃香,都建议我说如果要出国还是不要去法国,但是我真的很想去法国读书,不知道老师您怎么看待留学法国和留学美国的区别的,谢谢 施鹏鹏 可爱的洪水猛兽:仅就法学而言,欧陆国家是首选。因为我们缺这方面的人才。而且在法国读书,费用低得多,不仅生活费较低,而且免学费。何况你对法国如此感兴趣,更不能做出错误选择。 ================================================================= venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a ===== yatou602258072 老师,我想问女生从事律师和侦查工作是不是会遇到很大的困难呢, 施鹏鹏 yatou602258072:会比男生更有一些困难。但我相信事在人为。何况现在女孩做大事业的,越来越多了。 ================================================================= ==== 林寂色 (小林) 老师你对于零口供结案的看法是什么,抛弃中国千百年来的重口供传统是一种进步,还是司法的噱头 施鹏鹏 零口供在时下确实有相当的意义,绝非噱头,但如果落实不了,或者是变相地扭曲,那就真是杯具了。 林寂色 (小林) 回复 126# 施鹏鹏 那会不会造成更大的司法不公呢,毕竟当下程序法是滞后的 施鹏鹏 林寂色:目前看来,没有这种迹象。 ================================================================= ===== 可爱的洪水猛兽老师,我问个比较私人的问题,老师要是觉得不方便可以直接忽略,没有关系的„„ 我们知道有很多学校向老师您抛出了橄榄枝,但是你有自己的原因留在了西政,我们西政人很希望您能一直是我们的老师,但是不知道老师您会不会有一天就离开了西政呢,老师您会一直留在西政嘛,如果西政的学术环境,我只是假设啊,西政的学术环境越来越走下坡,老师您是不是就要离开了,,, 我问完我面壁去,老师你要是觉得尖锐可以回避„„ 施鹏鹏 可爱的洪水猛兽:问题不尖锐啊。人才流动在时下已经非常普遍了。不过,我还是很venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 喜欢重庆的,多为母校作贡献,恐怕是西政学子共同的想法。 ================================================================= ==== IORI (枫七杀) 老师,不知道您私下是不是会和同学们一起在校园里散步和聊天,或是在食堂里边吃饭边探讨问题。 施鹏鹏 回IORI:我的研究生经常和我在一块。但本科生因校区太远,就比较少了。 IORI (枫七杀) 老师,不知道你在法国留学的几年,你对将来如果可以再国外读完博士,能留在国外工作的可能性有多大有什么自己的所见所闻的看法,,真的如一般报道中所提到的是很艰辛的所谓的“刷盘子”和不被重用的待遇吗,, 讨问题,或者邀请学生去您家做客呢,, 施鹏鹏 回IORI:相对理科而言,文科的博士比较难在法国谋一份相对体面的工作。但刷盘子恐怕还是不会。这其实还是看个人,很难泛泛而论。 ================================================================= ==== 左右不分 学校的刑诉教科书上关于证据只是简单的一节。。说的传闻规则,非法证据排除规则,证据补强规则等 而在现实案件中,无论在取证,质证,认证中肯定都用其规则的。。 如果鹏鹏哥不嫌麻烦的话 可否从取证规则,质证规则和认证规则这种分类体系上系统的梳理一下。。。貌似很麻烦 施鹏鹏 左右不分:有专门的证据学课程。这些范畴相当重要,应该专门研究。从某种意义上讲,证据是诉讼法的灵魂所在。 左右不分 这学期有选证据法学。。我也借了教材。。但是悲剧的没有按我的思路来的(说法有点怪异)。。我很想自己着手来按我的条理整理出来。。但是我发现完全没有着手的地方。。还是学得太少 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 施鹏鹏 左右不分:时下确实缺乏好的证据学教材。 左右不分 意思就是我就这样悲剧了么。。 好吧。。 我自己研究。。 主要个人对这方面比较感兴趣。。 鹏鹏哥否推荐几本刑诉方面的经典著作。。能偏证据法方面最好哈 施鹏鹏 回左右不分:你可以考虑看一些英文原著,更具逻辑性,也更清晰。 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a
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