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部落格在台湾暴红部落格在台湾暴红 第一課 部落格在台灣暴紅 單元學目標 教 介紹部落格。1. 了解部落格的英文用語。2. 學習用“當作主詞。3. V-ing” 學習“的句型。4. not…until”教學提示 Getting Started 教學建議 老師可以用圖片展示幾個較當紅的英文部落格~藉以吸引同學討論的動機。1. 老師可以指著課本的圖片問同學~用問句的方式來當作開場白~進而帶入主題,2. Do you have your own blog? If yes, what do you usually write in your b...
部落格在台湾暴红 第一課 部落格在台灣暴紅 單元學目標 教 介紹部落格。1. 了解部落格的英文用語。2. 學習用“當作主詞。3. V-ing” 學習“的句型。4. not…until”教學提示 Getting Started 教學建議 老師可以用圖片展示幾個較當紅的英文部落格~藉以吸引同學討論的動機。1. 老師可以指著課本的圖片問同學~用問句的方式來當作開場白~進而帶入主題,2. Do you have your own blog? If yes, what do you usually write in your blog? Who visits your blog? If no, do you plan to have one? 參考 Answers will vary. 教學建議 在的暖身之後~老師可以依照學生的程度~先讓學生在看書或不看1. Getting Started 書的狀況下~聽一遍課文的~藉此訓練學生的聽力~並找訓練學生到本課課文CD 的主要概念。 聽一遍課文之後~可以進入課文的探討。2. CD 在討論課文時~建議老師依段落順序~逐段討論內容~並教且搭配單字和片語的學。3. 講解每一段課文之前或之後亦可~老師可問一兩題與該段課文相關的問題~讓學 生從課文中找答案~以訓練閱讀能力。 講解完課文後~接著讓學生寫。4. Comprehension Check之後~再做句型和文法「動名詞當主詞」的練習和「」的複習~加強學生對本5. not…until 課文法重點的了解。 最後~帶領學生進入~讓學生學會用英文說出網站名稱和電子郵件信6. Language Use 箱~並且學會用英文申請部落格時所需用到的單字。 問題 第一段 How do bloggers keep their diaries?What do people write about on the blogs?第二段 What does a blog usually contain?When did blogs begin to appear?When was the word “weblog” coined?第三段 What do bloggers write about?Who reads blogs mainly? 第四段 Why has blogging taken off? How do people set up their blogs?Name at least two free websites where people can set up blogs. Reading 課文翻譯與重點 課文翻譯, 寫日記不是新奇的事情~但是把日記放到網路上是件時尚的事。有越來越多的人架設網站~並為把他們每天的日常活動和想法寫在其中。這些人被稱部落客。1. Keeping a diary is nothing new, but putting it online is a recent trend. (1) 文法/句型 動名詞當主詞V-ing…+ is / was / V Staying up late is not good for your health.熬夜太种對你的健康不好。 Watching TV all day makes you dull.整天看電視使遲鈍你。 修飾這個字的形容詞要放的它為後面~文法上稱後位修飾。(2)nothing 例,I have nothing more to say. 我無話可說了。 There is nothing valuable in the house. 屋裡沒有貴重的東西了。 2. A growing number of people are doing this by setting up websites on which they write about their everyday activities and feelings. 是指前面所提到的。(1) this putting their diary online 為一關係副詞子句~是(2) on which they write about their everyday activities and feelings 用來形容前面的先行詞。關係代名詞前的介系詞可以搬回到關係子句的後面~websites 即。此處也可以換which they write about their everyday activities and feelings onon which 成關係副詞e。wher 文法/句型 關係副詞 This is the house in which I had lived for ten years. 就是這間房子~我曾經在裡面住十年。 The desk on which you are doing homework belongs to my grandfather. 你桌在上面寫功課的書是屬於我祖父的。 3. These people are called bloggers. 文法/句型 be + p.p. 被動式 The story was published in the newspapers.這則故事被刊登在報紙裡。 These fish will be sold to the market.這些魚將被賣到市場裡。 部落客就是有「網誌」或「部落格」的人。一個部落格通常包含有寫作~有時候也有圖片。像這樣的網站在十餘年前就開始出現~但是「網誌」這個字一直到1997年才形成~後來~這個字又被簡寫為「部落格」。 4. A blogger is someone who has a “weblog,” or “blog.” 是形容詞子句~修飾前面的先行詞e。who has a “weblog,” or “blog” someon 文法/句型 adjective clauses 形容詞子句 This is the car that my father gave me on my birthday.這就是生日時我父親給我的那輛車。 Judy is the girl who was late this morning. 茱就是蒂今天早上遲到的女孩。 5. Websites like this began to appear more than ten years ago, but the term “weblog” wasn’t coined until 1997. 在此的用法是介系詞~意思「像」為很清。多學生分不當動詞和介系詞的差(1) like like 別~老師在此可以多舉一些例子。 例, I don’t like your ideas. They sound strange. 我不喜歡你很的點子~他們聽起來奇怪。 Northern countries like Korea and Japan have more snow than Taiwan has 北國比台灣有更多的雪~像日本和韓國。 (2) 文文法法//句型句型 not… until 直到……才…… The man didn’t give up until the last minute.這個男子直到最後一分鐘才放棄。 The boy wouldn’t eat anything until his mother appeared. 這個男孩直到他的媽媽出現才肯吃東西。 6. It was later shortened to “blog.” 本句文法被為動式~重點分析也是同樣的文法。3 寫部落格只有在最近才在台灣造成流行~多數的部落客是年輕人~他們寫一些讓他們感到有趣的事~例如,愛情、流行、或者學校生活。多數的部落格主要由部落客的同學和朋友閱讀。然而~最受歡迎的部落格每天吸引好幾千人造訪。 7. Blogging has only recently caught on in Taiwan. 文法/句型 現在完成式have /has + p.p. 例,The old soldier has not seen his family for a long time. 這個老兵很久沒有見到他的家人了。 My parents have lived in the house for twenty years. 我的雙親已經住在這個房子二十年了。 8. Most bloggers are young people who write about things that interest them, such as love, fashion, or their school life. 是先行詞~而後面的是一關係代名詞引導young peoplewho write…or their school life的形容詞子句~用來修飾。又這個形容詞子句中的也是先行詞~後young peoplethings 面是另一形容詞子句。重點分that interest them, such as love, fashion, or their school life析也是同樣的文法。4 9. However, the most popular blogs attract thousands of visitors every day. 為為為一連接副詞~功用轉折語氣~意思「然而~不過」~可位於句首、句(1)however 中或句尾~常與逗點並用。 例,John earns lots of money. However, he never saves money. 約翰多錢賺很~可是他從不存錢。 Peter is not smart. However, he still has good grades because he studies several hours every day. 彼得不聰明~可是他仍然有好成績~因他每天為很念書多小時。 中文意思「好為幾千的……~數以千計的……」。這個字前面(2)thousands of…thousand 若有明確的數目字~則不可加。s 例,Thousands of birds fly to Taiwan to spend their winter. 好幾千隻鳥飛到台灣來過冬。 The man earns twenty thousand dollars a month. 這個男子一個月兩萬賺元。 【補充】其類似它用法的單位名稱還有百~百萬~十億等。hundred()million()billion() 部落格流行起來是因有趣為它很為它很你~而且因簡單。所要做的就是登錄到像Blogger.com免費的網址~然後遵守指示~台灣的部落客可以用Google或Yahoo!奇摩來尋找你並提供免費空間的網站~去架設他們自己的部落格~假如喜歡寫作且有興趣和別人分享你你你的想法~應該加入部落格的世界。或者~像台灣的許多學生一樣~或許你你它已經有自己的部落格。如果是這樣的話~已經知道是一個連接世界的好方法。 10. Blogging has taken off because it is fun, and also because it is easy. (1) 文法/句型 S + V…because S + V… 因為…… Jane has two jobs because she needs money.珍有兩份為她工作~因需要錢。 The little girl ate a lot because she was hungry.這個小女孩吃很為她多~因餓了。 這個句子有兩個子句~又這兩個子句都是開頭~都是代替g~(2) becauseititbloggin 是代名詞的功用~原句是指「部落格很有趣」而且「部落格很簡單」。 11. All you have to do is log on to one of the free sites like Blogger.com and follow the instructions. 文法/句型 你所必須……All+ S + have / has to + is + (to) V / N All you have to do is (to ) go home and take a rest.你並所必須做的就是回家且休息。 All he has to do is study hard. 他所必須做的就是認真念書。 這個句型中也可以換成~又也可以換成。all whathave to can, want, need to 例,What I want from you is love and care. 我想從你身上要的就是愛和關心。 12. Bloggers in Taiwan can also use Google or Yahoo! to search for a website that provides free space where they can set up their own blogs. 這個句子中是一先行詞~後面是一形容詞子句~a website that provides… their own blogs 用來修飾前面的。又後面是一個關係副詞引導的形容詞子句a websitefree spacewhere ~用來修飾前面的。they can set up their own blogsfree space 13. If you enjoy writing and are interested in sharing your ideas with others, you should join the blogging world. (1)文法/句型 If S+V…, S+V…假如…… If you need help, you can call me. 假如需要你幫你忙~可以打電話給我。 If you like the salad, you can have some more.假如喜歡你你沙拉~可以再多吃一些。 意思「喜愛」為~這個字後面要加動名詞或名詞。(2) enjoy 例,I enjoy having some ice cream after meals. 我喜愛在餐後吃一些冰淇淋。 Many children enjoy swimming in summer. 很多小孩喜歡在夏天游泳。 14. Or, if you’re like many students in Taiwan, maybe you already have your own blog. 在此處連接為詞~用來連接前面(1) OrIf you enjoy writing and are interested in sharing 和後面your ideas with others, you should join the blogging world.if you’re like many 這兩個句子。平常之後並沒students in Taiwan, maybe you already have your own blog.or 有逗號~然而此處是因加為強語氣的緣故~所以加上逗號。 本句的句型同上一句~皆是使用“的句型。(2)If S+V…, S+V…” 本句的e~在此的用法是介系詞~意思「像」為。第一段中的解析也有出現~老師(3)lik5 可以參考其例句。 15. If so, you already know that it’s a great way to connect with the world. 是代名詞~代替前面指的“。(1) somaybe you already have your own blog” 是代名詞~代替前面提到的“。(2) itjoin the blogging world” Comprehension Check I. Choose the main idea of the article. C II. Choose the best answer to each question.1. A2. A3. C4. B5. C III. Answer the following questions.1. Blogs began to appear more than ten years ago (but the term “weblog” wasn’t coined until 1997). 2. Most blogs are read mainly by the blogger’s classmates and friends. 3. Blogging has taken off because it is fun, and also because it is easy.4. It’s easy. Just log on to one of the free sites like Blogger.com and follow the instructions. 5. Blogger.com. Vocabulary I Words for production 日記1.diary [ ] n. [C] a book in which a person writes about his or her daily life I kept a diary when I was in junior high school. 我念國中時有寫日記。 keep a diary 寫日記 寫日記write something in one’s diary Tom has been keeping a diary since he was a child.從湯姆是個小孩時~他一直就有寫日記。 I wrote my private thoughts in my diary. 我把我個人的想法寫在日記裡。 最近的~近來的2.recent [ ] adj. happening a short time ago 似 new, fresh 最近~近來recently [ ] adv. 似 lately I began drinking coffee just a few months ago. It’s a recent habit. 我在幾個月前開始喝咖啡它~是一個近來的習慣。 My mother recently traveled to Japan. 我的媽媽最近到日本去旅行。 recently這個字通常與「現在完成式」或「過去式」連用。 I have not seen you recently. 我近來都沒有看到你。 George and Mary were recently married.喬治和瑪莉近來結婚了。 比較new / recent / modern 一本新書 一條新路a new book / road / 最近的發現 研究 事件a recent discovery / study / event // 現代歷史 現代科學modern history / science / 最近幾年 最近幾十年 最近幾個月in recent years / decades / months / / 趨勢3.trend [ ] n. [C] a recent fashion or style 似 tendency Don’t just follow all the trends—you have to think for yourself, too. 不要追求所有的流行也要—你自己想。 trendy [ ] adj. 流行的 It is trendy now to dye your hair. 染頭髮是流行很的。 an upward / downward trend 向上的趨勢 /向下的趨勢 Prices are showing an upward trend because of the bad economy. 因經為濟不佳~物價顯示上漲的趨勢。 追隨流行follow a trend Many teenagers blindly follow every trend that comes along. 很青多少年盲目追求流行的趨勢。 活動4.activity [ ] n. [C] things done by people 活躍的~活潑的active [ ] adj. Bike riding and swimming are my favorite activities. 騎种踏車和游泳是我最愛的活動。 Mr. Chen is seventy years old, but he is still active. 陳先生七十歲了~但是他仍然活很躍。 extracurricular activities 課外活動 課內活動classroom activities 戶外活動outdoor activities Many students take part in extracurricular activities.很多學生參加課外活動。 反passive|, inactive Be more active in class. Don’t just sit there and do nothing. 在課堂上要更主動一點~不要只是坐著而什麼事都不做。 部落客~博客5.blogger [ ] n. [C] a person who has a blog 部落格~網路日誌 之縮寫blog [ ] n. [C] (weblog) 使用部落格blogging [ ] n. Many of my classmates are bloggers.我有多很同學是部落客。 It is easy to set up your own blog.設立自己你很的部落格簡單。 Blogging is an interesting way to make new friends online. 部落格是一個在線上交新朋友的有趣方式。 blog book 部落格文集 (亦可寫作blog-book或blook) 部落格寡婦blog widow 原木~圓形木材~海、空航海日誌~飛行日誌log [ ] n. [C] () 伐木~鋸木~海、空記入航海日誌~記入飛行日誌v. [T] () 沉睡sleep like a log My father always sleeps like a log after a day of hard work.經過一天的辛勤工作~我的父親總是沉沉睡去。 包含6.contain [ ] v. [T] to have or include something within an area 似 hold 容器container [ ] n. [C] This box contains everything you need. 這個盒子包含需要你的每件東西。 The salt is in that glass container on the table. 鹽在餐桌玻上的璃容器裡。 contain 另可指「控制(情緒)」~較常用於否定句。 When I saw his new haircut, I couldn’t keep from laughing. I could not contain myself. 當我看到他的新髮型~我忍不住笑了。我控制不了我自己。 塑膠容器plastic container 玻璃容器glass container 貨櫃車container car 貨櫃船container ship 詞語~術語~7.term [ ] n. [C] a word or an expression that has a particular meaning one 學期of the periods into which a school year is divided 似 學期semester The old man didn’t understand the terms that his doctor used. 這個老人不了解他的醫生所使用的術語。 You can take classes during the summer term. 你可以在夏季學期修課。 technical terms 專門用語 化學用語chemical terms 商業用語business terms ※是指學校或大學三學期制的學期 term (also: semester) 春季的學期the spring term The spring term usually begins in January. 春季的學期通常在一月開始。 秋季的學期the fall /autumn term The fall term usually begins in September.秋季的學期通常在九月開始。 在學期中during the term Tom had to take a part-time job during the term to earn money. 湯姆在學期中必須兼差錢賺。 期中考試midterm exam In this class, students must take both a midterm exam and a final exam. 在本班~學生必須考期中考和期末考。 在學期末at the end of the term Students have to hand in their reports at the end of the term. 學生必須在學期末繳交他們的報告。 創造~杜撰~鑄造硬8.coin [ ] v. [T] to invent a new word or phrase to make a coin (幣) 硬幣~錢幣coin n. [C] Who coined the word “weblog”? 誰創造「」這個字,weblog After the war, the country had to coin more money. 戰後~這國家必須鑄造更多的錢。 I collect foreign coins. 我收集外國錢幣。 a newly coined word 新創的字 This dictionary collects lots of newly coined words.這本字典蒐集很多新創的字。 迅速賺大錢 coin money () He makes a lot of money as a car salesman. It’s as if he’s coining his own money. 他當汽車銷員售賺很鈔了多錢~就好像他自己印票一樣。 金 銀 銅幣a gold / silver / copper coin / / The little girl lost her gold coin on her way home. 小女孩在回家的路上弄丟她的金幣了。 丟銅板 toss / flip a coin 丟銅板coin toss Let’s toss a coin to decide who does the job.讓我們丟銅板來決定誰做這個工作。 使變短~縮短9.shorten [ ] v. [T] to make shorter 反 lengthen Many high school girls like to shorten their skirts. 很多中學女孩喜歡改短她們的裙子。 The days are shortening as winter arrives. 冬天來臨時~白天就漸漸短了。 反lengthen [ ] v. [T] 使變長~延長 My son has grown taller. I need to lengthen his pants.我的兒子長高了~我需要加長他的褲子。 縮短報告to shorten a report Please shorten your lengthy report to five hundred words. 請將你冗長的報告縮短到五百字。 時尚~流行10.fashion [ ] n. [U,C] a popular style of clothes, hair, etc. She plans to study fashion and work in a big fashion company in the future. 她研尚打算讀時~並尚且將來在一家大型的時公司上班。 fashionable [ ] adj.時髦的~流行的 My sister’s new hairstyle is very fashionable.我妹妹的新髮型很髦時。 舊式的~過氣的old-fashioned adj. I don’t want to wear this old-fashioned jacket anymore.我再也不想穿這件過氣的夾克了。 the latest fashions 最新的流行 Go to the department store to see the latest fashions. 去一趟百貨公司看看最新的流行。 跟上流行keep up with fashion Many young people think it important to keep up with fashion. 很為跟很多年輕人認上流行重要。 流行中 退流行in fashion / out of fashion / What color is in fashion this season? 本季流行什麼顏色, 一場時裝展a fashion show The fashion department at our school holds a big fashion show at the end of the spring term. 春季學期末時~我們學校的時系尚舉辦一場大型的時裝展。 流行趨勢fashion trends This magazine contains photographs of the latest fashion trends. 這本雜誌包含有最新流行趨勢的照片。 主要地11.mainly [ ] adv. for the most part 似 mostly 主要的main [ ] adj. We go to school mainly to get an education. 我們上學主要是去受教育。 What is the main idea of the reading? 這篇選文的主旨是什麼, 似chiefly 主街Main Street In the United States, the street that runs through the middle of a town is often called Main Street. 在美國~穿越城鎮為中央的街道經常稱主街。 吸引12.attract [ ] v. [T] to draw; to make somebody interested 有吸引力的~迷人的attractive [ ] adj. New York City attracts many people every year. 紐約市每年吸引很多人。 The girls are as attractive as their lovely mother. 這些女孩就像他們可愛的一媽媽樣迷人。 attraction [ ] n. [U, C]吸引力~有吸引力的事物 What is the big attraction of computer games? I don’t find them interesting at all. 電腦遊戲的吸引力在哪裡,我一點也不覺得有趣。 遊客景點tourist attraction Mt. Ali is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Taiwan.阿里山是台灣最有名的遊客景點之一。 被對人感到吸引力be / feel attracted to sb. ~() I felt attracted to Bobby the first time I saw his handsome face.我被巴比吸引住~第一次我看到他英俊的臉龐。 使用說13.instruction [ ] n. [C] (usu. pl.) information about how to do or use something 明~指示 似 direction, guide 指導~命令instruct [ ] v. [T] If you just follow the instructions, you will be able to use the machine. 如果你你遵照指示~將能种使用這台機器。 You can’t learn to drive by yourself; you need someone to instruct you. 你你你無法自己學會開車~需要別人指導。 The teacher instructed the students to finish their reports. 老師命令學生要完成他們的報告。 instructions 當「說明書~使用」時~多複數形為。 Read the instructions carefully. 仔細地閱讀說明書。 教教育~導instruction n. [U] I go to a cram school for extra instruction in English.我去上補習班為教了有額外的英文育。 有益的instructive [ ] adj. Read the book carefully; you’ll find it very instructive.詳細閱讀這本書~你它很將會發現有助益。 提供14.provide [ ] v. [T] to give people things that they need 似 supply, offer We will provide the food at the party, but you must bring your own drinks. 我們在派對中將會提供食物~但是你你飲必須帶自己的料。 provide其它的意思 準備~預備~防備~撫養provide v. [I] You should provide for the new comers. 你為應該新來的人準備。 We must all be sure to provide against emergencies. 我們一定要確實預防緊急事故。 My father works hard to provide for a large family.我父親認工真作來養一個大家庭。 提供某物給某人provide something for somebody()() The hotel provides hot water and clean towels for its guests.這家旅館提供熱水和乾淨的毛巾給他們的客人。 聯結~連結15.connect [ ] v. [I, T] to join together 似 link 反 disconnect 有連結的connected [ ] adj. The Internet has made it easy for you to connect with people. 網路使得容你很易和人溝通。 The bridge connects the two cities. 這座橋聯結這兩座城市。 I can’t hear the music. Are you sure the speakers are connected to the radio? 我聽不到音樂~你嗎確定擴音器有連結到收音機, connection [ ] n. 連接 I don’t see any connection between these two ideas. 我看不出這兩個想法有相關。 其它的意思connected You are connected. 接通了,電話用語~意指可以你開始通話了。() ※connect A and B 連結A和B The Channel Tunnel connects London and Paris.英法海底隧道連接倫敦和巴黎。 把和連結起來connect A with B AB He looks familiar, but I can’t connect his face with a name. 他很臉跟眼熟~但我無法把他的名字連結起來。 Please connect me with the manager. ,Please put me through to the manager. 請我接經幫理。 II. Words for recognition 網路上1. online [ ] adv. 線上的adj. Many bloggers like to put their pictures online.很多部落客喜歡把他們的照片放到網路上。 John’s brother is crazy about online games.約翰的弟弟對於線上遊戲很著迷。 網址~網站2.website [ ] n. [C] 網址~場所site [ ] n. [C] Visit our website, and you can learn more about our product. 參觀我們的網站~你會更了解我們的种品。 名為的搜索引擎3. Google n. [U]Google 搜索;用搜索引擎在網路上找資料,google v. [T] Google I wanted to know more about Angelina Jolie, so I googled her. 我想要知道更多安潔莉納莉裘的事~所以我就上網种她。 Google it! 用搜索引擎,找上網种种看,Google() 奇摩;一個網路上的資訊收集網站,4. Yahoo! [ ] n. [U] Yahoo! Idioms and phrases 許多的1. a number of many There are a large number of animals in the national park.這個國家公園裡有多很的動物。 a number of +複數可數名詞 許多的 We still have a number of things to do before the meeting. 在開會之前我們還有多事要做很。 很多的a large / great number of 不多的a small number of 相當多的quite a number of Quite a number of people were hurt in the accident.相當多的人在這次意外事件中受傷。 建立~創立2. set up to establish The man set up a company with his wife. 這個男子和他太太建立一間公司。 set up 亦指「豎立」 You should set up a big sign to attract customers.你豎應該立一個大招牌來吸引顧客。 流行3. catch on to become popular Japanese food caught on in Taiwan a long time ago.日本食物很久以前就在台灣流行。 catch on 亦可解釋為「了解」 I tried to teach my eight-year-old niece how to play the piano, but she just didn’t catch on. 我試著教她我八歲的姪女如何彈鋼琴~但是就是不能了解。 例如4. such as for example I like team sports, such as basketball and baseball.我喜歡團體運動~例如,籃球和棒球。 受歡迎~脫下帽子、衣服等5. take off to become popular to remove () This new computer game has really taken off among young people.這種新的電腦遊戲在年輕人之間大受歡迎。 Please take off your hat when you are in class. 當在你你班上時~請脫掉的帽子。 take off亦指 價种減除(1) () The salesman gave me a discount. He took ten percent off the original price. 銷員售給我打折~照原價減百分之十。 飛機起飛(2) () Our plane will take off at two o’clock. 我們的飛機將在兩點起飛。 電腦登入系統6. log on to enter a computer or website () I forget my password, so I can’t log on to Blogger.com! 我忘記我的密碼~所以我無法登入Blogger.com! log in / on (電腦)登入系統 電腦登出系統log out / off () Log off the computer before you leave.在你離開之前~登出電腦。 尋找7. search for to look for My brother searches for the book he needs on the Internet. 我的兄弟在網路上尋找他需要的那一本書。 請錄音 () Word Power 更多補充資料 bookmark 書籤broadband network寬頻網路browser瀏覽器CD-ROM光碟 computer network電腦網路computer system電腦系統computer software電腦軟體database資料庫 e-commerce 網路商務file种案 firewall 防火牆IP address 網址 hypertext 超文本logout登出 login登入offline 下線的 modem數據機program程式 phishing 網路釣魚HTML超文字標記語言 hypertext markup language server 伺服器ADSL非對稱數位用戶迴路 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line FTP种案傳輸協定CPU中央處理單元,中央處理機File Transfer Protocolcentral processing unit WWW全球資訊網mail list 寄件名單 World Wide Web FAQs常見問答集point-to-point protocol點對點協定frequently asked questions Grammar Focus I V-ing…+ is /was /V 教學建議 本句型主要導教學生~學習用 當作主詞。老師要說明~做為句子的主詞~1. V-ingV-ing為單數主詞~動詞也需用單數。 針對程度較好的同學~可以補充虛主詞的句型~虛主詞是要代替原本當主詞2. V-ing的句型結構~可使整句唸唸起來更精簡~也可馬上了解主詞補語的內容~避免完一長串的 “引導的主詞後~才明白主詞補語為何。。V-ing” It + is / was / V…to V 例: Writing an e-mail in English is not easy.种It is not easy to write an e-mail in English.用英文寫電子郵件不容並易。 Cleaning the house took Mom a whole day.种 It took Mom a whole day to clean the house.媽媽清花了一整天理房子。 2. Playing computer games makes me happy. 3. Making friends online is not always safe. 4. Collecting coins is my hobby. 5. Talking to friends online takes time. 6. Taking a walk is good for you. II not...until + time word/phrase教學建議 教教導本句型時~可依照學生程度和課程進度進行彈性的學~若學生程度仍有待1. 加強~則可以先只提供課本上的內容~告知學生的後面接名詞~也就是,not…until not…until + 時間的點 這個句型中的詞性為介係詞~所以後面要加名詞或名詞片語。until 例: She doesn’t study until the last moment. 直到最後一分鐘~她才念書。 He is a lazy boy; he doesn’t get up until noon. 他是個懶惰的孩子~直到中午才醒來。 針對程度較好的同學~老師可以斟酌補充更多有關的資料~也就是,2. not…until + 子句 這個句型中的詞性為連接詞~所以後面要加子句。until 例: The firefighters did not leave until the fire was put out. 消防隊員直到火撲滅才離開。 The boy did not tell the truth until he saw his mother. 這個男孩直到看到他母親才說實話。 此外~和並非一定要連用。3.notuntil 動作若是表示「持續或進行一段時間」~也可和until / till 連用 例: Jane stayed in the library until eleven o’clock. 珍在圖書館一直待到點。11 Alan will be away until Sunday. 亞倫一直到星期天都不在。 另外可以補充 也可以放句首~但是後面要接倒裝句。4. not until 例: They didn’t go away until it was safe. = Not until it was safe did they go away. 直到安全了~他們才離開。 Many people do not realize the importance of their health until they lose it. = Not until many people lose their health do they realize the importance of it. 很多人直到失去健康~才了解健康的重要性。 2. Helen didn’t have her lunch until two o’clock.3. My parents didn’t travel to Europe until 2005. 4. The mother didn’t see her daughter again until last week. 5. Gary didn’t go home until Friday. 6. We won’t have our English test until next Monday. Language Use 教學目標 第一個活動是學會用英文說出網址和信箱~雖然網路很很普及~但是多學生1. e-mail 並不會用英文說出網址和信箱。例如,介紹網頁時多很學生就把 “這個符號e-mail.” 讀成「」~介紹信箱時多很學生把這個符號讀成“”。pointe-mail@little mouse第二個活動是要學生接觸英文的部落格~很很多中學生對於經營部落格熱衷~但是2. 都僅限於中文。老師可以利用使用學校語言室教時~帶領同學實際操作一遍~甚至可 以全班一起申請~可以建立英文的部落格~讓同學做為交報告和溝通訊息之用。 教學建議 進行第一個活動時~老師可以先告訴學生課本上的例子~然後學生用英文說出1. 自己熟悉的網址和自己的信箱~再進而要求學生說出其它同學的部落格網址和e-mail 信箱。e-mail 進行第二個活動時~老師可以依照學生的程度~看看是否需要補充中文。程度好的2. 同學~可以在課堂上請同學分享建立英文部落格的心得。對於程度不好的同學~老師可以提供中文幫助他們。 I. Read the following addresses aloud.答案 1. h_t_t_p_s_colon_double_slash_triple_ W_dot_blogger_dot_com_slash 2. fareast_at_yahoo_dot_com_dot_t_wII. Steps for starting a blog 建立帳戶1. Create an account. Enter e-mail address 輸入電子郵件信箱 重新輸入電子郵件地址Retype e-mail address 輸入密碼Enter a password 重新輸入密碼Retype password 顯示名稱Display name 字詞驗證 Word verification 接受條款Acceptance of terms 命名您的網誌2. Name your blog Blog title 網誌標題 網誌網址 Blog address (URL) 選擇一個範本3. Choose a templateConversation下課後伊娃和她為她很的同班同學布萊德講話~伊娃因的一個朋友所做的事情~感到 受傷。 伊娃,我真很跟她的對艾美生氣~我再也不想講話了。 布萊德,什為麼她麼,做了什, 伊娃,她封鎖我。 布萊德,封鎖你你麼,的意思是什, 伊娃,我不能登入她她的部落格~封鎖我的名字了。 布萊德,喔懂為真你她,我了……可是……我認艾美不是的要封鎖~對每個人都關掉 的部落格。她 伊娃,真嗎她為麼麼的,什要這做, 布萊德,因為她她它她決定將部落格當作個人日記使用~不想要其人看到的部落格。伊娃,种~我才不會從把我的部落格封鎖別人~我要我的朋友看見我正在做什麼。布萊德,我有同感~那才是擁有部落格的重點所在。 be angry at 對……生氣 Lisa didn’t go home because she was angry at her husband. 麗莎沒有回家~因對為她她的丈夫生氣。 封鎖block [ ] v. 此路不通,Blocked! The police will block the road this afternoon. 警方下午將要封鎖這一條路。 個人的personal [ ] adj. This is for personal use only.這只供個人使用。 情境說明 下課後伊娃和她為她很的同班同學布萊德講話~夏娃因的一個朋友所做的事情~感到困擾。 教學建議 先介紹此對話中的人物及對話的情境。1. 播放播放次數可依學生程度的不同而定。CD—2. 簡單介紹單字片語及~並講解對話內容及重點分析。3.Useful Expressions 簡單地問一兩個問題~以確定他們對內容了解有多少。例如,4. Why is Eva upset? What does Brad say to Eva? What does the word “block” mean on the Internet? 帶讀對話或者請學生跟著唸。5.CD 請兩個學生一組練習對話。6. 抽組上台做示範。7. 會話重點分析 1. I don’t want to speak to her anymore. 再也不……Not … anymore 例,I haven’t heard of John anymore since last year. 自從去年~我再也沒有聽過約翰的消息。 Listening 老師可以先告知同學題目共有五題~每聽一段之後~請同學配合聽力內容去尋找對1. 應的部落格。 老師可以根據學生的程度去調整播放的次數~然後再根據內容做適當的講解~2. CD 幫助學生提升聽力。 聽力种本 1. W: I visited your blog yesterday. You looked very happy in those pictures. M: Yes, I took them during my trip to Kenting. I enjoyed the trip very much. W: I imagine you did. You were smiling in every photo. M: Yeah, the sunny weather made me feel so good. 2. M: Did you put the answers on your blog? W: Yes, I did. I put them up right after you told me to. I thought my classmates might need them. M: Thanks—you did a good job. W: You’re welcome. 3. M: Did you know that John’s girlfriend broke up with him? W: I can’t believe it! John must be very sad. M: That’s for sure. He wrote about his feelings on his blog. W: Poor John. 4. W: Let’s go to Yangmingshan to see the flowers. M: How do you know it’s the right season? W: I just saw some pictures on my friend’s blog. He went there last week. M: OK. Maybe I can take some pictures for my blog, too.5. M: Hey, I just made these cookies. Try one. W: Umm….. M: How is it? W: There’s something wrong with it. M: But I followed the instructions on your blog. W: But those are cookies for dogs! 答案 1. Andy’s blog 2. Lisa’s blog 3. John’s blog 4. Kevin’s blog 5. Tina’s blog Writing 為了奠定良好的寫作基礎~我們首先必須對句子結構有正確的認識與了解~所以本冊八個單元的寫作練習將從認識基本句型及單句寫作開始。了為強加閱讀與寫作的關係~各單元的例句及練習大多取自課本或和課本主題有關。若對五大句型要有更深入的了解~可參考附錄的「基礎文法」或其他文法書。 句子概念與標點符號 完整的英文句子用來表達一個獨立而完整的意念。句子第一個字母必須大寫~句子結尾必須有句點、問號、或驚歎號。敘述句或命令句結尾用句點~疑問句結尾用問號~(.)(?)表達強烈情感的感嘆句結尾用驚歎號。(!) Examples 敘述句There are a large number of bloggers on the Internet. () 疑問句What does a blog usually contain? () 感嘆句You could be connected with the whole world tomorrow! () Practice A Key: 1.My friend didn’t use computers very often. 2.We usually talked on the telephone. 3.Why don’t you visit my blog? 4.Then, he tried to make his own blog. 5.Blogging is so fun! Practice B Key: Do you want to travel? Do you want to eat at nice restaurants? Do you want to have an easy life? Being rich is one way to do these things. It’s important to think about why you want to be rich. You’ll easily lose a lot of things if you don’t.Pronunciation 請編輯部把舊版發音單元放到各課 Exercises I. Vocabulary 1. provides2. shorten3. attracts4. instructions5. bloggers 6. contains7. fashion8. diary9. terms10. activities11. A12. A II.Grammar and Usage 1. A2. D3.D4.B5.C6. A 7. C8. B III. Passage Completion 1. A2. C3. D4. B5. A IV. Guided Translation 1. number of 2. set up 3. caught on 4. such as 或5. Keeping a diary online is a recent trend. Writing a diary online is a recent trend.本課背景及參考資 料 縮寫 ,~台灣音譯「為為為部落格」或「網路日誌」~大陸音譯「博客」~其Weblog(Blog 實是一種網站~通常由個人管理~不定期張貼新的文章、圖片或影片的網站。網誌上的文章通常根據張貼時間~以倒序方式由新到舊排列。 大部分的網誌作為記錄個人的日記~但是許多熱門的網誌則專注在特定的議題上提供評論或新聞。一個典型的網誌結合了文字、影像、其他網誌或網站的超連結、及其與它主題相關的媒體。能种讓讀者以互動的方式留下意見~是許多網誌的重要要素。大部分的網誌內容以文字為主~仍有一些網誌專注在藝術、攝影、音樂等各種主題。網誌是社會媒體網路的一部分。截至年月為止~網誌搜索引擎已追蹤了億200712Technorati1.12個網誌。以上部分資料來源維基為中文百科全書[] 的出現1. weblog 部落格是在年由 所提出~最早原始的模樣可以到1997Jorn Barger 去种看。到目前為止~在部落格的世界裡仍具有一定的地位~原來是指航海時所記錄下無人稱且客觀的寫作~則是將logJorn Barger它為轉有血有淚的自由書寫。 的出現2. blog 年~第一次使用縮寫字“。因他為的創意~變成動詞~然1999Peter Merholzblog”blog後陸續發展出的衍生字為、部落客或者、;部落格blogging blogger() I blogblogosphere圈、部落格空間,。 年月日~在題為戲“詞彙遊”的帖子中如此回憶道,2002517Peter Merholz   我一直很戲喜歡詞彙~喜歡一遇到生詞就鑽到詞典裡面。我喜歡詞彙遊~詞源學更是有趣。沒有想到這種愛好居然种生了影響~大約年月或者月;確切的時間199945 已經記不清楚,~我在自己的主頁上貼出一個帖子,『我決定把發音為weblogwee’- bl~或者縮寫為‘』。我也沒有多想~就把這個詞彙用進了我的帖子中~後來大家ogblog’ 發郵件也開始使用。把收進書中。但是~如果不是年月~Keith Dawsonblog19998Pyra發布的話~這個詞彙可能就無疾而終。Blogger 最紅的部落格軟體3. 一年部落格開始大流行~是因為推出了現在很多人正在使用的1999Pyra lab ~ 這個軟體讓部落格簡單易學~更重要是免費~這增加大家設立自己的blogger.com 部落格的意願。因這為個軟體非常容易~使用者幾乎不到十分鐘就可以設立自己的部落格~剩下的就是使用者自己去經營自己的部落格內容。公司後來在年被Pyra2003 併購。Google
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