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四个月宝宝早教四个月宝宝早教 四个月早教方案(1) [2009-03-19 21:03] 教案名称:俯卧抬胸(大运动) 教案目的:为进一步学习匍行和爬行做了准备 教案方法:这是在上个阶段用肘支撑的基础上在进一步的表现。这时宝宝的胸脯完全离开床面,只用腹部和手支撑体重。这种体位宝宝的视野开阔,头能转向不同的方向观看新事物。 学习次数;2-4次/天 教案名称:抓小球 (精细运动) 教案目的:练习手的抓握技巧 教案教具:核桃或小积木,大小以婴儿能握住为准 教案前提:能够击打悬吊的玩具。 教案方法:在婴儿能抓到的地方放两个洗干净...
四个月宝宝早教 四个月早教(1) [2009-03-19 21:03] 名称:俯卧抬胸(大运动) 教案目的:为进一步学习匍行和爬行做了准备 教案:这是在上个阶段用肘支撑的基础上在进一步的表现。这时宝宝的胸脯完全离开床面,只用腹部和手支撑体重。这种体位宝宝的视野开阔,头能转向不同的方向观看新事物。 学习次数;2-4次/天 教案名称:抓小球 (精细运动) 教案目的:练习手的抓握技巧 教案教具:核桃或小积木,大小以婴儿能握住为准 教案前提:能够击打悬吊的玩具。 教案方法:在婴儿能抓到的地方放两个洗干净的核桃或小积木。婴儿先用手抓起一个,歪歪扭扭地捧起双手企图将核桃送入口中,开始时婴儿还较笨拙,捧到嘴边就掉下来。到月底婴儿不但能顺利抓一个核桃,还会用另一手去抓第二个。 教案次数:1-2次/天 教案名称:使劲发音(语言) 教案目的:发展语言,自由发音,增加亲子感情。 教案前提:会发拉长元音。 教案方法:父母经常同宝宝说话:“你好啊~今天吃饱了吗,咱们看看这匹大马,滴哒、滴哒,跑得真快”。看看窗外“今天出太阳,天气真好”。拿出玩具“这只小猫会叫、喵喵”„„随机看到什么都要说说,宝宝看到大人的嘴巴活动,他也会“咿呀”地回答。经常同宝宝讲话,当父母不在时,宝宝会躺在小床上咿咿呀呀地自言自语,有时会大声尖叫,希望大人快来。 学习次数:3-4次/天 教案名称:垂涎欲滴(自理) 教案目的:发展味觉 教案前提:会用勺子舔食。 教案方法:用小勺盛一点大人餐桌上的菜汁、水果汁等各种食物汁,让宝宝尝一尝。宝宝喜欢吃炒菜的好味道,会伸手抢勺子。酸甜菜汁是宝宝最喜欢的。如果吃苦瓜也不妨让宝宝尝尝,尝到苦味他会躲开,闭紧嘴唇表示不爱吃。不要让宝宝吃太咸的味道,因为4个月时肾脏还不可能将过多的盐排除体外,盐存留过量会使宝宝皮下积存水分而成水肿。 学习次数:2-3次/天 教案名称:照照镜子(自我认知) 教案目的:观看自己的容貌,认识镜中的自己。 教案前题:能辨认母亲。 教案方法:母亲抱孩子到大镜前,指着镜子说孩子的名字,再指着母亲的镜中影说“这是妈妈”。孩子会伸手摸镜子,同它笑、发出声音。经常照镜子的孩子会在镜前做怪脸,看到镜中人也做怪脸就会开怀大笑。 学习次数:1-3次/天 教案名称:找朋友 (社交) 教案目的:发展与人交往的能力。 教案前提:见人会笑。 教案方法:抱孩子在街心公园玩, 让他看到有些小朋友在学走,或在滑梯上玩耍。先让他在远处观察,渐渐走近,如果宝宝在笑,表示他喜欢同小朋友接近,让他同小朋友“握握手”。如宝宝扑到母亲怀中,表示他害怕,不要勉强,只让他在旁观看,直到出现笑容时才让他与别人亲近。 学习次数:3-6次/周 教案名称:配乐摇摆(音乐) 教案目的:配合音乐节律,身体作摇摆运动。 教案前提:学会扶腋站起和迈步。 教案方法:在胎教音乐节律下,家长握稳宝宝双腋,悬空提起,接着节拍使宝宝左右摆动。渐渐减少往左右摆动的力量,观察宝宝会自己使劲,使身体左右摆动。以后再学习配乐旋转,使宝宝学习旋转平衡。 学习次数:1-3次/天 教案名称:看球追光(空间) 教案目的:目光追随移动快的物体和光线,使视觉灵敏 教案前题:能立即注视看得到的物体。 教案方法:抱婴儿坐在桌边,观看皮球从桌子一端滚向另一端。婴儿全神贯注,头随着视线转动。在傍晚天渐黑时,抱婴儿坐在膝上,大人拿手电筒让亮光照在墙上大幅度转动,观察婴儿头部随光转动,大人边说“抓住它、抓注它”。或者在有阳光处用镜子反射阳光也有同样效果。 -6次/周 学习次数:2 教案名称:毛巾秋千(感官) 教案方法:宝宝仰卧在大浴巾内,父母各拉浴巾的两个角,抬起浴巾。父母依口令“向左”、 “向右,摆动浴巾,让宝宝在浴巾内荡秋千,宝宝非常高兴。如果将口令变成歌谣,浴巾随着节拍荡漾,更是充满乐趣。 教案目的:使宝宝的平衡器官得到发育。在体位移动时,平衡器官如内耳的半规管、前庭和小脑都会协同工作,保持身体的平衡。宝宝在大浴巾内,听到父母温柔的声音不会害怕,在音乐声中按节拍荡漾也能促进右脑发育。 教案注意:这个游戏最适宜4个月龄的宝宝做,因为到第5个月时宝宝已学会翻身,他很好奇,想翻身到毛巾的边缘去看个究竟,稍不注意宝宝就会滚出来而发生危险。已经学会180度翻身的宝宝就不宜做这个游戏了。 学习次数:1-2次/天 一、大动作能力 1、前臂支撑 2、主动侧翻身:尝试主动侧翻身45度。两边都要翻身。 3、扶掖起坐:1、2 扶着双臂腋下坐起~3、4一手扶着腋下~一手扶着颈部放下。做5、6个8拍。 4、踢球:躺着踢球~也可以让宝宝依靠在妈妈身上坐着~然后踢球。 5、荡秋千:此动作都要在喂奶前1小时做~否则容易吐奶。 ItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) to determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the preparation of 0.1mol • L-1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentration is about 0.1mol • L-1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both quantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quality of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard solution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentration range of 0.01 mol • L-1-1 mol • L-1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following points: ? determination of calibration should be parallel 3-4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. ? in order to reduce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should not be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size, the best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pipettes, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stock solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too many accumulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrations of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration with acid and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of L-1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be graduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process of calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical balance, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentration are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparation and preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, the original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydrochloric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solution concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several significant figures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stringent. The "quantity" concept 二人荡秋千 - 把宝宝放在毯子中间~一人抓住头部的两角~另一人握住腿部的两角~然后左右摇摆。 三人荡秋千 - 妈妈平躺着~让宝宝俯卧在毯子中间~头部伸出毯子~一人抓住宝宝一侧的毯子两角~另一人握住另一侧两角~然后左右摇摆。这样可以让宝宝看到妈妈的脸部~同时也保护宝宝~以防意外。 二、精细动作能力 6、够取悬吊的玩具:训练拍打、抓握。 7、准确抓握~如双手抓握摇铃棒:用玩具碰宝宝的手背~她会主动抓握玩具~而不再是被动的抓握了。玩摇铃时要注意保护宝宝的头部。 三、认知能力 8、照镜子游戏:照镜子~照呀照~里面有个乖宝宝~你哭他也哭~你笑他也笑。 9、找妈妈 10、追视手电光 11、小球跳 12、看图片和画报:开始看真实的图片~而非卡通图了。让宝宝180度的视线跟随。并且一边看一边说:“宝宝~这是草莓~是红色的哦......” 四、语言能力 13、听录音带~听自然界各种声音、各种动物叫声 14、学发声~会发辅音:5个月的宝宝会发辅音了。所以需要给宝宝念儿歌~给她语言环境很重要。 15、会尖叫 五、生活与交往能力 16、自己扶奶瓶 17、小勺喂养 18、打哇哇 19、找朋友~发展交往能力。两家一对~宝宝互握手。 20、听优美愉快的音乐时~母亲抱宝宝轻柔的起伏~配乐摇摆~培养节奏感。 P.S. 4个月的宝宝动作训练还有: a,可以练坐~背靠妈妈胸前 b,抱着可以不用扶头颈 c,俯卧~头颈可抬90度~并且眼睛可追物品180度 d,平卧时~旁边放上玩具~可以吸引她翻身 4个月宝宝的辅食添加:宝宝开始可以消化淀粉类食物~并且需要补充营养~锻炼口舌发音和咀嚼能力。 1,121天开始-6个月~可以添加米粉,用水兑米粉~用小勺喂~一开始的3天-1周会用舌头顶出来、吐出来是正常的。1勺兑30ml~习惯后也可用奶粉兑米粉。 2,大便、身体都很好的情况下~可以添加蛋黄~含铁量高。蛋黄煮熟后取1/4喂食。如果大便不好的话~5个月后开始喂食。 3,现在可以慢慢加菜泥+水果泥~4个半月加地瓜、南瓜、黄瓜煮熟后做成泥。一天吃半勺~上午吃。 4,一般4-6个月的宝宝开始有厌食症状~可以给吃干粉~海藻泥。荤食6个月后开始添加。 5,任何辅食都要交替添加~可以观察哪种不适合。每次加薪的辅食~都要停止旧的辅食添加。如果都没有问题~那么可以一起吃。 四个月宝宝早教 [2009-06-04 10:06] 这一时期的婴儿已经不是晴天睡觉的孩子了。他能抬头,也能翻身,手已经能够转动并能握着玩具玩,手和手指也灵活,稍微扶着他就能坐起来了。为了使他能够更好地成长,要从多方面加以关心和帮助宝宝。 发展感觉动作技能。引导手去拿东西、听到声音准确转动眼睛和身体。多给宝宝听音乐和宝宝说话。 给宝宝做翻身操、锻炼宝宝脊柱的肌肉,帮助宝宝学习翻身。 引逗宝宝说话,与宝宝做问答游戏,联系发声,学习“交谈”。 适量加辅食,如鸡蛋、米粉、菜泥等。 俯卧时宝宝上身完全抬起,与床垂直,腿能抬高踢去衣被或吊起的玩具;视线灵活,能从一个物体转移到另外一个物体;开始咿呀学语,用声音回答大人的逗引;喜欢吃辅食。 训 练 方 法 一 : 要注意鼓励宝宝多说话。这个时期的大部分婴儿已经有了咿呀学语的经历。妈妈呀尽肯能多地听孩子喃喃自语,并及时予以回应。还可以和孩子一起听歌谣。妈妈可以边听边哼唱,母亲的声音可以很好地刺激婴儿的大脑。这样反复听,反复哼唱,可以让宝宝的大脑不断得到很好的良好刺激,为日后真正学说话打好基础。 特别提示: 有的宝宝很好动,父母更要当心宝宝的安全。 训 练 方 法 二 : 锻炼宝宝的手脑协调能力。宝宝能够伸出小手抓喜欢的东西,是大脑的进一步发育、手和眼睛能够相互协调的结果。宝宝用眼睛看到自己感兴趣的东西,通过的大脑的“指挥”,用手抓取物体。这样反复锻炼,可以促进宝宝手脑协调能力的提高。这时要注意给宝宝准备一些安全和可以拆除组合的玩具供宝宝拿玩,以促进他手、脑、眼进一步协调发展。 特别提示: 什么年龄锻炼什么项目,如何锻炼,都必须结合正常生长发育节律,不可操之过急,拔苗助长。 训 练 方 法 三 : 传统的“藏蒙蒙”游戏可以增进婴幼儿的记忆力。可能有人不知道。伴随我们一代代人成长的“藏蒙蒙”游戏对增进婴幼儿的记忆力很有帮助。妈妈对着宝宝用手捂脸,使宝宝看不见妈妈的脸,然后突然把手放下,说:“蒙儿~看见了~”孩子会发出咯咯的笑声。反复多次,可以增进孩子的记忆力,对婴儿的大脑发育是很重要的。 特别提示: 给婴儿做运动的时间不宜选在空腹及刚进食后,以在喂食前1小时或进食后1-2小时进行为好。 ItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) to determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the preparation of 0.1mol • L-1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentration is about 0.1mol • L-1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both quantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quality of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard solution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentration range of 0.01 mol • L-1-1 mol • L-1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following points: ? determination of calibration should be parallel 3-4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. ? in order to reduce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should not be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size, the best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pipettes, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stock solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too many accumulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrations of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration with acid and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of L-1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be graduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process of calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical balance, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentration are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparation and preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, the original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydrochloric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solution concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several significant figures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stringent. The "quantity" concept ItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) to determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the preparation of 0.1mol • L-1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentration is about 0.1mol • L-1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both quantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quality of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard solution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentration range of 0.01 mol • L-1-1 mol • L-1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following points: ? determination of calibration should be parallel 3-4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. ? in order to reduce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should not be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size, the best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pipettes, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stock solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too many accumulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrations of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration with acid and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of L-1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be graduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process of calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical balance, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentration are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparation and preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, the original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydrochloric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solution concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several significant figures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stringent. The "quantity" concept ItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) to determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the preparation of 0.1mol • L-1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentration is about 0.1mol • L-1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both quantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quality of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard solution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentration range of 0.01 mol • L-1-1 mol • L-1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following points: ? determination of calibration should be parallel 3-4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. ? in order to reduce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should not be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size, the best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pipettes, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stock solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too many accumulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrations of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration with acid and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of L-1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be graduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process of calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical balance, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentration are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparation and preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, the original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydrochloric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solution concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several significant figures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stringent. The "quantity" concept ItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) to determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the preparation of 0.1mol • L-1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentration is about 0.1mol • L-1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both quantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quality of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard solution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentration range of 0.01 mol • L-1-1 mol • L-1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following points: ? determination of calibration should be parallel 3-4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. ? in order to reduce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should not be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size, the best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pipettes, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stock solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too many accumulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrations of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration with acid and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of L-1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be graduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process of calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical balance, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentration are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparation and preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, the original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydrochloric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solution concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several significant figures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stringent. The "quantity" concept ItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) to determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the preparation of 0.1mol • L-1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentration is about 0.1mol • L-1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both quantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quality of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard solution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentration range of 0.01 mol • L-1-1 mol • L-1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following points: ? determination of calibration should be parallel 3-4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. ? in order to reduce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should not be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size, the best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pipettes, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stock solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too many accumulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrations of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration with acid and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of L-1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be graduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process of calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical balance, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentration are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparation and preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, the original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydrochloric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solution concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several significant figures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stringent. The "quantity" concept ItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) to determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the preparation of 0.1mol • L-1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentration is about 0.1mol • L-1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both quantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quality of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard solution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentration range of 0.01 mol • L-1-1 mol • L-1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following points: ? determination of calibration should be parallel 3-4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. ? in order to reduce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should not be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size, the best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pipettes, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stock solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too many accumulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrations of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration with acid and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of L-1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be graduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process of calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical balance, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentration are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparation and preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, the original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydrochloric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solution concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several significant figures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stringent. The "quantity" concept 烟 sfrgtbbgg03249 ItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) to determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the preparation of 0.1mol • L-1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentration is about 0.1mol • L-1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both quantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quality of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard solution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentration range of 0.01 mol • L-1-1 mol • L-1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following points: ? determination of calibration should be parallel 3-4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. ? in order to reduce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should not be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size, the best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pipettes, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stock solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too many accumulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrations of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration with acid and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of L-1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be graduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process of calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical balance, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentration are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparation and preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, the original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydrochloric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solution concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several significant figures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stringent. The "quantity" concept
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