

2017-08-31 13页 doc 37KB 29阅读




LOL钻石1玩家心得LOL钻石1玩家心得 首先声明:我是从来不玩坦克的,我只玩DPS类英雄,因为不喜欢半肉半输出,也不喜欢玩坦克,也不知道为什么~ 一.上分英雄类型 分为两种: A.暴力类 也就是我说的DPS类。要暴力到什么程度, 1.要暴力到可以一头滚雪球~ 2.暴力到让和你对线的见光死~ 3.暴力到对面无法塔补~ 推荐英雄:天使,鱼人,火女。 B.中期成型无解类 推荐英雄:KSD,VN,提莫。 最近发现出三相的EZ很暴力,本来想试下,但是没时间,可惜了。 二.上分意识 很多人都说:我简直就是王者的意识,只是队友太坑...
LOL钻石1玩家心得 首先声明:我是从来不玩坦克的,我只玩DPS类英雄,因为不喜欢半肉半输出,也不喜欢玩坦克,也不知道为什么~ 一.上分英雄类型 分为两种: A.暴力类 也就是我说的DPS类。要暴力到什么程度, 1.要暴力到可以一头滚雪球~ 2.暴力到让和你对线的见光死~ 3.暴力到对面无法塔补~ 推荐英雄:天使,鱼人,火女。 B.中期成型无解类 推荐英雄:KSD,VN,提莫。 最近发现出三相的EZ很暴力,本来想试下,但是没时间,可惜了。 二.上分意识 很多人都说:我简直就是王者的意识,只是队友太坑。其实我只想说:骚年,简直不要太逗~ 因为我见到过的王者,特别是打中单的,如果让他拿到他拿手的英雄,他完全可以一个人打得你一点脾气都没有~ 如果你没有对应的操作和执行力,其实你是什么分段,就是什么分段。这点你必须服~ 1.阵容这东西你无法控制,但是你要清楚的是:你们这边5个人的阵容是打前期的还是打后期的~ 比较常见的中后期类英雄:石头人,炼金,VN,死歌这类。明明是打中后期的,但是前期就是忍不住去对拼,导致直接对线崩盘,最后输掉。 而前期类就是DPS类:比如杰斯,螳螂,瞎子,女警等。 总结:要学会看阵容,然后根据阵容去带动或牵制全场的节奏。 2.对线须知 因为我从不玩发育类英雄,而我补刀一直以来都很一般。 我的理念是:拒绝和平补刀,因为我就是要找机会弄你,我就是要把你压出经验区,我要让你塔补都难,在装备明显优势时,我会塔下强行杀你或者叫打野帮忙强杀。 其实,这个游戏很简单,只要你能压对面补刀,等级碾压对面,基本上你这一路就是有优势的,接下来思考如何扩大优势就行了。 我有一些朋友,他们在玩冰鸟,发条时,你去看他们补刀:嗯,确实的犀利,但是他们的段位都不是很高,一个白金5,一个钻3。 因为你玩发育类英雄其实是相当吃打野的。 而我在对付发育类英雄时很简单,前期我让你压我刀,我把线推过去我就和打野游走,我会找到你的打野,然后把你们打野杀崩,让你从第2个蓝BUFF起在也拿不到BUFF。在杀崩你其他路,控你野区的视野,让你无野可刷。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 这是我上分遇到像发条,死歌最惯用的打法了,也是比较奏效。你要想赢,思维一定要比对面快~ 而需要注意的是: 要学会控兵线。(不要出现抗着小兵和对面拼这种情况,因为要前期打出优势,而前期等级比较低时,小兵的伤害也是相当多,这也是智商压制中的重要一环) 要学会计算伤害。(确定点燃能烧死时,就不要抗塔多A那一下) 要学会算对面打野动向。(一般对线要么对面一上来就很激进,因为他决定他不想靠打野,只依赖自己打出优势,这种你要尤为小心;而那种一开始采取保守姿态,中途激进走位,我想你们应该懂并且也遇到过咯。而我一直采取的就是消耗和换血去迷惑对手) 要学会算距离。(我发现很多低分端的一个毛病就是:从来不算打野的距离,算距离包括:比如你打下路,你们中路是KSD,打野是带疾跑的人马,当他们 有游走迹象时,要算好距离提前对拼~) 3.节奏意识 什么是节奏, 带节奏现:优先比对面拿到人头,拿到塔,拿到小龙,而优势时要去限制对面发育空间,同时为全队带来收益。还包括装备碾压,等级碾压,这些都是~ 拖节奏表现,这里我分为两种情况: A.顺风局拖已队节奏:辅助不做野区视野压缩对面发育空间;辅助不顶400排视野;C位总是被兵线牵制;队友总是在自己野区刷野;还有常见的单机帝(炼金除外);不会以多大少强行开团;有团控技英雄刻意保留大招; B.逆风局拖敌队节奏:炼金,简直的,不解释~有逃跑的能力拖住一路的(蛮子) 为什么我没有提到慎,因为在高分端,集火是十分有针对性的,比如对面小逆风要采取41分推,在以多打少的情况下,通常会越塔强杀,慎给哪一个英雄大招,哪怕距离不够,我们也会也不惜闪现去继续交技能打破盾+击杀,就是不让你传回来~ 最近我也是遇到2个慎,都是小逆风。 意识好的:分带兵线后直接跟团,打团时争取先手控,后续技能跟上,团灭拿龙拿塔取得胜利。看段位,钻1~ 意识差的:盲目的进行41分推,每次给大是给对了正确的人,只是他传回来时,AP或ADC已经残血无法继续输出,团战失败。看段位,钻3~ 很多时候你会卡在一个分段,就是因为别人意识和细节做得比你更多,真的没有其他的~ 这些是我上分的经验。如果觉得不够详细,可以回帖看哪一点不够具体,我直接编辑上来。 下面我说下每个分段怎么样才好上分。要上分首先认清该分段玩家的特质: 1.青铜,白银段 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 技术明显不足,各方面意识较差。 建议:练DPS类英雄,可一套带走别人的英雄,技能里要有位移技能。 代表英雄:螳螂,劫,鱼人。 你只要熟练操作DPS类英雄,尽快杀崩对手,你就会发现赢得很轻松。 2.黄金段 这个分段的人,卡久了,会越来越怀疑自己。 对,没错,看了青铜白银上分要求,你就会发现黄金段开始出现技术“相对成熟”的玩家。 为什么我打了引号:因为还是缺乏必要的基本功,要继续强化补刀,学会算技能CD,熟知英雄强势期,在黄金段上分还是没多大问题的,毕竟还是存在一些缺陷。 建议:不落下补刀的同时去击杀对手。 在一个就是,我强烈建议如果你以后是想上钻石的话,从黄金时起,就开始学打野~ 英雄:皇子,盲僧,武器。 因为你会打野是为以后做铺垫的,打野是个需要随时帮助队友取得优势的位置,判断游走时机的位置,加上黄金段辅助眼位非常的一般,所以玩打野位置其实也是很容易上分的。 补充部分: 关于学会算距离的具体包括哪些, 1.运用好走A提前走位,高手一般在确定可以击杀时,会节省闪现击杀,就算残血对A,在合适的距离内,也会利用闪现取消攻击后摇。这个细节在高端局是很普遍的,但是黄金段时相当缺乏的。这个细节很重要~ 2.计算打野的距离,如果对线你确定需要在打野帮助下取得击杀时,那么打野在去的路上,你就应该提前对拼,就是所谓的“黏住”。因为高端局都是被GANK习惯了,如果你总是缩,突然变得激进,肯定是知道你在呼叫你们打野的。 3.技能距离,我在帮朋友玩的时候总是会遇到喜欢玩安妮,石头这种虽然有团控,但是因为计算不好距离而被躲掉大招的情况。 预判要准。 4.小兵挨到塔打时的距离。对线优势局中遇到会玩的打野进行塔下强杀时,要加快清兵速度进行快速的塔下强杀加带走塔,高端局过来的人都用过这招。所谓小学生越塔都是因为不会计算距离和清兵速度太慢导致越塔最佳时机已经过去,然后对面支援赶到。 3.白金段 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 我在白金段卡得比较久,其实有时螳螂已经不是很够用了,因为白金段相对来说坦克也是比较成熟的。 个人技术也开始成熟起来,所以对线比较难杀到崩,但是只要知道当下版本的强势英雄,也是很好上分的。 我是用天使这个英雄突破的,随后一路打到钻1,可以说对面只要把天使放出来,赢面会相当大。 建议:练就无解中单~杀崩中路时,同时前期游走杀崩其他路。 并且这个分段:练辅助,因为我卡在白金段时,经常性就是辅助不会做视野,不知道该如何做视野,我也有发现有一些专门打辅助的很轻松就上了钻石。 学会分析阵容,尽可能多练几个位置,可以补位。 什么叫无解中单, 1.对线的对手无法阻止你补刀 2.对手的对手只有被你纯消耗 3.对手无法阻止你游走 4.对手的打野无法GANK你 因为我见识过了王者级别的玩中单末日,简直的无法直视,真心的,恶心到极致,我也是被殴打多了学习到的经验。 学会抓落单不吝啬技能,那怕他是一个辅助~这个分段我呆得最久,也是最为头疼的,经常性遇到玩石头,猴子留大招的这种。 这里我给你们白金段详细解释一下用大招抓落单的好处: 首先,辅助出来做眼,你可以骚扰留大,但是如果对面C位或打野落单。 你直接跟上大招留下,你的队友跟上放QWE留R击杀落单,之后的以多打少~从整体技能来看,对面是少了4个技能,而你只少了一个大招~ 你只要去吃伤害就行了。很简单的逻辑对不对, 包括塔下以多打少强行开团上,这招是通用的。 我很多开黑的朋友在这点上都做不好,我也不知道为什么,说他们,他们又觉得我是在装,不说他们,他们老是犯同样的毛病。而且他们都是停留在黄金和白金分段上。哎,不多说了~ 4.钻5~钻3 相对来说:还是会把一些英雄放出来,你只要把一个英雄玩的无解,也是比较好上分。这里的英雄就很多了,也不一一举例了。 其实还是存在某一路被杀崩的情况,尽量看阵容补位了 玩上单或中单有优势的时候要不时游走下路帮助下路,同时拿小龙。 5.钻2~钻1 你拿手的英雄经常被BAN,这种现象极为的严重~我最近常玩的:天使,VN,盲僧经常性被BAN。并且钻1的盲僧都是相当的犀利 期间我被迫买了个PS用来打野,也不时用teemo打上单。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 而期间遇到过一些从钻1上到王者的,英雄针对性被BAN的现象太为严重。我一直交手的王者有一个擅长中单:冰鸟,凯南,死歌;冰鸟和凯南常年被BAN,把死歌放给你,然后用节奏打败你。 所以只会几个英雄的,很难,真心的,钻1会比较少出现哪一路被杀崩到不能玩的程度,钻1才是敌我10个人的游戏。 中野两路是决定一切的。 并且我一直觉得用ADC打上最强王者的走位是最为犀利的~如果走位不犀利,还是试下其他位置吧~ ---------------------------------------------- 写给乱点评的人: 首先,这个游戏我还没玩满1年,我就钻1了,我高兴我过几天还上个最强王者了。 人机区,你怎么不直接说除了电一外都是人机区,我想这才是你要表达的吧,你都这样觉得,那我也会这样觉得哦。 千场, 千场怎么了,我告诉你,我之前没有玩过类似真三,起凡这种游戏,现在我要开小号我150场内钻1,信,我换个马甲之后你又该如何吐槽, 你也钻1,你有分享过你的心得, 至少就同段位来看,我比你多一点就是:分享。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order
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