

2017-10-10 6页 doc 22KB 11阅读




韩国个人旅游签证申请材料韩国个人旅游签证申请材料 1. 护照(不少于6个月有效期),如申请人持有原来使用过的旧护照, 必须提供旧护照。 2. 身份证复印件 3. 彩色2寸照片1张 4. 申请表1份,个人简历及赴韩旅游计划行程 5. 公司营业执照复印件 6. 在职证明(原件盖公章) 须注明公司地址,电话 7. 能充分证明签证人经济能力的财产证明(复印件) *以下4种证明材料必须具备其中2种以上(最好3种) ?签证人的银行存折复印件(存期开户日6个月以上,不低于5万元) 或存款证明原件(最好存期开户日6个月以上,不低于5万元) ?...
韩国个人旅游签证申请材料 1. 护照(不少于6个月有效期),如申请人持有原来使用过的旧护照, 必须提供旧护照。 2. 身份证复印件 3. 彩色2寸照片1张 4. 申请表1份,个人简历及赴韩旅游行程 5. 公司营业执照复印件 6. 在职证明(原件盖公章) 须注明公司地址,电话 7. 能充分证明签证人经济能力的财产证明(复印件) *以下4种证明材料必须具备其中2种以上(最好3种) ?签证人的银行存折复印件(存期开户日6个月以上,不低于5万元) 或存款证明原件(最好存期开户日6个月以上,不低于5万元) ?房产证复印件(房产证内有数据的部分复印) ?个人私家车车辆登记证复印件 ?企业法人代表营业执照复印件(签证人为法人代表) 注: 夫妻共有财产可用结婚证或户口簿补充(复印件) *此个别签证可以单独前往韩国,签证有效期为3个月, 在韩国可以逗留15-30天 办理期6个工作日左右, 经领事馆查出材料不符, 有权拒签或延长工作日 签证范围: 上海,江苏,浙江,安徽(其他省市需提供三个月以上居住史的暂住证原件) 此业务属于代办性质,有权视材料情况接收,不保证签证率 领事馆可能直接与代办人联系,代办人需配合并协助有关签证事宜 scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements, benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation 个 人 简 历 姓 名: 性别: 出生年月: 婚姻情况: 家庭地址及联系电话: 现工作单位地址及联系电话: 本人最终学历(学校及专业): 工作经历(公司名称及担任职务): 年 月~ 年 月: 年 月~ 年 月: 年 月~ 年 月: 韩国出入国经历(次数): 次 家庭成员情况: 关系 姓名 出生年月日 职业 父亲 母亲 配偶者 子女 进入公司的时间: 年 月. 公司担任职务: 工资月收入: 元左右. 访韩城市: 首尔 釜山 济州 其他. 房产数量: 套. 家庭车辆: 有, 无. 存款额: 5万, 10万, 20万以上. 访韩时间: 月 日. 详细的访韩目的: scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements, benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation 签证申请表 APPLICATION FOR VISA ※ 签证发给认定号码[反签号] (CONFIRMATION OF VISA ISSUANCE NO. ) : 1.姓(拼音) Surname 3.汉字姓名 4.性别 Gender [ ]M [ ]F 2.名(拼音) Given Names 5.出生日期 Date of Birth 照 片 6.国籍 Nationality 7.出生地点 Country of Birth PHOTO 8.现住所 Home Address 3.5?× 4.5 ? 9.固定电话号码 Phone NO. 10.手机号码 Cell Phone 11.电子邮箱 E-mail 12.身份证号 National Identity Number Passport NO. 14.护照类型 Classification 外交, 公务, 公务普通, 因私, 其他 13.护照号码 护照 DP, OF OF, OR, OTHERSPassport 15.签发地点 Place of Issue 16.签发日期 Date of Iss ue17.有效期至 Date Of Expiry 18.职业 Occupation 19.单位电话 Business Phone NO. 职业 20.单位名称 Name of Present Employer Occupation 单位地址 Address of Present Employer 21.[ ]未婚 Single [ ] 已婚 Married [ ] 丧偶 Widowed [ ] 离婚 Divorced 婚姻状况 22.配偶者姓名 Spouse's Name 23.配偶者出生日期 Spouse's Date of Birth Martial status 24.配偶者国籍 Spouse's Nationality 25.配偶者联系电话 Spouse's TEL 26.赴韩目的 Purpose of Entry 27.在韩停留时间 Potential Length of Stay 28.预定赴韩日期 Potential Date of Entry 29.过去有无访韩经历 Previous Visit (If Any) 有 无 30.韩国内停留地 Address in Korea 31.韩国内联系电话 Phone NO. in Korea 32.此次赴韩费用支付者 Who Will Pay For The Expense For Your Stay? 33.最近5年内旅行过的国家 Countries You Have Traveled During The Past 5 Years 关系 Relationship 国籍 Nationality 姓名 Name 出生日期 Date of Birth 性别 Gender 34. 同伴家族 Accompanying Family 关系 Relationship 国籍 Nationality 姓名 Name 出生日期 Date of Birth 性别 Gender 35. 韩国内担保人 Guarantor or Reference in Korea I declare that the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, that I will observe the provisions of the Immigration Law of the Republic of Korea and that I will not engage in any activities irrelevant to the purpose of entry stated herein. Besides, I am fully aware that any false or misleading statement may result in the refusal of a visa, and that possession of a visa does not entitle the bearer to enter the Republic of Korea upon arrival at the port of entry if he/she is found inadmissible. 申请日 DATE OF APPLICATION 申请人署名 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ??? FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ???? ???? S D M B/L: ???? ???? ?????: ???? ???? ??????: ? ? ???? 收入印纸(签证邮票)粘贴处 ? ? ?: ???? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ????: ? ?: ??? ?? : ? ? ? ? : scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements, benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements, benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation
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